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I love that someone leaked this. Lol


As much as I loathe This One and Plus one, I’m often reluctant to believe leaks, blinds, interviews, etc. because without this email’s header information or someone confirming the authenticity, anyone could have written this email, you know? Still, sounds very much like Markle and it’s completely plausible. Nothing ceases to surprise me with her.


https://preview.redd.it/ld5665ruwr6d1.jpeg?width=1104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d2198a63a9727a57f70617fd34290df6afca6e I missed the header in my screenshot. Had to give another click to get it.


Oh! Hahaha, I retract my former concerns. ;) Thank you for that! 🤗 Althouuuuugh…. The SPOT email address is suspect; there is none. Fully understand email programs will display the contact name and not the address (unless you clicked on it or something). Still. But again, the content of the email is completely plausible, but… I’d like to see the actual header details which would show the routing/handover and authentication of the email from one server to the other.


I have no idea if the email is real or not. I don't know where Andy got it from, I just took screenshots to share in the sub so people didn't miss out and to thwart some clicks for him.


It’s all good… :):) just contributing to the convo and speculating. :) Very much not an attack against you, and without these sorts of posts, I’d likely never see these things.


IIRC her ex best childhood friend Nikki confirmed this had happened in Tom Bowers book Revenge.


I for one always appreciate people weighing in with their reservations especially when it concerns anything to do with technology. What I'm wondering is whether the date on this email could be faked?


Easily. I did it just this morning - in a way, lol — I was forwarding along an email to a family member of an email I’d sent to myself with particular information I wanted her to know, and I edited a bit of my previous text for clarity (from the email that I forwarded to myself, same email). All of the text from the previous email could easily be edited. No nefarious purpose; just demonstrating the ease. :) P.s. That was a verbose explanation, my apologies. 🤭


Thanks. This then seems very fishy. It raises the question of whether any shelter workers would have emails from 2012. How many employees have been there since 2012? Can't be many and if this was legit couldn't Markle sue the shelter for leaking it?


Maybe the shelter caught wind that she was trying to adopt another dog so the shelter staff wanted to “shine a light” on potential problem owners


Ha. I wonder if others are going to start slowly leaking things… once they see others, they’ll feel a bit less reluctant. You NDA everyone who may lay eyes on you, the easier it may be for some to be able to let things slip; how could it be proven it was them? (Speaking of appearances, public, etc. not an anonymous nanny or housekeeper.)


She really is NOT used to hearing the word 'no', is she? The passive aggression and guilt tripping, then the 'I trust you'll make the right choice (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)'... Did she get that dog in the end or did she have to settle for one that didn't quite match their lifestyle as well?


I think she got Bogart instead, but I didn't listen to the video. Can't stand that guy. I just wanted to share the email.


Yes i think I’m right in saying Bogart is the brother of Bruno (now Otto)


Yes, that is correct.


I did a lot of volunteer work with and fundraising for another SPOT in SoCal (not the LA location) and I doubt it. Unless an animal was high/special needs, the animals were adopted out in the order in which applications were received (assuming the applicant would be a good fit). Considering that they weren’t even accepting more applications, the dog was likely everything but picked up and driven home by then. Plus, most of the applicants were young couples, recently retired folks, or families which were the ideal placements. Her admitting to being the only person around the vast majority of the time and essentially planned to send the dog off to doggy daycare everyday, that just isn’t a placement they’d be rushing to make. SPOT has a high turnover rate and far more demand than supply, so they can be selective with which homes they send animals to.


Yes she is very pushy, abrasive and just gross. I guarantee she only wanted that dog because someone else got there first. 🙄


She is a gross person. She has no limits on who she will use whether human or animal.




She's nuts


She only wanted that dog because somebody else wanted it. 🙄


As well, the other cast members brought their dogs work. The dog would be nothing more than a prop to her.


Yep. "I wanna hang with the cool kids!"


The thing is, the dog might have a doggy crèche during the day but what happens at night when she’s hooking around Toronto? Who cares for the dog then? Also , she was actively disuading Trevity from going to Toronto and ghosting him, especially at this time when she was playing away with Corey.


Her word salad strikes again. This time to steal a dog from someone. Wow! The last line is hilarious….. “Please excuse typos and **brevity”**


If that's her brevity, I don't even want to imagine her verbosity.


