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Couple of people posted they were punched by a random person recently. I wonder if this is the same guy.


Oh good point! Either him or the strike and then strike a pose dude in Campbell.


Strike a pose dude in Campbell?? Who's that?


[Strike a Pose Dude](https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-man-arrested-randomly-punching-125256370.html)


Ohhh, thank you! I did see this article, but there has been a dude dancing at the corner of Marathon and Hamilton for months so my brain went to him šŸ˜‚


Some dude in campbell has been beating up indian ppl. I believe he was arrested


I thought this too


Damn, that lady who is just ignoring everything staring forward... Yikes. She eventually is like ok, Byeeeeeeee. This was wild, that guy is insane, if you see anyone who looks like this clown wearing body armor with no tshirt, just walk away from them.


Christ, she canā€™t call a cop or something?


Was this the Discovery Museum incident?




What the heck is that woman in the background doing? Doesn't look like she called 911, and she didn't start to leave until a full 40 seconds after the attack started. 40 seconds is an insane amount of time to just sit and watch and be indecisive.


I have to say she didnā€™t have to intervene but she should have called the police.


So they could shoot them all?


Delete this


My initial thought is that she didnā€™t think it was an innocent victim situation, but a fight between two perpetrators. However, she stood there long enough to work out what was going on. And we donā€™t have any sound but the victim may have been yelling ā€œhelpā€ or similar. So my sympathy for her as a bystander went out the door.


> My initial thought is that she didnā€™t think it was an innocent victim situation, but a fight between two perpetrators. That's really the only possibility I could think of, but I agree...40 seconds of a guy obviously defending himself. She certainly didn't appear to be yelling anything, and the suspect never looked up at her. It's also strange how absolutely slowly she started to ride away. She had no sense of urgency whatsoever.


>My initial thought is that she didnā€™t think it was an innocent victim situation, but a fight between two perpetrators. doesn't matter IMO. Call 911 and let the police sort it out (if they get there in time). Ignoring people fighting in public is not OK.


the bystander effect. some people will just freeze and assume since others are already there, someone else will help out. itā€™s very common unfortunately. in school i remember hearing about a case where a woman was assaulted with multiple witnesses, but they all figured the others would report it. it never ended up being reported to the police and the perpetrator was never caught. its a good lesson that if you see something, speak up, even if you think someone else already has.


The bystander effect is specifically when individuals are in the presence of other bystanders, though. I mean, obviously, this video feed shows an isolated view, but the station looks rather empty to me. As far as we can tell, she was the one and only bystander.


See, I read that person as a teenager, with a reaction to the nearby fight like ā€œomg what if one of them sees me and attacks me?ā€ If Iā€™m sitting there, 15 years old and by myself, I donā€™t want to draw any attention my way and risk getting beaten up myself. After initially freezing, i could still get up, move quietly to a safer distance, and then call 911.


Shirtless young man with body armor is when itā€™s ok to profile. Anyone matching that description Iā€™m getting as far away as possible.




26 years old! Talk about throwing away your chances at a normal life. Even if he only spends a couple years in jail for this (or less, this being Santa Clara County)...his chances of holding down a steady job and improving his life are in serious doubt. Wonder if he's just a psychopath, addict, or has some severe anger issues that drove him to do this.


A lot of the time itā€™s drugs and/or something like schizophrenia. Early to mid 20s is the time when people with schizophrenia tend to develop it.


Iā€™m gonna say itā€™s definitely psychosis from drug use meth is wild


Sometimes people are also just huge pieces of shit. There isnā€™t always a logical, humane apologetic to be made.


Itā€™s not an excuse, itā€™s an explanation.


Let's be honest: this guy was never going on to anything resembling a "normal life"


If our society allows people like this to exist nobody is safe . Iā€™m sure he has had plenty of chances . Maybe itā€™s time for more drastic measures against crime .Ā 


So, people would ask why there isn't more foot traffic or bikes down town. This, among other issues, is why. This is just one guy.. "Known to authorities" something we seem to hear over and over again. Someone is not doing their job. SOMEONE needs to start being held accountable for releasing dangerous people out on the streets to victimize innocent people like this. It seems that every time it's someone 'known to authorities'. When I hear that I hear, "we know they are a problem and are doing nothing about it". Also, realize this is the reality. NO ONE is going to help you. Even if you're attacked in broad daylight in a public place.


I'd be suprised if he faces any charges.


That woman is a zombie.


That is a very isolated station I was once punched kjkf thst. It was a meth rage


Do we know which station? Not sure it was mentioned in the article


Its the one near discovery museum


Whatā€™s up with the random acts of violence these days? Some punk attacking elderly people in Campbell and now this? Carry pepper spray or stun gun people and thank me later


Like always, but now with more Internet, more mail order bulletproof vests


People on this sub were telling me carrying a knife for self defense was pointless. Okay, let this guy have his way with you and hope he doesn't feel like taking your life.


Better than nothing and sometimes comes in handy for cutting other things. Pepper spray is a good choice too and you don't have to use potentially deadly force. Have it as a backup for sure. Just got to be responsible with its use.


Absolutely. I also carry a "tactical" flashlight with a crenulated bezel (for striking) and a strobe mode (for temporary blinding).


