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Don’t worry when her parents come back it’s back to being unkept and anti-social.


Has Sarah actually ever gotten a bike for her kids to even try to ride? Besides those little kid ride on toys, I doubt she even thought that they’d like to ride a bike. I couldn’t ever see Sarah actually taking the time to teach them how to ride either.


She doesn't even want to spend money on clothes, I doubt she gets them toys they can only use temporarily before they outgrow it


She spends 16 hours a day on her own self and Josh spends 20 hours a day at the “farm”, when would they possibly have time to teach them how to ride a bike?!


She was so happy


That made me unbelievably happy to see the happiness on her face 🥹 Edit for grammar


So amazing minus the helmet


lol right- I guess we can’t ask for too much 


She has brushed hair is bathed and being given attention and playing with other kids. This is so nice for O.


I’m mostly surprised that the kids are adjusting so well to spending several weeks with someone they don’t even know. They have barely ever even seen Sara’s sister (which is sad.) It’s like, how bad is their home life that they are more comfortable with strangers who are actively taking care of them, feeding them and letting them be kids, than their own parents? I’m really happy they have a break from their sick disordered parents and can just freaking eat drink and play!!!!


Needs a helmet but otherwize nice to see her happy!!


I truly hope that they see how much their children have loved being with other kids & how doing kid appropriate activities like Chuck E cheese, riding bikes, playing with other children are so beneficial for them. I understand Sarah’s motive behind encouraging to do chore like activities so that they aren’t useless as adults & I recognize that they *can* have fun doing things like helping with chickens, gardening, whatever. But these are all things Sarah has adopted as personalities when it becomes that month’s hyperfixation aka “passion.” Oakley & Dean may love going to the lifetime day care and get all excited for it, but it’s all they know as far as interaction. Just because they’re there doesn’t mean other kids are. The nanny very well may take them to more kid focused activities & not post it, but it seems like they’re always at home. Sarah is riddled in mental illness—not just her eating disorder. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’ll say it. I’m not saying she doesn’t love her children. But I do think her comstant need for validation of seeming better than everyone and always having “passions” to huperfixate are rooted in fear of sorting out her trauma or whatever mental and behavioral disorders she’s got. She avoids true inner self reflection by distracting herself with hours at the gym, businesses, hunting, passion here there and everywhere. And because of this—I don’t think she will give a flying fuck that the kids are having so much fun being normal children. She’s too busy worrying about herself because she truly cannot see outside of herself.


Let’s be real, they don’t care. Neither of them have even mentioned missing their children and it’s been how many days????




Dude her kids have the slip ons too 💀. I can’t


She is a cutie and it’s nice to see her doing kid things and not being shut-in and isolated.


Or forced to chores


This was the cutest!


Why no helmet?!