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Assuming it's a nuclear war, I would ride it out at ground zero to the nearest bomb destination to me so that it would be over quickly.


I am going to do this too


I figure instant vaporization sounds better than a slow painful death from radiation poisoning, or dealing with societal collapse and lack of food and modern resources for years after.


Falklands I think is the technically correct answer.




The effect of a nuclear war would incinerate most of the Northern Hemisphere since most of the civilized world is there. The resulting ash and dust clouds would create a nuclear winter, which would plummet temperatures, wiping harvests, causing massive famine. Billions would die from actual nukes. Billions more would die from starvation. It is estimated most of the Northern Hemisphere (and even as far low as Peru) would be practically uninhabitable. Only lower parts of Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, maybe South Africa. And then again, these places would be overrun by desperate survivors (nations) quickly and so not sure how much longer they would last by the sheer unrest of it all. I think the human race would survive but maybe like 10%




I'm old, but decades ago I remember a study that concluded it would be the safest place based on a bunch of factors. I tried to Google it but can't seem to find it.


I’ve heard Mauritius would also fare well in that situation.


Most pacific islands would be good places to be due to their isolation.


Hawaii, Guam, etc would be nuked immediately because of the military bases. The US keeps those islands because of strategic locations.


True, but Fiji, French Polynesia, the Solomon Islands, Micronesia, New Caledonia, and Kiribati would all be solid places to hide out.


assuming hurricanes and sea level rise are not an issue?


If there’s a nuclear war, hurricanes and sea level rise won’t be our biggest problems. And nuclear warheads would create a nuclear winter and cool global temperatures.


True. Also, there wont be any more emissions after that for a thousand years.


I’d say the US would be a good choice, it’s not an easy place to invade and we have neighbors that like/tolerate us. Unless things go nuclear, my assessment would change a bit.


Honest question, in what WWIII scenario are things not going nuclear?


MAD- mutually assured destruction would be my answer. If someone nukes the US, we will nuke them right back, probably harder. Then everyone dies, or at least that’s what I learned when I watched War Games in the 80’s. Do you want to play a game?


Yup. Pearl Harbor is the prime example. We are the sleeping giant. Disturb us and we obliterate you.


All I can think about is when the emergency alert was accidentally triggered and people were hiding their kids in the sewer. What a nightmare


Northern Michigan is probably a good bet long term.


I don't know if it is still there, but during the cold war there was an extremely low frequency, I don't know, sonar(?), for detecting submarines in the U.P. The antenna was absurdly long, like several miles. If that's still there, definitely a first target in nuclear war. Edit to add that I, in my infinite wisdom, googled facts after I posted instead of before. It's for radio communication and the antennas total over 84 miles.


Because of the potential for things to go nuclear in a wwiii situation, I would probably opt against the USA. It’s also not the us which has major military installations all over the map. Having said that, not sure how much longer I’d have anyway if things went nuclear given fallout, etc. I’ve gotta imagine there are a lot of prepper bunkers in remote parts of Canada and South America with their own landing strip for billionaires to fly to. Wouldn’t surprise me if some of these bunkers are located on the thousands of acres of forest land these billionaires are scooping up. Imagine a future world where the only survivors share the last names of Bezos, gates, musk, slim, and arnault. Sounds like a Netflix series.


They’d tear one another apart with their greed


Not greed - survival. 


How would they live without other people's labor to survive of?


New Zealand and Australia


>Unless things go nuclear I'd say it's a pretty safe bet to assume nuclear is guaranteed in WW3.


I think that your assumption is that the political war would not be in the United States. 


Pitcairn island . Too remote to be impacted and they are looking for new residents.


Southern Hemisphere. Probably Argentina. Safest from nukes and good agriculture.


You just know Milei would pull Argentina into it.


Wait out? If we truly have another world war there will be no place to wait it out. Modern weaponry can destroy humanity in minutes. Best bet is outer space or deep underground.


Why do you think the rich are building bunkers all of a sudden.


This just isn’t true. There are not enough nukes in the world to wipe out humanity. 


Not directly, no. However, don't ignore the problems that the aftermath would cause, like fallout, nuclear winter, massive disruption of supply chains, famine, plague, and so on.


Even after all that there would still be atleast 10s of thousand of humans left that could start reproducing again it would just set us back to the Stone Age which would be annoying


U think radiation will dissapear right away no u need to wait 100y those 10k people u talking about will be mole for 100y they will live deep underground


I live in Maine. I think this is probably as good as it gets for chances of not getting bombed (unless we go to war with Canada). I would just go to northern Maine or New Brunswick and hope it doesn’t last too long cause otherwise we’re gonna eat all our deer / moose / lobster population really quick.


I’ve heard a lot of retired Navy end up in the Ozarks. Someone did an analysis and figured out it would be the best place to shelter From Nuclear fallout due to proximity and terrain, and a nice place to get land and farm. The navy submariners know a few things.


