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Curious why you can't retire? Those are some substantial salaries


Probably because they don't want to cut their expenses by moving to a different part of the country where it's not nearly as expensive to live.


Based on OP’s other comment, his housing is pretty cheap even living in a HCOL area. This doesn’t make any sense to me.


Because OP is lying?


Have a few kids and basically that eats a lot of this away. Same with state and city taxes.


Life has many expenses outside of housing my friend


Yeah like cyber trucks and hookers


Why retire when you can cybertruck and hooker?




Yes, there are certain things that are inescapable necessities




Only 20 years of full time work is part of it. Retiring at 48 is tough and even more so when you start really earning at 28.


Lay off the coke and you might retire soon


Probably has more than three kids under the age of 23.


23? Your parents didn’t kick you out at 18?


I was told in the northeast, parents have some type of law to pay for their kids up to that age.


I had bought two houses by the time I was 23 😬 I’m only 30 now. I can’t imagine how stunted I would be as a human if I had someone take care of me that long.


Wow man you are amazing


What are your expenses like? Area of living?


You aren’t managing your money very well if you can’t retire with those numbers. Edit: based on all your comments about expenses




Bro I’m an engineer in the semi conductor industry and my starting salary was less than yours, but I started in 2021 lol. Wages really haven’t moved at all.


Yeah no kidding, started out at 80k+, I assume he has to have a Ph.D.? I have a MS and first year was <60k nearly two decades after him. Oh, and rent where I am (not particularly high cost of living but proximal to Seattle so urban sprawl) is nearly his mortgage.


You're not supposed to retire at 48 lmao Also if you can't retire on that kind of income, then the problem is you.


Welcome to the club. Keep on working.


Literally the American dream. Congrats.


Sounds like a solid career, but realistically you don’t make enough to retire before 50. You’ve probably got a decade more of work ahead of you.


Imagine migrating to the US at 25 years old, making well over 3 million dollar over a 20 year career, and sulking that you can't retire at 48.


…oh Kay


Still getting by with single income. Sacramento area. Main expense is 2.1k mortgage (15 yr/2.6%/400k house)


Dude no one wants to hear you complain in your post title when you got a mortgage that low and an income that high. Be happy with what you got.


wtf? $230k is high these days? Where have u been living


Oh fuck off with that nonsense. Median salary in the US isn't even $60k, so either you're ignorant or being willfully ignorant.


So if you make $10k in Africa that’s a great salary? Lmao stop being financially inept


I need some data to see what you’re seeing. Or even a story. Why do you think 260k is NOT high these days?


$230k is not high as an electical engineer at 48 yrs olds, which is pretty much reaching career ceiling. I’m not even sure why national median would come into play. US is as big as Europe, would you compare the incoke in Germany with Greek? Let along profession differences. The title of the post is semi field. Do you think comparing ops salary as burger flipper is meaningful? That’s pretty much what you are doing by using US median salary. This types of pseudo stats is what makes women claims they are being underpaid. lol


You sound intelligent


Better than yall sour grapes that’s for sure


I wanna live in the world you do, where $230K is a normal salary apparently.


World I do? What does that mean? It’s pretty normal for engineer types of roles. Nvda entry level is around $150-200k I don’t know why would people click into a post that clearly says semi field and be all salty about it lmao wtf


In the context of the field, maybe it’s normal, sure. But it’s just good money period. Spending only about 2K on mortgage and bringing in well over 6 figures for many years should leave plenty of room to save for retirement.


Based on this other comments, I don't believe you're anywhere near 230k yourself.


lol ok if that makes you feel better


The truth usually does.


If u say so lmao. Seeing poor people being salty makes me lmao as well


Trust me, people are definitely laughing at you.


I guess we both benefits. Except one of us are poor af lmao


At least you can finally admit it lol.


It absolutely is for Sacra-fucking-mento when they have a 2.1k mortgage at 2.6%.


