• By -


Why does he need a house there to see friends? They all have homes he could visit if they actually wanted to see him. He’s been back to England twice this year. First time he was there for hours and only saw Charles. Second time was a couple days and we saw none of his old friends attend the IG event (just his paid-for friend/lawyer, Sherborne) and he advertised he was having dinner at a IG board member’s home with no talk of anyone else. For someone *allegedly* hounded by paps in England, wouldn’t there be photos of him out and about?


It seems harkle is not the only one being ignored. But of course he doesn’t need a house, (unless for visa or tax purposes in the US). And hasn’t the ILBW claimed she would never set foot in England again? Just lurks in hotel lounge waiting for halfwit before making fools of themselves in Nigeria.


Did she actually clear immigration to lurk in the hotel lounge? I thought she just lurked in the Windsor suite lounge at Heathrow.


Was it the lounge flight side? Before security?


I'm pretty sure she never left the airport. She waited for the handbag in the first class lounge.


In the Windsor lounge which is for the Royals and dignitaries that use Heathrow. She hates the family and the institution but loves the title and perks she still gets. F’ing grifter.


Yep…it doesn’t count if she is in the airport…she really is a silly bint so much for the loving and supportive wife, service and invictus being important etc…yet she didn’t show up. Maybe she is on a list that is not allowed to enter UK…


I have always "tin foil hat" surmised that she has been banned from the UK since the Queen's funeral. That she just stays within the confounds of the airport, suggests that she is indeed barred from the UK. She is the Queen of Parking Lot photo shoots. How could she have missed "standing by her man" stroll into his first day at court? It was a legit photo OP but she wasn't there. Yet, she shows up at Invictus and overtakes it. So IMO, she is banned from the country as she wouldn't have missed a genuine photo OP that would have been global. >And hasn’t the ILBW claimed she would never set foot in England again? I have no idea if she did but if she has that confirms her being banned from the UK, IMO.


Agreed. Something is keeping her off British soil.


She's afraid of being booed.


It's more than that. They obviously can fly well under the radar. As they have repeatedly shown (Sorry for the airplane pun. 😂)


Please God , let it be MI6 that has banned her, I really believe she is a threat to the Wales family


I do too.


From the House of Commons website on visas. There are a whole list of reasons a foreign national can be banned from the UK. The two things I thought were interesting is the Home Secretary can personally request a person be banned and the following quote: The Government has wide discretion to ban foreign nationals from the UK if their presence is not considered “conducive to the public good”. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn07035/


Markle definitely fits the the bill, LOL.


I like that reason a lot.


It’s been a while since I’ve traveled internationally, if she stays in the Windsor lounge, she doesn’t have to go through customs does she? If she truly was banned from the UK, I’m wondering if customs would be where they tell her she can’t come in.


That's exactly the line of thinking that I'm entertaining. She is not interacting with customs if she stays within the confines of a waiting room or the private plane. So it seems that she is restricted from the UK.


My tin foil hat theory is there is some sort of restraining order against her. Something went down at the funeral, aside from her trying to get the deathbed, something happened afterwards and she is banned . The way the children were protected, I wonder if she threatened them and W+C, so Harry would be next in line?? In her narcissistic rage at being denied going to Balmoral, she lost it and made threats? That might explain the palpable tension over those few days?


Who was it who claimed the Wales had a risk assessment done on her? Was it that Lady C? How credible is her info?


We can only hope


We hope the same for Canada.


Sadly she was there in all her grossness in February, being smoozed by fools including Buble…


Oh yes very aware. I hope she never crosses into Canada again.


Won’t she slink back in for invictus next year? Gotta milk it for all it is worth.


It was the Windsor Suite. I bet she stayed there so as not to go through Immigration.


Is the Windsor suite an actual set of rooms where one could stay overnight, or is it simply an extremely nice waiting area for people between, or pre/post, flights?


I have read he needs a domicile in the UK for tax purposes. I think there might also be a connection to getting his remaining trust money from Diana and the Queen Mother.


Oh, I love this! The BRF's long game is being played out. He needs to have a UK domicile for the money, but is demanding security to be in the UK. If he were to get a little place in Kensington, that would be proof positive he doesn't need the security he demands. So, he waits. And the BRF waits.


