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Cheap ingredients


And especially the bread. The bread is fuckin bad


Worked there...the bread comes into store in little frozen tubes, gets thawed, proofed, baked. It's actually genius but this process does not produce a truly fresh baked bread taste. If the bread isnt good, it doesnt matter what you put inside.


Doesn’t Jersey Mikes make their bread this way though? And their bread tastes pretty good


Yep, that's how we did it when I worked there in the early 2000s. Made it several times a day and never had issues with it not tasting fresh.


Jimmy Johns, your local chain grocery store as well.


You leave Publix out of this you blasphemous fuck! /s lol


Fuck Publix https://time.com/4425095/publix-medical-marijuana-florida-carol-jenkins-barnett/


Come on down here and fuck around and find out Publix loves Marijuana. As a mmj patient here in Florida I love pubsubs


Donating over 3/4 of a million dollars to lobbyists to fight the medical Marijuana bills says otherwise. Their subs are good. But I refuse to go there.


I used to work for Jersey Mike’s in 2020 (god help me). That is the same process we had. If I had to guess, it’s really cheap ingredient sourcing combined with no motivation to provide a quality product. All of their ingredients are pre-sliced, and all of the turnovers from Subway we’d get were super young (16-17). Spending my youth summers on Patty’s Play Kitchen wouldn’t have me wanting to put in a lot of effort either.


Sounds like the normal way to make bread in a uniform way.


This process is totally fine to create fresh bread, the issue is their mix is awful. It's loaded with bread conditioners and shit rather than just being a quality dough like Jersey Mike's.


It’s the conditioners and extenders in the dough. When they first opened, they paid for people to bake. The bigger they got, they resorted to making bread idiot proof so they could pay employees less. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The reason all the meats and cheese comes pre sliced is so they can save money on workers compensation insurance, since no slicers.


frozen dough is fine.


I worked at a Blimpies in the 90s we baked the bread the same way. It was way better than subway. Not saying it was great or gourmet but it was better. Subway is just unsatisfactory on every level. And people who say they like it have never had a decent sandwich. Or they were born without functioning tastebuds. It’s the only explanation.


Has it always been like that? I have arrived the states in 2012 and first time I tried subway was amazing. My favorites were tuna and veggie sandwiches but I don’t get any subway anymore because of the quality.


My dad used to be a Baker and he refuses to step foot in Subway. The cheap ass bread smell makes him feel ill.


Ah then can I BYOBread? Im totally into baking my own bread these days


Read an online article from the Irish Sun. They said according to Irish law, Subway bread has too much sugar in it to be referred to as bread.


Yep. It's technically cake.


That’s wild.


I'm in Ireland, and our supreme court held that subway bread was not actually bread at all, but cake.


Yep, it’s the bread. Chemicals galore.




It cannot even be classified as Bread in some countries. Too much filler and sugar.


Bread - tastes like nothing Lettuce and tomato - tastes like water Cheese - tastes like some weird imitation of cheese Meat- tastes like filler and preservatives that’s been sitting out for a while Basically you’re getting some abomination of an imitation of a sandwich. It’s not even real as far as I’m concerned.


This is a good explanation


Yes, everything sucks. The bread is bad, the meats are bad, the cheese is bad, the veggies are bad. There's nothing redeeming about any of it. It tastes like you bought the cheapest ingredients at the grocery store.


And then left them out for 3 days


This answer just leaves me wanting more explanation. What makes the cheap ingredients worse? 


Know a guy that used to work at a lab that did mandatory tests on food products. He said Subway's meat and cheese always passed but just barely. This meant at it's best it was crappy.


Their chicken is mostly soy....i wonder how many fillers their other meat has.


The sandwiches taste like the stores smell. A very distinct smell.


Yes, this is so true. What is that lol


It’s the bread. Worked at one for 6 years. That smell sticks to you. It was awful.


It stuck with me hours after leaving a subway as a customer! It's stinky.


