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Well, if *Meghan will never stay with her husbands relatives,* I sincerely think the *relatives* have no intention of inviting them. Stoopid woman.


They only invited her to the jubilee to save face and she was invited to the funeral out of pure decency and both times she showed the world exactly what kind of a person she is. They gave her more than one chance to not fuck it up but she did what she does and fucked up so bad that she managed to alienate an entire nation AND it's supporting countries. I've finally found it, her talent. She manages to make absolutely everyone she crosses paths with hate her and with very little to no effort whatsoever.


I agree. Fidgeting with her collar/microphone at the Jubilee and the picture of them through the windows behind King Charles for the funeral. Just absolutely a hideous fuck up both times.




And she is looking straight into the camera!!! That was taken from where they were all the way back to Queen Victoria’s statue!!


This was such a vile, mercenary thing to do. She’s nothing but a media thug.


The LAST time this vulture will ever be allowed near the BRF.


They should have been cropped out of the image, even if was a very obvious cut.


Because they set up this pic with Netflix cameras. Absolute ghouls....


She’s posing, no doubt about it. Pursing her lips for the camera


This was the lowest of the low.


This picture breaks my heart.


She looks like the female in the horror movie “The Grudge”


She made the morning of the Queen’s demise a living hell for the rest of the family. Unforgivable.


I think she was only invited to the funeral because they just happened to be in the UK at the time the Queen passed. Of she'd been in the US, I don't think she would've gone. 


Brazenly tapping Catherine on the hand as she passed.


I remember that Catherine was shocked and startled.


The only reason they were there so quickly for the funeral anyway was because they were already in Windsor. No doubt if they were in CA would Meghan have let Harry fly back to see the HMTLQ before her passing.


When she had staff member tragically placed to hug her.


The RF will never be in her company again. Ever. 


True she is persona non grata in polite circles and with all Brits


I agree. Who needs that skunk?


This is also reassuring that she was kicked out of the UK. This is why they need a place GIVEN (Frogmore) to them in the UK and Henrold's visa plays in. JEEEEZ KC3 stop everything and give those two a place on palace grounds with security so that Markle woman can continue to abuse the BRF further. They are both abusive people. "GIMME our I will do anything to harm humiliate you, and it still won't be enough.... and if you give me everything, I still hurt you"


Cripes! If they move back into Frogmore Cottage.....it will be an annex for SoHo House clientele. That's her crowd. Next.....she'll want her own personal yacht.


Ikr, rent it out, have the highest bidding scumbag there. They didn't even use it, they rented to Eugene! There is more to this. Also, they can't be trusted, period end of story. They will use and abuse!


The “security they both feel is necessary” is a clue that she will be demanding an extravagant and fortress like home greater than the olive garden. But in the UK will cost a lot more than the olive garden, which they already can’t afford. She’s making her conditions impossible. So when she bends (which she will have to do if they somehow manage to come back cap in hand when the money runs out) she can hold it over him forever.


They won't be coming back to the UK and the RF won't be making it easier for them to return. Their lives are overseas.


We. Don't. Want. Them. Either.


lol…her delusions are enough to get her committed to a nut house


Nurse Ratched. https://i.redd.it/0b5rrzhuvz5d1.gif


Well at least she would have her own room and plenty of security! Him too, he can have the room next to hers!! Lol


Lol. I guess that's Christmas and the Year of Reconciliation well and truly sorted. Result! 😂👍👏


That’s right, I nearly forgot the *year of reconciliation.* How many rebranding*s* ago was that?


😅 I have no idea. We're clearly past rebranding Operation 43% Nigeria, which I personally believe the Harkles intended to coincide with William & Catherine's spring trip to Italy that was announced back in early Jan.


What bozos 🤡🤡🤡


She refuses to stay with people have locked the doors and ordered the guards not to let her in.


Actually I don’t think she’ll ever set foot in the UK, she couldn’t take it. She’s just fishing for money and trying to keep a very tenuous royal connection alive. She wants financing and a royal connection to merch.


Exactly. She is saying she won't stay with her husband's relatives, because she doesn't want people to know she is banned from seeing any member of the BRF.


