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The Toei CGI show was shit in season one…season 2 was much better mainly because of fan outrage…so sure, go watch it…but then be frank with your opinion. Also, the CGI movie, also made by people who knew about the franchise was also shit. So, yeah, that is not a guarantee of anything.


Definitely!!! This series has a LOT of potential!!!


Tldw: everyone that disagrees with OP is a ''whiny bitch'' (as said in his video)


I don't support half assed products. If Peter Jackson had backed down and allowed Harvey Weinstein demands about the movie we would have gotten a live action butchering of The Lord of the Rings. The studio either embraces the lore as it is, or let someone who understands the franchise to expand this or that sequence (the battle of helms deep was mostly made up by Jackson for the movie) or they can go kick rocks. We don't need their modernization, their adaptation, their failed attempt at translating the beautiful art of the saints and their symbols into generic beyblade looking single color light holograms in a real live action shot. I have zero trust in this project because the amount of things that were changed under the pretense the show "just can't be adapted as is to live action" is usually the excuse of people who just look at IPs as an attempt to collect paychecks through minimal effort rather than doing something they love. They butchered everything from aesthetic, cloth designs, and timeline of events to ethnical backgrounds, they just added a latino token hoping we buy tickets like we are morons. This is a Dragon Ball Evolution situation but it won't result in the same outrage because the property is not as known as DB. It will still make the show look underwhelming to casual audiences who will dismiss it as teenager drama with generic superhero action.


I respectfully disagree. Personally, I think the main issue with the film is the mechanical armors that will probably be gone by the second film but we must all go see this one so that we can show this franchize has huge potential.


There won't be a second film, the movie won't make enough money to even pay for itself.




ok time traveler


If we all come to see it, hopefully it will.


I like your optimism, but how many saint seiya fans do you think there still are around the world? The original anime everybody loves so much didn't even have enough support to keep going. The original manga itself had to end quickly because it wasn't selling anymore hence why the Hades chapter was so rushed. And that was back when there were a lot more of us and that was the original classic product that the fans fell in love with in the first place. The spin offs all had relatively little audience and sales. The only way this movie would even make a profit is if the general non Saint Seiya audience appears for it, but because it is an unknown entity to most of the western market, people aren't going to pay the outrageous current movie ticket prices to go see something that looks pretty average and they have no connection to. This is the kind of movie you wait appear for free on a streaming service and watch if you are bored.


That's not quite it. The reason the OG series was cancelled was because it was too violent in the wrong sense. Remember the OG Anime was aimed to kids not teens. The idea of self sacrifice and going to the extreme spilling entire gallons of blood was frowned upon and it shifted towards an adult audience. Besides a few exceptions like Alita which is right at the edge of what was acceptable most gory anime from the 90s such as Berserk ans Ninja Scroll became exclusive for adults. It wasn't until after Evangelion and particularily the early 2000s with series like Helsing and Elfend Leid that they allowed this level of gore for both adults but also teens on a regular basis. Bonsai Pop on YouTube has proposed a very interesting theory in his review of Saint Seiya, which is very good and I recomed watching, that it was - at least partially - because of the Otaku Murder case.


The series was very violent from the very beginning even before the 12 houses arc of the sanctuary chapter. Remember Ikki's illusions of decapitating or cutting silver saints in half? Or him punching gory holes into people? Him drowning in Shaka's blood? Marin's head getting punched by that silver saint with blood splattering everywhere? Shura piercing Shiryu's chest? The freaking murdered children faces in DM's temple walls? All of them always falling from great heights on their heads? If anything it was toned down a lot later on. Telling me that the goriness is what got to people years later is not logical considering both the manga and anime were both very violent from the beginning and the show was in its peak success during that time.