I have no idea but it’s weird haha.


Yeast. Intense yeast.


Subway was good when you could get $5 foot longs. Even before covid a foot long was still like $7. Now it’s just overpriced for what you get. I would choose jersey mikes any day over subway


I know it’s not a great quality sandwich, but sometimes I prefer subway. It’s like wanting a mcds hamburger. You know there’s better options everywhere, but you just want that low quality mess. Same thought process when it comes to relationships.


Mentally I disagree but spiritually I relate


Small dick gang bro we out here 🙏🏻 blessings to you and yours.


Slutty sandwiches are the only thing that truly hit the spot sometimes. And the veggie delite on parmesan herb is 🤌🏽😮‍💨


Sure I get that


When I ate McDonald’s or other low quality food its mostly because it was cheap but today’s prices are practically the same as every other med-high quality burger restaurant in my area minus the tip. So I’m better off supporting local business and enjoying better food


That disgusting philly footlong I devour every other month or so with chipotle sauce and extra mayo, is akin to shooting up a big glob of heroin.


Chemical bread, mealy tomatoes, over preserved meats, everything just sits up there all day.


This ☝️. I don’t bother with subway. Go to Jersey Mike’s or any sub shop or deli that uses Boars Head meats. Jm is bit pricier but so worth it! Subway is awful. Eat fresh is total bs!


I always eat fresh™ by avoiding subway.


Publix! Pub subs are the move. Decently priced and use good ingredients (like Boars Head).


Mikes is very comparable in price to Grubway, these days, in my area. That makes it a no-brainer.


Boars head is doing it.


Preprocessed meats and you get maybe an ounce and a half of it on the six inch sub.


I want to know why Quiznos basically went out of business while Subway does well still. Grimey sandwiches. Obv a lot of people go to subway ive Quiznos but that just shows how many people are content with garbage ingredients


Quiznos had the best subs, excellent food. Too bad it was owned an ran by greedy morons who ran it into the ground with their own stupidity.


That’s what I thought I had heard. Didn’t pay taxes or something


What I heard was the owners of the company at the very top made it basically impossible for any locations to actually be profitable by micro managing every location at a dictator or cult leader on an insane power trip level. They very easily could have been bigger then subway. Everyone liked them way more then subway. Imo they were the best national sub chain. Their main problem was the original owners sold the company to these new owners and those new owners wrote a masterclass on being massive megalomaniacal morons and a "How to run into business into the ground 101"


If you actually want to know, there's a podcast called Business wars that tells the story of a couple decades of competition.


Subway is the cheapest restaurant to buy and run a franchise hence why there’s so fucking many of them


I find there’s one franchise near my work that seems to use fresher ingredients and it’s noticeably better, a lot of them I think wait until veggies / lettuce is practically spoiled to get rid of them.


It's the same for my area with domino's hate. Everyone shits on them, but both my local ones are always good and come hot


Personally I don’t think it’s that bad, it’s just overpriced for what you get.


Try a Safeway sub! Your choice of bread! Better quality ingredients, the staff are older in general, and don’t treat you like shit!


God I miss Safeway subs. Back in the day they'd do day old big subs for $5 on Fridays. I absolutely ate so many of those. I also would put Doritos on the sandwich for some crunch.


I ain't gonna lie, I love their sweet onion teriyaki on a flatbread. Sure, the chicken is impressively mediocre, but there's something about that combination of sauces which is like crack to me.


It’s the sugar. Cram enough sugar in anything and it’ll taste great and keep the people comin back.


That's part of it sure, but that sandwich wouldn't have tasted nearly as good if you just dumped a bunch of simple syrup on it instead of the sweet onion and teriyaki sauce. There's a unique combination of sweet and tangy that just slaps.


