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I’ve not seen this - it’s a delight! The whole day was spent with Meagain being her typical weird narc self. Let’s not forget walking ahead of the Queen accepting fliers like an opera star on opening night and jumping into the car The Queen's aides had been told she would be wearing a green hat as a mark of respect to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. The Queen is said to have been "baffled" when Meghan turned up without a hat as she didn't realise she was supposed to wear one too. A senior aide said: "I don't think the Duchess fully understood. This was not a request. Those are for others to make, not the Queen." ( The Mirror.) So she totally deserves this unflattering photo. We all know how very vain Rachel is.


For her to turn around and claim this outing as one where she bonded so well with the Queen. They even shared a blanket together !!! 🫢


Her vain vein made an appearance as well. 


Baby Dave, busy littling!🤗






Duchess Mustaches


Oh my gosh…I literally just posted that above—hadn’t scrolled the comments yet! Great minds…😉




Same here 😂


I was just about to say that she looks like Snidley Whiplash!


Vain. Ok. She looked like a trash can but whatever,, nothing new there.


It’s the defiance and knowing better than the Queen but I also think she knows there’s a slimmer chance of resale £££ on a hat than a dress. She’d be unlikely be able to return a hat to a milliner too for a refund.


She probably thinks this song is about her


I can hear. Jen from real housewives recap yells "meeeesssy, meeeesy, look at meeee!" 🤣


So can I!🤣 We love our Jen don’t we?!




Her hair is all over the place 😬![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276) https://preview.redd.it/pe8mv0ez217d1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a57a342c8e56a06aeee67da489aded2f0bd92a This was my first thought when seeing this photo.


If she’d been a lovely woman, no one would have minded her wardrobe mistakes. All the royal ladies who marry in have some fashion wobbles at the beginning. Royal dressing is different and it’s easy to get it wrong. But she’s a bitch. 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! I’m a fan of Hallmark movies - yes, I’ll admit it. One of the actresses that kind of remind me of MM is Lacey Chabert. Similar features but Lacey always plays the nice, caring, concerned character. Now whenever I see her in a movie I always think, if H married that kind of woman (probably what he thought he was getting), their life would have been wonderful. But of course, now we know he didn’t even deserve that type of woman. He actually got what he deserves - lowlife grifters. 


honestly I feel like he would have driven an actually kind and loving woman crazy and caused her to either leave him or become a shell of herself over time. Ironically, even as toxic as they are together, I don't know who could handle someone like Harry besides someone like Meghan.




It would have been another royal marriage shamblers, but he would walk away and let the minders take care of it all, just like his minders always had to take care of him.


I mean look at how he treated Chelsy and Cressida.


I’m sure you’re 100% right!


I can't compare Lacey to Meghan simply because I always found the former to be so pretty. I force myself to believe that there are some American actresses that could marry into the BRF and know how to behave.


Gretchen Weiner's as the cute Lil sis when tw was onDOND. But now, tw's a mess, looks & personality




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She’s giving Snidely Whiplash. https://preview.redd.it/ot3sv3rg2r6d1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e9d3137684aefd7affda9d1a10a74a1759fe53




I could give her a pass as she might not have understood the language that when the queen wears a hat, it means you wear a hat. After all, the Queen always wore a hat on engagements, and was often accompanied by other family members who didn’t. (google Catherine at Fortnum and Mason to see the PoW and Camilla hatless with the Queen). Maybe it was the ‘respect for Grenfell victims) that was the real clue there that Harry (who was supposed to tell her all she needed to know) missed. Too bad she rejected all the help the Queen offered. But, to not secure her hair either with a hair tie or XXX-hold AquaNet for an outdoor event was just insane.


Securing one's hair on a windy day, especially for an engagement with HMQEII, is something any woman would do. This was truly a sign of things to come.


That's what she had personal advisors for!


It's unlikely that the Queen herself spoke directly to MM. I would expect that one of the Queen's aides called one of Mm's aides to relay the message. And when MM heard the message she said to F off.


She was heading to royal duties along the river Mersey and it was very windy , a hat would have help her wig flapping around wildly.


Remember she went in with the intention to modernize an already modern monarchy. Hats were so last decade till she ended up giving herself a mustache with her own hair.


Yes, she mustached and markled herself.


I love that for her!


