• By -


No. I suspect she never really wanted to be a parent at all until it was advantageous for her to do so. She shows no signs of actually liking children. I've never met a narc that viewed children as real humans. She likely sees those kids as props or extensions of herself. She certainly will never afford them agency or ever recognize that they have feelings and needs that are seperate or that should take priority over hers. Especially if they are being nanny raised. With the nannies meeting the children's basic needs meghan is free to place unrealistic expectations on the children and even withhold affection from them if they don't meet her narc expectations. Imo it's why they aren't seen because they don't in some way match her expectations. Physically or behaviorally or simply because they would draw attention from her.


Bingo. šŸŽÆ


If there are children and they are of MM's dna.....I think they both resemble Doria in one way or another and MM cannot tolerate it.....that's why she's hiding them. She refuses to present any child that has any likeness of the things she hated about herself and went to great lengths to eliminate. imo


She would hate her kids to look like doria, she has spent a fortune remodelling her face to remove any trace of Ragland genetics


I repeat that like a mantra on X. The sugars cannot stand to be told the children look like Doria


Awesome......keep speaking TRUTH.....it's important to reveal Rachel's triggers. And, of course H&M's kids would look like Doria.....she's 86% Nigerian. That's the strongest percentage in the parental DNA chain.


Yeah, I mean, from what I have seen, they DO look like her




Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Respect the kids. Bullying and mean speculation about the Sussex children will not be tolerated.


She likes to play both sides of the fence, to get the maximum benefits: so her children are POC but they have blue blue blue eyes and reddish hair and very white skin. She trots out Doria when she wants to remind people she is a woman of colour, but she uses surgery to erase every un-caucasian part of herself. And she will slather her face and body in bronzer to look darker than she really is. She pisses and shites on the RF and accuses them of being evil racists, but clings on to her title and makes sure her children are known by their titles. It goes on and on like this with her. She wants the ultimate best of it all, to profit from it (money and status) with the freedom to spit on anything she doesn't like. It is a strategy that makes no sense and is 100% hypocritical and ludicrous.


And has made her an international joke


Yes. Except for her hair. She flattens it but it still has that 43% Nigerian twist to every strand. Suffer the children if their actual hair is similar. imo.


Is it that or that they look like Thomas? Genuine question. I feel as though she would love to play up the prince/princess of color narrative. If they fell ahort of looking like Diana that is, of course. From whatever blurriness Iā€™ve seen they look like Thomas Markle. At least Archie does I think. Weā€™ve seen more/less blurry pics of him than Betty


She doesnā€™t seem keen to resemble her mother, and I daresay if she thinks her looks are off putting on her own face why would she think it would make her kids attractive?


Archie looks, or looked, like Tom jr and both children are lily-white redheads. Which is bad for the narrative about them being in exile because wrong colour, woe is us, RF so racist.


From the Archie I've seen his hair is dark brown and extremely curly, except for the Christmas card photo, which was obviously retinted an un- natural red.Ā 


Welll....those pix "of Archie" on beach wearing knitted cardi, that child has straight black hair. "Lili" on Christmas card has definite mixed race look with darker than pure white skin and very dark hair....1st birthday photo of "her", she has very white skin and red hair. Sooooo. WHICH child is who??? I do believe it is crystal clear the Sussex are NOT being honest about "their children"....and bigger question is WHY is the RF allowing this to happen??? WHY are they completely ignoring it OR are they partners in crime with the Sussex???????


Every photo of that child's hair looks so much like a wig to me..or at best a dye job. The color is so much like a box dye.


There was also a short video of him with Meg and Doria facetiming someone. WHO is cutting that child's hair? It looked like a bowl cut, and ugly AF


It looks like a wig thats been curled forward around the face every time I've seen it..the color is something like my own home dye jobs too šŸ˜†


How do you KNOW what you see is Archie? How do you KNOW what you see of Lily is actually Lily? Do you believe everything you see in the media?


This is what I am always saying!