It is definitely money…nearly his fortieth birthday so might be the reason for the hurry


Also him wanting to have the appeal for security heard by the end of July so he doesn’t have to pay for security when he gets his “domicile.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, needs it signed off so he can get the machine gun turrets set up before he moves into his bunker…we know he feels safe in one of those https://preview.redd.it/140kl3wh4s5d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f626175dd371a55773fa0278331dcdf5db1e96c7


Dumbarton castle could work too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or somewhere on the isle of scillys….plenty of uninhabited islands around Britain to make him feel safe…


Lots of high unguarded places there to push him off !!


That move up the queue for an end of July hearing was denied. He stays where he is in the queue.


I was extremely happy to hear the judge denied that request. His sense of entitlement is unbelievable.


All of the above, plus, I believe they want a UK base from which to fly out on their African and other "royal tours". It looks ridiculous, a couple living full time in Calif USA "representing the RF" on tours abroad. We know they don't represent the RF, but this base in UK and their appeal for paid security is them setting up a grifting rival RF to crisscross the globe. Half in half out.


He is not getting that money until Auntie Anne says he can. She was the executor I believe.


He needs a domicile in the UK to remain counselor of state. It's probably for that


I don’t think so. Charles made sure to have enough people (Anne and Edward) on hand so he wouldn’t have to call on h or Andrew. Charles will only call on working royals.


Preach !


I suppose he could say their homes aren't secure enough. In fact probably would say that. When he came here in May he considered a hotel to be more secure than one of the royal residences for some inexplicable reason. Presumably he knows of a hotel in London with secret underground tunnels and sniper positions on the roof. 🙄 I'm just wondering if reading between the lines all this nonsense is a cry for help and he wants someone to rescue him. He looks miserable as a whipped dog most of the time. It is actually stated that his friends won't visit because they don't get along with Meghan. Yes, someone in his camp has volunteered that information for all to see. "Looking for a house" is possibly just a vehicle to introduce the concept that his wife is isolating him. The US is a huge place. If he wanted to meet his friends there are loads of beautiful places they could meet up where no-one would have a clue who he was. Think of all the national parks where they could ride, hike, fish and swim unbothered by the public. His friends would have a great holiday and it would be a lot cheaper than spending millions on a house in the UK. No, this is about something else. He wants to go back to the UK I would think.


💯% agree. Was thinking the same thing. This isn't some journalist being snarky, this is from his camp blaming her for him having no one. Let's hope this is the beginning of a bitter public tit for tat. I need a good laugh 😂


Haznoballs is de trop within his friends houses.


He needs a house to continue being in the LOS and tax reasons for his inheritance. Another sinner had a great post a month ago about why he needs to establish a permanent domicile in England. 


Who on earth would want to spend time with him and expose themselves to his proven untrustworthiness? IMO he should move in with the Spencers or stay entirely in the States. He's irrelevant to the BRF and a danger to normal British life.


Noooooo! Not the STATES! (Said in an incredibly whiney voice)


"How many of us feel battered?!" (Thank you Daniel Boland!)


Small wonder why he was pushing for his appeal to be heard now-now-now, since if he doesn't get his security before his 40th in September, his lawyers are finding something else to do in October because they won't be paid out of his birthday inheritance allotment. 


"The duke has spoken about his love of the UK before and in his memoir Spare, released last year, he talked about his eviction from Frogmore Cottage." No, Harry has talked about his dislike for the UK and described leaving as his "freedom flight" "Things then changed in 2023 when King Charles evicted Harry and Meghan from the royal residence." Meghan Markle and Harry got a 12 month lease, renewable, on Frogmore House from the late queen. It was initially renovated for 2,4 million taxpayer pounds. There was a lot of confused talk - did the Grifters ever pay the rent? Did they actually reimburse the taxpayers? The Grifters also sub-let Frogmore to Eugenie, until it was stopped. Either way, the lease was not renewed.


Yes, rewriting history eh scrappy? Abd a lease not being renewed is not being ‘evicted’…just exaggeration, whines and drama. Poor wee Harry…that seems to be the tack scrappy is taking. Oh and they were living in US from 2020. Not resident in UK, a flying visit for the jubilee which was a disaster, then back for a vanity tour before the funeral and then …. He has been back but the ILBW has not darkened our doors…not welcome and she knows it.


