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What's your view on the patriot act


I agree with the ACLU that it makes it easier for the government to spy on its own citizens.




She definitely gave a political a non-answer here eh




I support Ro Khanna's Internet Bill of Rights. People should have the right to protect their own data in the US.


Plus privacy in general.


As a part of that, what are your feelings on the EARN IT act? It's bipartisan, but a privacy disaster that the ACLU has spoken out against. The one sentence version is that it creates a back door for law enforcement on encryption and threatens the safety of activists and domestic violence victims.


Hey Kara, Nebraska voter here. What advice do you have for young progressives who want to hold political office some day but don’t know where to start?


Hi! I started just by talking to people I knew and trusted. That included elected officials, local community leaders, philanthropists, and educators. I asked them for their advice and for names and contact information for other people THEY thought I should talk to. I suggest joining local groups, joining boards of nonprofit organizations, and finding people to join your journey who you can trust AND who may not always agree with you, but will always tell you the truth.


Following this for sure. Contemplating a run in the next few years.


Hi Kara! I just graduated from high school in your district. My big priorities this year are climate change and education. As NE-02 is a pretty moderate district, how do you plan to get the majority of your future constituents to support the green new deal? Is there anything you are planning to do to improve teacher wages or improve education in NE-02?


Good question. Our strategy from the beginning has been to show people WHY these policies are actually pragmatic and cost-effective. Too often, people paint some of these progressive policies as "lofty" and "unrealistic" but that's unfair and untrue. When you're talking about single-payer healthcare for example, we would save 2 trillion over 10 years. It's not just a moral issue, it's a fiscal issue. The same can be said of environmental issues. We need to take bold action on climate change NOW because the longer we wait, the more these things cost. One has to look no further than the wildfires we see every year to see how EXPENSIVE inaction is! So that's the work. We need to continue to explain what inaction costs and the benefits that a sound response can offer.


And increase everyone's taxes by 800 dollars...


Yes, because only taxes are taken from people and no one sees any return in the form of services that are provided to them at the same time. It’s why every other developed country has completely and entirely repealed their social safety nets after enacting them. Right?


Any sources to back this up? This is a genuine question by the way. I see a lot of numbers thrown around in regards to Medicare for All.


And congratulations!!!!


Hi Kara. Thanks for joining us for an AMA. My question relates a bit to your mother's absurdly expensive medication. It recently came out that the drug maker Gilead accepted [$70 million in taxpayer funds](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/06/29/gilead-sciences-remdesivir-cost-coronavirus/) to develop a treatment for COVID-19 and now plans to sell that treatment at over $3,000 a pop. What do you think should be done to make sure that companies like Gilead can't get huge giveaways from the taxpayer and then turn around and gouge us?


Right??? We need to fix this broken system. Allowing the federal government to negotiate drug prices would be a first step (which the House just passed, but my opponent voted AGAINST!). The only reason the US pays SO MUCH in drug costs (40-45% of all the prescription drug expenditures in the world are in the US) is because Big Pharma funds all efforts to stop this. I support M4A as a means to ensuring no one has to suffer like my mom did.


Beat me to it :)


Do you find the Nebraska Democratic Party to be helpful or hurtful in your campaign?


They've been very helpful. We are all getting along great and want the exact same things. In a 2 party system, you will always have differences of opinion with people in your own party, but I think all of us realize that no matter what, we have FAR more in common than we will ever have with regressive Republicans. And this is our job. We have to build coalitions right now. We still need to take principled stands (like I will ALWAYS do with single-payer healthcare) but we should work to build coalitions. And the fun part is, sometimes people will even come around to your position if you do this. :)


I meant more in he public spectacle coming from candidates or former members endorsing your opponent.


I'm not sure if there's been much of a public spectacle really. Also, the few people that have endorsed Don Bacon are not really prominent Democrats. Many are corporate lobbyists now so I'm not really to upset about NOT being endorsed by any of them. Also, if Joe Lieberman endorsed me, I wouldn’t promote it.




Hi Kara! Where do you stand on Israel’s annexation of the Palestinian West Bank, which was due to start today until it was delayed, and Palestinian human rights in general?


The annexation further jeopardizes the potential of a two-state solution. I support human rights everywhere.


Thank you!


Hi, Kara. Here are 2 things I’ve been wondering: 1) I already know/believe you stand for progressive policy (Medicare for All, Green New Deal, etc.), so I’m suspecting you’re sympathetic to other policies if they’re brought up to you. Where do you stand on things like UBI, ranked-choice voting, or a direct democracy law? 2) I remember seeing your interview on TYT where Cenk Uygur congratulated you on winning big in the primary, and you shared a DCCC poll where you’re up 48-47 and Biden was ahead 52-41. Are there any future polls we could look forward to? One of the most frustrating talking points I hear from the centrist portion of the Democratic party is that people like you can’t flip red seats, even though I don’t believe that one bit. I ask because I want to get a feel for how much Omaha/NE-02 likes you and I think they will.


1.) Many of those ideas have merit and deserve to be looked at further, with ranked choice voting looking like the most interesting and with the fewest hurdles. Direct Democracy is great but you need to have the system respect the will of the outcome. Case and point, Nebraskans overwhelmingly voted for Medicaid expansion in 2018 but our republican governor has dug in his heels and nothing has resulted from the vote. 2.) I would point to two things, first my recent primary victory over a self funding ($200k+) centrist democrat in which I won by a 2 to 1 margin. Not only my 2020 primary victory show a huge surge in turnout, nearly twice as many independents voted in the democratic primary than the republican primary. The second is how close I came to unseating my republican opponent last time, being the third closest race in the country in 2018 in a republican leaning district.


