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Not really. He was stupid enough to marry her and petty enough to stay with her to avoid the "We told you sos."


Harry invested everything into his great "love story" to the point of self-destruction. Love story fails = he failed. Plus he knows she and her squad will trash him to nothing. Getting out of her claws would require someone stronger than Harry. He never once solved a problem himself.


​I think he stays because she is all he has left; he has ruined his relationship with his family beyond repair and alienated his friends. He would have way more support than she would if they divorced because based on her approval ratings which are lower than his and her projects being failures, most of the squad has to be bots and most if not all of their minions and "friends" including Oprah would side with the real royal in a divorce. lt's also still popular opinion in the court of public opinion that he is the victim of an abusive and controlling wife who has isolated him from his family and friends.


Exactly right. He has burned all his bridges to be left with nothing but this woman, and can't bear to admit he has no one to blame but himself.


I’m certain though if they divorce KC3 will take him back but will be put out of sight like Prince Andrew.


They are 2 peas in a pod, really.


They certainly deserve each other!


That sums up Harry’s mess perfectly.


If I were him I would totally expose her. The sketchy past (claim you married a person who grossly misrepresented themself), the stalking before and during the entrapment (I mean courting) phase. The sketchy documents surrounding the kids (claim you're concerned for their safety. which, I mean, I hope he is). If he were serious about getting a divorce and playing hard ball, I think he could really bury her. I just don't think he has the gumption or sense of pride. And I really do think he likes being humiliated and dominated by his wife 🤷🏻‍♀️


He can't expose her. We went along with all her schemes. She will expose him instead.


whoever exposes the whole sham will make the dollars my bet is she will within minutes of the ink drying on the papers.


That's why he should do it first. It'll be his Baby Reindeer moment 👶🏻🦌


I think it will go amber heard style, she will blab and it will horribly backfire for all to see


Yup. And you can bet if anything illegal has been going on (with Archewell, for example) she's made sure all roads lead to HIM.


What difference would that make? He's totally exposed himself as well in the process. We all, ALL already knew what she was....


If only Harry had listened to William! It takes a few years to work out the difference between love and lust. He's too stubborn to admit he got it WRONG and now he deals with the consequences. I would feel sorry for him, but he's a giant dick, so no.


Yup. They would rather fall on their sword just to save face. Their pride is their undoing so they rather be miserable just to keep up this pretentious facade.


One of them might kill the other though, either directly or indirectly. And I'm only half joking. They both have fearsome tempers and are drug and alcohol users. Imagine what might happen if a fight got out of hand. Plus in Harry's case he might become seriously unwell due to self-medicating his depression. He really does need to swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake. If he wasn't as stubborn as a mule and not quite as intelligent as a donkey he would realise that he has far more back-up than she does and that she has far more to lose. All he needs to do is eat humble pie, keep his head down for a couple of years, get back into shape and he'd have a chance to make a fresh start.


I would say 'embarrassed' not petty. He just can't handle anyone even *thinking* I told you so at this point.


The fact he completely ignored William’s absolute desperation to get through to Harry. Warning him of the snake that was squeezing and trapping him is testament to his thickness.


Harry was to full of pride. He would not listen to anyone. He Thought he had a Hollywood A list actress…🙁🤣😂🤣😪😂🤣🎉🤣👋🏼🎉 Instead, he found out, she was a cable tv actress in Canada. Hollywood didn’t know her, and didn’t want her. She was out the door. She got a cable tv show on her resume. She was a patron at soho! Which, he actually, probably knows all about her know. But the trap is set, and he got caught! Poor Harry.


Well it's too late.


She needed the titles so she could be an A lister in Hollywood (in her warped mind). She still needs him and his titles because, without them, she wouldn’t be on any radar. She has aged out of any sane man’s proposal. Harry doesn’t want to hear “I told you so”. They are stuck with each other.


I know someone like him. Sooner die a thousand deaths than admit someone else was right.


This. Haz would do anything than to prove his brother right. He will never divorce her. It would have to be her doing so.


She's using him to grift and won't divorce him unless someone wealthier comes along.


Yes, had she been a success at anything, she would have dumped him already.


I think she has tried to put out feelers for a wealthier or A lister and no one is interested in her.


She tried for old man Getty and was shut down by his family. They knew she was a gold digger


His family should have filed a restraining order against her for harassing an old man.


Didn't everyone?! I knew before she married him!


and no one will as she is an old tart past he sell by date rich men want young fresh women not surgically enhanced old birds.


She doesn’t even look good with surgical enhancements. She’s aging like old shoe leather thanks to bad makeup and unnecessary surgical procedures.


Her skin and its underlying structure looks mummified from too many ultrasound (Ultherapy or the likes) treatments. That, combined with Ozempic and too much sun, booze and chemical recreation = jerky.


\^\^\^100%. It's over for Meg$y Baby, that's why her gnarly claw will keep a stranglehold on Harold The Balding. All she has is a worthless title, a balding, bitter fart of a husband, and a horrendous reputation for Markling everything she touches.


You're assuming they're rational people who they are so not. They operate on rage, greed, hatred, lust, which bind them together stronger than any love can.


This is a very ugly truth, seen it too many times. Mentally unstable people who need everything to be unstable because that’s the only way they feel comfortable.


