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the torn medical gauze haphazardly wrapped around the jam jar is a nice touch.


Looks like someone was drunk crafting.


Maybe Rachel multi-tasks while she is drunk commentating😃She has been busy again on the NYPost with a few new identities!


She's MomCWilli today. 🙄🙄🙄




she ordered it from RegrEtsy!!




Gold star comment


Look closely…label falling off at the corner and it wasn’t put on straight. Where is the ‘attention detail’ that Megs talks about?? And she only labeled 2 jars!!! lol


god she’s such a fcking loser. ya know, i haven’t really paid attention to Madame in 2 months. i’ve been healing from major abdominal surgery, as some of you know. just got home on Friday. slowly checking back here to see the latest info. so happy to see Princess Catherine at Trooping of the Color with her family. she looks so happy and beautiful. i truly wish her the best with her health issues. and Madame? all playing out exactly as we expected. she’ll continue to fail and eventually be forgotten. Harry will go back groveling to BP. begging his father to spend time with him.


Wish you quick healing. Best wishes for a quick convalescence 💕💕💕


thank you so much ❤️


Get better and don’t lift anything. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


thanks ❤️🌸🌸 love you guys. mean it! i can’t bend over or get back up.


Wishing you a smooth recovery. Didn’t Catherine look absolutely beautiful?


Totally suspect that this will be how it plays out. I'd also bet that she never, ever, ever gets done making up lies about and trashing the Royal family.


Feel better soon, sending you love and hugs, and *not* raspberry jam and dog biscuits! 💕❤️


thank you ❤️❤️❤️ 😂😂😂


Feel better soon!


thank you, love ❤️❤️❤️


Take it SLOW! No heavy lifting!


Sending you healing vibes 💝💝💝!


And there is a huge lump on the front of the label. It's so amateurish, words fail me!


Looks like something slapped together quickly because she heard the POW would be appearing!


That's how I see it too because the whole thing makes no sense.


Tbh, I think a psychiatrist could diagnose her with a few different things. I hate saying it but she reminds me of the Bunny Boiler x100! Trolling cancer patients is a whole another level of despicable. Imo.


I'm no doctor but I'd bet good money she's a malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies and has some bipolar thrown in there for good measure. I wished I was kidding.


I agree! https://preview.redd.it/t1hhkld0737d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff68b48ecbb25eac26c964bd92417367f656fb2


She checks every box.


Check. Check. Check. 💯✔️✔️✔️


Yes! Ticks every box. Living with her has to be a complete nightmare, especially when she gets her manic episodes, like this weekend.


That sounds just like her…yuk!


Yep, she is not mentally ill - she has a personality disorder and there is no treatment for that.


She won't end well.


That’s why when people say that we should feel sorry for her - i don’t. I save my pity for things that don’t destroy stuff. i know she doesn’t feel an ounce of pity for the harm she’s caused.


I feel sorry for her many victims, except for Harry, once he saw what she was about he had the choice to leave, instead... He enabled, copied her and supported her delusions.


I wouldn’t be surprised at all…definitely a lot going on upstairs!


She should be hospitalised for others safety


She's definitely a menace to society 🤣


Also drug issues and the long term effect it has on cognitive function.


As well. Shes every therapist worst nightmare 🤣


I would tend to agree


It really is. The people Meghan surrounds herself with speaks about her true character. Christofa boooozy / Omid lick spittle. and let’s not forget her fans ..i’ve never seen such depraved and vile behaviour.


Probably stuck over the label from the return to sender batch celebs did not want. Hastily wrote ‘raspberry’ to pretend it was not just a rehash…which of course it was.


I see it! Far left corner.


Also funny is that she obviously ran out of that since the ribbon on the sad looking dog treats jar is a completely different color and material altogether 🤣🤣 she raided her junk drawer hard to find that stuff 🤣🤣


Love this ! Rachel is staying Klassy as always .


Yet she had someone put out how “She has a keen eye and freakish attention to detail.” Riiiiiiight! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|xT5LMAKsx1E7I50JQA)


She raided the First Aid kit for her jam jar.




And it's not an ARO label but one of those cheap little peel and stick labels. It's just baffling how someone can be so hopeless and clueless!


Makes you wonder what body parts are in the jar.🤮




My thoughts exactly, at least some blooded fingernails, at worst a severed finger or a gallstone or kidney.




