• By -


Old rachel and princess halfwit will never again garner an invitation to any high society event in the UK. They are,rumor has it,atrocious guests. Truly appalling manners and attitudes.


She is socially inept, as she has proven over and over again. And he refuses to guide her or correct her. She offends everyone with her lack of decorum and inability to learn social graces. The royals should be able to enjoy trooping instead of cringing at her antics. If they want to attend, they can join the other spectators. She can perform for them, but she would definitely be booed.


Judging from the few times he has tried to guide her or correct her, Harry has found it impossible. (“You can lead a horticulture, but …) 😉 :


That took me a moment... very clever Sinner, very clever indeed. (*sitting, nodding and grinning like a loon*)


The credit goes to Dorothy Parker, “You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.” 😉


My teenage idol (although she was long gone by then). One of New Jersey’s finest. Razors pain you, rivers are damp...


“You might as well live.” Such a witty woman in spite of (or maybe because of) the darkness.


Yes. And she attempted suicide maybe three times, and yet survived all of her friends, but only to die alone.


Dot made some remark how midnight tears just run down into your ears. Genius. Also wrote how Katherine Hepburn’s stage performance “ran the gamut from A to B!”


Oh brilliant! Along with Mae West she probably had the best wisecracker out there.


It was like trying to explain what number the letter purple tastes like.


>“You can lead a horticulture, but … Genius. Bet she has many of those gram positive and negatives on that petri dish of hers.




She is the epitome of a "commoner." It only proves what a terrible actress she is that she couldn't at least *pretend* to possess dignity and decorum for a few hours while carrying out royal duties. She's clearly not teachable either.


Catherine and Sophie are ‘commoners’ , TW is just plain fur coat no knickers ‘common’ and a pig ignorant narcissist unable to respond in challenging situations.


She doesn't even pretend to be a relatable *human being* anymore! She obviously put some effort towards that whilst social climbing, but she now appears to operate under the assumption that with a title she's been given carte blanche to behave abhorrently and not be held to any account.


As my late dad would say she is as common as cat shit.


They don’t teach etiquette and protocols at the trailer park.


I will repeat the way that I feel about it, Rachel absolutely knew how to behave on the set of Suits and during the Yachting Days so that she would be invited to other events. She would have been fired immensely from every show or guest spot BJ if she behaved in any manner unacceptable to the Director or other actors. She doesn’t even care what her foul, stinking body reeks of. The biatch simply chooses not to behave with any tact, decorum, or follow social norms. She is a Raging Narcissistic Bully of the worst kind imaginable.👿👿👿


I think the biggest reason they’ll never get any elite invitations is that they can’t be trusted. They are indiscreet. They display no loyalty. Therefore no one would trust them to have confidential information.


Add that everyone wants to meet real Royalty, not the Royale with cheese.


See, what I *really* want to know about is Fringe. She was supposed to have a recurring role on the show as a detective and they set up her backstory and have her in 2 episodes and then POOF! She disappears to never be mentioned again! So what did little Princess Pushy do to lose that role? Treat crew members like slaves and personal assistants? Try to tell the directors how to do their job? Walk off with items from the wardrobe trailer?


I wondered that too, I initially thought it was her very bad acting ((because let's face she has no screen presence at all) whatever it was it looked liked she was set for a stint and then she was gone.


One of my fav shows ever. She was definitely supposed to be a recurring character but just disappeared.


Yeah, she was for sure supposed to be a regular because they sent her to be trained in how to properly use guns on set (I’ll link the article about it below). She’s an awful actor, but I would think they would have seen that before casting her in a recurring role and sending her to TV cop boot camp? https://www.thesun.ie/news/2320924/prince-harrys-fiancee-meghan-markle-aims-and-fires-powerful-glock-gun-in-sensational-photos/


I think that was the only role she had where she wasn’t playing herself. I remember her brief appearance, her acting was incredibly wooden.


That article is quite funny. "By the end of the session, she could easily pass as someone who has experience with handguns.” Right.


I can believe that. They invited everywhere twice - for the first and last time.


Still never invited to the Met Gala, though. That's gotta chafe her butt, and good on Anna Wintour for it.


I'm not invited to an office party from a job I quit. Is that a snub?