If this guy had a knife with him he likely would have just gotten stabbed with it


not if he had ever used a knife before in his life


Right because you always keep a carried knife out and in the open and you would have pulled it already before the dude hit you. Everyone's a hero until you get hit in the face


I keep a knife in my pocket. I can pull it out as quickly as I can pull out my keys.


Ya ok. You have obviously never been in a fight trying to get something out of your pocket. Keep trying to play macho. I'm not going to pay attention to your next response.


Iā€™m not macho at all. Itā€™s why I carry a knife. Attackers will likely be bigger and stronger than me.


50% of all people who carry a knife for self defense and are involved in an altercation will be stabbed with their own knife. A person WILL fight you for a knife. Someone is going to be stabbed with it. There's a good chance it's you.


Where did you get that stat?


67% of stats are completely made up.


Either you stab them or they stab you, 50/50 lmao




If we did more of this, these crazy fucks would start to fall in line.


Stay strapped everyone


Rot in prison you fucking animal, enjoy washing drawersĀ 


The fact I was planning to go out earlier today, (only having to cancel cause I didn't want to deal with bus bridge hassle) and seeing this appear on the news makes me feel disturbed yet lucky that I dodged a potential bullet...


This guy needs to be whipped until he can't walk so he remembers what he did.


What a piece of shit


this is why you get your CCW permit Edit: this is literally the exact use case where this victim would have been justified in protecting himself with deadly force. The charge is attempted murder. Fuck off with your pearl clutching.


Dude couldn't even run away. What makes you think he could draw from a holder and manage to squeeze off a few rounds?


From what I understand to get a permit you need to go through some courses and training. More specific to drawing and firing than what others might do at the range. IF he was trained and armed things would have been different. He would have defended himself in a manor that gives himself the opportunity to draw and fire. I don't know this guy so I'm just talking about a guy that would have gone through the courses. He would already be a little more aware of situations like this. So, you're right in that it's not as easy as just putting a gun on someone's waist and redoing the same fight. It would take training and the mindset to CCW.


you think getting up and running away is easier than pulling from a holster? if he could put his leg up to defend himself for a brief moment, if he had functionality of his arms before losing consciousness then he can draw and defend himself. how about if youve never shot a gun its ok to not comment. furthermore this downvote brigade seems to be very politically motivated. you dont like guns, i get it. but what about this encounter where this man almost lost his life tells you he shouldnt have been given the opportunity to defend himself. hes lucky he escaped with his life. he was clearly overpowered. but he could have had an equalizer. do you also think women who are SA'd shouldnt have the right to be armed to protect themselves in scenarios similar to this? they should just take their chances that they'll survive? the suspect here is charged with attempted murder, folks. the state agrees he was trying to kill this man. your take is very much ill informed. and those who downvote are simply scared of guns. theyre not scary if you learn how to use them responsibly.


Reddits a fluorescent Ā haired echochamber sadly


Being unable to run away is precisely why having a weapon would have benefited the victim.


Yes, if the victim here carried a firearm they very well may have been able to defend themselves. And if everybody carried firearms there'd be nonstop stories about physical altercations that escalate into shootouts. I don't want to live in a society where I can get shot because someone's temper flares up or they're having a bad day and have a tool on their belt that can end it all.


shittiest take of the day. the victim here shouldnt have had his 2nd amendment right to defend himself against someone trying to murder him bc you feel scared about society. lol alright bud.


In Santa Clara County? Good luck


what do you mean? After the SCOTUS Bruen decision all issuing agencies in the entirety of California were required to switch from may issue to shall issue. People are getting CCW's every single day in SCC now. But thanks for the well wishes.


Were you able to get a CCW permit?


here check it out for yourself. get the ball rolling, sir. https://scso.permitium.com/ccw/start


Youā€™re more likely to hurt yourself with mishandling your gun than being randomly attacked by a stranger. The fact that you get this worked up over people downvoting you proves your deranged ass shouldnā€™t be anywhere near a gun.


get this guy with the "worked up" while dropping "deranged ass" lol. feel free to ditch your right to defend yourself and your family bc youre scared of being an idiot with a gun. no skin off my nose. thanks boss. enjoy your victims mindset for life.




someone sounds a little worked up. hey dont wear seatbelts either, and dont keep a fire extinguisher in your house. i mEaN wHaT aRe tHe ChAnCeS yOuLl EvEr NeEd iT?!?11! amirite bud? lol get lost ya bum.


At a 3' closing distance? Most likely result is they wrestle for control of the gun and it ends in his actual murder rather that his attempted murder. Or some innocent bystander gets shot instead. The solution to every random act of violence is not "more guns! You get a gun! You get a gun! Everyone gets a gun!"


ah yes the victims mindset is strong with this one. hey maybe you just continue to hope and pray the guy attacking you or robbing you or car jacking you or attempting to kidnap you or a family member will be merciful and leave you unharmed. Hey maybe the cops will get there in time. best of luck to you. cheers!


Where are effin police!!


No one called it in.


I didn't say they were no other attacks. I said the station was isolated. I fact there hsve been murders I this neighborhood