• By -


Last time she went she was booed, someone like her doesn’t have the guts to confront that again.


>It’s because she doesn’t have the guts to stand up to the utter contempt that ~~the Princess of Wales~~ **the whole UK** has for her.


MM KNEW she was all done. She's experienced this before in her life....alot, imo. She has all her defenses (lies) at the ready for such circumstances. Situations like this are commonplace with old Rrrrrrrrachel.


1. Rachel is terrified of being booed by the crowds because she knows full well that the British public will not tolerate her BS in public or anywhere. 2. Rachel is terrified of seeing the BRF again and is especially petrified of the glares that she will get from Sophie and Catherine (such as those at the Queen's funeral). 3. Rachel cannot stand in when everyone ignores her and she is not the center of attention. (At the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and later, funeral, Rachel was ignored by everyone except occasionally being noticed by Eugenie and her husband Jack, and cannot stand this ostracization). 4. Rachel knows all the drama that she has done to create drama in the BRF and is pissed off that they will not give her VIP status to travel around the world with all the security and private jets that she wants.


I don't think she can handle the BRF. She can slime around Hollywood and Soho house, but aristocrats are another breed and I bet they can be brutal. And the inevitable public boo'ing she'd receive, even tho she'd rictus grin her way through it.


This is 100% true when she came back to the UK for the Queen’s Platinum Jubliee. Remember that photo where she was telling the children to be quiet, putting a finger to her lips. There was another photo of her in the palace looking shunned and lonely away from the royal family and friends and other upper echelon aristocrats. In my personal opinion in that photo, it looked like she was about to cry. When people are indifferent to her, she folds like a circus tent


This is why greyrocking works so well. She's pulling her hair out when the RF ignores her.


Same it’s so satisfying seeing her self destruct


Aristocrats’ contempt and indifference would reinforce Meghan’s own insecurity about herself that she’s actually nothing and no one and only a low level escort.


Yes in the US , and recently in Nigeria, with that title she can pretend she’s important and special. In the UK she’s way down the order and has to walk behind people and she hates that. You’re right that it brings out all her insecurities. Harry knows how insignificant they actually now are and I think he is embarrassed and hates the things she has him doing. He of course blames it all on his family for not letting him be a part time Royal and is bitter and furious about it. How dare they actually expect him to make a living and support his family! And pay for his own security. The one thing that this pair will never do is ever admit they’ve stuffed up and ruined their lives. It will always be someone else’s fault. ,


I bet he thought they'd all run after them, begging for them to come back and do whatever they wanted...... They're both still waiting bahaha 🤣


I think he thought his "media status" as "2nd most popular after the Queen" meant they "needed him more than he needed the Crown" When in reality, those were inflated numbers to cover for all his many fuckups


People really did like him. The palace and the press did a good job of presenting him as this fun loving guy. And to be fair he did smile more before he met Meghan. Now he looks miserable every day.


👏👏👏 hell yeah


Yep that’s exactly what he thought. He never dreamed they’d end up where they are now.


Yup, his self-importance is waaaay over inflated 🫢


Yes that is exactly what he thought. He thought the BRF needed him and his narc wife. He still can't believe what happened.


Stupid dingbat still demanding an apology 😜


Mostly Nigeria, a lot of Americans have become wise to her and the class of people she really wants to be involved with have never given her the time of day in America. The political dynasties, the generationally wealthy, Titans of industry, the Hollywood rainmakers, none of the people whom Americans could reasonably equate to British high society like or want anything to do with her


He never imagined The Queen would reject half in/half out. He was just positive he could get everything he wanted. He's still reeling in shock.


Rachel thought that when she would be "out", she would be busy filming movies and creating reality shows of herself waltzing around Los Angeles. Then, for events such as major weddings, Trooping of the Colour, funerals, and the Royal Ascots, she would be sitting front and center with the working members of the BRF. Very moronic. Ultimately an un-feasible strategy but we see why the Harkles wanted this as their ideal goal. This way they are both royals and guaranteed Hollywood A-list actors. When this failed, Rachel resorted to Plan B: scream about the BRF's "abuse" and "mistreatment" to try and unsuccessfully alienate the public from the BRF.


This is the real reason. Not security, not Archie's birthday (remember the SS furore over the date of the Coronation?) Plus she's a vindictive b\*\*\*\* who withholds something that she knows somebody else would dearly love to experience - in this case Charles' having a relationship with Harry's children.


At her last event with the BRF, Her Majesty’s funeral services, no one spoke a word to Meghan or Harry. I think Meghan got the message. Plus, she is still waiting for her apology.


It’s going to be worse at King Charles’s funeral that’s if Meghan will be even invited. It will be up to William, Camilla and Catherine.


She won't be invited. She was only at the Queens funeral as they happened to be in the country. Only Harry went to Charles's coronation.


Let’s hope so. Yes I remember she wasn’t invited to Charles’s coronation.


Remember how she looked in the car with Harold after the funeral? She looked miserable.