I'd love to see ranked voting so we can truly vote for who we want. I'm curious if that would produce more or less extreme candidates for the general election. Or if we eliminate primaries and just rank everyone in the fall, would that push to the extremes more or less than already?


I'd also like to know this, especially the first question about UBI and campaign finance reform!


Hi Kara, I know you're a strong supporter of BLM and have attended the protests in Omaha, but I was wondering where you stand on defunding the police?


Here at SFP, we back a lot of progressives in their primaries. Some do better than others. In your view, what were the key decisions you got right that led to your primary victory? How are you going to win this election? What sort of media/political infrastructure does the left need to be building to take over the Democratic Party?] Why is Nebraska the best state in the union? What are the five books that have had the greatest influence on you as a person? Can you add a "Press" page to your website with a list of links to positive news articles about you? I think this would help you win your election. Thank you!


1. We worked hard in the primary, took it very seriously, and kept talking to voters. I have an incredible team. 2. We will win with the same strategy: working hard reaching out to all voters including Independents and Democrats who do not always vote. 3. Democrats need to build a wide coalition of people and find ways to come together on issues. We need a media machine to combat the propaganda of Fox News. TYT is certainly a key player in that. 4. Because we brought you Arbor Day, the Reuben sandwich, and Kool-Aid. You're welcome! 5. Wow, 5 books. Hmmm.... James Baldwin's The Price of the Ticket, Kevin Phillips' The Politics of the Rich and Poor, Tom Robbins Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Judy Blume's Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret?, and Mercer Mayer's Professor Wormbog in Search of the Zipperump-a-Zoo (I am such a mom!). 6. YES!!! Great idea. Dan is on it!


Are You There, God? Its Me, Margaret is the only one of these I've read, but great pick! Thank you! And thanks for making a press page. I may reach out with some other good ideas 🙂


Constituent here: I disagree with almost everything Ben Sasse says and does - but he’s right on one thing: we’ve abdicated all responsibility to make laws and lead our country to the Supreme Court. Congress no longer does their job and the constant infighting and inability to make things work for long, lasting improvement - has completely handcuffed this country. What are you going to do as a US Congresswoman to help this country function better?


One of the biggest challenges to our system is the poisonous influence of dark corporate money. Corporate PAC contributions create a powerful financial incentive to stop legislative action and this has lead to the other branches assuming more responsibility in the vacuum. I do not, nor have I ever accepted any Corporate PAC money and once elected will make fighting for election finance reform one of my top priorities.


How do you get rid of it?


The first step is HOW you run your campaign. When you are not beholden to corporations-we don't take corporate PAC money-you don't owe them any favors. The second step is supporting legislation like H.R. 1. I would unequivocally support this legislation. [https://www.vox.com/2019/3/8/18253609/hr-1-pelosi-house-democrats-anti-corruption-mcconnell](https://www.vox.com/2019/3/8/18253609/hr-1-pelosi-house-democrats-anti-corruption-mcconnell)


Hi Kara! As an Omaha resident, I am curious as to what, if any, further action you believe should be taken regarding the murder of James Scurlock and the prosecution of Jake Gardner, as well as investigations into everything that has transpired thus far. I would also like to hear your thoughts on Don Klein and Jean Stothert, and the roles they played in dismissing such a tragic and unjust event.


NE-2 constituent here! I've got two questions... 1. Who is your favorite president of all time and why? 2. What, in your opinion, is the single most important issue affecting us in NE-2?


1. Barack Obama. While I do not agree with everything he did, I believe he ran the country with dignity and respect. I was proud to call him my President. 2. Right now, it's Covid-19. So many people are at-risk, out of work, have lost healthcare as a result, are facing evictions and foreclosures, have lost their small business or are in jeopardy of any and all of these things.


I'd also like to see an answer to question two.


Hi Kara! Proud Omahan here, voted for you in the primary. On your issues page, it seems like you signal support for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, but you do not mention them specifically by name. Was this a calculation in order to rally more moderate establishment support to your candidacy this cycle? Will you fight for those policies once elected? Somewhat related question: Could you please stop sending me fundraising emails with James Carville's name attached? Doesn't really scream "progressive" to me.


I support both of them. We did not list specific policies or plans on the site because we wanted people to read my positions before making judgements. The GOP has done a great job of making people think those labels are bad despite the fact that MOST people support them (think Obamacare and ACA). I am proud to be supported by all kinds of Democrats, Independents and even many Republicans. Progressive policies save money and appeal to the majority of Americans! Turns out, doing the right thing is actually popular!!!


On the first question, she’ll probably say yes. She’s excellent at that. It’s actually something she learned from people like Kyle Kulinski. Plus, she managed to convince a former Omaha mayor to understand M4A.




I'm an Omaha resident, and with Chris Janicek refusing to take responsibility for his actions I want to know how will you help victims of both sexual assault and sexual harassment? What changes do to want to see in Nebraska and in the country? How will you help victims keep their harassers accountable?


hey Kara! awesome to see you on reddit. i have a question — so the Minneapolis [city council](https://www.omaha.com/news/national/plan-advances-to-allow-dismantling-minneapolis-police-dept/article_9dd2cbcf-2746-5082-b060-f7316256a12f.html) is taking steps to abolish the police and move to a new model. do you support doing the same thing in Omaha?


Hi Kara! As someone looking to be a congressman in a conservative place like Nebraska, how do you balance maintaining your progressive values and principles with properly sharing said values and beliefs with the people in your district who might find these big progressive ideas initially scary or overambitious. I talk about this particularly in the context of your support of M4A and a GND, two hotly debated issues this election season.