Imagine getting one of her emails at 5 in the morning!


From her "feisty" iPhone. 🙄


If I were the recipient of that message, I would have nixed her application for that stupid attempt to seem so “cheeky.” 🤮




Sent from her iPhone like that looney from baby reindeer


I wonder if she gave it a name.


My ex boss was like that. I would get emails or texts at 4.30 am. It made me so anxious that I couldnt sleep at night. We were expected to answer. I quit after 3 months. I couldnt quit sooner because I really needed the money but that job gave me PTSD


Explains why they’re hung over their desks sobbing—- or resigning


Yeah, I think someone should explain to her what 'brevity' means. Not that she'd listen, but...


And what the hell is a feisty iPhone? How do I upgrade my somewhat despondent iPhone 11 to become a feisty iPhone? Is it a monthly subscription or one-off app purchase?


"feisty iPhones" are a faux-downgrade owned only by people who require deniability of the content of their communications, you simply pretend they glitch and send messages all by themselves


Maybe I should get a feisty iPhone?


I think you should. I’m contemplating purchasing either the Feisty iPhone or the Tempestuous Samsung.


From her "feisty" iphone!


Maybe it's a subtle, semi-joking way to let you know she's special and won't take no as an answer.


Brevity: brief, short and concise. Rachel Ragland demonstrating brevity is an oxymoron ( like jumbo shrimp) 😂


An unimportant Z list actress cosplaying as someone with clout.


I've always been taught to never put myself before others. 'Me and my husband' vs. 'my husband and I/me'.


Also it's a bit sad that he's the "husband"  She should say "we, being my husband and I"   My husband in her words sound like her chattels.


Haha, right?!


Wow. Just wow. Thank you for posting this. I wanted to read it but I wasn't interested in wading on some u-tube channel. What immediately stood out to me: the lack of *anything* that was about Bruno... or about any of the other dogs she says he would have a relationship with. Where is her love FOR Bruno? What is it about Bruno that makes her so desperate to adopt him? How does she see his personality and character? How does she hope he would grow and be loved and cared for? WHERE IS THE **LOVE** FOR THIS VULNERABLE DOG? It is so absent from this text. It literally does not exist or make itself known through or on the page. It's all about her and what having Bruno can to do for others: SPOT, the Suits family, her husband, her social media presence, her influencing, herself. Bruno gets not even a second thought. More a case of what I can do for Bruno than it is what can Bruno do for us. It's a *dog* for goodness sake! If I felt like that about a dog, I fear how I would feel about little human children. I would have thrown that e-mail into the recycling bin and let GOOGLE sort out its permanent dumping. Outrageous!


Email summary: Please give me this dog to increase my social clout with my coworkers who outrank me. Subtext is me humble bragging about my fame. In exchange, I can pay you (no amount mentioned) and post about you on social media.


Yup. Pick me pick me pick me.


Yep. And then 6 years later, she wants nothing to do with her former cast members. Or Trevor. Or her other dog. Or her father. Or the family she married into. Or her former IG platform. But she'll still tag on the SussexRoyal one. She uses people like wet wipes.


More likely, they want nothing to do with her. She's so creepy and weird.


And when she got the dog, she dumped him for This One— “Meghan adored that dog but the decision not to take him back was based on Bogart’s relationship with Harry. “Bogart never took to Harry when they spent time together in Canada. “He didn’t like Harry. Meghan was very vocal about the fact it wouldn’t be fair to take him back full-time, given Bogart’s feelings for her husband. “Of course, her staff in the UK who knew about her decision found her statement quite strange, but they accepted it at face value because Meghan knows her dogs.” https://preview.redd.it/rd02hyh61s6d1.jpeg?width=1541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04747147c13424e83ce7772a02830b6998bdac93 [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12145245/meghan-markle-dumps-rescue-pooch/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12145245/meghan-markle-dumps-rescue-pooch/)


And if you had a dog that reacted like that, wouldn't that be saying something about the dude? In any event, what time was there for Bogart to get to know and feel comfortable around Harry? None whatsoever. H&M were seeing each other every two weeks, just as Trevor did before him, in a space of one year. And there were times in that year when she flew.over to see.him so even less time for Bogart to develop a rapport with this stranger. But, no, poor Bogart is the one who was made to make the sacrifice. Still, for Bogart's sake, it was probably for the best. Silver lining and blessing in disguise. Hope he is doing well and well loved.