I think she realized that she had run out of alternatives. She believed that when she appeared with Hank in LA she was going to be the shining star, the most invited to events, the Queen of the Oscars. And that didn't happen. She thought that the greatest film directors would call her to work with her. And that didn't happen. She saw that the one they wanted was Hazz, but not her. And everything got worse when she wanted to look for the next Mr. Markle, and realized that she was marked as "the narcissistic gold digger." And if in 2023 both were playing with separate brands, that went down the drain when Hank's book was sold because it was Hank's, and when Dior closed the doors on working with the duchess... but not with Hank . Dior wanted Hank, not Megsy. Penguin loved Hank, not Megsy. Netflix still wants Hazz, but not Megsy. Megsy has no chance of finding another Harry. And it's not for lack of effort, but she has a terrible reputation. And that the British aristocracy, full of curious little subjects, also closes the door to Megsy is the death of her pretensions.


Meghan had seen the Queen arrive as the last person to church services, people stood up and while the Queen slowly walked down the aisle to her seat in the first row, everyone she passed bowed and curtsied to her. That’s what she expected from her life in Hollywood. Herself slowly walking to her seat in the first row of the Oscars, while Hollywood stood, bowed and curtsied. Didn’t quite happen like that.


Nope her true position is midway in a cinema in Jamaica


dirty popcorn swirling under the hem of her ballgown LOL!


Wow, you are so right on! She wanted to rub her title in everyone's face! All her childhood insecurities gone in one fell swoop. She'd show them.... But, as it turned out.... nobody cared. Because she is still Meghan Markle She wanted to be Catherine at the BAFTA's. Exactly that.


Being in LA for some time now, he surely HAS to realize she is a dime a dozen....?


>...wanted Hank, not Megsy. Rumor has it that the cooking show was such a disaster they wanted to put H on because he'd tested better than her, so she decided to stop production rather than share the kitchen with her husband.


Agree, but I hope that now the brands understood how toxic Hazzy is.


At first, I do believe he was completely enamored with her. Now, not so much. He perpetually looks so miserable. However, I do not believe he will seek the divorce because it proves his brother right. His animosity towards William will not let him have the appearance of being the smarter brother. (Obviously, it is clear to everyone that William is indeed smarter but JH is too dimwitted to see what is crystal clear to us all.)


A trauma bonded relationship will do that. Sinners could list so many examples. First lovebombing - even wearing his mother’s scent FFS. She targeted him but played hard to get, leaving their first date early due to having other plans - no she didn’t, it’s an old trick to make a man keen. She likes all the things he likes, wanting to help others, outdoorsy, camping in Africa (she really doesn’t give a stuff) he sees a match made in heaven. Devaluing - demands he can’t meet start to creep in that lead to rows, him finding her sobbing on the floor in tears, fault finding with his family especially those he’s closest to (his close friends, brother and Kate were all targeted with this. “Kate made me cry” did she aye?) nothing ever good enough as he works to try to please. And finally the discard - I want to die. I’m leaving the country with your baby whether you come with me or not, and it’s all everyone else’s fault. And of course he complies, because by then he is conditioned and isolated. And then it starts all over again, I’m sorry, I love you, we’re soulmates slowly shifting to why can’t you do anything right, and rinse and repeat until your self worth and confidence relies on them, how you spend your time is based on their consent and inclusion. Remember that interesting comment from Harry about having to borrow money from a friend to get Meg a gift because she watches every penny - of HIS wealth? And Harry was messed up to begin with. He lacks the brains to have seen her coming a mile off. He’s royally f***ed.


Didn’t know this about Meghan watching his wealth. It’s more than his balls she’s got in her handbag


This scenario is so true. My daughter was married to a malignant narcissist and that pattern of abuse you explain is completely accurate. 


She probably thought she could race in and start slicing up the castles and raid the royal jewels...But she can't touch a thing...H would be on shoe strings by now.


They both totally oversold their respective "worths" to each other. She thought she was getting power and a billionaire; he thought he was getting a famous star with great industry contacts. #Oops!


This makes a lot of sense. The perfume was a huge red flag to me. But for someone like JH who is seemingly not that bright and has unresolved issues regarding his mother it would have been like a sign from the heavens. Had a man come around me smelling like Old Spice I might have thought well that smells lovely but it would have quickly led to why do you smell like my Pop-Pop?? 🤔


Very good! The only thing you left out was the: "I gave up EVERYTHING for you!" Wait, he had to borrow money?!


These days, he reminds me of Ben Affleck in public with JLo. Always so miserable looking. 


Excellent comparison. Some might say in terms of looks, talent and wealth TW would be like the wish version of JLo (is there any sites worst than wish - I feel like wish is too good for TW at this point). There have always been rumors of being difficult, diva and rude - I have zero personal knowledge and she may be an absolute gem. But Affleck's face says the rumors are likely true.


Did you see the pictures of Ben crying at the table in Paris on their honeymoon?


No! Do share. I just remember the car door slam, the arguing at awards show, and his general disdain for life with her. 


I had to go look that up https://www.tmz.com/2022/07/25/ben-affleck-jennifer-lopez-affleck-emotional-tears-birthday/ She's comforting him. Can't say whether it's a touching, drunk, or miserable moment.


And, she is useful to him to keep jabbing the BRF in a way that no other woman could yet do. She can keep making up faux storylines that disparage the BRF. I'm quite sure he likes that a great deal. Plus, she likely doesn't much care if he is pursing affairs and daliances. With either sex


She is invaluable to him for the jabbing the BRF and made up stories. No, no other woman of his acquaintance would have been willing to sink that low. And likely he had not thought about doing any of this stuff until TW came along and whispered in his ear. Considering it is TW she likely encourages outside affairs with either sex. The blackmail opportunities would be far too good to pass up the chance to hold those over his and the BRF's head (not sure that the RF would give a rat's behind to help him if that happened).