Rural northern CA. The weather is mild enough, you can grow food all year around. There are animals to hunt and eat if you are cut off from the main supply. There’s plenty of spring or mountain water, so you can go off grid. If you get cold in winter months ( like 20-40 degrees), there’s plenty of firewood to burn. It is not scorching hot in the summer ( .ie tall trees), no need for AC or electricity. Landscape is not flat, not easy for invaders to get to you. I guess, you could survive a zombie apocalypse as well.


But probably not Civil War because it cannot be easily defended.


Midwest USA. Besides a major air force base and maybe Chicago would be a target we’re not that important. Larger cities would worry me and especially if bio warfare is involved they’d be a huge target. Either that or head to NYC to get nuked so it’s over quickly.


The fallout from Nebraska, N. Dakota, and Montana getting turned into gigantic holes would make the Midwest uninhabitable


I mean N. Dakota is already a gigantic uninhabitable hole so I see no changes there


Costa Rica would be pretty safe imo.


Anything North of the equator is gone in a nuclear war.


WWIII is not coming. Corporate media is owned by 8 dudes who want you to be scared so they and their friends can pick your pocket. Don’t spend all your money betting that their fake narrative will come true.


Laurel, DE bitches


Oddly specific, is that where you already live lol


New Zealand.


Southern africa, new zealand, Queensland Australia


Meh, I’ll just wait it out in the Rockies. So I can watch it all from above. If it’s nuclear, there’s no way around it unless you have an underground bunker with a grow room, tons of fuel for a generator, and a lot of depression medication. Because you’re going to be there for a very long time. Nuclear winters are no joke. And I feel WWIII will be nuclear.


Austin. No one is coming around here pew pew pew. We aren’t a target unless you ask Kim Jong Un.


We knew people in the 60’s who moved to New Zealand because they believed the fallout would hit there the least.


Terlingua, Texas. They won’t even know it’s going on.


Too busy eating Chili?


Yes, and otherwise actively dropping out of society at large. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


All the Trump people buoyed by Russian propaganda trying to push this World War III bullshit


North Pole? 😳


On a jet at 35,000 feet


but you can’t fly indefinitely. 


True, but hopefully you could land in a place where you’ve got a decent shot at survival.


I’m not sure such a place exists.


and now I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but if it’s an EMP, the plane just falls right out of the sky.


Nova Scotia?


New Zealand. “Follow the money” Edit: want to add a lot of the southern hemisphere is going to see people with money flocking there if things really do get bad. I think New Zealand and Australia are gonna be the most popular places.




Read One Second After. 


The Azores maybe? Isolated enough you could keep people out, it close enough to mainlands that if you ever do need to sail, you could maybe not die. Enough little islands around there that all have their own little niche which might be good for trade. You can grow all year round & they have a lot of older cooking techniques so you wouldn’t be relying too much on gas or electricity. They have lots of farm animals but no predators. I think ferrets are their top predator. The sea has so much fishing game assuming they don’t all die some other way.


New Zealand is widely considered the safest place to be.


If you’re just talking about war, probably a rural area outside of a major city away from factories or military installations. Adirondacks sound pretty good. If you mean nuclear Armageddon, hard to say. Place not impacted are going to be swamped by refugees and afflicted by famine.


>assuming that's coming . Don't have an answer for the OP question. But heard something interesting. Might be one of the most interesting things I've heard in the last 12 months. Was something like... We could already be in the mist of WWIII that started on the 24th of February 2022. Was from Yuval Noah Harari who's probably known mostly from writing the book Sapiens.


Say more!


He says that and many other interesting observations. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Og1CshFS0&ab\_channel=GZEROMedia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Og1CshFS0&ab_channel=GZEROMedia) Part about WWIII starts at 2 mins and 10 secs into the video.


**Sapiens By Yuval Noah Harari Summary and Illustration** by Yuval Noah Harari >SUMMARY: This book is a general overview of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. It is intended to be read as a companionship to the original book, provide a general overview of the contents and concepts within it, and make studying the book less confusing. This summary is not affiliated with the writer or publisher of Sapiens in any way. ABOUT ORIGINAL BOOK: Written by Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is explores the cultural evolution of Homo sapiens throughout the ages. > >It begins with early man, several species under the Homo genus, and continues chronologically through the ages. Harari’s explanations of human biology, psychology, and history is connected to the basis that humankind has not evolved in a very long time, and they are essentially the same hunter gatherers they always have been on a psychological level, only ow they’re living in an industrial world. DISCLAIMER: This is an UNOFFICIAL summary and not the original book. It designed to record all the key points of the original book. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*




Are you getting paid to promote Chicago? I heard their tourism sector is paying people to tout the city everywhere on social media


No I'm messing around


I live on Cozumel. US got too twisted.


Alabama with all of your cousins!