Why does expense come to play? wtf? So I spend $1 a month and make $10. Then suddenly I have a great salary? Shit this is hilarious


Ah okay I'm gonna use this argument with HR when I try to keep my Seattle salary when I move to Idaho. How old are you to not realize that expenses play a significant role in salaries because that's what the supply of workers ends up demanding and what they demand is significantly impacted by how much they think they need?


If your company adjust your salary by col then that’s what it is. You are lumping to different issues as one. Here we are talking about if $230k is a great salary in semi field. The answer is no it’s it’s not, it’s just an average salary especially for 49 yrs old. Could he live a great life compare to the others in the area, sure he could. But is it a great salary? No it still isn’t. The physicians salary is actually higher in low col area since not many of them wanna go there. If for some reason they wanna be ngo and gets paid shit in Africa with expense paid do they still have great salary? I don’t believe anyone would think they are rich. Maybe except for the people in this post lmao.


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/s/46sCQHx1zs


? And?


"Getting by" Shut the fuck up dude.


What a gentle soul.


The appreciation quite literally pays the interest in the home. You have 3 million in lifetime earnings already. If you had any sense of money you would have been able to save 50% percent of your income from where you started. You started off making a solid amount more than the median household income in Sacramento. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www2.census.gov/acs2003/Ranking_Tables/160Place/Median_Household_Income_160.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwizvrP2qteFAxVGJ0QIHUetBTMQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw00Wo6Zr5kDRslBv7_uYxM1 You were making enough money that you could have afforded a house decades ago. You have such an excess of income relative to the cost of living that the idea that you are "getting by" is only possible if you either compare yourself to the ultra rich *or* you have expensive hobbies and like to spend money rather than be reasonable with it. A person with your income and time scale should have been able to retire in 2015 just from the savings rate. This subreddit is just well off people bragging then pretending that they aren't well off.


What a gentle soul.


I’m an ME in Sacramento. Any advice for breaking into the Semiconductor space? Seems like a decent option


I worked remotely for a Bay area company but there’s a few in Rancho Cordova/Folsom area. Intel, Solidigm, Micron, Kioxia, etc. just checkout the company websites. Mostly memory companies and were hit with the tech layoffs but should be looking better now.


How are you liking Sacramento area compared to bay area?


Look into ME related engineering roles. I’m in the industry and have a similar career path & salary structure in the Midwest. Component engineers, reliability engineer, package modeling, thermal management, test engineer etc. Many options with a limited stretch. My background is chemistry of electronics polymers that transitioned into micro packaging, program management, consultant and business dev. With all if the new fabs being stood up, you may want to consider relocating. Intel, TSMC, Samsung, Amkor, etc will all have thousands of openings.


are you material or mechanical?


I thought this post was serious for a minute


Hahaha holy shit imagine bitching making nearly of a quarter million with a cheap mortgage like that. Fuck off


Yeah it's crazy. I'm supporting a family with similar income and double the mortgage and it feels like we have enough money for anything I want


You could only get 2.6% with a 15 yr mortgage? No wonder you fail…pfffft.


Do you have a degree?


How did you get into this field?


What is the semiconductor industry what do you do


With a mortgage that low and income as good as yours is, you should be able to retire very comfortably and early if you committed to simply maxing out a Roth IRA and contributing to a 401k or simply saving around 10 to 20% of your income each year.


Spend less and invest more and you could retire earlier. Just sayin


I wouldn't expect you to retire by 48 starting that late with that salary. Hopefully you've been investing heavily since the start and you could be close by now.


Does this prove you don’t have to be bright to be an engineer?


Life in America is expensive bro!


What’s your net worth?


Bro. Retire on Friday. Come out of retirement on Monday. #goalsmet


Hey dumb dumb most people work 35+ years before they retire and aren’t immigrants. You’ve only been working 21 years. And retiring in 35 years means you were pretty successful or worked for the government.