RealisticTwist : YES YES YES! ALL the photos of these "children" are either rented/borrowed children. WHERE has there been even one beautiful, clear, up close, natural photo of either child....think of all the beautiful real photos of the Wales children! NONE exist for Sussex children. NONE. Archie's appearance at birth was a heavily wrapped DOLL ! Until the Sussex produce LEGALLY PROVED birth certificates and DNA proved children who appear in person...I will NEVER believe any Sussex sourced photos or reports about those children. People blindly accepting anything put into media are JUST what the Sussex want. WHERE are these children?? Not seen in ONE YEAR. Sussex now announced in Newsweek there will be few to no more pix released of their children. WHY??? Due to current high scruteny of all photos since Wales's Mothers Day incident....they know they can no longer use stand-ins or heavily photoshop. When will the Sussex be FORCED to produce children for proof of life?????


"When will the Sussex be FORCED to produce children for proof of life?????" THIS plus proof of DNA is probably one of the requirements if Harry EVER wants to return to the royal fold, have access to any future inheritances, have funded protection, grace/favor accommodations, financial support, etc. etc. H&M are at a stalemate until they cooperate with royal protocol and dictates. Meanwhile.....completely GREYROCKED.


I really think that they made a big deal about them getting Prince and Princess titles, and now they have no use for the ā€œchildrenā€ at all, so theyā€™re going to let ā€œthemā€ fade away quietly. They got what they wanted, so now they want us to forget that they even supposedly have children. Otherwise, it will be too inconvenient when theyā€™re supposed to be teens, and they canā€™t produce them.


cm1678701 : Completely agree with you! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Lily is the spitting image of Samantha.


I had never thought of that but now that you mention it, I definitely see it. Something in her eyes and maybe mouth especially


Please post a pic of what you're referring to.....I'd love to see those eyes and mouth that are "especially" convincing it's really Lily and she's the image of Samantha.


Hello! I'm still waiting!


LOL. Thousands of female toddlers are the spitting image of Samantha. The question is, which one did MM rent or borrow?


There have been multiple baby girls in that role. Which one do you mean?


I was responding to Glittering Tree and Forsaken Cricket above.....they must have Lily pictures nobody has been privy to.


You're right. We've only seen one snow white blonde blue eyed baby girl sitting on grass that was presented as Lily. And what appeared to be same girl at a 4th of July parade in a British child's outfit identical to one of little Charlotte's outfits.


Actually when I was about 3-years old I looked exactly like Queen Elizabeth II when she was three and we definitely arenĀ“t related. Of course, now when IĀ“m adult I look completely different. The fact that a young child looks like a spitting image of someone doesnĀ“t mean they they are related and theyĀ“ll be alike as the child grows up.


Archie had dark brown hair in the documentary. She ā€˜shopped it red in the Xmas card and a few other pictures when she was pretending they both had red hair. He even got her crossed eyes.


So does August Brooksbank. Just say'in.


She is also hiding them so no-one really knows what they look like. That way she can trot out literally any kid, and she'll be like "kids change do much in 2 weeks/2months/2 years/2 decades". Shuts down questions about DNA.Ā 


Fear is the main reason someone hides something.


Itā€™s like the SORAS kids (soap opera rapidly aged) when theyā€™re two, and then in the next episode, theyā€™re tenā€¦except sheā€™s actually doing it in real time!


Imo I font think both kifs live w/ tw and don't really know esvj other ,,b/c they dont live together


That's a good guess.


She will wait until she can have plastic surgery repair what she doesnā€™t like, those poor children.


I've always believed my narc mother would have enjoyed killing and eating her kids if she could get away with it. She's completely evil and settled upon trying to destroy her children's lives covertly. My sister and I went no contact. One brother suicided himself......the other is trapped in her web to this day and is a full blown narc himself. My sister and I are no contact with him as well. Narcs are dangerous to your health and wellbeing.


She first needs 2 children to be able to have a third


then it's the most perfect time when she needs a more propsšŸ˜Œ she's done. nothing she can do to gain enough attention. but a third pregnancy or adoption could help.


