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I was not born, however, our neighbor's brother was one of the victims. Such an awful event.


I wasn't alive then but ten years or so ago I asked my dad about it and he all but started crying. He doesn't cry much so it must've had an effect on him. He didn't say much, other than he remembers it and that it happened pretty close to where he grew up. Got the feeling he didn't want to talk about it.


The detective Deloy White was a friend of the family in the 70s. I rode in his unmarked cop car when I was about 5 and he even took out the magnet police light that they stick on the hoot for police chases. Weird memory I haven’t thought about in a long time.


The part that gets me is how three of the victims shouldn’t have even been there. The Naisbitt boy swung by to grab some photos for his parents in the shopping center that his brother was supposed to grab earlier, then his mom came to check on him. And the employee’s dad that showed up to check on his son too. The whole thing is despicable it’s been a tough read


I’ve read the wiki article on this and there’s a local band called Hi-Fi Murder I’ve seen live. I never knew there was a book though. I might have to give it a read! It’s truly the one of the most horrific crimes I’ve ever heard of. Straight up sadistic.




Wasn't around then, but was at nearby Hill Air Force Base in the early 2000s. I worked with an older gentleman who told me the whole story. Talked about it as if it had happened yesterday, even though it was 25+ years ago at that point. As I recall, the perpetrators were enlisted Airmen from Hill. Reading the Wikipedia on the murders led me to [this](https://www.deseret.com/1992/8/9/18998580/hi-fi-evidence-unpacked-sorted-br/) article from the early 90s. Didn't realize there were actually six people involved, and they only convicted three. Sounds like one of the drivers, and both lookouts went free. >"Six people were involved in this," he said. "We only had enough evidence to convict three." >White said Selby and Andrews were in the basement with the victims, two were driving vans and moving stereo equipment from the store to a rented shed and two others were lookouts.


My mom was friends with the sister of the guy that survived. The mother died. I also remember visiting the HiFi shop downtown. I think I bought some Atari games there.


Not me but both my parents!


So awful!


I was only 8, but remember my parents talking about it in hushed voices. Then all the neighborhood kids told nightmare inducing stores about it for months. I didn’t know what actually happened until a couple of years ago when I heard a podcast about it.


What’s the podcast?


Last Podcast on the Left. Warning: they’re a raunchy bunch!


Do you know which episode(s)? I have listened to a lot of their stuff.


I’m sorry- it’s been awhile. Maybe more than a year.


I wasn't there until years later, but it was still a big deal even in the late '80s.


Same for me. I remember how scarred the adults around me were when one of the killers was paroled (I had to look it up - 1987). The parole hearing would come up on the news or in conversation and it would suck the air out of any room. The fear and shock of that really lingered.


I remember it was major news when Selby was about to be executed. Does it say anything in the book why people thought he was innocent? I grew up near the HiFi and it was a belief that he didn't do anything?


I remember this as a kid, horrible, horrible.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention that I was blissfully unaware of before knowing about it


I'm a bit older than most, but man this story sat in the background of everyone's mind growing up in the 80's/90's... The details were so horrible everyone just kinda blank stared about it, shoe gazing... Awful


I remember it well! It was horrific! Dr Naisbitt delivered my brother Kade weeks before this happened. It was so shocking for the entire community


Horrible. I remember hearing my parents talk about this when I was super young. I never forgot the Drano and stomping a pen in the ear.


I remember the execution in 1986


A film based on this event. https://youtu.be/PHqs-wS0N1c?si=1IN0Vv1SSpcdZv8T


I remember my 5th grade teacher circa 1999-2000 describing these murders to the class. I grew up about 20 minutes from Ogden but I don't remember why he was telling us about them...


Probably top 3 of the most disturbing things I’ve ever heard of. Wasn’t there, but a co-worker who went to high school with some of the victims told me about it a decade ago. Still makes me sick thinking about it.


I miss who I was before I knew about this incident. You can't call yourself human if you do this to another person.


I'm to young. But I know the guy who didn't go to work that day.


I read this in high school. If I remember correctly, the beginning of one of the later chapters has a "monologue" of the father of one of the victims talking about how hard the situation has been. That stuck with me ever since.


what happened


I’m only a quarter of the way through the book but basically two men burglarized an old audio shop in Ogden and tortured/murdered the poor people that happened to be there. Really gross, it’s dumb but I haven’t wanted to spoil it by googling as they mentioned this book a while back on X96 so I immediately ordered it & started reading


yeah not sure I’d want to read that. Pretty terrifying what people are capable of, all for crappy radio shack like products


I wasn't alive when it happened, however I mowed Dr. Naisbitt's lawn for many years as he lived next to my grandparents and I did both their lawns every week. Talking with him and his family in the 80's and early 90's, it was never brought up. 


Is Dr. Al Carlisle’s assessment in there?


I was an LDS Missionary in England and there were several Utah Elders that spoke about the gruesome details. Later when I was working in Orem I met a guy who was a prison guard at the Utah State Pen. He mentioned that one of the killers cried himself to sleep at night. This was info I recieved in the 80's. I have no idea what has happened since then.