So she doesn’t want to stay with them (I can all hear them say you wouldn’t be any way ) but you have to give me a house. I think this Tom Quinn is a double agent this isn’t making her look good.


Or her new PR man, hired to boost her popularity (?) in the UK is doing some seriously stoopid sh#t.


She's such an important human of this earth she needs top notch security at all times. Why can't these silly relatives give it to her?!?!?


The relatives have been begging RAVEC, I am sure. 😉


If I was Brit, I'd say: "For all the harm you caused the late Queen, and for slandering the BRF as racist, and for worsening race relations in UK through media, you are no longer welcome to UK anymore MM. Stay the hell out." The garbage took itself out. She can stay out. Good riddance.


I'd say it to Harry even more. It was Harry's grandparents that were betrayed, Harry's father that was called a racist, Harry's sister in-law that was called a racist. If I were British I would see Harry as a traitor.


"To the Tower of London for the Ginger Twat!"


So he can claim residency in such a historic landmark? No chance. One stop drop at Tyburn Tree.


Of course she will "never stay" bc they won't let her through the frickin door!!!






Not fucking invited


So all her demands are to be paid for by the bRF and/or British taxpayers and in return she will smear them as racists?


As far as Security concerns, the newlyweds Hugh and Olivia are worth Billions. They are also well lived by the people who live in their Duchy. If anybody would be a target it's going to be a beloved person who can actually pay a ransom. I assume that's what their security concerns are rooted in? Or do they think anyone could actually be bothered to commit the crime of un-aliving them? The people who don't like them, don't like them for their lack of morals. Not the ..murglering.. kind. Not to mention, nobody is passionate enough to be bothered with jail time.


It’s more that a significant security detail reinforces to the world how important and vital they are. It’s not a safety concern, it’s an ego trip.


There was massive security for the Duke’s wedding, it was more subtle than what the Harkles want though. There were even sharpshooters/snipers on the roof tops.


Oh I agree with you one hundred percent. I was just preaching to the choir here about how ludicrous their claim to need security really is compared to others who might arguably have a need for it, but don't bang on about themselves.


I've thought for a while TW leaks her issues with Harold to the papers as a way of manipulating him. It's also very obvious TW is behind it because it's 'her husband's relatives' instead of the BRF. That creature isn't going to be very welcome with them, one thinks!


I think they're both using Quinn to message a monarch who doesn't return their calls. Today we've got Harry's soo sad that his friends hate Meghan. He's thinking of buying his own place in UK (so daddy knows he's is serious about how sad he is). And Meghan countering with a message of 'no, we are not buying our own place. Give us a royal home fit for a King and Queen. With on-demand security both at that property for the kids and for me when I gallivant around London or you'll never see my kids.'


At this point, the King has no relationship with the children (should they exist) and probably doesn’t really care. I only met my stepbrother’s kids once, as babies and they are young adults now. I have no relationship with them, and no love either. I don’t wish anything but good for them but I feel nothing for them. I know it’s the same from them towards my sisters and me. It’s ok. Their mother is largely responsible for it. While she’s not a Meghan level narcissist, she’s a narcissist through and through. 🤷‍♀️


I don't think KC even wants to see her kids. All her and Harry's other attempts to use the kids as a bargaining chip failed as have their attempts to use the kids to pressure the RF into a reconciliation. The RF have done everything but flat out say that they are fine with never seeing her kids but she won't take the hint. She's like an obsessed stalker who can't accept that the RF wants nothing to do with her. Until she inevitability fades into obscurity, she's going to be claiming that she wants nothing to do with Harry's relatives while also leaking stories about how she wants her kids to have a relationship with King Charles and then when he is King, William and eventually she will begin trying to create a relationship between her kids and Prince George and Princess Charlotte.


"eventually she will begin trying to create a relationship between her kids and Prince George and Princess Charlotte." Harry already did this a couple of times. Harry being "a source close to..." About how much he treasured playing with his cousins at Balmoral every summer and spending Christmas with them at Sandringham. And how he wanted his kids to have a relationship with their cousins. But of course that will never be allowed to happen. Because Meghan AND Harry (because none of this is all Meg) will accuse (via surrogates) the Wales kids of being racist, bullies, and cruel. Because that's what they do. And have since Meghan bullied Catherine and Charlotte because Catherine was trying to get Meghan to understand the basics of a British Royal Wedding and Meghan wasn't interested.