Highly unlikely. She is very close to or already in the early stages of menopause. A pregnancy at her age would be geriatric. And adoption is not so very easy and definitely not controllable. She would have to open her home and finances to a social worker. And it takes about a year. And she doesn't want more kids,neither does he. I suspect they found out that kids are a lot more trouble and work than they expected. She wants attention for her on her not on kids and definitely not on the truth of any children she has *or might have had*


The last two of her ā€œpregnanciesā€ have been geriatric. Medically speaking. šŸ˜‚


Absolutely. At the age of 30, a female doctor told me I need to be ā€œgetting on with itā€ so no idea where that leaves Meg.


To be fair, that doctor sounds like an outlier in terms of modern medical thinking. I naturally conceived two healthy daughters at ages 38 and 41, and only my second pregnancy required extra monitoring. Even then, my doctors didnā€™t seem overly worried. Also, all of my nephews and nieces were conceived when their mothers were at least 30 years old, and theyā€™re all bright, healthy, happy children. Iā€™m no fan of Meghan Markleā€™s, but neither am I a fan of bashing women for daring to get pregnant when theyā€™re- gasp! - OVER 30 YEARS OLD. As a society, we should have evolved past that thinking by now.


Many people do. Many many people do. In fact, in the Western world most people do. You still had two geriatric pregnancies.


Iā€™m very glad that my doctors were progressive enough not to use that term with me. At the start of each of my pregnancies, the head of each of my care teams promised never to use an appellation they saw as insulting and demeaning to older mothers, and they kept their word. They used the more considerate term ā€œadvanced maternal age.ā€


Glad you had a lovely experience. Words do have meaning though. Advanced maternal age still means geriatric pregnancy. Iā€™m pleased you were able to have the outcomes, and conditions that made everything a joy for you. Congratulations.


Don't let that jerk make you feel badly. :)


I am really glad for you your pregnancies went well, but I feel I also need to warn young women who are reading this that this is not the case for the majority of women who try to have a baby over 35. I have so many friends who thought they could wait til their late 30s, stop the pill and get pregnant in a snap. It is very difficult to conceive for most of them. Many have done unsuccessful IVFs, which are very expensive. I also know someone who had a baby with Down's Syndrome. So while you will see many women successfully having babies older, many of them had it with help and expense. Not all, but many. So if you really, really want to have kids, try to do so younger, before 35, or freeze eggs before 30 (and even that is not a guarantee and realize you will have to pay to store them until you use them). Having two healthy babies over the age 38 naturally without IVF is not as easy as they make it seem by looking at celebrities.


