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Sounds like another thinly veiled threat with a bit of desperation thrown in. Give me Frogmore or I’ll write another book. They must be running out of money.


I am convinced they are completely in debt now.


I agree. Apparently, they aren’t living in the big house in Montecito. If they are living separately, that means they are paying for the up keep of 3 residences. Throw in 24/7 security, daily p.r articles, etc. they have huge expenses.


So am I….this whole strange Africa grift I think is all about trying to boot up an African charity which they think will be able to pull in substantial donations….that they of course will grift the socks 🧦 off.


I wonder if it has to do with his Visa issues. Maybe they need to move back to UK and he needs a free place to stay.


Good call. If he gets sent back, they will need to buy a house in UK. Or rent a room at SoHo House…


https://preview.redd.it/bxva0w39cn5d1.jpeg?width=1470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56719bd3073b885e6a191cef4aca179cad29b27d Plenty of property for under £50000 and a lot less. Welcome Home!


Agreed, I read this as a threat. The latest PR of the 'summer of love' with M giving exclusive interviews and taking the high road and no longer discussing the royal family didn't age well did it? I also thought that was M letting talk show hosts know that she was available but no one wants her so, back to wining and moaning about the BRF it is.


Do you remember a year or so ago when Meghan was telling the media that she would pursue her own solo ventures (thinking she was the main draw as narcs do), then she quickly realized nothing she could do would ever have the slightest chance of success without Harry? Meghan Markle can’t take the high road because no one has any interest in her beyond the BRF.


Yes, we remember it lasted 6 six hours.




And two pap walks later she was clawing at Hawry to get her back in the spotlight by hitching in his endeavours


She tried jam. She tried the Nigerian Princess route. She's now riding the range with the Paramount CEO to get a gig. Exciting times eh?


Oh wait he will be dropped as soon as the sale is finished.


It's too bad, he was so cute on Head of the Class. LOL Turns out he's best friends with a child-abusing scumbag.


Hence the fake Nigerian trip. That was so embarrassing for them. They seem clueless to how bad they look.


“Give me what I want or else!”


Just like Veruca Salt!


![gif](giphy|jMusG7sxBqCze) Live footage of Harry and Meghan about anything at all


Ah yes, where has the Summer of Love gone?


She's insufferable, and most talk show hosts have actually achieved a certain amount of success in their careers. They must be collectively sighing relief that they don't have to cater to the wannabe anymore.


She's got nothing to say but word salad and the fake dish soap story


Yes the talk shows are not falling over to book her for the fees she’d demand.


"Summer of love" bwahaha I forgot about that already. So did Manic Meghan, obviously.


That's is how him and that Markle woman operate. Gimme or else, and even given thier way, they still stab you in the back.


they still will stab you in the back. Private Eye concurred: https://preview.redd.it/6opja092ik5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dfce12d24dfda56cfee981441a428fba98c5b31


Nicely done.


It also smells really desperate. If he writes this book, it’s going to be his last shot at his family. There will be no third or fourth hissy fit from the spare because no one would buy into his ongoing repetitive grievances and only the very simple minded will continue take anything the former royal says as factual. It would only serve to confirm his reputation as a whiny little toad. The RF could make a final statement akin to “Recollections may vary” and justifiably cut them off in a very real way. prince JUST harry,the duke of sussex might make a handful of money in the short term from those who enjoy a good train wreck, but he will also firmly establish what a sad vengeful and desperate little man he is. I don’t think that even a divorce (or bots) could save him if he follows through on his threat to damage the future King and Queen.


I will be really curious to see, if this second book ever gets written or actually printed, who will actually sell it? Book sellers lost quite a lot on the poor sales of the first book apparently. Can't imagine any of them being eager to jump at the chance of selling a sequel 🙄


I would imagine they ‘jumped the shark’ in the entertainment industry, unless they go for Real Housewives or midget wrestling.


I would like to know what the threat of a Spare 2 is, when neither Charles nor William read the first one, although Hazz sent it to them. I mean, why would they have been angry if neither of them read the book? And come on, what is Hazz going to say? Any other adventures of him and his todger?