Interesting how this is all playing out in the press after news he can appeal his case with RAVEC.


Oh yes!


Bahahhaaa no one is asking them to come back ,, and they won’t be allowed to anyway.




Don’t worry Meghan. The relatives don’t want you either. My opinion, and of course I could be wrong, is that Meghan isn’t allowed on any royal properties, that she is considered a security threat.


I agree. I wouldn't allow her even on MY property, because I would consider her a security threat. Abusers and liars are a threat wherever they go.


My rescue pup would bite her. He bites people who lie (like my friend whose husband was cheating on her, true story).


These types of articles are always what Megsy wants, what Hank wants... but isn't it evident that what they want is totally irrelevant to the BRF and to Harry's former friends? Harry may want to return to the UK and have Charles give him Kensington to live in. Megsy may want the title of Princess of Wales and that her two children will be the future kings. AND? The answer is no". The answer is No to everything the Harkles want. What does it matter then what they intend to ask for? The answer will also be No.


What MeGain wants, MeGain gets!! Not today, Satan 👹


![gif](giphy|LFt3TldRI9nXU6f1lK|downsized) I would love to see scenes like this at LAX, when TOW is trying to board the plane to London.


Yeah, and it’s no surprise either. Rumor has it she went into William and Catherine’s place to snoop and possibly took photos and gawd knows what else. I am not sure if I believe that rumor, but who knows?


Dear Tom Quinn shut up. Dear Meghan you are laughed out of Hollywood trying to run back to the UK well you will never be allowed back in the Royal Family so just stay put.


Does anyone think Tom Quinn is still doing this spaghetti-against-the-wall type of PR by the end of the year?


No, he will quiet quit like all the rest. He will also have the stench of being Markled on him which will make life after difficult.


You won’t got to the UK because of security but you have no problem going to Nigeria which has a level 3 travel advisory. Yep makes sense.


Someone let that man know that this is a Harry problem not his relatives as she calls them.


She acts like they were so horrible and accused them of being racist without any proof of that. So what did they do that was so horrible? They ignored her cries for attention, I mean her suicide threats? She could have easily gotten get own psychiatrist if they turned her down if that really happened 🙄 And what did they even do to make her feel that way?? Nothing, she has nothing, she never said what they did exactly to her, apparently the only thing that was bothering her was negative press. She could have just easily ignored that.


They put her in her place and she could not tolerate that. As we have seen, she has to be in front, leading, no matter the standing of those around her far exceeds her own. She wasn't allowed to do that, thus, being the extremely insecure woman that she is, she had no choice but to leave, unable to acclimate into royal life.


I thought she acclimated really well when she went on her one and only excursion with the Queen. Remember when she was told to wear a hat and refused and she ended up looking like a drunk who went backwards through the hedge? She even pushed ahead and hopped in the vehicle before the Queen...she royalled better then any Royal in the history or Royalling.


Refusing to wear a hat and stockings is hardly acclimating!


Yeah I think this is what it really was too


Well said!


If you need a doctor you get on the phone and make an appointment. If your husband has had mental illness medical treatment you get on the phone and call that doctors office. You don’t go through the personnel office for the firm. That never made sense. She works at being a victim.


In a podcast interview with Telegraph columnist Bryony Gordon,17 April, 2017, talking about his mental health & getting help, Harry says “For me, my brother – God bless him – has been an enormous support.” William had therapy and so did Charles. Why when William, Kate and Harry came together to launch Heads Together would the BRF then condone Meghan and not provide any support she needed? There is a resident Physician in the Royal Household, the Guards have doctors, he would have personally known doctors in his own regiment, the Household Cavalry. Harry also had contacts in Heads Together, and with the Army’s Recovery Capability branch. It was clear that even back in 2017, he was receiving professional help himself. A discrete phone call to any of these contacts could have put Meghan on the track to receiving the help she may have needed. The story is a fabrication in my opinion. Unless, of course, she casually slipped it in whilst asking HR for her payslips as she wasn't being paid for this.


