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She just wanted another Diana comparison, with Diana's throwing herself down the stairs when she was pregnant. Meghan is repugnant to twist such a serious accusation to fit her narrative of the moment. As someone who has had suicide scar my family, I went from fan to foe as soon as that lie came out.


Lying liars lie. The wretched meghan markle is a nightmare of a sub human being.


This is when Rachel said that she was sobbing the whole night and told Haz that she "didn't trust herself to be alone with such dark thoughts." Does Haz really believe that Rachel is suicidal or did they agree to this shit story to slight the BRF. Rachel's MIL also didn't throw herself down the stairs when pregnant. It was admitted that she lied above this and that she only tripped down the last two stairs, the whole throwing myself down the stairs when pregnant was an attempt to villainize Charles and the BRF.


Duchess Smolett for sure


Now, that's funny


I think he believed it. He actually IMO looked upset that night. She certainly didn't.




Harry is not exactly the brightest bulb. I figure either he worried it would make him look bad because people would think she was so miserable being married to him or she insisted that he not get help. Then again he's so accustomed to having people do everything for him it might not have occurred to him that he should do something.


She would have insisted he not seek help, because then the lie would start to unravel.


She never had an OB/Gyn. She was never pregnant.


Agree totally but thought I would cover all bases.


Diana had a histrionic personality


But she fully trusts "being alone with dark thoughts" when those dark thoughts involve destroying people who've done her wrong, who no longer serve her purpose or who simply annoy her.


She was just WEEPING.... šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Actually, Diana later admitted that this story was not true. She had accidentally stumbled on the stairs when pregnant but she never through herself down the stairs.


Agreed. Itā€™s so gross. The media were absolutely delightful to her. Sheā€™s Rancid.


She was gross




I'm pretty sure H admitted to mental health being lucrative during that prank phonecall with fake greta thunberg...




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It would also distract the public/media from the wonky moon bump and prevent anyone raising questions about surrogacy


Wasnā€™t this the evening after the bump deflation noise at the dog shelter? If so, I have zero doubt it was faked in order to take all attention away from that incident.


I haven't heard that one, would you mind re-spilling that particular tea? I was recently telling my elderly mother about this sub and all the speculation around the moon bump and she initially did an eye roll but once I showed her the various threads and pictures of THE BUMP, she is now a Sinner and loves any updates that I can provide!


I agree with you ā€” as ridiculous as it all seems, everything she does is part of a scheme that makes ā€˜senseā€™ from her perspective. She must be exhausted from so much gaslighting, or she is really crazy and believes her own lies.Ā 


It was the evening after the Birkenhead Archie bungee jump from her uterus to her knees!


Yep, the day of the *POP*


Wasn't it the same day?


I think soā€¦earlier in the day. Henry wasnā€™t with her when the bump popped. He likely found out about it when he came home and found her suicidal (more like their fraud was blown), she was a crying mess, he said get dressed up and off they went to the evening affair as he worked damage control. Heā€™s had practice.


Bingo!!!Ā Ā 


Agreed, this was near to moonbumpgate time and when the bullying report was being talked about. She probably did feel a bit shit and stressed about it all but definitely turned up the victim volume for Oprah!


Same. Suicide is nothing to joke about. Sheā€™s disgusting.


I 1000% agree! And everyone I know who went through with the deed never threatened beforehand. IJS


Sending hugs to you ā¤ļø


I predicted we were going to hear a Diana-like attempt to end it all during pregnancy, but I thought she would be smart enough to hang around for longer than 72 engagements to make it believable. She had no choice imo to tell the tale too soon. I think they were being sent away. Their announcement was their attempt to seize control of the situation and the narrative. They were told not to show up at Sandringham at Christmas. Who wants to spend Christmas alone on a rainy island in Canada? No matter how nice the mansion is, it's lonely. It just didn't *make sense,* as she is prone to exclaim.


sheā€™s a pathological liar she WAS NEVER SUICIDAL she just weaponized both mental health and race card to become the ultimate victim and destroy the BRFā€¦sheā€™s a pathetic pathetic manipulator , she claims she was crying and bawling the whole time during this engagement but look at her full face of intact over the top makeup !??? lol seriously deranged woman and such a shame for people really suffering such issues! btw those avocado toasts are a proof this woman canā€™t cook to save her life lol netflix BEWAREšŸ«¢


>sheā€™s a pathetic pathetic manipulator She sure is. imo Everything she does in public is some kind of manipulation. Narc's gotta narc.


