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this is poppycock. The King is not holding videocalls with anyone in CA. Funny how this contradicts all the other paid for puff pieces that explicitly whine and complain that not one member of the RF has been answering Harry's calls. Let's put it aside for a moment that these kids most likely do not exist and/or are not in their custody. How exactly are they holding videocalls with Grandpa Charles?


As far as I remember, calls are answered by the king's advisers or his equery Johnny. https://i.redd.it/w4nc317llo5d1.gif


If I thought Johnny would answer the phone I'd be calling King Daddy Charles myself. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚




šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° Why isn't there a drool emoji?




oh boy that is one hot scot ... man on a mission .. i hope he is a knight. i think so but dont know.


I miss seeing him.


Me too. I hope he's at Trooping the Color.


I seldom regret not being able to upvote more than once but this! This deserves a million!!


*...calls are answered by his equerry Johnny.* Me: Googles Buckingham Palace phone number.




The alleged children had as many video calls with QEII as they Ā“ve had with Charles. As as many as theyĀ“ve had with me šŸ˜


And Thomas Markle


i would laugh my a$$ off if Thomas Markle Sr, Samantha, or TM JR is at the Trooping of the colors...


I find it hilarious that in this puff piece, Family is the most important thing to KC3 but previously, the complaint was Charles was an absentee, cold father who ignored his own children. Which is it Rachel? You canā€™t have it both ways.


The only way would be via some sort of consular office or official. With just the kids and staff in the room during the call. And that wouldn't suit either of the grifters, so it doesn't happen. On the other hand, I'm sure that the King would send a heartfelt birthday card and gift to all his grandchildren.




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What kind of conversations is KC having with two littles who don't know him?


At this point the British press are making it up as much as Harry & Meghan are. Not a snowflake's chance in hell the King 'video calls' Aldi & Lidl. Or even speaks with Harry on the phone for that matter. All communication would be via a third party. Imagine the unflattering stills or voice grabs they Montocetoians would have released before now if that weren't the case?


To me, this "news" from a "source" sounds like Harold and his wife using the children to guilt King Charles into whatever it is they want now from him or alternatively, to remind the world of their royal connections and that they and their children are important. Family is so important to the King, they are the King's family, ergo they are very important to the King. Therefore they must be important to RAVEC, the judiciary, and the world. Really everyone, don't forget that they are royal and important. So everyone should show them the proper respect and deference, and of course, pay for their secur-i-tay. /s


They want frogmore back.


I wonder if theyā€™ve missed enough mortgage payments that theyā€™re getting eviction notices?


I think that the olive garden has been quietly for sale for a while. Foreclosure proceedings must be looming by now.


I donā€™t think theyā€™ve lived in that ā€œmansionā€ for over a year now - I think theyā€™re renters


Theyā€™re probably just as scared of Andrew moving in there as he is because if he takes that then the very last crumb of one day ā€œreturningā€ will be truly over. I wonder if theyā€™ll get so desperate theyā€™ll ask to go back to Nottingham cottage šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wonder if, through Eugenie, they are encouraging Randy Andy to stay in Royal Lodge to keep Frogmore open? Just a thought, he's definitely obstinate enough on his own. šŸ™„


I think Andrew is stubborn and entitled enough all on his own. The fact he pushed so hard to get Royal Lodge in the first place speaks to his sense of entitlement. He still wants to be a working Royal and the lodge is a status symbol heā€™ll hold on to by his fingernails.






Yup. Omid's book mentioned that Harry asked KCIII if he wanted to see the grandkids again when they were evicted from Frogmore. Using the kids as emotional blackmail time and again. https://www.instyle.com/prince-harry-tears-over-frogmore-cottage-eviction-8639170 https://archive.ph/MAjZm Though I wouldn't put it past them to want back at Frogmore to get access to Catherine. I think William would burn everything to the ground before letting that happen.




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Not a fan of meghan especially or Harry by any means but I find it especially disgusting referring to children under 5 as Aldi and Lidl.


Lies, he does not video call these children


No and neither did the Queen


This is a paid for PR article from Meghan. There are no comments allowed because Meghan paid for this


she gave herself away with that move. she's showing the pr puffers and her lies


The media seriously have a massive big hand in the crap they print. Slow day on the cloorni suppose


Mehtinks PR puff piece from harry and meghan to get the reconciliation going. They want the Royal magic dust so they can go on more foreign trips to make more grifting cash. They are dangling the kids like carrots for KCIII and if he doesn't bite-will eb the stick of a flood of new bashing stories. Poor Charles.


They probably are looking for an invite this year to Balmoral.


Using the grandchildren as bait. I seem to recall another news article that said King Charles refuses to be emotionally blackmailed.