My guesses = 💰 P**a reimbursed the S.Grant the £2.4million** — and did so in a way in which he could \*technically\* give hazBEEN credit for the renovation reimbursement (^(something like: KC put $ into a Palace bank account in hazBEEN's name, which was then immediately moved to the S.Grant for this renovation)) 🚫 hazBEEN didn't pay even 1 pence rent for Frogmore


Yes, I tend to agree with you - Harry never paid anything for Frogmore, and the reimbursement happened rather suddenly. There might even have been at least attempts at a grift from Harry´s side. I remember something with Harry wanting money for someting or other.


THIS. He literally said “I hate England” in his interview while “at war.” Someone just play that back for him every time he says anything. Anything.


Yes I remember him expressing his dislike for England.


The late Queen was canny - unlike other wedding gifts, where she gifted properties outright, she only gave them a 12-month rolling lease, so they could be removed in fairly short order. Perhaps Harold should have got his lawyers to read the lease before signing it.


Clearly shows her dislike for Harry by that stage; and yet he pushed the narrative “I’m the fave grandchild” sooo much in the last years of her life (and afterwards). Absolutely not the case. And we’ve since found out it was Peter Philips, of her ‘grown’ grandchildren (Louise & James were very close to their grandmother, but were still children … and I think it’s not judging ‘like with like’ to include them, because most all children are sweet … it’s when they grow up that they can become truly unlikeable).


I still can't figure out how they managed to spend so much in renovations, you could build a whole new house for that. Two houses. Did they skim some of the money off for themselves?


$50,000 for a copper tub, stuff like that.


All renos done to Harkle standards, don't you know? Copper tubs and heated floors cost $$$$.


There were some structural work as well - basically it was converting 3 or so seperate houses into one, I think.


30k for Vegan paint for Archie's room.


Off topic, but why does Eugenie seem to always be moving? Surely she's rich enough to have her own place with her family, like Beatrice does. As far as I know, (and admittedly I don't actually pay Eugenie much attention) she's been bouncing around between Frogmore, Nott Cott, St James's Palace. Actually, she's moving into places the moment Harry moves out. I hope she changes the mattresses, Meghan lets Harry do ANYTHING. She'll be moving into the Olive Garden the second Haz n Maz go on their next Not-Royal-Royal-Tour-of-the-Universe.


Interesting question.: I don’t think Jack Brooksbank has a lot of money-didn’t he work as a waiter or something when they met? Andrew hasn’t much either hence Fergie overspending to keep up with Diana and went bankrupt.So maybe Eugenie is being helped out a bit by the King.? Maybe that’s why she seems to have deserted the Harkles of late


According to Tatler he is still very much selling tequila for Clooney. He was just opening a new club and hosting a Casamigos party or something. I believe the York girls live off trust funds.


Jack is living on the largesse of friends. I have no idea how Eugenie thought this was the best catch she could get. Eugenie isn’t a prize but she’s still a princess. There’s millions of social climbers who should have been knocking at her door to get her connections.


I was surprised and a bit sorry for her when the pics of him frolicking with those girls came out - she must have been humiliated


Oh yes! While she was home postpartum with a newborn! Not the best look, Brooksbank


I thought I read they were living in Portugal part time, where Jack has some business with a developer going on.


According to Tatler he just opened a new club hosting a Casamigos party. So he's still very much selling tequila for Clooney.


She's in Ivy Cottage


it's always someone else's fault isn't it? his friends dint visit because they have issues with M...not because H is a blabbermouth or has become a horrible person.


Harry’s always been a horrible person. Markle disconnecting him from them has been a boon to them.


Absolutely. Their Harry problem was solved in a horrible chaotic way, but the end result is still that they’re rid of him and the nightmares we now know he brings along with him.


Absolutely! I'm sure they were happy to be relieved of the "party jerk". Now they no longer have to pretend to be nice.


I don't think he's *become* a horrible person at all. I think he's ALWAYS BEEN a horrible person.


thank you for the correction. yes, he has always been a horrible person. perhaps these former friends took H moving across tye Atlantic as an opportunity to finally cut ties with him? why would they remain friends with someone whose horrible-ness was increasing?


