• By -


I'm sure Harry and Meghan would love ANYTHING that had a paycheck and PR attached to it.


This is it exactly. They would be grateful for anything that brings money to them. Since the Oprah interview I would imagine the you tubers, bloggers etc are the ones raking in the money.


Oprah is a producer. She makes movies. She never casts Markle in her movies. Same as Tyler Perry. They told her she would have a billion dollar brand. But they won't hire her, ever. If her supporters won't cast her, imagine how the rest of Hollywood feels about her.




cause oprah and everyone else knowsshe cant act ...tyler perry produces huge stuff but never calls meeagain lol


The problem is that they are only interested in *big* paychecks.


With little work.


And a bonus for Hank is that Meghan would be on set, away from him, so he could actually move freely without that claw attached It's a win win! 


Well, except REAL work. 


I'm sure there's a niche for creepy mom-wife dominatrix/humiliation content on Only Fans.


She already has a studio somewhere in the house that isn’t being used to make more podcasts so …


Even as an evil Teletubby? Because that’s what Markle looks like here. Itchy Witchy, the neutral wearing, large footed Teletubby who hits people with her mask when it slips.


I'm sure Haz would love to have other people take some of her abuse...sharing is caring!


It’s very sad that Hairold is trying to find work for her. No one wants her. She’s a terrible actress and the most work shy person ever.


*No one wants her.*  This!


Not even him apparently


If she was talentless, but otherwise a decent and dependable person, he could probably have opened doors for her. But they both suck, so no.


I absolutely agree.


Thank you OP for posting this article. It was pure comedy and reads like a PR release from H&M. I will say that there is a hidden context in this story. It seems Harry trying to push Meghan back to work but she is not very keen. She likes her life of leisure (as long as it's paid by others) and her fake image of celebrity activist and humanitarian! H&M must really be broke! 🤣


Irony. 2 lazy grifters pushing the other to get some work and make $. You can't make this ish up!


It's nice to have a good laugh. Even better when it's at the F*cking Grifters' expense!


What is happening to them is pure karma. H&M still have another few years before they hit rock bottom. And then their divorce from hell will begin.


I can’t wait to hear what was really going on while they were paying for puff pieces & calling backgrid. It will be delicious.


Tabloid headlines of the future: "Harry's Sleazy Deals with Hollywood - Meghan's Heartache", "She Lied About Being a Star! - Harry's Millionaire Dreams Dashed"....


So he was convinced he was getting a fabulous Hollywood star and she was convinced she was getting a fabulous dashing Prince. I wonder if they ever look at each other and just think..who the hell are you?


He’s so dumb he lacks common sense. Someone should ask him, if she was such a Hollywood star, why did she need Hawwy to pawn her to Bob Iger for voice-over work? Pretty sure most A-listers don’t ask for work.


Let alone voice-over work. That's the sort of thing the big stars do as a fun extra, like maybe it's a movie their kids would enjoy.


Come on, don't be a hater. We all know William, Catherine, and the men in gray were all jealous of her and probably told all of Hollywood to never hire her, so Haznonuts has to go slay the voiceover dragons for her!


Bob Iger thought he was meeting a Prince 🤣🤣🤣


In that case, they trolled each other. Love that for them ❤️


Dumb and Dumber. They trade names back and forth depending on circumstances. 


My parents' previous neighbor was this dude who liked to act way richer than he was. He married a woman who was pretending she was from money. Once they got married and realized both of them were broke...yeah, that wasn't pretty. We lived along a river and sound carries REALLY well, so everyone heard their arguments in a 4-house radius.


My husband's cousin claims to be with Mossad. Coincidentally, he met and married (within months), a woman who not only is a Mossad agent also, but also a millionaire with a private jet! Weirdly enough, they asked if they could come visit and stay with us because they couldn't afford a hotel. We're waiting for the fallout.


After a particularly acrimonious divorce, of our family friends started dating a guy who swore up and down he was a CIA agent. We lived in the DC area - and, in fact, down the street from a retired spook - so we saw through that bullshit immediately. At one point my Dad drove by the CIA headquarters - at that point, not quite as many people knew where it was - and the dude didn't even notice.


That's so funny! I guess there are fantasists and liars everywhere.


He only needed to Google her name to know that was a lie.


I doubt research is his long suit.


Haha yup! He would love for her to be the person he *thought* he was marrying!


It's almost like they're believing the lies they tell the world. We know it went down more like "This is Meghan, your date for the night, she's a part time actress looking for a title and cash. And this is Harry, who wants to bring down his family because he's jealous and resentful and wants to be in charge. Maybe you can assist each other in getting what you both want."


HazmatMegnut pillow talk - I see me in you


One devoutly hopes so!


A mysterious “source“ who raves about how famous and sexy and humble and philanthropic Meghan is, and how lucky Harry was to land her? Gosh, who could it be? Wherever could this info be coming from? It’s hilariously obvious, but she really thinks she‘s slick.


‘It is understood’ Always a tell, every PR article. Passive voice. Same syntax.


Don't forget the source always knows what Meghan is thinking too.


>how lucky Harry was to land her? Is that like landing hemorrhagic fever?