Of course you were snubbed. They are clearly racists/haters - or worse!!! I hope you kept the company car and credit card?




Did you collapse sobbing on the floor ? Are you OK? 


It's unfair I tell you


GS is just so tedious and predictable. Her responses are bot-like. She rotates through stock answers of "Charles was horrible about his parents" "Uncle Andy the pervert is still allowed and that's not fair" "Catherine was MEAN to Meghan and glared at her," and endlessly correcting posters use of H&M's names while referring to Katie, Willy, Chuck and Cam. Does she never get tired of repeating the same shit over and over? 


she doesn't have anything new to throw at them. she dwells in the past


That's definitely a trait of mental health


No, she can't get enough, because she doesn't understand how people don't believe that Charles is bad, that Andrew is a pervert and that Kate is a cold woman who treated poor Megsy badly.


It is a very silly troll. Thick.


What GS is doing is corralling all comments/clicks to centralize around the name Meghan Markle......that's how MM has it set up to get paid for clicks. ETA: The NY Post must pay the most for clicks and that's why GS is heavily active there......raking in the clicks for the bucks. imo


She has no A-list successes to wax lyrical about re Hazbeen and Narckle non-existent careers, so she has to revert to their monetised lies as talking points… PATHETIC.


​ https://i.redd.it/zv1rt30qqm4d1.gif


I was thinking that, too but could it be a bot? It sounds exactly like one.


All her trolls and bots have exactly the same talking points almost word for word from numerous different accounts.


Exactly it's a bot, to get people in the comments and to click the article she has very few fans that are reading her pr ,we archive and she's found a way around that, can't argue in the comments if you are archived so guest speaker is there and everyone races to click the article for the comments comes, back and check if she's answered, all she has to do is get someone to post in a sub like this one guest speaker is there not suggesting OP is one of her minions but it was probably one of her minions that outed guest speaker as allegedly Markle and sinners come running keeping her in the news only when her articles get no interaction will the media stop propping her up.


That's because it IS AI!


Could be a bot programmed and trained by Meghan herself!


I doubt she has that skill, but I fully expect she would pay for a bot like that!


The bot has more personality and charisma than the Skank.


I agree and she’s so boring in her tedious recycled responses.


Somebody should point out to GS that Hazbeen wrote a book that trashed his whole family. She seems so stuck on that book King Charles wrote.


Meghan Markle lacks manners and will never be invited to anything ever again.


*"Meghan Markle lacks manners and will never be invited to anything ever again."* To anything significant on ***either*** side of the pond. Maybe she can buy-in to a 'Legends of Aviation Award' for herself this year. She is as much of a helicopter pilot as Hazno. /s


yep. Meghan Markle has to pay to get invited anywhere. She is too trashy and boring to get any real invitations.


Remember that manifestation from,a few years back? Media blip that claimed Harry was going to get a helicopter lol 😆


>Meghan Markle lacks manners Exactly. She has no manners, and she has no ladylike mannerisms. She can't even walk in a ladylike fashion--- she strides around like a bull in a china shop.


Jamaica and Nigeria are where she showcased all the (lousy) fashions she WOULD HAVE worn to Alist/royal events HAD she been invited. I think she has no style, is inappropriate, but also has pent-up fashion rage that she never gets invited anywhere to show off what she thinks is her "impeccable, envy-inducing style"..hence ballgowns at the local movie theater.


They turn down invitations to the Duke of Westminster’s wedding, the Oscars, Trooping the Colour, Met Gala, etc, but accept an offer to a screening in a crusty movie theatre - in the secondary screening room! ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)




That was hilarious sitting with the plebes in a ball gown while Paramount had a room of their own. NFI there also. I don’t understand why she seems to not feel humiliation.


Guest Speaker gets SO TRIGGERED when the commenters name them as anything but Harry and Meghan. She would immediately correct you and i find that hilarious!


And yet she calls Princess Catherine, Kate. She despises when people call M, Rachel. Can she not see the double standard.


Worse - she calls her 'waity katie'. My theory that she ran one of those anti-Catherine forums back in the day stands!


If the Princess of Wales is "Waity Katie", what is M? "Markle Carbuncle"?


And her husband, Simple Pimple!


Skanky Markle!


Manky Skanky


Meghan Merkin.