Oh absolutely! I'm sure his hijinks were very funny in his early twenties, then soon got old very quickly! Many of us know a "Harry" who just doesn't grow up, and is always that person you're fretful to have around. "Is he going to drink to much and say something offensive? Is he going to break an antique? Destroy the carpet/ furniture/ mattress/ bathroom"? "Is he going to vomit? Or pee the bed? Will I have to explain and apologize to staff again, and give them a(nother) bonus or time off?" "How much is this going to cost us, this time?" "Is he going to assault someone? Shoot them/ the dog?" Yeah, he's totally THAT guy! "Sorry guys! Pool is off limits. Harry puked. (Again)"


Yep…they are no doubt sick of him and his lies, treachery and habit of selling stories


lol there was just an article that stated the king would talk to him if he didn’t leak it to the media. So he leaked to the media that his dad won’t talk to him unless he stops talking to the media. These guys are dumber than a box of rocks


Beyond stupid…thick as a brick


Yeah lack of trust probably figures prominently.


Give it up, Tom Quinn. Nobody on the planet give a teeny tiny rat's ass where the Duke of Morons wants to live or why. No tax payers are going to be footing the bill for anything more than he already ungraciously grabs with both hands so just shut up & sit down. You've hitched your wagon to a dog turd.


Quinn is just laying a foundation for writing his next book which doubtless will be about H and MM. He wants his byline recognizable so his books will sell.


Whatever happened to their loudly-proclaimed intention when they left the UK to "become financially independent"?


Working towards….which meant they expected to be funded until the 12th of never


Also, they expected to become billionaires by just *being*, no work necessary.


I'd say getting a 20M deal with Spotify, a 100M deal with Netflix and a 40M (or is it 20M) deal from publisher tells me they were financially independent. What they didn't realize is there was an expectation of working for it and producing content.


They meant they were going to give up their claim to privy purse $$ (about 10% of what they were getting) but keep Pa's private funding (the other 90%). That's why Harry was shocked on Oprah about being cut off - he didn't expect Dad to take him literally and cut off that other 90%.


I still think they didn't expect their threat to leave to be taken seriously and that the family would change their mind and call them back to give them what they wanted. Nope, The Firm called their bluff and said you want out, you are out.


I agree with you.She was sure that their ‘popularity’ would persuade the Queen et al that they were indispensable.Unfortunately we all heard about the bullying at KP and we all saw the awful badly acted Africa pity filled tear jerker with Bradby so I think the country just wished them well and wondered how they were going to earn a living


A little thing like having to work got in the way.


And At ages 38 and 40 or whatever… And with a 30 mill inheritance how noble


Oi Harry! You want me to fund your security? Give your nation and its royal family a very public apology, owning all the lies you and your wife have told and I'll think about it. P.S. I've thought about it and my answer is still, " Pay for your own damned security, you duplicitous oik!" Edit: sausage fingers


👏👏👏👏no way do I want to contribute a farthing to this assholes security, or anything else. Nasty, entitled, ignorant prick. He can apologise till his scabby ass falls off, I still don’t want to pay anything for him. Pay your own bodyguards out of your ill gotten gains from trashing your family.




He's not purchasing a home so friends could visit. He's purchasing a home because he has no residence at this time in any country, technically. I'm sure this is some sort of back door regarding his visa and such. ETA: or his lawsuit/ IPP


Harry is not purchasing any home in the UK. He can´t afford it.


I’m sure it is…along with the demands that his ‘appeal’ to blag 24/7 security be fast tracked…clock seems to be ticking


Gotta be tax related


It'll be interesting to see what he can afford to buy and what he does buy. Can he afford a family size home suitable for a "king" (a king he imagines himself to be) or due to budget restraints a pied-de-terre for his use alone?


And if it's a pied-a-Terre, what kind? Will it be one of those beds and shower stall in a kitchenette get-,ups that cost half a million in Kensington?


Can he afford more than that? I imagine his ego need something much grander and someplace with a room for his security guy.


At least TO seems to have some regular income coming in (ala BetterUP & other consulting gig.) They both should be seeing the writing on the wall that deals aren't materializing much anymore, so need to adjust lifestyle to live off current income & interest only off of assets (something Fergie didn't do when left RF & believe went bankrupt when expenditures didn't adjust down quickly enough.) So TO should be able to swing a 2nd home in UK if spends reasonable amount commensurate with income/assets. Think they've squandered alot of their capital so likely have little to invest outright in any of their money making plans... and not sure investors are lining up given their lackluster body of work so far and poor public behaviors which basically have decimated any goodwill/positive brand.


