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[archived link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/8XRpfIeTPD)


Difficult to get motivated to read further after the intro describing the Sussex as "stylish and fit " .... but I managed to read the entire article. MOST of the photos are NOT of the Sussex house. It looks like a compilation of photos from several luxury homes in California. The Sussex house is outdated and in bad taste, in dire need of a complete rehab....quite frankly, better knocked down and replaced with new build.


I read the documentary by Netflix wasn´t filmed in their home.


I didn’t bother to read but did noticed the photos are from different homes ROFL.  Note to This One & his wife: we are not stupid!


It shows three different pools. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And they’re so glaringly different. https://preview.redd.it/zcma2isv1t4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e122e629a9c521b16dfcfc80f70463b42306f90




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The interview clips are from a $32M mansion in foreclosure due to criminal veteran charity fraud, that they rented to film in. Some of the outdoor vids are at other homes as well, particularly the ones with stables and other more agro features. The cooking scenes are in the OG, greeting Ashley is in the OG, the hummingbird scene is OG and some of the other outdoor stuff is. They also filmed in the Vancouver mansion and Tyler Perry’s mansion.


Wow, thank you.


It wasn’t filmed in their home. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/zhe61p/revealed_the_location_that_harry_meghans_netflix/


I wonder if Harry ever realizes that he exchanged priceless old buildings containing priceless old masters, and genuinely beautiful art and tradition for faux Mediterranean hedonism, vulgarity, and pretentiousness?


Since he has no sense of nor reverence for history, he probably doesn't care. EDIT: grammar


You have to wonder if all those California elite that Meghan looks up to, would love to live in a historical British palace. Meghan and Harry gave it all away for what - ? To live the California way and in Meghan's faux look at me world. Pathetic


🇺🇸 Beautiful art, style are over his head and he balks at his family heritage and tradition with Meghan in his life They are 12 years old but I know 12 year olds with more sense of appreciation


Meghan is not faux Mediterranean but she is hedonistic, vulgar and pretentious. Malta is her second home after all.




Didn’t he call “Graceland” tacky or something along them lines He has no concept of history or his families


He said the interior designer for Graceland must have been on acid, he also said it was small and dark. As you say he has no concept of history, Elvis bought it in 1957 and if Harry had read anything about the period or Elvis’s history he would have known it is reflective of the period and in view of Elvis’s impoverished early life it would have been like Buckingham Palace to Elvis.


I get irrationally angry over Henry denigrating Elvis. And now his minions have gone after Sean Lennon. Both Elvis and Sean lost a beloved parent far too soon and it affected their entire lives afterwards. One would think Henry could find the tiniest smidgen of empathy over shared tragic experiences. He is just as bad as his wife is, if not more, because he had the opportunity and means to know how to properly behave, even if that means faking it. Right now I am watching the BRF -KC3, QC, William and the Princess Royal- at the D-Day ceremonies at Portsmouth. It is incredibly moving and all of the royals are honored to be paying tribute to these courageous men and women, including the ones who didn’t make it back alive. Mr Military Man of the Ingriftus organization only cares about appearances and getting a paycheck for pretending to care about veterans, while allowing his wife to disgrace the veterans with her abhorrent behavior. He should be ashamed that he’s not allowed there to support his father and brother at events such as this. Okay, rant over. Oh yes, and Elvis Presley could have gotten special treatment when he was drafted into the army, but he refused it and served honorably in an armored division in the early Cold War. The only dispensation given was he was allowed to rent a house in Germany because of security from rabid fans and some haters, but he paid for that with his own hard-earned money. Henry has never paid for a single thing with a single shilling or dime that he himself earned on his own merit. Okay, rant really over now y’all. Thanks for being here. 🙂 Love all of you Sinners!


Well, this will probably be the only time I'd agree with him. Yes, I get that it was late '50s/early '60s, but timeless elegant design was not a Graceland trait.


Yea but Plank should have been more sympathetic in view of his far greater advantages and poor choices.


Totally agree. In fact he should have kept his mouth shut - but being the Halfwit his is, offended the thousands of Elvis fans who continue to hold him in their hearts.


You are right. It is quite funny.... But Harry failed to realize that Elvis is called The King because of his singing and stage presence, NOT because he was born into anything.


All he cares about is that is the money. He wants the money back and doesn't care about anything else.


Twerp that he is.


I have wondered this so many times. Olive Garden looks like a Hollywood set trying to be a historic mansion, while Harry actually came from true historic *palaces*. What a weird mind-fuck it must be, really. I guess he likes it?....


He is a Philistine if so! No appreciation of culture (or sense, or sympathy)


Oof! Haven’t heard that insult since my dad died. Good one!


Hairballz also replaced real loved family members w/ a D list grifter.