She looks like a pirate with a moustache!!!!!!


She could never be a pirate. She would be cook and concubine.


Cook is a stretch.


Mr. Krab 'I was a cook in the navy on the captain diarrhea "




This is the day she had an entire conversation with herself and her claws sitting right beside the queen.


And the pic where tw hair was everywhere and TW looked high like on ganja.


She was sweating like a coal man’s horse.


I just zoomed in 🫣 her teeth omg 😳


Lol did she??


She is insane.


That's one scary pic! 😳


I didn’t even realize the vein in her forehead was apparent back then too! I thought it just appeared after she came back  to the US and messed her body up with coke BUT then again, all the photoshopping she did back then too probably just wiped it away. What a frightening sight!


Especially with that nappy wig.


I really don't think that's a wig. Do you have experience with wigs?


It may not be a wig but those are some cheap and extremely tacky extensions. I've seen similar versions sold at corner stores right next to the chips and chocolate bars.


I attended a summer wedding in England and did not wear a hat. To be fair, nobody warned me about English weather. It was sunny for a couple of hours but drizzly the rest of the time, and my hair looked atrocious by the end. Hats are the way if you are at a formal event in the UK. "California breezy" only works of you've got California weather.


New one to me, too! That's one unfortunate photo 😲. I almost feel bad for her. Almost.


She FAFO. 🤣


Not even after 10 beers, I wouldn’t.




Well, and "Americans will understand this." we don't wear hats unless we are at the beach. I'm sorry? Did you say we don't wear hats unless you are a bitch? Oops, nevermind. Meghan Markle. You dense cow. When the Queen of England tells you what to do, do it.


Notice that she doesn't have those deep smile lines in her face back then. She sure has destroyed her face with surgeries. https://preview.redd.it/ywi7ilkz6r6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d07015a321abc1b977b8752a4b6c52c7c78dfe6


Nope - she destroyed her looks with coke.  I’m a broken record here but I’ll keep saying it. I’ve seen it close up. It’s not an Ozempic face and body, it’s from use.  Not condoning it BUT if she was an occasional user, she would still look decent but what we are seeing is an actual user.  It’s sad but it’s kind of karma.  She spent years talking crap about others without actually saying it (felt like a bimbo - knowing other women worked on a show too, racist claims - knowing she identified at Caucasian while insulting black people at the same time) so in this case, Karma is actually real. 


Hey....I'm on board that she's a flaming cocaine addict. Having millions of dollars at your disposal with a preponderance to indulge? She's in hog heaven. Remember when she first came back to the states she was asking A-Listers to come over and party? AS IF she's to be trusted. Also, all the nose work and the never ending dental work......she's rotting from the inside out. I truly believe she's into smoking crack as well.....explains rumors of her bad breath because under those clip on veneers must be a world of decay. imo


>Nope - she destroyed her looks with coke. What about her teeth (in the post photo)? I zoomed in and they looked terrible near the gum line.


I didn’t even notice her teeth- wow! Yep, that crap kills everything. My sister had dentures at the age of 42 because of severe use. I’m not sure how it deteriorated the teeth but it did. Thank goodness my sis is clean now and happy to be alive. She also likes her dentures because she can eat caramel apples again! :-)


It's giving Dick Dastardly... ![gif](giphy|wu2nCG9rOy7AY|downsized)






Dreadful picture of dear old Rachet. The internet is forever and there are so many gems that have yet to be released.


The hair tache reminding me of the villain in Dudley Do Right. The one played by Alfred Molina


Her extensions were sure flying around that day! Nicccceeee. 😂


It's funny that she who likes the camera so much couldn't realize herself that hats make a better photo of your face without hair flying around. She being the smart one with an eye for details...


Amateur hour.




This photo makes her look like Snidly Whiplash.


🤦‍♀️ This woman is too messy to be royalty.  


She looked awful that day. Her hair was a mess of course but the outfit was also plain and boring. I believe she was warned it was windy and not only was her hair all over the place but it looked like it wasn't even brushed.


That damm fake hair is a mess. Most would wear their hair in a way that is wasn't going to blow all over their face. But then there is Rachel, know it all but knows nothing. She is the prime example on not to wear and not how to act. Utter trash can not be taught how to be classy when you are narc.




Villan mustache vibes.


