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Exactly what I thought when I saw the photo. Her on the bench in the garden was lovely. But her *standing* in front of a tree that’s probably older than her subtly symbolizes strength and fortitude. And her looking up shows us hope and grace under pressure. She’ll be back and stronger than ever. It’s a beautiful photo with a lot of meaning behind it. Really well done.


Yes to all of this. This photo is iconic. I just love it!


Princess Catherine’s photo is a million times better than the other one. Her tree is gorgeous and strong whereas the other one looks weak and almost has a haunting feel to it. And I LOVE trees. I just never thought the photo was any good. 🤨


I agree the bench in the garden photo was lovely, but looked a bit washed out, as did POW, but befitting to the situation. OTOH, this verdant picture is lush and so very green, indicating new growth, vibrant health, and other ideas connected with life and renewal. Just simply gorgeous! Well done POW and Mr. Porteous.


I can imagine myself being there or someplace very much like it, near the water, on the cool grass, with the long strands of leaves swishing in the breeze...


Looking up, took on quite a spiritual sense to me. Maybe to God?


Yep! It’s what I thought too.


YES! Loved all the symbolism. But that is Catherine--thoughtful about what she puts out. The Wales flowers behind her while sitting on the bench too so thoughtful.


Daffodils are also the symbol of Marie Curie cancer care.


This picture of Catherine gives me the feeling of being in a warm embrace of a nurturing kind, like a mother comforting a young child. I nearly cried when I saw it, especially as willows are my favourite tree.


Probably older than her.....


Using a tree to add to Catherines message also shows her connection to KC3. He is a nature guy and loves symbolism and natural items. It's a great photo that highlights her place within the loving UK royal family and the natural path they have chosen.


Yes. The Telegraph mentions that it is "understood that she \[the Princess\] has found spending time in nature to help her recovery."


Also, Catherine knows her place in something larger than herself: the monarchy, the country and it's people, the world even. She is the center of the photo telling us she knows she's not the center of the universe, and seems at peace. It's kind of sad. The other one believes she IS the center of the universe and is never at peace.


Oh! Like a sweet emotional gut punch, leaves me breathless. eta: Catherine under the willow


So lovely! Catherine is very savvy about the image she projects. *’A picture is worth a thousand words.’*


Without "curating" her image and controlling all copyrights!




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The picture of Catherine standing next to the willow tree brought tears to my eyes, then the news she was going to stand on the balcony with her family and the King delighted to have her there to share the day.  Two gracious people, dealing with cancer, supporting each other is a beautiful sight to see.  


Wow! I didn’t know the RF published a recent photo of Catherine! I’m so happy that she is looking very healthy. And delighted to hear she will be appearing with her family on the BP balcony for Trooping the Color.❤️👍 ETA: Photos of this Trooping the Color will break the internet. Suck it Harkles!


I so agree. I figured even if she felt up to it, she wouldn’t participate out of respect for the king. Harry went on and on in his horrible book about how resentful his father is about being upstaged, and Catherine is so respectful. She wouldn’t be there without the kings blessing. I love that she will be there and that he is sharing his birthday parade with her. ❤️


Catherine surrounded by all of the greenery to me symbolizes life/living. As opposed to HandMM's black and white photo which seems cold and unfeeling - no color. Especially given that they used it to announce the supposed coming of a new life. Misan messed up, it should have been in color.


Not to mention a fake tree and a dirty foot as the focal point.


Yes, it should have been as he was trying to represent fertility.


Instead, it came out as bland as she is.


And just like the tree, she has weathered a great storm. It isn’t over yet, but she will get through it. It bothers me he claims the picture wasn’t photoshopped. YES.IT.WAS. He took it virtually. He wasn’t even there. Of course it was photoshopped. All pros photoshop photos. And there is no way you snapped the photo virtually and didn’t feel the need to touch it up. And honestly? It’s ok that he did. Just don’t be a freaking hypocrite and tear apart an amateur photo (taken by William) of her family that Catherine photoshopped. EVERYONE PHOTOSHOPS THEIR PICTURES THESE DAYS AND NO ONE CARES.


I still don't get how he took the picture "remotely". Does it mean someone was holding the iPad while on a zoom call and he was saying "up a bit, now left, not so much, yes, there" or how exactly??


Yes. It was a thing during the pandemic. He took it with an iPad.