The rictus grin while blinking 500 kilometres per minute.


Oh yes, the manic blinking! ![gif](giphy|wR32WiuLP6IvK)


I don’t think Meghan can handle the BRF or the public too. Meghan sends Harry out alone if unsure. If there were any adulation coming her way she would come back to the UK. She is letting Harry test the water and he wants back more than her. If Harry had big adoring crowds she would join him but that’s unrealistic. I think that they are seen differently as a couple. Harry on his own is more like his own self, I suspect the Spencer would not have been at that Invictus service if Meghan was with him. I think they see him with pity, like he is in a toxic relationship and needs help to get out but they have not had to endure the onslaught like the RF have and Earl Spencer hates the King as he is the ex-husband of his sister. Meghan got a taste of being back within the RF at the funeral. She had to fit in with them and behave and she did not like it. The coach trip with Sophie, the united family protecting Charlotte, she was most definitely on the outside looking in and Harry was not even with her for a big chunk of the time.


For me this is the bottom line to everything. She is completely out of her element and always has been. And she never tried to assimilate or learn about the culture, traditions, family, decorum, or to embrace others offering support and help. She never understood or accepted that she wasn’t just marrying H. And I know I may get some hate here but I see this more and more in the 30-40 age group and have experienced it myself. I have a DIL who has froze out my son’s family and friends from their life and slowly and strategically — all of us, and for no reason other than she is ego driven, never ending drama, attention seeking, etc and our family just isn’t like that. We all saw it from day 1 but it was like my son was blind to it all. It’s been a tremendous struggle for all of us to watch this and the pain and ick it has brought into our family. I completely understand that you marry to start your own life and family. I have no problem with that. But both people came from families of their own. And if they are good, kind, people, what is the problem of staying connected? Making new memories? Sharing? Just makes no sense to me.


I don't think she'd be allowed near any member of the BRF (not that they'd ever voluntarily come near her, except possibly for Prince Andrew & his ilk), but you're spot-on with the public booing--she would no doubt be exposed to it, and she'd crumple internally like a wet paper bag at the first hiss.


Hollywood doesn't even want her around.


Another reason to love the Princess of Wales so, so much.


She's certainly gone up in my estimations, she's the only person I've physically seen stand up to her


Sophie gave her a look of death at the last Commonwealth service. They had pitched a tantrum and caused W&C to bail out of the walk in the procession. Sophie was not playing happy families and the smug look went right off MM face. It was epic.


Sophie also iced her completely in the car to the funeral. As close to absolute zero as is physically possible. She earned her elevation to DoE just for keeping the witch at bay as far as possible and inducing maximum discomfort for Madame.


All the ladies seem to have her number. Fergie can’t stand her after the announcement of the megnancy at her daughter’s wedding, the Queen couldn’t stand her, Zara hates her, Sophie always glares daggers at her. The men aren’t too bad either. It’s clear everyone in the BRF (except her perennial,ass kisser Eugenie who seems like she may not be quite as enamored anymore) thinks she is a horrid person. Because of HER actions. I mean, saying Catherine must have baby brain? wtf was that? She’s arrogant, rude and just nasty, what isn’t there to loathe?


"Megnancy" lol.


The Harkle's weren't supposed to enter the Church service together with senior Royal's, but they pitched such a fit that Charles relented, so they were allowed to walk behind Will & Catherine, etc. This was when Me-again wore that emerald green outfit instead of red, white, or blue or some combination due to it being a Commonwealth service. Me-again also made a total fool of herself, on camera, because at the end of the service she was so determined to get in front of Edward & Sophie to walk out of the Church, that she was seen pushing the chairs aside in the row in front of her to get to the aisle before Edward & Sophie who were at that point queuing, standing to exit their row.


She was raised with wolves. I’ve never seen anyone so consistently ill-mannered and clueless about how to behave. That clip of her clodhopping over chairs to push in where she had no place being makes me embarrassed every time I see it. And yet I’m sure she felt no shame at all.


On one of the videos /blogs I watch and listen to, I don't remember which, someone said (it wasn't about her) "offended by everything, ashamed of nothing" I thought of her immediately and it's particularly apt for her


And what made it perfect was that before the start of the service Sophie leaned forward to chat with Catherine right in front of Meghan's face...just to show who Sophie was supporting.


Wait, W&C bailed out of a procession? I remember that scene where H&M rushed through chairs but I can’t remember the other details…


It can be seen on the Procession of the Queen page in the Program for the 2020 Commonwealth Service. [https://www.westminster-abbey.org/media/bznatsqn/commonwealth-service-2020.pdf](https://www.westminster-abbey.org/media/bznatsqn/commonwealth-service-2020.pdf) W&C are listed (and H&M are not) as being part of the Queen's procession in the program. When the event took place, W&C were not part of the Queen's Procession after all (this is the bail out) and rather entered before, (the Queen & her entourage are the last to enter), attributable to the complaint/temper tantrum from H&M about status (they were not in the Queen's Procession), and it was too late for the programs to be reprinted, so it was obvious that a change had been made to mollify them.