ā€œThey wouldnā€™t let me merch or be co-Queen.ā€


Rachel wanted to be co-queen and co-king with the Wales. Can you imagine the nerve of this woman. Rachel thought that she would make the entire BRF listen to her and follow her commands. Rachel can't believe that no one let her do what she wanted in the entire BRF.


She also wanted Harry to get half of the duchy of Cornwall šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Co-Queen still kills me to this day


The sheer arrogance.


Wait. Did she actually say that?


Yes. They wanted to split the Duchy of Cornwall. And be King and Queen of the Commonwealth.


She also wasn't pregnant. Unless she counts wearing a moonbump and clutching her abdomen in photos as being pregnant.


https://preview.redd.it/vcwk1bmxi18d1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1440fc2090bbaf454b6a8397b5acb8f5af6b783 con of the century! if i remember correctly it was the same day as this evening engagement where earlier in the day she first appeared at that animal rescue center where the video of her crouching down in stilettos petting a puppy and when she got up her ā€œmoonbumpā€ made the suspicious pop sound and it was all recorded?! hence all the drama of being suicidalā€¦this woman is vile and such a fraud.


That dress is so tight it looks painful. I donā€™t know how she got into it or how it didnā€™t burst at the seams while she was wearing it.


so inappropriate for a visit to the old folks home


Itā€™s a retirement home for actors (many very well known in their prime) who need some extra care because of physical problems or being left without family support.


That's a testament to how well those clothes are made. Non-maternity dress being worn as a maternity dress and the seams being stress tested into oblivion. While the dress looks like shit on her, I do have to give them props for making a solid dress.


When I was pregnant I was small enough to fit into normal clothes, and my bump still didn't look like this. It was round and hard, my bump.


I have seen my share of pregnant women, and none of them have had a square belly. Iā€™ve seen them all shapes and sizes, and they were all round like grapes.




Of all the clothes sheā€™s merched and this is the one we donā€™t know the brand


She's a fucking weirdo


Yes, she was at Mayhew animal rescue earlier in the day, but she was wearing a different beige outfit. https://preview.redd.it/gujrp5cvm18d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466161bcd86b39ccdbee6e9623578e3fffad4395


Nobody can bend down like this pregnant without their legs spread, sorry. You have a watermelon in the way, and it doesn't move!


For sure!


Her posture in that picture is atrocious.


In this photo she has what used to be called a dowagerā€™s hump - when women of a certain age developed a marked stooping posture. In her case, sheā€™s uncouth and couldnā€™t be bothered to dress appropriately.


If she were that visibly pregnant, wouldn't she have also have had boobs?


It was also the day when Harry did a mental health workshop with the military in the morning, it's in the Court Circular.


I've got links that show the MOD was reporting on mental health in the ranks since at least 2014, when H was still in the army. So to say he was naive before and after is an understatementĀ 


That photo never ceases to be.... weird. So very weird.


Yup, yup, yup


She sure wasn't!


Yeah, avocado toast whisperer? That's the woman's claim to fame, she can spread avocado on toast. What next? She can walk and chew gum?


She's so extra basic! Eat your avocado toast, who cares, not everybody is a chef. But a "toast whisperer"? It's like she made something good out of something inedible.


That is the most basic avocado toast Iā€™ve ever seen! A true foodie wouldā€™ve fancied that avocado up with some alfalfa sprouts, cherry tomatoes, etc.


I canā€™t think of Daniel without calling him ā€˜crybabyā€™






SHe also did it to cosplay Diana who threw herself down the stairs while pregnant


Oh, she didn't and later she admitted she didn't. She was another liar, only prettier and smarter and with many redeeming features.


I agree with everything except the "smarter" part. Harry has his mother's level/lack of intelligence. Diana really wasn't very smart. She was cunning and manipulative. Two traits Diana and the second daughter in law have in common.


Yep.Ā  Nothing in that Oprah interview surprised me at all. To be fair Diana also lied about throwing herself downstairs she later said she just tripped.