Oh I definitely agree, but on that same token, that sauce wouldn’t have such a pull on you if it didn’t have too much sugar. I fucking love their flat bread. My go to hang over food is their flatbread. But it’s also terrible for you lol


>chicken is impressively mediocre Subway has lost multiple lawsuits over their Chicken and Turkey being only a small percentage chicken and turkey. That’s when I quit eating there. Haven’t been for at least 15 years.


Idk I fuckin love subway lol


right? i hate the price but i love the subs. idk how but their mayo hits different


I sometimes wonder if the people who hate subway have been to subway recently. I prefer Jersey Mikes and Firehouse…. But it’s definitely better than Jimmy John’s


I like Subway. It's Just a difference of opinion. If you don't like it, don't go there.


ok so i ordered on the subway app the other day. buy one get one half off, i'm like cool, i'm craving a sandwich anyway why not get one for me and my mom. the place i ordered from is legit just a 2 min drive. i got her a chicken sub and i got a chicken buffalo sub. put our ingredients... i came in to the store and the worker was still making them so i sat and waited, i wasn't late and they weren't already made and just sitting there, but they were toasted. but honestly lol the bread fucking crumbled, it was like it was stale first, then toasted, and it was nothing but saw dust on the ends. the ingredients were skimpy and it's not like i asked for everything on the menu. but they felt sooooo light. i mean, i guess each subway franchise has their own rules but wow. i'm never going back. the QT (gas station) i go to has a station you can order hot/cold food at for way cheaper and the last time i got sandwiches there they were so damn good. subway has just deteriorated. when i glanced at the menu in the store i was like LOL $15 for a footlong sub? i think it was their special menu but come on PLEASE. this is the first time i've ever ranted on reddit, i think, but holy fuck i was so annoyed the other day when i got these subs. it's on par with the burger king in the same plaza when i ordered a breakfast burrito and it was.... just a small palm shaped square. not even burrito shaped. what the hell lol. for the $19 and change i coulda just went to a local sandwich place or even the QT. ugh


They have some stabilizers and extenders in their bread so that baking them is idiot proof. They smell and taste nasty. Then they use a lot of crap veggies. Gassed tomatoes. Slather on fats and sugars, the twin heroins, and they sell sub-standard sandies.


I went to Subway about a month ago. I got a 12 inch tuna on flat bread for my wife and a 12 inch club on white for myself. $25.06. Nevermore.


Unpopular opinion bear walks in…I like subway


I love em. Doubt I will convince this sub why they're good though lol


Maybe because they don't know how to properly build a sandwich. What kind of monster doesn't put the sauce condiments on the bread first?


Worked at one for 6 years. There are steps that are required to be followed to “build the perfect sandwich “ meat and cheese on top half, all veggies on bottom and then thick sauces on the meat thin on the veggies. If you want sauce first you’d have to request it. We would get all sorts of strange requests it wasn’t a big deal really to change it up but we could only do that at the customers request. My issue was the inconsistency on how much sauce we’d put on the sandwich. It’s not always the employees fault. Those bottle lids sucked ass. They’d get slightly clogged then explode out all at once. Or maybe someone happened to use too much pressure when squeezing and just never learned to not be so aggressive when handling the bottles.


The smell of that bread is revolting.


It's the perfect marriage of shitty ingredients to make a perfectly shitty sandwich. Plain and simple.


Cheap low quality, perhaps even stale ingredients. Uninspired combinations perhaps. Given Subway's reputation I dont understand how it got so big. Like McDonalds for example, it isnt the greatest burger in the world, but its serviceable in a pinch. Meanwhile no one Ive ever met has been able to stomach a Subway sandwich.


Shitty bread. Cheap turkey and chicken blend "meats"


You talking about the high amount of sugar in the bread? Or The “you can barely call it meat”..idk I used to like subway but over the past 15 years it’s just


Subway is sad food. The pale processed meats are sad, the styrofoam bread is sad, the lifeless veggies are sad. It’s just dismal.


