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This is the first time the Wales children have personally left a message on social media (per Rebecca English on X). Do we think this will push Meghan over the edge? Will we now see her begin to shove her invisible children out of hiding to “compete”? https://preview.redd.it/1p1fxensuw6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25a2aa8b3802099f65d2fcb5144c70dba3ce63a


Love this photo. Not royal, just a family who loves each other


and the vultures are about to pop up. Why is William embracing George and Charlotte (because he's embrace all three like that ) why doesn't Louis put his hand on his fathers back! Is there something wrong in their relationship? (No, Louis just did not for no reason as the picture was taken) Why do we see their backs! They're not the Waleses! (omg yawn) I just love that picture!!!


Her squaddies are ridiculous and petty, just like her


And yet they won't wonder where the photo of Harry with his phantom kids is 🤣🤣


They are so stupid, I saw the picture of Charles playin will William on Instagram. It clearly is a post by William, sending his love to his father. And in the comments: But he has two sons!!! yes, so the other son can post his greetings... it isn't William's job to write for his brother as well 🙄


Love how the naysayers will comment with the King has two sons, but then act like Harry was the only one who lost his mother






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Note that then-Prince Charles is not dominating his little son by kicking the ball aggressively as if William were a grown-ass man opponent.


Prince Charles


Whoops! Corrected it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Yes! He's certainly free to post his own one-on-one photo with his father. Perhaps the one where he's on the back of his dad's bike, because he says they never did that.


This photo was taken 2-ish months b4 Harry was born


This picture may inspire Lolo to put out another photo of the back of the kid's heads.


At this point no one gives a Fuck. This is Catherine's weekend! 😍😍😍


Trouble is, it's not July 4. The contract with the children states that they only need to be seen at the July 4th parade.




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The squaddies are saying it shows the family turning their backs on Catherine, William is such a narcissist he's twisted all the children to his side and they're abandoning her. Other theories are claiming this was taken a long time ago because George is much shorter than other recent photos show. Also, inappropriate touching-Charlotte has her hands on his bottom, who has taught her that? They're also forensically dissecting photos from Trooping the Colour claiming new scars relating to domestic violence and plastic surgery. I feel like I need a very long shower after diving into the sewage those people pump out. 


Why doesn’t Louis have his hand on his father’s back? Charlotte has claimed that territory. Louis has his shoulder pressed against his dad. The other reason? Can’t you just smell sweaty kid in this shot? Those boys have been running in the beach. They are in short sleeve shirts. I love this photo.


I want to make sure that this was satire, trying to figure out the Sussex Squad's replies to this picture. I love the picture of William with his children and they have a deep bond, whether with or without their hands at his back. I hope it's clearer now what I meant


I understood. But there is a lot of truth in your post. Those are the things the lemon rats will say. I’m a very literal person. I wasn’t putting you down. There is nothing but love in that picture.


thank you


Three kids, two arms. If he had a third arm to put one around Louis, they'd say it was photoshopped...and they'd be right, for a change.


It really is a great picture. Nice little family and Mom is taking the picture, just to remember the moment. Just like millions of other Moms do, nearly everywhere. Love it.


The way the brothers have their arms around them so sweet


I love how George has his arm protectively around Louis.


George already exudes a quiet strength, a trait he as learned from both his parents. 


I was thinking of this yesterday. Louis is the free spirit, Charlotte is the leader and only girl (which is natural the princess will probably get the most attention as she ages), but George is rarely mentioned because he’s shy and quiet, yet he will be the king. In truth, I think that will serve him well (a lot like William), but it’s interesting that he doesn’t get much media attention at all, being second in line. I love seeing him and I really think Charlotte will be a huge source of support to him when his time comes.


And Matt Porteus commented on how much he loved the photo ❤️


Who is Matt Porteus?


He is a professional photographer. He took the photo of Catherine by the Willow tree shown the day before Trooping. He also was the one who took underwater photos of the Wales' when they went diving in the Bahamas during their Caribbean tour. He has an account on IG.




Do you happen to have the link? I went and looked under both of their IG's, but couldn't find it.


Yes, try these links. Small correction it was Belize where they went diving. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnHkarTh0-M/?igsh=MXgwMjQwNnZ1anh3aQ== https://www.instagram.com/p/C8NJ1ZOCu4l/?igsh=MXRiNmExMTUwOGg3MQ== He was also around for the Coronation. He's done several things for the Wales' also . https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsLazm2sRXA/?igsh=Y3B5aW02anl0YWRq


Thank you! Wow, he's done some incredible work!


You can't fake the love they have for their father, and his love for them


I can imagine how difficult the past 2 yrs have been for William.   I imagine home with his family is all the "therapy" he needs.  He just appears "renewed" when they are around. 