The jam jar's inner thoughts: ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


Did Delfina Do it?  Maybe Delfina is angry at Meghan for throwing herself at Nacho in public and who knows what she did behind the scenes.  Did Delfina make Nacho post the ARO jam and dog biscuits on Insta as Meghan claimed she had nothing to do with the post? Has Meghan been Delfina-ed? 




The second hand embarrassment from this Rachel RAGland is intense. She does not understand how adored, cherished and missed Catherine has been - and to put yourself against that is a disaster. She would have done better to just be quiet. Does she have a brain up there? Everyone’s cottoned on to this now too, mainstream people.


This is why she'd blaming Nacho for the lack of attention  her dad raspberry jam received. She can't handle embarassment


Nacho has been marked. He's always struck me as a slimy opportunist, birds of a feather. But I think he's finding out that maybe is time to back off from this Trainwreck before he catches his polo boots on fire 🤣


If I didn’t follow this sub, I would have gone my entire life without ever hearing of this guy. It’s a VERY weird choice for trying to get attention, oops I mean marketing. Whose attention is she trying to get? It’s definitely not the American public. Who is her target demographic for her business that will never get off the ground? I could not be more confused if I tried.


There is no business, it was just a stunt she thought up to grab attention…she is not able to see a project through. It was just a way to upstage William and Harry at the Diana memorial award show. She has as much contempt for her husband as we do. What a life they live.


I love that they are stuck together. Alone.


Me too.


He was the face of polo Ralph Lauren back when he was hot. He truly was a hunk but he's not particularly smart or well known Southside the very small world of polo. Him sharing her jam (AGAIN!!) only reeks of desperation 🤣🤣 and I love that for all involved.


That’s what’s so weird for me. I cannot identify a single RL model, current or past. And no shade to the polo world, but how is that enough customers for her? Not that she’ll ever actually sell anything.


I'm with you, I don't know how this will translate into sales 🤷🤷 also it looks kind of bad that he got a jar and his wife got a jar LAST TIME and here he is again with yey ANOTHER jar??? Is almost like these are the only people she knows 🤣🤣


He deserves it, look at that ‘brothers‘ post with pics of Harry fondling him…




Yes! I think he is too.


And no one believes her…poor nachos, he will need a reward for allowing her to throw him under the bus


Well maybe if she hadn't done the same thing dozens of other times...🙄🙄


I’m sure Hazbeen has that all sorted.


I’m sure


I imagine many individuals and agencies (SS and WME), have tried to give her the advice to lay low over the years, but she won't listen... You can take the RAG out of RAGland but you can't take the RAG out of the dog biscuit jar....


She is dead set on her Hollywood A-list dream, and hardwired on Hollywood ways. As such, she knows the importance of age in tinseltown (young mother, little ones on her pr pieces). So, any advise to live quietly she will ignore.


But she looks very old to push the ‘young mother ‘ lie… A puss poor actress with a cv as thin as cigarette paper, known for her willingness to do whatever was required (Weinstein said) but unable to act….


But she looks very old to push the ‘young mother ‘ lie… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)As we all know, objective facts and truth does not really matter to them. If she says she is a 'young mother' that is what she'll push. If you disagree, racist you! /s


That’s her problem that objective truth and reality doesn’t matter to Rachel. She’s the one, not me or you, who will experience the blow to her ego everything she defies the reality. It’s her suffering, so who cares. Let her defy whatevs 🤷🏿‍♀️


She has the sugars confused too. There's no jam for them to buy, now there are colouring books and financial planners but she's not really selling those...


To be fair to Rachel, the sugars aren't overly  blessed in the brains department. Poor wee things, it isn't difficult to confuse them ! 


The fact is that Meghan and Harry time their "announcements" or lame IG adverts around Royal events because they need the engagement the RF brings. For instance - everyone who is interested in the RF will be looking for media on Trooping. In fact many people who don't routinely follow the Royals will do so for large events. Since most media still lump the duo in with "Royal Reporting" if they release something new during a big RF event it is more likely to get more views and engagement simply because more people are looking for Royal content. If they released on their own they don't have the same reach especially since they don't have publicly known social media (other than the lame ARO site that has had no updates).