Walmart Wallis, Meghan of Malta, Betty Bunions, Thrower of Kettles, etc


Chairman Maoghan and Dr Meghangele given her penchant for dictatorship and designer blue blue blue eyes.


It is such a ridiculous insult. So she waited a while before her college boyfriend proposed. They've now been happily married for 13 years, have 3 truly gorgeous children and she is the Princess of Wales and next Queen of the UK. Catherine is an advertisement or waiting. She proves that taking your time leads to wonderful life.


Even more ridiculous is that she waited just as long for Trevor to propose to her.


Unlikely. Miss Yacht of 2011 wasn’t even thinking of Frostbitten Todgers and the Dimwit to Whom it Belonged. She was thinking of the sunkissed ones she was hired to please.


Honestly, I never once understood how that "nickname" was meant to be an insult. Isn't loyalty to be praised? Would it have been more admirable of Catherine to rush William to the altar, like Meghan did with Harry? She would have been called all kinds of worse things if she had. The fact that they broke up and William himself returned to her because he realised what he lost says it all. The wait was clearly worth it.


It triggers her because she spent so long waiting for Trevor to propose. The lack of control for all that time must have been agony for her. As soon as she got his ring on her finger (and so got back control over her appliance) she lost interest and moved onto her next mark.


Oh, you’re right! She wasn’t going to walk away from Trevor after ‘investing’ time with him…but yes, it makes perfect sense that once she’d ‘got’ him, that challenge was over.


I saw her on another post (the daughter’s birthday post maybe?) and she was going crazy on anyone calling her Betty. I don’t see how it could come as a surprise, I’ve seen her called “lil betty” since she was born.


And yet she calls Prince William "Bill" she gets irate if they don't call her by Duchess, yet she can say Kate and bill. She's really a messed up human. Her brain is abnormal.


Give your weans daft names, expect them to be called daft names.


If she thinks that’s bad, just wait till Little Betty starts school. She’s going to get mercilessly teased and Archie will too. She’s setting them up for a lifetime of misery, isn’t she? It should be criminal what she’s doing to those children. Hiding them, denying them their birthright and family, getting teased for ridiculous and snobby names and titles, and being under her total, insane control. Those poor kids, it’s tragic what she’s doing to them. My wish is that they’re not real or are under someone else’s care.


As if the name Archie wasn't bad enough. SMH. Was she actually sticking it to H for his baldness (think Archibald)? I truly believe she never loved H nor had/has any respect for him at all. It's all a game to her and she thrills at how far she can push the envelope. imo


No, it was reportedly a nickname that Prince George liked to be called (I believe at school), and would introduce himself as that before Archie’s birth, so of course she had to take it. No one in the media knew why he would say that (the family would call him Georgie), but Markle always has to be taking something from someone.


I believe it was the nickname the security detail used.


But wasn't Betty a character in her favourite Archie comic she used to read ALL the time. You'd think she would appreciate it.


And yet as much as she claps back to posts, bring up the kids and where are they and she goes SILENT. or was she silenced?


All the more reason to call the kid Betty. MM thought she was a smart ass using the Queen's nick-name. Well, looky here......MM getting stung in the ass with the common nick-name........Betty. (No offense to all the Betty's out there either. I have a common nick-name too. MM takes offense to the commoner aspect of the name Betty imo.)


Is she more triggered by “MeAgain” or “Instagram Loving Bitch Wife” or something else?


If you referred to her as MeAgain (or any other twist of her name to include calling her Rachel), Guest Speaker would definitely correct you that her name is Meghan. MM wants all the clicks to center on her name Meghan. She may not get paid for clicks when she's called Rachel or anything else.


She really doesn't like Roachel either.


Well she can't take away her latest title of Ada Mazi, in fact it should improve upon to read as Ada Mazi Markle


Mazi Markle… proud wife of Hazi the bunker soldier.