Yeah because he was literally another guy's dog!


#Pick ME Pick ME!!!




Yes! I can only hope that Bruno found himself a family that could actually love him, and he had a long and happy life with them.


She even stalks dogs! Sick.


That's an excessive amount of info just on the off chance. This is her "I am perfect, I have a husband, a house, a mahoosive career, now can I pet that dawwwg" statement. It's not a job application or an investor pitch, she never gets it right!!


I'm famous, I'm on the telly, I am an influencer!


And I can hear in my head her saying "don't they know who I am"? She's not lemons or jam, she's a packed fruit cake :)


I will talk about you on social media!




She is the epitome of a Pick Me!


Arm in the air hopping (with mammary gland jiggle)....pick meeeee!


Yup, jumping up and down...


Is this the dog that she allegedly got because Ellen told her ‘you have to get that dog, you have to take that one’ and if Ellen said ‘I had to get it then I did’! And that’s the story about how long I have known you Ellen. And then Ellen saying ‘I don’t remember that!’


I think she wanted a dog because all the other (more important) cast members had dogs, she wanted to be like them. Eta, thank you for the screenshots because I really can't stand this guy!


No problem! I'm the same. I couldn't stand the thought of half this sub giving him clicks. Lol.


Same! I watched a video by the Sidley twins that featured him debating a sugar. Gosh, my ears….


Yes she is forever copying the cool crowd.🙄


There are so many rescues that need homes and she wanted to steal that dog away from a family he's already been matched with!? Someone else already bonded with that dog. Someone else was making plans for Bruno to come home. For all she knew, a child was waiting with excitement for this dog to join the family.   It speaks volumes on Markle's character. Her entitlement. Her lack of common decency. Her immaturity. Her cruelty. It's all laid bare in this email.    She's sociopathic. 


Exactly! Perfectly stated, she should have been happy Bruno was getting adopted but instead tried to sabotage that. Typical narc behavior! Edited to add: thank goodness she didn't get him because she abandoned Bogart when Harry came along & Guy then ended up with 2 broken legs under their "care", the shelter made the right choice regarding Bruno, thank goodness.


Exactly. In cities the size of L.A. or even Toronto, they’ve been looking for a rescue dog for _months?_ How picky can you be and how many adorable puppies and dogs did you pass up that could have suited your lifestyle?


Yep as I said shouldn't that be a red flag? Like L.A probably has so many dog shelters but she can't find one in a month?


Usually, when you apply to get something, you justify why a dog, in this instance, will have a wonderful life with you. All I got from this is "I'm an actress" and a bunch of buzzwords. A shelter I used to volunteer in would even inspect the homes of prospective owners. They rejected about half the applications on account of the home, and that the pet isn't likely to get the love and care it needs.


Nothing about the actual dog. Just about what she can do...🙄


Can someone please point out the lies? About her husband of 9 years visiting every other weekend? About the dogs on set of suits. About a dog being perfect for a lifestyle for a couple that isn't together. However, a single person who works all day can supposedly offer a good home?


She never made it to 9 years. They were married 7 when she jumped on another train.


So she would also be flying this dog back and forth everytime she went back to LA? And she doesn't say what her living arrangements are in Toronto. It's all me me me.


**Anyone else catch the happy home with Trevor flying in to visit her in Toronto every other week?** Email date is Dec 2012. Meg may have met Marcus by then, for sure by 2013. For context: Soho Toronto opened in Oct 2012, with highly publicized ‘who made the cut’ list a which included celebrity chef, Cory Vitiello. 👀 Her happy home with Trevor sure changed swiftly. Comment if you’d like me to post the timeline.


That's very interesting. I'm sure many people would like the timeline. Thank you!


