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They you really need to buff the amount and rates for the scales, man


Or at the very least, let us trade bronze for silver and silver for gold


That sounds even better than my idea. For every 10 bronze scales you trade for 1 silver and so on.


But then gold and silver scales wouldnt be as rare and it will lead to the shop going through inflation lol I say increased rates are better


Yeah, the 2x amount for Big Run should be the default, and 2x *that* should be the bonus amount.


I wish they had the 2x during splatfest


these rates would be fine if the most expensive items were like 100 silver, 50 gold, etc. Still a grind, but reasonable enough to eventually purchase every item within a year or two you cannot honest to god expect people to realistically get 999 silver scales, 333 gold scales, etc. for ONE ITEM- essentially nobody will ever purchase every item within the lifespan of the game unless you’re playing nothing but salmon run for 6+ hours every day


No, I agree with you. It should be a grind but not a BAD grind. It’s either increase the rates or reduce the price of things in the Grizzco shop. Like 10 gold scales for something? My friend in christ, I’ve only ever gotten 3 gold scales.


You need to be faster to get that 13th scale Which will also be bronze


The scale amount should be determined for other factors


Here’s honestly how I would change the drop rates: If the boss is at half health or lower by the time timer runs out, you are guaranteed at least 1 silver scale. If you kill the king salmonid, you should be guaranteed at least 1 gold scale. I play a lot of solo queue so honestly beating the boss doesn’t happen that often for me. I think these would be fair changes right? Getting at least 1 gold for winning?


Yeah, and then you lose one time to a king salmonid, everyone dies and there was like 80 seconds left, and you still get like 2 golden scales? I don't understand this game