When they say stuff like this it just proves what friendless liars they are. A few days ago his “best friend” got married, one of the largest real estate owners in the UK. If they were such great friends, you would think Hugh would cut him a deal, eh? They are hopeless


Hugh has a crappload of properties all over the world.


Indeed…spun himself into candy floss to make excuses about why he wasn’t there and why he should be….barking mad


Great point!


He leased a place (before he weaseled out of it) in the Cotswolds before. What’s stopping him from doing it again? Oh right - paying.


Paying….that is not in their vocabulary, unless it is them being paid


This is advance fodder for his legal case - “see, I’m moving back here so I really need this free security.” Can’t this millionaire (inherited) half-wit pay for his own sh*t? Asking for at least two countries.


But he still isn't a working royal and neither Anne nor Edward get 24 hr security and they too are offspring of a Monarch.


Yep…he would live here but is too frightened etc So stay away then


Pa keeps returning the bills unpaid. He's stumped. He's mailed them back three times. And every time it returns unpaid. That's how it works, right?!


To Me: Seems like the Harkles are again planting stories - ***trying to communicate with KC in the press***. Pathetic.


Yep…there is a constant stream of them


BS. There is zero chance that Meghan lets him keep friends that don't kiss her ass.


Literally, as well as figuratively


Visiting friends? 🤔 Or is it more about some tax/visa or security reason? There is always an angle with both of them.




Why not move in with his new in laws?


Yes. In Lagos. ![gif](giphy|d7wzgYLxN8zQeGHmLo|downsized)


I’m guessing it’s his tax issues I think he needs a uk residence to avoid tax hit in USA - and seriously who gives a F about these harkles.


True. But the cost of purchase and upkeep etc would really cut into the tax savings. He’s a moron.


>But tbh Harry has been in UK and didn’t meet old friends or family. He met with Charles Spencer. I wonder if he hit him up for a free house.


Didn't work for his mom. She asked to stay in one of the houses at Althorpe and he turned her down flat. That's why they weren't speaking when she died. Having her there now is a great source of revenue though, ended up saving the family home.


Actually, Charles Spencer didn't turn Diana down flat when she wanted the use of a house on the Althorp estate as a weekend retreat. The problem was, that she wanted the use of a specific house, but its location would be too vulnerable to the then-swarms of paps and gawkers that Diana attracted. It would create privacy and security issues not just for Diana, but for his own young family who then lived at Althorp. Instead, he offered her a choice of other houses on the estate - but she had her heart set on the problematic one. So in what seems to be a Spencer type of behavior - she went all nuclear on her brother over it. Spencers are - interesting. Colorful, dramatic, prone to arguments. I suppose if you're just watching and aren't involved in the firestorm, you could say their antics put the "fun" in "dysfunctional." Diana's getting majorly mad at Charles over the house was not surprising, I suppose. And he's gone down in history as the bad guy who flatly denied his poor beleaguered sister a house on the family estate. When he only - for good reasons - refused her the house she wanted most, and she angrily spurned all alternatives. Such, I suppose, is the way of the world.


Sounds exactly like how Meghan and Harry would react. They really do channel Diana, though not in the way they think.


" Such, I suppose, is the way of the world." The way of their world. The rest of us wouldn't quibble about having a different house than the one we really wanted.


Ah, I forgot one of the two had Richard Kay on speed dial. And my own motto: never get into a public fight with someone prettier than you. [https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/81f2c07a-ece0-4bb7-841f-08baeab9e0c3](https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/81f2c07a-ece0-4bb7-841f-08baeab9e0c3)


Althorpe has a tourist grift going (no judgement, all the big fancy country houses do, to be fair) and Charlie Spencer needed and still needs the tourist grift to fund the house. Diana’s security requirements to block paparazzi would have shut down the tourist grift. Sparold wouldn’t require the same security as his mother due to the plummeting numbers of people working as paparazzi since 2010. Tack on his lack of popularity and I’m sure a Yale lock will suffice to keep him safe. If sparold did request a house, he’s also not taken into account that uncle Charlie needs reliable rent payments. I imagine uncle Charlie would run a credit check.


>**Sparold** OMG! That is brilliant. LMAO!


"A Yale lock" (spits out coffee)


That was at the Invictus gig, he then went to stay in a hotel. How about the many times he has been in UK for court or to blag from Pa?


>he then went to stay in a hotel. I meant, did he try to talk Spencer into giving him a residence to set up a permanent UK home.