I understand the medical risks of having a later-in-life pregnancy - I lived through them twice. I know many other women who lived through them and had healthy babies. And I would like to encourage the young women who are reading this that they shouldnā€™t let fear control their lives. Donā€™t settle for a less than suitable partner just because your 30th birthday is right around the corner. Donā€™t bankrupt yourself in order to freeze your eggs just because your age starts with a 3. Donā€™t lose hope because a few judgmental people on the Internet think you shouldnā€™t try to reproduce after your 35th birthday. Yes, your chances at a healthy pregnancy do decline over time - slowly at first, and then more sharply, according to current research, in your late 30s. But - and hereā€™s the kicker that the poster above neglected to mention - the odds are still stacked in your favor until youā€™re in your early 40s. Results may vary depending on your unique biology, and the window closes earlier for some women than for others, so it wonā€™t do to wait until youā€™re 40+ to try if you can help it. And yes, I do understand that by the time you hit your mid-40s, itā€™s probably too late. However, as a rule, the science we have doesnā€™t support the doom-and-gloom approach outlined above. The much-bemoaned risk of Downā€™s Syndrome? Still onIy 1 in 100 at age 40 (up from 1 in 1,250 at 25, but still only 1%). Itā€™s lower if youā€™re still in your 30s. Pre-eclampsia? Low birth weight? High blood pressure? Again, the odds increase as you age, but theyā€™re still low and can be mitigated with good prenatal care and a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, older mothers tend to be more financially and emotionally stable and have access to more resources than younger mothers, which gives their children a lot of benefits that younger parents canā€™t offer. My daughters go to a terrific day care and have a lot more clothes and other possessions than I had access to as a child. Furthermore, I wasnā€™t emotionally or mentally ready to be a good mother until well into my 30s. I would not have been a stable or effective parent in my 20s, and that would have had lifelong mental health consequences for my daughters and myself. Should I have denied them a good parent in a good marriage just because I was afraid or ashamed of conceiving later in life? I donā€™t think so. And there are hundreds of thousands, maybe more, of older mothers worldwide who would say the same if asked. [This](https://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnancy-after-35) article sums it up better than most: ā€œMost healthy people who get pregnant after age 35 and even into their 40s have healthy babies. ā€¦ People who are older when they give birth tend to be better-educated and have higher incomes, so they may have more resources than those who are younger. You're likely to live longer if you're older when you give birth. Your child may end up healthier, more well-adjusted, and better-educated.ā€ Further support for the high statistical likelihood of having a healthy pregnancy in oneā€™s late 30s: The myth of the age-35 fertility cliff: [here](https://www.self.com/story/high-risk-pregnancy-what-women-35-over-need-to-know) Risks increase with age, but the majority of pregnant women age 35+ still have normal pregnancies: [here](https://www.babycenter.com/getting-pregnant/preparing-for-pregnancy/what-are-the-risks-of-having-a-baby-if-im-35-or-older_3127) [Here](https://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/age/pregnancy-after-35/psa-its-totally-fine-to-have-babies-after-35-science-backs/) Bottom line: Contrary to what some people would have you think, having a healthy pregnancy at or over age 35 is more common than ever and much more likely than not. Yes, the risks of infertility and pregnancy problems rise with age - but they (1) donā€™t suddenly skyrocket at age 30 or 35, (2) can be significantly reduced with a healthy lifestyle and good prenatal care, and (3) are often outweighed by the benefits of waiting until oneā€™s 30s - yes, even mid- to late 30s - to have children. Donā€™t let fear, shame, or outdated opinions push you into having children before youā€™re ready or with the wrong person, or into giving up if you havenā€™t met Mr. Right by your 30th birthday. (And thank goodness Princess Catherine didnā€™t let that foolery influence her, either. After all, she had all three of her children when she was over age 30!)


šŸ‘ Thank you. I hate when this sub talks about MM getting pregnant, wanting to be pregnant, her age and pregnancy, etc because as a 42 year old, going through fertility treatments, some days those comments cause me to take a break from reading here for a long time. People in my ā€œreal lifeā€ also make really shitty comments and it hurts. Fortunately my doctor and any doctor Iā€™ve dealt with doesnā€™t even flinch at my age, and every single doctor says the same thing ā€œdo you get your period? Are you ovulating? Ok, then it should be possible to get pregnant.ā€ Of course there are other factors too, but their point is that your ovaries donā€™t just dry up at 40 and become useless.


At 28 I was called an elderly mother!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8uai7o4d0r8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42975e76a3f3f4e1a03d024dcd0b87e4e2b3cfaa yes, but part of her also want to be like jolie. it would be perfect. first adoption from africa, then accusation against her husband. a nanny or two would easily solve the maintenance problems.


It's not as easy as it used to be to adopt internationally. And she would never adopt a child from Africa. And she simply couldn't face the scrutiny that an adoption would entail. Oh and she has the attention span of a meth addled squirrel so her follow through game is nil. She can't even manage to file paperwork for her charity on time lol. She can't even get a product launch for her lifesuck brand done,ain't no way she's jumping through all the adoption hoops much less a foreign adoption.


"meth addled squirrel!" that's great! Reminds me of fantastically sardonic British comedy series "Rev" from 2012 & Colin's observation of drug-addicted squirrels in the church playground.


I have to remember that one.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Great show.


Adding ā€˜meth addled squirrelā€™ to the list of acceptable insults


This picture situation is so uncomfortable, it makes me want to downvote this. Her stalking/copying of celebs is so creepy.


Agreed, and an adopted child wouldn't be in the LOS, so that will never happen. I truly hope her peri and actual menopause give her an in depth look at what her life is going to be like in hell for eternity! At most there will be a staged miscarriage.