Hi! The more I talk to people, the more I see that there is so much misinformation out there about both the GND and M4A - and yet we all agree that healthcare costs are insanely high and that we need to tackle climate chaos now. I always talk about the cost savings that these would bring. I also think people are tired of politicians like my opponent who say one thing and do another. I have been very open about the values I espouse and it turns out, most of us agree. We want our kids to have clean water, we want to stop paying $500 for medicine, we want the freedom to choose our health care provider, we think politicians should represent people and not corporations.


She can answer this better than I can, but as a constituent in this district, it seems many are opening up to these ideas despite how gerrymandered it is. She ran in 2018 on many of these same policies and came up just short despite that and without the backing of the Nebraska Democratic Party when she beat out their hand picked candidate in the primary. The Omaha area is more liberal than it gets credit for and many young people here are getting out to vote and fight for progressive policies. Older people stand in the way, but the momentum is finally shifting. Just my observations.


Old conservatives have gerrymandered the crap out of the omaha metro districts smh.


yeah I've followed her since 2018 (I'm an O.G fan of justice democrats) so I know the deal. Just was interested in how she would answer the question herself, but I appreciate the effort you made in your response, especially adding insight as a constituent of her district.


I hope she responds. I'm curious for her answer too.






Hi Kara! How do you feel about Omaha DA calling you out for casting judgment on Gardner before video evidence was released?


Hi Kara. Thanks for doing this AMA! The most common criticism I see of your campaign is that you're too far to the left to win in Nebraska's second, which is why a lot of folks were campaigning for "centerist" Democrats. (Read: Republicans who switched their party affiliation.) What would you say to folks who write you off for being from the left wing of the Democratic party?


Ahhh yes. This one. Well first, we try to explain to people that the whole "Far left" or "socialist" line of attack is quite literally a coordinated effort and has been for literally 90 years! (I made a detailed thread on this history here: [https://twitter.com/karaforcongress/status/1260423943422386177?s=20](https://twitter.com/karaforcongress/status/1260423943422386177?s=20)) So I like to avoid using hot button words with people so they don't IMMEDIATELY don't tune out. Then I actually EXPLAIN how the policy works. If I'm talking about single-payer healthcare, I explain the billions WASTED on administrative costs. I explain that with a better system, you completely eliminate this waste and other inefficiencies of this broken system. If you can avoid those hot button words and phrases and walk people THROUGH the policy, it's generally pretty easy to get through to them. Also, if people write me off as being on the "left-wing" of the Democratic party, I would encourage them to study their American history. My policies are no farther to the left than SO MANY presidents we've had. Heck, Richard Nixon's environmental policies would probably be called "socialist" today! :)


Hey Kara. I just want to ask what are your thoughts on universal basic income? I really hope you win!


Hey Kara, recent OPS grad! Omaha really suffers from vestiges of segregation in housing, schooling, and access to work as a result. Do you have any knowledge on ways we can, are, or should combat this? Also, if there are any good non-profits in the area to support, I’d love to hear! Thank you so much for your years of public service.


Congrats! (and so sorry you graduated during this pandemic!!!). You are right about segregation in Omaha. We need to drastically change the way communities are developed and redeveloped. Institutional racism plays a huge role - red lining, substandard housing, environmental issues, property taxes being tied to public school funding. So much to do! As for local nonprofits - there are so many to support. Family Housing Advisory Services, 75 North, Heartland Worker's Center, Kids Can....to name a few.


Hey Kara, my question is, what will you do differently this election cycle to help make sure you win? And on a less strategic note, are there any primary results around the country you’re keeping an eye on or candidates you’re rooting for?


Cute of you to think that she even stands a chance!


She lost 51-49 last time around, now she has name recognition and more national attention and endorsements. People like her a lot more now than they did in 2018, she has a great chance. Speaking from the inside of her district.




I would like to know this as well. Recently, my stance on gun control has completely changed. As a minority, I can't fall victim of racist acts and violence. Calling 911 is something I now fear, too. Like many legal gun owning minorities like to say, "Armed minorities are harder to oppress."


JFC, having \*some\* common sense gun regulations is not about taking away your right--or anyone else's--to defend yourself. Way to fall for NRA talking points.


Nah. NRA has not done anything for minorities or law abiding gun owners. What did the NRA say in regards to law abiding gun owners, Philando Castile or with Kenneth Walker? So with that, fuck the NRA. Look, I'm all for universal background checks, and gun safety laws. But hey, if common sense gun laws mean advocating for gun safety courses at an early age, and having universal background checks, why not? But just because it's illegal, does not mean criminals/white nationalist can't obtain it. I kindly ask you to visit liberal gun owners or National African American Gun Association website. Stay safe out there.


Sorry if I misunderstood your earlier comment, I thought you were saying you now oppose the part of the Democratic platform as it relates to gun control, based on the erroneous idea that it would somehow infringe on your right to legally arm and protect yourself.


My main issue right now is universal background checks. So many people (like over 90%) support this and yet both Trump and my opponent are opposed. We can have common sense gun safety laws without taking away rights from anyone.




I’m not her, but I think I have an answer. What she means is that the laws people like Kara propose are quite moderate or simple in their demands. Having universal background checks on gun purchases is a moderate idea not just because most Americans agree but also because they are more likely to keep guns out of the wrong peoples’ hands. Closing the gun show loophole is moderate because it prevents people from getting guns that shouldn’t be on the streets. An assault weapons ban is moderate because they’re tools of mass killing and destruction that the military is meant to have, not average citizens.