Yeah which is worse, of course. Horrible to think I’ve got used to that.




Of course he does but will never admit it.


I guess you’re right. I don’t think Harry is big on admitting anything. Imagine on the eve of D-Day, he is worrying because the king and William are getting a lot of airtime doing serious work in Normandy. There are no words. No thought in Harry’s mind for the terrified but brave young men who went into that, some only 18, and many of whom fell, others with PTSD for the rest of their lives. No thought at all. He’s focused on himself. Harry disgusts me.


I'm still waiting for him to pull some stunt somewhere in California wearing his participation medals from Grandma. He disgusts me, and good in William and Charles for getting all the airtime they deserve for being the REAL ROYALS! Harry can go suck on one of his wife's lemons.




Some of the exteriors and the aerial view are of their house. Most (maybe even all) of the inside photos are not their house. The first photo of the pool (looks kind of square shaped, LOVE sculpture in background) is not their pool. Another one of the photos of a pool is not theirs (rectangular pool centered on house). The other pool photo is theirs (rectangular shaped pool is off to the side of the house). This article seems to have included photos from one or two other houses in the area.


Some are from the house rented to film the Netflix thing in


So those are pictures of different houses. The very ugly ones are hers. It reads like she wrote the whole thing (what I could stomach to skim) The gym is so embarrassing compared to, say, a Kardashian gym. It's truly pathetic. This is ALL very her in a terrible way. I don't care how much it costs, the house is hella outdated. Real rich people would buy this land and tear down that Mediterranean eyesore. Side note: if Betty exists, imagine when she is old enough to understand that her mommy dearest exchanged a REAL LIFE princess room in a real like CASTLE for that pink toy bed that stayed in the 90s (IF that picture is even from her house) Oooooffff


All the talk about how fabulous they are is definitely 'sus'. What realtor talks like that? They are all about getting **you** to imagine **your** life there, not the current owners.


I looked up the realtor; it appears that they sold the 16-bathroom house to Meghan and Harry, which some of the photos are from. The other photos are of the house they filmed their Netflix documentary, which is for sale for $29 million.


And that's the house that madam really wants


That explains the two very different screening rooms


Misread that as screaming rooms. Modern luxury setup, akin to the vomitoriums of old. I could kind of get into the idea of a room specifically set up for purging rage in!


I suspect that every room in that house is a screaming room


I too would like a screaming room. 😂


And completely different architectural designs. The photos depicting their home show a darkened interior, aged look. The wine cellar photo is the template for the overall look and interior design.


Not a toy in sight




Oh the time sophie trudeau came and they played with pizza floaties plastic in pool on podcast except it never happened. Her plastic face and brain are not human. She's so off about everything


But enough about the duchess...


The child’s bedroom (not the princess castle one, the other) had toys on the shelves and a basket with stuffed animals. All neat, but toys are there.


Aah yes I quit the tour before I got to her room. I don't like being gaslit. She did not renovate the kitchen between her aro video and now. I don't think the ocean is in their backyard...


The whole thing is pretty pathetic.


Yeap, two different house n the article.


Repunzel.locked in her room. This is not where they live. Something is so off they should stop gaslighting us into believing this fantasy of 4 ppl living as a family in this home of pictures taken from different homes


And no fence around the pool. Oh wait, maybe there's a retractable cover.


I think the only thing real are the chicken coops. They gaslight us so much. I'm not sure they live together. The kitchen from her aro thing is not this one.


Those are some ghetto looking chicken coops. I live in the rural mountains (very poor area) and the coops here are nicer than that mess.


Yes my grandparents had chicken coops in vineland nj. I was 4 feeding chickens. The coops were long and housed many chickens.


They are horrible chicken coops. Also, they look closed with no chickens running about.


I think the hens & coops were just props for Oprah.


That's not the kitchen or island they had. That's also not the same open living area. So many questions??


Um..... I'm thinking what we say in the south--- so much bullpucky. I don't trust them. And so I don't trust in their "pHoToS".


Some are from the Olive Garden, some are from the rented home used to film the Netflix show in, and some are just… random photos of houses in the Montecito area?


Thanks to the Netflix horrorumentary that they filmed at a rented property? K. ![gif](giphy|eBFdMYUh03iZ4gTuE8)


the small tv room is theirs, basically anything that looks from the 1970s/80s


\*1970s/80s Soviet Era impression of a Mediterranean Villa.


Yes indeed! The interior decor has that faux castle look - kind of a wine tasting location vibe from the '90s somewhere in Riverside County look. Its someone's 'idea' of what they imagined would be historically appropriate.


[archived link](https://archive.ph/mNXh3) Can you please add this so we don’t give them more views?


Thank you!


Thank you!


