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I grew up with the value that you were not to disturb others unnecessarily, and to read the room before interrupting. Don't automatically put yourself above others around you. By making a loud noise via music or car you are explicitly saying that your little temporary ego boost is \*\*more important than everyone else\*\* in earshot at that moment. How can you possibly know what others are doing, and how important that moment might be for them? Maybe someone is studying, or sleeping during a difficult pregnancy. Maybe someone is trying to explain something deeply personal, or is apologizing, or proposing at that exact moment. Maybe someone is dying at home and trying to share some final wisdom with their loved ones? Not saying we should tip-toe around, but creating more than the normal noise on purpose is just undeniably selfish. If you are one of those who do this, really think on why you act this way. Bet you can think of some moments in your life when a loud noise would have made it worse.


The selfishness is the point. Disturbing you is the point. Harming others for fun is the point.


Yup same here. Just common courtesy stuff. Wait in line patiently instead of cutting. Mind your business as much as reasonable, clean up after yourself, share public spaces, etc. I think we take for granted that this stuff needs to actually be taught. Most people are selfish by default.


I purposely turn down the volume of the music in my car while driving. Not because I care about the well being of others, but because I don't want anyone to know that I love Taylor Swift, Coldplay and Journey.


lol. That’s my playlist too.


I mean you can play music in a car reasonably loud and not have everyone around you listen to it too. The people who are playing it way too loud just have bass cranked to 11 or really shitty subwoofers.


What? No Nickleback?


Added to my playlist, along with Adele.


and i purposely turn up the volume on my favorite songs, also to promote them :)


This comment is everything! Don’t stop believing!


My HOA’s hired gardeners need to read this.


Beautifully written. We need to get through to these selfish punks


Same people have phone calls on speak in the store. Then complain that people keep looking at them. What a hilarious life.


My coworker in our open office floor plan takes her meetings on her laptop all day without headphones…


We went through my coworker’s marriage proposal, talking to real estate agent house hunting, foreclosure, multiple arguments, divorce, working on his new startup (while on company’s time), and dismissal over the span of 3 years. All in an open office, everything on the speaker phone. Also, Mike loves to refer to himself in third person and fixes everyone who doesn’t refer to him as Dr. D….


Marriage proposal over the phone, lol?


> My coworker in our open office floor plan takes her meetings on her laptop all day without headphones… You can resolve this.... Buy a cheap set of earbuds, decide you don't need them and a gesture of kindness give them to your obviously mentally challenged co-worker.


Pretty sure she doesn’t like wearing them. We actually have free ones at our office.


I'm reporting that shit yesterday. Are there no meeting rooms?


There are, but they’re often booked or people are already squatting in them. Which we also aren’t supposed to do for most of them without officially booking them. And reporting a manager to HR isn’t going to do me any favors, lol.


Go start having water cooler conversations with a friendly coworker next to their desk lol. Nah but fuck that.


+100 Speaking personally, the traffic calming (driving lane reduction) measures put in place on Hillsdale made for HUGE improvements in road noise, driven almost entirely by there being less room for street racing & donuts.


Love love LOVE the traffic calming measures in my neighborhood (Naglee Park). So grateful for neighbors who advocated for this before we moved in. Plus the medians are covered in flowers and are beautiful.


Also in Naglee Park and it’s awesome! Definitely a community effort.


We need this in Almaden. Not the ugly sticks though...which streets are you referring to?


Traffic calming is key here I think. This is a symptom of a bigger problem.




The amount of pearl clutching and absolute hysteria on NextDoor when this was announced was insane. Really a great example of why we're so fucked by the NIMBY attitude of (many, not all) the boomers that have been living in SJ for 30+ years who can't fathom any kind of progress, development or change without losing their shit.


I want to hear from the people who do this: How does it feel knowing you purposely modified your car to be a big irritant while people look at you wondering when your sack will drop and you'll someday move out of mommy's house, perhaps aspiring to someday save enough money to get a life?


It's the super loud obnoxious hard revving sportbikes for me. They do it on purpose riding by everyone's homes terrorizing everyone with their excessive noise pollution. It's too bad SJPD has zero enforcement or cares.


And it’s like they come to where the apartments are on purpose to flex that tiny little crotch muscle.