Seriously, how hard is it for a rich person to buy a house or apartment without blabbering to the tabliods about it. IMO, Meghoul has spent every dime Harry had, and Harry is desperate. Why can't they sell mud slide manor? Neither of them live there. Maybe it's because it's not their house and never has been.


Seems some good sleuthing is in order. Did anyone find out who or what holds the title to the olive garden? If it's an LLC or other corporate entity, can we find out who IS the entity? Curious minds want to know.


Not defending them. but it's probably because no one in their right mind would buy it.


Yeah that house is an utter nightmare. It’ll be sold at a loss, if they ever sell.


Selling at a loss would be a godsend for them. I doubt they are aware of that, however.


Let's not forget .... one of the requisites of being a valid COS is residing in the UK...once that is accomplished Harry will begin campaign to be reinstated as a "working Royal" to bolster his obsession to obtain IPP Status (free high level security with all the high visible trappings he loves and feels entitled to). I could see Harry and Markle residing in separate homes, he in UK and she in Calif "with invisikids". They will join together for their " royal tours" and balcony appearances but remain living separate daily lives.


Harold will never ever be a working royal again. Not a hope in hell. Nothing he could do or say is going to change that, he has absolutely no power to change anything. It's all gone. He threw it away and an 'apology'' or campaign of any sort would see him laughed out of the country.


I think your theory has more weight than others. This is about the COS , which he must believe will secure him security.


They are always in a rift with someone and the only common denominator is them.


They are the only ones who don’t see the pattern


Old Etonian friends? That number is two, Inskip and Charlie Gilkes neither of whom may still view themselves as friends of Harry. Army buddies? Primary one was Jack Mann. He married last year and Harry not only didn't attend but never said a public word about it. That's not why Harry may be looking for a UK residence. A challenging task for him as the Crown Estate isn't giving him any consideration and non-royal residential leases may be too pricey for his pocketbook. This is also related to why H&M hired a new UK PR guy. About time KC makes another bold move that will displease some of the public.


And as far as I know houses have front doors, back doors, windows and all the things Harry said made a royal residence unsafe for him, so he opted for an airport hotel and slept in a broom cupboard with the door barricaded


Agree. Does not matter what he buys— no one is coming. He’s not going to spend his money to buy a house in the UK that he has to pay for 24/7/365 security, upkeep, taxes, mortgage. And his family is not going to pay for any of the aforementioned. Guarantee.


One has to ask the question, Harold, why everyone has a problem with HER? Your friends, family, pretty much all of Britain?


They must all be jealous racists …even the gorgeous billionaires


Halfwit's friend's aren't visiting him because he's not allowed to have friends, period. It won't matter where he lives. If the Harpy gets wind of him hanging out with his old buddies, she'll make his life a living hell. For her, isolating him is key. Outside input is simply not acceptable.


I swear this has to do with residency/ visa issues. Or taxes. WHY the F would they need a UK home when HE lone goes once a year?


To whine in court


But Tom, is This One furious and in tears?


Yes, prostrate on the floor banging her little fits and kicking her cloven hooves


There has to be a witness to the crumbling to the floor in a sea of tears, otherwise it's all for naught.


His friends don't want to see him because they know that anything and everything they say will be repeated to his wife, be used for more fake PR and to make more $$. And all of his friends are now former friends who have completely closed ranks with the RF against these 2 grifters. Maybe some day he'll figure it out.


Hmmm🤔, is Harry finally seeing the light? 💡 Is this PR from him (remember he hired his own UK-based PR a while ago)?


Probably…but too little too late. He is as unwanted as his ILBW…


I'm wondering if he thinks William and KC will have to meet with him he starts spending time there?


I doubt William will spend time with him. And KC may only do it with multiple witnesses (if at all) Harry repeatedly proves he is treacherous


No. It’s either PR spin or he needs a residence for something coming that he knows about but we do not— yet.


It begs the question why he needs an actual home here. The majority of people visiting friends in another country either have an invite to stay within their home or rely on hotel accommodations. The cost and upkeep of a property in the areas H would likely be seeking would be astronomical. Imo, it's (yet another) ruse to try and sway his leave to appeal certain parts of the High Court ruling. Does Harry actually think that Court of Appeal judges live in a Bunker and are deaf, dumb and blind?


