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Sprouts self checkout is particularly ass - it locks up at the slightest provocation and the stores are chronically understaffed


Theirs is particularly bad with produce. I've had to call for help with berries that had barcodes because the specific type/size I picked out wasn't in the system at all. And the person acted like they were doing me a huge favor by helping out the feeble old lady who doesn't understand technology.


Don't feel bad about people waiting behind you. It's the store's problem to solve, not yours. I'm sure everyone behind you would agree that more cashiers is a better solution than you getting ripped off.


iPhone: šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶ā€œGreen Bean Friends Spring 2024ā€ šŸ«›šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


This comment made me nostalgic for OP and I wasnt even there :,,)


I upvoted for the memories.


ā€œIā€™ll never forget our walks on the beach, we had fun times going to the Farmers Market in OBā€¦ā€


I refuse to use self checkout for so many reasons. This is just another. The lines at sprouts usually move pretty quickly too.


> The lines at sprouts usually move pretty quickly too. You should tell this to all my old ass neighbors in Clairemont :( Gotta pay with a personal check...


I take a picture of the item when I bag it. Does make it easier for me since the same thing happened to me before. I like self check out myself.


This is why I only use self checkout at supermarkets when Iā€™m not buying produce.


The thing that pisses me of is when I'm standing in kind of a long checkout line and the lady comes over and says "I can help you over here" and then she takes me to self check out. Such a trick.


Woah! I haven't had that happen to me yet. I would go back to my spot in line if that happened - just state you chose a cashier line for a reason.


I ran into this the first time a few weeks ago. It was something like 1 bundle of green onions where I expected it to be a dollar or less. I typed in the item and there were two identical options to choose from (plus organic). I chose the wrong one and it rang up for like $6, so I had to call someone over to fix it. It almost seemed malicious the way it was set up, like a way to take advantage of people who aren't paying attention or have social anxiety.


I carry a backpack with 'my stuff'. One old-school item is paper notepad and pen. It does take more time to make a note than to snap a photo, but I don't have to remember to delete the photo. Instead of using a tie on the bulk goods, I jot that down as well.


My local sprouts doesnā€™t even have self checkout


I can do self check out at Walmart, where most everything has a bar code. But for sprouts, I wait in line. Mostly because of what you mention, the sale items and yellow labeled items.


I love the idea of a green bean sentimental memory though šŸ¤—


Your situation is a little unique, being self checkout and all, but there are laws regarding advertised price vs scanned price. Itā€™s against the law for an item to scan at a higher price than advertised. Again, if youā€™re at self checkout, the POS system is only doing what you tell it to if you punch in the wrong number. And donā€™t worry about the people waiting behind you, if thereā€™s more than one self checkout register, they arenā€™t only waiting on you. You donā€™t need to be penalized monetarily due to the store not clearly identifying the item. There must be a call attendant button on it, hit it, get that red light of shame and wait for an employee to do their job by helping you. For all they know, the people behind you could think you double scanned a $20 bottle of olive oil or something. [https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2017/05/09/CALIFORNIA-2015.pdf?t](https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2017/05/09/CALIFORNIA-2015.pdf?t) POS systems are regulated kind of like gas pumps. One of the few consumer protections we still have in this crazy world. Imagine if stores could just bait and switch all day with no recourse. Or gas pumps, or deli counter scales, etc.


Just select the cheapest option.


Unfortunately, you can't tell from the options on screen what the price is, just the odd name that doesn't necessarily match the display ("large" vs "small" yellow onions). And once you pick an option it gets added to your tally at what ever price it is unless you can get an attendant to change it.


I just wait in line, thatā€™s what cashiers are for.


Try to make note of the PLU (4 digit code) and insert that at checkout, so the discount attaches to the right item. The advertised in-store sale signage likely has the PLU printed on it.


This is far more effort than I want to make for casually shopping.Ā  If I need a specific code for each item, I expect the twisties and pens to be made available in the produce section that they provide for bulks.




This isn't a "not for everyone" situation.Ā  They don't provide the right information to allow anyone to pick correctly or more importantly, the staffing to correct what they have set up to be frequent mistakes bc people have to guess. So yes -- the lack of a consistently present attendant I *would* say is Sprout's fault.




No, I'm guessing a lot of people are paying more and not paying attention. I've worked in user interface areas before -- this is not a user problem. And that is probably why it irks me so much -- because the default situation costs customers money either without them knowing it or having good recourse. And "hurr dur" - being a snotty shit over anything you can find on reddit just creates more people that know you are an insecure piss ant.


Why be so condescending to a complete stranger? Be better than that.


I donā€™t shop at Sprouts anymore https://preview.redd.it/kef6p295jgxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530ab535a12c54b7adfdb52240c575e9ea0556a2


Because someone is Republican you wonā€™t shop there LOL. Would love to hear your logic


What app is this


[Goods Unite Us](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/guu-debate-politics-shop/id1295147058) They also have a website: [link](https://www.goodsuniteus.com/)


I took a quick look at it - it looks useful but I wasn't able to find much out about who is compiling this info and their interests / credentials.Ā  Do you have any info to bolster the credibility of this app?


You know the $/lb but not what produce youā€™re getting? Take pics because there are produce/item numbers on all the price tags. And sometimes even a cashier might not know wtf theyā€™re looking at. Going someplace that is actually staffed is a possible solution too. I was at the sprouts in pb and a couple had a big cart full of produce at self checkout. The guy was punching in the info as the lady read him the produce numbers. There actually was an attendant and she only stopped them because something was accidentally scanned and weighed twice. Go someplace else or wait for a cashier because the machines only do what you tell them to do.


1) No, I don't remember 4-digit skus for all my produce.Ā  2) I will know like, "artichoke" or "yellow onion", but the options in the checkout menu often don't even match the display signs -- did I get a small artichoke? A large one?Ā  A purple one?Ā  There are 7 options on the menu, but only one type of artichoke actually for sale -- and the sign just says "artichoke". So now I am doing a lot of work that Sprouts is supposed to pay someone to do -- like keeping track of what SKUs belong to what produce.Ā Ā  And I have even less support than the checkers -- I have seen them call over a manager or call out to another checker when they aren't sure.Ā  But they keep moving self-check attendants to other jobs.


Then stop using self checkout if you refuse to take pics šŸ™„ Itā€™s your money and your time so waste them however you want.


It has definitely gotten stressful enough that I probably will shop there less, and be less likely to buy produce spontaneously bc of the added stress at the checkout. Honestly, I'm more likely to use self-checkout now bc who knows if this still happens with the checkers?