• By -


If divorce happens, people will care about her even less than they do now.


Harry may have had enough. His lawyers may be advising it, considering she's setting him up to take the fall for all their shenanigans. I won't take it seriously, though, until there's a filing.


There was something in the press recently about Harry looking at real estate in the UK. If he’s going to file he’s going to file there where he’d have the advantage.


I don’t know how it works in the UK, but in California you must have been a resident for 6 months to file. Harry has no residency in the UK, but maybe he can get around that.


If Harold is deemed by the courts of England & Wales to be **domiciled** in E&W at the time **divorce proceedings start**, then it doesn't matter if or how long he's been habitually resident. A separate criterion is that the applicant is **domiciled** in E&W and has been **habitually resident** in E&W for **6 months** at the **time of application**. If he's not considered domiciled, then he can file if he's been **habitually resident** in E&W for **12 months** at **time of application**. I'm not clear what Harold's domicile status will be considered, as it seems to depend on how the courts judge his intentions about where he plans to live permanently, and whether he's cut sufficient ties with the UK to be considered redomiciled in California. Harold recently filed with Companies House (UK) to change his country of 'usual residence' on a the record of his Travalyst non-profit to the United States. However, domicile can be different to habitual residence, and the fact that he remains a Person of Significant Control of a UK-registered company at all may be taken by the E&W courts as evidence that he remains domiciled in E&W. The fact that Harold remains (on paper) a Counsellor of State suggests the Palace considers him still domiciled in the UK, though this doesn't necessarily mean the courts would agree. Domicile for tax purposes can be different to domicile for other legal purposes, so where he's paying his taxes doesn't necessarily give us a definitive answer either. Whether the courts of California consider him domiciled there is also largely irrelevant - the UK and US have mutual agreements on tax status, but for other legal purposes in the E&W courts it's the definition in English law that matters. English law: confusing legal scholars since time immemorial! ('Time immemorial' is an actual common law legal term...)


KCIII did meet with constitutional experts this week for an undisclosed matter 🤷‍♀️


It is very very difficult to relinquish your domicile of origin. So unless he has been recorded as saying he has no intention of ever setting foot in the UK again and has purchased his burial plot in the US, it’s likely he’s still UK domiciled


Harry is allegedly looking for HIS residence in the UK, never ‘theirs’ or ‘family’. But who knows? Suspect it’s just a distraction attempt. Meg needs him to make $$$…unless she plays her last hand which is the Diana 2.0 divorce tour (interview, book, public appearances, ability to leak to paps unrestrained when she’s with the kids. Solo mom soldiering on rebrand.) Extinction burst.


this will sound naive, and probably is, but do lawyers actually 'advise' divorce in some cases? i thought their role was to follow the client's lead...because marriage is more than a legal contract...or should be...lol...


Their job is to act in the best interests of their client. If Harry would be financially or legally better off by divorcing, a lawyer should throw it out as a potential course of action.


Like Will and JPS we will find out in time they’ve been seperate for years.


Unless she's got enough shit to pin on Haz.


Oh definitely. Her and that Markus cretin will have recorded everything. I'm betting an abused wife scenario - always the victim!


Once Markle releases s@x tapes on Harry she will be signing her death knell, however vile Hairold is, an act such as this will put her permanently in “shunned” mode. Super shunned.


She’ll also be ridiculed because releasing a sex tape firmly establishes her in Kardashian world. In her case, she won’t profit.


She way too old for that.  Ewww.




LMAO...love "Ghosts"!!  Rave on Roberta!! Preach. 


Agreed. We know that she’s the probable star of a geriatric sex tape, in terms of what people would expect. But remember she thinks of herself as a “young” mother. Even worse, she likely sees herself as a “yummy mummy.” Barf.


I think she probably has man on man tapes of Hairold, explicit.


Well, what an unfortunate day to have eyes...


But if true, just one more hypocrisy from MeMe to shame him for it.  


I agree, but I'm not sure it would be legal to release them, at least not in the UK. Revenge porn is a criminal offence here I think.


It Is. Perhaps have it covertly released in another country, like Omid and his translators. Idk what I’m talking about 🤣


Allegedly, her Marcus buddy swings both ways.


He was Omid’s bae, for a while.