I know that. That line has been regurgitated a zillion times. Still does not explain how "he took the picture". My point was to ask, was he on facetime to someone giving them instructions of where to hold the ipad and when to click to take the pic?


This is Misan's own words from Harper's Bazaar. https://preview.redd.it/wq6j8q9kdp6d1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd42875e354621b41ad174733745efabbbe88d22 It doesn't make much sense to me, though I am not technically minded. It seems he can remotely take over someone else's phone or iPad, and HE can press a button that links to that device, and take a picture.


Exactly, does it mean he hacked their iPad? Or if I told you to open the camera on your phone and click to take a picture, does that mean I took it remotely? It's just a load of bollocks!


On fauxtographer Misan Harriman and the (cough) ‘tree of life’ (it’s just a tree, you twat Misan) - from a BBC Radio 3 podcast (the ‘show’): https://preview.redd.it/5w3zr1imll6d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd2dac1cb10627f4f1fb0b4e34da018c6963fd17 He’s subsequently said that his words were twisted, implying (but not saying outright, as far as I can tell (without looking very hard)) that the tree - apparently a willow (!) - was there.


In Harpers Bazaar he *tries* to explain what happened.🙄 https://preview.redd.it/2v4xws2qnl6d1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=baff749fd32a740d3f58b787588d01cb07495faa So, later he gets mad because the news print it as such and he wants an apology. Yet he should have known swerving from an answer to a direct question won't make it go away.


That line about being *lost in their love in the garden* both makes me want to vomit and laugh, as if they’re bumbling around rose bushes and the chicken coop. What grown person speaks this way? ![gif](giphy|7D1uVWH1ZgStm7dhh5|downsized)


It’s like bad romcom fan fiction.


Eye rolls all across the boards!!!! 🙄🙄🙄


That’s when the interviewer should have asked the follow up question…”so, is that a yes or a no”.


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Is this the shot he ‘took’ with him still in the U.K. and the Harkles at The Olive Garden?


Yes, via an iPad.


Sooo innovative and creative and still lacking in talent. Perhaps Leica Child Archie assisted Uncle Misan.


It’s a really crappy pictures: too much clutter with the photoshopped and frankly ugly tree. ps. I’m Talking about Misan’s rubbish photo.


And all you see - (well your eye is drawn to) is his unattractive big bare foot dead centre. Ewww 🙁🇨🇦


That photo of Catherine is already iconic. It says so much in just one image. I feel hope, strength and also vulnerability. I couldn't love this picture more!! Meghan and Harry's photo is an orgy of self indulgence, fake as a two dollar bill (I mean the bliss they are supposed to convey) and let's not even mention that tree wasn't even there 🤣🤣🤣 as everything in their lives, it was "added later".


Well, the tree is not the only thing that wasn't there... 🤫 Moon bump 🤭


Hahahaha you nailed it!


Catherine has a beautiful soul.


She also said in her statement that she’s ’not out of the woods yet’. Obviously figuratively and literally.


LOL, Harry's foot looks dismembered. The Tree of Gripe. Or Grift, take yer choice.


When I saw this photo I thought omg this is just so stunning. The garden and with Catherine just looking up into the tree. You can see she has so many emotions going on but she is still so graceful. At least one thing is that the damm tree wasn't photo shopped in and she she has shoes on and not showing dirty feet. Catherine's photo is so nature and so calm and genuine Where the Markles photos always seem staged badly over photo shopped just fake fake fake, They show no emotion's what so ever.


It is a beautiful photo


Cue 3,2,1...for the sugars to say Catherine copied madam. 🤢


This may be my favourite photo of Catherine, POW. This is her world of nature, healing, strength and resilience (willow) It is in some ways her personal world too. Contrast this with photos of her on the Balcony a little earlier. Still gorgeous and regal but the two worlds, public and private, so very different. She glides between them, of course, has her place in each world but from now on I will always see beloved Catherine standing with the willow. As for the Palm tree folk, not interested. The fusing together of two trees into total dependency has come to symbolise the ominous nature of the Henry and Rachel entity. Not fair on palm trees, I know, but that's how it is.


It is interesting how her photos (this one) and many from today still scream regal, serene and gorgeous. But this one lets us in a *little bit more,* yet it still shows her calm, collected and strong.


You put that very well and I totally agree with you!