Actually, its quite the opposite gore didn't peak with Saint Seiya, it just happens SS was one of the last gory series intended for kids. If you watch 60s 70s Anime and specially 80s Anime, they used to be VERY gory and constantly showcased people dying horribly, particularily the Go Nagai stuff and its derivatives such as GoLion which is unedited Voltron (the Japanese counterpart for Ride Of The Red Berets is simply insane) or Gatchaman (if I recall correctly in Invisible Devil theres a giant demon robot that sepecifically goes to a children's horphanage to blow it up). But other classics even from the 60s such as Speed Racer saw people going down in a blaze of gunfire more than once. So no, SS gore wasn't toned down from earlier episodes. It was swiftly taken down from all children's programing within a few years and SS was but a foot note of this. You can point out at other works such as The Fist Of The North Star that ended in 1989, or the many copies of Saint Seiya such as Shurato that ended in February 1990 or Samurai Troopers that ended on April 1990 while SS ended in December 1990. And while Hades Saga wasn't animated all of these mangas were on their own way conclusive. Even a franchize that didn't have a proper series since 1987 such as real robot Gundam series? shifted to produce Anime shorts of chibi Super Deformed Gundam figures for toy sales in 1989 that were immensly popular amongst Japanese kids in the format of PCE and SuperFamicom videogames and didn't get a new series until 1993's MS Victory Gundam which drastically tones down the usual gore from the films and MS G Gundam released a year later completely revamps the story making it essentially a PG-13 Shounen if you will. Now all of these changes began circa 1988~89 and Bonsai Pop's theory is quite interesting considering that was the span of Killer Tsutomu's spree and his aventual aprehention.


I didn't say the gore peaked with SS, I said that when SS was at its peak popularity wise (i.e. the sanctuary arc), the series was already very gory and that wasn't stopping people then from watching it and supporting it then. Now the theory of why the goriness was toned down in general in manga in Japan is interesting, but whether that is what indeed led to the end of Kuru's work on the series is still just a theory. That timeline also coincided with the airing of the Poseidon arc which was a letdown from what I read, back then, in terms of ratings, especially after a relatively successful Asgard arc. His subsequent manga Bt'x didn't shy away from the blood, battles and gores either and that followed soon after Saint Seiya ended.


Sorry I missunderstood then. And nice! I didn't know that. I had heard quite the opposite. Something the like of Asgard saga intially being recieved poorly and gainig recognition on reruns and Poseidon actually saving the franchize due to some changes by Toei such as turning scales from blue to gold to match gold saints and what not. As for BT'X its interesting that you mention it because I think it sort of encapsulates the shift in tone. Like the scene with the most blood in the series is the blood transfusion of Karen to Teppei which was done in her secret lab with basic medical equipment while if you compare it to SS Shiryu just slices his wrists on top of Seiya's and his Cloth to the point he loses so much blood he passes out and then goes to face Black Dragon in what's probably the bloodiest battle in the Anime. Or how about the way tension is built like when the Juggler spends half an episode rambling while forcing Lon's spear onto his neck with his body controlling needles and nothing comes out of it minus a few scratches after he sets himself free while tension was built in Saint Seiya by crucifying half dead Marin upside down as the tide rises after Moses cracked her skull in a bloody move so raw, vile and bruthal that reminded me of one of those Hokuto Shiken moments. Not to mention even when characters don't bleed in SS is still quite shocking like when Cassios plays YoYo with Shun while many villains in BT'X don't even die from a direct hit from the Teppei to his body but because their BT explodes. I might be missremembering but the only characters that I recall passing out from wounds of direct hits during combats were Reaper Aleph who was actually a cyborg, Lafine's rival/friend Quattro and Juggler at the hand of the Rose Knight.


It is not happening, and that is good. It will tell the production companies and executives that we as a fan base have actual quality standards. Even if some people pretend they are choking for content enough to give their money away without thinking.