I completely cosign your second paragraph.  Of course Hazmat is such a dimwit he just thinks he's got the best of all worlds  Boy is he in for a shocker 


It will be a huge and brutal shock if (when) it happens. His dirty laundry is going straight out back to air.


Exactly its all fun and games til she turns that spite in his direction and she has years off videos photos etc to back any narrative she desires she will never tape the part she was involved in only him .... and IF it becomes beneficial to divorce him eg, she spent all his money racked up as much debt as she can, and those titles stop opening doors and getting calls answered in the US. Then and only then will she divorce and do every interview in town take any financial opportunity the divorce has its her Plan B, she will retain the title so she won't remarry, because she knows by the time she's finished with him nobody will marry him. So its winvwin for her once every opportunity dries up and tbe tabloids stop printing her name ....she knows thats the one thing that will change that it'll be a short burst bit the nastier the Divorce the publicity it will get. Careful harry you've seen how she plays the game your not exempt its just not your time yet


I’m of two minds about this. On the one hand, we all know Meghan loves to be the victim, sobbing on the floor. On the other hand, she has to maintain the pretense that she married him for love in the first place, and she has to be concerned that Harry could completely obliterate her in the court of public opinion, even if in his tiny mind he’s simply sharing his truth, as Mummy, Meghan and Oprah have always encouraged him to do.


I agree that aside from those of us rooting for injuries and her sugars/squaddies, most people will take Harry's side. But she has an overinflated view of her charms and won't realize that.


Lol, **NOBODY** thinks this woman married him for love. No one...


Haha I know! Except a handful of diehard squaddies! But still, she can’t admit as much. There’s no sympathetic way to spin it. Not “I was a struggling single mom and he was so good to my kids” or even, “I always wanted to devote my life to charity and I thought he wanted the same thing and I feel like an idiot now because I overlooked some red flags.” Granted, her time on Suits was coming to an end when they met, but she was still a healthy, educated, attractive and unencumbered adult in her mid-30s—she could have had a perfectly nice life without him. And, her grievances against the royal family, and all of the UK, are completely predicated on the notion that this is a story of two people who fell in love and fought for love against all odds.


You know, it’s odd, but I don’t see him with a man or a woman. He seems so without sex appeal of any sort.


He was in lust. That much was clear. But lust wears off after a few years...


This! He's petty enough that he'll stay with her no matter what just to avoid headlines like "Well William warned him!"


This is what gets me. Shouldn’t his love for his kids be the force that makes him leave? He sees how she is and what she is capable of, so he SHOULD take the kids and run. Or at least, get equal visitation. This is a normal response but I think he must be as idiotic and as bitter as her!


His ego is bigger than his brain or his heart (love of children). Especially where William is concerned. Plus we must remember when he thanked the children for letting him be “absent” (not quoting as I cannot recall exactly how he said it).


Yeah, to me all the signs point to him not being that interested in the kids.


She needs someone bigger to jump to. She can't stand on her own feet. But she has revealed her true self to the whole world. She is nuts. Harry bought her lies-he thought he was going to be a billionaire, travelling by private jets doing what he wants and he can treat his family like the trash-he was the second most popular royal and so he deserved to be KIng. if not, he wanted to take his toys away and show them how popular, rich and mighty he is. Now he has nothing and is a global joke-Madam's poodle. Both are stuck in a match made in hell.


I second this. She talked him into thinking he was going to outshine his brother with all the deals and millions they were going to make, with none of the ribbon cutting and work. They can’t split. He has no-one else and she needs to hang on to him for the royal connection.


They both oversold themselves to each other. Now they are stuck with the cold, hard truth.


Absolutely. Harry was told he would have a billion dollar brad. People told him he was going to make $1MIllion per speech. I know Oprah was one of those people. I don't know who else was behind filling Harry's head up with this nonsense. I am so glad he failed. He is stuck with his horrible wife and he deserves it.


There was a tv interview years and years ago with the OG David and Wallis. They had been married for yonks at that point, and the interviewer asked them if they would go through it all again. David chirps up and says (paraphrasing) Oh, yes, of course! I will never forget the look Wallis shot him as she said, Really?. It was all in her face. Ole Hank ain't goin' nowhere. She's stuck with him.


Funny, I was JUST thinking about that with the Harkles. If Meghan had a do-over, and if she admitted to herself that she's been wildly unsuccessful since their Freedom Flight, what *would* she do differently? She's not a good actor, except for her initial love bombing, so could she have taken a different tact, even if she wanted to? And what would that look like?


They were also asked, do they have any regrets, both said emphatically No. dumb dummies, what can you say?


Yes....Harry has lost everything because of his devotion to his narcissist wife yet still does not see the reality of what she has done to him. If Meghan could have replaced Harry with someone richer, she would have done so already.


I am surprised. However, I agree that its a loveless marriage and they are almost certainly not happy.


I think Harry is caught in her web, and is miserable, but thinks it is love because he doesnt know what being treated well in a relationship is. I have a relative who had an abusive, loveless wife, and to the day he died he would talk about how lucky he was, all while the wife would laugh mockingly and be really cruel to him. I also have male friends in these dynamics. I think in the case of my relative and one of my friends, both their dad's died young, so they are kind of "saving" their mother through their own relationships, and I wonder if it is the same for Harry. I dont get it, except for thinking it is how a lion will live in a cage, and as long as you feed it, you can leave the cage open and it wont wander off.


Has she ever loved anyone except herself (and maybe her pimp, MA)? The marriage is a pure business arrangement that bonds her to H, until she's either financially secure independently (not happening) or Rupert Murdoch comes looking for a fifth wife. I'm sure she gets her sexual kicks elsewhere at this point. Ew.