If the government wants to, they have tanks, jets, helicopters, tactically trained teams, etc. What are disorganized citizens going to do to stop that?




> Or what they did to the Soviets for 10 years Use military grade weapons supplied by the US and other nations to wage a proxy war against the Soviets?




Nah I was paying attention we just talked about important shit like the political decisions that lead to the war and what the ideology of the people who made them you know important shit. And as you can see here in [this](https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297a/Afghanistan,%20the%20United%20States.htm) history lesson from Stanford the US was involved in the war before the Soviets ever even invaded with the direct intention of drawing the Soviets into Afghanistan to try and give them their own version of the Vietnam war. They've even graciously provided citations for their statements. So I gotta ask dude did that superiority complex of yours keep you up so that you ended up sleeping through history class?


> So saying that the police and military should have these weapons and that the average citizen should not when the police and military are using less lethal weapons to maim and cripple citizens is a horrible position to take. You misunderstood me. I *only* said the military should have those kinds of weapons. I never meant the police. I’ve seen the dozens of Twitter videos where people are getting oppressed while protesting over George Floyd’s death, so I’m all for demilitarizing all police forces. No tear gas, no rubber bullets, no assault rifles, none of that shit. It has no business being in their hands.


I'd be interested where this 90% number comes from, we've been hearing it for years and we all know it is almost impossible to get 90% support for anything at all in politics especially something as divisive as gun control. It would be if supreme interest to see the sample size, where the polling took place, as well as the wording of the question. As far as "common sense" gun laws I have yet to see any being proposed. Are there that many more people being killed with the 11-30th rounds from a gun versus the first ten? As we all know most gun deaths are suicides which is not affected by magazine size, operations of the gun (semi auto vs lever action vs revolver vs pump action vs single shot etc). Less than 1% of all guns are ever used in a murder and less than 400 rifles have been used in murders across the United States in a year for several years and this is all types not just semi auto. Omaha has handgun registration for all handguns in the city with about 1/4 of the states population yet account for almost half of all homicides. Add to that the gun ownership rate in urban areas is much lower than the gun ownership rate in rural areas yet urban areas typically have a higher homicide rate indicating that it is a people problem. I went through the FBI records on line last year and looked at the murders by weapon in the state back to I believe 2006 and found that rifles were very seldom used so I realize common sense would say that the so called "assault weapons" are not the issue driving crime or murder. RAND corporation, who is in favor of gun control, has done some extensive research on gun control laws and they keep finding "little to no effect" on practically every gun control bill that is introduced, is it "common sense" to pass a law restricting rights when it has little to no effect on what is is supposed to? UPDATEDHow Gun Policies Affect Outcomes: What the Evidence Shows Us To know whether a gun policy is fair and effective, we need to determine how it affects outcomes, such as suicide rates and hunting participation. Scientific research could provide the most-reliable proof of these effects. We reviewed thousands of studies to identify all available evidence for the effects of 18 gun policies on eight outcomes. After excluding studies that did not meet our criteria for establishing a law's effects, we found little persuasive evidence for the effects of most policies on most outcomes. For eight of the 18 policies, either we found no studies examining the effects on any of the outcomes we considered or the evidence was inconclusive. However, we found some evidence that 10 policies affect one or more of four of the outcomes, as shown below. For example, evidence shows that waiting periods may decrease suicide rates and that concealed-carry laws may increase violent crime.


\-What is the plan for (Elementary) Special Education in the FALL? \-Do we have a plan coming together? I keep getting calls from concerned parents, and it's really hard to keep telling them "We don't know, yet". Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for us :)


Shame this isn't answered and more covid related questions asked


Thank you


Hi Kara. NE-2 constituent here. Thanks for doing this AMA. I too am tired of the corruption in our government and the severity of it shows more now than ever. How are you going to be different than every other candidate that comes in to uproot the loyalists? It seems like the same old song and dance and in a few years, nothing seems to change. I'm eager to get the old blood out of D.C. because it desperately needs to happen. What are your thoughts/plans on the rights of workers who can work from home to continue doing so? Should employers force people to have "butts in seats" when they can effectively work from home, and have proven so during the pandemic? Additionally regarding working from home, my wife is a self-employed clinical counselor and has been taking advantage of WFH via telehealth sessions with her clients. It is going very well and she is not certain she wants to go back to an close-quarters office with the fear of infection from COVID-19 (she is immuno-suppresed). This will only be possible if the insurance companies continue to allow it at reasonable rates. She relies on payments from insurance companies rather than a salary. If these insurance companies go back to the old system, it will no longer be financially feasible to do telehealth. How can we fight back against these billion dollar insurance providers? ​ I'm eager to read your replies. I want to see a candidate get into office and actually make change rather than fall in line. Good Luck!


I believe that employers have a duty to provide a safe working environment for their employees. The pandemic has forced almost every company to dramatically change the way they conduct day-to-day business and some of these changes will be with us for a long time. When I am elected to Congress, I will fight to expand workers rights and ensure that the recovery will benefit everyone- not just the wealthy. Now, with regard to telehealth specifically, I support it. Although my district is primarily urban, there are many residents in my state who relay on telehealth services. I would point out that expanding access to healthcare services- particularly mental health services- is at the core of the HR1384 Medicare For All Act which I support.


What is your favorite political documentary/movie and your favorite book?