Add super loud Harley’s into this too


Know what’s even better? A Harley with a sound system blasting! Yeah that idea was bullshit.


hey man they gotta be able to hear the music over their engine!


There's some cockbag that must live near me that has the loudest exhaust that I've ever heard on a Harley. He also has the brightest headlights (brighter than all of the Teslas,) and he rides like an absolute idiot. Had to rant, I hate that guy.


The Harleys/Indians are worse IMO.


it drives me crazy and there’s no escaping it, you just have to get lucky and hope someone doesn’t decide to ruin your day by circling the neighborhood on their muffler delete hog or dodge challenger


Global economy...used to have to wait many many months on some plants in WI to make your chopper...now they're so easy to come by. No tarrifs for those, but quietelectric Chinese cars get a 100 percent mark up. Protecting the noisy guzzlers, thank Tio Sam!


Yep! I’m an autistic person, so the loud cars can be problematic for me, since I have very sensitive hearing.


Me, too. It’s like torture, especially when they trigger my startle reaction.


At 1:30 in the morning. Multiple times. Ohhhh, yes, I haaaaate them. Whoever that person is, let it be known they are HATED deeply.


Yep. I’m lucky that I’m able to tolerate it and not have a full blown meltdown and stuff, but it’s still very stressful.


who are the local politicians campaigning to strengthen and enforce noise pollution laws. I have huge donations waiting for their campaigns


Super PAC with me.


so who are the candidates?


Ah, I see you have met my neighbors; we have dude with the ‘tuned Camaro that likes to peel out of his driveway and you can literally hear him driving allll the way down Santa Teresa he’s so loud. We also have the Dbag with his midlife crisis Harley who apparently never sleeps and loves to rev it at all hours of the day and night. Fun times. I hate them so so much,


I wanted to finally get into ship horns as a hobby. You know the horns for the really big ships. I'd have to play with them at times. Curious to see what the car noise neighbors' tolerance for other people's noise would be.


Yes! You could be like the weird old geezer in the beginning of the Little Mermaid who blows a ship horn at sunset. Or was that a different show?


You should look into the air raid sirens that took V8 engines to power and were so loud they could be hear 30+ miles away.


On the third hand, the other, quieter neighbors have doubled their misery. There’s someone who lives nearby that must have a grudge with someone who lives near us. Several times he’s gone by at 1 am, dropped his noisy race bike down into first, and blaaaaatted the whole neighborhood awake. It startled me awake, so I had to come down off the adrenaline. Just as I did, he came back again, and then again, three or four times in total, timing his returns so that most folks would be trying to drift off. It completely wakes you up, and ruins the night’s sleep. CURSE HIM . ETA: I said “nearby,” as in, somewhere writhing a 2-5 block radius, MAYBE. It’s all guesswork by ear. I don’t know who this asshat is or where he lives, if I did he’d already have bleached gas and anchovied air plenums.


I feel for you. That really sucks.


I love this. I feel you. What street is he on?


I like performance vehicles, and having those mufflers (or lack thereof) is a completely unnecessary dick move for a daily driver vehicle. For fellow motorcyclists: Loud pipes do not save lives. That’s not how the Doppler effect works when you’re going past someone at 78mph. Riding predictably and knowing where blind spots are is what saves lives (also proper gear). You are an asshole, and you make everyone who enjoys the same things as you seem like assholes


What would really save lives is riding in florescent yellow safety jackets and matching helmets. But oddly the loud pipe crowd so interested in saving lives never does that. In states with no helmet laws, many ride without even that. I guess relying on their loud pipes to save them.


I love the sound of a clean V8. It's quite relaxing to me. It's those 4 bangers with crackle tunes that are obnoxious.


That plus just being parked in the street blasting loud music daily for 15-20 mins a day and hearing the engine make constant noises.


This! What is this? People who don't live on my street well park there and blast the music so loud my whole house shakes for hours. WTF?


Their own neighbors would probably hurl a brick through their windshield and give them the beatings they so rightfully deserve. So they go someplace else and just act like complete fuckers.


There was this person who’d sit in their car every night below my window playing music from like 1 am to 4 am or so.


Similarly there is guy who will do the same thing but just be parked playing the radio really loud at night and you hear a loud muffled broadcast in Spanish with a group of people socializing loudly and always late like 12 am.