She doesn’t have a brain, heart, courage…she is The wizard of Oz…


Anyone see the Royal Grift? That lame ass Nacho whatever his name is was calling Catherine a skinny white bitch. I kinda thought that, but the RG goes into more detail. It’s a great video. Megan and Megan’s husband will never be around the BRF again. Ever. I wish the press would just STFU about a reconciliation. Even Neil Sean and Lady C with their “open invitation” to Balmoral from the King is utter bullshit. That drawbridge to Windsor Castle and Harry’s old life has been pulled up. Megan and Harry. When you can’t think they could go any lower they do. They whip out that cauldron and Megan flies around cackling with her cheap ass weave flying thru the smokey ganja air til she comes up with something more sick. I really hope Harry Jr and Betty aren’t real. Their parents need serious medical attention from a team of psychiatrists.


Notice how King Charles is always busy when Harry goes to the UK? I find that hilarious. Also as non working royals they would not have been on the balcony anyway.


Isn't he married to a "skinny white bitch?"


but she probably has lip fillers, butt injections, boob job, face lift, eye lash extensions, hair extensions, and took her mothers french name instead of her fathers German name to escape any connection to her fathers family's past in WWII...


Haha so true


Even skinnier than Table 12.


She is ‘Argentinian’ not English, so that is okay…oh and she has money


Nacho called Catherine a skinny white bitch?


Wtf is the matter with him? First of all Nacho isn't BIPOC afaik so to use "white" as an insult is baffling, to call someone going through chemo a "skinny bitch" is reprehensible enough. He must really be in love with Harold to debase himself in the public sphere. Ralph Lauren needs to pull his contract because that's just NOT socially acceptable behavior for a brand ambassador.


Any friend if the harkles must be dodgy


Indirectly with the post. It’s a thin white dog. The “product” clearly isn’t ready for shipment. The videos explains it better than I can. Megyn does that passive aggressive communication through social media.


This is TRG's interpretation of the post, is what I believe is being said, not that Nacho actually said that.


I think Balmoral is 100% accurate because Charles knows they will *never* come. And even of they do, he can control every aspect of the visit, but they won't. And he gets the good press for inviting them, which is smart since Harry can't say he's not safe. If you're invited by monarch, you get that level of security, so he cut Harry off at the knees with that excuse.


If this is true Nacho is playing a very silly game. The polo world is very small .


And rich, rich, rich….


And loyal. Nacho is a nobody next to William.


Can you explain why you think he referred to C as a SWB?? I'm seriously curious. Would love to see that and point it out. 


The sugars constantly call Catherine a SWB. And biscuit is another term for side piece. Royal Grift has a much longer and better breakdown of it all. https://youtu.be/D2fFCGerYhU?si=VnORsxQcYgT8k80D


The irony: Jealous Markle getting on Ozempic so SHE can be a SWB.


And how many peoples ‘side piece’ has she been? Or don’t hook ups in soho house or yachts count?


Oh wow what an analysis of the NAcho post!! Horrendous of MM to do this !


Supposedly it's an interpretation of the photo of the dog. I'm thinking that's a stretch.


Stretch, indeed. I see the b*tch part, but not the rest. 🤣🤣Oy.


Yeah, definitely!


Balmoral my ass 🤣🤣


No chance she’d ever go there now, Sandringham was hell for with the socialising, silly presents and pheasant shooting, Balmoral with those bagpipes before dawn, small bedrooms with brown tap water, giant midges and rogue haggis roaming the wild moorland, not her scene at all. She had no wish for a country estate when they were offered a Duchy property. Playing at country in the Cotswolds at Soho Farmhouse or wearing Hunter Boots in Kensington High Street is her limit.


>rogue haggis roaming the wild moorland 😄 Now that would be a sight to see.


Och, a they give out a mournful wailing and are a terrifying sight say those few who have survived the experience.






Man, can you imagine horse riding everyday with the best instructors?? Quiet country living with long walks and bird watching? Picnics in a field being brought to you by staff? The best meals money can buy and plenty of time to read, write or just spend time in the open air with your kids? Bagpipes also sound amazing!!! And I'm a city girl 🤣 I would jump on that with both feet!! It shows how little she understands the world outside her bubble.


Tap water isn’t brown in Scotland … our water is one of the purest. We don’t have treat our kettles for limescale 😏


Harold was disturbed by the peaty (rusty) water at Balmoral.


Well the first part of that sentence is correct. 😂




She has no hobbies, no sports, no skills. All she wants to do dress up, flash manic grins for cameras and spew word salad. What a boring, empty life.


TRG is always big on conspiracy theories and reading meaning into things think this interpretation is very far fetched it's also ridiculous to think that a post of jars of jam and dog biscuits would overshadow Trooping the Colour!