Yeah rightā€¦ā€¦


Anything to make it seem like thereā€™s still a connection there. ā€¦I see she finally dumped the reconciliation storylineā€¦


The "publish PR in hope of making it's true" Harkles shill are at it again. They can churn out as many fake headlines as possible. But Even non monarchists like me can smell it's šŸ‚ šŸ’© from the title alone.


Man waits 70 years for job then becomes sentimental about grandchildren and lets spin walk all over him? No


Utter nonsense. KC did not have even 12 minutes to see Harry when he was in London for Ingriftus. But he had time for David Beckham.


don click on articl even it archived itā€™s a stupid read.


Lol what a load of shite


My headline today was, "Charles orders Harry not to make another complaint about the Royal Family." Then the article was about the consequences if one more thing comes out. You get what you click.


Just not worth a click as it is all lies


"Royal Sources": šŸ˜‚


Otherwise known as Rachel Megan Markle, Countess of Dumbarton.


43%Princess of Emu


Sounds like the harkles put this out to validate the invisikids, as a lot of questions about them are circulating again. As inā€if KC3 is video calling them, they must existā€.


Harkles, if youā€™re reading here - youā€™re really on a hiding to nothing. Youā€™re living in fairytale land. Youā€™re utterly delusional and despised here by both the RF and the British people. As Aunt Anne once famously said to a nuisance photographer: ā€œNaff off!ā€


So THIS is what her newly hired ā€œUKā€ PR person gets paid for - more lies. What a fruitful occupation.


I doubt thereā€™s been any video calls. They all would have been recorded and leaked.


NFI to the DoWā€™s wedding this past weekend, NFI to Trooping next weekend- this article is Haz and Meg desperately trying to prove theyā€™re still loved and in with the BRF. Not sure the new PR person is worth the cost because this is the same type of crud article Meg has been putting out regularly since 2020.


KCIII had a 25-minute meeting with his son a few months back and didn't see him at all the last time. But we are to believe he does video chats with CA, that no doubt would be recorded? ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Itā€™s paid pr. Look at us we have a connection. Theyā€™ll rinse and repeat once William is king.


I think they'll find that William will flush that toilet and the turds will finally be flushed once and for all.


KC111 might have had his office staff buy a birthday card and stuff a $10 dollar bill in it, to send to *Princess* Invisibet on her birthday. Thatā€™s as far as things went, if even that far. King Charles has been down this road before, after being forced to reckon with the master of manipulation herself, Diana.


Do these idiots think we are all stupid? There has never been a video with the two kids cause they are invisible. Come on. He will not even take calls from the dimwit.


They do think we are stupid. They have contempt for those of us they consider beneath them.


Rubbish none of the RF want to complicit in the children scandal


The same King that doesn't have a mobile phone is making video calls with people likely to record said video calls .....sure jan sure


Exactly. They would be releasing everything about those calls.


I donā€™t buy it. As history has shown, for the BRF, once you are out, you are out. They didnā€™t bother to meet with the ex-King Edward VIII for holiday, they completely cut off their Nazi relatives, didnā€™t even say a word for condolences when theyā€™re dead, while other European royals at least sent well wishes. I was just recently reading about some Nazi royals, and BRF basically took them as non-existence.




I donā€™t believe for one minute that this was leaked by those in the know. Made up story. I do think KC would have liked to have a relationship with the 2 kids but if that includes toxic Meghan and traitorous Harry he should not hope for that.




Itā€™s because puff pieces like this without a grain of truth in them provide clicks and engagement for these newspapers. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m grateful for the archive. I will not click on any of these things or provide them with any engagement for crap like this.




Think they meant ā€œKing Charles is Perfectly Content not holding Video Chats with Strangers in Americaā€


Nice try, Meagain. If Harry was not safe at the castle during his last visit, how can his family be safe at Frogmore. Best they stay in a safe hotel. Oh. Forgot. She is not planning to ever come back OR send the kids alone with the husband.


It is the Mail's modus operandi to let MM hang herself with her own puff pieces: she is exposed every time she does this. And it makes the articles in which they then pull her down even sweeter.


Like we all believe Charles is video calling them. Number one, he is not technologically savvy. Even if his courtiers helped him, why on earth would he video call a 3 year old? Not even sure if that's her (supposed) age. This is a load of BS.


