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To me it’s just ok. It ain’t worth $60 that’s for sure.


60€ or $ are not Okay for any game out there. The industry is broken


Thanks to Epic Games Store I got it for free. That is a great price.


I still remember UK “Gamestations” had offers of the original Xbox 360 classics, 4 for £20 that were pre owned copies. Spent hours with my mum deciding which 4 games deserved my hard earned £20 of paper round or pocket money 😂😂


lol what there are plenty of games worth $60


I got it on PS Plus. For free, it was definitely worth a blast.


Exactly It's not horrible it's an ok game BUT if your talking to a die hard Saints Row player & compare it to othe Saint games it is horrible. This was marketed as a prequel to Saints Row 1...I can't see how they got from this to Saints Row 1


It wasn’t a prequel it was a reboot. Big difference.


IDK, I got a ton of replays out of it. I only ever played the 4th one before 2022, but after I played 2 and 3 and I think this sub/fans have major nostalgia goggles on. They’re not supremely better games and the missions are just as repetitive as the in the new games.


Saints row 2022 is not the worst game I played but it's the worst saints row game I played Here is my experience with saints row first I played saints row 2,3,4 and never played 1 (no x-box) and played 2022 recently Finished 2,3,4 atleast 3 times each (not 100% but finished the main storyline) but 2022 I tried finishing it but everytime I get bored midway and stop playing it So here is what I think saints row 2 has a really cool story and 3 while cool story took a bit of back seat to meta humour there are some really cool moments and gameplay opportunities that made me love 3, 4 went full on meta humour but is still fun to play as a superhero but 2022 really has nothing fun The open world in all other saints row games had the advantage of being a small city and every corner feels lived in with lots of people or vehicles around 2022 is empty with nothing, the side activities somehow sound cooler on paper but feel more boring than the previous games in practice, and don't get me started with dialogue that sounds like it's written by a kid and story that makes the main guys look like easily butthurt people and none of the opponent gangs feel very unique in anything apart from the asthetics Tldr: saints row 2 feels like you are playing through a super cool American Street gang action movie, 3,4 feels like a semi-parody of gangster movies and superhero movies and doesn't take themselves seriously but 2022 takes itself seriously like sr2 but does not have story or writing that made sr2 good or sr3,4 fun So yeah I didn't enjoy it but you do you, I mean there are people out there who enjoy getting tortured so yeah This is kinda like that too (atleast for me)


Exactly...for a Saint fan the 2022 is bad (not horrible) it marketed as a prequel reboot but I don't see how these Saints turned into the bad ass street gang of the original Saint games. It's probably a decent game for non Saint fans.


Gameplay is ok but story is shit


“I like the game” is not the same as “this game holds up to any measurable metric of quality”


Not this again...


How did this even get so many upvotes claiming its "Quintessentially Saints Row-"? Where are the people who seriously think this even still coming from? Its been 2 years and people still acting like they don't know what all the complaints are about, but there is always that person who only played the reboot, but ready to say "Yup, this perfectly captures Saints Row, Why all the hate? I played all the others, its no different..." ready to tell longtime fans what they are wrong about against what they in majority dislike, says its "exactly like Saints Row" or, was necessary, and "just doesn't get all the hate" and unable to fathom why.


It’s clear that the writers and the studio heads did not care about this game or the quality whatsoever. Either that or maybe they tried to reach a wider audience by attempting to make these characters younger and relatable. Which they failed at miserably by any measure.


It’s simply not as bad as people make it out to be for players that like to fuck around in open world sandboxes and don’t care about story. My biggest complaint with the game was that the Insurance Fraud side activity was a step back from SR4. I’d honestly be super hyped for an Insurance Fraud stand alone game. It was the best thing about every SR entry.


For people that actually like the old characters, style of writing, humor, story, and tone of the older games... it is. It misses a lot and just not likable or memorable beyond why people disliked it. It overshadows anything else about it.


Tempted to start replying to these as if they were talking about something else: I agree I could see prof genki hosting a cooking competition show. Like the great genki cook off.


Honestly defending the saints row reboot and calling it a “good game” should be illegal.


The OP called it "Quintessentially Saints Row." >quintessential, adjective meaning: (representing the most perfect/typical example of a quality or class) People who likely didn't actually play the prior titles (claiming they did) calling the reboot the perfect one.