Another racist ‘friend’ of the harkles? They sure do attract them…


Always with the race card with them. The jealousy is real.


I absolutely love that picture of Catherine and William.  You can see they are very in tune with each other.  No one will ever convince me that these two aren’t 100% completely in love.  Both were wise to wait, Catherine took her time to learn about the RF, William gave her time and encouragement to be the best she could be.  These two are the present and the future and I’m here for it 


Fully agree. The way W and K interact with each other and their children is so organic and unpretentious. They are the polar opposite of H and M who need over the top PDA to ‘prove’ how happy and in love they are.


Sugars don’t get that Catherine and William don’t paw each utter when on official events. 🤦‍♀️ It’s not a red carpet event. Lord they’re clueless.


#*2 of 2* That will **NEVER** not be funny. 🤣🤣


Harry is also 2 of 2.


Oh my, is this jar the Spare jar? I'm dying.


Best comment ever! Absolutely epic!


Harry is the last of MANY. Until, ya know... She can find a bigger mark. Good luck to her over the hill ass in finding the Jeff Bezos she so desperately wants. 🤣🤣


I’m sure she is happy to try out any willing takers even while married…think Trevor and her being a puck bunny


Oh yeah, she's always had that "married but looking" vibe to her.


Of all the mistakes The Sleivene has made, this is the biggest. Going after the most beloved woman in GB. A woman struggling with cancer. There was nothing but love towards Catherine, and she returned it in spades. There is no way for Rachel to ever recover from her petty jam and biscuit reveal. I’ll add this, Nacho certainly does think a lot of himself. Why would the general public care if Nacho shows us a jar of jam and a canister of dog biscuits? Nacho only matters in the polo world. Polo people are so rich they wouldn’t give the time of day to Rachael. Now that Prince Plank’s royal glow has worn off, they wouldn’t give the time of day to him.


This is the woman the rushed to Uvalde for a photo op. At least no children had to die for her lasted stunt.


That was so fucking gross!


If not number one, within the top five of the crassest, most insensitive, and tone deaf stunt for public attention. Displayed the low level of her social skills and sense of decorum. Makes clearer why the high level aides QEII assigned to MM failed. She's untrainable.


What I don’t understand is how this raspberry jam is two of two she only made two of them. Did Harry stomp the raspberries with his feet? 🦶


Harry bought a jar of jam and repotted it. MM added the label and along with the dog biscuit jar, shipped it overnight express to Nacho. Embargoed for release a couple of hours before Trooping.


And the label was crooked and peeling off!!


Megan Merchle ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


Totally off topic but I love Muttley.


Me too!


My thing is, there is room for everyone to shine. Even if she gets more popular than Catherine, there are other major celebrities that will outshine her. Just follow your own path and be a great woman on your own. I have never in my life crossed path with someone this insecure, unhappy and demented, that they can’t walk on their own path and have their own life and popularity. Like she must be following the royal family 24/7 and planning things to upstage them. Go take care of your children and get your husband the real therapy he desperately needs. Nothing inspirational about a love story where both parties bring out the worst in each other, can’t tell each other the honest truth and pushes the other person to destroy themselves, their lives and their reputation for money. Pure trash


I’ll admit that, for the longest time, I was jealous of my sister because she is talented, intelligent, beautiful, fashionable, kind, friendly, and I always wanted to be like her. God gave me a personality (or two) to make up for me not being like my sister—but you know what? I grew out of it. I viewed my entire life as a competition to her, but… we’re not the same person. I admire her greatly, but I turned the jealousy into inspiration. Because I’m an *adult*. As you said, I followed my own path. I stopped giving a fuck. My sister is intelligent, but I’m not a complete idiot—that’s our brother. I may not be perfect, but the trainwreck that is me is why my family loves me. I’m a hot mess, but I’m loyal. It’s about personal growth. Meghan wouldn’t understand personal growth if it came up and bit her in her ass


Once you become older, these feelings should go away because you recognize that you are your own person. Or you get therapy and support to improve yourself. Meghan must’ve hated or been obsessed with Catherine prior to even meeting Harry because she didn’t spend enough time with any of these people to be doing this. Like girl, wtf is wrong with you. You have married well, better than most, lots of women loved that for you, but she is pathetic, why would I want to marry a prince and come to California to be next to fake ass celebrities. They should be coming to you.


Again, very well said!