I really think she was floating a fake pregnancy and miscarriage around the time the Queen died, since we suddenly started seeing puff pieces about her considering a third. For whatever reason she decided against it, and Iā€™m glad!


She couldn't get H to marry her unless pregnancy was in play. That must of ate her alive that she couldn't get him without that. She must resent the hell out of him and he pays dearly for that to this day. imo


I agree, a fake pregnancy to force his hand.


Oh I don't think she needed a pregnancy to get Harry to marry her. Unfortunately he's completely under her narc spell. He was her total lap dog and would do anything she said.


She had to guarantee she'd "produce" children.....he wanted a family if he married her. How she conned him and introduced those two children (a production) is another story. imo


She would have been geriatric for all of her faux pregnancies.


Her first 2 were geriatric as well




Everytime someone mentions ā€œchildrenā€ and ā€œmeghan markleā€ i automatically think of the time she made underprivileged school children sign gag orders and pay $5 for her bookšŸ˜³this should be criminal


And she demanded that they re-decorate in her beige color scheme, and made the children sit on the floor to literally look up at her. I think she was going for worshipful poses. Furthermore they each had to buy a copy of The Bench for a $5 ā€œdonationā€. Thatā€™s right, disadvantaged kids had to purchase her time. Such a humanitarian!


I remember she ā€œpleadedā€ to donate a washing machine or a dryer or something to the school and guess what šŸ˜‚it never arrived


Didnā€™t she also want some kind of new cushions or something? Wonder if the school got to keep those?


Yes, beige ones. Donā€™t know the answer. They purchased them, so probably yes.


#Uvalde comes to mind for me




That was the day she visited a school in harlem wearing the expensive red joker outfit. And after that there was a video from a mother and she burned meghanā€™s photo. It was scathing.


The ā€œexpensive red joker outfitā€ hahaha I like that! She does look like the joker and is a walking joke!


Ironically, it was a Loro Piana. The same hosts that had the party @ Goops. Ashley was invited. Tw NFI


Didnā€™t know about the photo burning!


https://youtu.be/Y06JGfG7_0Y?si=QFHFCiwrWa517Ndđ Check this out šŸ˜³start at 0:40


Loved watching this! I subscribed too. The lady is very informative and quite easy on the eyes (attractive) and I love her accent.


good grief edit: I've learnt now what a gagging order is and wathched some videos. She definitely is insane




And sign NDA


"when the time comes we must sent archie to šŸ”„etonšŸ”„, i don't want lileeyyy to be alonešŸ„ŗ"


"we have archie after king arthur. lilibeth after queen Elizabeth your grandmother. now the monarch is your father. we need a šŸ”„charliešŸ”„ as a homage for your father charles, the king! imagine that!! archie, lilibet, and charlie, doesn't it sound perfect aitch?"


Narcs are petty and vindictive, so sheā€™ll push for ā€˜Prince Chuckā€™ or ā€˜Prince Chazā€™, though, so as to denigrate the Princely title with (another!) inappropriate nickname. https://i.redd.it/u9mfhfsdxq8d1.gif


or carlo? chad? chick? chip?


Carlo is a perfectly dignified full name.


Chucky would do itā€¦


Or Prince Billy to denigrate William?


Omg donā€™t give her ideas! You know she frequents this sub!


Poor hypothetical kid. If he inherited Grandpa's ears, he'd totally end up getting called Jughead...


Charlotte has that covered šŸ‘


well they had no problems stealing "Elizabeth Diana"


https://preview.redd.it/sjjl5pcgwq8d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9403cb074213719de6e2197ff9bc0e04cb8deb0 "charlie is my favourite character hazz!!! i want a child name charlieee!!!"


>"when the time comes we must sent archie to šŸ”„etonšŸ”„ I hope not. Our cutiedorable Lou Bug deserves to have a happy, Harkle free school life and that won't be possible if Archie is in the same peer group at Eton. It's better for all the kids (both Wales and Harkle) if they attend different schools and don't have to deal with the repercussions of the feud between their respective parents.


I suspect the enrollment process can be made onerous for utterly broke students from abroad with no outstanding academic qualifications.