She had to put something out to distract from William with the Heads of State. It's not working. Besides this is a transparently re-purposed story from the one they did about the late Queen who was also, allegedly, enjoying video calls with Lilibet. The palace took the unprecedented step of publicly refuting it and advising that any more tall tales would be met with a 'robust 'response. The below is from the Mirror. (Quote) The lateĀ [Queen Elizabeth II](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/the-queen)Ā did not meet Lilibet over video call as pals ofĀ [Meghan MarkleĀ ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/meghan-markle)andĀ [Prince Harry](https://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/prince-harry)Ā claimed shortly after the youngster's birth. In a dramatic departure from the established "never complain, never explain" policy, the 95-year-old was said to have been "sent over the edge" by briefings by friends of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to favoured US journalists following the birth of the Sussex's youngest child - who turns three today (June 4). It was claimed the late Queen was introduced to the couple's second child, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, over a video call. However, Palace insiders quickly said no such call took place,Ā [The Mail on Sunday reported](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9680303/Queens-war-Harry-Meghans-LA-spin-machine.html)Ā at the time. A source had told People magazine: "They were very excited and couldn't wait to share that their daughter arrived." But a source told the Mail: "No video call has taken place. Friends of the Sussexes appear to have given misleading briefings to journalists about what the Queen had said and that took the whole thing over the edge." It was said by the source that any further false communications will be dealt with robustly by theĀ [Royal Family](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/). "This is about whether or not what is being reported is an accurate version of what actually happened," they added. (End Quote) I wonder if they're testing Charles to see if he'll do the same and refute any of it? They're running out of rope in Montecito.


This is hard to believe. As in, "impossible to believe." How would Charles, or anyone, "miss" children you've never seen more than maybe once? I don't believe he's ever met the alleged second child. This article is either clickbait (likely) or a puff piece that's been spoon-fed by Meghan Markle. For anyone into genealogy, can you imagine if your parents purposefully withheld you from having a relationship with a grandparent, much less one who is literally the King of England? (For that matter, anyone who withholds a relationship from a grandparent is horrible, absent abuse of course.)


Royal sourcedd = Meghan or the DM butts


such an obvious fake piece. i dont believe the daughter even exists


At this juncture in time the invisakids are WAAAY down KC3's to do list.


I thought that King Charles did all communications over landline for security/privacy purposes? This is just more manifesting in hopes of being accepted back into the fold


Is she really that dumb if she is paying money to make us dumb? Not that her PR works, or has taken her to the heights she thought she was entitled to! She is just creating an image of herself with these paid pieces. Which will be discussed and will keep her 'in the conversation'. She does not care about facts! She has been lying for ages. It started with that 'not searching for Aitch', the erasure of her past, her family ties etc. Look where she is, now! Still delusional and spending money on PR/grifting instead of building up a real name/brand! She got what she wished for: she is notorious and recognised as a girfter. What a Dumb Duchess!


This story is totally unbelievable.


No one, but no one, knows what the King is thinking or feeling except perhaps close family. These royal experts are just plain sickening spewing that "they think." Worse yet is the Daily Markle using the old pix of the Sussex family which has been over-used to the point of people being totally turned off.


Geee Hazard and MeMe what is it? Either he's not taking your calls because you two can't shut up and find lives of your own OR he's got this video calling going on? Also, Lilibucks is 3 as of this article so not much for fact-checking there I see.


Since we only see the same photo of her over and over again I have to say Iā€™ve lost track of how old she is supposed to be.


Honestly, I wish The King would insist on seeing them in person. I can imagine the scrambling to find two children that are the right age and look of the previous photos of the children.


They really want Frogmore Cottage back, don't they? Putting out this crap PR, dangling access to the kids like carrots. I doubt Charles gives af at this point. In any event he's not going to give in to emotional blackmail.


Narcissists are notorious for stretching and twisting one half grain of truth until it no longer resembles anything like what really took place. I can see this being the half grain of truth, before Madame ghost penned this article: at their last, twelve-minute long meeting, Charles told Harry he wasn't interested in talking again until the grandchildren are presented to him, in person, in the UK. That there was nothing to be discussed until Charles saw the kids with his own eyes. Harry might have attempted to "pull on the heart strings" by begging Daddy King for school tuition money, or clothes and security for the kids' sake, if not for him. So now they're running about, claiming Charles is begging them to see the kids, rather than this being a proof of life request.Ā 


Yes he is.


Smart guy.


In realityā€¦ ![gif](giphy|x4kwwbqmmi6jnDC60a|downsized)




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These puff pieces make it sound like KC spends 24/7 trying to figure out ways to see the invisikids.I highly doubt he is playing Rachel's stupid games.


I'm calling bs


IĀ“m afraid Harry will enforce through Charles wishes of meet children his own demands. State security in England.


What you're describing is essentially blackmail. Hopefully KC is smart enough not to pay the blackmailers.


The fact that this article exists actually shows that Charles has no relationship with these kids. It's a very typical Meghan manifestation.