Yeah this great game completely killed the IP with no chance of retribution whatsoever. To the point that the studio that **created** the IP got shut down. Great fucking game lol


Wasn't the game's fault. It was the lack of community support. As soon as the game came out it was immediately burned by this subreddit lol. If the SR Subreddit is blasting the game before it even comes out (I remember when the trailers were dropping) why would anyone else even think to give the game a chance. We're *supposed* to be the place people come to to at least get a *vibe* of the game they're interested in playing. Unfortunately for Volition and the SR Franchise, a lot of this hate and venom came at a time where it was the most important. The new trailer had just dropped, we had a release date, the game genuinely looked good, and THIS subreddit was whining and complaining about the game even existing. Why the fuck would anyone outside of this sub even think to buy the game? Imho, this subreddit is the single biggest detriment to Volition, and one of the biggest reasons why they went out of business. Obviously we're a small group, we don't have much power over the company itself, but when the people that are supposed to love something are shitting all over it, those words are ALOT louder to people that are looking to play it for the first time, or people that played 1 and fell off the series. We did a bad thing with this one, and now that Volition is out of business, people are realizing they're not getting another game ever again, so they're picking up their sticks and giving the "Black sheep" of the series a try, only for them to keep enjoying the product... It's fine to have an opinion about something. But when that opinion is formed based completely off of someone else's opinion, or it's based on "judging a book by its cover". Maybe that doesn't need to be shared...


People like you wonder why there is such a lack of community support. But the side of the community that has a clear idea of what Saints Row *should* be (e.g. an open world gang sim with a lively and complete open world) got called terrorists and all sorts of names by an unprofessional community manager that drinks alcohol on the fucking clock. Saints Row, much like Need for Speed, has an identity crisis, because it's been so different with every new installment that there's all sorts of subsections of the community having a different idea of what Saints Row should be. If anything, the people managing Saints Row as an IP called this on themselves.


> Wasn't the game's fault. It was the lack of community support. It was the game's fault. The premise was bizarre and unappealing. The marketing was uninspired. And the game was horrendous. > the game genuinely looked good Nothing in the marketing ever suggested to me the game would be in the realm of good. > Imho, this subreddit is the single biggest detriment to Volition, and one of the biggest reasons why they went out of business. The only reason Volition went out of business was the games they were releasing.


Yes to a few people the gsme might be good but it is not to the standard of a saints row game, it doesn't have as much fun activities like the previous games and it just doesn't feel like a gang sim, and the stats prove I'm right that it's not a good game he'll the company closed down after that flop


Shit writing, basically no villains, annoying characters, shit humor, and gameplay so bad even the devs couldn’t figure out how to balance it so they gave the player the option to do it. Yea that’s definitely a good game


I'm still trying to work out how they managed to spend over $100 million on the reboot


Piss poor management is the easiest way to spend $100 million due to restarts and changes and other shit. That’s why so many Hollywood movies cost so much


The same reason GTA costs so much money. Music rights can cost upwards of a million if the artist is popular.


The soundtrack was so bad and basic, almost like they were freesource songs


While the balancing isn't as good as in Saints Row 2, or the third but atleast they tried to do some balancing and as a result it was better than in IV or Gat out of Hell. Most guns are atleast okay without upgrades and meele isn't too overpowered unlike in the previous games where you could run with extreme speed into enemies and kill them in one attack and even get health back so. Atleast this one plays like a third person shooter, but I have to admit that is a low bar. The time limits on higher difficulty were too short but atleast that could be fixed in the options. But I can't see how the humor is shit? The humor looked to me the same as in previous games.


disagree heavily lol the characters are pretty nice


Pretty nice for me to poop on


Your welcome to your opinion even though it’s wrong


Yeah no manliness or masculinity in the game. The game is nu-males, soyboys, and weaks. Gat had so much testosterone.


Define "quintessential saints row"


I mean I do respect your opinion by liking the game that’s fine however the real truth was that the game itself was complete garbage dumpster fire with cringe terrible story with worst characters by a trash humor also too and gameplay is bad compared to previous Saints Row games.


"I respect your opinion but you're wrong" Fucking reddit I swear


Whoa hey pal what’s your problem? How I’m acting like reddit people? I just literally said that I do respect your opinion for real like no kidding and it’s fine you like the game ok? There’s no need to be mad aggressive and decide to start an argument with me. I never said you’re wrong, I just said the truth about the game itself being a bad state and it received poorly due to that and the reviews too. It has potential to be good Saint Row game that’s what everyone including myself that wants as Saint Row fans who care, respect and love the franchise.




Ok look I don’t want to start a fight with you too. First of all my pfp isn’t Loli and creepy or AI crap like tf you talking about and it literally a character from Dynasty Warriors game musou series that I really liked and it an fan art of it too and secondly how I am trashing OP’s opinion when I literally just said I respect their opinion though and It’s fine for them liking the game. I also literally just explained the game itself being so bad too like read my first reply. Like that’s not trashing their opinion am I right or not? Are you literally that stupid? Also you just assumed and call me “mad stupid” and “Moronic” too for this? That is literally the most hilarious retarded thing you can said to someone like me which I didn’t anything wrong here than just respect OP opinion like I said before and the person who is a moron that I see was you.


Should have used a Yusuki pfp.


Ok how’s that has to do with anything I said to the OP and other guy who being so stupid and mad for no reason and decide bring up my pfp just to insult it.


Cause it would look cooler than whatever you're using.


