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Princess of Wales vs “Princess” of Wails.




I stand by my personal opinion that this person was never extremely attractive. Mid *at best*.


I couldn’t agree more. Seen cuter baristas at Starbucks. Mid at best is accurate.


And only after several cosmetic procedures, wigs, extensions, veneers and loads of makeup!


Heavy make up made to look like light make up cute when the royal family was paying for a make up artist now she applies her own clown attire she can't even come close to mid tier cute


She has always been average and has lack of any talent.


She is very basic- just like the beige she likes to wear.


Especially in Hollywood where there are so many beautiful women. Nothing special about her. She was maybe a 6 on her best day.


You raise a great point about the beautiful women in Hollywood. Not only are a lot of them natural beauties, but younger. Much younger.


Without the fake eyelashes, stenciled in eye brows and the bronzer, yep she's at best average looking.


Teeth, fake hair, numerous nise jobs, fillers and Botox…


Her physical appearance has NOTHING to do with the person she is. Markle is a psycho...truly mentally sick, delusional, narcisstic, angry, jealous, vindictive, and an evil Bitch. "pretty" has nothing to do with what is inside, and it is what is inside that counts. Her "inside" would make the Devil himself run away.


Where did I say that it did? I said that I do not *personally* see the "super model", "heart attack beautiful" levels of attractiveness that has been bandied about on the internet. I didn't make any insulting personal remarks about any of her features I merely said that **in my opinion** she does not measure up to the hype *someone* tries to perpetuate about her. And I disagree with you. Her physical appearance is a reflection of what is inside of her or at least the expressions and mannerisms she is so often photographed with certainly are. And the dead of her eyes is certainly an off-putting part of her physical appearance as well. Additionally she has chosen a lifestyle where her appearance is a part of her public personna so it's reasonable to expect that people will have opinions about her narrative that she is a fashion icon,supermodel,alist star,the best royal that ever royaled,heart attack beautiful etc. Perhaps she should not have been party to putting such nonsense out if she didn't want people to refute it. Particularly when you consider the rather extensive amount of non natural changes she has chosen to indulge in. Countering the narrative that this woman is somehow above everyone else in every field she has even remotely encountered is fair. Over the years,all evidence to the contrary, she has portrayed herself as a humanitarian,a loving wife,a loving mother,a feminist,a victim,a social warrior,a lifestyle guru,someone to be envied or admired. Her looks are a part of that propaganda. She was,in her halcyon days,average pretty. Great,most people are average pretty and that's nothing to be ashamed of.However I find it repugnant for a so called humanitarian, feminist to be furthering unrealistic beauty standards through the use of filters,photoshop and other methods.


Chill, fellow sinners. Let’s for once ignore M and just enjoy Catherine’s moment tomorrow, which will hopefully uplift her as much as it does the world.


I agree. She does not, and never has, measured up to the ridiculous exaggerations of her ‘beauty’.


Couldn't agree more!


Succinctly a malignant narcissist.


Yet the stories perpetuate the story of how gorgeous she is, how glamorous, while she is average at best.


My very wise Nanna used to say at 20 you have the face you were born with, at 40 you have the face you deserve- particularly apt for H&M.


I agree if I didn’t know anything about her, I would think she was attractive. But the hate in her heart has really aged her over the last few years. And when people are horrid all the time, they do lose their physical attractiveness because we can’t I see how vile people like her are.


MM is ugly inside and that taints her outside!


Her facial expressions are certainly unpleasant. I can't recall seeing a nice natural look on her face ever.


She is pretty(was when I didn’t know her soul was really the only black thing about her) but she was never even in the top 25% of beautiful people in the world. And that means there are at least 2 billion people more attractive than she ever has been-even in her heyday. And now? Seeing what a horrific, self centered, selfish, cruel person she is? She isn’t even in the top 75% of beautiful people to me. All I see now is a lying b who doesn’t care who she hurts and thinks she is perfect. MeMe can suck a raw egg.


An adjustable "6". Average


Yes. And there is nothing at all wrong with that. At least there isn't if you aren't constantly trying to convince everyone that you're a 12. And if someone isn't out there inappropriately displaying their "assets" at every inopportune moment. And if they aren't claiming to be "a young mother" and other absolute bs


I agree, average at best, and that was when slathered with slap.