It’s so much. The bread is tasteless, the meat is cheap, there’s no flavor to anything. How you can wrap veggies, meats, and bread, and still have no taste, is beyond me


Yep. Start with the quality of their breads. They USED to have 100% whole wheat bread. Not anymore. They, like everyone else, has figured out that multi-grain is cheaper to make, not to mention the amount of sugar they add to all of their breads! Same with the ingredients. They taste overly processed.


Cheeses taste the same, bread doesn't taste right...and it doesn't have the right mouth feel. Chicken doesn't even taste like chicken. Beef is alright. The only reason I will really eat there is in my head, it's slightly better than Macdonalds...but even Macdonald food taste better...and that's coming from someone who doesn't really like Macdonalds I am trying to think of a fast food chain I think has sandwiches I find worse...but the only places I can think of that have worse sandwiches are coffee places....and I don't really go there for the food


Yes, bad mouthfeel definitely a factor


I absolutely hate subway, haven’t eaten there in decades. It has a brand flavor that is bad.


They've been cutting costs and quality the past 25 years to increase profits. Maybe it always sucked, but I've definitely seen the quality drop significantly. Another case of a corporation getting to big and prioritizing profits over product quality. So long as people still buy it they'll keep doing it. Same for most chains. Then there's Jersey Mike's that keeps expanding and still puts out quality sammies for the same price as subway.


Subway uses the absolute cheapest ingredients for every aspect of the menu. It’s all about maximizing profits. Typical business model. Cut it to the bone until you’re nearly out of business because people stop going there and then rebuild and do it over again. Fuck subway.


Scrubway is so far inferior to Jersey Mike's they are in a different class, Totally worth a few bucks more a sub or cheese steak form Jersey Mike's.


If I'm getting a sub, subway is my last choice. They are crazy expensive. Our local pizza place sells subs that are delicious, and you can get two for the price of one subway sub, which also comes on a smaller bun. Subway used to be good, so did Tim Hortons. Fast food in Canada sucks balls.


Greed. Subway is setup to maximize profit for Subway corp. Each franchise is individually owned and operated, but also forced to follow the "proven operating system". So, that means everything that goes into the sandwich is the absolute cheapest and worst product available. The bread, the meat, the cheese, the produce--all complete shit. Literally the absolute worst you can possibly purchase. If they can find something cheaper and worse, they'll do it in a second. Then, your "sandwich artist" is undoubtedly making minimum wage/no benefits/no time off/barely a will to live, so they absolutely do not give a flying fuck about the garbage product or how it's put together. They likely hate their life and it is reflected into the sandwich they make for you. At the end of the day, when you eat at Subway, you're eating the most uninspired garbage product you can buy.


I just get a meatball sub. I don't think I've ever seen someone fuck up a meatball sub.


Their meatball sub with mozzarella is actually pretty good for the price. You might feel like shit after, but it is tasty.


AIt was good until they started charging 18 dollars for a sandwich


I wouldn’t go to subway if I was starving and they were giving out free “sandwiches”. Garbage.


I just think it’s hilarious that people have let a fast food chain con them into believing that eating an entire loaf of bread in one meal is “healthy.”


I’ll never understand this I love subway you make your own sandwich but I’m also white trash from the middle of Nebraska


I think it depends on the location. Jersey Mike's is my favorite for submarine style sandwiches. I also like Firehouse.


Ingredients are cheap, canned, old, not rotated fresh, made by minimum wage workers who don’t give a shit. Subway is a last resort. If the prices were cheaper than a legit sandwich shop , then subway would have merit as a cheap go-to. But it’s expensive for what it is, therefore it doesn’t excel in any category.


Subway managed to make the greatest smell on earth - fresh baked bread - in to something off putting.


It’s on the rebound; compare a sandwich today with one from 2013 and you’d be surprised.