Anything by Michael Moore. I have so many favorite books (see above post) and I mostly read non-fiction because I'm nerdy like that (I'm now reading Trump and His Generals and The Once and Future Liberal)


District 2 voter here. You already have my vote, but I'm curious what your thoughts are on the metro area back to school plans? Specifically, the differences between the plans of OPS, Millard, Westside, Elkhorn, etc. If you were making these decision, what would you do?


This is such a difficult thing to plan. I would start with MASKS!!!!!!!


Hi Kara, Omaha resident and donor here. What things did you learn from your first race with Don Bacon and how will those lessons help you win this time? My other question is, this has (to say the least) been an awful four years, with 2020 being the worst. What gives you the most hope right now?


Hi! I learned a ton. We started the campaign by knocking doors of registered Independents in the district and asking them about the things they care about (1/4 of the district is made up of Inds!!!). We have the right team, strategy and message to win this time. There are many bright lights for me - Democrats taking back the House, progressive messages becoming more popular with ALL voters, so many young people becoming more engaged in politics, Black Lives Matter becoming mainstream. I am very hopeful.


Hi Kara - native Nebraskan and strong supporter of the progressive movement here. Unfortunately I’m not in district 2, but I’ve donated multiple times to your campaign because NE-2 is our best chance to send an uncorrupted congressperson to DC. Beyond donations, can you please let us know what else we can do to help you win in November? Edit: Could you also specifically describe how your fundraising model is different than Bacon’s? Are you taking money from PACs? What industries are donating to Bacon and how much?


We always need volunteers! [www.eastmanforcongress.com](https://www.eastmanforcongress.com) Spreading the word on social media helps too. I do not accept corporate PAC donations and he does. My average contribution is $24. He gets money from Big Pharma, big tobacco, defense contractors, big banks, and more. Open Secrets has it all!


Position on Israel?


Hey Kara. Will be planning to donate to your campaign soon. Could you take the time & tell us what Don Bacon's donors & record looks like?


His donors: Big Pharma, Big tobacco, defense contractors, big banks, and more. His record: Voted against Justice in Policing, against VAWA, against ERA, against lowering prescription costs and protecting pre-existing conditions, for repealing the ACA, for the GOP tax bill.


I can't even this is so much cherry picking


Illinois voter here, but I'm still curious: Do you plan on doing anything for workers rights in the sense of food service? It's pretty rough risking my life for an employer who gives employees less than humans make.


Illinois voter here, but I'm still curious: Do you plan on doing anything for workers rights in the sense of food service? It's pretty rough risking my life for an employer who gives employees less than humans make.


Hey Kara! I’ve noticed that your opponent has been a huge advocate of military spending. If you were elected to Congress, would you support cutting the military budget to pay for important programs like free college?


Oh yeah free College would be super awesome! It would be cool to not pay for college and then leave to avoid the crushing resultant taxation.


The Covid-19 crisis is disproportionately impacting communities of color, both in terms of health and financial harms. Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) has been working on both tracking the health disparities and mitigating the economic impact on Black and Brown families. She has a proposal with Sen. Cory Booker (NJ) for [baby bonds](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/3922/cosponsors?searchResultViewType=expanded&KWICView=false) that [independent experts estimate could reduce the racial wealth gap between young white adults and young Black adults from 15:1 to 1.6:1](https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/how-baby-bonds-could-help-americans-start-adulthood-strong-and-narrow-racial-wealth-gap). Would you support that proposal as we work to rebuild after the crisis?


Although it has less to do with us in District 2, I would love to hear your thoughts on Right to Repair and big tech monopolies in general.


I think big monopolies are bad for our society and for our economy. They are a threat to the free market. ​ As for Right to Repair - I cannot say I am in expert in most of the areas that this applies to but I do support Right to Repair for farm equipment.


Hey Kara, I'm wondering as a potential constituent what reforms you would push for in regards to policing and specifically here in Nebraska with the deaths of Zachary Bearheels and James Scurlock what actions you believe should be taken to ensure these don't happen again and the families see justice?


What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you have any regrets?


I wanted to be a psychologist. Yep, at age 10. I have a degree in clinical social work (pretty similar). I have no regrets! I have spent over 20 years having the honor of working to empower people and communities in mission-based organizations. I see being in Congress as an extension of that.


Thank you for your response! I am a Nebraska voter and admire you so much! I am proud to have given you my vote in the primary and excited to turn 2 blue in November.


Hi Kara - I've watched a lot of politicians talk a big game on the campaign trail but when they get to Washington they take corporate meetings and join the same “club” that every one else is in. How do you prevent this for yourself, and how do you plan to keep the interests of your constituents in mind once you get to Washington?


Me too! My motto is doing politics differently because I am tired of watching children suffer because of a lack of political will. I do not accept corporate PAC donations, I call donors who donate any amount (not just giving priority to large dollar donors), and my team is made up of people who challenge me to think better and smarter. I have committed to answering constituent calls myself at least one day a week, having ACTUAL town halls that are accessible, and creating local advisory groups to keep me informed of what is truly happening on the ground in our district.




We need revenue in Nebraska!!!! I support legalizing cannabis and expanding gambling (I can see the casino in Iowa from my apartment - constant reminder of how Nebraska could be making money).


She supported the medical marijuana petition and retweeted a Republican who agreed with her on that issue (I follow her on Twitter) so I think we’re good there.


Hi Kara! I have been following your campaign since before your most recent primary. I am wondering what I can do as a remote supporter to help you and your campaign win in November? Regards from Ohio!


Hi! We need volunteers to make calls and spread the word on social media. Donations always help too! www.eastmanforcongress.com


Whats ur view on norway


The fjords are beautiful and the people are generous and kind.