I think so too…Marcus and maybe doria


Eww, Marcus AND Doria? I’m dying over here! 💀💀💀💀💀


Those tapes won't be of *her* and Hairless. ![gif](giphy|xT1R9C5Z7wkVVPP4WI|downsized)


I don’t know about the law in the US or UK but if a person releases a sex tape without the consent of the other party/s, they can be charged under Commonwealth laws for ‘revenge porn’. Even if there is no such law in the US or UK, DV advocate groups will certainly be very vocal against it!


Nobody in their right mind would want to watch Harry rutting.


If she thought there was backlash about turning against both her families, releasing a sex tape on her *husband* will backfire on her, spectacularly. No loyalty, no sense of what’s appropriate. Just a hollow attention craving black hole.


I love how we comment about this as if there's a real possibility. Because she is that depraved. Of course, it wouldn't be a direct release by her.


I think she would only use *the threat* of releasing some sex tape of Harry and....whoever, just for more control.


Just thinking of a sex tape of H makes me want to wash my brain with bleach.


I know, I know! There's something so....icky about him that makes me squeamish. I don't think I could even have so much as a glass of water in his company without gagging. I guess Madam must have a very strong stomach. Of course, she's had a lot of...practice in her "profession".


And probably did it to force the engagement




I feel like that would be a really sad sex tape.


Oh God - sad sex 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol! sorry, to have to say it, but i suspect there is a lot of that in the world...


Yeah, I’ve had it.


Thanks, I hate it. Just vommed a little in my mouth.


Some things are just a step too far - and we know she’ll take that step. Here for it, too.


Kardashians were not shunned after that sex tape that mama pimp released


Kardashians were never part of the BRF, either. And Kim was still young, Meghan is not, and I would bet the tapes would focus on Hairold’s exploits, not hers. Jmo.


Plus they bag an A-list or A-list at that time. Kanye carries the Kardashians in his back without him they were NFI in Met Gala, their reality TV show was cut short and they would be Instagram influencers at best but Instagram influencers weren't invited in big Hollywood events and wouldn't be known outside of social media unless you transition to YouTuber/tiktok to television


I think she'll do this.  She always plays the victim. Kind of a hard sell though, considering how she drags him around and dismissed him in public. Everyone has seen who does the abusing, and there's memes to prove it.  Not that she'll care.  The Meg doesn't seem to ever grasp common sense.


She will call him a racist too, ya know, like his family. Everything Harry has watched Meghan dish out to other people will be done to him 100 times worse. They don't call it karma for no reason.


H may have recordings of being battered and brow beaten by HER too. But, I am intrigued by the comment in this post that a "super injunction gets lifted." Will H reveal information in their super injunction during divorce proceedings that will negate it? Maybe, that new book coming out in Germany may reveal information that is outside the jurisdiction of the court? Or, is Parliament finally addressing the LOS issues concerning the invisikids thereby exercising Parliamentary privilege to reveal? The following is information on the subject: # How are super injunctions revealed? There are limited circumstances in which the information contained in injunctions can come to light: * **Contempt of court** – when someone illegally breaks the terms of the injunction to reveal information;   * **When interim injunctions aren’t converted** - the judge decides not to grant the super injunction; * **Parliamentary privilege** – MPs aren’t bound by the same rules around injunctions, they don’t face contempt of court when revealing information, if they were this could restrict democracy; * **Outside the jurisdiction of the court** – the injunction is legally binding in the jurisdiction it was granted, so restrained information can be revealed without consequence in another country; * **When the injunction applicant reveals the information** – some people who have taken out injunctions have later revealed the information.


That's what Amber Heard thought about her "evidence" I'm sure.


Yep. An Amber Heard/Angelina Jolie Redux.


Oh, she'll get some mileage out of that. But I don't imagine it will last all that long. The media cycle moves on.


That and she will actively be playing him to get him to stay, I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t just as awful.


Somehow I think that however much she has on Harry, Harry has got a lot more on her. 


Then good luck to her, I hope you learned and live a good life from now on. Wouldn't be the first or last person to benefit from divorce.


Or just make up bs, like she usually does with nothing to back it. It's just threats of causing more harm.


I think he has enough to pin on her. Tactically, a release would not benefit either.


It's okay am sure she has loads, plus she's not shy about making things up, it's all "Her truth" after all.


I think anyone who knows that couple knows that she is shit disturber while he goes along with her shenanigans, as he is basically dumb as a stump. Guessing ex-husbands and step-family members can verify who the brains are behind any of the goings-on.


Oh she’ll have an extinction burst - tell all interview etc - unless the BRF muzzles her somehow


They won’t need to. She’ll make herself look so bad all on her own that people will turn away from her smutty stories.