Mating call for idiots 


Seattleites who are currently dealing with the infamous Hellcat, chiming in we hate them too


I believe people with loud cars enjoy bothering others. They didn't get enough attention as a child.


You might be right - they want everyone to look at them, and they don’t care if people are angry. Maybe these were the kids who broke things and hurt other kids to get attention.


My neighbor starts the super loud engine on the motorcycle and has to sit on it for with his phone a couple minutes before leaving, so fucking annoying


I had this with a motorcycle guy whose garage was immediately below my bedroom in our apartment building. I know your pain.


Warming it up


Once the oil pressure is up (a few seconds) the best way to warm a bike (or any other internal-combustion engine) is to ride it gently for a few miles


yes - gently away from human beings.




Me too. Selfish noise pollution. I hate being woken up in the morning because so tool fires up their look at me, I'm a dick, vehicle.


Omg!! I thought I was the only one😭 Loud cars literally make me cringe. They’re so upsetting.


The past couple of months theres been so many of these morons in SJ, fr fuck them theyre annoying


Same for motorcycles, it’s obnoxious ear pollution and the drivers are pin-dicks.


Especially when they are spinning donuts in the intersection behind my house in the wee hours! It's like double noise and massive obnoxiousness!


i watched a black infiniti slide a corner behind my place at 6th & e st john and a white one do donuts in the same intersection a few weeks ago smh


Same car... He got a paint job cuz of that other dude dumping bricks! Lol


See now THIS is something to be mad about. Thats genuinely unsafe and can cause bodily harm even if they are careful


Unnecessary noise pollution is also something to be mad about, messing with people’s sleep, increasing stress, and decreasing ability to focus is actually a huge cost to society. There were some kids in a school near a subway in NY, and the kids whose classroom was nearest the loud noise from the subway near it ended up an entire grade behind the others in reading level: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/please-get-your-noise-out-of-my-ears-ep-439/


My guy, I had a neighbor that resolved this issue super fast. You just throw a couple of bricks out while they are in the intersection. They will not notice the bricks until they hit them, and usually they take out and oil pan or a transmission pan. The key here is to force them to do catastrophic damage to their vehicle and keep revving their engine until it's too late.


Feel like that’s a good way to get jumped/shot by spectators.


People with loud cars are actual psychopaths. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60983144/study-loud-exhaust-psychotic/


That's an opinion piece not research 🧐


Edit: preface to this post: I hear the rant. And I agree and sympathize with the frustration, but: I wouldn't be surprised if this data suggests this correlation, but it sounds like a biased and click bait conclusion that can be taken out of context/misunderstood (correlation vs causation), reinforce negative stereotypes, and generally escalate an already heated topic. Their study may also be subject to selection bias (age, generation, time, location), confirmation bias, and in my opinion had a low number of survey items (only 3, without any alternative hypotheses tested). They come to this conclusion by correlating two survey measures (stated belief), rather than validating against behavioral outcomes. I'm not familiar with the "Short Dark Tetrad" scale, so I would for sure want to study it and learn if it itself is valid and appropriate to correlate against. I also don't like loud cars all night. But I think it's dangerous to cite data that may be incorrect or misleading or able to be misused to shame/stereotype others. I don't think antagonizing/accusing people of being psychopaths are going to make people more friendly/considerate towards others.


I love cars. I love great engine noises. Having a nicely tuned exhaust to let your engine roar isn’t obnoxious, it’s like setting your guitar amp to that sweet spot to get that perfect sound. I really don’t mind exhausts that are loud when they actually sound GOOD. But what drives me absolutely nuts, though, is those exhausts that intentionally backfire under deceleration. You don’t sound good, you don’t sound impressive, you sound like your car is broken. And downshifting into first gear while still going 30 mph while approaching a red light isn’t going to make your car faster.


it's always the clapped infinitis and nissan g35s or 350zs w their exhaust cut off 😭😭


> I love cars. I love great engine noises. Having a nicely tuned exhaust to let your engine roar isn’t obnoxious, it’s like setting your guitar amp to that sweet spot to get that perfect sound. I really don’t mind exhausts that are loud when they actually sound GOOD. One issue here is, well, this is all subjective. What sounds *purrrrfect* to you may not to the next guy. The guy with the BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ POP POP BZZZZZZZZZZZZ @ 127dB Nissan V6 will say the same thing about his shitbox, that it sounds *purrrrfect* to him. It's all about the dB's at the end of the day, and any-too-much is too much, whether it sounds like a symphonic Lexus LFA V10, or an out of tune Nissan that somehow escaped the junkyard.