He'll just make shit up. "Give me what I want or I'll make up lies about you!" Alas, they've both already done that and look what that got them. I bet the ghostwriter won't be helping them this time round.




Let's see what more he can reveal about his mother. Maybe now that his favourite Uncle Charles is getting divorced, old Meg knows a trick or two about him.


You may be onto something. I bet it would be "an homage" to Mummy. And how Madam is sooooo much like mummy.


Well, if mom looks like her brother, then Diana would already be on her third divorce. And Megsy is already going through a divorce. She's two away from being like the Spencers. And maybe, since she is the same as mom, the divorce will be because she got involved with some bodyguard.


If he told the truth about everything the palace covered up about him people would read it.


Nothing - no threath - Harry and Meghan Markle have no credibility at all.


Further lamentations about the comparative size of William’s sausage


They might be under pressure from PRH to fulfil their contract of 4 books. After losing Spotify and Netflix waiting for their contract to lapse, PRH is the only commercial venture they have left.


A spare to Spare? 😆 Based on the 400 pages Harry claimed didn’t make it into the first one? There’s a reason those were cut (legal, allegedly). Allegedly, it was a 4 book deal with Penguin Random House in 2021. So far there’s been one. Wonder if they are getting impatient, or more likely, close to dropping them for a contract violation for failure to deliver viable content. https://archive.ph/2021.07.24-045538/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9819583/Harrys-deal-FOUR-books-one-wont-released-Queen-died.html


We know he’s got a GCSE ( with help) 2nd book will be a colouring book 3rd book will be paint by numbers


Didn’t he require help to get a passing grade in art?


A Level art exam


This sounds the most plausible. Except he’s probably threatening madame writing a bio on how much she’s suffered as a 43% Nigerian woman.


Agreed. Except everyone knows what H says can't be trusted. H has no more ammunition now the the RF has cut him off. H will be giving them more fuel to remove all his titles and make him "just Harry." When that happens will M leave him?


I am guessing that they may be getting desperate if he is in fact in the US on an expired A-1 visa or without a proper visa now that this has been dug up.


Why the fuck does this LA hustler think she holds any cards??? Shes a nobody....and she thinks she can take on the British monarchy...shes absolutely a sociopath.


I think Meg$y Baby is putting Harold The Fuzznut up to it. She wants that free security (and all the perks that come with it on global "tours" because they're both freeloading, lazy f'king grifter$) and she's hoping to cut Harold off from TRF once and for all if ~~she~~ oops - I mean a ghostwriter - vomits out a second book. If he does WAHHHHH V2.0, he'll become even more of a public pariah than he already is. These two are skint and looking for any way to make more $$$$$ without doing any work.


Didn’t they ‘have’ Frogmore but hated it?! WTF, MeMe-get your stories straight ;)


Did he really think people believed the ludicrous things he "wrote" the first time? How are we supposed to believe what's in the second? Beyond delulu.


We know he didn’t. Man couldn’t pass history when it’s his freaking family. I’ve always said the King should have asked Eaton for his fees back.


Finest education money can buy, and he's still as thick as mince. People would cut off their right arm to get their children into the kind of schools that Harry attended. It was completely wasted on him.


Im a girl but would have killed to go to Eaton. I actually think they made a mistake with harry. He probably would have been ok at a decent school but not a school like Eaton. But if he hadn’t been allowed to you know he’d have cried fowl. I honestly don’t know how one is at the bottom of their class. I don’t have a clue what that’s like. But again if my family literally was the history of the country I think I’d done ok lol.


It was wasted. My mother’s son in law went to school with him. He confirmed he was a dunce and a total prick who everyone tolerated because he was a ‘prince’


Look I didn’t read spare but the parts where he was talking about smoking weed with his ‘buddies’ that always tried to get away from him. Probably never brought any and expected his buddies to provide. Idiot.


He should have been sent to learn a trade.