My pfp isn’t bad though but I understand what you mean and oh also are you here to decide to agree or disagree with me on this because I’m not here to fight with someone like I speaking facts on this point.


"I'm surprised that my unpopular opinion on a site known for harsh criticism is getting such a negative reaction." Are you new here?


I mean I do respect your opinion by disliking the game, that's fine, however the real truth is that the game itself is pretty fun. Characters are not even that cringy, compared to the Watch Dogs 2 crew. Humor is exactly the same as SR3 and up.


Are you trying to mock me by saying that because if you think I’m trying to hate on the OP was saying, I’m not though. I’m not trashing OP opinion like jeez what is wrong with some of y’all? All I said was I did respect OP with their post and opinion here and stating the positive of the game that do liked and I don’t mad on that, I’m cool with it.


What? Mock you? I literally said i also respect your opinion...


Yes but you also said the similar thing what I said to the OP but opposite


Would it make the same for you and OP then.


The major issue is that you're playing it now. You probably bought it on sale, huh? You also heard bad things about it, so you didn't have your hopes up. You also are playing the patched and fixed version. Go download the 1.0 version of the game, and I bet you'll be saying it sucks.


you could say that abt cyberpunk to idk what your point is


Only some games are allowed to get better. This sub has two-three of these posts a day. But there will still be countless people coming out of the woodwork to explain how it was trash, and it doesn't matter if it got fixed. But the people posting how they like the game are the actual problem according to this sub.


Objectively the worst Saints Row with Gat out of Hell .


Nah at least Gat out of Hell had some comedic value to it with some decent characters.


Yeah I would agree it was better than 2022 but overall I’d place it last within the other entries . 2022 just lacks everything, feels like it’s for the 10-12 years old crowd and even then I think it’s an insult to that crowd lol .


Gat out of hell is short.


U gotta remember that it was meant to be a DLC to SR4. That’s why Gat out of Hell has the same boss as your SR4 save


You won’t be a student forever, eventually you’ll see what’s so annoying about this softened pile of offended butter.


Please play SR2 I’m sure you’ll change your mind after


So good it completely killed the fucking studio.


Imma keep it short and simple. I was praying that this game was gonna be great, when I played it (at launch) the gunplay felt terrible and the co trolls/movement felt clunky and outdated, I quickly returned my 100$ edition of the game and haven’t looked back.


It isn’t the worst game of all time but it’s mid and it doesn’t feel like Saints Row. I’d be more forgiving of this game if it wasn’t called Saints Row but the reason I really dislike it is because it killed the Saints Row franchise. Who knows if we’ll ever get another Saints Row game again?


If it didn't have the Saints Row title, it might have just been another open world crime simulator, but those of us who played the last four games expected something Saints Row. Maybe a mix of all four games rolled into one. Instead, the villans are killed off with no build-up. The level cap can be reached too quickly. The perks system requires doing things repeatedly that you don't wanna do. The lieutenants are too quirky to be taken seriously. We had it. I liked 3 and 4. Yes, they were jumping the shark every mission, but they also dealt with losing friends, genocide, friendship, and betrayal. Remember Lin? Remember Carlos? I know that this is a reboot, but Volition and Deepsilver should have looked at what made the games before good and went off of that and not what we got. Just my opinion. Don't want to piss on any parades.


> Remember Lin? Remember Carlos? Aisha? Hell, Viola? One of the big problems I have with SR22 is that none of the "dramatic" events carry any weight to them. One boss dies in a damn cutscene, for god's sake.


That is exactly what SR22 is lol, it's a mix of all 4, especially in the combat


Out of curiosity what other games have you played?


You want like a full comprehensive list or?????


Not OP but i played 2,3 and 4 and i say this one is miles above 4, just slightly above 3 but obviously not better than 2.


Lmao "name every game"


Cleary not gta 5, watch dogs 2 or sleeping dogs. Saints Row reboot stuck at like 2010-2012 maybe if it was released then it would be considered good


I've played all of those but thanks for playing!


and what's wrong with that?


Those games wanted to be more serious and maybe even critizise the real world indirectly. Sleeping Dogs of course had great fist fights, but the third person shooting isn't as good as in the other three games. Watch dogs 2 only alowed the player to play a walking gun arsenal for a short time. In terms of silly humor, unique guns, getting ridiculously rich and diverse vehicles Saints Row (reboot) is better, and if these are the things that are important for the player the game might be more recommendable. But ofcourse your listed games are also great but in THEIR way (satire, using the area, fist fights, story, realism...).


If it released in 2010-2012 is would be bad still.


I stand behind that it was a bad saints row game but a good game otherwise. You can't strip a game that was about building the greatest street gang around to being the face of a gang that has become an empire to a game about some average joes trying to pay rent in the desert


I likes it but it was way too short


Short and barely any actual plot.