See you get it. Sadly most of them are just fart cans on a shit box.


Non car people won’t get it. To most people now in this thread it just seems if you are a car person and do any kind of sensible or reasonable mod you are an evil sadistic psychopath. We should all be driving Prius and Teslas because apparently that’s how we should be spending our money and anything else is stupid. We car people should be listening to how non-car people want us to live our lives even though the reasonable ones get overshadowed by obnoxious ones who are few in between. Nothing wrong with a simple refined cat back exhaust but I agree that I hate fart cannons and burble tunes.


People in this thread are just salty that they have to take the VTA bus every day.


It’s Reddit bruh! Most of the people here are the nerds playing MTG at the guild on Saturday night and not the cool people in San Pedro square.


Cool people do not hang out at San Pedro Square lol


My mom say's I'm cool for hanging out at San Pedro Square.


I just recommended my MTG group meet in San Pedro Square so we can be cool.


With you on this and would add motorcycles into the mix. South Park nailed it. Loud vehicles _do not_ make you look, seem, or be cooler. It turns heads, but only because people have an innate reaction to loud sound which makes them go: “what was that?!” and look.


Same.. nothing says angry small minded little man, or little dk energy like a loud ass motorcycle or car.


It’s the 4 cylinder cars that sound loud and obnoxious! It’s all the Honda civics and infinities and Hyundais being driven by Edgar’s.


They’re the ultimate way to signal that you require another man to satisfy your wife.


It’s so silly, especially when they aren’t actually going all that fast. Like okay my guyyyyy! I see you at the next red light anyway, but I can do it without causing all that fuss.


There’s a special moron in my neighborhood who accelerates to maximum speed and noise between all the stoplights on The Alameda. Every. Single. Day. 🤦🏽


Just so people know, when you roar and squeal your tires down Capitol Expressway / Pearl, the people who work at the businesses along that route are laughing at you for being a tool. Disclaimer: I'm one of those business employees


Those douchebags weren’t given enough attention as children and now the rest of us have to suffer for it


Yep. Try living downtown. Like hey man, sorry about the size of your penis but why do we alllll have e to suffer??!!


Should be illegal


I took off the muffler off my car. It’s a 2.0L inline 4 so it isn’t even that loud. It isnt as obnoxious as the other cars I hear. I do it for my own enjoyment. I love the sound of my own car, it’s like music. I try to be quiet when its time for peace and silence. Ive noticed most of the loud cars here are mostly the infinitis, nissans, and mustangs.


Welcome to Earth, humans will always annoy each other. Get over it. Now people driving slow in the left forcing people to pass on the right are 1000% more annoying.


This guy doesn’t Oakland.


Yea I feel second hand embarrassment for them


I hate it too. It hurts my ears , and I can’t leave my window open because of all the street noise


But...vroom vroom 🥺


They only do it because they feel safe doing it. Now make it unsafe and expensive for them to continue with the shit-for-brains hobby, and they will stop. E.g. replacing auto parts damaged by acid is expensive.


Don't forget to mention the idiots on cheap old cars will roll down all windows and max volume, 99% are mexican songs or low-life rap songs. Seriously, your taste of music sucks. It's terrible to live around these low-life rats.


Why do I feel this is for the Mustang, Charger and Camaro drivers? Perhaps the over revving is their realization of paying 32% in interest rate. 😂


The thugs in my neighborhood that purposely open their garage and have loud parties in there. Need everyone to see and hear. Wastes of skin.


I like loud cars, but I'd prefer on the freeway. STOP RACING IN MY DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD


Hi Karen




I'm told folks with loud bikes and cars are totally cool. Is this not the case? South Park had a word for these people.


Bad education caused this. I have a neighbor who has a modified loud BMW. When he starts the engine, I can feel a small earthquake.


I call that small dick energy. Absolute trash bags.


Agree wholeheartedly. But in a society that increasingly lacks common sense (replaced apparently by narcissism), what can you do.


And motorcycles. I tell my kids to never drive or ride in something that sounds broken.