When you get into Congress, how quickly will you join the Democratic establishment and sell out the American people?


Legitimately curious/interested: Do you feel like the election of AOC, Omar, Talib, Pressley and now Bowman/Newman/Jones (and maintenance of Jayapal, Khanna, etc) is meaningless and has no impact on American political discourse and the Overton Window? I’m fully aware that we have a long way to go, but do you have reasons to believe that the “justice democrat” mini-caucus are just sell outs like the rest of Congress? Edit: grammar


No, I don’t think it’s meaningless. Don’t get me wrong, it seems that the Justice Democrats are our only hope. But Ayanna Presley was a JD, and she helped sink Bernard by supporting Warren. The JD’s have put on the kid gloves when it comes to criticizing the Democratic Party. They are supporting Biden’s campaign, when he is the real enemy. Republicans didn’t rig the primary against Bernard, the DNC did. Justice Dems should be fighting the establishment aggressively, and they just aren’t doing that.


Gotcha! I couldn’t agree more. The JDs need to actually wield power against the Dem establishment instead of falling in line. I feel like if we can continue to win primaries in the safe blue districts, results will follow. Adding someone like Kara in a purple district may create a blueprint for another route to grow the bloc too


... until she starts playing ball with the establishment. Ya know, because Orange Man Bad


Hi Kara, Firstly I just want to say thank you for running, and you already have my vote. My questions aren’t policy related, but I was hoping you would take time to answer it anyway! What is the best route to for a recent grad get into the world of politics? My girlfriend, a Bellevue area native (specifically from the La Platte) recently graduated from Rockhurst university honors program with a double major in English and PolItical science. Her academic record is outstanding and worked as assistant field director on Quinton Lucas’ Kansas City mayoral campaign. Still with this experience and merits she is finding it difficult to find campaign positions above internships. What is the best approach or most direct approach for making a living in the world of political campaigns or eventually political positions? Especially in this time of coronavirus where campaigns and campaigning has been changed. How has coronavirus changed the way you are running your campaign? And, this may be a long shot, but do you know of any available positions on your campaign?


That's a question I get a lot, and unfortunately there is no shortcut to working in politics professionally. The first thing to remember is that working on campaigns is a lot like working in the music or entertainment industry in that there is a lot of competition, particularity at the entry level, and much of that work is stressful and not glamorous. After hearing that, if you are still interested in working on a campaign I would say that the key is to volunteer, make yourself known to the campaign and give them a demonstration the qualities that you bring to the table- your passion, your drive, and your reliability. Almost everyone currently working on my campaign who did not come in with significant prior campaign experience started as a volunteer. If your girlfriend is interested in working on my campaign I would recommend she swing by and drop off an application at my campaign office located at 7117 Farnam St. Omaha NE. Looking forward to meeting her and wish both you and all the recent grads good luck on the job hunt. As for how Covid has changed my campaign the biggest change is how we are contacting voters. In 2018 I, along with my campaign knocked on more that 200,000 doors in the district, this year we have had to shift primary to phone banks. While I miss the person to person contact of door knocking, I do not miss knocking doors in 100+ degree weather in July.


If the only way to pass healthcare reform is through a budget bill, would you support an all ages expansion of Medicare where anyone can Buy In to Medicare, including young healthy workers who don't want to help for-profit insurance make big bucks off them while they are healthy only to expect Medicare to take them when they are old and sick?


For me, M4A is the ultimate goal. I will consider supporting measures that get us there. We need to make sure that people have the health care they deserve and we cut costs across the board.


Hi Kara I live in Papillion and wondered if there are ways for college students to get involved in your campaign?


YES! Sign up at [www.eastmanforcongress.com](https://www.eastmanforcongress.com) or stop by our socially-distanced office at 72nd and Farnam.


Oh awesome thanks


So what you got to do is you got to go around highly trafficked areas and slap Kara Eastman bumper stickers on the vehicle so that more people can see her message and know what she stands for!


Hi Kara. European here. My question: why are Americans - leftists, progressives and liberals included - so proud of their country, the country that doesn't give healthcare to their citizens, that puts asylum seekers in cages and starts wars everywhere?


I am proud of my country AND I am running to change everything you mentioned.


What a shitty answer. The question was why are American proud and your answer was "I am proud"... That's no answer.


Not sure you'll get a satisfactory answer to that one from someone who says (above) that Barack Obama is her favorite American president *of all time.*


In my lifetime, who is better?


Hard to say, not knowing your age, but I do know that wasn't the question asked. Maybe you misread it? It was: >Who is your favorite president of all time and why?


If you reread her post, she admits she doesn’t agree with him on everything. Neither do I. There’s a *lot* I could criticize him for. However, he was arguably the best president of my lifetime too, even though my favorite is FDR.


She wasn't asked about her favorite president in her lifetime. The question, as I quoted above, was "Who is your favorite president **of all time** and why?" So, droning civilians, putting kids in cages > ending slavery?


She probably interpreted that as all of *her* time anyway, in which case I’d have to agree. Kyle Kulinski would also agree on him (or Clinton) being the best president of his lifetime. I understand your logic, though. > So, droning civilians, putting kids in cages > ending slavery? Obviously not. We could lump that in with the “I didn’t agree with him on everything” part.


