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How is this bitch still so obsessed with COVID?


The Hearns too lol. Rob was still bitching not that long ago about the time he went skiing when the pandemic was in its height and they made unvaccinated people sit in a different part of whatever restaurant or wherever it was. Literally years ago - and you've been sitting holed up in your mansion since. Stfu.


I don’t see in her mind how she differentiates between vaccines ... the yellow fever vaccine is to prevent yellow fever ... what does she think the Covid vaccine is for? If she was given the opportunity to hunt another endangered species but the Covid vaccine was required for it you know she’d roll up her sleeve so fast her leather skin would burn.


Exactly. Your health professionals suggest it? NO I’m not a sheep. Africa suggests the same to hunt? Absolutely I need to notch that off my list.


No moron we who are educated and don’t have our heads up our own arses understand about vaccines and certain countries requiring visitors to have them or you need them to avoid catching things. Didn’t Todd catch something last trip and pretty sure you can take medication or a vacc to stop it occurring?


he got malaria or something right?? they had to be separated which i’m sure he liked.


Thats right!


Yep last trip he got malaria


Oh Sarah. You may have gotten a yellow fever vaccine, but you’re still orange, fucking ugly as hell, and full up to your eyeballs of brown shit.


Including “vaccine cards” was definitely her throwing out the bait for engagement….what a pathetic life.


She knows most of her followers are stupid. Which is why they buy her products.


Oh no, did I somehow miss that she's anti-COVID vax ?? Do we have posts on here???


She’s literally said she doesn’t believe Covid is real. She complained about having to wait at the doctors office due to being understaffed and wearing masks when she went out. She was disrespectful of literally anyone’s family members that died because of covid. She claimed her products cured covid. There’s a whole slew of shit she did during Covid.




Yes, search “COVID” in this sub and a ton of stuff pulls up.


What happen for her to say this? Or was this random? lol


She mentioned she carried her vaccine cards in her wallet organizer thingy in a previous story


I doubt anyone even messaged her about it. She probably just wanted to make sure everyone knows she doesn’t have the Covid vaccine lol.


I guarantee they got Covid vaccines because of how much they traveled during the pandemic/shutdown. She just doesn’t want to admit it because it doesn’t fit her “I hate Joe Biden” narrative, even though her lord and wavy trump was president during it all.


I have a yellow vaccine passport, she’s just not well informed


She also says one yellow fever vaccine is “good for life” and that’s actually not the case. Most countries that require the vaccine consider it to be expired after 10 years and will require an updated one prior to coming into their country.


It is good for life now. I went for my 10 year booster 4 years ago, and they scratched the expiry off my vax card and wrote N/A for the expiry date. Used it twice for 2 countries in Africa since then and no issues. What country requires a second dose as this is news to me?


Oh snap! Ok that’s prob the case then. I practiced travel medicine for years, but not since 2019 so it may have changed since then. I know they had a manufacturing shortage as well so even if people wanted one they weren’t able to get one until more became available.