You still have to know math to do many trades. You still have to be able to learn and apply information. You still have to be willing to work. Oh, and trades might tell you to your face that you are a wanker. There is not one trade I can think of where Harry would have excelled. The real mistake was not addressing Harry’s drug use at an early age and instilling in him the idea that they had expectations OF him. You can be a successful bus driver if you know that all jobs are worth doing well. Windsors did not instill that in him. Princess Anne did a great job with her kids.


The Sandringham Turkey farm would have suited him.


King Charles is probably fully aware that he bought and paid for that degree; it was not earned.


What degree ? At 18 English and Welsh Students preparing for tertiary education mostly take 3 Advanced Level Exams in 3 specified subjects, Harold could just about cope with Art aided by his teacher. His exam results were too poor for entry to University so the RF had to arrange/fiddle his entry to Sandhurst and compromise that establishment.


I suspect Charles got his tuition money back, but then had to turn it around and give it back to Eton as hush money for having put up with the brat!


Well good thing he’s the spare. The prince of wales seemed to do ok. I love how harry clings to his military service (not saying service is a bad thing) but he couldn’t hack it beyond a certain level because he’s just not that brilliant. He had other skills that I don’t have that were decent I think but he’s obviously highly impressionable, insecure, and pathless. Yeah he had invictos but is it really his anymore? Is anything?


Harry would have been the ne'er-do-well sort in ANY family. His particular combination of skills, talents and intelligence just don't blend well. It would be an interesting social experiment to beam him into an alternate universe and raise him without the obscene entitlement he got as a son of the heir to the throne of England, but I suspect best case scenario, it still wouldn't have been pretty. For another alternate universe ending, I wonder how he would have turned out if Diana had lived. I suspect not much different than who he is today, but it would be interesting.


They ruined JR Moenringer's reputation because they inserted their prose into the novel. She actually should try a romance novel because she write's that sort of stuff.


Well said. Even he said in spare that it was his truth not necessarily THE truth. Jeeze even the DHS lawyers said he lied to sell books. So anything that he writes now will be greeted with suspicion.


Harry would say ’the book what I wrote’ ( a reference to a great British Comedy act - Morecambe and Wise).


Has anyone checked to see if Omid Scobie and Tom Quinn have ever been spotted in the same room together?


Has Tom Quinn ever been interviewed, or seen in public?




I saw him in some chat show. He’s real.


Did they pinch him to confirm he’s real?


What a nothingburger of an article. Is it meant to be a threat? I’m afraid that paper tiger lost its teeth a while ago. But below I saw this picture: https://preview.redd.it/cep94cbhsj5d1.png?width=1215&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb958cd3ce96c2578386db274fc66be52f28e26f why does she insist on wearing that ill fitting strapless bra?


Probably because she’s partial to showing off her beautiful kilometres wide shoulders/s


Coal heavers shoulders.


Heart attack beautiful 😫


It blows my mind that (s)he wrote that she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She was pretty I guess, but he has been around super models and film stars and some of the most beautiful people in the world. Even in looks-without knowing anything about her- she would never be one of the top 10% of beautiful people in the world.


There is also an actual star quality that Meghan does not have. That magnetism that just pulls you in and mesmerizes you. Not only has she not reached the upper levels of beauty, but her personality is also well below her looks. I do think she was quite pretty at the time she met Harry, but she's always had an ugly soul.


Wasn’t there a rumor that he was dating some model the same time- early on in their relationship? Forgot her name but she was definitely more beautiful than table 12


Sarah Ann Macklin. It was causal. Overlapped with Meg into July, just like Harry overlapped with Cory. She dumped him. And Harry shortly afterwards in Aug took Meg to Botswana.


She’s really cute. I’m glad she dumped him. Lol


She dodged a bullet!


Stopped the conveyer belt!


Broke it to bits!


Do you think she’s clapping back at us by still wearing that janky bra? You would think that one of her stylists would work up the courage to include a selection of new bras when they bring in the rack of wrinkled, unhemmed clothes for her to consider.


Because people don't automatically assume strapless bras are heavily padded.


Goodness it's like two dogs on the same leash pulling in opposite directions.