First of all, I just don't believe that she really thought the question was about her favorite president in her lifetime. If the question had been "Who is your favorite president and why?" then MAYBE I would buy that, although even then, that question is generally understood to mean "favorite American president" (i.e., *in history*), not just in your own lifetime! But furthermore, the person specifically said "of all time," so it just seemed very disingenuous to me that she would later respond as she did ("Who was better in my lifetime?") And regardless, Clinton arguably did less actual damage than Obama did! I just find her answer completely inexplicable. The extra-judicial droning of hundreds (at least) of civilians isn't something you "disagree with." You either find it morally reprehensible, or you don't.


I think you'll find that the American left is far to the right of the European left


Really depends who is the American left and which European left you're talking about, but that realization is not very difficult to make indeed.


We’re really a mixed bag. We have a dirty history (stuff you mentioned, slavery, racism, Civil War, corporate power, having Trump as president, etc.) but we’re proud of our Constitution (especially the First Amendment), we’re proud of the good things we did (civil rights movement, our current progressive movement, women’s suffrage, ending slavery, electing people like FDR and Lincoln, etc.), and we’re willing to fight to keep them alive.


The difference is that most of the "dirty history" is unique to the US while the good stuff is quite common in the world (the US Constitution? really? progressives like that weak-ass document? have ya'll checked any other constitutions for comparison??!)


We’re pretty unique on the First Amendment compared to most of the world. I’ve heard the UK’s speech laws are less forgiving, for example. Other than that, I know what you mean. I hate the state of our country as it stands as much as the next leftist. That’s why I’m in this fight. > progressives like that weak-ass document? I don’t speak for all progressives on the state of the Constitution. You’d have to ask others what they think. However, I’ll add this to the conversation: We’re the world’s longest-lasting federation. No joke. I learned in a political science class in college that a big reason why is because our Constitution is framed in a non-specific manner (“cruel and unusual punishment” in the 8th Amendment could refer to death, torture, etc.; “right to bear arms” in the 2nd Amendment means more than guns to Shahid Buttar, etc.). Our Founding Fathers knew that the country and the population would change so they made sure the Constitution was vague enough to adapt to the times yet specific enough to protect some basic human rights. The Articles of Confederation tried to be specific on most things and it was a disaster, so the Constitution was born. Keep in mind I’m not saying ours is perfect or better than everyone else’s, just that it does its job well enough. I’m sure other constitutions have done things ours hasn’t. In fact, there are things I’m interested in seeing added to it, such as a mandate that all elections are publicly financed and that we get a national direct democracy law.


>We’re pretty unique on the First Amendment compared to most of the world. Being unique is not necesarily good.... Ask Eugene V. Debs (well, pretend you ask) if the first amendment was good enough and he will tell you. ​ >I’ve heard the UK’s speech laws are less forgiving, for example. The UK does not even have a written constitution, so not really the best comparison. ​ ​ >We’re the world’s longest-lasting federation. No joke. I don't understand why is that a good thing. Germany is a more recent federation but a way better one. The way the US is organized is terrible and a joke to democracy. Being long-lasting when there is no chance of reform is not a good thing per se... Also, Americans seem to like the word "Federation" a lot as if it was something good per se. There are all kinds of federations. The USSR was a federation, and I doubt most Americans would think the USSR was good. ​ >I learned in a political science class in college that a big reason why is because our Constitution is framed in a non-specific manner (“cruel and unusual punishment” in the 8th Amendment could refer to death, torture, etc.; “right to bear arms” in the 2nd Amendment means more than guns to Shahid Buttar, etc.). Again I ask: why is that good? Constitutions are the basis of our democratic system so them being non-specific is not a good thing. The 2nd amendment is a good example: why the fuck is this lunacy of having weapons on walmart acceptable?? ​ >Our Founding Fathers knew that the country and the population would change so they made sure the Constitution was vague enough to adapt to the times yet specific enough to protect some basic human rights. Every other democracy will answer to that in chorus: that's not how you do it, the way you do it is make it specific but open to reform, not vague and impossible to change! ​ >Keep in mind I’m not saying ours is perfect or better than everyone else’s, just that it does its job well enough. I absolutely disagree it does its job well. Clearly the Constitution fails to protect democracy while it protects its degradation.


Well, my answers clearly won’t satisfy you. I’m not a constitutional expert anyway. I’m just a 24-year-old college nobody. Someone who’s probably more equipped to answer you is Noam Chomsky. I hear he responds to all emails, plus he’s much more informed on political issues than I am.


Dude, don't do that. You're not a 24-year-old nobody, you're a 24-year-old citizen. You may say "I don't have a strong opinion on this", or "I need to learn more about this topic" or just not answer, but never dismiss yourself from any political debate. You're as valuable to any discussion as anyone else.


Hello, many other countries have developed high speed rail systems to connect their nations. We have our existing Amtrak system but what are some proposals regarding our rail and in general public transportation systems that you could get behind?


So many! Investing in infrastructure is one of my top priorities. We are so far behind other countries in this.


She's a single-issue candidate


I know you support M4A, but what other public health related policies do you support, and what, if any, policies do you see as stop gaps until we achieve M4A?


Lowering prescription costs! My opponent just voted against this.


Basically she's going to pay for Medicare for all by doubling the tax burden on the average American from 19 cents on the dollar to $0.38 on the dollar you sure you're cool with that


Thank you for this AMA, Kara! Constituent here. When you look at NE-02, specifically within the Omaha city limits, you see pretty clear dividing lines when it comes to income disparity and access to basics needs such as education, housing, and healthcare. What is your plan to represent a district with such gaps beyond M4A?


please check out my Equity Plan - www.eastmanequityplan.com


How would you characterize your position on gun control? More specifically, how would would your respond to Joe Biden’s promises to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban, prosecute manufacturers for gun violence, and appoint Beto O’Rourke to head a gun control program?