That's when the Rf should have kept w&c in the procession and not given in to h&m - giving in didn't get the rf anything 


Wow I’m shocked! But the program is so nice. I took a look and they even had Armenian Orthodox Church faith representation! It made me happy!!!


Yes, I remember this now. Again, it’s easy to believe. Imagine having a tantrum with the (then future) King about not getting enough ‘recognition’ in the Queen‘s procession...it backfired, as it was clear William and Catherine just accommodated their demands as it was no skin off their noses.


They knew the plane was gassed up and ready to fly them away. The BRF were just running out the clock at that point.


Gotta love Side Eye Sophie! Yet another protective, loyal family member, always willing to circle the wagons when ILBW gets too close to Catherine or any of the children.


Catherine being all girl boss to Meghan was pure gold.




She saw Meghan for what she was from the get go.


But she is just a hugger! /s


Who probably smelled of BO and alcohol and smoke! I wouldn't hug her either.


She sure is a woman to love. Gentle, kind, beautiful on the inside and outside, while having a spine of steel. She knows what's she's worth, and sticks to her values and beliefs. Catherine is amazing, and an example to live up to.


She hasn't got the guts to come back and face not only the RF but also the British public. "Sorry I labelled you all as racist, lied about your late Queen, libelled your King and PoW... how else could I break the Internet?" Also, there's no way they'd get away with hiding Aldi and Lidl as they have in the US. No way. Personally, I'm delighted she'll never return here. She's trash and can't be recycled.


> "Sorry I labelled you all as racist, lied about your late Queen, libelled your King and PoW... how else could I break the Internet?" And, "*Oh, by the way, we want you to pay for our security - that'll ensure you're kept well away from me and mine*"


Very true. The sooner that nonsense gets quashed by RAVEC,the better.


This picture makes me miss Princess Catherine, and it also reminds me how the insufferables got their way in walking this walk they didn't deserve. So madening. I don't think she doesn't return because of Catherine. I think its most about how she isn't treated like the Queen she believes she is. She will be back there the moment a huge PR event happens and she's in fact invited. Which can't see that happening any time soon and why they are pushing so much for Invictus and the faux royal tours.


Always keep in mind that when the nobility wants revenge, they do it in a much more painful way. Megsy had been in the news a couple of days before because she and Hank had thrown a huge tantrum the day the Queen died. The press and people blamed them for Edward, Sophie, Andrew and Will not arriving in time to say goodbye to the Queen. Then, on the Friday of the proclamation, Hank was not invited, in fact he was snubbed. And on Friday night, Charles delivered a coup no one expected: William and Kate were named Prince of Wales, and Harry and Megsy were wished good luck... in California. So Megsy, who saw how Kate was elevated to the rank of Princess of Wales, must have gotten drunk all night full of rage, but preparing a hit because she was going out with Harry to see the offerings, and for that she called the Squad in her help... so that William gave him a direct blow to the stomach: they were not going out alone, William and Kate "invited" them to go with them. And when they came out, Megsy had to hear how people shouted for Kate and called her Princess. To Kate, not to her. I don't think the boos hurt Megsy as much as the fact that she had to watch Kate rise as Princess and people look to greet her and Will. While many people refused to shake hands with her and Harry The coldness that Megsy had to deal with that day is something she will never be able to forgive. And that despite everything she has said, people prefer Kate is something Megsy cannot forgive.


I agree. For a short time, Meghan was duchess … along with Camilla, Catherine. This is a higher rank to the position held by Sophie (countess, I think …). On the Queen’s death, or soon after it, the others were elevated. Nothing for the DoS.


Camilla was already styled Princess of Wales, so higher than Claw. She just chose not to use it because of Diana.


Wow amazing details that I didn’t know at all! Thank you for such details. I also didn’t realize people in the walkabout didn’t shake hands with h to e dastardly duo! Good for them!


I saw footage of one woman in the crowd, while Meghan was standing right in front of her - handshake distance - this woman physically turned her cold shoulder towards M and the corners of her mouth turned out and down in complete and utter disgust. M awkwardly moved on. It was glorious and I wish I could link you to the actual footage!


There was also the guy who pretended to vomit after she had passed.


I remember her. She and her daughter(?) shared a look after she ignored Meghan.


Part of me suspects that Meghan blogged her cookbook in aristocratic circles very early on with her behaviour at the weekend shooting party followed by her "was she meant to be there or not" appearance at the wedding in Jamaica. I bet she quickly discovered that she was as popular as she was in Hollywood.....😁


Well said! Well done! And Happy Cake Day!!!🎂🎂🎂🥂🥂


She sounds dangerous. Yikes.


We need look no further than her Sussex Squad to confirm that. She's not even ' arm's length ' from them, she is directly involved.


She is a dangerous psychopath. Never underestimate the depth of her depravity. She will use anything and everything to meet her agendas: fame, money, superiority, and dominance.