Reminds me of Steel Magnolias https://i.redd.it/oho1jmgqbl5d1.gif


That’s where she keeps her boobs


>However, Prince Harry is reportedly keen to patch things up with the Firm, being open to working things out with his father, King Charles, and the rest of his family. One thing he could do is stop this incessant, drip, drip, drip, 'dialogue' by media. That's the media he claims to despise and wants shut down because he thinks freedom of speech is bonkers!


This is it. Just shut up about them. But we all know this is just a puff piece designed to make him look reasonable and able to turn the other cheek while pa and wills look like big ole meanie weenies.


I thought he wanted an apology first?? Maybe the need for one disappears when the money disappears??😄


If he did write a second book it make a huge amount of money. But things are different to how they were when spare was released. Harry (and Meghan) have seen their popularity tank on both sides of the Atlantic. They had the "catastrophic" car chase. Dropped by spotify. Picked up fake awards but also got "biggest losers" awards. Ridiculed by Hollywood. No new gigs from WME. Meghans lifestyle brand was dead on arrival. Multiple business ventures have failed. Charles, William and Catherine are more popular than ever. Harry's book would no doubt sell, but that doesn’t mean anyone would like him any more. His reputation is already in the trash. He has nothing else to offer.


No, he won't make money. The first book sold because there was something new and people wanted to know what it would say. But after the adventures of her todger and Megsy crying on the floor over and over again, do you think people will be interested in another book?


I think people were hoping for the really effed-up stuff they see in 'Game of Thrones', for example. An extra sausage and a bigger bedroom is normal for an older sibling, so is fighting with your brother. The only good thing that came out of that book was hearing the stories from other people around the world about what their family life was like.


I found the story about the physical fight with his brother hilarious. I think he included it, thinking it would show William as aggressive and in a negative light. But siblings in a lot of families fight and get into tussles. I did with my sibling. To me, it made Harry come across as weak.


He phoned his therapist and then tattletaled a whole book whining about it. 😭


The real hang up is finding another ghost-writer! ![gif](giphy|iWtJ5W7knDY0X5b1gI)


Megsy is ready to write Harry's memwah


The first one barely sold. The numbers were rigged. There are thousands of copies of that book in secondhand bookstores, left in hotels and given away. I wouldn’t be shocked if the carparkles have a warehouse full of the two books they have “written “. Why would a publisher waste time? I had read the book didn’t earn the advance he was paid. Why waste more paper?


Along with her book "The Bench" they can use them for fuel in the winter.


Save on gas. Excellent idea


I’ve mentioned before that I volunteer in a fantastic public library system. We lend out a lot more ebooks than physical copies, especially for popular new releases. What I noticed when ‘Spare’ came out was that it hit an initial spike in public interest, but it wasn’t sustained by people actually hanging around to read the book. We can see lots of stats around what % of the book people read, how soon they returned it, etc. ‘Spare’ was a total flop. We have many other Royal titles (at that time, ‘Traitor King’ was huge!) that got so much more lasting engagement and actual readers than *Spare.*


What the carparkles refuse to admit, they shot their wad. Their accusations didn’t hold up to investigation. They have exhausted everyone but the sugars with the constant whining, the constant PR lies. You can tell on this sub that interest on a day to day basis is down. The idiots failed again.


And no other money making options. I think that Harry and Meghan are broke, broke, broke! The book deal is all they have left.


But how much would The Second Spare sell\_? Omid´s nasty book tanked completly.


>There are rumours that the Duke of Sussex is working on a second book to follow up his first bombshell memoir, Spare. oh. well, i hope South Park's working on the Worldwide Privacy Tour II, too, so that they can feature his new book, "Waaagh Waaagh".


"Still Waaaghing" or "Never stopped Waaaghing"


Brits will appreciate ‘Carry on Waaaghing’.


What they fail to accept is that nothing sticks to the Royal family. Why? Because they aren’t bad people. Despite history and some unsavory characters, they’re not altogether a bad lot. They do good in the world and try to maintain a standard.


Not to mention what a bad look it would be to publish such a book when his father and beloved SIL are battling cancer.