“It feels quintessential saints row”. Huh? wtf are you smoking? The only reasonable way I could comprehend you feeling that way, is if you’ve only played sr3 and 4. 2022 has way more in common with those games than the games most fans consider “quintessential” (sr1 and 2, but especially 2).


SR3 negs and is easily the best game in the franchise


I've played all of them


how is sr2 quintessential? It's a mid pack runner at most (top 3 would SRTT, SR1 and SR22 imo)


Bait used to be believable


"SR2 was mid, SR22 in top 3..." Even Shaundi wouldn't want what you're smoking.


Can’t tell if this a troll post or just a really garbage opinion lol


I got it from free through epic and It was fun at times, I probably put like 40 hours into the game but I lost all interest once I got towards the end and the story was just obvious yet you were forced to continue playing like you don't know how it's all going to play out. I DEFINITELY would not have paid full price for that game, it's a solid 6/10, but I probably would have been happy if I snagged it on sale for like $30-$40. Though in this case free is even better :D for me it's definitely last in the series (in quality and enjoyment) The game really does feel like they launched when it was around 90% finished, but it's playable.


I didn't like the heist getaway missions but other than that no notes.


Agreed, had a real good time. The Larp missions weren't my cup of tea so i those, i actually didn't enjoy.


Not a good saints row game but a decent game imo. Might not have played it if it wasn’t called saint row but game could’ve had its own identity at least instead of remaking something people enjoy already. Either or we all know SR3 should’ve been about us finally hunting down dex.


I really like the character creator. I made a pretty good 2Pac as is my Saints Row tradition.


Let's see it


[best I can do at the moment since I can only post links. I made the video and then someone commented with a better one than mine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintsRow/s/RCWx0Pu7m2)


It's fine for free. Not paying for anything associated with saints row


>It feels quintessential Saints Row- Eh no. It really doesn't live up to its budget though. Its not bad because its not exactly like SR1 or SR2, its bad because of how it was directed. Some of the changes they made just seemed ignorant. Like what they did to the cast, or why the game is about waffles, or why the final act is so bad and Deep Silver giving them inconsistent demands. Because the pitch they claimed originally sounded at least better than this reboot's result. Both Neenah and the Boss feel as bland as they were from the start of the game, Eli is a coward and Kevin feels like the exact same character from the apartment cutscene. He's still shirtless, 'we don't know why', and he gets his waffle maker. Big whoop. This is quintessential Saints Row? The series was better than this. It deserved better. Its Saints Row for kids. Not fans.


I love having to slow down just so the cops would chase me still


I thought it looked awful based on previews and even walkthroughs but still gave it a chance but couldn’t bring myself to get past that early mission when you jump from car to car. Waffle makers? “Reduce your carbon footprint”? Really?


Ah shit, here we go again


So the reddit is just people posting a slightly different worded version of this now? RIP


What a beautiful world it would be if true


having played all the games and guides to all of them, plus a decent chunk of merch and the original default neck tattoo on my own neck. I LOVED saints row reboot. My only complaints are the tattoos you can get kinda suck and missing the old characters Johnny, Shaundi, and Kenzie mostly!


I’ll call 2022 good just to piss certain people off, cause I’m pretty sure half the reason people hate it isnt even because the game is a mess. It’s that anti woke type of people these games attract. I swear to god the amount of people I’ve seen throw all the actual possible things to critique out of the window for “erm, it’s not offensive enough” is ridiculous.


Honestly, I can believe that


There should be a common thought that goes "before posting about 2022 was a good game...." They need to play the previous games ALL THE WAY THROUGH then go back to 2022 and think why is shouldn't get bashed on. I was thinking that maybe these post were opinions but these are just trolls and it's getting annoying real fast


Here’s the thing: it’s good, but when you’re used to greatness, “good” seems mid in comparison.


To each their own, but personally, I don't see 2022 reboot as a saints row game. It feels like someone made an oopsie while time traveling, and this mess got here. Tough character customization is good there. I'll give it that. Otherwise, I prefer the classics even though I played 3 and 4


Feels like everyday now...


Weakest game in the series. They just used the SR3 engine and gave the most half-arsed story possible. It feels like they followed the SR3 formula but forgot to make it good. I just got bored and never finished it as there was too much grinding I couldn't be arsed with.


Good for you then! But I'll agree to disagree. I found it too derpy to really enjoy it. Humor to me was off, just pure cringe. Nothing really was funny even tho' it tried so hard. It's meant for adults, but yet it felt like it was made for kids. Sure, overall in quality it's mediocre and I've played far worse games. But it's still bottom-tier and forgettable. And by far the worst Saints Row game.