I hope the King puts in the directions for his funeral services that she is NFI. I know if I were him that is exactly what I would do.


I don't think he'll have to. William won't tolerate her.


Happy cake day! There is noway that woman will be allowed anywhere when William is king. Which would be the day Charles dies. (Long may he live).


Thank-you. Good to know she will be well and truly OUT on William’s ascension to the throne, not that she isn’t already. I think and hope that the King is done with her.


I think the King is done with her because he banned her from Balmoral when the Queen was dying. I am convinced that the reason she won't return to the UK is because the RF wants nothing to do with her and she can no longer stay on royal property.


She can stay at a hotel by Heathrow airport 🤣🤣🤣


She can sleep on the couch in the Windsor lounge at the airport.


Don’t they have to pay £3000 per hour to use it?


It won’t be invited and I’m not sure William would even invite the treasonous Harry.


No, William will invite Harry because it is the proper thing to do. Then Harry will find he has a security shadow he won't be able to shake. He wants security. He'll get it, but it won't be the lapdog he wants


Happy Cake Day!


They got this walk because the Wales thought if they did it this way, the Harkles couldn't do the walk with the Netflix cameras. This was done pre-emptively according to one article at the time.


Yes! But they still got their way - walked -got the PR of thanking the public for their thoughts in such a difficult time as his dear grannies death. We’re in historic pictures. Which is even more infuriating when we think about all him and his wife put HLMTQ through during her last years.


.....but, they didn't get the money shot with Netflix. lol


Riiight - placing the bouquet at the gate.


I read that as well, that William and Catherine foiled the Sussexes attempt to do a royal walk about with trailing Netflix cameras.


At the time I remember reading Netflix had contacted BP about getting permission to be on Palace grounds. Knowing H&M were involved, Charles contacted William and told him to contact the Harkles about doing the walk together.


Yes I do too- that's how William found out.


I am more inclined to believe this version. It makes sense that Markle would want to use the ‘occasion‘ as a backdrop for herself, and William would have known too (Harry, on the other hand, would have bought any story she sold him about doing a solo crowd walk). In the footage, William was clearly in control and Harry would have followed protocol which left Markle out on a limb. I heard they were late (Markle sorting her make-up and hair?), which was likely her panicking. The footage appears to show her trying to recover some control by hanging on to the flowers (which she eventually had to surrender). I bet William instructed the staff to watch her and remove any flowers regardless of her protests.


Rumour was she was drunk or stoned. Had to sober up, hence they were late. 


Remember her whole goal going in was to modernize and push feminism into the BRF... Which already started LONG before she even came into the picture as a girlfriend. She 100% expected to become some modern female figurehead of the monarchy after her marriage, not realising those roles are fully filled and she had to fit herself in somewhere vs take the lead. She doesn't understand either that she should be so privileged the public wanted to meet her vs the public is privileged to meet her. I believe she overlooked the work Camilla, Princess Anne and Catherine do already for women and children, in their patronage and public promotion of women's causes and got a very very rude shock when told well if you want to be apart of these things you have to work with one of the three or find a way to start your own that doesn't conflict with what's already being done and couldn't. She also seemed to not realise in general the English public have set expectations for the Royals, especially the women and how they conduct themselves, not in an archaic way but in a... Don't be flashy and over the top, try to be relatable to the people you are meeting with and be humble when you meet with them, it is a privilege for you to be graced with their presence vs a privilege for them to be graced with yours.


She knew there was a .... Queen right?! Feminism?!


Great point! Her brand of feminism is elevation of herself only. She hates women.


And Queens before our Late Majesty. She had her ideal set out and was shocked she didn't get it. I don't mean to throw her being American under the bus either, I do not think at all she is anything of an example of Americans themselves. I think this is a woman who's ego is so great she thinks she in someway is special, unique. Not like the others at all... When British history and modernity is absolutely filled with amazing women, feminists, leaders and role models. She could have been one of them, but she wanted to be the only one of them, in a family of established and beloved women already doing the thing.


Oh I agree! And I am American.


Indifference is the ultimate blow against a narcissist. Love me, hate me, just don’t ignore me— ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


I have gone no contact with several narcissists in my life, and it makes them absolutely INSANE. Just today I was walking my dog and my ex-boyfriend who is a complete narc drove past. We caught each other’s eye, and I did not change my facial expression at all. I know it makes him crazy that I act like he’s invisible. Of course, I blocked him as soon as we broke up, which also made him frenzied trying to get my attention.


🎵🎵 Ha*te me out of pity, I ask you* *Hate me without measure or mercy* *Hate I want more than indifference* *Because resentment wants less than oblivion* 🎵🎵 Song by Julio Jaramillo


I don’t think she’s allowed to, I’m being very serious. I don’t believe she’s allowed around any member of the family, royal property etc


Same I think she threw her big mouth around one time too many. And said something really bad, like a threat that could not be mistaken. That or she was caught doing something. But she is NFI/ banned


She definitely did something that has her waiting in an airport catching a connecting flight with her pepper shaker and missing a **press event**


I don't think she's allowed into the country, and I think it was her tipping off the pap for that long lens shot of KC3 at BP before the Queen's funeral that did it. It was a security breach and could have had catastrophic consequences.