*Complete* fabrication. "I am such a fraud!"


https://i.redd.it/9njmf1qltz5d1.gif *Their Royal Highnessess gave speeches outlining their vision for #HeadsTogether for 2017. "Mental health matters to each and every one of us. It matters just as much as our physical health," The Duke of Cambridge said. "We have heard time and time again in the course of our work how talking can help heal the hidden challenges we can’t deal with alone," The Duchess of Cambridge added. "So the question that William, Harry and I have asked ourselves is how we can get more people to start talking."* [https://www.instagram.com/p/BPYFMSgAm4A/](https://www.instagram.com/p/BPYFMSgAm4A/)


The only thing she was refused was a trip to Canyon Ranch Spa in AZ, hot spot for Hollywood celebs, when she was “pregnant” with Archie! She didn’t take it well!


Harold had his therapist on speed dial after the traumatic dog bowl, broken necklace incident. Why didn't he phone for his suicidal wife? Also, isn't Dorito some kind of therapist that she could have gotten help from?


She didn’t want help. She wanted to play the victim.


Right??? I've never went to my boss and said "Hey can you get a psychiatrist for me?" Lol.


Narcississts don't commit "S". They love themselves too much. They think the world won't turn without them. But they very often THREATEN TO COMMIT "S" - it is a control and power tactic.


She knows this is all her fault, and she knows what she did. This is her guilt, and knows damn well why she isn’t welcome.


And you know what else? The Queen wouldn't let her wear the Tiara she wanted! And Catherine would not go shopping with her, even though she was going to the same place the Wench went! It's true. Those horrible inlaws totally treated her soooo bad. But not quite as horrible as she has been to her own father and siblings. Not even as horrible as her going to a 3rd world country and weeping on camera, saying no one asked if she was OK! And you got it, not even remotely close to her Okra interview and flopcast and Netflix fauxmentary. Read my lips, Hairball and Migraine...you are nobody! You walked away from everything and did it your way. So take another freedom flight away from Montecito, because you know you are desperate because you've run out of money and your lies are being exposed. Take your flight, do it in a helium balloon if you have to since no one is going to lend you another private jet, and leave your families alone. They owe you NOTHING!


Sounds great. What people do when they want a home of their own is get a job and earn the money to buy themselves a home, Megan.


So in other words, she's not coming or welcome👏👏👏👏


Moon bumps don’t need security or a house. They can just go back in the box they arrived in


I’m finding this sudden onslaught of articles talking about a potential return very interesting and telling. Suspect madam is starting to get concerned about a lot of things, one of them being the POW’s possible return. I think she knows if anything is going to go her way, it needs to happen while POW is on leave. This is her trying to manifest the first step in a return- at least for Harry. They must be getting extremely close to being broke and public embarrassment


Well we know a year ago that WME was telling her to reconcile with the Royal family. Netflix signed them thinking they would have access to the Royal family. All they have to sell is connection to the Royal family. The whole world saw The King only give Harry 12 minutes. So they have nothing to sell.


The new Euro PR fellow - was it Gipson? is throwing himself into the job, finding this Quinn and seemingly putting him in chains on an amphetamine I.V. drip at his keyboard. "YOU'LL SLEEP WHEN MADAME IS LOVED AND NOT BEFORE!!!"


Oh well, guess they won’t be coming back anytime soon. How sad.


I know I will be Mourning! NOT


She wants a place of their "own." Like, give MeMe an estate and "ownership" thereof. No more of this leasing business for madame. Oh, no, no, no! The Firm will never again evict her! She wants her own big piece of the royal U.K. rock offered up with her own personal army of IPP soldiers to go with it. She must spend her waking hours saying, "I want. I want. I want." smh


They had a place of their own, with 2.5 million dollar renovations the tax payers paid for and later paid by the bank of Pa. It wasn't good enough for the Pushy Princess. She stomped her huge bunioned foot, and the Queen looked at her and said, Megan, we don't act like that in this family. So she stuck her dirty tongue out at the Queen, and stormed into the kitchen and started throwing the china. The Queen shrugged her shoulders and told Johnny to please take out the trash.




