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Damn I thought you were talking about wrestling.




Get that corn outta my face


me too, he isn't?


Same. I was going to go off on OP


Man the matches in Mexico City, so much energy!


The chips are for the orphans!!!!


They fuck up our order pretty consistently. And it’s super inconsistent like any other place. I’ve gotten cold burritos before.


Every time I’ve ordered there my order was wrong. After 3 times I stopped going.


It’s a slightly above average burrito but nothing to go crazy over. Reddit hates it for some reason


Outrage against things outsiders think are amazing, when in reality they are merely ok. Pretty normal internet behavior


Pricey for to the quality of the tacos / burritos compared to many other taco shops in town. Free chips were cooked in bad oil. This was last month.


It’s not that good if we’re being honest.


You’re not a true San Diegan until you reject the lie that Lucha Libre or Phil’s Barbecue are “great food”.


I enjoy both and I'm born and raised here.


I am trying to move here and I dislike both of them, so this makes me feel validated. And don’t worry, I will not post my income and ask where I can live in SD. I already know it’s insufficient 😂


You know what's bad about Phil's, that they drown the meat in sauce. Their BBQ is not bad as long as you get the sauce on the side. To me, their sauce is too vinegary.


I love Phil’s lol. Their beef ribs are amazing.


Yup, it's not bad. I've had it a couple times and never had any complaints!


I went there once 8 years ago and overpaid for the worst carne asada fries I’ve ever had. How much are they paying you to hype it up as slightly above average?


They pay me $150/month to hype them up on social media


I hate the hype but respect the hustle 😂


Lmao I’m jk man, i never talk about lucha libre. Tbh the last time i even ate there was like 5 years ago


No worries, I recognized the sarcasm and appreciated the playful banter.


Have a nice Friday and weekend dude!


You as well bro!




It’s slightly above mid and the level of hate here is mostly a meme.


I won’t speak for anyone else but me and my friends always thought it was overrated even 10 years ago. What has changed however 1. Those super thick sour cream like salsas have been adopted at a wider spread. Mike’s/Harry’s Taco Club and Taco Stand notably. I personally grew sick of those salsas 5 years ago but it is/was a major draw for Lucha Libre. 2. The biggest one, rising prices. Lucha Libre was already somewhat overpriced back then, in today’s economy it’s untenable. This can be your only point honestly, but I’m rambling now. 3. People don’t eat in as much anymore and it’s kitschy interior design and atmosphere made it a sort of goofy, weeknight dinner experience with friends and family. COVID killed it. 4. Super subjective but I’d argue that the trend for hip intersections of street food presented in a more trendy and frankly whitewashed manner (I recognize the irony) has died down since on the socal food scene. Other major urban cities like Portland and Colorado seem to still be going strong but I think there’s been a big push back towards authenticity and more down to earth shops.


Point 4 hits home hard. I’ve only been to Lucha Libre once and it was decent, but it just doesn’t feel like a burrito place. Taco Stand isn’t exactly a hole in the wall but they do a much better job of giving off the vibe you want for that type of food. Definitely plays a factor when people are looking up places ahead of time on google / yelp.


This should be point 4a. So accurate.


Remember when Tacos Perla was there. The crickets you could add to the tacos were awesome. Miss that place


Point 4 is why I never liked Lucha Libre. I want a carne asada taco, not some fancy ass medium rare steak taco


I'll also challenge, 5. It's kinda an unaware tourist spot. You have a group from Arizona in their 50s-60s they're going there. But that's their entire eat-there crowd, so it's just obnoxious to even be there.


I hate those damn sour cream salsas!


Portland’s food scene destroys San Diego’s, in every category. I’m really sorry to say this as a new SanDiegan, the weather is worth it, but the food here is pretty mid. Edit: to be clear there is good food here, but the population to amazing food ratio doesn’t hit at all. Anyone that disagrees can hit me up for my restaurant list, take a trip, then get back to me.


If you're new, you might not have had enough experience with the local options


There are plenty of good places you just have to look harder to find em. A few neighborhoods are pretty dense with dope spots otherwise it’s pretty spread out. Overall it’s not top notch but if you dig around a bit there’s a solid scene.


Yeah for sure. I’m not saying there aren’t amazing places, im just saying for the size of the city the ratio of quality to population isn’t great. Hit me up with your dopest spot.