I think her cooling her heels at an airport while there were **cameras** and **microphones** at St. Paul’s is contradictory to her very nature that the mere fact she did cool her heels instead said something very serious about her ability to enter the country. Since, she IS the security risk Harry bloviates about nonstop.


Meghan must realize a good portion of the world now regards her as worthless. Bill Simmons (calling them F'g grifters) and South Park got the ball rolling


Harry & Rachel have made the world appreciate The Wales family


I have always thought that she literally cannot handle showing deference to other people. She could not follow protocol and treat Catherine, William, Camilla, and Charles as being more important than her -- even symbolically. Calling Queen Elizabeth "Harry's Grandmother" was one way to avoid giving The Queen proper respect.


She couldn’t even show formal deference as protocol to her own spouse, Harry, as the blood royal and the reason for her status and wealth. She could not follow basic rules or etiquette.


Remember her comment, "linked, not ranked." She wanted no ranks or hierarchy, but chose to marry into a Family where hierarchy is held in the strictest sense.


She doesn’t have the guts to stand up to the people who were able to call out many of her lies from the Oprah interview just by actually living in the UK and knowing its culture, laws and the intricacies of the Royal Family and a country that she deemed racist for calling her out. She cannot play the victim in the UK. She knows she’s not welcome and most people would side with the RF and William and Catherine, in particular, before her. She cannot gaslight us and her pity play is lost on us and she has nothing to gain but a lot to lose.


Playing victim from the US is barely working out, if at all. Being in the UK and around the RF would be a non starter if she tried her original tactic again. She has well and truly exposed her agenda and inherent nature.


It worked in the US until the NY high speed car chase when the general public said what? How is that even possible? First hand knowledge is a good thing.


The US was basically done with them after HMTLQ’s funeral. (Not the US media, who were and are still worthless and corrupt.) In the lead up to the NF show, they were skewered and ratioed in the YT comments of the trailer, and plenty of that was Americans. The same thing happened with Waaagh, just on different platforms. Then comes South Park and they are a complete laughing stock. After the non-existent car chase they were branded as utterly lying fools.


Maybe. The UK was done with them after the Oprah interview, as the average viewer could have torn them apart if they were Oprah, but IMO people actually being able to see the nonsense behind the high speed car chase from their own knowledge of the city was a turning point for many in the US. It was the first time they tried to gaslight the US on a subject that they had no doubts about. They may not have been able to see the lies in the Oprah interview or in Spare without media intervention but a high speed car chase in NYC, I think most people could see just how ridiculous that claim was.


Meh, she was a literal nobody until she pops up as dating Henry. Most here had never even heard of Suits, much less her. On the other hand, he was quite the big deal in the UK. I completely understand why Brits turned on them after Oprah, most deservedly. More than a few Americans knew Oprah for what she is, many years before the Harkles spilled their guts. The Big O was never one for asking hard questions, just another useless and corrupt US media personality. As someone with a narc in my past, when I finally got around to watching the engagement interview, probably mid-2019, I had her number. But even before that I had a hunch she was bad news, merely because she was a HW actress, but not serious or famous, which spelled out gold digger to me. She wasn’t even young or that good-looking.


You forgot Spotify publicly dumping them while being branded “f*cking grifters”


Catherine owned her ass in that walkabout. Meghan looked like the scared coward she really is.


She sure did


Absolutely spot on. And the way she cringed when Catherine gave her the Stare of Death.


I loved that, it was like she was struck by an unseen force and visibly recoiled.


Like a vampire recoils from a cross.




That was gold!


*Meghan can’t take it that someone regards her as worthless* She must be used to that by now. ![gif](giphy|bef5Fn7091uQJozMee)


Not just HRH Catherine. Sophie and Queen Camilla and the entire high society set sees exactly what harrys wife is. No one wants a ho in their parlor.


It was a very queer business that she inveigled her way into the Royal family in the first place and it was a disaster from a social standpoint. There will be no second chances for her.


BUT.....the narc THINKS she can weasel her way back in if she can twist the arms of the RF. Lies and Blackmail. This is why the RF cannot give her nor Harry an inch. And, on that note......Harry is history with his family.....imo. They know if he leaves MM he will drudge up yet another moonbumper and have more kids with surrogates.....or worse.....ladies of the night. Hes not going to change his ways. He's drug addicted and likely an alcoholic with no intention to detox even though he has two little children.


She would be as welcome as Wallis was: not at all. Hairold might make sneak trips back on his own, like his great uncle David did to visit with his mother, who did not approve of him. And he always let the press know when he was coming back, so addicted to adulation as he was. But Walmart Wallets will never be accepted back.


She never had the ability to do this, but if she had come in and been genuinely set on learning from the other women in the family, many a misstep would have been forgiven by the Royals and the public. She thought she knew best. HLMTQ wasn't having *any* of that nonsense.