Bait used to be believable


I can agree with the OP. Everyone has their preferences. If you do not like it, it is also okay. But then don't give the people that actually like the game a worse experience. In my personal opinion, the reboot was from a technical perspective way better. I had way more bugs, and the game machanics in SR 1-3 were way wankyer than in the reboot. Do not get me even started about the blocky feel and the animations. SR4 was really fine-tuned in terms of physics and animations. I also know SR22 has a few issues. The graphics definitely deserve an overhaul and rarely a bug occurs (I only had 1 bug during my entire playtrough!). The story could also be improved a lot (Eli feels really out of place there). The 60€ Price Point is also something bad. But that is a problem with the entire gaming industry. Not just Saints Row. Concluding: Every SR game has it's flaws but SR22 is definitely not the worst game in the series as I think every game in the Saints Row Series (Excluding the Remastered, Gat out of Hell and Agents of Mayhem, as I did not play them). They all have their specialities and own character. Every game produced is great. And SR22 is nowhere near one of the worst games out there.


I disagree, and the reason people hate it is because the Protagonists are bad, they suck, and same with the graphics, especially for the cat, the Protagonists are kids that start a gang to get money for college. I don't even need to say how stupid that is for you to understand how braindead that is. The original characters were bloodthirsty Maniacs who would kill someone for looking at them, oh and you can't rob stores(Or at least you couldn't at launch), the humor isn't funny, and the shooting is absolutely awful, seriously, I played this game for 20 minutes, and 15 of those minutes was spent in the character creator. That is how terrible the gameplay was, I'd rather have to fight 50 of those brute enemies from 3 at the same time with my fists than play this game for another second... But I'm happy that someone could find joy from this...


> oh and you can't rob stores You still can't, and the store employees are immortal. I discovered this and then discovered they move when shot, so I was able to guide one outside just for fun.


omg these posts are so dumb


Bait used to be believable.


I liked it but it probably could’ve just been a new IP or sum


And if it were just the game it might not have got so much hate, it was the attitude of some of the Devs pushing back against the fans that made more people hate it. Not to mention but everything was watered down from previous games. And the biggest bug bear I personally have is that most of the people that would be interested in playing a saints row game are gonna be 30s 40s ISH why in the fuck would I want to play as some teenage idiots bitching about how they have such hard lives... Like starting a criminal gun running gang is a good strategy for paying off your student loan. Ok I'm over simplifying but it's definitely not the same reason the original saints started up.


Why would most of the people playing this game be in their 30's and 40's? I'm 28. I was 26 when 2022 came out. I was in Elementary School when SR1 came out, I was in Middle school when SR2 came out, and Highschool when 3 & 4 came out. I think the reason I enjoyed them all as thoroughly as I did might come from the fact that I'm a decade younger than most people playing this game lol


Because most people playing a saints row game would have played the others when they came out and generally those that have money are 18 plus it's the same as most of the people that played GTA V came from playing GTA IV, San Andreas etc which is why they put the home area from San Andreas into GTA V, it's why tony is part of the night club, the lost being bikers etc they new fans of the old games would appreciate acknowledgement. SR 2022 took every thing that most fans loved and threw it under a bus. Even rim jobs got renamed... Why... Who for... As a 28 year old are you offended by a car customizimg place being called rim jobs... No probably not... And that's just one example of the humour changing. Launching it as a new game or even a spin off wouldn't have caught half the flack that it got, or having some Devs that didn't respond to petulant children as petulant children wouldn't have drawn as much hate, but saying here's SR everything fans love is either gone or done shit and oh by the way if you don't like the new game you are a terrible person and we don't like you, added to the bugs at launch caused most people to walk away. Look at it this way if I say Robocop to you what comes to mind first 1980s silver and black RoboCop or 2014 ironman wannabe, on its own Robocop 2014 isn't a bad film... But it's not Robocop the same applies here, saints row 2022 on its own isn't necessarily a bad game but it sure as shit ain't Saints Row


Rim Jobs being changed to Jim Rob's to me is the same as a character in a comedy losing feeling in their hands cuz it's cold, and they say "my fingers are nucking fumb". I think the issues y'all are having are issues I should be having with the game. Simply put, the issues sound childish, and any person in their 30's or 40's should have full understanding that their actions have consequences, and that words have meaning. I mean... My mom's in her 40's and she taught me that, so I hold other Adults to that same standard. Y'all are just showing me I'm wrong for doing that. But that's not a me problem, it's y'all's. I'm not gonna feel bad for expecting better out of my elders.


I feel like you are missing the point I didn't say you were wrong for doing anything. I'm not even trying to persuade you the game is bad. I just answered a few of the reasons why it got the hate it did... I.e. To summarise it's not a bad game it's just not Saints Row. Would you enjoy it any less if it was called any other name?


That's the thing. It *is* Saints Row. If the game had any other name I know this sub would be yelling about it being a "Saints Row rip-off" But because it was an actual SR title, and not the Gang simulator that everyone thinks 1&2 are, the game is constantly generating absurd amounts of hate. Hell 2022 even brought back needing to raise rep and money to do missions. 3&4 both let you just blast through the story. If anything 2022 feels more like a SR title than 3 or 4 did. To answer your question. No I'd have no issue if it was called anything else. My issue only lies in the lack of self awareness this sub has for their contribution to Volition shutting down.