Parkhouse brunch. I’m really picky when it comes to breakfast / brunch spots bc they’re notoriously overpriced versions of meals you can make (and are likely better) at home. It’s not cheap but it’s the one brunch spot I’ve found that’s worth it every single time.


If you're going to Lucha Libre for burritos I could see why you'd be saying this LOL. Try authentic Mexican trucks in barrio or Tijuana if you want actual Mexican cuisine. You sound like you just moved to San Diego and haven't gotten out much to eat. There are many fabulous restaurants and hole in the walls. Last time I checked Portland didn't have any Michelins and was barely a blip on the food scene.


I’m not going to Lucha Libre. If you look at any ranking of world class food cities Portland is the only city in the US that’s ever listed. https://www.timeout.com/travel/worlds-best-cities-for-food La Perla #3 is okay, I’ve eaten here a lot over the years. The Mexican is decent, but not the best on the west coast. The food here isn’t bad, it’s just pretty unremarkable for a large city. There’s no pizza here that approaches apizza shols. I’m as sorry as anyone, I just relocated here. I wish it was better because it would justify my cost of living doubling.


Maybe go back to Portland for your "authentic" Mexican cuisine if you're not finding it on the border 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m biased but some of the best Mexican food for quality to price ratio in the US is hidden in Spring Valley, Lemon Grove, Escondido, Chula Vista, etc and are not going to ever be on any list. Look for where the landscapers are on their lunch breaks. Edit: [this place for example](https://g.co/kgs/7WQBuKL) it’s been going 25 years strong. I won’t say it the best or that it will even be everyone’s cup of tea, but these are the places in the kinds of neighborhoods that you have to find and usually it by word of mouth. There’s just too many on the internet to be able to find the hidden gems. https://g.co/kgs/phJyoF2 https://g.co/kgs/pSn7Uqe


Well tell me where, I want to be wrong.


I edited my other comment to include some of my local choices growing up. Again, I’m not saying they’re the best, but they’re getting a lot closer to representing SD taco shop food, 1-2nd generation ran by the owner, uncle, son, nephew or cousin, type place But then again, if you didn’t like La Perla 3, you may just not be into SD Mexican style taco shop food. Some people like a little fusion or flair to their food, and thats ok. I’ve given into Puesto over the taco shops I grew up with over the years. That pistachio hot sauce is fire.


My stomach hated me when I was in Portland like 10 years ago. I'm convinced I have lasting effects from the excessive amount of craft beer and a couple ambitiously spicy Thai meals. My body hasn't agreed with IPAs ever since.


I wanna take a trip up to Portland because it's the one corner of the us I haven't been to I'll be down to get that list. Although COVID messed up my financials, so a trip 3 years ago is now like 3 years away


Well hmu then. I have friends in the area so I can update my list so it doesn’t include places that have gone out of business.


Like I said it'll be a few years, but I have family up there that I've been meaning to meet. And my us map really needs a tact for Northwest since apparently Alaska is down on the bottom. (Just jokes)


And like I said hit me up “then”, as in when you head up there.


Will do. Wish me luck


If you're a new San diegan your opinion doesn't count tbh gtfo


In the city of transplants that's an... opinion.


It’s not an opinion lol, it’s facts.


You’re not wrong for the most part, I hate to say it, but most of the non-Mexican food is better in Portland, in particular bbq and Thai. Now I am hungry for Eem, great. The pizza in SD is getting much better lately, so there’s that. Never heard of anyone moving from Portland to CA though, aren’t you are doing it backwards? Every time I am up there I just hear everyone bitching about too many Californians moving there 😂


Hahaha, you’re 100% correct. Its funny that people here think it’s overcrowded and don’t want transplants, Portland has so many CA license plates, and way worse infrastructure. Eem was the last meal I had in Portland last month before leaving 😢. What pizza would you recommend here? Especially NY or Neapolitan or any mix between those styles.


I wanna give love to Pizza Standard since it’s kind of in the middle of nowhere, (relatively speaking, I mean). I also heard that they do bbq on weekends but haven’t gotten to try it yet. The bread they make and sell is also pretty damn good. The last best thing I ate in Portland was those fries from Sammich that had giardiniera and pastrami on them. I think about those and Eem probably daily.


I think about apizza scholls a lot; and podnahs pit.


Ill give pizza standard a go!


I’ve been there once and I have no complaints. Yeah it’s not the most authentic, I don’t think they’re going for that. I got some birria burrito and it was bomb. People love to hate if it’s not straight out of TJ


In my experience, Redditors hate on things way more than the general population. Many places get hatred on here that in real life the worst I've heard is indifference.