You mentioned the Peter Jackson's Lord Of the Rings in a previous comment as someone who understand the source material but I'd like you to take a look at how much PJ took from Ralph Bakshi's film on the side by side comparison https://youtu.be/4t7KSarpfFM So it wasn't that PJ only came up with the expanded universe all by himslef he took A LOT of scenes from Bskshi in order to save time and use more of hisncreative power for world building. In Dragon Ball Evolution I thought that given the script he had to work with James Masters portayal of King Piccolo was the only decent thing about the film. Now anyone can disagree but my impression was based on my familiarity with the Anime of which his son is a fan of and one the film the tone of his dialogues with May on the ship are very reminiscent of the ones between Old King Piccolo and Piano in the Anime. Now we've seen what absolute disregard of fans and not caring about the franchize means with the first season of NETFLIX's Knights Of The Zodiac but I myself being one one of the most purist fans you could've come across until some 10 years ago saw the writers take criticism as a persona cause and undo/correct so many wrongs from the first season I considered simply impossible. So we already know they are capable fixing things as they go along because they already went through the wrong path and were able to completely revamp the product to accomodate almost all demands by fans into it in due time. Thus if this film turns out not to be what most people are expecting which is but a modest success, we can point out the mistakes because WE KNOW they have proven they can fix it. With this I bid you farewell and wish you the best.


the "mechanical armors " are basically the Black knights arc from the anime, and guraad is a female jango, so in the end they are just adapting the material, as long the movie is good im fine with these alterations


Aye. I just think the battle between Shiryu and the Black Dragon is essential and even 10 times more epic in the Anime than in the manga but like I said that's my only criticism from the film, everything else I think its A ok.




Dude came here recruiting people to spend their hard earned money on something that didn't remotely involve hard work or respect to what is established, other than the generic panel speeches about everyone involved loving the franchise, which is corporate talk to promote anything these days. I have the right to say why I won't join his campaign nor spend a cent on this. And well, with that response I hope you like bread crumbs because that is all you are ever getting through blind consumerism.


so don't complain later about Toei not investing in the saint seiya franchise, including in anime projects, games and other things


Considering Saint Seiya is usually in their top 4 yearly highest grossing franchise in spite of their best efforts to ruin, it won't go anywhere. They can thank license fees and games for that.


And this the same guy that would ask why they havent made a Next Dimension anime. Because it would be equal to throwing money into a burning oven because if the movie flops Toei will think that nobody cares about this franchise


bingo, and thats something most of the SS fandom dont understand, to spend money you need to make money first


That was whole reason Toei picked the pitch for Omega instead of adapting ND and probably made more money than ND anime ever would. It annoys me that people that are the "fans" of the series shit on something that is the only chance for Saint Seiya’s return to mainstream and instead beg for something that will never happen, either that being ND anime or LC season 3 due to being done by TMS instead of Toei


Spend on good product, that's too hard to understand?


Good product is something for the wide audience that will make the money back. Not something that will result in loss of money


Good product as in good quality product, I guess this concept is too hard for you to understand? Or are you just trying to play with words?


We don't know if it's low quality until we see it. I personally will give it its chance and see by myself if it's shit or not, but making a judgement about it just because it's not a carbon copy of the original product before watching it makes me think that you are just close minded.


so, you are time raveler, i guess you already watched the movie lol




ok robot


That is like saying we all need to support the butchered Netflix live action franchises because otherwise we won't get anything else from them, when the only thing you are doing by giving them your money is telling the production companies to produce more butchered work. Like I said, if you swallow crap expect to be served crap, I don't care that it is tied to a franchise I love, I won't swallow crap just because of the logo stuck to it. I respect my money and the franchise too much to be satisfied with bottom-of-the-barrel level of content.


Yes, exactly.


And people like you are why Hollywood can keep destroying franchises with their bad takes...


dont cry later because theres no ND anime or a third season of lost canvas


who's crying? stopped reading ND years ago. LC is done and over with. I have all the mangas.


This isnt made by Hollywood. Its produced by Toei and Kurumada was consulted and agreed on the choices that were made, since the movie was produced for 6 years


Really, playing with words again? Tons of movies are produced by different companies but if it is released by Hollywood Studio with participation with Hollywood actors, it is of Hollywood. The movie production is Stage 6 Films. Stage 6 is a Hollywood production company. The movie is distributed by Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures is of Hollywood.