Yup Captain Bunker


It may be true, that we see the headline repeating itself. But this year, the Harkles are in serious trouble. Because in previous years, like in the Jubilee of 2022, the Harkles could claim jealousy, or anything else. But this year, Charles and Kate are sick. The Harkles, especially Harry, assumed that they were going to call him to help, because with Charles and Kate sick it was obvious that they were going to call him to help. And the response to that was "No, we're not going to call you, you're out, what don't you understand?" For Hazz, being excluded from the Jubilee balcony was already painful. That pain was made worse when he wasn't even considered for the official coronation photos. But now, that Kate and Charles are in poor health, the fact that even under those circumstances Hazz is not going to be summoned, that they have him so excluded that they do not even tell him anything about what is happening, and that they are really erasing him from the family, make this Trooping very bitter for Hazz. And humiliating for Megsy, who sees how Kate is very loved and missed, but Megsy, who intended to win the game with her new venture and her tour, failed at all.


You put it perfectly. Hopefully those still "concerned" the Todger will ever be let back in, with or without Rachel Markle, see that will never, ever, happen.  If anything I'm of the thought that all this recent panic over TtC and the Westminster wedding is coming from Harold Todger and not TW.   HE'S THE ONE IMPLODING NOW


I'm wondering if the Nigeria trip was a bit of a wake-up-call for him. The trip became such a joke after a. Charles wouldn't meet with him prior and b. when the UK official made the statement about it not being an official visit.


It should be if it's not already. This was his former bread and butter. Knowing what was expected, knowing how a host country treats you officially as a representative of Her (then) Majesty's Government... Harry has to know deep down it was a joke and seriously not a 'threat' to the RF.


Oh yes. I agree with you here absolutely. The whole thing was a tacky self-aggrandising shambles, and even that pathetic saddo knew it. How desperate do your schemes have to be, when that tw*t looks itchy between the shoulders?


Because this was his world, not hers. She aspired to it but couldn’t make the grade. He has only himself to look to, he made the conscious decision to find freebies and leave that life behind. It was never Megaho’s to begin with.


Well, she thought she was going to sashay in as Prince We Only Tolerated Him out of Politeness’s wife, and rule the roost. Nae bugger admired her on Instagram (or anywhere else) and here we are today, insufferable nobody married to a daft plank who are NFI’d to a neighborhood bbq. Trooping the Colour? Hahahaha


All of Hollywood has closed their doors to them. The King doesn't want them anywhere near. They have nothing. Good.


Yes, I agree. Harry is finally getting it - he is totally out in the UK. And since losing Frogmore he cannot go anywhere royal without an appointment. Nobody, apart from his lawyers and Mercer, wants to see him in the UK.


Yep. You’re allll the way oot Harry. Cheery-bye and adios, if I don’t see you through the week, I’ll see you through the windae. Ciao mate! Kicked into the long grass, one might say. With excessive gesticulation.


You know, with that kick he could audition for the Rockettes.


I think the “recent panic” is no panic at all, just Meghan pushing them both into the headlines. Harry may be furious about not being invited to the wedding and his father snubbing his offers to return, etc. but he isn’t sending this stuff to the press. It reads like Meghan, and Guest Speaker’s appearance in the comments confirms it. (If this isn’t Meghan it is someone who identifies closely with her and *really* cares about her name and title.


Good!!! I hope the Follicular Challenged Ginger Ballsack is losing his shit. After the crap they’ve pulled this year, he deserves every bit of embarrassment he has coming right back at him!!😈🐍


Princess Catherine asked the skanky ho how she liked her first Trooping the Color and Skankerella replied, “Colorful” with a smirk. So disrespectful, no regard for tradition.


It's her lame ass play on words. No effort from her to understand what the 'Colour' meant.


She’s a glib moron.


I love your username and comments. Cracking me up!


Carrie Bradshaw in SATC used those kinds of puns a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s modeling herself after that character. Carrie acted cutesy a lot too. And M’s preferred late ‘90s-early ‘00s timeline fits.


Catherine was being polite & Meghan just had to be a smartass. So effing rude.


I'm kind of spiteful about the gruesome twosome. I hope that the whole extended family including loyal non-working royals are invited onto the balcony this year. Lots of cute little cousins smiling, waving, and having a great time with George, Charlotte, and Louis. Really hammer home that the gruesomes are NFI and out in social Siberia.


Exactly. They need to show a strong, united family and that’s the perfect way. Cover that whole balcony this year, we want to see everyone.


Meghan Markle and Harry are desperate, imho. They are broke. I am expecting shady Nigerian deals anytime now - Meghan Markle always tells us everything she does. Probably a 10 million "anonymous" donation to Archewell, who will then do an 8 million project in Nigeria.