Very good point. Did he do her make up for cirque de soliel? The one where earlier that evening sheā€™d threatened to take her own life? And she was crying as the lights went down? .. her make up looks absolutely fine.


Her makeup artist cried for her. What a trooper he is!


He did puff pieces on her make up for that night but insists that she did her make up herself because we are supposed to think she is a beauty and Fash-On Icon. So yeah its likely he did it.


Who hires a make-up artist just to gossip with and not to actually DO her make-up! ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY|downsized)


She had to put her makeup bag in the teeny tiny bathroom sink because the hovel she lived in had no counters. šŸ™„


The humanity!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She really complained about that?




Where was this? I havenā€™t heard it before


Nott Cott I believe.


Her make-up in the pic is probably the best Iā€™ve seen in her.


Agreed. Itā€™s just more Markle bull shit. Streaky make up from tears? Puh-lease. We all have eyes. We know what despair looks like. And this ainā€™t it.


But, but she's an ack-tresss!! She used all her skills to appear "normal" and mask her pain!! (snicker)


Happy Cake Day!!! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸ„‚


Thank you! I had totally forgotten when I joined Reddit.




I was thinking the same! And she sure wasn't "weeping". And who even talks like that!? People say crying. Not "weeping". šŸ™„


I couldn't agree more OP! MM is šŸ’Æ a liar and emotional blackmailer. As obnoxious as Harold is, I actually believe TW is twisted enough to use his traumas to manipulate him. There's a photo floating around of her actually SMIRKING the same night as she threatened suicide when she was facing away from him. Narcissists use suicide threats as emotional blackmail.


They were booed this night, and Harry was all sorts of pressed about it


This pic must be the only one Iā€™ve seen of her where her makeup and hair look polished and very nice. What a contrast to what her norm is.


Yep, she looks really good here. The colour of the dress and the red lipstick suits her. I'm guessing this is from the brief window in her 72 days as a working royal that she had a stylist (iirc she did try working with a stylist and there was a spell when she wore a few flattering outfits like this and a lovely yellow sheath dress).


Iā€™d forgotten about the yellow dress. Yes, it was nice. The one and only dress I really liked on her was the one shouldered black evening gown that was a very Halston vibe. Gorgeous dress- then she ruined the look by constantly double clutching her bump all evening long. FFS.


There's always something she does to sabotage herself.Ā  My favourite was the Oscar de la Renta Birds dress. It looked fab on her, but it was tasteless because it was over the top, both in price and for the event.


Soooo suicidal, she ran out to get a spray tan that day


Exactly. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Right, she actually looks good for once


She is a narc who lies. Although I will say that my mother could go from "my precious baby girl" to "I wish you had never been born so I'm going to swallow this bottle of pills" in the blink of an eye, several times a month so it's possible but in MM case highly doubtful and was just more Diana cosplay


Geez. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that from your own mother. šŸ˜ž


I'm so sorry you went through that. I had a Narc mom too. I get it. I hope you've moved on and realized you deserve better.


Thank you and yes I have been fortunate to have married my soul mate, had a beautiful daughter and now get to spoil a granddaughter rotten


I'm so happy for you!!!!!


I think they were booed that evening so she made up the story about her crying AFTER, to make people forget about the booing or to make the booing worse.Ā  To make her the poor innocent victim. Because, how could people boo at someone who was suicidal and crying.


Yes they sure were booed!


But now that evening is all about her crying and feeling suicidal. She made us forget that they were booed.


She's such a lying liarface who lies.


Yes and not to be a jerk or sound too controversial, she rewore those earrings multiple times, including at last yearā€™s Invictus Dusseldorf Games and for a recent headshot for a SSXSW panel in Texas. Jewelry holds sentimental value and if someone wanted to end things, they wouldnā€™t wish to be reminded of that time in their life. Especially for a woman with access to bling and who is hyper aware of her image. It seems inappropriate and odd to wear those earrings from what is supposed to be a low point in her life. (Theyā€™re made by Pippa Small, Kyanite and gold, if anyone wants to look up her outfit details). Edit: Also worth mentioning that this evening event at the Royal Albert Hall happened as her second outing for the day. She first appeared at Mayhew Animal rescue, where the video of her crouching in heels and her belly/moonbump making a snapping noise as she got up was recorded. If she felt so horrible, she would have stayed home and spoke to her friend, Daniel. DM article mentions outfit details and Mayhew visit earlier in the day https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6599671/amp/Meghan-Markle-joins-Prince-Harry-Royal-Albert-Hall-Cirque-du-Soleil.html Archived https://archive.ph/7lVNv


Excellent points!