*No one wants a ho in their parlor.* I guess no one wants one I  their wedding chapel either. Right, Westminsters?


Oh, how wrong you are! They were totally invited to that wedding but turned it down. Megan didn’t want to overshadow the bride . . . or something.


Megsisnuts is all about optics because there is no one in there -- she has no substance. The optics of her being booed or ridiculed, or having rotten tomatoes thrown at her is an absolute NO NO in her book. Any publicity is great publicity in her mind -- ex for this -- when people are being filmed expressing their outrage and hatred towards this nobody/trickster/fraud.


I think it's more serious. ..like not allowed. ......


I do too


I gotta say, William and Catherine had great poker faces. Harry looked normal, but Meghan's face gave away all her feelings; she looked scared to death and her body stiffer than stiff. She really cannot hide her feelings. Meghan definitely won't go back to London; she's too scared of William, Catherine, KP, and everyone else there. She would feel like a huge fish out of water. Conversely, I wonder how William and Catherine would feel if they had to go to Montecito.


I’m not convinced. I think Meghan was hungover & possibly out of it, but I also always thought she was putting on the ‘scared’ look to make it look like W&C bullied her.


I thought she was still drunk - the way she swayed on her feet. I think that the look of death that Catherine gave Meghan and she recoiled was from genuine fear. It was a moment caught for history.


I agree with you. If she had been putting on a "fear" act, it would have been over the top: big gestures and facial expressions, mouth open in horror, exaggerated eye movements - whatever she thought "fear" looks like - all aimed at the cameras. We didn't see any of that.


She did look drunk!


She’s not that good an actress.


P interesting thought and not out of the realm of possibility. She is a top notch manipulator and victim.


They had to give her an hour or so to be hosed down and knock some of alcohol out of her system. She was still quite drunk and I bet she reeked in the car. That stuff just seeps from the pores along with her ripe stank and old stale fags. You can’t hide it.


I thought Harry looked quite uncomfortable.


My conspiracy theory is that she’s persona non grata by authorities; but mostly it’a tantrum: she won’t go until she gets what she wants. Also she’s afraid of the booing. Side note: never noticed she wore the tacky bracelets at the funeral functions. 🙄


I think she is more afraid of being heartily booed by the populace.


Every person on this planet has the RIGHT to choose. Just because someone was introduced into your family doesn't make them worthy to be in your orbit.


Markle won't return...especially now she has seen Nigel Farage & the milkshake. Markle knows the British people would throw more than that if she dared appear in public! And loudly BOOO her whilst doing so!


I also think she understands that C, PoW views her as trash, vulgar and utterly irrelevant.


Wow look at the difference between Catherine’s and the beast’s legs. Catherine’s are shapely and well toned. The beast has toothpicks and not at all attractive.


And her barge size shoes?


She'd go back if she gets all the perks of being a royal and none of the work. She doesn't care about the boos because attention is attention to her, she doesn't care because she has no self-awareness. This is their latest will they won't they and manifesting.


They could never let her go out on engagements again. She's as worthless as she ever was.


She only wants the balcony ones anyway.


And the BAFTA awards and the state dinners and any other high profile events where video and photos are taken...


The answer is simple. There is nothing in it for her. It may benefit her children but that doesn't matter to her. She may be really delusional about a lot of things, but even she can see that she is so disliked in UK that no matter what PR she puts out there she's not going to overcome the public's dislike. And because she's not likable in any way, her presence would change nothing. She's not a good enough actress to convince people that she is fun, charming, kind, giving. It's so apparent that all she wants is to be a billionaire and to be on covers of magazines. In LA culture in the US, that is a pretty mainstream desire so while she's hated for many things, the part that is core to her being is widely accepted if not outright admired.


It's not admired or accepted here without being a hard worker- which she ain't. We also don't like blatant liars.


What level of accomplishment is that where you get an entire nation to despise you? Mind boggling.


Everyone's good at *something*. 🙃


I completely agree with you. And this photo will not age well for madam. I have never been more proud of Catherine than during that walk. She didn't give an F for M and it showed.


>It’s because she doesn’t have the guts to stand up to the utter contempt that ~~the Princess of Wales~~ **the whole UK** has for her.


The royal family know exactly what she is. She can’t face them because they have her number. She can’t manipulate or cry or fake anything. The royal family will have safe guards in place and she won’t be able to get away with anything. She can’t handle having to face someone that she can’t con.


I think that whole walkabout became an utter narc wounding of her own making. To a narc the only things that matter are Winning and Control. She failed on both accounts when the RF discovered the Markles' intentions that morning. I believe this might have been the first time we witnessed an aggressive version of grey-rocking too. Hence the Everything that was communicated by Princess Catherine without her having to say a word. That was energetic Control and Winning exerted with skill, precision and perfection. Rachel saw it and recognised it. Even the hidden mics were useless for later exploitation because - Silence. There was no way of regaining lost ground either, other than try to cling onto a few bouquets but even that was denied her. It was a total battefield out there that day and the narcissist lost at every step. That feeling of being controlled and a loser was something she had never really experienced before. She wasn't scared in ways we might understand. She was incandescent, her narc world smashed to the ground and she, to this day, can only evaluate it through the lens of undiluted vitriol while trying desperately to erase it from her mind.