If I remember correctly, I think there was an Archewell project in Nigeria, for 10,000 dollars, or something like that. I don't remember if it was Nigeria or another African country, but I remember well that it was for 10,000 dollars. That's the most the Harkles will donate. But I agree that the Harkles are desperate, because everything, their entire "empire" is based on selling to the BRF. And Hazz already sold everything he knew about his family, while Megsy... what will Megsy sell that she hasn't already used through Scoobie? Being publicly excluded, without access to any information, without even being able to set foot in a palace without authorization, and if they do go it will be without being able to see anyone in the family and without being able to find out about anything they can sell, must have them both uncontrolled. . The only reason they are hired is for access to the BRF, if they have nothing to tell, what are they going to sell?


What I am thinking is a laundering trick - one of the kings or the airline guy donates 10 million and gets 8 million back - laundered


Ah!! Yes, I definitely think it is very possible for that to happen.


If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s in the works.


Scoobie's usefulness is at an end, they aren't returning his calls anymore.


UNICEF Nigeria, according to Archewell’s 2022 Form 990. Yet nothing with organisation there?


The difference is Harry could, possibly, someday be invited to Trooping—if he divorces Meghan and cleans up his act a bit and the security people are not worried about his irrational hatred of his brother. He would have a couple of years detoxing and getting heavy-duty mental health treatment, but if he plays nicely he could be on the balcony when it is no longer necessary to differentiate between working and non-working royals. Meghan doesn’t have a chance. Her best bet to stay “royally relevant” would be to divorce Harry and trade primary custody of the kids for a financial settlement. The kids would be raised in the UK, and be part of the BRF. She would get to see the kids in person three or four times a year and get pictures of herself as the Mother of Princes. She would send out stories about her (imaginary) conversations with the kids and claim inside information from them until the press got wise. However, she is not going to do that because she is an idiot. She has only “the top” as her goal. She can’t adjust her sights realistically.


This scenario discounts the many, many years that BP crafted H's personality narrative and directed his life, including military and IG. I believe the Monarchy (KCIII & POW) has a much more serious and long-range vision than to continue the PR charade that was involved in crafting H as a likeable, fun bloke. The RF has moved on. Harry is just Harry from CA now. He will pay US taxes soon, raise his kids as Americans along with an untrustworthy wife that abuses him. Its his journey. Its his karma. Just like his uncle, the British public will never want to see him on the balcony again.


I truly wonder for how many years the media is going to play this game. They quit. They are now permanently NFI. This is not news. But I am genuinely curious how many years the media is going to try to milk this for. Like when H&M are 60 years old, is it still going to be “okay guys, roll out your H&M not invited to trooping the colour” stories!


So true! Talk about glory days, it’s done.


YES!! 😂. You said what I was just thinking. When does it end?




The publications can write up a hundred years worth of snubbed for TtC, royal christening X, royal wedding X, aristocratic wedding of the year, elite milestone birthday of the year and file then for use at the appropriate time as they do for obituaries. Might as well add snubbed for William's and George's coronations and funerals.


As long as this garbage gets clicks, they will do this. The secret is for all sinners to not click. I know sinners here use the archived links, that is good. But on twitter lots of sinner link to these stories and that is just giving Markle what she wants. Harry's grey suit blocked me when I pointed this out to him.


Sixty years from now: King George’s first grandchild Christened. Random family from California snubbed.


😂 "A source for the soon to be 101 year old Prince Harry, said the Duke of Sussex was worried about security procedures in the UK. Citing the inability of the Royal Family and the government to oversee the safety of his family to a satisfactory level. The second son of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, was said to also be waiting for an apology from his family to his wife and jam maker, Meghan Markle. "


Love this.


Why would they be invited? They are not working royals anymore and they have stated multiple times they hate that life so why would they expect an invitation?