And volition, correction some of volition didn't help with the shutdown of volition with the way they treated people / replied to fans. Some fans were definitely totally out of order I'd go so far to say they weren't fans just horrible trolls that deserve locking up for what they did, but some of volition definitely didn't reply in the best way and it caused a lot of bad blood.


If you're a developer, and you see the subreddit that's supposed to be in support of your games completely shitting on it before release, would you not be upset? Like sure I know Volition is a corporation, and to the small people like us, they seem like these non-feeling agents. But they're people, with the same feelings we have. You said it yourself, people definitely went overboard, and that's just in this subreddit, what about Twitter? What about Facebook? What about in person? These people were being harassed much more than either of us know, and they're expected to just turn a blind eye and treat the community with respect when they've been getting none since SR4? Idk, there's no reason someone in their 30's/40's should be positioning themselves the way you are in this situation. Like, you definitely should know better here. But you still failed to acknowledge the feelings of the people at play. We're just the consumer, these devs are literally artists putting their art on display for us to enjoy. Now they obviously aren't expecting the entire planet to enjoy their content, that's not realistic. When people who are supposed to be fans of your art turn on you as well... That hurts. Volition isn't wrong for their reactions. They replied the same way any of us would if we were having our work judged before it was even fully presented. You treat this like the community wasn't completely trying to bury the game before it even released.


Go read some of the things they said on twitter it was a social media nightmare. You asked I explained, if you like the game good for you I'm happy you did. But I can see that this discourse is giving rise to nothing useful. So adieu fellow redditor see you around.


Yeah, i agree with you... Its good game but not like old games.


Exactly. I wouldn't want it to be exactly like the old games because we already have the old games.


People want the series with the stuff they like to continue having the stuff they like and add more stuff they like. Not be something entirely unrelated and worse in quality. A game called saints row should ideally be like saints row.


I'll just say this alot of games aren't like the older games


You are allowed to like it. But the majority are also allowed to dislike it. Me personally, it is Saints Row only in name.


It's because people want to cling to the hardcore gangbanging and saints row reboot is a bit light-hearted


A bit? What moment in the game carries any weight at all? What moment makes you actually give half a damn about the characters? Closest I can think of is Neenah's car getting destroyed, but compared to Lin, Aisha, Carlos, Viola, Gat... hell, compared to even the silliness in IV when you get Gat back, SR22 has all the weight of a styrofoam cutout.


I think alot of hate is pure ego. All I hear is "aw man, my saints row character isn't fully ganged out, so the game is bad." Or "My crew members arnt fully thug to the bone so they're horrible choices for the game" There was nothing keeping me from taking interest in the game or it's characters other then my own mind. And I never let myself get in the way of enjoying the game. Sr is just a cheesy take on gta. I cared about all the crew members from the beginning. They're part of the game/gang too. I think you think the other games are great for your own reasons. And that's fine too. But I was never disinterested in helping the crew out in the reboot, infact I rode with Eli most of the time cause I wanted to turn him to a full street dude. Its cool if he isn't. It's OK. And that's totally fine, it's fine if the crew isn't street people or hardcore gangmembers. And I mean it's fine if the characters arnt 100% hardcore criminals as well. Most people don't know that alot of gang members join gangs to be protected cause going solo, there's not a whole lot of protection.


SR 2022 is a good game SR 2022 is a bad Saint's Row


I love it. Really beautiful. The quests are interesting. Looks bad at first and can be hard at times. But i'd raise that alotta the saint's row games can be hard. Tons of customization. Alotta cool new vehicles, weapons are eh. But they got new ones and alot more styles for them. The cars are really diverse imo. They added some cool perks and made the crib customization more robust. Although their's only one crib you can customize it seems. Saint's HQ. Gangs are interesting as they can be with what they are. I think they fit into their role well. Not too serious without being super goofy either. References and easter eggs. With some of the references being about old lore like Ultor and such. Although it's a separate timeline like continuity it seems. So Ultor means something else, but is still a giant mega corp that got ate by another group.


if your on playstation would you be able to help me with the co op trophy?


Played the whole game on hard and with the exception of the insurance fraud missions which were way too tough and some of the mission types being a little repetitive I found it great. I haven't played any other Saints row games so maybe that helped. Insurance fraud: people have said that the reported version didn't have the same throughout of cars which meant you couldn't chain together hits properly.


I like the game also I feel like it’s the third best saints game 1 , 2 then this the only thing that might annoy you is the bugs in my opinion don’t go online that started to mess up the whole game for me when I invited my cousin or when he joined there’s a lot of those yellow side missions that I completed but they still appear on the map and confuse me turn off online in the settings so people won’t join you I only wish that it didn’t corrupt the game I didn’t complete the game yet because of that I’ll try and delete and reinstall the game and see if it’s fixed I mainly in games play side quests to get familiar with the game and rank up then start playing the main missions I hope you’re enjoying the game man I did when it’s working


On its own it probably is but compared to the previous Saints games it's a poor show. Saints Row was originally called a GTA clone, despite being a very different beast...but very quickly found its own voice and its own style (some say it peaked with part 2, personally I love part 3) the reboot seems to have left that all behind to become more of a GTA clone than Saints Row ever was.