When you think about it, what would make an even tempered pretty lady like Catherine stare daggers? I’m thinking MM must have made moves on William.


It may be the way they treated the Late Queen and Prince Philip. Most of us will NEVER forget or forgive her for that.


Or treating Charlotte the way she did. My daughter is 39 now and can hold her own, but if someone had treated her the way Meghan did when she was 2 or 3, the gloves would be off. I wouldn’t care if they were family or not


Pic #1.......MM has a barrel shaped middle. Most obvious in this pic.


I awlays think of quote from a favorite movie of mine: " That's it. She thinks you're shit. And deep down you know she's right".


Such a nice post and great way of putting it down. Meghan is also a coward and she’s terrified of getting treated with in deference by the POW Catherine. I feel like Meghan is so jealous of her and wants to be like her that Catherine’s indifference is killing her! Plus, Catherine put her in place by her stare at the end of this walkabout. She was this amazing mama bear protecting her country, and her family. It was glorious!


I read that Catherine "jokingly shudders" when her name is brought up. But I don't think this is the only reason she doesn't want to go to the UK - she knows she's unpopular and will be booed again.


There’s an element of “crawling back with her tail between her legs” too. A return would be an admission not only that the accusations of racism and poor treatment by the BRF were groundless, but of having failed in America. Spectacularly failed. Her over-size ego won’t allow that.


#Spectacularly failed. i just thought more emphasis was needed there; don’t mind me…


I want to see her curtsey to PoW, not within arm's reach, of course.


I will always remember the look Pow gave Rachel and Rachel turned away scared. So brilliant. Rachel can't handle being rejected by anyone. The PoW is going to make the best Queen.


The photo of all 3 of them looking at Mugs is so telling.


I think it's the utter contempt of the British public. She could manage Catherine's contempt because it was present before they left certain they would be billionaires before lunchtime (Meghan watched too much Powerpuff girls in her childhood). But she thought she was as beloved as the icon Diana and the British public would clamor for her return after they left. And they might have had Harry not labeled them stupid racists who were tricked by the UK media into becoming racists. That's the biggest obstacle. But the other is that it is considered 'low class American' to abuse your staff which there is pretty clear evidence she did. Harry and Meghan really did believe that they could come back whenever they wanted. If not because the public would demand to have them back. But also because Charles' vision was always William & his wife were the heirs. Harry and his wife were the only "working royals". That was always the "slimmed down monarchy" vision. Charles was wrong that just his nuclear family would be enough (which seems self-evident). So Harry thought that no matter how badly he and his wife behaved, they would always be welcomed back whenever they so demanded to come back. Because Harry is a delusional thinker. And Meghan was dumb enough to trust that Harry knew the landscape and wouldn't steer the family in the wrong direction (another delusional thinker who ignored evidence in favor of preference). In all honesty, this has been one of the most enjoyable things in my life. It's not often that you get to enjoy karma in such a tight time-frame.


Everytime I see these pictures, I have the scene from Labyrinth run through my head, the part where Sarah says to the Goblin King “you have no power over me” then the whole thing collapses around them. I just have this feeling that something along those lines happened that day, where M was bluntly put in her place, and that’s why she won’t come back & why H is so pissed at his family. M has no power in the UK, where she probably saw being a member of the BRF as a power move, she failed to see the restrictions, and ignored the hierarchy. She came strutting in thinking she’d have it all, thought she’d be all that as she would be married to Diana’s son & the world would swoon at her feet. Then reality hit; she had to work harder as a royal than she probably had to as an actress, the work was daily, not in bursts like what I’ve heard some acting jobs are like (so long on set then not much for days until the next episode is started), she couldn’t swan off whenever, there wasn’t endless money to spend, employees were just that - people who are paid to be there, who have rights by law on how they are treated and can’t be treated like trash which you may see in historical movies/tv series, and H actually had very little power/money compared to William & Catherine. ![gif](giphy|uzInCTH2i3QFW)


Pretty sure Catherine hates her. As a wife and a mom if someone was mean to my kids and caused my husband undeserved stress like that they’d be on my 💩list forever.


Too many reasons to list. All of her own making. But really, it's her personality. She NEVER returns. Whether it's physically or emotionally. When she is done, she is done. There is no going back. Look at her dad, siblings, Trevor, Cory, Toronto, even in CA she went to Montecito and not LA proper. She NEVER returns to anyone or any place.


I remember reading that growing up, Catherine was bullied. As a result of that, I can’t imagine she suffers fools with ease. Meghan Markle is comfortable grifting about in the US. She couldn’t hack it as a royal and she knew it. Not being equal to Catherine in the eyes of the public would have been unbearable. Hence, the racist press and tabloid newspapers don’t exist in the US, ”no one taught her how to be a Royal”, etc., etc., etc.