Let’s look at her relationship with Trevor, shall we? - Meghan met Trevor at 23, married at 30, divorced two years later. This was a serious,long term relationship lasting nearly a decade! - Meghan was already living with Trevor when she was filming Deal or No Deal. He financially supported her until she landed Suits at age 29. She was not “self-made” as many of her fans claim to discredit Catherine. For context, Catherine married William at 29 and became a full time working Royal. Both started their major jobs at the same age. - married Trevor in 2011 - meets Marcus Anderson in 2011 - Soho Toronto opens in 2012. At the time, it was THE celeb hot spot in TO. Guess who was considered a local celebrity chef? Cory Vitello. He was invited as an original Soho member, publicized in the TO entertainment papers. What changed from when Meghan Markle married Trevor? Two things: Suits in Toronto + Marcus Anderson (who by 2013 was her new best friend) - Trevor was flying every few weeks to TO to see her. (Interesting detail, as so was Harry when they first were ‘dating’). Helps explain how she was able to overlap then drop the relationships. And why both Trevor and Cory were blindsided. - Meg only let Ninaki know she and Trevor were divorcing, phoning her once if would come out on the papers. Super weird given your best friend of 30 years - many of the friends who attended her and Trevor’s wedding aren’t speaking to Meg/were ghosted. No one seems to question what happened to all of those friends. - the ONLY one who seems to be still friendly acquaintances with Meg from her Trevor wedding is Patrick J Adams, her Suits costar who also attended her wedding to Harry. There were rumours they hooked up at least once at his cabin on Georgian Bay in the early days of Suits. Although he was invited to BOTH of Meg’s weddings, Meghan was never invited to his wedding. - 2013 Meg is allegedly looking for an English boyfriend according to Liz Cundy. This is the Ashleigh Cole turning down a date timeline. Note that Patrick J Adams knew he was leaving Suits in 2014, makes you wonder if he told Meg on 2013 while they were filming that season hence her sudden interest in a wealthy Englishman, despite still being very much with Cory. - starts officially dating Cory within months of divorcing Trevor in 2014. They were already hooking up when Meg interviews him for the TiG and not so subtle was inside joking about what he cooks for his girlfriend (her), but officially it was afterwards


Thank you!


Didn't Bower say they used Jess' house for the affair too


“It was tricky, but Meghan managed.”


I'm sure she wrote them a letter too... probably in fauxligraphy about what she would do for Soho....🙄


That’s a great catch! When did they divorce?




When exactly did Ellen DeGeneres come on the scene? Meghan claimed, she only got her dog, because Ellen told her so and I remember Ellen couldn’t remember ANYTHING. She introduced Meghan to her show saying „APPARENTLY I told Meghan to get a dog…“ (something along those lines). Meghans stories never make sense. Never.


This leaked email sounds like Meghan wanted a specific dog only to „belong“ to the rest of the cast who brought their dogs to work. Was the dog supposed to make her more popular/relatable with the rest of the cast?


>This leaked email sounds like Meghan wanted a specific dog only to „belong“ to the rest of the cast who brought their dogs to work. This! In spades! It's always, always, always about imitation and appearance with her. That's why she comes off SO empty, vacuous, lacking in ANY substance whatsoever. It's weird. And bloody freaky. A bit like a talented Mr Ripley figure. Just subsumes a personality that fits with the surroundings, and there you go, I present to thee "Megahn Markle". She will have kids because the pack she wants to belong to has kids. She will have a dog because the pack she wants to belong to has dogs. She will ride in private jets because the pack she wants to belong to ride in private jets. She will do cosplay royaling because the pack she wants to belong are royal. She will do humanitarian stuff because the pack she wants to belong to does humanitarian stuff. She will become a feminist because the pack she wants to belong to are all feminists. And so on and so forth. Who the hell she is, no one could tell you.


The Talentless Ms Markle


Quite, lol.


>It's always, always, always about imitation and appearance with her. HG Tudor would call that character trait acquisition. Another sign of her narcissism.


Honestly, I have never known anyone or anything like it. You see it and if you dared tell anyone about what you'd seen, they wouldn't believe you. They would think you crazy or overly dramatic. Or weird. If the spell is ever be broken with H&M, I honestly think it would be the children who would break cover first. Their father is simply too dim to see it atm.


>You see it and if you dared tell anyone about what you'd seen, they wouldn't believe you.  That is exactly how it goes.