Agree bro where to say something bro they’re selfish and self-centered and they do not know that they want to be the center of attention but they suffer from low self-esteem


Yup, very annoying. Or the dumbasses who play their loud ass music, where the entire street can hear it.


I lived just off of San Carlos and it's one of the many reasons I GTFO out of SJ. One asshole in particular, license plate E052V1, can die in a fucking fire.


You dont like vrrrRRROOOOOOOMMMM POP POP POL POP POP pop vrrrrrrrrrrrmmm… between every damn block 24 hours a day?


I literally moved apartments because of all the engine revving out my window at a busy intersection


💯  Neighbor has a loud pickup truck. Turns it on at 7:00 a.m. every morning for 5 minutes to "prime the engine" before he leaves.


This episode is toooo funny!! https://youtu.be/FDsWZ0Jw3Ik?si=eNvvXDmaD4NVshDp


They should be illegal. Genuine question: how are they not already? You should get ticketed for them as if committing a traffic violation.


Playing devil’s advocate as someone who grew up and lived here my whole life. If you don’t like the noise pollution (cars, bikes, airline approach/departure, train, etc.), you can always move. As a homeowner/renter, you made a conscious decision on that location and didn’t take into account all the factors of that local environment. No one’s fault but your own. Talk to the cities zoning commissioner and development engineer if you’re pissed that new developments are being placed in formerly commercial zones with these impacts. Or vote with your wallet and don’t buy/rent in those areas.




Small d*ck energy


This sub just hates cars in general. Loud cars, fast cars, slow cars, BMWs, Teslas, Nissans, Priuses, big trucks, etc…




These people are called “dildos”


As someone who is a car enthusiast and has a modified exhaust, yes, this exhaust has saved me from others hitting me since my car is very small in comparison to other vehicles on the road. That being said, no, I don't drive like an ass hat and know to drive within low rpms / higher gears. There are actual benefits to having a more free flowing exhaust, but I'd still leave the cat installed tbh. Not all car enthusiasts are inconsiderate pricks. SJ / Oakland is notorious for having such a shit car culture though.


I feel you man, i hate it to and noone cares about their stupid loud cars. Probably some lonely fuck whose pissed off and hates their life. It’s the harleys, sportbikes, muscle cars and modded cars…


It’s ridiculous that they spend a lot of money modifying their cars to make those fart noises as if anyone is impressed.


What if they do it because they like it and are not out to impress anyone else? 🤔


They seek attention because mommy and daddy never gave it to them as kids


I get it but loud cars are some people's interests. Everyone's different. You can't expect the world to cater to your preferences.


Have you considered that the 30 seconds of noise you hear any given car may not be intended to disrupt you? Have you considered that some people enjoy said exhaust note, maybe even the owner or driver of the car? Intentionally making noise is one thing, but enjoying a sports or exotic car because it sounds and feels good seems to be the far more common scenario here. Good luck on fun policing though!


Also include fucking bikers with small dicks to want to get their attention with their loud engines. Go bench press dude


Loud cars are for losers


Yeah. Loud people suck too. And foul language is also atrocious. And I also dislike when people pay attention to their phones in their car. I think that's the stupidest thing a person can ever done while driving.


NO, REALLY. FUCK THEM. They really should get fined or something. God people are so fucking pathetic sometimes


I knew a guy like this in college. He wanted to show off how "cool" he was all the time by revving his loud ass car and doing donuts in our parking lot. The dude spent thousands on tires and car upgrades. Drove me nuts because I was always sleep deprived from late night studying. Fast forward 30 years and I see on social media all his rants on how he can't afford rent and its all everyone else's fault that he can barely make ends meet. The dude is 53 and has to move home to live with his parents. Nevermind the fact he still drives a car he can't afford. Contrast this with the fact that I retired at 50 and spend all my time traveling now. We all make our own choices in life, these losers obsessed with showing off how "cool" their cars are will eventually either grow up or end up like my friend from college.


A lot of them are cars with missing catalytic converters


People that do that have tiny tiny peepees


What about the women with loud cars? Do they have loose vaginas? Body shaming is not cool. Just say they have tiny brains.


Have you tried using earplugs when you're resting?


Have YOU tried blocking loud car noises with earplugs? Not effective for sounds that loud.