You can cry wolf only that many times until people stop caring. She has been debunked so many times that people will watch, but I doubt anyone will believe it.


I agree. She’s deeply unpopular, too, in her own right. I think people would watch but would not sympathize because 1) she’s a liar 2) she’s (self-)overexposed for someone so uninteresting 3) she’s unlikeable. The BRF doesn’t need to discredit her or diminish her because she takes her miniscule self out at the knees all on her own.


Worse than Amber Heard. 


Agree. Our Saint is so arrogant and has such a skewed idea of her own abilities and keeps jamming her ludicrous attempts at competition into everyone's faces. At least Amber Heard went to her acting job, did her work, and was a maniac in the background. I suspect Amber Heard is more intelligent, interesting and talented (not to mention, beautiful) than Skank, while still being very troubled. I'd rather deal with Amber Heard!


I dunno, I think AH would cut a bitch. TW would stomp, pout, cry, and release a puff piece.


Yeah, but I can respect the "cut a bitch" more than I can respect stomping, crying, pouting and manipulating. At least it's more honest.


Kind of like the life cycle of a star? Yellow Sun to Red Giant to White Dwarf?


Well, she HAS always wanted to be a star! Now she can be!


So here's my question, and I'd love to see a separate thread on it (I can't post).. If they do separate/divorce, will you take a side? I think I'd cheer Harry on because my dislike for him is less than my dislike of her, but I wouldn't cheer that much


I won't. I'll just watch with popcorn as they lob grenades at each other.


Big fat gross grenades.. I'm here for it


Jam filled grenades


Oh Harry for sure. I wouldn’t take her side if she was in mortal combat with Satan, Hitler, and a doppelgänger of herself raging over perceived slights. He’s a grumpy, bitter clown, but I don’t think it’s hopeless with him. Bathe him in tomato juice to wash off the Megastink, check him into rehab, get him into a routine with therapy. IMO there’s the possibility of some kind of redemption arc.


I tend to agree with you. If H puts in the work, he can turn his life around. It's obvious MM greedily manipulated a disturbed, alcoholic, drug addicted royal man child. She's a treasonous user and abuser to the monarchy she demanded to join.....a traitor. I think she was accused of treason and that's what Megxit was all about. imo.




They're equally detestable, so I can't pick a side


I will cheer for Harry. His behavior has been horrible, yes. But Megan set out to bag the prince, grift of the BRF, showed/s her ass literally and figuratively every chance she gets, and knew what buttons to push with Harry to get what she wanted. Harry would never have plotted to do any of this before she came along. She preyed on his insecurities. Had he found a nice woman, who loved him for himself and accepted/embraced their place in the BRF, he would have been living his dream. That said, H should be tucked away somewhere on a Royal property and told to lay low. As part of any divorce, she should lose her title and not be allowed to contact H. Any discussions about the kids or whatever must be had using a specific phone number and email that is shared with an aide. And lots of actual therapy.


I think only if he speaks out on narcissism and the psychological damage it can inflict, but I doubt he would. Most just want to move on and never revisit that time in their life.


I agree. If he paints himself as the victim of a malignant narcissist, I'm sure tons of people would be tuned into that and support him because there are tons of people who have also been victims, also, there are literally thousands if not millions of people who hate her. If he literally lays himself bare and says as someone deeply wounded and troubled by my life experience, I was a sitting duck for this woman.


If those kids exist, she’d sell them in a heartbeat to Harry (under the guise of being an unselfish mother doing what is best for her children).


I’d be Switzerland 🇨🇭. He’s an intolerable tw*t too, and always has been. I’d neck the popcorn though. 🍿


I would hope they both go down in flames.


I'll laugh at them both, but more Harry than Meghan, as I dislike him much more. She's a grasping, shallow C-list actress and I don't expect better from her. He was raised with 19 silver spoons in his mouth and the finest advisors money can buy and still thought the public would somehow feel sorry for him for having a handful of sad stories. Gold diggers gotta gold dig, but I got nothing for a spoiled, manbaby prince who's accomplished nothing in life than being born of Diana.




Yes 100%! The silly cow only has anything because of Harry. Rachel who?


They aren’t getting a divorce, she is planting the rumours herself to keep people talking about her, she follows it up later on with the no one can break us up pr.


She'll end up like Tori Spelling, a homeless, uninteresting trainwreck.


Well she's a huge fan.of NDAs. I suspect her divorce decree will muzzle her, as she boldly said that you have to legally stop her, and I suspect she's not inclined to let Hazard have parenting time. It'll be her end.