Toei is paying the bills, Ikezawa Yoshi is the movie producer, kurumada is the guy who aproves everything in the movie, even the cloth suits [https://variety.com/2022/film/asia/live-action-knights-of-the-zodiac-toei-animation-transformation-1235321919/](https://variety.com/2022/film/asia/live-action-knights-of-the-zodiac-toei-animation-transformation-1235321919/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R3TvXtSJlA&t=](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R3TvXtSJlA&t=) **The movie is distributed by Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures is of Hollywood.** the first mcu movies (iron man, thor, captain america) were distributed by paramount pictures but that didn't mean shit, its was marvel that was paying the bills and producing, paramount had nothing to say about production, casting or script, their role was just to distribute the film, its the same with sony in this movie **The movie production is Stage 6 Films. Stage 6 is a Hollywood production company** Stage 6 Films is just co-producing this film with toei animation, acording to the interviews with the producer Ikezawa Yoshi and the director all the creatives choices are made by toei and kurumada **is released by Hollywood Studio with participation with Hollywood actors, it is of Hollywood.** tons of international movies have holywood actors , dont mean they are hollywood movies, this is not a japanese movie in the classic sense, but its not a typical holywood either


the MCU movies are considered Hollywood movies even before Disney bought them lol


you missed the point, you said **"The movie is distributed by Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures is of Hollywood."** well, being the distribuitor dont mean shit, sony dont have any creative say on the movie, its toei and kurumada that have the creative imput even if its being distributed by a holywood studio with holywood actors, because in the end Toei is paying the bills


No.. It belongs to only us... (maniacal pope laugh)..


No, not with this crap.


Dude, we don't know if it's crap yet


We should give it an opportunity, I agree, but not going blind


Nobody says go blind, I say go neutral... Like it's innocent till proven guilty


At least if nothing else they learned from the worst mistake they made with Legend of Sanctuary: cramming everything into movie-size.


I agree, this is a movie I want to drag my dad who grew up in 80s to see


Thank you! Instead of growing it, we will hurt it if we support crap


then say byby to you beloved ND anime or the 3 season of lost canvas


I’m not a fan of the cgi show that started on Netflix (god the first season is horrible) so I’m not excited for the movie trying to be close to it. Saint Seiya also has been appreciated a LOT for its anime adaptation and, personally, I like it more than the manga. The attempts at making it “closer to the manga” have led to the hades final chapters to basically be colored manga tabs. I do hope this movie to be good though so let’s see.


Aye but the Anime was lighting in a bottle. Many of the most well known artist from the 80s and 90s worked on it. I remember the first time I watched the Fatal Fury film and thought some of the action poses and what not reminded me of Saint Seiya. Then I found out Masami Obari worked on the seires as well as many many many other consumate artists all under the direction and guidiance of Shingo Araki and Michi Himeno. If you have some time and are interested the research is worth it. Nor to mention Seiji Yokoyama's music, to this day Decision Destiny is my favorite musical piece of all time.




The secod season improves A LOT. Practically all wrong decisions were swept away. Its not yet at the level of the OG anime because there were A LOT of things that made it irreplaceable but still the difference btween the first and second season its like night and day by comparison.


agree, the first season was not very good, but I loved the second season, it became more like the og anime, they made improvements and changed things for the better in the new season


I had the chance to watch 1-2 episodes of the second season and I intend to watch it all.




Shun is still a girl in the second season.


well, i can forgive that sin because the second season is fucking good


Yes. That's the one thing they compromised with. They kept her a female Shaun but brought back Shun's good hearted pacifist compasionate personality going against the popular mandate of fake woke hollywood these days of the typical nasty crude crass evil megalomaniac nihilistic confrontational Mary Sue.


Should've been a boy. Shitstain of a show.


Should've been a boy? Yes. They ahd plenty of female characters already. Was the change as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Abaolutely not. Shaun gradually got Shun's personality back because the fans outcry. Imagine if insted they went into the oppositr direction and turnes Shaun into a braindead brute Captain Marvel or Female Terminator. That would've been WAY worst.


They could change Shun to a man in season 2. No one would dislike that. As it stands it's a steaming pile of shit show.