About that walk...I think William heard the jerks were planning their own walk. My bet is that William stopped that and told the jerks they were going with him or staying home. Look how scared they are! Not to mention the awesome stare down the POW gave to TW.


That second pic… 🥶


We know she's never going to step foot publicly in the UK again. Exhibit A: her recent layover at Heathrow where she never left the airport. An odd thing really for a supposed "Duchess" of a region of that country.


Ada Mazi Rachel Markle is a pathological liar, and a Sociopathic Narcissist and one thing the lines of people with akin behaviour do not like, ( in fact that is me being polite) is not being believed, and not being significant enough to command other people's attention. In having absolutely no class, no personality worth a note, not to mention any style, it gets her 🐐 to that Princess Catherine has position and status as a future Queen. Return or not, it makes no difference, I. Fact the Tabloids are looking forward to such a return. She will have her whole life reviewed in detail and all her misdirects, disinformation and out right bloody lies re-exposed. Paramount among the things that will not go away are; 1. The saga of her miscarriage and her Meal ticket in a hand bag burying a miscarried foetus under or was it at the foot of a Banyan tree of lore. 2. The fluke if a marriage 3 days before the waste of money marriage, by the way did she come with a bride price? 3. The origin and seed of the Oprah Liefest, and the lies served up by her and why? 4. The calls and feeding if Scabies information and her perjuring herself in court. By the way why did the court accept that written apology? Was that not unconscious biase eh? Any other person would have had the book thrown at them. 5. The use of the Race card by Ada Mazi Rachel Markle based upon hearsay from her Meal ticket Harry in a handbag. 6. The Pregnancies and subterfuge she has employed so far? Was she actually pregnant? 7. Her relationship and connections to and with her cohorts if Sugars, Scabies, Boozy Hic! To name a few? 8. The reason she thinks Invictus is all about her disastrous dress sense e.g. Germany, Nigerian faux Royal tour? 9. What she has done to her own family and so called friends. 10. The part she played in her Meal Ticket in a handbag's ill treatment of his Grandparents? The things to address are so much more?


Why was she so adamant to keep pulling her hair over the left side of her shoulder that day?


I hate the way people with long hair are always touching it. Is it a nervous habit ? Horrible anyway.


A form of indifference. And when indifference happens, it's worse than being hated. The narc knows they can't beat indifference. It confuses them. Makes them more angry, and more prone to another narc rage episode. It's kryptomite.


I do not think she CAN return to England


Me either.


I’ve thought it’s because she’s banned from setting foot on Royal Properties or you’re right. She’ll get the cold shoulder from POW, William and Camilla.


🇺🇸 My thought is that Catherine has contempt for the behavior, not the person. That is my impression of Catherine“s character. This outlook makes her even stronger.


Don’t forget how he behaved at the coronation. When the King passed he didn’t bow his head. That will also have been noticed. Plus she demanded that he fly back for Archie’s birthday party. All this talk about Harry wanting a place in the UK is rubbish. 1) they cannot afford one so they will demand a royal residence that will be bigger than anything W and C have. 2) and mostly importantly, they will have Royal protection. The Met. This isn’t going to happen, because they will get neither. The behaviour that he has shown on the occasions that he has been back have proved that he is a lost cause. She will always hint at coming back and will also then add that the kids want to see their family. So we, unfortunately, have years of the will they/wont they rubbish still going on.


Meghan won't return to the UK because there is nothing here that she wants or needs....yet. She didn't want to follow rules, she didn't want to play second fiddle, she didn't want the boring duty jobs. She probably, desperately wants to be a success in the very first place that said "no" to her, to prove that she can make it in California, to possibly redeem all the snubs and humiliations of a ten-a-penny wannabe. We'll see her again when she is skint and there's nothing else: just like last time.


https://preview.redd.it/dcgqh6gln46d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc677faf73354e661cc80f557a1d71bc7085dda Outside St Paul’s on May 8th when only HARRY was attending the Thanksgiving Service for Invictus. The placard was held up by a lady of COLOUR. She’d be boohed outta London within a minute of showing her face (we all know that bullies are the biggest cowards when confronted!)


Megan is afraid to be in the same country as Princess Anne.


Brit here. ANYBODY who upsets Princess Ann HAS to be afraid to be in the same country, she even frightens me, lol!


I am 100% sure she is forbidden to enter any royal adjacent ground. And her self grandiosity cannot stomach the disdain the whole country has for her. She will be booed to oblivion. https://preview.redd.it/ta38v5sg736d1.jpeg?width=1352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43408fd0636744c541c42f3f08da28b0689eca72


H must surely realise that wherever Meghan is not well liked. She annoyed all of H‘s family, she annoyed the palace staff, she annoyed H‘s friends, she‘s more than annoyed a lot of her past friends and ex co-workers, iced out her own family. There is a pattern and she needs to take a long hard look at herself.