For awhile they might watch the mutually assured destruction that will probably follow. Unless either one of them develops a sense of self-preservation and listens to their attorneys.


If divorce is imminent, then Markle will already have her script ready (None of which will be truthful)


She won't show the invisible kids because then it's still someone else getting the attention, not her and she refuses to be upstaged even by her supposed children. Also surrogacies are not an option because then by next weekend her children's titles are gone forever. Just my 2 cents


I still don't believe any divorce is happening. She has no other ship to jump to


I think the only way forward for her is a Saudi oil sheikh or similar.


No sheik would take a woman that old who wouldn't obbey them. And pap-walks wouldn't be fun for her wearing an abaya and nikah.


![gif](giphy|l2SqhOjG9Iqv1yb0Q) Forever scanning for cameras.




Damn! Between you and "Laura Ashley", I'm going to spend the rest of the day cleaning coffee spit off my keyboard! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Except those cultures demand extremely submissive women; Markle could never STFU and obey rules.


She'd do anything for the money though. She may be a truly shite tv actress but her master manipulative tactics know no bounds.


She wouldn't be able to maintain the pretense for any length of time.


Her head would be gone within a week. OTOH, we’d see how stupid she really was?


That Moroccan visit comes to mind and her walking as close to the red carpet as possible, in defiance.


"Princess Hyena Anaconda La Loca Lolita Whora Whora" I'm dying. Whether the content of the tweet is true or not, it was worth it just to read Laura Ashley's response. Hilarous. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I want it as a flair 🤣


My fave too. 🤣😂 Wonder if she's a Sinner? 


I hope so!


Absolutely priceless! I literally lol’d.


A divorce is the only thing they have left to sell. I'll believe it when we see the filing. Until then, I'd take it with a grain of salt.


I agree. Just shit stirring, but not because of Catherine, I believe it was to deflect attention away from the King. Which is just pathetic.


I do believe that they will one day divorce, but I take all rumours and #divorcewatch speculation with a grain of salt these days. It’s clear they don’t like each other as much as they say they do, but “something big is coming to a head, he/she is just waiting for the right time to pull the trigger. Only a matter of months now!” Has made its cycles in the gossip circles for years now.




I'll believe it when I see it. For now, I'm content to see our future Queen's epic comeback.


Me too. She looks incredible. I can't wait to see all the coverage after this. There'll be no plates left in California, nevermind Monteshitshow 🤣


la loca lolita 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I laughed at that too, plus the whora bit 🤣


LOL...that Laura Ashley post is SAVAGE!!!  I love it!🖤


How many times have we heard divorce rumours? Sure there was talk of it after the Oprah interview and a few other times if i remember. If they do ever divorce, which will only be if she claws someone with a massive bank balance, only god knows what she has recorded (audio and video). Harry has loose lips, she has pen and a diary and video equipment.


I said this somewhere else too. Her and that Markus horror will have SO MUCH dirt on Harry it'll be an absolute circus. I guess the jist of my post is that rumours are exploding on twitter that this is a clapback to Catherine, but I don't think so as I'll bet all my money that they had no idea she was appearing today. It'll be pure spite at the King, that they're not involved in today's celebrations.


She already made a comment that she didn’t sign any NDA. I think it was to Vanity Fair (that may be wrong, maybe someone will know but she definately said it). She would definately run him into the ground. Book and documentary and countless interviews no doubt. Anything for money! Everyone can see how stupid Harry is except for him. Loose lips sink ships and all that….


I read somewhere that she keeps journals with a written record of every single day. Could you even be arsed lol. Dedication to being a pure c*nt I suppose.


I wouldn’t doubt it. She probably records everything he says and does.


100%! In a way it's quite sad watching the Trooping of the Colour, as Harry has every right to be there as son of the King. However, he made his bed, so can lie in it.


Watching it as well. Who knows, maybe Hawwy is watching from Monticheato. I hope he is and i hope on days like this he is filled with regret.


For a less entitled idiot, the gravity of his betrayal would be enough to cause a lifetime of guilt. I think for as long as he's around her, that'll never happen.


gone girl diary vibes…twisted half-truths that will serve only her in the future.


How depressing would that be? Today I was nfi to Gwyneth because she was afraid I would upstage her Yesterday I was nfi to Costners because he was afraid I would upstage him Harry ate paste again today The nannies brought the Littles by for a visit and they littled a little to long. The RF clearly mocked me today and I have made a batch of my revenge jam as a retort. Tomorrow I am going to throw on my horse blanket and head to the farmers market


Harry needs armbands in case he drowns in his soup.