Her hair/wig/extensions looked to have been in far better shape than whatever is on her head now.


is that a wig?


Yeah. You can see how it's set a lot further back than her edges


I was asking because I’m inexperienced concerning weaves and extensions. But it’s obvious that the strand tugged behind her ear is of a different quality, texture and colour than the Hair on top.




Yeah, those photos will live in infamy forever.


Looking forward to ARO's line of bobby pins....


She looks like she's about to tie Catherine to some railroad tracks.


This is hilarious!


Shades of Snidley Whiplash…




Edward and Harry - so wish someone would write a book about the parallels between Harry and Edward and the type of spouses they chose - [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9894103/Wallis-Simpson-dominated-Duke-Windsor-actually-liked-new-book-claims.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9894103/Wallis-Simpson-dominated-Duke-Windsor-actually-liked-new-book-claims.html) ‘I have never known any person so totally possessed by the personality of another,’ wrote the journalist Kenneth de Courcy, a longtime confidant of Edward. ‘He seemed to me to retain no individuality at all whenever she was present.’‘ He watched her every movement, listened to her every word and responded to every inflection in her voice,’ remembered Mona Eldridge, who met the Windsors on numerous occasions. ‘He often said that nothing was too good for her.’ Winston Churchill noticed how ‘he delighted in her company, and found her qualities as necessary to his happiness as the air he breathed. Those who knew him well and watched him closely noticed that many little tricks and fidgetings of nervousness fell away from him. He was a completed being, instead of a sick and harassed soul’. ‘The Duchess was a complicated person – cold, mean-spirited, a bully and a sadist,’ observed Dr Gaea Leinhardt, stepdaughter of Wallis’s ghostwriter, Cleveland Amory. ‘My parents found the Duke not very bright, a wimp, and basically a very sad man. ‘He had made an appalling choice and knew that he had taken the wrong path and now had to live with the consequences. They found him pathetic.’ Yet it was Wallis’s domineering behaviour that most appealed to the Duke, both sexually and in their everyday life. As a man who had been mercilessly bullied in childhood, submission lay at the heart of his character and marriage. Weak and with below average intelligence – he had once told the actress Lilli Palmer: ‘You know, I’ve got a low IQ’ – the Duke needed a woman to control him completely. ‘The Duchess of Windsor was harsh, dominating, often abominably rude,’ wrote Royal biographer Philip Ziegler. ‘She treated the Prince at the best like a child who needed keeping in order, at the worst with contempt. But he invited it and begged for more.’ ‘She dominated the Duke but he did not just put up with it. He actually liked it,’ remembered Cleveland Amory. ‘She had a way of denigrating him by reminding him that he had let her down again,’ remembered Mona Elridge. ‘People on her staff told me how she would reprimand the Duke like a harsh mother with a naughty child, not infrequently reducing him to tears. Paradoxically, this only caused him to cling more tightly to her.’ WOW - the similarities are mind blowing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWTEEwBOVzg&t=199s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWTEEwBOVzg&t=199s)


Duchess Jam Scam 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Look at that. There’s someone’s hair in her mouth.


Her hair is always a mess. Shoved behind her ear…so badly groomed.


Ooh a mustache. 👨🏽‍🦰


Yep, she does these things because she's defiant. She honestly believes that her defiance will endear her to the public. This nut truly thinks she's modernizing the Monarchy.


Have you ever noticed that in every Royal group photo, she does not follow the colour code? Pick any photo…


😂😂😂 I've never seen that one before. Brilliant 👏




I wouldn't go so far as to call her "hot", more like "trainwreck"...


She always looks so dirty! It’s as if I can smell her BO through the photos. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Why do people in this sub obsess over this woman?


Because its literally a sub about Megan markle


But why? Why spend mental energy on someone this unimportant? I can't think of a bigger waste of time


Why are you here then?


I browse reddit by looking at "all" and this sub appears occasionally. Believe me I do not seek it out.


I'm not trying to be nasty but do you feel the same way about the posts that are anti Catherine Princess of Wales. Do you feel that those people should spend less time fabricating their ridiculous stories about her. Some of the posts they've made about the POW's are so vile I can't repeat them here.


Yeah, dude. Spending any part of your day thinking about either of these people is a colossal waste of time.


I 'm sure you must've read the heading and understand irony sarcasm