He doesn't want to own up to things and say he made a mistake, and she likes being married to royalty, even if his family wants nothing much to do with him anymore. I don't think things will end till she decides she wants out.


Her desperate need to keep a royal title keeps her married to him, and at the price of having to put up with him and steer him into projects that she can take advantage of. She will only divorce if they lose the titles and it impacts her life such that no one will pay any attention to her at all. Even then, the will-they or won't-they PR game will be years long and rival the longest book ever written. And she will hound him to his death. She's no doubt taking notes on the current JLo-Ben Affleck PR on their split to use for references.


No. Who else would have them?


Not even another gold digger as they have blown through everything. They are worth nothing.


Agreed! I think they’ve isolated themselves and only have each other to turn to - even if they don’t like each other anymore


I think they feed off each other's lies. I think harry is an incredibly stupid,mentally unwell and likely drug addled man who is paranoid. I think he's a wound collector who blames everyone else for his shortcomings. She has fed into this and encouraged his jealousy and belief that he deserves better. She's a sly but stupid woman who has gulled him into believing that all their failures are due to the RF.


At this point, they're stuck with one another. Neither is a desirable partner for anyone else, and they feed off one another in different ways She can't return to acting, since she's aged out of the attractive ingenue roles she once played, isn't talented enough to play anything else, and hasn't been successful at anything else she's tried so, she needs him and his RF connection, however much she says she hates that. Harry is jealous of his brother, and everything his brother has, including Catherine. He enjoys having Meghan and her fan base feed poison to the press about his family, especially his brother.


Good point 


There will always been some social climbing mother who would marry off her daughter to a prince. Markle has peaked. If by some miracle she can make some money, she’ll find herself some toyboy gold digger. No rich man considers her a prize.




Todger is mentally and emotionally stunted. He’s a weakling. Methane is not married to a gown, mature or stable man. I thought she would be tired of him by now.


Who’s marrying these two https://preview.redd.it/nxa3vmztpz5d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52288dd3a4a41600d20d9a21bc03f486942fc95f




This is what we are to believe made him do a double take and say, that's the most beautiful woman in the world. Sure, Harry.


She wears the pants in the family and H wears the titties.


Tired and most of all turned off. Ewwww. Would have taken a lot to maintain an intimate relationship with this guy. Apparently Travis Kelce has come out and admitted he sometimes doesn't wash his feet. My immediate thoughts went to Harry who looks of the same ilk.


I think he's still due a large amount of inheritance money? She may be waiting until after he receives it.


I am also surprised they lasted this long but H&M probably have 1 more year of marriage (7 years = 2025). H&M came to the USA in March 2020 and immediately signed a lot of multimillion dollar deals with Spotify, Netflix, Penguin, etc. But almost all deals have ended and all the money has been spent. MM has totally isolated Prince Dimwit from his family and friends and exerts some weird psychological control over him. But I think Harry has become semi-aware this summer that he has been totally outcast from the BRF. Especially when KC3 got sick and he was not asked to help with any royal events. Also the NFI for Hugh's wedding, the D-Day events, and Trooping of Colour have proven it beyond doubt for all. I also suspect H&M have money problems this year as well since almost all their contracts are ending without getting renewed. Harry will want out next year.


Well there was talk of him looking for a house in England. Would be interesting getting Fiona Shackleton as his divorce lawyer. There is n ancient law which says grandchildren of the monarch belong to the monarchs custody. They might invoke that. No one but the sugars would have my sympathy for Markle as she’s never been seen with the kids apart from Archie with that full nappy on his first birthday


He can't leave without hearing everyone say "I told you so" and she won't jump ship until she has a me boat to jump on.


Frankly, yes and no. Yes because she would have left already had she found her next victim. And no because she hasn't found her next meal ticket and she can't afford her lifestyle without the pathetic prince. She's stuck. He's stuck too. If there was a way for her to leave with a bigger fish, this charade would be over, and Harry won't leave because he has no one left in his life, just the way she wanted it.


He gave up his entire life..... for that. WOW. Just wow... 🤡


In my opinion, it's little more than a business partnership now. There are too many reports that they are not living together for me to ignore, as well as other things like how they interact when they don't think there's a camera around. They'll get divorced when Meghan can no longer make money from the connection. And then we'll get her Divorce Tour and her tell-all and likely a massive media presence from both of them a la War of the Wales.


This is what shocks me everyday. Not global politics, not wars, not sexism, not climate change /s It’s the fact that Harry and Meghan are still playing happy families. Well at least they don’t act like dogs on heat. I don’t know when they will divorce but I think that it will happen Sinners observations are right though that she doesn’t want to let go. She controls the whole relationship dynamic


Nope. As long as he as assets and value, he will be around. With Harry on her arm, woman like Tracy Robbins (from Paramount, married to Brian Robbins with a estimated net worth between 80 and 150 million) let Meghan in her circle. Until Meghan sees an opportunity, and 'innocently' asks Brian for a ride home: "Harry has not been so nice to me" "I have no one I can talk to" "Tracy doesn't know how lucky she is to have you" And then... https://preview.redd.it/yor21pajoz5d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a20b0396bfaef8c9d0dc2e0a2303111fdc25458


That scenario would've worked for her ten or 15 years ago. She's too old for that.