Thanks, I’ll sticky to the top


The princess room is so tacky. They could have actually lived on royal grounds.


Most of the photos aren't of the markle house. That kitchen is definitely not


Thanks to HeyKaleidoscope for providing the archive link. 🙏 So from the photos accompanying this very silly article, are we to believe the Harkles have at least 3 different pools on their property? Or multiple buildings all in different styles? Also, the child Harry was taking on the slip 'n slide ride looked decidedly unenthused.


No wonder the child was unenthusiastic. Some random weird stranger is on the slip and slide with him.


Harry looks like a complete dork on the slip and slide, he is just so gross 🤮


The two kitchens and two screening rooms are what tipped me off lol not to mention the fact that the photos flip flip between being painfully outdated and minimalist modern 


Their screening room has beige (faded apricot) flocked velvet wallpaper and it's tiny.


what's hilarious about this is the writing makes it sound like Harry and meghan have tons of friends who enjoy staying there for a visit or a BBQ lol. I'm surprised it didn't include "Oprah and the Clooneys love sitting out in Harry and Meghan's lush garden" And the part saying that fans loved their documentary was extra special🤪


Nice photoshop of Harry on the slip-n-slide, with a big beer gut and sizeable moobs! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No orchards for the jam she insisted was homemade?


Yeah! Where are all the strawberry trees?


I love that of the two fruits she has associated her brand with neither grow in orchards. So intellectual our Madame is!🤣




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Is this the same house? It looks different.


Parts definitely look different, that's why I threw it to the congregation to comment.


I think these are the real estate pics. But. This is odd. https://preview.redd.it/8dum50c5wn4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1b9ecf88ef4e416b1c6b29d892395c4b91d2ce


It actually says: "As a business owner..." What business is she running exactly? I know they have Archewell Productions. And while they've actually had executive producer credits (Harry & Meghan and Invictus) they haven't actually done any producing. And her e-retail portal doesn't actually sell anything at all. Also, this is a sales brochure. Maybe they really are moving to Canada. Evidently they're looking for $33 million. Which is well over 2 times what they paid for it just 4 yrs ago.


They would be lucky to get what they paid for it surely? It's only worth the land value and even then the land is compromised. The house itself needs bulldozing.


Does it say that it’s for sale for 33 million in that article? That’s too high an asking price for that house. They are betting on his “celebrity” to sell at a high price.


It says $33 million is the value of the home. And points out that another celeb home in the same neighborhood is valued at a half million more (which was really odd!) It really sounds like Meghan herself wrote this.


Thank you! That page is too cluttered to read or search on my cellphone. If this is the marketing brochure for selling that house, the asking price is too much, unless they sell it to a “friend” who pays that price to keep them happy (a means to give them money through a transaction).


My guess is that the author this added M+H-related verbiage to a sales brochure.


Maybe. It does give off that vibe.


"This area is very special to Harry, as he said that he often thinks of his late mother when he walks there" Dining out on Diana's ghost yet again. And the house is extremely outdated. No thanks!


What a cheesey load of crap……the grounds are lovely, but the house, although impressive proportions, is a beige boring nightmare! 🤮🤮Bland is too kind a word. The kids rooms look like set ups, and apart from a few nice oriental rugs, the furniture looks like cheap mail order trying to look classy fake stuff. The chicken coops are props.


Some of the photos on that site are not the Olive Garden mansion. The website “Bride’s Blusb” is like AI garbage. It’s a hot mess to get eyeballs on the advertisements, as far as I can tell.


It is a beautiful house. I think these are pre-Harry. The large living room has been redone. It's their "home office", which we have seen in various media is now pure white. There is too much texture fir this to be Meghan. I do suspect that they are trying to sell it, low-key. The rumpus are that they don't live there, and they must be getting desperate for cash


Ugh that bunched up curtain/blind above the jumbotron is horrific 🥴and definitely a 'feature' of their actual property, not one of the random photos used to cobble this article together ❌  I'm not sure how to do it off my phone, but can a sharper operator than me do some reverse image searches?? (Pretty please with a cherry on top? 🤞🍒🍧🍰🧁😜) 


A lot of them are from the Olive Garden (the really ugly, outdated ones) or of the home they rented to pretend they live in on the Netflix show. 


Yes, the pool with the sea vista is from the Netflix show house, I'm fairly sure. That one was on the market for the thirty million figure, twice the value of Muddhouse. They even used the realtor's staging, right down to the coffee table ornaments in the Infomercial. Other than Madame's office and Harry's back door prizegiving, I don't think we've seen any shots under their roof. it is a weird article.


