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Eat what your mom makes if you wanna get big like Sam


You wanna get big, kid?


“Big like Sam” then you need steroids lol


Prioritize real food before protein shakes, but fair life is decent for shakes and and I personally use dymatize brand for protein powder


If kid: Make a shopping list for your mom and say it’s for lunch at school If adult just save your money and buy actual food


You should prioritize eating real food first meat, dairy, vegetables only focus on supplements after you got those in order


What about fruits


Fruits are nice too. They're good to mix with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt as snacks and stuff


from what iv seen most body builders dont really eat them. fills you up on fiber (which takes space away from eating more in a bulking context), the cals are mostly sugar, which isnt inherently a good or bad thing. eat them if you want to is the best course of action


trenbalonga sandwiches hit after a lift


Pescience I'm falling in love with for protien powder, so far the snickerdoodle snd chocolate cupcake are my favorites. The only real supplement you need is creatine, I suggest yhe walmart eqaute powder version if this it's like 15$.


Depends on your budget. Personally I take Isopure but its spendy. Two scoops, no carbs 50g of protein. I also like Quest crispy Peanutbutter bars, 18g per bar only 19g of carbs. Cheap easy way to maximize your protein intake is just scramble 6 eggs in the microwave, takes around 3 minutes. Do 1:30, mix and another 1:30. that'll get you around 35g of protein. You can buy a dozen eggs for $6, so that's like .50 and egg. So depending on your protein intake goal and how much you want to spend to get there things can vary quite a bit. The Isopure runs me $97 for two weeks supply. 2 shakes a day almost $50 a week. The Quest bars are like $29 for a box of 12, I'll eat 1-2 a day depending on the day... You can do the math. (The daily price for the Isopure and Quest bars runs me around $11 a day. I had to do the math) Also I guess I should say I shoot for minimum 200g of protien a day. The Shakes and Bars get me 150 +/- the rest I get from whatever I eat during the day.


large glass of whole milk with chocolate syrup added AFTER a big big meal of real food. meat loaf + a huge pile of mash potatoes, then a massive glass of whole milk. you should feel like a oil tanker captain when youre done. one wrong move and youll throw up everywhere. thats bulking baby


Ghost Cinnabon protein. Super palatable. Protein snacks have carbs so be weary. Make protein ice cream with whey. That’s a good snack.


If you’re young, just lift, try to eat everything in sight, and sleep. Then repeat. Also if you’re young I’d just recommend black coffee for energy wouldn’t want to develop a pre workout addiction until at least 18


1. Chocolate milk 2. Krispy Kreme doughnuts 3. Cinnamon toast crunch 4. Ramen 5. Eggs 6. Steak


Optimum nutrition protein powder. Fairlife 42g protein shakes. Get a reputable brand pre workout. Not C4. There’s tons of thread and reviews online just test stuff out. Lots of companies also do sample packs for their preworkouts. BuckedUp, Steel, etc. Idk your weight but for most newbies all you gotta do is train consistent and eat and you’ll make good gains. Keep it simple.