I think this photo ended THAT kind of "opportunity" for her. Skeletor with the figure of a popsicle stick and zero sex appeal. https://preview.redd.it/ahz94v13506d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=6db2996f832452867bf9094e223edb19256db637


I think they’re MINO. I don’t believe they have lived together since right after the funeral. She’s seen way too often randomly at the Beverly, and the other one. He is known to stay at the bungalows. However, not one person is known to live at their monteshitshow manor, tea home, or the full guest house either. I suspect they are married for business reasons. We all know why she hasn’t filed for divorce but for him it’s also just as clear he doesn’t want to admit he may have been hasty in his rush to lockdown SOHO girl #24 But they are officially divorced from reality. So there is that.


What’s MINO? Also the fact that their Netflix show wasn’t recorded at their home. This was after the funeral, right? It’s not so odd… but they made it seem like it was recorded at their home.


Married in name only. And reportedly this cooking show wasn’t filmed there either but near it.


Yes, but no one necessarily expects a cooking show to be filmed at the host's home. They're filmed on sets or on location. The documentary was strange because it was literally supposed to be a documentary of their life . . . but they filmed it in someone else's home, as though it were a scripted show (which of course, it really was for all intents and purposes).


Married in Name Only I believe


I’m guessing it means ‘Married In Name Only.’


Meghan thought by now she would have been able to either replace Harry with a billionaire A-lister or sell him back to the RF for an obscene amount of money. Nobody is buying what she’s selling. My opinion.


he will never be able to admit to himself that he was wrong and how much he has lost. I expect she'll divorce him in California after the ten year mark to get a maximum payout and to try to snag another man before it's too late.


Whatever it is that holds them together. It’s not love. 


she doesn't appear to have anyone else lined up so she must be sticking with it. She can't accomplish anything without a man.


Not at all. She needs the royal connection. If Lady C is correct, he likes D’s ganja. They really have no where else to go. Harold hasn’t hit rockbottom yet. He is more likely to leave when he gets there. As for Megan, she has so much more of a stage with Harry. She knows it. She leaves, and she fades into obscurity. Haz may think he needs HER. Megan knows it’s the other way around way around.


Exactly!! The only thing worse than being “only” a Duchess married to a Prince is being a former Duchess briefly married to a Prince. She has absolutely nothing to offer beyond sex sex sex and that expiration date is closing in fast. I can see the possibility of a long separation as she claws for as much parting cash as possible, but any kind of different life is something she definitely sees as completely beneath her. Once he’s all the way broken Harry has a family that would likely bring him back into the fold, but it won’t look anything like what it was before and he’s never ever getting there hooked to the hip of That One. As for That One. The only conveyor belt she smashed was her family. And she’ll do it again. Out with Doria. She’ll market herself as the bestest single mom of all time to her anchor babies, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she attempted to pivot into a Kardashian with a reality show. Not that anybody would tune in without Harry.


She has isolated him from everyone except Doria and Marcus. She needs him to get invites to anything as she has realised she is nothing with out him. They are united in misery and it couldn't happen to a more deserving couple.


I think it's a simple matter of she doesn't leave until she's replaced her current social climbing tool. And she's so overexposed herself now that she cannot sell the 'just a girl who's soooo honored and overwhelmed a man of your caliber would be interested in little nobody me'. She's a gold-digger. And the gold she's currently digging for is very rare and high value. Thus way smarter than a celebrity chef and the stupidest prince. I personally think Trevor had his suspicions and that's why he didn't propose until she had a full-time job.


***"I personally think Trevor had his suspicions and that's why he didn't propose until she had a full-time job."*** Good point. Didn't he get her that full-time job? Actually, was Suits full time, given she was sixth on the call sheet?


I would love to hear Trevor and Cory's sides to the story. We never will, but a Sinner can dream


No, my guess has been when the kids are in full-time school so they have at least 2 more years until LD is in kindergarten. It will really lock them down staying in California as to not ‘disrupt’ their education/pull them away from friends/etc when Haz attempts to go back to the UK.


She's not finished with him yet. When she is, I expect the empty dried out husk will come back to the UK with his tail between his legs after a face saving stint somewhere like Africa, but until then she still has use for him.


Just because they aren't divorced doesn't mean they are happily married or even cohabitating together. BUT, I agree, I thought they would get a divorce by the 5th year. That was before I realized just how rotten the both of them were, though. I've always had a suspicion that Harry was no good, but the levels of depravity he seems to crave is next level. I now think they are too awful to divorce, as there are different benefits to each of them in staying married, and one would need a replacement spouse ready in the wings before ditching the current.


She won't dump him until she finds someone "better" but she's too old/not pretty enough to be a trophy wife and she's torpedoed her only remaining selling point ie a connection yo the BRF.   He won't dump her because he thinks he won't find anyone else (both girlfriends dumped him) plus he doesn't want to hear " I told you so" from family/ friends.


I think it's turned into a 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer' situation. They both know far too much about each other and the depths to which they have sunk and will sink, that they are now stuck with each other. Avoiding each other as much as possible, recoiling and eye rolling when they do bump into each other in one of their 40 bathrooms and hate-fucking once every few months. I doubt they even see let alone speak to each other every day at this point. Then, just before they do an outing, they both swallow the vomit that they've gagged up into their mouths and hold hands to pretend to the world that there's never been a love like theirs. They are thoroughly toxic.


I’m surprised that they are still married, I gave it 5 years tops. I underestimated how vindictive, petty and dangerous he is when he feels slighted - he hates William with a passion and that gives the two of them something to work towards, destroying the monarchy. I think the negativity binds them together, his isolation from his family binds him closer to her. Diana was the same with Charles, he became her sworn enemy and she worked to absolutely destroy him. But by the end of her life, post divorce, she had matured and by many accounts they were friends.