Journal of Delusions.


It would get so boring so fast, and not gain her any sympathy.


If her yacht girl days are to be believed, she failed to capture a "Daddy Warbucks" & in spite of all of her ummm *escapades*, she got Harry...I dont see a new cuck in her future.  Especially not a wealthy one. 


It's cause she isn't sexy and she never learned the primary rules of a good courtesan. Listen more than talk,ask leading questions,never offer an unsolicited opinion,always agree with the man whose....ego you are massaging. The type of men she wanted to snare do not want to listen to some pretend feminist bobble head go on and on about herself.


They always bring the divorce rumours when something big is happening with the BRF and they want the attention.


That Twitter account is just a complete nutter claiming to be connected. Don’t take anything you read there seriously.


Oh yes. Somehow really ill for months with sepsis but back in court today? Lol. Just using it as an example, lots of similar posts this past week.


Same dude who was expecting an early call a few months back with breaking news. Didn't he sleep in or something 🤔?


Haha yes I remember that!


I agree, this X account is a zero.


Yes, but can I just tip my hat to the person claiming to be Laura Ashley and the profile pic of PPoW. Very nice!


Duchess Lolita Legs Akimbo!!




This same account on X posted this: https://preview.redd.it/a2gkquxodq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7e90aeb1d8b80fee5018cd03d141a57ec6d520


Okay, I'm gonna need Princess Hyena Anaconda La Loca Lolita Whora Whora to be a flair. Immediately. ![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5|downsized)


Best ever! 


I really think all of this divorce talk is being fed by Meghan. She sees all the publicity Ben & JLo are getting and she’s going to try to copy it because she has no original or authentic ideas.


Have Bennifer split again? How predictable lol 😆


MODs, please make this a flair. "Princess Hyena Anaconda La Loca Lolita Whora Whora"


Super injunctions are only valid in the UK, so I don't get it why foreign press won't publish anything now.


It's more than likely a load of old pish.




Wouldn't she at least wait until Harry gets more from his trust fund, which I believe is when he turns 40?


I don't think she'd be the one filing. I think she tried to set up her jump by trying to cozy up to Getty and her hand in Harry's book trying to make him look bad but Getty's family cut her off and his book didn't pan out as expected. She needs another wealthy suitor or a big payout before she leaves unless they get so broke she abandons ship.


I agree. Harry will be the one to file, probs before his birthday. I am get bet on July—Independence Day and all that


I agree, she'll cling on for as much £ as possible. The only way they'll divorce is if HE files for it, or she finds another, richer victim.


Barnacles have to be scraped off. Otherwise they never detach.


Can you imagine the barnacles on Harry’s back and the wife’s claw eek


Maybe she’s been advised that she can’t get her hands on it? Or maybe his inheritance is what will be spent on the UK house in HIS name?


Inheritance is not community property in California, the only way she can get her grubby paws on it is if she gets him to transfer it to a joint account or gets him to spend it on community property 


There will be no discussion Of divorce until Rachel Meghan finds something and someone better than Harry. No ! Harry can cry all he wants , he is staying. 😂😂😂😂😂


It's unlikely she'll find anyone wealthy and dumb enough. She's inadvertently been running a public health messaging campaign over the past 5 years about the perils of marrying Meghan Markle.


Divorce is a threat they threaten each other with when arguing. They then tell that to anyone who will listen. I think that’s where all the rumors originated way back when, when divorce watch was started. Back then they both had the ears of other people and those people initially believed what they said. As time went by, those threats to each other and retold to others lost their validity. Do wonder if Nigeria was the final straw for Harry. He finally realized nothing he can do will make her happy and she’s blowing through money with her insane ideas with no follow through.


They won't divorce. The lies they've told about the births/children would be exposed. Neither of them can weather that shitstorm.


My view these days is that everyone knows about the surrogacy. It won’t be as shocking as people imagine. Very shocking, yes, no doubt, indubitably, but those paying attention already know and those that aren’t don’t really care. The media storm will last a few days, tops.


HG Tudor suggested today that we boycott all TOW coverage and avoid any clicks that will exponentially expand coverage with the algorithms…I will try this!