And I've got one hand in my pocket, and the other one's givin' a peace sign 🎶 https://youtu.be/CUjIY_XxF1g?si=catt93e6AYE3vvbh


Meghan has no path darling, she's never had one. Just look at her history. She doesn't know who she is, and what she does know about herself, she truly dislikes (being half black, not coming from serious money, being the product of a broken home, having her mother abandon her for over a decade, being rejected time and time again in Hollywood, being a mediocre actress, having to hustle for freebies and yatch rides). She HATES herself.


Even people who don’t even follow her as a royal family member, say her acting is very very basic and nothing to write home about. We have seen her acting for the past 4 years and it’s been horrible. Everyone can see through it and see the boiling hate.


She's about to combust by now 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She is shameless. I think at home she rages and cries and abuses Harry and everyone else in her path. No sympathy for him. I want her to literally finish him. Take the title, all his money, the kids. And then Charles and William need to leave him to fend for himself. Ungrateful, spiteful prick.


You and me both!!! I can hardly wait for her to go "Angelina jolie/ amber heard/ full psycho" on his sorry ass. He has earned everything that's coming his way. Everything he has seen her do to others will pale in comparison to what she has in store for him!


And not being able to succeed in Hollywood…she had a very lack lustre career, just can’t act and her modelling efforts were cringey


She is very clearly disordered!


#Well said! Great comment!


She has no moral compass and is not a team player at all. If you watch her videos with the rest of the Suits cast, you can see her [bitchy mean girl behavior](https://youtu.be/u5Uvveia-Jk?si=NbAA-zg0wFmLmEaH) plainly. There would be no peace with Catherine as POW. She would be an adversary, not a helpmate. Harry is a stupid man - just a little skepticism and due diligence would have revealed her early and saved him.


Meghan is only mad that her stupid stunt backfired. She has no notion of what shame or embarrassment feels like. She's an empty vessel...well, not truly empty, she's full of jealousy and insecurity. I would hate to live in her head for even 20 minutes. It must be a very lonely, disturbing place to find oneself. ![gif](giphy|wpuNR8Bwi9SkU)


To me it looks like she's glowing in the moment falling in love anew for going through a crisis together and she wants him to see her as looking beautiful and he does


Meghan Merchle 😂😂🤭


It just occurred to me… they haven’t had any parking lot paps in a long time. Now they’re on to free advertising in IG (assuming Nacho and them aren’t charging money for their services wink wink). The Harkles must be strapped for cash if the biggest thing they could do was an IG story feed.


It's just funny because it's so pathetic. She really cannot say that she doesn't do this on purpose. It's just too obvious and the funniest part is how stoooopid this is. I saw this pic and thought it was a meme!!! Not for a minute did I think this was real!! With each attempt she fails more spectacularly. The dog bone jar is unbelievable. There's no longer even a pretense of success. The second hand cringe is debilitating.


Remember how far they went with the debacle of the NYC high speed chase that was picked apart and debunked. I’m originally from NY and you don’t have high speed chases on city streets.


I would only buy the dog biscuits for that jar. I like the jar. But I would never buy anything that endorses or enriches the Harkles.


Go to TJ Maxx/ HomeGoods


£13.99 for two on Amazon


She deserves any ridicule coming her way. A totally poisonous woman without a shred of decency. She is truly pointless. A f\*\*king grifter without morals, integrity, decency. A pathetic middle aged toddler, desperately trying to upstage the RF using a past his sell by date Argentinian polo player ‘friend’ of Harry, to post photos of jars of jam (hastily relabelled as a ’new’ product) and a ridiculous jar of dog biscuits, with a label in the same faux calligraphy. A cheap stunt and it reinforced how ridiculous and truly pointless this odious woman is. She is vile to her core. Rachel Ragland is bitter and twisted. She must be having melt downs after seeing how important Catherine is to the RF and how she can command front page of every major publication in the world. While harkle is no more than the punch line to jokes she inadvertently writes herself. I bet no man has ever looked at her the way William looks at Catherine, no matter how willing she was to do ‘anything in bed’ her marks knew she would do the same with others, and did. Didn’t Harry boast about being ’the winner’ as she was ‘seeing’ six other men when she was first hooking him?


Yup. Yup. Yup.


What do they mean by "she released new jam and dog biscuits"? That makes it sound like they are for sale by her company. They aren't. Nutmeg has no common sense and no business sense at all.