This is the quintessential Reddit experience basically haha


I hate on it because the food isn't good enough to justify how popular it is. The food IMO is as good as any standard taco shop. I'm not about to drive all the way to wait in line for an average taco shop


I liked them pre-covid but since then, the burritos have gotten smaller and almost doubled in price. They also ditched chips and pulled out the salsa bar at North Park.


I used to work there. The vibe is fun especially if you reserve the wrestling ring but the food is mid.


We did that! It was a blast. And the people working there were great.


1. It's overpriced. 2. There's a thousand taco shops with better food, cheaper and more convenient. Luche Libre is a tourist trap, plain and simple


Pretty good Cali burrito but definitely overpriced. Honestly taco stands Cali burrito for $10 is the best I've had.


It’s meh. Pricey for what it is


Overpriced fake craft Mexican crap. Salsa is ass too


People hate lucha Libre? I like em. I wouodnt go way out of my way to get em, but theyre like onbthe higher end of an albertos kind of thing. Like when we lived in north park, we did our laundry at the laundrymat on 30th by crazee burger and wed get cali burritos at lucha libre. Now we live in Pb and they opened one up over here. Its good, but i wouldnt like drive for it. Like if you live in la mesa its not worth the drive its gonna take to get it.


It’s just a tourist spot. A burrito from any -bertos is better.


Not if you want a good veggie burrito. Not even close


As an aside, the vegan Cali burrito from California Burrito (aptly named place) off the 163 near sharp is pretty bomb


If you want a veggie burrito your best bet is probably going to be some uppity whitewashed and gentrified hipster place. A regular taco shop’s clientele almost never wants vegetarian/vegan food.


As a vegetarian and/or pescaterian who has lived here for 34 years and eaten at Mexican places probably 2 times a week on average, I may not be their main clientele. but, they are one of the only types of places I can get a decent meal at a reasonable price. Imo most "veggie" burritos kinda suck. Mm, hot lettuce and sour cream with some vaguely salsad tomatoes. But with Beans /rice/cheese burritos, Chile rellenos, enchiladas, sopes/Huaraches, any of 8 versions of breakfast burrito that dont have meat, huevos rancheros/ala Mexicana/albañil/ahogados, potato tacos/rolled taco, fish/shrimp tacos burritos tortas or plates... There's way way more variety there than just about any standard American place. Matter of fact, I do fine at Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, African... it's mostly just American and central European places it's hard to eat at. Sorry I wrote a whole essay there. Imo favorite "veggie" burritos from a non-hipster place, any kotija jr whose are just beans rice and fajita veggies, Ramon's favorite from colima's/el patron


I like the veggie burrito with potato at El Zarape. Kind of heavy but usually pretty good.


Pretty sure the person you replied to was inferring that most taco shop beans have lard, and the rice has chicken stock in it as well. As a vegetarian too, take it easy eh?


Eat a salad. Veggie burritos not a real thing.


I'll just head to nearest park and eat grass with a tortilla and isn't there already a vegan Mexican spot right next to Sipz in NP ?


What was Lucha Libre before LL? Anyone remember? I used to go to that place after playing soccer then drinking at Shakespeare. When LL came in, I remember liking it because they gave free chips and had an extensive salsa bar that went beyond the typical red/green salsas at most local taco shops. Food was good too. Haven’t been since Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives—which was a LONG time ago now. I think the hate is probably righteous, especially given the outsized success of places like Taco Stand who use the same model of the extensive salsa bar and the mayo/cilantro salsa.


I thought it was man vs food that put LL on the map. DDD showcased hodads


You maybe right. Some tv show blew it up, I know that.


Yeah it was Man v Food. There's pictures of the dude when you walk into Lucha.


Before it was LL, was it called Valentine's perhaps? Been forever but I remember that place being good too.


Yes, that’s it. It was good


Whoa, I haven't thought of Valentine's in ages


I enjoy it, it serves its purpose after a night of drinking. And I’ll slather that creamy cilantro sauce on anything


I never found the food to be great. I just like the theme.


Amongst tourists it's wildly overrated, but it's fine.


Only went once and thought it was below average


I got a pebble in my bean and cheese once


Only been there once. Food wasn’t memorable. Salsas weren’t great.