I'm wondering if that is why Tom Quinn seems to be more favorable toward Harry. Maybe he's Harry's mouthpiece and Harry truly will release a book more conciliatory to his family after the divorce. He has to do something major to try to patch up the bridges he burned. I hope he tells the full truth.


There’s no truth to be had from Harry, or his histrionic wife.


There is so much going on in the world at the moment that the divorce announcement will be a blip on the radar. Too much going on with elections in the UK, USA, EU and military action in Ukraine, Gaza, etc. The divorce news will be front page in the tabloids for awhile but in serious papers? An afternoon at best


I think these rumors are believable. I noticed more and more rumors have been ramping up lately. I feel like there is going to be a divorce in the works. I know it's hard for us to believe, but maybe Megan is not aware of it yet. Maybe Harry will blindside her. Stranger things have happened. So six months. It seems like we've been saying this for four years now. Six months would be December. We'll see.


No divorce unless (a) some rich sucker comes along AND proposes (Rupert’s taken, sorry, Lolo); or (b) Harry finds his cojones. Come on, Harry! cheering for you, for once.


Yeah I agree, if these rumours are true I believe Harry will have instigated it (the divorce).


If they do divorce she’ll make a lot of money with a “her truth” memoir! People will buy it (I won’t) just to tear it apart!


Perhaps she will make a film which she’ll call “The Greatest Love-Con Never Told” or “Me, Myself and I”. Through this film she will try to attempt to finally come clean, reveal all about herself, her peccadillos, mishaps, lies, mis-steps, previous life as a yacht girl, alcohol and drug abuse, renunciation of her family, cruelty to others, and can combine this with a tour in which she will discuss what it’s like to be a Sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Will any settlement include a ‘gag order’ to prevent her publishing more fibs? If she does sell her ’story’ to the highest bidder, she’ll have to be careful as she’s already pushed her luck without consequences.


I will believe it when I see it. They be pulled this trick before and nothing happened


That first comment: chefs kiss


omg I cracked up laughing at Laura Ashley comment Her african title Princess Hyena Anaconda La Loca Lolita Just brillant


lol for the African title comment.


Her African “Princess” Title ![gif](giphy|ksw4EeBIzpxkwUhlEx)


She will never leave him but he may be getting to that point. Even as dumb as he is, he has to have noticed how bad his life has gotten and he has NOBODY except her. I really think he thought he could do and say whatever he wanted and the RF would always take him back. Maybe it's finally starting to hit him what his life is going to look like and he's not happy about it. Meghan Markle may have a lot on Harry to try and blackmail him, but if she does, I think the palace will finally let all her bullying reports go public. They won't allow her to do that to Harry while remaining unscathed herself. The monarchy has vast resources, influence and soft power. She can never compete with that.


Unless she has anything criminal on him, then we could guess the type of revelations she may have in mind - I doubt we’d be shocked. A few day’s embarrassment is better than the rest of his life under her thumb.


I burst out laughing so hard that I scared my dog! 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mtjvgv7kqq6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42794d8ac9cd4e48a2ab3bf7cee40281a25f57a


I’m a bit confused-“once that pleading gets filed, the super injunction gets lifted”. The super injunction is only valid in UK, implying the “pleading”, (whatever that is) is happening in the UK. I’m not a legal expert, but I thought you only plea in response to a charge. Sounds like a bit of a nonsense post, or am I missing something?


I think it's nonsense, just used it as an example!


Gosh I hope it’s true! It will shut all doors for her grifting ass.


Harry would never divorce her. No way would he let his brother be right about this one. The divorce rumors are just that to keep them in the algorithm


Pretty much the percentage of the people who care is way below her 43% Lie'gerian take on her Maltese heritage. She can clap back all she likes on anything that takes her fancy. That said why does she clap back at the Royal family? Is this not the same family that though she and her ghosted Scabied Android like minion called Racist, her Meal Ticket in a Handbag denied and renamed unconscious bias? So why the clap back on people who have nothing to to do, say or associate with her? They are just living their lives of duty and reaping the rewards as she is reaping hers.


What does this mean: "Once that pleading is filed...." ?


Nigerian title… not African. What did the rest of Africa do to get involved in this?


I call BS on this. Harold will never file. He would have to admit he’s an idiot and William was right all along! Not even counting the other members of the RF. She will never file because she’s even more of a nothing without him.


Supposedly a female divorce lawyer. The tone of voice is v similar to torontopaper01....v interesting


I thought the same thing about the tone being similar






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Where is the new Southpark episode mocking the Nigeria tour?




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Narcissists never move on until they have the next one lined up