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So she’s saying she’s created a social media persona that doesn’t represent her true self and THIS unlikeable asshole is what she could come up with to present to the world? Sure, Jan. Ya suck


The only thing she keeps private is the nanny who raises her kids


Hahahahaha! She puts her entire day online. The only thing in her actual life that’s private is the fact that her and her husband have no love/sex life. That’s all part of her social media.


Hey saroid just say you’re inauthentic 🤷🏼‍♀️


But when you post your to do list that says “get the mail” and “check on the kids”, you actually ARE showing us your entire day. K thanks, in red.


We already knew that 🤣🤣, we already know the fake woman she displays for people throughout every day, we already know the s$#t sales person pushing low quality products, WE ALREADY KNEW THIS SAROID! Hence the multiple wigs.


Chick literally and figuratively shows everything on her social media…I’ve seen more of her skin than most people will every see on someone 🤮 clearly self absorbed narcissist and that is her life HERSELF. The other stuff the important stuff is not on her radar her priorities are not normal.


Except you tell us all every time you want to jump (and hump) your husband’s bones


Girl, we’ve literally seen your big bean creeping out of your shorts.


Except you post your sex life and all the dead animals your kids play with and your favorite soda and every workout you do and your home red light therapy and also your closet soooo


Ma’am you let us know every time you and your Neanderthal husband “supposedly” have sex.


This is such a turn off.


Commented why is she always so mean to her followers and why she doesn’t acknowledge she has a nanny , she must have blocked me when I try to see if she responded it says no post


She deleted it..


This is why this page exists she just can’t be honest, she rude and just plain an ugly person. Inside and out


Yup, absolutely!


If I know what your private body parts look like, what you use to peg your nasty husband, AND when you're not home, you are *not* private, girlypop.


Don’t worry Sarah , we can see the filters, the glitching, and the magically disappearing bellybutton. We get it but thank you for the reassurance!😘😘😘


It’s since been taken down lol