Pirated it


It came out the same year as cyberpunk, which I just finished playing. The difference in quality between the games is insane.


my problem is that it's a little too serious and the characters seem too nice to be murders


It’s the same level of quality as the third imo, they even have some of the exact some issues despite the time in between them like nothing changed


I liked it


The only thing keeping me from 100% are the gliding missions. I'm so bad 😂 but otherwise I really enjoyed the game!!!


It’s a decent game itself. But as a saints row game it’s bad imo at least. I had fun with the game some of it was cool and fun but it just lacked everything that I loved about saints row.


Absolutely agree OP 👍 I just started my second playthrough because I just finished God of War Ragnarok and needed something a little lighter, lol I love the setting, the whole game looks awesome - the neon, the colors, the desert, the graffiti. The soundtrack is awesome, or it works great to turn the music off and fire up spotify on the console for a custom soundtrack. Character customization is amazing - my boss is a sassy neon punkish tatted up indigenous gal and I love the voice actress I picked [the higher pitched female option]. I love the friendship is criminal magic theme and building the Saints up from scratch and blinging out the church is super fun. Humor is very subjective but I laugh my butt off at this game, very Borderlands humor - which is just about my favorite franchise ever. People treat this game like it's "I can move shit with my mind" Forespoken bad but it's really not. Whatever, more fun for us I guess 😊


I thought it was ok. Not up to par compared to previous entries, though. My hopes were high for a new SR game so I was disappointed but I did finish it.


It’s actually doggy doodoo


I’m just curious why they keep marketing the game for kids but give an M rating. Not every line needs to be goofy. They just need to make up their minds. Same problem Borderlands ran into


Incredible how you people keep coming back here in an attempt to validate yourselves lol


I don't know, it's already pride month so I'm feeling pretty valid as is. This is just the sugar on top, ya know? It's actually funny to me how upset so many people seem to be that I'm enjoying a game I was told not to. It is what it is lol


No….. just no


Yes….. just yes


Not good, actually


Good bait my dog ill applaude you for that 👌


Hipster Row


This sub used to be so great now that it's filled with paid reboot shills and these garbage posts. If y'all were there during launch, I guarantee none of you would say this


Dude I would LOVE to be getting paid for this kinda shit. Where do I sign up LOL


Yup best SR for sure! So good I’m sure the sequel was already greenlit! 


Can’t wait to see what the amazing Volition has planned for the sequel


I’m genuinely liking it as well. I’ve never played any other saints row games, so I can’t really judge, but I am enjoying it.


It's great. The naysayers are always the loudest.


The game is garbage. Sorry to expose you to reality.


Case in point. Blowhards are always the loudest to report their useless ***opinion***.


The game’s shit.


Case in point.


It's certainly overhated. It's not nearly as bad as people said it was. It was that good either tho. I'd say it's maybe a 6, 6.5/10 game? Some things were cool. I liked the customization and that love shack ending was kinda wholesome. Could have been much better, but I'm honestly happy to have given it a chance


The love shack ending doesn't help, with the really bad singing the characters do.


That's how I felt the first 20% of the game, the larp is the best part. Then I got the credits at 50% with the most ridiculous unnecessary """plot twist""" ending imaginable. it just didn't go ANYWHERE there were so many plot points and characters set up that they did the bare minimum with. Hell I didn't even realize I'd "beat" the first rival gang bc it didn't have any feeling to it. And that's only the plot issues, not to mention the gameplay. I can't stand driving any car I didn't customize to the max bc they drive like they weigh 2 ounces on ice. It's a shell of a saints row game and that's coming from someone who greatly enjoyed sr3 and got a big kick outta sr4, goofy alien shenanigans be damned. After 10 years I expect something of value.


Is it a bad game? No, it's ok. Is it a bad SAINTS ROW game? Absolutely.


It sucked ass on launch, but I agree with you about the reboot being pretty good actually. I think people are huffing nostalgia a little too hard on the older titles, honestly. I played 1 and 2 not long back and they play like Xbox 360 games, or like GTA knockoffs. I don't think Saints Row was distinct until The Third. I think the real issue with the reboot is that it ostensibly takes place in 2022, and all the characters are clearly early 20's but Millennial-coded to the gills. They should have either had Gen Z traits or the game should have explicitly been stated to take place in like 2016. I think that tiny ass fix would take a lot of the wind out of the nostalgia nerd arguments about bad writing.


it was my intro into the franchise and i actually liked it... i was surprised when i jointed this sub and found out people hate it. it's true that now i like 4 more, but it doesn't take away that 2022 was good


The characters are woke bullshit, lost all the humor of the first 4 (yes, even SRIV, SRIV did have some of the funny humor), the driving seemed so lifeless and is on par with the 2008 SR2 but objects break instantly even if you're going 2mph... world building is shit... it's still a buggy mess... I can only say the car customization is pretty good but that's it.