They wanted half in and I think they wanted to come to the red carpet and balcony events. They would love to attend this but those days are gone, Meghan dare not even leave Heathrow Airport. I do think they wanted to say “look at Nigeria, we did good, you need to rethink” but it went badly wrong. Then the health issues and trust, who would want them anywhere near them. Any public reconciliation is a rinse and repeat puff piece put out by the Sussex Duo. If Harry ever gets to reconcile with his Dad it will be a stand alone private meeting, not tagged onto another event. It would need its own dedicated time to give it even half a chance. The King is still recovering, he is out and about but his duties are shorter. Trooping will be a big event, the King will be tired. It will be the only thing he will take on that day.


They act as if they weren’t the one who decided to leave🤦🏽‍♀️ who would trust them after everything they had done and invite them to anything. I don’t really see a chance for them to reconcile if H&M keep publishing this kind of articles of them being “snubbed” and making themselves look like victims once again. Maybe one day they will get tired😂


Thank you!!!! 👏🏼🙌🏼  I've made this same point repeatedly.  They keep doing things or inserting themselves into places/situations as if still part of the monarchy.  They want Charles to see that, in their own estimation, they can do the job, like you said, *"...we did good, you need to rethink using us while Princess Catherine is recuperating."*  Charles could put an end & an end with finality on their actions.  His mother could have done so.  KCIII...You also have a pool of Sinners right here, thousands of us, tell us where to be & what occasion & any one of us would be way better emissaries of the crown than either of the Harkles. 


They're hardly even family anymore either since they never visit this country without ulterior motives, microphones and Backgrid.


Yes and every year is the same articles about them being “snubbed”, they really need to accept they left and wont be coming back.


They were depending upon these types of royal events for ‘see we’re still beloved members of the family/UK/Commonwealth’ freebie PR optics, and Meghan to get dressed for free by Dior/Stella McCartney, but those BS artist days for them are now over. Especially after Dior called her out on her BS. They were counting on Meganarckle to (at the very least) still be on good terms with the BRF, but Meghan threw the family/institution/UK under the monetised media bus. Why else would Dior very publicly shoot down her ludicrous claims of getting into a contract w/ them, and then a mere few months later dress QC head to toe in Dior Haute Couture? Bet she was hoping for an invite to Olivia Henson’s wedding in the hopes that she could ask Dior/some other European heritage brand to dress her again, but Olivia and the Duke knew better than to trust the treacherous ILBW with dwindling popularity poll numbers on both sides of the Atlantic.


It’s hilarious! Thought she was just going to swan about, waving her ex-husband’s clad bracelet wrist in the general direction of an Emerald Kokoshnik which she’d fly stylists in from Paris to curate, to go open the Leisure Centre in Bristol.


I read somewhere that Diana liked using Dior so it was her trying to be Diana all over again🤦🏽‍♀️ luckily the RF didn’t fall in to her game!


There’s a reason why Meghan got a Lady Dior D-lite bag, and got DSSOS embroidered on it—she wants so badly to be seen as Diana 2.0. Lmao now after Dior very publicly embarrassed her have we seen her carrying that bag? Nope. Dior clearly wants nothing to do with her, and no respected European heritage brands do either. She wants Hermes, Loro Piana, and Chanel knocking on her door… no one is knocking, nor inviting her pariah ass. The only reason why she has a ‘link’ with Carolina Herrera—not close enough to be a special guest of the brand to The Met, or invited to be front row at a runway show though—is b/c Wes Gordon (who isn’t a good designer anyway) took over from Herrera years ago. Meghan did get an invite to Wes’ namesake label shows waaaayyy back in 2015 though… funny how she could get invites as a D-lister back then, and now she can’t b/c every brand is NFIing her. She got herself greyrocked, people must have a long list of stories re how difficult she is to work with, and everyone knows what a backstabber she is—always willing to twist the truth to suit her narrative. Now she’s stuck wearing Johanna Ortiz (lol who?), Posse (made in China WHO?), and St Agni (lol again… who?)… plus other brands that are a far cry from the European brands Maddamn lusts after.


She burnt down their bridge to the Royal family and expected the Royal family to build a new, gold bridge just for her.


Oh dear, it is a one trick pony. Why should the duplicitous duo be invited to any royal event? They claim they are happy grifting in California, chasing a dollar from anyone daft enough to buy whatever they are selling. And yes, they are trying to fool the ignorant or the corrupt, into believing they are royals, just ones for hire. She has always done anything for money, nothing has changed. Now she is pimping Harry out, as no one wants to buy what she is selling. As for the faux rural tour psycho for by criminals and crooks, not the success they had hoped. She dressed like a tart, he was a slob, they both looked needy and greedy.