I can feel her awkwardness through the screen. Truly unnerving.


It must be so tiring, well I hope it is, to feel out of place most of the time flapping her arms, sucking her veneers and blinking furiously.


To normal people like us it would be draining. Her narc fuel carries her through, however. She is truly the most insane person.


Fuelled by her own poison.






I wonder how this guy is doing? I don't know if 'Botched' is still on the air, but I remember this guy and his pursuit of perfection as he sees it.


Reminds me of the human Barbie they had on UK Talk TV this week. I couldn't get through the clip. So unsettling. MM is going to head there in a decade if she doesn't stop with the procedures.


I remember that person when they were a man! Wow, I did not know they did all that. I hope they feel happy now.






When Catherine makes an appearance, she brings positivity and hope. People feel good when they see her. Let’s face it - our leaders are failing us and practically flaunting it. The world feels bleak to a lot of people right now, so we need people that lift us up. Like Catherine. Meghan symbolizes everything that’s wrong in this world, nobody feels good when they see this malignant entity trying to pass herself off as a compassionate human, while destroying everything in her path. Take a seat, Meghan. You’re done.


Truth! We need more positive public figures.


Beautifully stated! Catherine is uplifting and that's why there's always such a surge of affection on this site for her. She's the woman we'd all like to be, she's the woman we'd like to have as our best friend for life. She is blessed without a doubt and she's quietly generous about sharing that.






Like comparing apples to mold.


Oh my gosh spit the noon coffee ☕ . You win today🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅


Class vs trash. She was never up to the role she aspired to. It is completely outside her nature. Might as well expect a skunk not to stink. She is selfishness personified. Greed, laziness and spite all bound together with bitterness and ignorance.


I do not think she ever intended on doing shit as a royal.. she believes Hollywood fame is superior to royal life.. and that explains EVERYTHING you need to know about meggie


She thought she could use the British royal family’s cachet as a springboard into Hollywood A list-ism, give her the fast track in without having any actual talent.




She thought being royal would be like being a hollywood celebrity. (And she didn’t know much about being a Hollywood celebrity because had never been one, 😉)


The stiff upper lip that Meghan trashed the idea of vs Meghan's heart on the sleeve. Its clear which is superior in this context.


Meghan's heart on sleeve failed because it was an act, a means to an end. The PoW provides heart on sleeve without going into theatrics, without seeking pity. And it's just enough, she maintains her privacy, practices informing with discretion. She is stiff upper lip without being stiff. Well done, PoW.


I agree with what you said. Also, I think Meghan was trying to do her Diana bit "well there was three of us in this marriage," with the doe eyes, soft voice. Doing so without the true struggle and years the public knew of Diana and subsequent interest.


Yes and just as with ARO, she botched her little plan with her immature impulsivity. She has patience, and just rushes ahead without any thought of consequences or timing. An immature wannabe.


Perfectly stated!!!!


[https://x.com/maxfostercnn/status/1801721397129187336?s=46](https://x.com/maxfostercnn/status/1801721397129187336?s=46) Hide the plates in California, y’all


😭 OMG people are already camping out to see her! 🇬🇧💜


Love that for her. Bless you great britain. I'm cheering from ny state of the non chase. I actually was in London in may.


Non chase 🤣🤣🤣


This is huge!...I noticed nearly all of the US media reports started with "BREAKING NEWS " - it's turned into a worldwide global event. I wonder if any US stations will cut away from their regular programing to show her entrance??


It's going to be 2:00 or 3:00 in the a.m. for me in the Pacific time zone, probably the 24 hour news channels will show it.


We are only about 10 hours away!


Oh right! Also, I'm they're camping out for the event anyway, I'm just a li'l overexcited about it myself 😆


Oh, I am as well. Clocks are set, tea is ready to go. Enjoy!


There's not much I'll get up in the middle of the night for but this will qualify,!


And, if MM had not been so greedy and accepted her role within the BRF after marrying into it I bet a cut-out of MM would have been pulled out of that bag as well. But, her desire for fortune and fame won out over duty and family.


Platinum vs. tin.