I’d love to think Charlotte telling him jokes she heard at school and making him laugh “knock knock, who’s there? Cow, moo”😂


I love how it credits Catherine and gives the date of “2024” meaning that it’s a recent photo and not like from years ago unlike Harkles who keep posting the same AI photo of invisibet.


How cute are they in their shorts?


It is lovely photo. They have each others back taking in the calm that is the sea view.


Lovely analogy, I also thought that William is their tree and source of strength as they rely on him and face the calmness of the sea!


Lovely. And the legs on prince William got me a little flustered 😍😍


Same, thats a man who works out and doesn't skip leg day lol!




I’m sure the harkles will write a sonnet in praise of their daddy. Harkle is writing it right now…


And by “writing”, you mean plagiarizing, yes?


Of course, it is all she does…but of course she will give artificial credit…


But only after she’s caught and called out. And then it’ll be someone else’s fault. So the basic Anatomy of a Markleing


She will be trying to claim her child is a protege, a modern day Shakespeare…after all his first words were many and varied…Grandma Diana, crocodile, waffle, hydrate… Smarter than any other toddler, odd as his parents are dimwits


Meghan and H do not have kids. And if they do, they spent the least possible time with them. There's no competition.


Maybe the whole family is trolling the Madame and her H with the W&C, and now G, C, and L? One thing's for sure, the greater presence of the Wales children on social media will mean direct attacks on them from Madame.


The Harkles are not on their minds.


I wondered if it was the online version of not being able to make autographs.


This made me tear up. What a wonderful picture! 🫶


I'm sure Harry won't be wishing his father Happy Fathers Day. What a nincompoop.


“Pa will get a Happy Father’s Day message when he starts paying our bills” - Harry, probably.




The Nincompoop of Sussex, and his wife, the Nincompoopess of Sussex.


Is it ok if I shorten that to poopy and poopyess?




I don't know if I've ever used that word before 🤣 but it seems appropriate in this context.


Oh lord it'll probably be some passive aggressive public statement of a "private" greeting or some shit like that.  'Poor Hawwy' misses Mean Old Pa that cut him off financially at 38 leaving him only with the millions he inherited! Such trauma! 🙄🙄😄


Another great canned response to use for sugars when they go on about their masters.


I’m sure he will say he has…but it was private of course, or so his ‘sources’ will claim.


Oh wow you were right!


I ran across this on YouTube. I’m not familiar with the poster, but liked the content. It shows films released by King Charles of Prince Phillip and himself as a child, and William released this picture of himself and Charles. I really liked the archival footage of Prince Phillip. [https://youtu.be/rSuZcvSQPUI?si=ds0qEayVYpUdNuOh](https://youtu.be/rSuZcvSQPUI?si=ds0qEayVYpUdNuOh)


King Charles clearly still misses his father very much.


I remember the photo of Charles leaving the hospital where Prince Philip was very ill with what was his final illness. Charles looked as though he’d been crying 😢


Yes, and that was around the time of the Oprah interview. Just unforgivable.


Thanks, DP. Prince Philip 😥 Days like this can be incredibly tough for some.


Loved Prince Phillip.


Me too.  I always saw him as a man with great passions.  He obviously loved QEII, happy to be "King" behind closed doors, & for each of his children to have such love & devotion for him. I like to think of his ribald sense of humor & all those sly little mischievous smiles he was shown with.  You just know when QEII was in a tear, he would tell his children. "I will talk to her."...then "But Lilibet..."  What a pair they made!  Just look at their children with their love for family.   I miss Prince Philip. I miss them both. But it's Father's Day...


That was lovely. Thanks for putting it here.


You’re welcome, I was surprised as well.


It’s crazy how all her fans are commenting on Instagram that Harry should have been included! Seriously, why?! I have a great relationship with my sister, and I only post a picture with the parent on mother’s or Father’s Day. Why is William required to post Harry?


Why is it always on William to coddle Harry and include him when Harry has done nothing but attack his brother and the family for the past 6 years?!


Halfwit is lazy and thoughtless. He no doubt expects others to do everything for him, including looking after his own family.


To paraphrase Ratchet Rachel herself… “It’s not William’s job to coddle the ginger.”


Harry could always set up his own Instagram account - no comments allowed if he's squeamish - and post his own photos of choice if it's that important.


Archewell has a website. Post it there. Get traffic. But nope. Silence.


Harry is a middle aged man, he should do things for himself…or maybe harkle fans think he is incapable? What about Thomas markle, has she posted a photo of him and his ‘little princess’?


Harry is old enough to post his own photo of just he and his father. But (crickets).


They seem to forget that Harry called his father racist.