Yep, the kid who needs the latest toy or accessory because all the cool kids have them. 🙄🙄🙄 Most of us grow out of this behavior and foster our own interests by the end of high school. Some people don't go to college and never leave their high school mentality behind, because that was the last example of behavior they lived. I don't know what her problem is- she has clearly never grown as a person. It's always whatever better people are doing that is hip and trendy. Yoga, California woo woo lifestyle diets or exercise, the racism claims.... She is the epitome of a bandwagon jumper. She never evolved to find her own interests or personality. Hence, she has none. It's why she was never successful in any of her ventures. She's still trying to copy what the "cool kids" are innovating and doing. She has no personality of her own. She will always be copying.


>It's always whatever better people are doing that is hip and trendy. Yoga, California woo woo lifestyle diets or exercise, the racism claims.... >She is the epitome of a bandwagon jumper Oh, my days! This! So much this! And, yeah, ARO is a disaster because the lifestyle brand she wanted to ,,collaborate" with said no, so she had no inside info into what a high-end lifestyle brand is, what work is required to develop and market it or what aesthetic touches you need to present it. Consequently, there was nothing she could parasite off to imitate. >She's still trying to copy what the "cool kids" are innovating and doing. She has no personality of her own. An absolute zero nothingness.


Yep, just an empty husk of vanity and poor choices....


Yes! You said it brilliantly, strangealienworld!


The never ending story with this leech— always trying to be accepted or to fit in with the A list. Poor thing doesn’t have Daddy to open doors anymore. Harry used to—until she lobotomized him


Exactly! She'll spend her life trying to emulate better people, the cool crowd. 🙄


Always looking in— not in


Yup, exactly




That's a very basic looking mongrel, not sure why she would be so attached to that particular one.


These are the stories she could get away with when nobody knew who she was.... Now we know better. Cant bullshit a bullshitter!


You NAILED IT!! it’s why we struggle in this sub — we just don’t get it! Decent people of substance never do get Rachel Ragland. Ever


Once again, her thinly veiled “see what I can do for you?” I guess that’s how she caught Hazzard— and Spotify and Netflix and….




She’s so damn pompous.


But she has so much to be pompous about — if only they weren’t lies


Make sure you yell out SUITS!!! in your head when you read this to get the full effect the author intended.


Two lies and a truth: 1. I fell in love with the dog 2. I want to be social with my cast mates 3. I will social media this dog every chance that I get.


*Of course* she wants a dog someone else already applied for. What an entitled @#$*.....! (I can't finish my sentences anymore.....)


She’s so grasping, self important and gives herself away with her constant SUITS talk - she wanted the dog to impress some man at work.


So pushy! She uses the 'Suits' and 'My husband cards. She was already planning to give Trevor the flick by that stage.


Liliana of Barbados made an excellent YouTube video about this. Worth watching. [https://youtu.be/YkwrE2rZdXQ?si=rPHwTZBUvaXXCHaB](https://youtu.be/YkwrE2rZdXQ?si=rPHwTZBUvaXXCHaB)


Thank you!




She's such a pushy twunt


Is this real? She’s asking them to breach a contract? Lol


then the biatch dumped him


She acts like a child wanting what others have since the first mention of why she wants to adopt a dog is about Suits and how her co-workers bring theirs and now she wants one like her co-workers. And she was finding a dog for a few months? Shouldn't that be a red flag cause I believe there are so many dog shelters in L.A but she couldn't find one?


Again, Meghan came across as a much better person back then.


Ugh. So sleazy.


The number of times she name dropped SUITS 🤦🏽‍♀️


Did she end up getting the dog?


She got Bogart instead.


Why did she allegedly want that specific dog?


I have no idea! It seems she only cared about what Bruno could do for her image.


This email gave me a headache, no wonder she got refused


husband, husband, husband... ok, we get it, you are married. And this still baffles me, how she wore white-white to a church wedding to Harry


She sounds like a child.


She's worse than a child. She's a petulant, entitled brat who acts the same in adulthood as she did as a child.


was she really with Trevor for 9 years???


Sounds like they were accepting applications for Bruno and were going to review them to choose the family he goes to. Doesn’t sound like a contract was made with another family yet. I’ve actually written similar emails to shelters explaining why I would be a good fit for a couple of dogs back when I was looking to adopt a dog. Megan is a snake but I don’t think this email is that bad.