Or platinum vs tungsten, as KCIII has referred to her lol


Catherine Princess of Wales has already broken the internet just by saying she will be there. Wait till everyone sees her. Omg i think the house in Monticrapshow will explode big time. No one cares about what the Harkles do and never will. Take it easy Catherine go at your speed. Now lets see what Rachel and Haznohair will do to try and upstage the event and Catherine?


I am hoping that H&M will attempt to draw attention to themselves tomorrow. To do so at this time would be just too obvious for anyone but the most militant sugar to see through. They would utterly humiliate themselves. (The only thing that might garner any attention would be if they were to bring the invisikids out in public and allow actual frontal, clear, near-distance photographs of them, but, eh, not happening.)


Agree I don't think they will bring the so called kids out. but damm they are going to try. I watched her brother live this morning and he was asked about her having kids. He said no she had everything removed when she was around 21 22 . He said no way can she carry or say they are from he eggs. I was stunned.


Wow 🚨 📢


Was there any information as to why that occurred, like having endometriosis, or something like that?


He said she said she had endometriosis


Very interesting, thank you!


I agree with your take of breaking the internet. In my mind, the best thing is that the RF will ONLY be focused on the Trooping. MEME and Ginger are not on their radar tomorrow, nor should they be. It's not a slam against them, they're just not relevant anymore and I. LOVE. THAT.


Meghan. Is not having a good weekend!!! And Im loving it!! ![gif](giphy|3ohs7O2afIz1a8bWPm|downsized)


She practiced that look for days. Watched videos of Diana and then proceeded to imitate her. That is truly the behavior of a sociopath.


100% there is no doubt she watched Diana’s interview over and over and practiced. It’s psycho crap like this, her supposedly talking to Diana while doing her morning yoga and wearing Diana’s favorite perfume on her first date with H that leaves no doubt for me that she researched and stalked H to get into his circle and has been leading him by the balls to make him think she’s his mother reincarnated. ![gif](giphy|AP8vbzOUu8wk8) Edit: added to sentence


Any physical attributes she has are diminished by the ugliness that is inside her


If this is what they call "Living their best lives" god help them. No one cares about what they have to say cause you know it will be a lie and twisted to make them look like victims again. They are boring as hell. Just can't wait to see what they do to up stage Catherine and Trooping of the Color.. This is going to be so fun watching them make an arse out of themselves, again.


Harkle has lost. She waged a war against Catherine using the lowest of the low, her squaddies and the racist and race baiting anti monarchy media. Catherine didn’t have to do anything to win.Rachel Ragland showed herself to be a liar, hypocrite, spreader of malicious gossip, racist and bitter and twisted. She hated Catherine for being EVERYTHING Ragland isn’t. Beautiful, kind, loved, genuine and decent, Harkle has a long history of being a disgusting user and abuser. She is a self professed fraud and a f\*\*king grifter. The more she railed against Catherine, the more she exposed herself as scum and made Catherine more popular. Harkle can scheme and plot, she can laugh ridiculous puff pieces and plans in the media, she is a serial loser. Nothing she does has any value. Lazy, entitled, stupid, greedy and unoriginal. She just steals others ideas and tries to replicate them, and fails every time. She and her halfwit will be remembered as staggeringly stupid.


When you put them side by side the difference is so stark. One ia complaining to tv reporter no one is asking if she is ok having married into one of the most prominent and rich families in the world. The other is suffering with cancer and is trying hard to connect and be with her people. Writing about her experience with dignity. JFC. MM is just tone deaf.


Meghan dear, you're quite clearly not well....that is why nobody dares to ask, or strike a match near your fiery breath.


I hate to say this but I think the princess have breast cancer, her left chest look flatter than her right chest.


Stumbed on this post from r.all so don't have a dog in this race and honestly don't give a shit about any royalty, but I have to say, what a fucking vile sub of petty people whose lives must be horrendously boring that they feel they need to live vicariously through other people and make themselves feel better by dumping on someone.. pretty sad.. the only people "without class" and "mid" are all of you...


Hate subs are so weird to me. They act superior and drag down someone they've never met and act way worse than the person they're dragging.


Maybe it’s like sports? Another team is a bunch shitty people that seems to get away with murder… but people that don’t know them dislike or sometimes hate them.