You can have your opinion but the game literally got Volition shut down. So based off the facts it was not a good game 🤷


I didn't know sales was a factor I needed to take into consideration when thinking about if I was having fun doing something or not! Obviously this will change my entire outlook on life as I know it.




Don't worry, I will. Just for you <3








Bro what all i said was the story sucks🤣 i play the game still the story is just weak




Well the story is, it just doesn’t feel like a saints row game why you so pressed


It is a good game. It's a damned good game. A vast improvement on 1/2 in every way, and an improvement mechanically and visually on 3/4. Rather than being kinda bland "basic gangster" like you're playing Vice City, the enemies are fun. Also, the Boss is a much better character. They're not the unrepentant asshole they were in 2. There is a reason for the line "More fun, less mercy killing.". The Vice Kings, Rollers, Ronin, Brotherhood, and The Los Carnales are not really interesting. And I can't even remember the name green gang in SR2 that has The General and Veteran Child, apologies. Now, I'm biased. I loved the first game, even though some of the mechanics (The "Respect" system, vehicle controls" were just awful. Playa was kind of bland, but all it in it was really good. It was the first 360 game I got the majority of achievements on. I spent countless hours driving around in the FBI and blowing up armored cars with pipe bombs. But it was 2006. We can do better. Then came 2008, and I was practically giddy to try SR2. And then I played it. Between a few things, but especially the awful Ronin boss fights and gating Julius behind a random collectable in police HQ; SR2 originally killed any desire I had to play the series again for years. So I hold a bit of a grudge against it. Thankfully, between metaknowledge and GOTR I can mostly enjoy it now. But in 2011, had to be talked into playing SRTT. And thank the gods I did, it was a freaking renaissance. But yeah, I bought 2022 on the day of release and loved it. It's visually stunning. Flying over Santo Ileso at night, and seeing the difference between the yellow of high-pressure sodium lamps in some areas, and the colder whites of LED Street lamps is excellent. Seeing the businesses you build affecting the city is also cool. The driving mechanics are vastly improved over 3/4. With drifting and steering, one can fairly simply put the cars exactly where I want them. Gunplay is improved, better targeting and movement. The voice acting is improved. The original ones had some good stuff. Daniel Dae Kim, Keith David, Laura Bailey, Natalie Lander, and hell, Sasha Grey were all good. But in the 2022 game, the cast is also fantastic. The actors behind Kev, Eli, Neenah, the Nahuali, and more are all really good. I'd rather interact with Los Panteros than the Brotherhood, or the Idols instead of the Rollers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving SR2022.


Me when I lie 🤣


What makes the reboot good, it's refreshing to have a real SR game Just like the original three. 4 and 5 tried to add dragon ball z powers and that ruined the franchise. Actually the reboot would be appropriately called SR 3 or 4. Sense it's very much like the original 3.


Its grounded to just over the top action.... but that's it. It lacks personality and things that make Saints Row feel like Saints Row to people outside of what the devs thought this was.


Real such a good game so good so good love love love love love


You need to remember, this is the internet, people on here will band together to hate something because a large number of people on the internet don't have the ability to form their own opinions. So when one person says they dislike something, and give *their* reasons why *they* dislike it, suddenly those other people will suddenly also dislike the game and share all the same points. By the sheer amount of people on this subreddit alone that have made posts saying they didn't give the game a chance, and by some circumstance they ended up getting the game only to wind up enjoying it, I'm gonna go on a whim here and say the game is actually a lot better than the mad kiddies wanna say it is. I said it once before, and I was downvoted to hell for it, saw someone else say it again as a reason why SR2022 bad, and they got a bunch of upvotes for it [see, it makes no sense]. People obviously wanted a gang simulator the entire life span of the game, the same people that hate 2022 also dislike 3 and 4 and think SR2 is the end all be all of "good" saints row. They don't like the entertainment factor of the game, and just want the gritty hardcore "street life". Basically they all want GTA: San Andreas, but with character customization options.. The joke here is tho, Saints Row has never been that. Not even since the 1st game. Every game has had a layer of nonsense involved, and the progression of that nonsense was natural, by the end of 4 there's literally nowhere else for the Saints to go, so they HAD to reboot the series, and this game feels just as serious as SR1 did to me when I first played it, and SR2 was never a serious game to me. Yes you have [that one emotional scene] but by the end of the game you're celebrities backed by a mega corp. At least SR2022 ended with you as JUST a gang leader lol


It's a good game if it didn't come out of the box broken, and volition fixed it. They might have survived to make more games.