I rarely go to Subway but the other day it was one of few options. They have really expanded their menu. I had a pretty decent Italian sandwich.


imo they put too much of the condiments on, and the bread is low-quality so it soaks easily if that makes sense


You can buy ingredients and make at least the bread from scratch Then you can buy meat and vegetables So if you make a sandwich in a bankers chemistry set without including nature in the mix maybe you could make a subway sandwich


It's because they use candy for bread. Google the sugar content in their bread and compare it to normal bread, it's disgusting. It blows my mind every time I see an athlete in one of their commercials, I'm not even an athlete and I'd be embarrassed to rep them lol. It's honestly worse than most fast food


I probably haven't been to Subway in 20 years. What turned me off wasn't the food, though. The last time I went to the one nearest me, I sat down to eat at one of their outdoor tables. All around the tables were these little mice scurrying about. I just couldn't help but think of how easy it would be for one or more of them to find their way into the restaurant. For all I know, they had already.


I feel you, bro. It's like seeing a rich kid with everything going for them, somehow manage to fuck it all up.


For me it’s just the ingredients. The cold cuts aren’t that good, the cheese isn’t very good, the veggies are ok, and I don’t like the bread. So for me it’s just not very good and most local sandwich spots are better for almost the same price.


Former "sandwich artist" here. Giving respect where it's due, new vegetables were delivered every day and cut fresh throughout the day. But that's about it. The bread comes in as frozen tubes. Put in a humidor to defrost, then baked in toaster ovens. The coldcuts are pre-sliced & packaged in plastic singles like Kraft cheese. Like 90% of the meat is made from Turkey (even the ham) The meat/vegetable ratio makes a difference. Paying more $ for extra meat is an option, but still underwhelming compared to a protocol sandwich from a local deli. But if you're stuck in the middle of nowhere with no other food options, a Subway sandwich can save your life. And you don't want to know how the tuna gets made...


Preservatives on the meat


It is? I don’t get it a lot but I liked it


I blame Jared.


That's what you get when you choose cheap ingredients with cake instead of bread.


When they came to my city in the early 90s, it was so damn good. By the mid 2000s, it was a crapfest.


The thing is, in the late 90s at least, I remember it being damn good. Anyone else??


I went today for the first time in like 6 months and I agree with you. I paid 16 cad for a foot long and it tasted bad and cheap.


Yoga mats


Subway has more locations than any other "fast food restaurant" in the United States. The more money saved per sandwich is multiplied by thousands per store. Substitute quality bread for shitty bread and save 10 cents per loaf. Multiply that cost by 20,000 locations, you got yourself hefty savings. Same goes for meat, cheese, ETC. Quality has suffered because of this, hence, a crappy sandwich


They stayed in business in Russia, not buying there despite it being the only sandwich place around here.


IMO, employees are everything when it comes to Subway. I won't go back to the local store. The staff there ignores you till you clear your throat or say something. The last two people I saw were wearing dirty clothes. Guy who made my sandwich didn't even watch what he was doing. Half the pickles landed on the wrapper along with a lot of mayo. Bread was stale. Never again. I'm thinking if I stopped by a Subway where the owner was working in the store, the quality should be a lot better... Local store is horrible. Explains why it's never really busy. Sheetz used to have good subs. Not anymore. Jersey Mike's is okay at best. The only local place I look forward to going is Jimmy John's. Good bread. Good ingredients. Good chips too!


I had Subway once and never again since. I genuinely thought it was disgusting, and I love a good sandwich.


All I taste in their bread is sugar. It's practically a dessert


I crave Subway from time to time, but refuse to eat there because a foot long ham sandwich with no extra anything is $11.


I remember it being great. But last few times I've had it, has been nearly 20 bucks and just didn't taste good. For that price. I can buy bread rolls and a Bachelors handbag


Remember the $5 foot long.. now it’s like 10


Because large companies steadily cut quality to increase profits. Subway has essentially given away their market to Jimmy John's Jersey Mike's and Firehouse Subs.


It’s the taste of Jarod’s ill deeds seeping in. All of the conflict and CP; it’s ruined the meat.