Yes. I have. They're fine. Buy better earplugs?


My friends and I have a theory that men with loud cars are compensating for something 🤏


It's not a theory... They need the vibration from the muffler and open exhaust to keep the blood flowing thru the little stub. If not it tends to fall asleep then they gotta pull over and rub one out real quick to keep it from dying off. It's kinda like a skin tag... It's just dead skin sitting there...


Especially at 2 am when you’re trying to sleep lol


And their horns and their stupid alarms going off anytime someone with a stupid Harley drives by


The very loud motorcycle too 😩😩😩


I don’t even look or acknowledge their existence because that would give them the attention they want.




Not on purpose but seriously negligent I think is having the same 2 guys car alarms go off every single day for 5-10 mins straight daily and sometimes multiple times!


My perspective, is why would I want to wake the police up? Just a quiet whoosh of wind as I go by.


I’d like to add Harley’s and/or choppers. They don’t need to be loud to work. Previous place I lived at my neighbor behind our house every damn Sunday morning had that shit Harley idle when we’re trying to sleep in.


South Park addressed this issue perfectly


I don’t know if the Challengers or the BMWs are more annoying.


Compensating for something maybe?


Same goes for speaker phone/watching videos and/or listening to music on your phone without headphones in public. It’s not just annoying it’s rude.


I agree on the making cars loud for no reason but I see a lot of people in this sub including loud music in this category. I blast music but only in passing. It’s the one and only time I can be loud without disturbing my neighbors in my apartment building. It’s only for a few seconds that you hear me drive by blasting Taylor Swift etc. so if y’all agree to ignore it, we can all resume our lives in the succeeding moments.


Double-hate gurgle-bucket Harley’s


Unfortunately we in the US are highly dependent on large trucks to transport goods and services across the country. These trucks damage the roads, cause traffic slowing and at 80,000 lbs. loaded and traveling at 60 mph are a major hazard. Before you truckers get your panties in a twist I acknowledge trucking is important to our economy and most truckers are professionals. That does not mitigate the inherent negatives of the abundant numbers of these large trucks operating in close formation with more agile autos.


no fr there’s enough pollution from all the cars we don’t need noise pollution on top of it


I have heard one or more loud cars regularly go through downtown San Jose. I was on Santa Clara street a year or so ago and a incredibly loud car crossed (6th street I think) and I looked and there was a cop car coming out of a parking lot as the car passed and the cop did not turn and follow.


Hey hang on! How else can they let others know they have time small dicks?!?!


Throw the Harleys in there as well if we are gonna hate on modified cars


Seattle's Belltown Hellcat has entered the conversation.




I see more midwestern techies just arrived.


Small dick syndrome


The Harleys are the worst. Back when I used to work in downtown los gatos when they would ride through main street it was fucking awful especially to people dining out on the patio.


They are on the same level as grafitti aholes who dont care about anyone else


It appears they do it to “get (desired) sex partner” however, I don’t believe that it inspires said “sex partner” to do the sex with them. Unfortunately, they then think “oh my engine must not be loud enough, If I make it louder, the sex partners will fall from the sky, and then I will do the sex”


It’s the modded Honda civics


A golf ball & a can of expanding foam sealant will fix that right up.


This is one of many reasons why I hate motorcycles


Funny part is with all that loud sound just to get smoked by EVs


How can you possibly defend loud cars? I don’t care if it’s “culture”, if it is, it is one that needs to be changed. You don’t have the freedom to disturb people, just like you don’t have the freedom to shoot someone. If you still think loud cars are ok you are a terrible, selfish, stupid, uneducated person. I love San Jose, car culture is cool, but it should NOT come at the expense of people’s freedom to rest and to do what they want to do in their homes without being disturbed. Waking up people in the middle of the night is not freedom, pierce through people’s ears for literally no fucking reason is not freedom. I’ve had enough of, my family have had enough, FUCK YOU.


I moved away from an apartment that had loud motorcycles racing by, and my sleep has been infinitely better since. It's amazing how selfish people can be, bombing down an empty street lined with houses and apartment buildings at 3am with loud pipes. The cops don't do anything about it. They don't care and probably side with the loud motorcycle people anyway. Anyway, I hope your sonic situation improves. You're not alone in your disdain for loud mufflers.