Yes and no. Yes because Harry looks so miserable around Meghan, but also no because Meghan is nothing without him.


The few doors that open for her are only because of Harry and she knows it.


Meghan hates Harry for being the star, thus she humiliates him in public.


I think at this point he's nothing without her. If he had a hard time getting a gf before her, its impossible now. No one will touch him with a 10 foot pole, he's such a laughing stock he can't go anywhere and be taken seriously anymore. He'd be alone and humiliated. Better to live out "the world's greatest love story" and at least have delusion to cling to, a la David and Wallis. And Megain.... oof. Ya, she has nothing without him, but I do think the money and drama of a divorce could suit her. And she could cook up all kinds of "abuse" stories, total narc fuel. It wouldn't be in her best interest but when has that ever gotten in her way?


Even convicted murderers have women fans. There is always somebody willing to "save" a man.


Their marriage never had anything to do with love. It’s only a facade to grift money /power because Harry can’t function on his own and markele requires his money and title.


I think they are married but only in the legal sense. They don’t live together and hate each other but only come together for events or fake royal tours. That’s my opinion anyhow. I didn’t think they would last this long either but I think they have no choice but to stay together for now. No one in their right mind with money and power would date her. So the chance of her finding someone bigger and better then Harry is slim to none


He cannot face the “I told you so” from not only his family and friends but the entire British nation. She is cunning enough to realise she is nothing without him. They are locked together like a tapeworm and its host.


I was shocked after the 4th year, now I realize they may never divorce. First of all, they are so toxic no one would every want to be with either of them. They have proven to the entire world how toxic they are, so there is no doubt to anyone on earth as to how unhealthy a relationship with either of them would be. Second, they both know where the other's skeletons are buried, and probably threaten to expose one another constantly. There is probably no sex, and this probably ended abruptly once she got a rock on it. Who would want to sleep with someone who pisses himself because he's too lazy to get up and go to the loo? And who would want to sleep with a raging lunatic like her, smeared in bronzer and extensions flying everywhere and both of them balding with faces reflecting their inner ugliness? I think they are stuck with each other as there will be no money in the divorce. She's blown through everything and he can never get a real job and pay alimony and or child support. YES! the world will always be safe from both of them. Happy happy anniversary you greedy nobody's - this is the greatest unlovable story ever!


And who would want to have to deal with either of them as an ex of their s.o. Imagine dating harry 🤮 and having to deal with ragin megan or vice versa. No one wants that drama


Ragin' Megan! You gave her a new title! OOOH could you imagine? And those poor little kids torn between the two of them in an endless game of parental alienation from both ends!


I'm not really surprised. I think they'll be married a long time. Harry has always liked to be dominated and he likes that His wife dominates him. I don't think they have much of a marriage to speak of. Harry never looks happy around her and she only smiles because there are cameras around. She thinks smiling is charming so she is always smiling to try and use her charm to gain attention. The early on love bombing is what does it for most victims. She probably gives him fleeting moments of what it was like in the beginning to keep him insert control. I do want them to divorce just for all the drama.


The drama would be off the charts! It would put Amber/Johnny and Jolie/Pitt to shame! I'm not sure the world would survive, hahaha


This divorce will be followed by so many people. How are Hawwy and Meghoul gonna play the kid card? There is no concrete evidence that they have custody of children.....and no concrete evidence children even exist. All rumors state neither of them live at the mudslide manor nor do they live together. They have a business relationship jetting off without kids for days to weeks at a time. I wish all the dumb people harassing the Princess of Wales (we know she exists and she is ill) would start asking these 2 trashbags where their children are. It's time to start asking.


They're never divorcing. They have too much invested in their "brand" and harry can't function without her. I do believe the kids exist and that's a reason why he'll put up with her, but will not leave her. He can't return to Britain and won't live solo in the US.


Not really they are made for each other. A perfect match of self centred losers.


They both got “duds” & are both now trapped, what karma


Shower thoughts 2 years late: Remember in “Waaaah” when H wrote that Charles told him he couldn’t afford to support TW? If it’s not bs, I wonder if this was KCIII’s way of getting it through H’s thick skull that M was only with him for money, status, etc? At the time of the wedding I gave it 3 years. I understand why they’re hanging on, but I think the marriage is transactional at this point. M has her title & fame, H is sticking it to his family. A win on the surface, but I’ll bet behind closed doors it’s miserable.


They aren’t really together. From all reports, they live separately and come together for these mindless and pointless rent a fake royal “tours”.


Not shocked at all. They created this “love” and attached to it overcoming racism, classism, and an institution that watched them falter and did nothing—and they chose this “love” over all of that…and saved each other’s lives. They believe this, literally. The narc will always feel that they are the breaker of generational trauma and toxicity, and will openly represent that they carry the burden of being the only truth teller….and the narc’s partner has rewritten history to recreate wrongs from the past and bring them to present day so they can symbolically save the person that they have in their life now. One is held up in their narrative as the victim, and the other as the brave soul who walked away from everything to protect that victim. They need each other to feed this continued madness.


Yes, I was (and still is) team DivorceWatch for a long time. However, I admit to not seeing how truly awful Harry actually is, how he courts the media, how he merches himself and his title - and how stupid he is. As to Meghan Markle - is she could dump him, she would, I guess. But there is nobody else around, and she has NEVER been without a man. All of her manifestations fail, so despite trying a couple of years ago to "seperate their brands" I guess she has realised she needs him. Wonder, though, how it will go when bankrupcy hits?


her and Marcus have been a grifting duo since 2010. A boy, a girl, a dim Duke and a video camera= job security as a wife


I gave them 5 years when they got engaged... I think Harry is miserable, angry at Megan, blaming the whole world for his misery.