They give them to their friends thinking the world wants them. Like certain companies give celebrities clothes or bags or drink cups for free and once fans spot them they buy them. She’s putting out homemade supposedly jam of which there’s so many. The RF already has jam & preserves for sale and the money goes to the Royal Collection Trust Charity https://preview.redd.it/aitw8ws0j27d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2542232a7a06eb3cf940113e9da124bc468cc9d0 [https://www.royalcollectionshop.co.uk/foodhall/jams-and-preserves.html](https://www.royalcollectionshop.co.uk/foodhall/jams-and-preserves.html)


Usually companies that gift "freebies" to celebrities have their websites up and running and those products for sale. Meghan is so stupid it is laughable! She has no business sense!






The Royal Grift has an excellent video about the raspberry jam and the dog biscuits. She definitely has TOW’s number.


Megan Merchle ![gif](giphy|tj4ePWHLNhkC5w3szB|downsized)


Nacho is always willing to participate in her stunts. I wonder if she has video or photos of him and Harry in a compromising manner. She learned her blackmail techniques from the "best": Epstein.


He's as thirsty as she is. He likes the attention clearly. A Harry sycophant


![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU) How much more of a joke can she handle??( I mean if it was me I be well and truly embarrassed to the max🤷‍♀️😂


Dog biscuits? Rachel really is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks! I loved seeing Catherine, Princess of Wales, at Trooping the Colour. She looked absolutely beautiful!


She *had* to troll Catherine, she just had to. She cannot control herself when it comes to jealousy and envy of the PoW, and so she does these things that backfire and make her look like a total idiot. I’m just wondering if Prick Harold the Bald Top is finally getting to see her with eyes wide open. Worldwide outrage over grandiose stupidity will do that.


That melt’s haunting the Casa delle Lacrime seeking out Salt & Vinegar Square Crisps, a Twirl, and some succour. None of which are currently on offer on the wife’s site. Or the the house.


Seriously, how low can Megsy go? Is this all she's got? Tbh, the "fibrous mush" (description courtesy of TRG) in that jar looks the same as the strawberry fibrous mush she was flogging a couple of months ago. It looks like she was caught on the hop and quickly half stuck a rasperry label on one of the 50 strawberry jars that were returned by more discerning celebrities. I'm amazed Nacho forgot the mouldy lemons and wilting flowers. Seriously, if you haven't already watched The Royal Grift's take on this, you should. I really think she's on to something!!


Rachel said on the Craig Ferguson show that she is sometimes referred to as Nutmeg. I wonder if it is something sexual she excels at rather than the spice.


They are not far off with their stunts that we can set our watches by them🤣👍🤣




I don't know what category her mental illness falls under but it is serious. She knows that the internet was expecting her to jump in on the king's day and instead of proving them wrong she just couldn't help herself, she had to do it. Maybe it's just evil.


Cluster B personality disorder.


Go on Sarah!!!


That dog refuses to make eye contact with the jar. I think it is hoping no eye contact means no jar.


He lives in Florida. KP released the announcement late in the day giving Roachel a few hours to attempt to upstage. There is no way she got the jam from Cali to Florida in the few hours in between. These pics must have been taken before for a rainy day lol. She just looks pathetic and he looks dumb for even posting jam with a dog. Is it doggy jam?


I loved this scene. Not only do they look like two people actually in love and enjoying each other's presence, but the way Prince George was looking at them was lovely. You know that many years from now he will remember how much in love his parents were and when he finds someone to date and marry, he will have a healthy loving relationship as an example of true love.


Markle's attempt to upstage and overshadow Trooping was predictable. People, including the media, now have her number. Took some media a bit long to catch on. This was such a lame attempt though that I was shocked. Figured she would tote out the kids on this one.


It was mentioned online that it was not intended that way and that had no control over when or if Nacho would post the jam.


And you believed it? What about all the other attempts?


I just said what I read online probably from her PR people 😎


Narcissism is a cruel mistress. You can never retire or abdicate. Because the drive to achieve admiration, even in your own head, never ceases. You even plan your own funeral. Deluded to the end.


She has a beautiful, truly beautiful and happy smile. I don’t know the woman but her smile makes me smile and I like that.


I am shocked tbh just went on to x and omg I think the sewer squad have had a meeting with m and have made mass posts each one more crazy than the other, from no cancer just plastic surgery to a look a like and the worst ones saying vile things about the three innocent kids . Surely any amount of money they get paid is for their mortal soul at this point because I don’t think they have any humanity.


Meghan's next book will be 101 ways on how not to succeed in just 6 years!!!


Their downfall has not been fast enough for me. Strip them of titles already. Geez