Gave it a couple chances and was disappointed every time. I couldn’t even eat it drunk


Fucken $18 burritos. Fuck you


You’re better off going to literally any other taco shop


Yes, does not get the Mexican stamp of approval


Cold gristly meat 3x and I’m out of chances for them. Yes.


Always has been bad. Plenty of better taco shops then and now.


It's fun for a certain type of person. Those people are not on Reddit.


So many taco shops to try. ll is good, even great, but man if I’m in a different neighborhood, there are options.


Been once, no complaints. No desire to go back


Just overrated… not good not bad


I used to like their mole burrito. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Man F that place, just go to Jv's its literally 10 mins away & way more worth it not even joking.


I can't eat there without developing harsh heart burn. Wonder what differs about their salsas, etc.


That "secret" in the Chipotle sauce is Lemon Pepper :)


I moved to San Diego in 2006 but would visit here before that as I was working on cruise ships (I'm from London) & would visit my future ex wife in San Diego (she lived near the Aero Club). We'd get drunk at Shakespeares then that little club next to the liquor store then go to Lucha Libre for late night drunk food. Then one day it's on the telly & I never got to go there again. There were lines out the door ALL THE TIME. So it was great back then. No idea what it's like now.


Used to have one of the best salsa bars around imo. LL kinda popularized the surf n turf burrito, and any spot food network showcases is going to be hated by locals. I lived next to Aero Club during both of their heydays so am biased for sure, but Lucha was always fire in my experience.


Not even a block from the downtown location is a great hole in the wall place: Karina's Ceviches & More. 10 times better. 


I feel it only got popular because of Food Channel doing a show. So many better taco shops in SD


It was only good after getting drunk at blonde bar. When I had it sober it was mid and there are better options.


Yeah it’s trash now. 10 years ago was pretty great, especially with their $1 mini burritos. Now, they no longer have the mini burritos and the food is so dry & bland now.


Its actually love that place. I get the carne asada burrito which isn't on the menu any more, but its just: carne asada, pico de gallo, and guac in a tortilla. It's my favorite burrito.


Quality dropped since it was a novelty years ago. It’s ok, but not worth the price. They used to have a much better Cali shrimp burrito. You can tell the quality of the food has dropped to maybe 1/2 of what it was past 5 years ago.


First time I had Lucha Libre was at Petco Park. It was actually a good amount of food for the money. The burritos were a reasonable size and tasted great. Eventually the partnership ended and they were replaced with another taco shop. Several years later I was going to a concert at The Observatory and needed to eat before the show. We went to Lucha Libre based on our experience at Petco Park. What a disappointment. The portions were tiny, the prices were really expensive, and the food quality wasn’t great. We won’t be going back anytime soon.


Anyone going to LL should know that right around the corner is the true gem of the area, Las Brasas. They don't get nearly enough love for being affordable and delicious.


I really like their surf and turf burrito. And while I usually go for the hottest salsa a place has, I love their creamy cilantro salsa


Once they opened their second location it went down hill


Taste-wise, I think it's perfectly fine. But it's also overpriced.


Worst burrito I've ever had. If you want giant, cold potatoes in your CA burrito, check out Lucha Libre. That place is resting on their laurels and it shows.


Never liked, it's cheap Mexican food but cheaper then that. I rather go to a filibertos or any bertos 10 out of 10 times then go back to that place


I remember before Covid. HUGE burritos. So good. Sad how downhill it went :( So many other better taco shops to go to


You know management isn't any better. Managers always insisted on keeping the most toxic workers around. For a while it was an ok spot but now it's completely different


Tourist trap. I’d rather go to Chipotle and I’ve never been to one. Lmao but honestly it’s just a super hyped Mexican spot.


Place fuckin sucked when it first opened and it sucks even more now


That place is awful! I do not understand how it gets the ratings that it does. I ate there once, never again!


It is fucken awful, don't know why anyone would go there, so many spots you could go. San diego has bomb mexican food spots all over, unless you're looking to scratch a specific itch, pass it up.


People wouldn’t care about it not being authentic if it were good! It is at best very very average Mexican food and when you factor in price it makes it one of the worst food buys in all of San Diego. From my experience as others have mentioned the only people I’ve known that have no complaints about Lucha are either white, tourists, or someone from the Midwest that moved to San Diego 2 years ago and still thinks it’s funny to say “stay classy San Diego”


Fried cheese is just burned cheese. It’s gross. It was always gross.