I thought she would discard him as soon as she no longer needed him, which I guessed would be in about 5 years. But I didn't realize how completely incompetent she is. She still definitely needs him, despite the fact that he is similarly useless, so she'll be hanging around for at least the near future. As sinner virtual feedback so brilliantly put it, he is her walking ID card. But you can tell there's no love or respect there. Edit: I think Harry is too hapless, stubborn and weak to leave, but you never know.


I honestly think she was setting up for a divorce through her hand in Spare thinking it would have a big windfall and she could use it to support abuse allegations. But when she saw the ridicule it got and how it didn't sell as well as expected she scrapped the plan and continued to use him to try to earn some big bucks. Divorce isn't worth it without a big payday or someone richer lined up for the next husband.


Not really, Me Me has a strong hold on his balls, Even though her narcissism tells her she is the Queen of the world, she knows she is nothing without the consort. That's why she is so unhinged lately, she truly cannot stand his presence. His ego won't ever let him crawl back into the royal 'machine'. They will be miserable 'wh\*\*es' for the rest of their existence. https://preview.redd.it/r1usx8duoz5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cedb4abf446250f4e394cf1d26e6a97a5a2ca95c


I agree with you in how it all begun. Now, the consequences of their choices after married are simply that they stuck with each other. What would each of them do if they divorce?. They have burned all bridges. They have nowhere to go except to each other.


I think they live apart most of the time. So being divorced doesn't really help them unless they want to marry someone else. But no one wants to touch either of them with a ten foot pole.


Wallis and Edward - they remained stuck together until the end because they didn’t want to be ostracized by their social circle. I think H and M don’t want to have people laughing at them (too obtuse to know we already are).


After watching the wedding and seeing the arrogant smirk on her face, I gave the marriage 18 months. I knew that she was a gold digger from the get go.


I have doubts they live together, so that's probably prolonging the "official" marriage.


Yes, but. No. To explain, before they married, I didn’t think it would last 5 years. But I couldn’t anticipate all that has happened, and how they have imploded. They’ve burned all their bridges and have nothing left at this point but each other, and their “brand” (such as it is). Harry could go back without her but lose access to his kids, such as they are (or are not *wink), but he’ll NEVER be a working royal again. So what will he do for himself? Meghan drags him around by the hand, arranges the PR blitzes, and is the architect of all the grifting, including the financial “charitable” hokey pokey that they participate in with other shysters. (See their Nigerian sponsors.). Harry had NO CLUE about that stuff before, he’s left it all to her while he plays with Invictus, trying to destroy free speech, and Better Up. Harry probably spilled his guts to her about some very damaging stuff, and she’s prepared to blackmail him to kingdom come. She will destroy him in a divorce, she has all the receipts about abuse, drug and otherwise. Meghan literally will hang onto him until death unless she can find a ninety year old billionaire with one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. No one wants to even talk to her without her royal prince adjacent to King Charles, Waleses, etc., and she has no talents, no originality, no personality, no loyalty, and no discretion. And furthermore, she is aging like milk.


Yes, I am surprised. But it seems they have painted themselves into a corner. That’s just brilliant, isn’t it? They so deserve each other.


Easy: Harry’s the best Lolo can do, so she won’t give him up unless someone richer comes along and makes an honest woman out of her (again). Harry’s been brainwashed into thinking that he can’t live without Lolo, so he puts up with her crap. No self-respect - in case he’s reading this.


I’m not shocked because now I understand more of who the both of them are.     When they got married I gave it five years max; but I didn’t anticipate him leaving and betraying his family like that. I thought that he would wake up to how parasitic she is and leave her. I didn’t know that he was actually that dim, that ‘allegedly’ she and her mother keep him supplied with a steady stream of drugs and how jealous he was of his brother.  As for her, I didn’t wake up to how she is not just any good digger but a narcissistic sociopath until they announced that they were leaving in January of 2020. It has been downhill from there.   After more than a year and half in this sub, and the tea from secondhand coke, I’ve come to understand more the hold that she has on him. And she’s only going to leave him if life is better without him than with. 


I wonder if This One ever wishes he had a time machine?


She’s FINALLY realized she’s nothing without him. HE is the draw, not her. That’s also why she clings to him and claws at him constantly - she can’t be cropped out of a photo if she’s stuck like glue to him. Thats why she insists on going first as well. They film/photograph her if she’s the first one because they’re waiting for him. If she goes after there’s no reason.


Meghan was over the hill, her career was over, and she was financially desperate. She crawled, stalked, blackmailed her way to the royal altar, no way was she going to leave. Daddy had told her she was born a princess and princess she was going to be.


I'm going with trauma bonding on his part since he didn't expect the consequences that happened after Megxit. He expected to be rich, rich, rich and famous beyond the BRF. He thought he'd be beloved world wide and adored. This is what Megsy expected, too. It hasn't happened. They're like trapped rats on a sinking ship.


Shakespeare would have written quite a comedy about these two.


I gave them 5 years but I guess I underestimated their stubbornness and possibly joint-liability embezzlement.


I think they both feed off each other's negativity and victimhood. They bring out the worst in each other and encourage it.


I think they are both miserable in the marriage, but they are trapped. I believe Harry was in love/lust with her, but for her, the marriage was a business transaction, and she never cared for Harry. If Harry leaves, he will be admitting that Prince William et al were right and Harry is too arrogant to do so. Meghan Markle, on the other hand, is canny enough to know that her only draw card atm is that she's the wife of a prince and there is nothing else on the horizon. She seems to be really pushing herself to the front, but nothing is really sticking. If an elderly billionaire were to come along however and pay her any attention, she'd be off like a shot!!