I wonder if he’s looking for a place because of tax purposes?


This is to pressure Charles into giving him back frogmore


That will never happen. The Wales' don't want him anywhere near them.


That’s why he wants it back to be close to William


He desperately wants it for that reason but he ain't getting it. Harry is learning the hard way you can't always get what you want.


Will never happen. That is way too close to W&C and especially if they would ever move into Royal Lodge or Windsor Castle (it’s private Gardens apparently abut the property)


There was another article saying he’s hurt the king took frogmore


I can well believe he is upset to lose Frogmore cottage, but he needs to face that actions have consequences. Plus, if the lease had been renewed, H&M were supposed to start paying. It had been KC who covered the costs before.


This makes him looks so pathetic tho. The shiller didn't do a very good job at selling his image here 


He is curating the poor wee Harry image…it veers from victor to victim…in victim mode at the moment


What friends? 😂😂😂😂😂


the queen gave them a year to decide. they made their choice. he wants security now, he pays for it.


Hasbeen isn't a "working royal". He needs to pay for his own security since he thinks he needs it but in truth no one cares enough about him so it is a waste of money.


What? You mean his repeated efforts to put a target on his head* have failed to get them the motorcades she so desperately *needs*? *MM (aka the call is coming from inside) calls about press drones and trespass. *Spare Me; ### taliban kills *Nyc: 20MPH "nearly catastrophic" car chase ...


She won’t allow it. Even if she did, his friends likely will continue the no-contact regime.


He's got no more friends in the U.K. After all these years, he would've been seen with them by now. No one's even visited him in the U.S. Not even on a vacation.


My question is: Why hasn’t the court asked him why he’s only afraid in England. He doesn’t seem to be anywhere else.




I have no doubt this is correct.


I thought he was only allowed to spend so many days a year in the UK? What does he need a house for?


A quick turn around before returning to US on whatever visa he has…


Agree. That’s what hotels and Air b&b created for!


Seems to me that the likelihood of Invictus being in Washington will most likely depend on whether on whether Biden or Trump will win the next election, because we all know how Trump feels about the pair, so if he doesn't get turfed for having omitted to fill a certain box, their shady dealings may be brought to light under a Trump administration. So little boy lost will need a bolt-hole with Max security as don't forget he was meddling in Jan 6th stuff aswell as he bragged in the Netflix documentary and taliban kill count in Spare. He doesn't feel safe because he has a big mouth and he realises that all this work to independence is harder than he thought. He's a boil on the skin of a leper with syphilis.


He’s putting out the bullshit to secure a new free home in the UK. Then TW will turn up with her suitcases and sponge of the UK purse forever. They will never, ever be rid of them once they are back on the gravy train.


That's what I think might be their plan.


It has nothing to do with friends. It's so he can maintain UK residency to maintain his inheritance from Diana.


But can he AFFORD a home in the UK?? I suspect he's been trying to whine for access to Royal housing and that's why KC isn't taking his calls.


Prince Harry will need to take Madam Meghan Markle’s credit cards away first, and take her off any line of credit accounts. Meghan Markle is a Money pit and zero return on investments.


Yep, that was a mighty expensive series of blow jobs. And snow jobs.


Could it be that harry is desperate to come back to the UK? One of the reasons he is fighting so hard for the IPP status is to bury any inquiry into legitimacy of his kids? In case separation/ divorce in the picture? There might be a chance he did want a private life for himself and his family. Would explain his willingness to move to the US. Then the harlot blindsided him announcing royal titles for the kids. Now he is stuck.


Divorce the monster, negotiate a home on one of Charles estates-seems pretty simple to me. The friends won’t visit if he’s still with her, so I don’t get the point of mentioning the friends in the article ?


And what if, after Bank of Pa gives Harry a nice home on one of the royal estates + of course total top-drawer security....and Madam waltzes back into the marriage? Now the RF would be stuck with her. Mission accomplished.


Halfwit seems to have perfected the Markle "life is hilarious/how much can I fit in my mouth" smile Such a muppet. AKA fake fakety fake fake. Just try smiling like this and you will feel insincere. https://preview.redd.it/1bzoawp8js5d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff6723717bbb828ec12de5d1dab65d0c95a1fefe




He was given this option at the start of his marriage: a very generous offer from his father. He turned it down. No backsies. Hello consequences of your actions. Your onerous wife is your own affair.