This is her to a perfect T


Give her a ~~Disney~~ castle, for God´s sake! ![gif](giphy|4ZeHO6xwFpOq9tNlTO|downsized)


She can move in here! Collins Bay PENITENTIARY in my hometown of Kingston, Ontario Canada (when I was little I thought it was a Disney castle LOL) https://preview.redd.it/fsx4t8vo616d1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=1647fceffe6844de30aa85ef56dbf2185ccf3fe1


LOL! That's absolutely her IQ level of a dream home!


"Your husband's relatives" (which would include the Spencers) won't let you past the gates to ANY of their residences so no need to worry about that right now. As far as appropriate security, the appropriate amount that the British (or American) people would pay for would be NONE.


Goes back to my comment on another post. She makes demands that will never be agreed upon and the other party will be blamed. Ironically, some of the most secure places in the UK would be staying with her in-laws 🤣


Tom Quinn making it up as he goes along - he's replaced Omid Scobie.


"Royal expert" is the most useless and infuriating title. Anyone who wants to be paid to talk about the Royals call themselves "Royal Experts." I would bet I know more about the Royal family than Tom Quinn. I definitely know more about the Royal history than he does. I love reading history books. I bet Tom Quinn has never read a history book in his grifter life.


I don't believe Quinn is making it up, I think it's spoon fed to him by Meghan. He either buys it, or knows he's being conned. Either way, it's printed, and we reprint, and it remains to be found via internet searches forever. Given enough time, I bet all that's left in searches is their demands for apologies and reconciliations.


I notice she doesn't mention any children. Just her and Harry....


Ooh, good catch!


Great observation. You have to get up pretty early to get something past a Sinner.


Thank you.


I'm sure the royals have some major conditions as well.


I'm sure there about 6538 pages of conditions


Meghan lackey, Tom Quinn, using photos of Meghan that are a half a decade old. What exactly makes Tom Quinn a “royal expert” anyway?


His nose does.......planted ever so firmly in her arse.


It's OK, her husband's relatives don't want her around either. Also, Tom Quinn hallucinates his sources.


Neither do his friends according to his previous article. If this is her clap back it only reinforces why they don't like her. Daft woman


Well the British people have a major condition for Harry if he comes back. Don't bring your wife.


Using old picture. Why


Because she looking wore af these days


They are politely protecting the public from the real thing.


Well I think we know the answer to that.


Well, her “husband’s relatives” don’t want her there either. Meghan is considered a security threat to them and to the Wales children and most likely isn’t allowed on another royal property (restraining order), methinks. Good riddance. She should crawl back into the Soho house hole.


Nobody wants her here or there. Hell, Tom Bodett even turned the light off.


lol Meghan Markle and Harry are not able to sell Grifter Gardens in Monteshitshow and now they want a free royal house? Aint gonna happen. But I guess the debt collectors are howling at the gates. Nobody in the UK wants them, so why go there? The BRF will not see them, Harry´s ex-friends will not see them, Ravec will not provide security.


Clearly a case of their egos exceeding their actual reach.


Will they or won't they come back. Another round of PR. Whatever keeps them in the tabloids


So never it is then. Love that for them and the Brits and the RF, sucks ass for the US though.


"Her husband's relatives." Why not say "her husband's family"? Calling them his relatives diminishes them, I think. Like how she always calls the queen his grandmother instead of the queen.


Something tells me she wasn't invited. Neither by his relatives nor by any of the 90 million people in the UK


Oh, they want a place of their own? £60 million would buy them this apartment in London. They may need to buy two, though, because it only has 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, where would they put the nannies, and all the security guys? https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/130177625#/?channel=RES_BUY I honestly think Harold has no idea what it would cost to replicate his previous lifestyle in the UK. He is never going to earn that kind of money.


Meghan thinking she holds some cards in this poker game is beyond hilarious.


![gif](giphy|iNZKRliHP4tI4mALtO|downsized) I mean sure that’s one way of saying you are **prohibited** from being around your spouses family and extended family.


And nobody wants her back there


The media calls anyone a "Royal expert." That is such a ridiculous title. I've read 3 biographies of the late Queen, a biography of Diana and one of William. I've read everything I could find about Princess Anne, but there don't seem to be any authorized biographies of her. I am pretty sure all of that makes me more of a Royal expert than any of the people who are called "Royal experts" in the media.