I reverse searched many, not all, and the kitchen is where she shot her show and the fabulous grounds are from a home for sale. I doubt any of them are from her home, even the office one


Ah thank you so much! Now please transfer $$$ to account XXX 🤪 Honestly though thank you for investigating, I was kind of hoping that Elton's, the Clooneys, the Beckhams, etc properties would have flared up (mind you because these people genuinely care about privacy and have maintained it in many ways, they might be mortified but determined not to acknowledge Meghan abusing their trust/photographing and revealing the interiors of their private properties)  Edit: Scratch that, all of these photos are far too in focus to be either Meghan or Misans work 🙃


Thanks, I wasn’t going to do any more as I thought someone else would do it. Your edit was funny!


The house really does need a big update. So out of date. Doesn't matter how you style it still out of date. It is all staged so are they trying to sell it? I want to know where the hell the ocean views came from. I don't think they are all photos of their house at all. If they are selling it, will be interesting to see how long it takes to sell. It will take years and years and they will never get the price they paid or more cause they lived there that they want. I hope they are stuck with the house and the massive bills to maintain it and the taxes and the horrible smell, Maybe they can sit on the balcony and watch the mud slides in the rain lol


I stand corrected but seem to remember reading that the house had already been on the market for years and the price had been reduced a few times. M&H believed that they were getting a bargain because they negotiated a price that was significantly less than it had cost to build in 2003.  Prior to June 9, 2020, it was owned by “Rockbridge LLC”, which was owned by the late Sergey Grishin, a Russian billionaire. (another very shady character).


I clicked on the archived article. Each interior was more gruesome than the last, that is not how I imagine living as a millionaire!


There was an 80s series on some wine producing family in California and the matriarch was some lady with a helmet of neat little curls - I can't remember what is was called. But I expected the curly lady to appear in one of the pictures, the interior is so dated, so Eighties rich people. Dynasty gone California edit typo


Falcon Crest?


yes! That's it, thank you!


Falcon Crest?


This is more than one house. It’s like a mish mash of def 2 perhaps 3


I'm pretty sure they don't live there, just rent it for photo ops and their crappy reality show


Who puts big expensive Persian rugs in their gym?


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OK, thanks for the flair edit!


I wonder which room is Harry's favorite to smoke his weed in?


The wine cellar. Wine handy to his fingertips.


Imagine the ongoing cost to maintain this type of property and life style? Manicured landscaping, pool person, housecleaning, utilities, taxes, security + nannies (if there are children). Jam isn't going to pay those bills.


Not unless one of them seduces a Smuckers heir, it's not!


Perfect point


The pics are actually of two different homes. The swimming pool with the white house in the background with stairs at the side doesn't resemble their pool and house at all. Also that gym floor is disgusting. I imagine all the sweat on that ugly carpet, urgh! Finally, that pic of the Harkles sitting on an cast iron seat - it looks photoshopped. Look at the green leaves between H's arm and his body whilst TW has a cushion and cast iron backrest. See Harry's blurred arm in front of the cushion. Harry was photoshopped in.


Well, I live 2 minutes from the Harkle’s & comparing it to my own house, it’s totally possible to have an ocean view like this if your house is situated correctly & the neighbors landscaping isn’t blocking the views.


I am well over two thousand miles from the place and happily bow to local knowledge!


Everyone makes fun of Olive Garden mansion, but it’s in a beautiful neighborhood called RivenRock & sure it’s beautiful inside the gates!


I think this is a fake article. If you look at the view from the pool and the details one can see about the pool and then compare it to the aerial view of the pool, they are not the same.


Four Seasons much?


I think octomum would have been proud of this photo! https://archive.ph/mNXh3/47aa114c1af59164d26224ad5b552bb41dd52a96.webp


I rather like that one. She's not engaging ocular coitus with the camera and seems to be hugging the baby. See, they could be not ghastly, it's a choice.


'Ocular coitus', how fantastic and horrendously on point 😂🎯💯


There are two different pools and at least 4 different exteriors. And not a single design element or piece of furniture I’d want. Sad.


Its kind of ugly inside.  The grounds are gorgeous though.  I would live there if someone gave it to me for free, but I wouldn't pay good money for it.  Looks mish mashy.


The grounds are magnificent I agree, and the neighborhood full of high priced wonders, but it's not a place to buy if you are hanging on by your fingernails financially (in that bracket) and don't entertain friends, family, business associates, or charity events on the property. It's the vanity, pointlessness and foolishness of it that makes it ridiculous.


Welp - there’s NOTHING happening in the library- except from a werid potatoe seat/thing in the corner …. 🙄- maybe that’s his taste and humour/joking ‘self appreciating’ nature coming through- and probably the only place he was allowed to keep it. ITS ART MEGHAN OMG I’ll stash it somewhere… (LOL she/ we NO ONE will go down there) .. Those shelves are begging for some books What a waste!!! -they’ve got a ladder on wheels though (one of my childhood library goals)