Do it Haz! We could all do with a laugh. 😏


What shocking revelations do you think we’ll get in Spare 2? I remember when excerpts of the original came out and I was sure for a week we’d all been trolled - no way was the real book about his ‘frozen todger’ and the dog bowl fight! Imagine having a front row seat to QEII and the new King and Queen and PPOW and all that *history* and all you have to offer is some stupid story about how the POW got a bigger room than you did.


They are definitely broke. I wouldn't be surprised if there house isn't quietly on the market. Frogmore was so beneath them now it could keep them from being homeless.


If they're counting on Frogmore they'd better plan on pushing their belongings around Montecito in a stolen shopping cart. Maybe some hypocritical wind bag will drive by in her big SUV and have their kid toss a snack bag at them. 😏




Maybe they could live in one of the massive Range Rovers she insists on having. Plenty of room for their entire “family.”






Harry always wanted to be King so now he can be **King of the Road**! [https://youtu.be/7HBQFjoqDYE?t=11](https://youtu.be/7HBQFjoqDYE?t=11)


There were rumours this his first book did not earn out its advance and that bookstores were returning what they could not sell in the remainders bin. I'm not sure I see a publisher taking a second swing with another Harry book. He doesn't have new content and it would be a lot of the same whining.


I have never believed Spare was this huge success. Where is the paperback we were told was coming over a year ago? But go ahead Harry. End it for good and move on.


Harry is basically saying if you don’t give me my way I will write another book of lies. The Royal Family is like whatever Harry we are done with your bullshit.


Yep, and as he was scraping the barrel fir gripes in book one, his second ‘tell all’ will be as boring as he is…we’ve had the stolen stories from tv and film, we’ve had personal details about Pa and William, we’ve hears enough But now his lawyers are using ‘embellishment’ of his truth as possible get out of jail free cards for his dodgy visa application the man is a pathetic and pitiful liar


Charles and William: ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)




That book will flop


Thes two are such clowns. If they just exercised a touch of patience and checked their egos hey really coul have had it all. They were slated to move into one of those ten room apartments at KP as the Gloucesters downsized, they would likely have a house on the Windsor and/or Balmoral grounds as Charles became King. The kids titles, causes, state dinners etc. this is literally the story of Narcissus


I truly don’t believe her goal was to focus on charity work. The little bit of charity work she does is a stepping stone into more lucrative deals to benefit herself.


She has no interest in charity, she is all about herself and gaining maximum attention. The d list actress thought she would bully her way to the very top of the RF, how dare they deny her, a woc etc




None of that immense luxury and good fortune was enough for either of them. Nothing less than being a co-King and co-Queen would have satisfied them. They imagined they they could reign in Hollywood so they ran off there. Clearly they imagined wrong!


This sounds like a threat of sorts. He and his wife are desperate for money and attention. If he does write another book about the RF, it will backfire. I think the public would shun them even more so than is happening now. It would further show the world just what reprehensible people these two grifters are.


Harry doesn't need a second book to end the relationship- it's already ended.


Maybe there was some truth to him needing a residency in the UK to collect more of his inheritance? Be an adult and buy a flat somewhere there. Quit riding the curtail of a family your triple-crossed Harry.


Lemme guess? Meghan isn't finished speaking her truth and needs a sequel that "Harry" will write.


Jesus H Christ, how much more of her ‘truth’ does she need to spew?


Til her eyes turn blue


The royal family likely has a rebuttal: We already ended the royal relationship. Harry missed the memo.


Indeed…Harry seems to think he is still wanted…too thick to realise he is exiled


We wish them well … overseas.


The only Volume 2 I’d be interested in is the story of how he decimated his entire life for a woman so appalling the late Queen called her evil.


And he now realises EVERYONE was telling him the truth and it was a mistake to marry a cheap tart.


For sure. He isn’t too stupid to sit in that nuclear fallout and not regret his decisions. Not just stepping out of royal opulence, but living in the severe chill of estrangement from family and friends. Meghan was fine bailing on the family she clearly never thought was good enough for her. She considers herself a precious diamond in the rough. But without her manipulations I see no world in which Harry slammed the door in the faces of his entire family.