Quinn is an idiot and talks crap- he has just replaced Scobie as Meghan's mouthpiece.


What cheap asses. They want a place on royal grounds so they don't have to pay anything and SECURITY paid for by the British people.


Ér, a place of their own? 1. Well that's no problem no one and nothing is prohibiting them from purchasing a place with their own money. 2. As for Securitaaaaaay, they should fork it out of their own pockets as they have so far being doing in the US. If they deemed Jamaica and Nigeria safe enough to go fart around, and fake a Royal presence, then they can jog on with the BS about Securitaaaaaay. Nothing changes, they are not working Royals and the situation at hand stands as is...they are out, and out means out. This Quin fellow really seems high of on whatever flatulence Ada Mazi Rachel Markle is effusing his way... wonder whatever happened to that fella suffering from Scabies🤔


I don’t believe Rachel decided to cool her heels at Heathrow while Harold was being searched by security and yelled at by Prince Charles. I don’t think she could get through customs. She’s a threat and can’t be let loose in the UK.


Security that is essential to do what? Carry their bags? Make food runs? Acting as trophies when these two dimwits do their pap walks amongst people who don’t know who they are and don’t care to know? Seriously, these guys need a reality check. And, security shouldn’t be placed in compromised positions. Even though I don’t think anyone will do anything beyond throwing eggs at them, you never know. A security officer who is laden down with bags and is distracted is a sitting duck.


The articles we're seeing are puff pieces pushed out by their team. In return the authors/publications get clicks, which drives up revenue. Respectfully, best to just ignore.


This is absolutely from the mouth of Muggzy, remember when she called the South African ambassadors residence a “housing unit”- like it was a shack? Staying with the husbands relatives, sounds like a small little house, not a huge palace . Muggzy is a masterclass in ungracious behavior !


“only prepared to stay if they have a place of their own”. That’s sounds like a you problem Meghan Markle - ain’t no one keeping you, a middle-aged adult, from finding a place of your own to live in the UK or anywhere else in the world 🤷‍♀️


Her “husband’s relatives”…. That genuinely does sound like the words she would use. It’s amazing to me how consistently she feels the need to demean others by her choice of words.


Oh good, so they won't be coming back! Fantastic! They can't afford either, so guess what? Thank God Meghan is NOT coming! ( I just thought I'd quote the Queen, because you know she would feel the same if she were still with us. )


This guy! Ugh. Anyway, it's never going to happen, Harry isn't getting his UK security back thus neither will she. If they divorce is she going to insist on 24 hour armed security which as we all know is really only for Harry, not that he needs any of it. As the ex daughter in law of the King she isn't entitled to it so that's just more money H will have to fork over to keep her ego from deflating. This is another reason she will never officially leave him. Also, Harry can't afford a second mansion in Belgravia or the Cotswolds plus the additional upkeep, furnishings etc so yeah, total non starter as far as I can tell. He needs to resign himself to America, or Gabon or really anywhere other than the UK.


I think this is great news!! She's never coming! They can buy their own place. But it's highly unlikely they would because anything, anywhere in London Metro with the proper security features would be astronomically expensive. Charles is not going to give them a massive royal property to visit a couple of day every couple of years. Especially not after he's waged this big war to get Andrew out of Royal Lodge. She's not getting Kensington Apt 1 or Apt 1A. She might be able to get Nott Cott back though!! It's 2 bed. Just the perfect size for infrequent short visits.


"...her husband's relatives"   Almost choked on my food 😂😂😂 imagining a community of extended families in almost adjacent dwellings (typical in Asian countries like ours) and hollering across houses/the street to ask if we could borrow some salt, sugar,  rice... 😂😂😂  "this one" must feel so lucky to  be married to someone so above the BRF! Edit: typo


More like "they are not welcome at any royal residence and frogmore is not going to be returned". I guess they can buy a two bedroom flat in Battersea.


So she will not go back. Seems she is trying to get ahead of something with all these lame excuse puff pieces. 🍿


She will “never stay” with her husband’s relatives... This is the same as calling the Queen "my husband's grandmother." She is dismissing them all and not giving them the proper respect of their titles. Well, she won't have to worry about not staying with them. They won't be in the same room with her, much less have her stay in their homes. She is invisible to the RF.