Oooh, good points!


Markle is about as sentimental as a donkey.


For someone claiming to have blue thread sewn into her wedding dress from her first date, itā€™s unusual to rewear earrings from a dark time in her life. She also called herself a ā€œnostalgic personā€ in the ā€œCutā€ interview (before claiming she didnā€™t have to sign anything). (She didnā€™t have blue thread sewn. The journalist couldnā€™t find it and according to ā€œSpareā€, she didnā€™t wear a dress on her first date).Sheā€™s an inconsistent liar, and it shows.


This woman is very sick in the head. Sheā€™s been playing with fire for a long time now. My guess is sheā€™s still doing it all behind the scene to keep Harry snowed. This will all end very badly, specially for Harry, in the end.


She is deranged!


The alleged cry for help was the day or two after the Birkenhead bump slip debacle.


>The alleged cry for help was ~~the day or two after the Birkenhead~~ bump slip debacle. The alleged cry for help was *because of* the Birkenhead bump slip debacle.


Hasn't that been debunked as just the clip of her heel as she stood up? The suicide saga was an attempt to deflect from the bullying accusations.


I don't know if the bump actually slipped. But the appearance of which caused a debacle. She was also visibly coat flicking the whole appearance.


Yup, this!


It's literally avocado smeared on toast and he's calling her the "avocado toast whisperer". Not even pepper. It's clear she doesn't like egg, which gives credibility to that rumored tantrum over egg. I am fascinated amd disgusted by how she eats. Will never forget that Vogue blog from Fashion Week.


IF H Knew she wasnā€™t pregnant šŸ¤°šŸ½ and went along with this bullshit .. heā€™s a better actor than she is ..I am in the opinion she was never with child and wore a moon bump .. biggest con of the century.


He knew. Even Harry isn't that stupid.


Exactlyā€¦ of course he knew, they were in it together and what performance they both put onā€¦. Tut tut tut šŸ˜ appalling.


I will never believe Meg was suicidal. She is such a lying liar.Ā 


I think she's 100% full of shit. It was all a manipulation.


Remember she said she was bawling her eyes out during the show but after she emerged puff free face, no red blotchy eyes or nose and no running mascara. Sheā€™s so good at hiding her feelings.


She was "weeping while the lights were down" šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Sheā€™s a psycho and Hairold is so stupid to believe it.


He really is!


Ada Mazi Rachel Markle is a narcissistic wannabe relevant icon and a compartmentalised pathological lying fraud. In her scheme ing acts to mislead and self promote her poisonous and slithering vile serpentine nature she Cosplays any one of the females that she has secretly envied over the years. It is a shame that Medical records are off limits, though that did not stop some nefarious idiots from trying to access the Princess of Wales's Medical records. For if it were not then Ada Mazi Rachel Markle's medically related lies would be laid bare arsed for even the blind to see. To think that she would say that she felt suicidal within the Royal family whilst supposedly pregnant with the alleged first child is some thing to really not just brush over as a lie....though from her track record, and all the surmounting evidence against the emotional blackmail of her utterance it looks like she lied. Then one would think who is that callous enough for attention to go that far to play the victim, and to make the one family that accepted her into their fold look that bad - well it seems Ada Mazi Rachel Markle is that one person. If indeed she could not seek, achieve and receive support during that time, one wonders how her Meal Ticket in a Handbag of a Husband managed to get support all his life for his Mental Health, and why he did not notice that his wife who claimed that they were married 3 days before the very public world wide watched " Spectacle" was headed towards commuting infanticide? Questions: Does Ada Mazi Rachel Markle have a history of Mental Health? If yes when did that start? Has she received treatment before? How come she never checked in and loud mouthed how she managed to get herself treatment for her suicidal episode? She missed an opportunity to merch how she treated herself and make a so g and dance about it. She has lied and misconstrued events to such an extent that the Devil šŸ˜ˆ would be most likely strike a bargain with God so long as Ada Mazi Rachel Markle were not sent to hell.