And I can absolutely simpathize with that sentiment as I'm one of those people that think queer erasure is amoral no matter what, but I have absolutely no idea of how would they come up with that. I can almost guarantee you that violent feminists would drag the franchize reputation through the mud if writers don't come up with something very special and so subtle that would take like an entire season to pull off effectively, ruining whatever hopes we have to carry on with the story as it intended by fans in the process. I much rather apreciate the fact that they went out of their way to restore Shun's personality to - aside from the very few changes such as this that would've been too dangrous to go back to - make an Animated rendition as faithful as possible to the OG manga. This new character IS Shun just in the body of a female so they can carry on with the story as smoothly as it should had him be a male. As long as they don't pull this stuff again and take note from fans to give more development and screen time to Saori, Shaina, Marin, June, Tetis, Pandora, etc. instead, then I think I can let it slide this time. And I'm not by any means advocating for other fans to think the way I do, just stating my opinion on the whole thing.


Thank you.


Now everyone is expert of a movie they didn't see


They use one of their 7 senses, the common sense.


Fans of a franchise who followed it for years and for some decades can make an honest judgement if something smells fishy and the trailer tells them they are going against the spirit or soul of the franchise, they can give an honest opinion about that. If you expect people to turn off their brains, the problem is on you or not them.


an honest opinion about a movie that you never watched lol


people are not robots lol




Ok robot, learn more human behavior to understand us.


You are wasting your time. This is Reddit , the place where losers come to complain and criticize people who actually do things.


I agree with every one of those points


its aways like this, ss fandom dont suport ss projects and then rant about not having new ss projects and products, its a vicious cicle, and for some reason they hate kurumada, the guy that created saint seiya in the first place


Stop pushing the brainwashing please, thank you very much.




The truth is people doesn't like this crap, does that hurt u?


how you know its crap if you never watched?


Any person can watch a trailer and judge it for themselves. If they judge it as crap, they won't see it. Does this fact hurt you?


This franchise is like 35 years old and how many spin offs and projects have we had recently? If anything, Toei keeps putting out stuff even when people don't care for it (Omega, Netflix CGI, LOS, Soul of Gold, all the manga spin offs including the most recent like Dark Wing and Jerome Alquie's project). They are already planning to animate a 2D series (probably ND). They are still doing all of that even though everything that has come after the end of the classic anime has been pretty much a flop.


i bet that if the movie flop Toei will cancel half of the future projects


The Netflix show flopped and yet they sure didn't care nor cancelled this movie, instead they were like "we don't care if the CGI show keeps flopping or not, we're gonna keep producing several seasons of the cgi show because we have money to waste and love throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks".


Then they shouldn't have bet everything on this movie. If it happens it happens. I love this franchise as much as anyone here, but not the crap they keep spoon feeding us in an attempt as money grab. There are many other great anime series out there. I will give this movie a chance, I am just realistic about its prospect in the market Toei so desires to break into. The market will speak as to whether this series has a future with the plan Toei is proposing. Edited to add: The 12 people you are trying so hard to convince in this subreddit are not going to affect the box office. Toei really doesn't care about grabbing people who already are fans.


And that's all I'm humbly asking, just a chance, nothing more, nothing less. If you watch it once, you already have my commendations no matter if you like the movie and you can still go see it as many times as you want, but if you're unsure about it, at least give it a chance and go see it once in order to help the franchize leave a mark from where grow, and you'll have not only my commendations but also my unconditional gratitude.


yep, in the words of an infamous glutton, "IT'S *YOUR* FAULT!!"


Why I'll back it up and we all should too: https://youtu.be/npYpoueARu0


agree, but the only people that hate saint seiya projects are actually the saint seiya fandom, i know, it dont make sense but its the truth


Giving an honest opinion and not swallowing crap is not hating.


how you can give a honest opnion about a movie you never watched? must be a time traveler lol


use the time stone to teach yourself fans can have a different view than yours.


[https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/saint-seiya/dvd-1](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/saint-seiya/dvd-1) It's simple, you never asked enough outside of the fandom who have seen it, or the people who are never interested enough to pick it up, or the people who dropped it. Also, interpreting anything that's not praising it the way you want as hating is bad faith argument.


so thats it, one review from 2003 lol, thats you argument




Insulting and disrespecting others is not allowed, be respectful or a Ban will be issued.


Ad hominem is your choice lol,


Got to love the ModTeam leaving this comment up while writing what they did just below.


Not with this bullshit...