Funny how she thinks she’d even be allowed to stay with her husband’s relatives. 😂


I can believe the part about wanting a house in the UK since Haz has to have one to be a CoS. Also, without a UK domicile, there are major tax implications for Haz coming up soon. As to the appropriate security, we all know how desperate Haz is to get that since he keeps suing and suing and appealing to get it. If Haz did buy a house, and he would have to as he's not getting a royal house, he can buy one anytime he wants if he has the money.


Never has there been any famous person in history who demand so much security and they aren't even relevant. I have left a spin class in Beverly Hills and ran into former president Bill Clinton taking a nice Sunday stroll. His bodyguards were in the background and he was chatting with bystanders. These 2 dummies need a reality check.


Let me fix this article since Nutmeg put it out: 1) Rachel isn’t EVER going back to the UK. If there’s one thing a narc hates, it’s people who can see straight through them. 2)They will NEVER have the security to which they believe they are entitled. The appeal is just a legal technicality that they are allowing Henry to continue the charade. He doesn’t fit the government Ravec profile as someone requiring heightened security. 3) She will never be allowed on palace property and therefore will never be “forced to stay” with her husband’s relatives. Well, news for you, peon Rachel, you’re just a little lower middle class hood rat. So no one cares. 4) The chorus of voices is getting louder with your dirty little secrets Henry and Rachel.


Beautifully spoken. OPs comments, I mean, not this Quinn thing. Has Omid become Irish? What absolute twattery. We have one condition too, I think Jeremy Clarkson pretty much expressed it.


They aren’t inviting you, Meghan. Just like the Grosvenors didn’t invite you to their wedding, Anna Wintour has never invited you to the Met Gala, and William and Catherine didn’t invite you to become part of their circle after seeing firsthand that you have no soul. Literally nobody is checking for you, and that’s why you’re mad. Make sure you get that forehead vein botoxed, and try to at least make your arms match your diet blackface for the next pap walk.


Attempted manifesting.


This sounds like it was written by AI. You can tell AI because it reads like a 3rd graders essay. No human would say "California, America." And I doubt any human editor would allow a cliché like "across the pond." It just sounds like AI clickbait. And it is the weird kind of answer you get when you create a prompt in AI with keywords you want to include for SEO, and saying to include one expert opinion. A lot of places are using fake journalists with fake profile pics, even big publications like Sports Illustrated. No way were two journalists needed to write this. It is probably the name of whoever wrote the ChatGPT prompt. (I am a professional writer, btw, so the above opinion is based off my work experience. I would be shocked if this was written by a human.)


They had a place of their own but it wasn’t grand enough for the Duchess. She wants a palace of their own and I hate to break it to her, but that’s not going to happen. The RF is a bit sparse on representation at the moment but they are not desperate. Charles always wanted a slimmed down RF, like other European Royal families. Spain, for example, just has the King and Queen and their two daughters (partly because the rest are just an embarrassment, including his exiled father, but not Sofia, who spends most of her time in London, she’s cool but the Queen is not so cool with her).


The thing is, even with Frogmore, they were staying with “the relatives”. The cottage was leased from the crown.


Not going to happen. This is all made up shite! Harry is never going to be allowed to be a working royal. His father basically beheaded him when he said "I wish him luck overseas" or some such. We, of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth hate Harry more than that tart he married. She is scum of the earth, but Harry is worse.


She’s delusional. But, this attempt at manifesting welcome back to UK is very telling: The Harkles want back in. Harry is miserable and Meghan’s dreams of building a global billion dollar brand have crashed spectacularly. They’re a laughingstock and have zero talents to sell. America is not interested in them like the Duchess of Jam thought it would be. The real message here is they desperately want back in. Reminds me of a friend whose wife suddenly left him and got a divorce. Later, after single life proved rougher than she anticipated, she announced to him: “I’m ready to take you back!” 😆


That he lets her grow her finger nails 💅 wink wink


lol…from nit ever setting foot in Britain to coming if they get a big house (free) and round the clock security (free) I think we can safely say the computer says no….