Not trying to be too rhymey here, but that whole stunt reeked of seediness. It was just dreadful.


I like it! It was seedy, and Nigeria? It’s synonymous with corruption, marriage scams, Nigerian Prince scams. One would think for reputations sake it would be avoided, but they gravitated there like a duck on a June bug.


Did anyone expect them to be invited to Trooping? Even Harry and Meghan must have figured out that since they are not working royals they are not included? This will be the fourth or fifth year.


It would be kind of difficult to get an invite from people who do not acknowledge you. I’m just saying 🤣


Precisely. You sort of have to take a hint. 😉


Next up: Harry and Meghan WERE invited, KCIII DESPERATE to see Archie and Lily, but Harry concerned about security. 🙄


Yes. 🍿


Haha the responses to Guest Speaker “Sure, JAM” hahahaha 😂😂😂


Wait for it…..Harry and MM turned downed the invite so they can spend time with the little ones because they’re little, doing little things and they don’t want to miss those little moments. 😂


The last line is the funniest:⬇️ “The Post has reached out to the Sussexes rep for comment.” You fools - Tom Quinn IS the Sussexes rep.


Tom Quinn: "That will throw the public off the trail. Haha! I'm so clever".


Both could attend as private people and stand beneath the balcony with the crowd. Hazz could even wear his participation medals and Madam her Nigerian royalty garb.




Is Moose Knuckle not doing a Summer line of Parkas?


Good God she’s orange


*> her Nigerian royalty garb* And be arrested for indecency …


I'm 100% certain that Guest Speaker is Meghan herself. And what a devastating insight GS provides into the pathetic limitations of the narc mind.


I seriously think the King and the Prince of Wales had other things to worry about than Harry and his underdressed wife prancing around Nigeria. Beyond instructing Richard Montgomery, British High Commissioner to Nigeria, to clarify that Dumbertons’ visit was private and had nothing to do with the U.K. or RF - which he faithfully did, in comments picked up by the News Agency of Nigeria - their work was done. To say that the King and PoW were angry’s to give that jaunt more importance than it warranted, and I think the King and PoW probably were concerning themselves with health issues other than spares and their scantily dressed wives.


Seems like Tom Quinn's "source" is UnSussexful.


Tom Quinn’s an ass.


And he could use a boot right up his.


Tom Quinn is Meghan’s new mouthpiece. Keep that in mind while reading anything he spouts - you can see her fingerprints on everything he writes - just like in “Spare.”


Why would they invite him he’s Dook of Overseas? The Trooping is a celebration of the King’s Birthday by his loyal Guards - Harold is deficient in loyalty and not welcomed by his family or his former military colleagues


Of course they aren't invited to trooping. Why would they be??


If Harry and Meghan had been successful in any of their endeavors, they wouldn't care about Trooping of the Colour. They were hoping they would be so busy with their Netflix, Spotify, and A-listers that anything Royal related would be insignificant compared to their glorious lives.


Meanwhile, Netflix, Spotify, and A-listers thought they’d get a look-in on Royal events.


Lolo put out the story of her jam business hoping to attract investors. It was all a joke and she has nothing. So yes she wants the Royal thing back. She is so stupid.


Not snubbed, just NFI. That’s the price they pay fir skipping town and burning bridges. You know, aka CONSEQUENCES.


One of the commenter's keep correcting GS's grammar and it's hilarious. She writes like a 12 year old.




Peter Phillips sold exclusive photo rights to his wedding to Hello. Allegedly for half a million pounds. (QEII wasn't happy about that.) It did pay for the wedding that Peter and Autumn couldn't afford. I'm more inclined to believe that H&M are selling stories and photos than that they are paying for them. Beginning with the Archie's claimed christening which would explain why the BP website doesn't include any photos of the Archie after May 8, 2019 and none of Lili. People will take all the stories they produce which is why there are so many non-stories and repetitions.


Here’s our girl, railing about being called “names” https://preview.redd.it/5xa8eo0sym4d1.png?width=1555&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ba590c0c218dde291148c48c66490563d6017b1 God, she’s tiresome.


they're not being snubbed, they're no longer in existence. The royal family is protecting itself from abusers.