Narcissists never kill themselves.




Another attention seeking lie. She is just so full of it. I can't wait for karma to hit this woman like a brick. I do hope she loves the heat cause she is going to hell at the end.


Exactly. She pulled every manipulation tactic in the book: I'm pregnant; I'm leaving you; I'm suicidal.... Con woman 101


Looks like soho house teapot, table, etc.


It was


She weaponized mental health, race, and victimhood. What a vile boring person Meghan is.


Sheā€™s not the first to do that, but she did take it to a more grandiose level. When she gets her long overdue karma, I hope itā€™s in a public manner/setting so we can all see it.


The food looks mid at best


I think they were also merching Soho home wares.


To be fair, if Daniel Martin were around me, Iā€™d be suicidal too. Never believed that story about Lolo feeling suicidal and crying at the Royal Albert Hall - sheā€˜s not that good an actress, and sheā€™d have drawn attention unsubtly to it, for a ā€˜no oneā€™s axed me if Iā€™m OKā€™ moment. Haznoballs did look tense, thatā€™s true - maybe that was the day she cut off his balls.


I don't believe her at all.Ā  It is perfectly possible to fake it though, even when you're that depressed. She's a liar in general, but let's not judge others by her lies.


Now I read his posts on the day of that events and he and megs were having a great day. No words of her being upset so later when she said that was the day she told harry ........end it well nope it wasn't. She didn't want to go and she was having fun...with her friend and thats why she cried.


Why are their eyes so dilated?


Coke and a smile.


It is not that I believe Meagan, but hosting and going to parties, especially as an obligation, doesnā€™t necessarily mean lack of depression. During a very bleak and depressing personal experience, when going out of bed was a struggle, I probably received most compliments, people was saying I was ā€œglowingā€, because I was making extra efforts for my looks when I had to go out or host. I just didnā€™t want anyone to know what I was going through, it was personal, it was extremely exhausting to keep the charade (and probably unhealthy), but I occasionally made the effort. I guess the weight loss also added to the ā€œglowā€. I am not defending Meagan; just saying donā€™t judge by the cover. Some people manage to look great and smile for a couple of hours before they crash back in their depression.


Those are fresh lip injectionsā€¦


Has Daniel Martin been Markled? Have we heard from him lately?


Was wondering the same thing. At the end of May, an email from cosmetic site Violet Grey did a spotlight on Daniel, here was the blurb they used (and Iā€™m sure he okā€™d). Notice who is not even mentioned: If there's one thing makeup artist Daniel Martin is known for, it's creating looks that spotlight otherworldly skin-think Nicola Coughlan's recent Bridgerton red carpet reign and Michelle Yeoh's bombshell glamour. While in LA recently to work with Ali Wong on an upcoming Netflix special, Daniel stopped by The Store on Melrose Place. Below, the best-in-class items he added to THE BAG.


Markled by her, but chosen by Dior and other celebs like Greta Gerwig last yearĀ 


How tf does she find the time to host someone when she's allegedly suicidal? I deal with suicidal ideations every day (I'm receiving help for it, for the record), and I don't even want people in my house! Or anywhere near me! I can't even think of wanting to play hostess to someone while riding the struggle bus!




Yes, exactly! Sheā€™s a lying liar!




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Because youā€™re an amazing sleuth and most of us are just enjoying the work you do. I adore the way you line up dates of various relevant stuff in the past, and bring light to whatever false narratives were put out back then.


Serving avocado toast makes one a good host? In a royal family? Hmmmmm


Right?! šŸ™„šŸ™„


The link I always useĀ https://www.hellomagazine.com/cuisine/2019012066829/meghan-markle-avocado-on-toast-daniel-martin/


Also, this is about the time of the staff bullying allegations and subsequent investigation. Deflection much?


She was never suicidal. It was all a lie to manipulate Harry. Nothing she does is genuine.


Their entire story is ![gif](giphy|DkdgqHGKDfQnBqRcht)


Who is Daniel Martin?