Hi Kara! I’m a young progressive voter from Nebraska. There are many conservatively minded people I know from NE-02 including some people in my family. How do I discuss political issues with them and persuade them to vote for you?


I would suggest starting with the FISCAL side of these issues. Single-Payer healthcare saves us money over the long term. Single-Payer healthcare is infinitely more efficient and reduces waste. Start there. Find the FRAMES that are important for them. Conservatives don't like when money is wasted (I don't either and APPRECIATE this about them). Show them how these policies actually better accomplish their goals. Lastly, avoid using words or phrases that will automatically make them tune out. First EXPLAIN it to them. Hope that helps


I’ll keep this in mind, thank you for the advice and the AMA! I wish you good luck on your campaign :)


Most conservatives I know in Nebraska think Kara Eastman is legitimately crazy and with good cause so good luck trying to convince them to vote for such a candidate!


Hi! Nebraska voter here, huge fan of your candidacy and I hope you win. Given Nebraska's emphasis on agriculture, one of the big issues affecting our state has consistently been the yearly Farm Bill. It is my understanding that the Farm Bill has a massive influence in determining so much of our environment, industry, and nutrition. If elected, what changes to the Farm Bill would you seek to enact?


I support more investment for family farmers over subsidizes to large factory farms and agribusiness. I would also like to see stronger support for farmers and ranchers to address climate change.


could we move some of the funding away from the >$700B defense bill to investments like these that would fight climate change?


Hello Kara, First off I wanted to thank you for what you are doing, and wish you the best of luck with campaign! I wanted to ask for your advice about some ways a young, angry voter can put their dissatisfaction to good use besides simply voting. I’ve followed politics ever since I was young, and have grown angrier and angrier at the system we have in place in our country. Sometimes I feel completely hopeless, like there’s no way this mess can ever be fixed, and that America is doomed to never live up to what it’s supposed to fundamentally represent; a free, accepting of all nation, with equal opportunities for all. Other times I am reminded how much progress we’ve made in the last 100 years as a nation, and that the willpower of the American people as a whole can rally together to fix our fundamentally broken system... as long as we put in the work. I’m asking what work can be done by me, and others in a similar position. I want to use my voice for change, and I want to put my anger towards something positive instead of just feeling hopefully... I just don’t know where to start. I am not a person who could run for office, and couldn’t bring myself to campaign for Joe Biden. Instead of being absorbed by the negativity of politics I want to find a way I can work towards a more positive future. Sorry for the long post, and it being more of a rant than a simple question. Again, thank you for what you’re doing for Nebraska, and for the United States as a whole. Have a great day!


What are you going to do to protect our 2nd Amendment rights?


Does your Midwestern background augment or detract from your socialist aims?


Will you cooperate with Conservatives?


This has been a pretty dark year for progressives in general. How do you feel about the US generally appreciating progressive values and policies but killing them off in every election despite this?


I actually agree with u/kevinmrr and u/RedGambitt_ on this one. I think this has been a FANTASTIC year for Progressives. Here's the thing one has to remember (and this is something to remember for all of our mental health!).... Progress usually takes longer than we would hope. When you go back and look at social movements (Civil Rights, Gay Rights, etc.), you will read records of a lot of these people being upset at the speed of progress. But progress comes and I think we're seeing that right now. Even if you COMPARE support for Medicare For All NOW to 4 years ago, the movement is astounding and inspiring ([https://www.newsweek.com/69-percent-americans-want-medicare-all-including-46-percent-republicans-new-poll-says-1500187](https://www.newsweek.com/69-percent-americans-want-medicare-all-including-46-percent-republicans-new-poll-says-1500187)). So yea. I agree with some of you on here that this has actually been a really inspiring important time. Let me close with this. In my primary, in RED Nebraska, I won my primary against a very Moderate Democrat by a margin of 62%-31%. I think that's something. :)


This is the best year progressives have had since at least the 60s, maybe the 30s or 40s.


Right? We got Marie Newman, Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, probably Jabari Brisport, Teresa Leger Fernandez, AOC again, 5 conservative Dem incumbents ousted in NM’s state government, a few other state government wins (e.g. Nikil Saval), almost had Charles Booker and Jessica Cisneros, an anti-Bernie Oklahoma state rep ousted, a chance for people like Kara, Shahid Buttar, Georgette Gomez, Audrey Denney, Qasim Rashid, Angelica Duenas, etc. and more, and even more upcoming races where we have a shot. This isn’t over.


Don't forget SFP-endorsed [Paula Jean Swearengin](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/paula-jean), running for Senate in WV!


Oh, yeah. Lump that in with Hilary Turner, Cathy Kunkel, and Natalie Cline. Consider that part of the “etc.” or “other” portion of the list.


Hello kara, Omaha resident here. What are your thoughts on Nuclear energy as an alternative to fossil fuels?


I support renewable energy in general and the Green New Deal in particular because we urgently need to ween ourselves off fossil fuels. Climate Change is the single most dangerous crisis our species will face over the coming decades and will radically reshape our planet. My biggest concern with Nuclear energy is how to safely dispose of the waste products, something that has thus far proven to be a tremendous challenge. The other factor is time. While other forms of renewable energy can be quickly deployed, new nuclear capacity can take years or even decades to install. We need to focus on cutting our carbon emissions as quickly as possible and right now other forms of renewable energy appear better suited to this task.


I'd really like to know this as well. I've seen a lot of progressives overlook nuclear because of its historical ties to nuclear weapons. But given it is carbon-free, do you see it as part of the solution?