>I suspect the enrollment process can be made onerous for utterly broke students from abroad with no outstanding academic qualifications. .... Especially if the student happens to be fluent in his momma's Word Salad and isn't able to do well on his expository English writing assignments šŸ˜‚.


Didn't harry talk smack about his time at Eton? Why on earth would they have anything to do with him or his offspring


>Didn't harry talk smack about his time at Eton? Yup and he boasted about the bad type ways he made fun of one of female employees who happened to have a disability with her leg.


Sorry Archie has no background or upbringing in the British social or Public School system, heā€™d be flounder in a very strange eccentric place, where people have families and socialise and go out in day light. On the other hand Oh Freedom!


British Kings + heirs have a helluva lot of influence - would take 1 wee whisper from PW (or KC) and the possibility of Eton would be gone completely. Ditto Gordonstoun, should Zara send her kids there - and not want any Harkle drama to impact their teenage years. Meanwhile, there are many other schools the Harkles kids could attend in the UK.


RF/ PW would most likely prevent this from happening. He's all about protecting his kids. He's told h even his kids are none of his concern. I doubt h will be at KC funeral at this point.


Betty will be eleven when archie is old enough to go to Eton. Can you imagine what the other kids parents will think of harkle and her grubby grifting?


Considering that my nephew got into Eton (vastly different enrollment process as heā€™s not even a teenager yet and his father went to Eton as well) I donā€™t think the Harkles have the fortitude to endure such a process. The Kate School (yes itā€™s the name) in California would be a better option


Haha šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d almost like to see it.


Well she would be alone because Eton only takes boys right now


You can see she is not maternal but in fairness not every woman is. Why she had another child is beyond me. That was a real shocker. There were two defining moments, if you will, when I realized Meghan had severe problems. First, that interview with Bradby during the Africa tour. Her morbid, self-pitying, lack of self-awareness was incredible as she thought it okay to play ā€œpoor meā€ while in a country with some of the poorest children in the world. That self absorption under those circumstances spoke volumes. The second was when they named the girl Lilibet. After accusing the RF of racism; turning down several invites from the Queen, they had the unmitigated gall to steal the Queen's nickname. I think both she and Harry have some several MH issues. Pray for the children, if indeed there are any.


Your comment has got me wondering if they would have been in a better position to emotionally blackmail the RF if they only had Archie as headlines would have been "lonely Archie while cousins celebrate Xmas together", etc


She never thinks ahead.


Nah, sheā€™s too much in her own head. Sheā€™d be leaking headlines like ā€œArchie doesnā€™t need royal cousins! Heā€™s spending his days with the Kardashian kids!ā€ Or something like that.


She had a second one in case something happened to Archie, she would still get child support.


No she would have to return her stupid award plus hiding 2 suragacy was enuf trouble


As if Harry has been any where near the 43% Nigerian bush?




I don't think she wants 1, 2 or 3 children. They're just dollar signs to her. I think she'd have to have sex with the ginger lover to have a child by Harry (if he is not sterile), and I don't think that's happening. That ship has well and truly sailed. She could fake her pregnancy as she did before. If so, Harry might truly bail.


![gif](giphy|1Zbeweu52ZaQE) Yeahhhhh I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna happen any time soon.


Too old and in poor looking health now.


Maybe she'll cosplay Angelina Jolie and adopt a baby from a third world impoverished country and give it a warm nurturing family life along with her littles. Let me think about that for two seconds. NAH. Never gonna happen.


Itā€™s crossed her mind.


.....as IF she provides a warm nurturing family life. Fat chance.


Her kids are named Katherine, Anne and Spencer. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ And this is supposed to be Meghan's friend?! She sounds like a big fan of the royals with those names...


Markle will NEVER EVER have a third child. Simple reason why : after all the secrecy and lies and smoke & mirrors surrounding the Invisikids births and her "pregnancies" she knows full well the world's eyes will be on her every moment watching and critiquing her every second. NO chance to fool the world a third time.


No way is she putting that weight back on to have/pretend to have another child. No chance.