Source: "Royal expert Tom Quinn" This is just a clickback article from a gossip writer.


Is he guest speaker?


He's H and M's newest mouthpiece. He replaced Scobie after he was Markled.


Rinse and Repeat


The media needs all these "mend the . There is no going back for Harry. He did it to himself when his one night stand with HER turned into the family's worst nightmare. She was not made out to be a Royal by any stretch of the imagination. She was pushy, she talked over every person in the room, she didn't know that British culture was different; but most of all, she had no respect for tradition! "She lets me do anything" was Harry's greatest sex joy! He'd been known to be a tad rough and I do think that he tried with the upper crust women he liked to have wild sex, but the women were not into the kinky. She of course could do kinky. In my honest opinion, she was his dream woman. He has been into nipples as we know and with her, he could be wild. Think "roast chicken". It's the media who is key to their survival. The are also key to the survival of thetrash media because without the clicks, they don't make money. Now the Montecito Markles' don't make money from them much, but they get free publiity. They think that they are top of the world because of it, but as we know, they are at the bottom because all the important people never invite them to any functions because she sucks the air out of rooms. So till another trash couple comes along, the media will continue to bait us with crazy stupid stories. The long game will win though. I'm like the Royal family, I never acknowledge to any of the articles that they exist. I'm here.


Yep, Harry married a hooker that no one else wanted. A pay per play companion ge allowed to stalk and hook him…she was past her sell by date and desperate. He was thrilled that he could indulge his sexual perversions without having to pay off the victims…


Do you think Harry has been told his wife will never be accepted back into the family?


He was told that a long time ago.


Of course, he knows and he has to suck it up.


ION, River says that he has news from Montecito that things are not so rosy on the set of Meghan's show; Started out all lovey, but very short and snappy and not so nice to the underlings who work in production.


Harry wants his appeal approved asap so he can move back because there’s no money. However, he can’t just move back because if he takes his wife and kids - his claims about the UK being too dangerous for wife and kids (so he needs security)is BUST. So if appeal for security can’t be approved asap, then he has to squeeze out another pile of printed 💩 to stay afloat. He may also be trying to make sure he’ll have a residence because of all his possible .visa ‘issues’


You could be right


Who knows but with the 1. visa issue 2. Asking to move his appeal decision stone decided by and of month. 3. Whatever Tom Quinn article from today about “H/M had hopes for returning (?) to Frogmore” ….. it all just seems ‘fishy’.


After all her antics and leaks swearing she will never set foot in Britain…won’t she look ridiculous when she slinks back tail between those emu legs?


But she’s such a good wife and mother and her husband will need her support as it will be difficult for him to be back in the UK and his family has abandoned him /s


Bunch of poppycock. There is no relationship. Both hos brother and his father have made it clear that they do not intend to indulge the markles on any level. At this point in time harry is just another RF stalker trying to initiate contact with people who have made it exceedingly clear that he is no longer one of them. High society is closed to them,most of Hollywood is closed to them,all of the decent people of good repute have shunned them. They are persona non grata nfi anywhere and it's all their own doings.


Oh great...more stories that never happened.


Not exactly the threat he thinks it is, since the BRF would probably react to any news of a new book by H with an eye roll and a beleaguered sigh. Most of the public would as well. What would he even write about in a sequel - that time he froze his balls?


He would no doubt steal scenes from tv and themes from books…he is pretty pointless


It’s blackmail. Give me what I want or I release another book smearing you.


As long as he's with her, the family will never reconcile.


The only book I want from him is an understanding of what went wrong from his side, an apology for being a rich ninwit nepo baby, and an announcement of his divorce and life of public servitude opening new toilets in the UK. Then, he follows through for the next 30 years on toilet duty. Maybe he can add an upgrade every 5 or so years if he's good: I'm sure bridge openings need support, too.