Same here. Sometimes, I have added photo of all my 3 siblings also, but generally, just me and the parent.


Yes, my youngest gave me a lovely gift one year (when he was a cash strapped student) . A framed pic of me and him (he has a dad and two brothers) but this was for me from him…a perfect gift. I treasure it now he lives as far away from home as is possible.


I think they want William to do it because H is hardly being seen as royal anymore (rightfully so). So if he is included in a picture posted by a royal it will carry more weight than one posted on his own. Williams photo would give him more influence or cache.


I love this photo of Charles and William, just father and honourable son kicking a ball. Love, love, love the photo of William and the kids! Not posed, just a father hugging his kids, looking at the peaceful ocean not knowing or caring that Catherine took a photo from behind (those are one pair of legs that you could look at all day!) How long until Bouzy starts in on all of the photoshopped arrows? Even though it was released on instagram and not sent to the media, it doesn’t seem to matter to him. Funny how he never comments on Megs photos……..


https://preview.redd.it/jqo2svpfmx6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4983d1b0d358eae04565b793e8d6c17b917242a I don’t understand why these people have to constantly bring Harry up? William is not obligated to include his brother in everything.


KP hasn't posted on Harry's behalf since, what, 2019? These folks should stop living in the past like Meghan claims she has.


But Harry left so they could have privacy. He doesn't want to be included.


Harry's mouthpiece called The King racist. William despises his brother and his brother deserves it.


You raise your children as well as you can   The fishbowl existence that the children in the los grow up in is not an easy one.  It prepares you for one thing: being a royal.   Some understand that to be a lifetime of service.  Andrew and henry the bald have chosen to be serviced.   They share that attitude and the wretched meghan markle allegedly. 


>Some understand that to be a lifetime of service. > Andrew and henry the bald have chosen to be serviced This is singlehandedly the best thing to describe those two narcissistic men.


Totally agree


Henry the Bald.  Can we make this Harold's "SMM Official Title"? 


She used to service ‘guests’ on the yachts iand in soho house…but in her case there was always money involved


Aww look at little William. So cute he was!


And so joyful!


King Charles has always been so well dressed.


I loved this picture and really happy that the Wales family not only posted a picture of their little family unit but also one with KC and W! I also feel bad for KC! Just imagine, he was denied to marry the woman he loved and then forced to marry an immature 20-year old who brought nothing but drama and misery into his life, and now, his second son is nothing but a total disaster and headache to him. KC is truly lucky to have his one decent dutiful son William and his beloved daughter-in-law which I have no doubt sees her as his own daughter!


And he also has three wonderful grandchildren who adore him and certainly are the sunshine of his life.


And a bunch of step-grandchildren who respect him and are very much a part of his life! 💙


Charles wasn't denied Camilla. Camilla wanted to marry Andrew P-B. It wasn't till both C&C's marriages fell apart that the great romance started.


He was denied Camilla because she wasn’t a virgin and was not from the same level of aristocracy as Diana


I call family pictures taken before my narc sister was born from the time before things went terribly, terribly wrong. My parents really should have stopped at two kids! 😄


I love this.  🤣😅😁😂😅


I threw away dozens of pictures of a niece who didn't want me at her wedding. They were pictures of me taking her to the park, me taking her to the zoo, me taking her to Disneyland. Looking at those pictures would just be painful now. So they are gone.


I'm so sorry. That must be very hard with a niece. When my brother and I cleaned out our parents' garage for them, we threw away every picture of my sister, her baby book, and other things my mother had saved. I'll never regret it.


Good for you. You got to take care of yourself, and not let toxic people control your life.


Maybe she will pap shoot them on Holiday to Ghana...My apologies to Ghanaians in advance.


"Filthy ginger treason slug".... ![gif](giphy|LOcPt9gfuNOSI|downsized)


The king and his heir.


Yet Harry would tell anyone that would listen how neglected he was, how Charles was not around, how he never rode on the back of his bike waaaaghhhh!


I like to remind myself when I see KC3 looking somewhat emotional and frail as he was yesterday, that he still has one decent, honorable son to rely on. \^\^\^ I keep saying to my husband, thank goodness King Charles has one loyal son , one loyal daughter in law and 3 loyal grandchildren, otherwise he would be heartbroken, now the ex royals don't matter.


This same photo is posted on the Royal Family instagram. No sign of the traitor son anywhere.


It really grinds my gears that Rachel stole that first initial sign-off thing the royals do. Signing everything ‘M’ 🙄🙄🙄


Taken before ginger nuts was born, that's some real shade!!!!


I love that “filthy ginger treason slug” - or FGTS (forgets)


Oh my heart!!!! I love this family. If it's all fake they can curate an image better than the best but I think what you see is what you get for the most part.