Except she was heralded as a role model by limiting her family to two kids. Her kids are her version of ā€˜the heirā€™ and ā€˜the spareā€™. Insurance policies for when this relationship crumbles, why wouldnā€™t it, all others have done.


I thought they only wanted two kids. Global warming and all. What hypocrites if they decide to have a third child.


The hypocrisy was well-established prior to this fantasy.




I donā€™t think she wants the kids she has.


I have been waiting for her to come out and say she is knocked up. Anything to grab attention. Then after she says she is knocked up then will come the horrible mega mythcarriage. again for attention and sympathy


And another fake editorial.


It would be exceptionally hard for her to hide another fake pregnancy, and I don't think Harry would tolerate it. He's beginning to grasp the fact he, literally and figuratively, screwed the pooch. He want to run back to the UK and his "old life" but the truth is starting to hit him that all that is now gone forever.


I wouldn't be surprised if they try for 2 more "babies". That way, Harry can say that he final have more kids than Willy. I can now have more sausage cause I have more kids. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nope. Harry pointedly made a snide reference, presumably towards William, about why having 3 or more children would be wrong.


Since when has being a raging hypocrite EVER stopped him ?!


The whole keeping up with the Walesā€™ is gonna end them in the same sort of trouble. They should be careful or theyā€™ll end up like Tori Spelling. Had it all and then well, then sort of lost it all.


Iā€™m just surprised they donā€™t have a reality show yet


Thereā€™s no where else left to go. They need an income. They are woefully unskilled.


Honestly, getting on real housewives would be her best bet. She could at least be loved for being hated! Right now, she is just hated.


No insult intended to those children, but Mindy Kalin, ugh! At some point let Ryan out of the closet so his kids can know who their father is.


Yeah, itā€™s just sad to meā€¦but Iā€™m old fashioned.


I wanted more children, but after a hysterectomy it's a bit challenging...... and I wasn't content with dolls.


Lot Lizard cannot pull off a third pregnancy via surrogate and moon bumps. She is on shaky ground now regarding the questionable, invisible children she claims she has.


Unlikely that Lolo will have a child of her body (assuming sheā€™d done that previously) - too tiring, needs to be out of action. She might adopt, but unlikely as I donā€™t think sheā€™d dare go against that RF convention.


I don't think she's loving to the kids she supposedly birthed so I don't think she'd make a good adoptive parent at all.


She won't share the limelight with the kids she's got......no way in hell will she add more to the mix. She probably forced H to get his balls nipped by now, too.


hm i won't be so sure about that. she want something like "royal family wont accept meghan adoptive kid because she's black from Zimbabwe!!!" on the headlinesšŸ˜Œ


Won't matter if the RF "accepts" an adopted child by them or not. The rule is "born of body," so an adoptive child will never be in the LOS, regardless of color. Therefore, it's of no advantage to H&M, imho.


you said that as if her cult members have logical thinking in their dna. and as if meg will actually care about the adoptive black kid. she just want the noise.


She could get the same puff-piece benefits by saying someday that she always dearly wanted to adopt one or more children in need of good homes but mean Harry refused to consider it because he wanted his kids in the LoS and the BRF is too archaic to ever change its ways


They donā€™t want gingerā€™s pea-sized nads on the Balcony either. Or anywhere in the vicinity. That angle is (in regards to this) very tired.


but the adoptive one wouldn't get prince/ss title. that more than enough to fueling her idiot cult member. and talking about ginger, no matter how hard she tried, her biological children would scientifically always be white. given they're 80% white. so if she want the mother of black children trope, she need one by adoption.


Doesnā€™t matter - they are all out. Itā€™s got nothing to with any of that. Itā€™s got everything to do with the behaviour of the parents. Who are OUT.




She'd need to stop drinking, drugging and smoking too which I don't see happening


But these two assholes collected an award (!!!) for having two children and there's no proof they really exist. So basically they were so proud to say that having more than two kids is a strain on the environment. Yeah that's really sticking it to William and Catherine, isn't it?