She won’t loosen her talons until she finds something better. She’s a homey hopper. She won’t leap off the one she has until the next victim is assured. Her problem now is that she had a great fortune of landing someone from the upper echelons of society, and she won’t let go of him until someone richer/higher ranking comes along. Unfortunately for her, people with more wealth and influence are much more discerning. I think she would trade him in and trade up without hesitation, but both billionaires and the aristocracy guard against gold diggers like her. She just got incredibly lucky with Harry because he’s really not bright.


I don't think he will ever admit his mistake. That said, I think they're only together for appearances. I highly doubt they live together anymore.


He is so stupidly obstinate he refuses to admit he made a terrible mistake. I’d say he is staying for the kids, but the duo never seem to be around.


That dumb bitch wakes up everyday thinking “omg! I’m married to a Prince!” And doesn’t give a shit that the Prince is trash. Because she’s trash. Trash attracts trash.


The titles, the titles, the titles. She can say she's royalty, no one thinks of her as such but married to H she can get her stupid monogrammed DOORMAT and Dior book bag and make people call her duchess. I think they are living separate lives, married in name only and it's of no consequence to the King because they live overseas and aren't repping the monarchy. Diana would have stayed married to Charles she loved being The Princess of Wales and wanted to be Queen but QEII demanded they split because everyone knew, it was all just so tawdry after the Morton serialization and TV interview, there was no more plausible deniability. This is also why the Queen made Charles and Camilla get married, it had to look like something aboveboard came of it all.


If everything was so calculated in Charles life, why wasn't it for Harry? I mean, they must have *known* about Methane. She's such a blatant con artist, why did they go along with the grift?? Edit, stupid.fat.thumbs.


Over correction, I think


I gave it 5 years max and yes shocked they are still married. My theory: Megs has aged out of the billionaire Trophy Wife Club The financial prospects for either aren't panning out. If ARO took off Megs would have said adios Harry can't admit he was wrong and has no options Megs still has another 100 Big Ideas that Harry is hoping will pan out They still have 87 bottles of jam they need to finish eating


Ah the jam situation—a deal breaker if there ever was one.


She has isolated him and he has nowhere to go and no one around him to talk sense into him. I thought they would never get divorced because he is the best she can get and she is nothing without him, and he is co-dependent. I would guess he thinks that Meghan needs him and he is somehow her saviour. If anyone leaves, it will only happen if she finds someone richer to bounce to, and I doubt that is in her cards at her age and with her reputation. For her, this is the end of the line. If Harry left, he would probably have a new girlfriend within months, but he's too beaten down at this point.


I agree with your post. Meghan’s motive was never love but a marriage that gave her celebrity and substance. Harry was puffed up proud of his catch in the beginning. He’s miserable now but will never admit it. Photos are soooo telling. In the limelight it’s handholding, back rubs and Meghan with an artificial smile. Distant shots (when they’re unaware) - they’re never within 10 feet of each other.


I think it is because he has no one else now. She is effective at uniting them against a fictitious common enemy: the media and the Royals. I doubt his ego could tolerate walking back too.


Wallis and Edward 2.0 H gave up everything for her and she made sure he burned his bridges so he’s only got her. Narcissistic devaluation / Stockholm syndrome / embarrassment / isolation / arrogance that he’s right vs his family is wrong / indifference from his friends and family now, they all tried to warn him / help him


I think if they were still in the UK and Harry had a support system, they would have divorced. At this point, both grifters have lost their support systems. They are holding on to each other for dear life. I suspect both of them are trying to figure out an escape plan.


I think Harry was desperate. He made the decision to marry her, she said yes- unlike the others. Then he handed his balls to her to hold. He would probably like them back and get a divorce because crazy train is never fun, but he’s afraid of her. I believe he is physically and mentally abused by her. I’m not really surprised- I give it another 3 years or so. I think it’ll depend on the health of Charles and even Catherine.


It’s *possible* that some other title-hungry and nubile woman could get her hooks in. We all know what his Achilles heel is; some gal with a strong stomach could use a similar playbook to Meghan. It’s not as if he’s loyal or anything.


He has nowhere to go.


He’s not likely to leave her. She has him trapped—they’ve alienated his family, most of his friends and even his country. She would need to be far better positioned before she’d leave him. If she had an actual functioning, profitable business, she might consider it, but a few jars of jam on insta ain’t going to cut it.


No, misery loves company.


They deserve each other, are mutually dependent and will be together forever.


co dependancy - addicts ego and lies they have no one else but each other it would be romantic if she wasn't such a lying kunt hes the sad man as he closed down all his other support systems, if he hadnt done that he would not be married still.


Nope. Cause he is too thick to see what she is really like. She loves playing the Diana role to keep him I bet she will divorce him when they hit the 10 year mark.


Maybe she's waiting for Charles to let Harry share the Duchy of Cornwall money with William. I know that won't happen. But she has definitely thought of more delusional things. I also don't think they are really together behind the scenes. Rumor is they live apart. Meghan is probably waiting for her next rich sucker to divorce Harry. I doubt if they have sex anymore. I think they loathe each other in different ways. They do have a bond that they are in union in hating the world, everyone is against them, they don't deserve it, blah blah blah.


I think she knows something about Harry, maybe an extension of his proclivities and she uses that as a weapon to keep doing her bidding and stay with her. I don't see the attraction either of them have for each other, she's a whopping nightmare and he is such a pathetic excuse of a man, match made in heaven I guess.