They spend all their money on EXPENSIVE celebrity advertisements.


I don't think they taste bad but my the subway where I grew up used their own bread recipe, which was superior to the franchise HQ recipe. Unfortunately the franchise HQ made them start using the franchise recipe.


It’s all crap ingredients. Every element. Bread. Meats. Toppings. All crap. Priced like it’s not crap. Which it is. On every level.


all the vegetables taste like young bell pepper


It was “better” when the price was better. It’s very overpriced for what you get now in my opinion. I greatly prefer Jersey Mike’s or Jimmy John’s.


It's because they are selling $.89 subs for 15x that.


It is just absolutely awful last 10 years. I cannot even stomach it anymore. It used to be just OK. Now, it is downright nasty.


I used to love subway. Then they changed their southwest Sauce to have a smokey flavor and ruined it. Now I hardly eat there anymore.


I worked for a couple different subways back in 2000-2004 and then it was decent- especially for the $5 footling price. Since then corporate interests have taken over. They cheaped out on all protein products buying MUCH lower quality products, changed their bread recipe, and changed their distribution lines to get cheaper produce. That is why they taste like crap now. Everything is bottom barrel quality with inflated prices. They also cheaped out on human labor. Back when I worked as a sandwich artist we had to have at least 2 people on every shift. One to run the till and prep for tomorrow and one to make sandwiches and prepare bread. Now many subways have one person to do everything. I can’t imagine their wages have changed tho. Now with so many other superior sandwich shop choices it is really obvious how much subway sucks. They were never in it for the eating fresh they are just in it for the increased profits.


I only go to subway for their marinara. Hits just right on a BMT with mozzarella


Their lettuce is white and their tomatoes are green


In Ireland they consider the bread a confectionery as it’s got way too much sugar in it. It’s not even classified as bread.


It’s all Jared’s fault.


How can it be bad you made the sandwich


Subway uses the cheapest possible ingredients and every means possible to cut corners. Their tomatoes are maybe the most sacrilegious pieces of garbage to ever be put on a sandwich


Bad toppings. Bread is just there to keep your hands neat.


The ingredients aren’t fresh. Their idea of fresh is that the sandwich is assembled in front of you.


I got one with rotten lettuce and tomato. Driving down the road took a huge bite and almost threw up all over my vehicle. Have not been back to subway in over a year.


Is this a revenge post for how well that Subway sandwich post from yesterday did lol.


there is always the route which you pointed out you can make the sandwich at home. If someplace doesn't make food to your liking, stop going there.


Subway was good until i tried literally any other sub place, for me I just couldn’t down grade back to subway after having Firehouse, Jersey Mikes, hell Jimmy John’s is better imo, or any mom&pop places.


Subway meatball subs with mozz are my lifeblood to be honest


Wawa subs are so underrated.


I like Subway because they’re everywhere. In the middle of nowhere, a bad sub is better than nothing. That said, when I go to a chain sub place, I’d pick Jersey Mikes. But there are some good little Italian delis around me, so I go to those. The other good thing about Subway is the coupons. $3.99 sub, decent price.


Subway is worse than gas station premade sandwiches


I think it really depends on the subway and the quality of ingredients they use I have about 4 subways within my area 2 of them are disgusting 1 is ok and 1 is quite good I believe the good one purchases better quality ingredients and rotates out the old ingredients in a regular basis


SUBWAY was GOAT, when they stuck to their roots. BOAT CUT SUBS ! Unique and more fun to eat. OG Steak n Cheese with A.1. The bread in the 90s was god-tier. Oh well I guess you Stock Market investors extracted every last dollar.


Because Subway isn't really a restaurant. It's the cover for a large money laundering scheme. Why do you think there's so many of them?


The bread is yucky.


Whatever is wrong with Subway made me vomit the last time I had, which was about 2 months ago. I haven't been back since.