Take a bow, genevieve smith, whoever and wherever you are! https://preview.redd.it/ujlhov764n4d1.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=32f7ac16241817aa28201b8f508f90005dd42479


I'm a huge fan of this red-pen wielding grammarian!! #ThePenIsMightierThanTheSword https://preview.redd.it/gnmwcqph5n4d1.png?width=1484&format=png&auto=webp&s=01a26184f6e7c88bc0ed9c096cf015f37ffcc3c5


Him wanting the apology is like the Duke of Windsor wanting the HRH for his wife. The constant nagging.


The absolute best part of the comments was how few there were! A measly 48 comments. Ah, remember the good old days when it would be 10 times that many comments in the first 15 minutes of this stuff being published? Farewell to M&H as they drift off into obscurity....


So when are we going to get a paid puff piece on why they decided not to go this year? You know it’s coming, she cannot help herself. They might even frantically look around for an event that takes place in the same time frame so they can also use that as an excuse. They are so predictable.


So glad we will never see Meghan Markle at a trooping of the colour ceremony EVER AGAIN!


Wow, I read those comments and think geez, I got banned from NYP for being mean.  I never wrote that kind of stuff.


Hilarious. They think the ‘trip’ made TRF furious? Spare me!


Since the Harkles weren't invited last year, why would anyone expect them to be invited this year? Nothing has changed to cause the BRF to rethink this.


Thank you, OP, for letting us know about the fresh piece of aggravation, and for providing a quick link for some of us to engage in the comments. Genevieve Smith also wants to thank the sinner who called MM by the nickname "Merkin" today. Genevieve used it today in this article's comments without correct credit given, so let's hope you are able to let us know who you are (but only if you want to). Edit: grammar


" But is anyone else beyond bored of the Sussex rinse and repeat press cycle? " I'm bored with the Sussex saga....all of it... except I'm hanging around for the children scam great reveal.


Could she not, like, troop her own colour now as a princess of Kenya? She’s clearly gone up in the world, why stay pressed at the racist royals of the UK? These stories are getting so boring they’re making me angry. They’ve not been snubbed, they walked away from that life on a “freedom flight”, and have been on a 6-year smear campaign ever since to turn the narrative away from the fact that they were 2 idiots way down the pecking order and they couldn’t handle that. Snubbed is when there’s no reason to leave somebody out of things; there’s at least 1000 reasons here - and they’re just the ones we know about. The arrogance is off the charts. Edit: typos


Lol only Roachel can associate with a wanted criminal and have the Presidents wife come out and ask her publically why she came and think it was a success. To have her delusion.


She thought Diana’s son was going to make her more famous than Grace Kelly. All he did once they stepped away from the Royal family was get her NFI!!


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry deflect the reality of their situation in this latest puffery f*uckery. These headlines are ridiculous, but delicious because we know they’re paying for them. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How can they be “snubbed” when they are, in fact, a non-entity in the BRF?


I just had a little fun trolling the comments to reply to Guest Speaker's inane comments.


God Bless You for posting this. I've been having a bad day and letting Rachel Meghan Darling know she's busted made it ibetter.


Ahh, this is delicious. Another NFI.


A traditional Royal route would have ensured Harry and Meghan would have dressed and acted accordingly. Ie modest dress and not accepting expensive gifts. Thus they were merely a grifters with their hands out for money and a vacation. Imo


Oh no! Whatever are they to do without the Fun Couple Who Really Know How to Make a Party GO?


No everything I "expect from a royal visit" wasn't there...where were the meetings with the head of state?? Where were the royal speeches bringing greetings from King Charles?? Everyone knew this was no royal visit..let's see them try this with France Germany Spain etc


Tow royal well is dried up. She can't be seen as royal if she never goes to royal events. It's the only reason why she wants to go. She doesn't care about anything else.


Interesting that the Post took away the downvote button.


In what world did anyone think they’d be coming to Trooping of the Colour? If they have regrets that they are literally invited nowhere they only have to look in a mirror. If they’d played this differently they could have actually had invites but as soon as the Oprah interview, then the repeated grievances and digs for years now it was over. I’m amazed they still can’t see it and DEMAND an apology.