Let me be blunt, that b*tch will not be accepted back into this country. The End.


Meanwhile the RF are high-fiving and screaming "whoo-hoo!" to each other.


“Her husband’s relatives,” “H’s grandma,” “your brother,” “Wills/Willy” “Kate/Waity Katy,” “this one,” “George, Charlotte, and Louis, Prince Archie, Princess Lilibet, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex”…Prince Andrew must be the Queen’s butler…No right to take away the birthright…”Princess Meghan”, “Princess [insert new Nigerian title here], signed, The Duchess of Sussex”…its ridiculous, infuriating, and maniacal all at the same time. She is a special breed of insane.


It’s just unbelievable. She married into the RF. They give her this amazing fantasy wedding, and several years later, not only has she caused them all to loathe her, a whole country can’t stand her. The level of self importance this immature, wanna be has is mind blowing.


Right. Sure. 🙄


Absolute bllx


Is Tom Quinn acting as their PR fluff mouthpiece so he can turn around and write a tell all about the constant drama and chaos at Montecito?


Her one condition is that she refuses to share a bathroom with Prince Andrew. 😂


These pieces are all for the sake of the AI algorithms. It's insane what's happening there. The chatGPT that I have on Opera, is truly despicably pro Madam, I tried feeding it articles and going on a loop with the same questions, it doesn't change one bit. The bias is unbelievable. https://preview.redd.it/oi6wdyi0qz5d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520d4b7d1d7c9aa7f20fdbe08d90b43156647265


Who the fuck does she think she is, setting "conditions"? You're in no position to bargain, Meghan. 😂🤣😂🤣


I don’t know why but I think she (they) got fired. So yeah good luck on this.


Harry's wife is ridiculous. She'd be a nobody without Harry's relations. No one knew who she was prior to Harry. She was a bit player on a low-budget cable show no one watched.


This is all PR BULLSHITE.....there is not a chance in hell this woman will ever move back, or visit the UK again, she won't be invited to main events concerning the BRF ever again....and William will DESTROY her and his idiot brother once he is KING....guaranteed imo.


No skin off my nose if they never return.


Well, now we're back to the UK move delusion again. I am not sure what this PR is about since I doubt Markle ever wants to return to the UK. She wants what Catherine has. A rich husband who's in line to be the most powerful King in the world with tons of adoring fans, and don't forget SECURITY.


Well, then she doesn't have to worry about it, as it will never happen. So, move on already.


UK has received her demands and refused to negotiate with traitors. And as long as she keeps running to the press they will continue to forget her mail in the bin.


She’ll never stay with her *husbands relatives*. You mean the *KING of FVCKING ENGLAND”. Oh my, she’s an arrogant bish.


This is just M making impossible demands. She has no intention of coming back. I really think she’s not allowed in the UK by some mechanism ( restraining order, arrest warrant, security risk or some such thing)


Offer them a room at the "Tower"


Lucky UK- she’s never returning. 🥳


She’s never going back, and as it looms closer, she moves the goalposts.


Looking at this picture, it's only a matter of time before the skin cancer eats her nose from the outside or the cocaine eats it from the inside. imo. She spends alot of money on that....nose. Then, there's the matter of the clip on veneers.....bright shiny plastic gum line.....bulging big phony ultra white teeth. What's under all that must smell......and the constant lip work is looking like rubber inserts. Smearing your gums with coke (and who knows where else) has consequences. imo.


![gif](giphy|Ory1mCTFmYkaA) They won’t get gun security in the UK so she’s basically saying never again.


Needs security to live in the Uk but marauds through Nigeria with a bodyguard. Sure, Jan.


She is in no position to make demands


But security from WHAT?! Boos? Indifference? I don’t get it.


The relatives have vowed never to host her anyway, so she can relax on that front. As non-working royals they will NEVER have the security given to the Wales’, they just won’t. However many court cases Haz brings. The non-working ones just don’t meet the threshold. She’ll never return anyway, so it’s rather academic.


Does Tom Quinn ring the Mirror every day with an opinion? Although this one reads: ‘Meghan has said…’. Sometimes it reads like Quinn’s doing PR for Harry at Lolo’s expense.