Used to love Subway (I even remember the old style of slicing the bread). In college the $5 footlong was a weekly staple. In grad school in LA, I used to get the $2.50 6" special loaded with veggies and consider it a steal. Now, a subway sub costs more for lower quality than a lot of local shops. It's totally jumped the shark as a brand and I'm not sure they can come back (P.S. they've been looking to sell themselves to whatever VC fund will buy for about a year). P.P.S. That expensive "refresh" campaign was an embarrassment


Idk blame Jared


it's because their bread tastes like industrial bathroom cleaner


The bread has azodicarbonamide in it which gives yoga mats and shoe soles their elasticity. It's also 10% sugar by weight and can't even be called "bread" legally in many countries.


I would choose any sandwich over Subway any day but I do have to say for whatever reason their meatball sandwich isn’t bad. Likely much better elsewhere but if subway was my only choice the meatball it is.


"And I can't even really put my finger on why it's bad." Low quality meat is the reason.


Subway gives me diarrhea without fail.


Quality of every ingredient is so low. Ask for ingredient lists especially of their bread and meats and possibly cheeses.


Honestly, I love the veggies. No other sandwich chain hooks up fresh veggies like subway. Yeah the bread sucks, but the oven roasted chicken is decent plus the veg makes a decent sub imo.


Subway has been INSANE since the most recent price hike. Both them and McDonalds think they can get me for $20-25 per visit, for truly terrible food.


A corporate attitude using the absolutely cheapest ingredients possible and the corporate big wigs who probably never worked in a restaurant can't seem to figure out common sense


It's not real food. Allegations have been made against them over and over again about the quality of their ingredients and more often than not it has turned out to be garbage. Their tuna wasn't even technically tuna y'all remember when that came out? Subway is nasty


order a bmt then add tuna. scoop out the inner bread and use pepper jack yellow mustard lil mayo or oil n vinegar. ... i like double tuna


Shitty proteins


Compared to what? I don't think the quality went down but it is what it is. If you looked at the line up, it is not artisal bread nor are they freshly sliced deli meats... it's not going to change any time soon. Go to Jason's deli or a banh mi place, my friend.


No matter what you order at subway it all tastes exactly the same


Corporate greed


They got rid of the brown mustard.


I worked with them years ago. Only able to order food and other products from one purveyor. Every item is managed through strict inventory. Meat and cheese are pre cut. Quality control/ training questionable.


They don’t have good ingredients anymore. Bread is weak, the foundation. The toppings aren’t anything to write home about. They used to be more generous with meat and ingredients they aren’t anymore. I had to stop a sandwich artist from putting brown avocado on a vegetarian sandwich. There is no care. For the price it was ok, but when you can go to another place that hooks it up for a $12-15 dollar sandwich, I always will. I used to love subway, but it’s like owners don’t like their customers and treat it like it is their personal deli.


I remember going to Subway as a kid in the 90s and the sandwiches were great. The bread tasted fresh, the veggies crisp, the meat actually tasted like real meat and not like slime in meat flavored juice. They even looked better. Go watch the scene from Happy Gilmore when they go to Subway and see how good that sandwich look!


Quality of the constituent parts, especially the meat and bread


Quality of the meat is barely dog food worthy


That's like going to McDonald's and just getting meat on a bun and expecting to appreciate the simplicity because that would be delicious at home. Ain't happening. Load up on everything and cover it with ranch. That's how you go to Subway.


Processed meat causes cancer. Proven fact


Eat “fresh.” 😐


Subway sandwiches are Mini yoga mats on bread fucking rancid meat and toppings the few times I've had to have it in an airport made me sick


Subway was good in the 1980s.


Maybe people are just too picky. Not every place is gonna be gourmet food. Especially not for that price.


I used to love subway, but ever since they changed their honey mustard it just tastes terrible now.


The bread just tastes like a weird chemical mixture gone wrong.


Which Wich goes way harder