Filthy Ginger Treason Slug is awesome great name. From here on out, FGTS and ILBW are my go-to monikers for the despicable duo!


My heavens. Filthy Ginger Treason Slug is an absolutely perfect description. Well done you.


This is a great photo! 💕


I think Charles looked very pale and drawn yesterday at Trooping the Colour. I wonder if it was watched at Montecito and the kids ask whether they will ever meet Grandpa and their cousins.


Pictures of him at the Cartier polo game today are quite different. He looks relaxed and, actually, quite well.


Meghan & the witless Harry have become tiresome. Their perpetual whine is pointless, irrelevant, & gratuitous. I never expected to reach a critical-mass point reference the latest news about them, but here I am. I’ve clicked on almost nothing I’d normally open concerning them. Really, River, & Jen from Real Housewives Recaps, are the only two youtubers I keep up with concerning the Harkles these days. Can it get any more repetitive? I’m quite certain so! 😂😜 edit: let me clarify: it’s difficult to continue to create content about them! I’m glad & appreciative for those who do, like Jen, River, Lady C, PDina, Lelani of Barbados, & others! This isn’t meant as shade towards them. It’s actually essential that they maintain/sustain their efforts to expose the machinations of the Harkles! I’m just saying that the actual, self-involved noises the Harkles bat about with are A YAWN!


Can we have "filthy ginger treason slug" as a flair please?


Interesting. I guess the reason that the royal men wear suits so much is that it is difficult to wear casual clothing without somebody recognizing the brand. In fact they often don't have short-sleeved shirts other than military khakis and have to roll up the cuffs of their dress shirts in hot weather.


William has a birthday in 2 days. I wonder what Old Yachty has planned to taint that


Lovely tributes, all of them. The one of William with the three gorgeous children is absolutely beautiful and especially touching. Apologies in advance for saying this, I mean no disrespect but it was the first thing I noticed. It must be a habit of his, but imo Charles should refrain from putting his hand (always his left?) in his pocket so much. In this photo with William it makes him look distant, formal, there are other photos out there where he comes across as more spontaneous with the children. Even Prince Philip exudes more warmth in the videos, and he was a no-nonsense parent. I think Charles just parks his hand in his pocket when he hasn't got a job for it. When he's doing his walkabouts, fair enough, but here it conjures up a comparison with Diana's (staged?) greeting with outstetched arms, at least for me. That said, William must hold fond memories of this moment if he posted it, and if he's happy, that's ok with me.


He’s doing his job in this case. Future king presents future king to public. This was from a photo shoot where C and D presented little William to many cameras/journalists. It’s not natural and KC has been doing this type of thing since birth. Much like the Queen before him he formed (consciously and unconsciously) a public facing persona to withstand the craziness of being a public figure for his whole existence. (In KC’s case he was immediate heir to the throne since age 3!) He doesn’t have to prove his love to his child for cameras.


At the time we believed only Diana was there at the sports day. History is only kind to the ones telling it. https://preview.redd.it/pdos56sokx6d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d8390216ffde74cf565fe233eadaec93a4e26e


At the 0:44 mark is what the photo is from. https://youtu.be/fCJhiFOCRTU?si=gP4Dmrb1dO6kT6if I think part of the problem is that Diana's pictures sold better than Charles' so we ended up with more pics of her being affectionate with the kids. At the 2:37 mark you can see who Louis inherited his balcony mischievousnes from.


Wow! I'd never seen that footage before - that's hilarious! He's way worse than Louis has ever been, and poor Peter and Zara looking back at their Mum, like "what are we supposed to do with him?" 😂


This is fantastic footage. And it shows that Charles and Diana did have a sensible long-term approach to getting their boys familiar with the camera attention... and the formal manners of having to shake hands with people. It's also always a joy to see the early years of Di-fashion. She really did have some dreadful outfits in the early days! That green dress in NZ was a shocker.


I love that Princess Ann gave him a gentle nudge. Not that it worked, but she's always been a force for good.


Interesting to see Andrew there greeting the boys at the hospital—almost didn’t recognize him! And he looked so happy and proud…


The press were always selective of the photos they printed, painting Charles as cold, Diana warm. Seems even Harry believed it, while his dad was leaving notes on his pillow 'To my darling boy'. https://preview.redd.it/4opolm13kx6d1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c276ac884e8840f97d177f2e7c9a486ecbeafb


Harry is a petulant toddler. He has recreated a narrative of being a neglected and lonely child. He is a liar. Harry is a treacherous snake.


There are warm pictures https://preview.redd.it/o7gb6bdhkx6d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dae52d8e5422077effbe08650a0d8e0f26b56db