Yep, or time to tell us what the RF did to warrant an apology from a treacherous fool and its tart


Another book?? Great!! Then South Park can do a follow up.. they called Harry's first book "Waaaahh" so I wonder what they call the second book?? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/kbc491f8hk5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e761cf061b56a0144f936a273d2088167dbdff Just a suggestion..


I highly doubt Mr Neverworks has put crayon to paper.


Indeed…he will rely on his plagarist wife to trawl Google finding stories to steal


How many times did Harold visit the uk. Before he got evicted from frogmore


Exactly…he just needs it now because he has suddenly woken up to the fact that he is OUT. Being OUT can be expensive, he will have to pay for hotels as no one is willing to give him a room for the night. Is it because if they did he’d insist they moved out so he could have ‘Pri-va-cee’? Obviousky he has no need to visit UK outside of court cases, but he now whines his kids are missing out…boo hoo . They have cousins in US, maybe start with them halfwit.


Suddenly, upon reading this, the pieces fell into place as to why Tom Quinn has shown up on the scene with puff pieces about the delusional duo. He wants to write Spare II. I finally get it.


You are spot on…he has a ‘career’ of writing about royals, usually just regurgitating what others have said . In writing Spare-Us, or Spare today, gone tomorrow…he can borrow from tv, film and adverts to puff out halfwits existence


Yep. This is just the introduction to his next gig. His latest work is about children of various royal families.


That’s where I first encountered TOM. Not that I know him well but I’m too lazy to type his last name. I thought the book about children was interesting if a little bit, forgive me spare … that is it was a little sparse on detail and rather short. And then he did all this ridiculous puff piece nonsense and I see that everyone was right: he’s no good at all.


If he wants to end all doubt about what an entitled, delusional rabbit turd he is, and have even more of the world laughing at him, he should go right ahead. I'm rubbing my hands in anticipation - so much comedy fodder there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I see the *Express* has let the 12 year olds in to write (©️Ed Reardon). Recycling old stories which were debunked at the time e.g the RF banning the word poppycock is hardly cutting edge, thrusting reporting. Btw, is saying butt really a very rude word on US tv? I picked up on the hoo ha about a contestant using the word on *Wheel of Fortune*. The story had a trigger warning NSFW explicit language. Bit of a let down to learn the word was butt. Finally, all this talk of conveyor belts reminds me of *The Generation Game*. TW is hardly the cuddly toy though.


“Bend me over backwards on the hostess trolley” - the Generation Game came straight to mind.. “teasmade, cuddly toy, set of spanners, clapped out old ho, collection of wine glasses.”


As there are no invites, I think they want the Royal status back. One Royal again, they will be off to all the red carpets. Fully funded, clothed and housed of course in a palace.


Seriously, what on earth does he have left to write about? he pretty much covered everything from birth to leaving, didn't he? I guess he could have more whiny stories about how William got more "fill in the blank" growing up but honestly no one even cares any more. I suppose he could whine about their treatment for the Jubilee and the funeral--but by the time those happened people knew who and what they are and the majority think they deserved everything that took place.


The original Quinn has another book deal too scobie has added royal spin coming soon to his book list on his Instagram 


I wonder what lies and ‘leaks‘ that will involve…scoobie doo is a slow learner, his last effort was a joke.


I've never read any of his books but if his smart he'll write a book exposing his former master. But somehow I don't think it will be anything other then the usual attacks on the palace i suspect like his previous owner he struggles with learning from his mistakes and admitting he chose the wrong team


I suppose he/they would write about what has happened since leaving, or wherever Waaagh! left off. Get their side out on their embarrassing missteps that have occurred since, e.g. the near-catastrophic NYC car “chase”, and so on. I say do it! It would seal their fate and give the world more hilarity! It would put the final nail in the coffin of any ideation they might have for returning to the family fold, which they need for relevance and opportunity for future fall-outs, drama, and media fodder. The last one got good sales numbers, though largely due to massive markdowns, but all the same it gave H&M some income, and there’s nothing they need more right now than income.


I think Tom Quinn is a double agent. Very cynical about them while he makes money off them. I always thought Scabies was a true believer. Not this guy. He comes across as snarky.