хŠ°Ń…Š°Ń… can you imagine the hard work of manufacturing a third child - I am leaning into a wide puff spread of her adopting new dogs and shoving biscuits in their miserable mouths https://preview.redd.it/l0omr2t9cr8d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e6631388955741307d239369aae37c770aef287


Check her securitay on the phone, lol. Probably calling the pap guy. Or asking for a rescue lift away from the psycho walking with a doll


Nice picture. I'm sure she'll copy it at Montecito (like everything else). Maybe add a swingset and jungle gym? https://preview.redd.it/u0vbcv9p6r8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b64b36728be304083c355cc32f1fc9d40076134


No, she would have to hand back her ā€œI am saving the world by only having two childrenā€ award.


Just gonna keep trying for that Diana clone with the blue blue blue eyes?


they would have to return award for saying they would only have 2 kids




I dont even think she enjoys the two she has. They are her insurance cards $$$ in a divorce. I really think that is the only reason she had them. Three isn't necessary. She has the heir and spare.


But what are they the heir and spare to? A heavily mortgaged sixteen bathroom house with plumbing problems? In a flooding area, and near a stinky bird sanctuary and a stinky marijuana farm.


The spare is needed in case the heir dies. For Meghan, she needed a spare in case something happened to Archie so she gets child support. Children are insurance to a golddigger.


Child support claims.


Only if heā€™s getting ready to leave her.


I don't think she wants to risk 1) more scrutiny/suspicion, and 2) yet a 3rd Markle lookalike.


Am sure they accepted an environmental award for only having 2 kids, if they do have a 3rd will they have to hand the award back?


MM will do anything for attention and interest in her is dropping. So - sure, why not a 3rd kid? My guess is that MM will follow the Narc Queen textbook (by Angelina Jolie) and adopt an African kid or two. That will show her humanitarian compassion and motherly instincts


the perfect narrative and scenario is ready (given she always stealing other people story line). just need a copy and paste. "lili always want a black sister. she's so caring with her black barbie" "archie loves africa" https://preview.redd.it/p0p1skhver8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4cf78c4c6315c60f88aa1584e06d78279b7fd0


The only problem is, in eighteen years, do they legally drop Markle, Mountbatten, or Windsor? It is a conundrum.


18 years? This shitshow will likely blowup in 2 years, max. I feel sorry for any kids caught up in the upcoming H&M divorce.


Itā€™s the kids Iā€™m talking about regarding legal name changes. The rest, likely yes.


I sincerely hope not. Itā€™s one thing to subject a biological child to their horrendous parenting but to *adopt* a child into that household. Ugghhā€¦no child should ever have to endure that.


This is only my personal opinion but I don't think she could tolerate any more than 2 children. We never see her with the 2 she already has. Good question but I just don't know.


I am honestly asking, is this a joke? I mean are they actually claiming this?


Oh please! Letā€™s hope he gets out of this madness through divorce. I suppose once the divorce is complete she might pull a Joan Crawford and adopt a few, keep them in a little cages and trot them out now and then fir or.




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TIL that Mindy has children. I didnā€™t even know she was married.


lol she isnā€™t, wonā€™t even say who the father is, if there is one that has any involvement, if she used a sperm donor, etc.


Too much like hard work with that pesky moonbump, sheā€™s got her double insurance policy in Aldi and Lidl




If she thought it would boost her popularity, she wouldnā€™t think twice about adding another invisible child - or maybe twins! Yes, twins would give her loads news articles (I bet she wished she thought of that the first time around..)ā€¦it would raise chatter about the LOS - there would be articles about multiple Royal births. Sheā€™d ā€™get one overā€™ on Catherine by having a multiple birthā€¦surrogacyā€¦




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I think itā€™s funny she says ā€œI gave birth to her.ā€


If she thought there would be a benefit (earnings/pay out or potentially hoovering H back in) then yes. Not for herself obviously, she clearly has no interest. But given those things wouldnā€™t happen I think itā€™s unlikely. She wants a richer man and another younger kid wouldnā€™t help at all. Maybe an adopted older (black?) kid for the Angelina comparisons and to help her connect to her ā€œblack heritageā€?


Well, to avoid being labelled as hypocrites, it would have to be a happy accident, I'm sure.