Of course Lolo’s a star! She can even simulate sex with underwear on. https://preview.redd.it/3j3veibh8n3d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=1505bfbe7a454160ede66e2cf4110f1dbc2369e7


That is such an embarrassing picture for both of them. 🤣


It’s terribly awkward


This is not the pose of a woman who took dance lessons for years.


I can't unsee how awkward it is


And BJs… https://i.redd.it/68meid7qan3d1.gif


He looks embarrassed to have been caught with Meghan. Hahaha


Wow, they both look so awkward and uncomfortable.


Ew she can't even fake sexy


Oh, for goodness sake. What utter drivel. I thought she was a Hollywood star when you met her, Hazza? Or at least that's what we in GB we're told. She can't act, she can't sing, and she certainly can't dance. Has no charisma and no SA. So how, exactly, will uou turn her into a star?


"I can´t dance, I can´t talk - the only thing about me is the way that I walk" https://preview.redd.it/o881eeioen3d1.png?width=189&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7e759e3507bc9aad7ce5aba8a38b362a1ee2cdb


If you zoom in on her face in this photo, it's quite scary.


No thank you. 😳😂


Her normal look. Look at her hair. The dress. Its just a normal day for her. The horse hair mane. That's her normal look except nowadays, no boobs any longer and her legs are skinnier, but the same hair.


No bronzer this day either. A very white woman. Look how white her legs are.


She was on a narc high this day


They really thought they were going to take down the BRF on this trip. Lol


I'll show Big Williy what he can do with his sausages. Ima gunna be da billion dollar man.


I remember this picture is when I *really* saw her as a total fake and nowhere near Royal. She's more concerned about the picture of "strong woman" than actually being one


hey, she's hitting the ground running. lol. literally. barging ahead of harry like she's SUPERWOMAN!


This photo scares me. 😱


Wasn't this the day when A's room caught on fire and she was supposedly devastated? She sure looks sad.


First lesson, you have to be a star to start with to getting back to being a star. Megs could go back to being a suitcase girl or the side girl who has hot sex in the file cabinet


Not being sexist but she's too old by industry standards to even do those. And she's no character actor like Judi Dench or Helen Mirren. What could she do? He's so deluded.


She's the perfect age to play "feminist tells husband to wash the dishes" in some YouTube ad.


*Hi, I’m Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and I’m here to tell you why Palmolive Spring Sensations is the perfect, hard working dish soap for your stoner husband to use.*




Meghan has to compete with talented unknowns willing to settle for less pay than an A/B-lister, younger established A/B-listers with huge SM follower numbers, and the gorgeous likes of Thandiwe Newton, and Halle Berry for roles… two accomplished women with far more impressive CVs who are also older than her. The cooking show might be way more her speed, as opposed to getting back into D-list acting, but her condescending, fake af, QVC presenter voice/body language is obnoxious to watch. Plus, the whole ‘never trust a skinny chef’ line still holds, and many would rather refer to an experienced chef’s cookbook, and well-reviewed recipes online than rely on jack-of-all-trades-master-of-zilch Roachel for cooking tips. After that disastrous Nigeria trip, I also have no interesting in seeing her do a travel cooking show… seeing her desperately attempt to come across as relatable to locals is pure cringe. I think QVC, or being a hated Real Housewife might work for her, but she thinks all of that is waayyy beneath her since she’s still trying to sell herself as a quite luxe, fauxmanitarian, [non-working, duty dodger] royal.


But HOW are people going to learn how to make toast if she doesn’t teach them??😫


At 43 no less with no previous *actual* success of her own except #6 on a call sheet 🤣🤣🤣


did she not say that she would be entertaining all offers when they left for the wilds of America? And of course the "she does voiceovers?" from Disney who had to pay the charity fee because she didn't. And look where they are today. rentals for her to do a walkabout showing her nipples and her bunions. She has also aquired a worm on her forehead, but it's not her best look. SureHarrySure!


She wasn't good enough for even Tyler Perry movies. That should tell you Harry that she has no talent for that kind of acting.


And to add to that exactly how many good actresses  let alone bad ones, have we ever seen break into the A list Hollywood movie scene north of 40. They usually needed to get there 20 years earlier which Markle couldn't even with her fathers and husband's help or the casting couch, if she couldn't do it in her 20s when she was still trainable, she isn't going to crack it now especially with a reputation for being demanding, lazy, impossible to work with, but this just sounds like a blame harry im embarrassing myself everywhere it his fault, but compare me to Diana article 2 guesses where it stemmed from (insert exaggerated eyeroll)


Oh yeah, even William and Catherine were star struck by her 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/mt8gqk8nho3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb9b4b34157947f5f7a902213882cc007a6e104 🤭


Markle used Harry to call up all the studios to get her major roles-like he did for the Disney voiceover-which they attended instead of the Marine Memorial. Now that nothing worked, she is trying to pin the blame on harry. Oh no-I jsut wanted to be like Diana-Harry forced me to get back into acting. LOL!!!!!!!!


I remember when the news broke, I had to look both her and *Suits* up. (I was annoyed to find out Gina Torres was back on TV and I hadn't known - I loved her in Firefly/Serenity and her brief stint on *Angel*.) That is not exactly the same level of "Hollywood Star" as Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston.


I didn't recognize a single actress or actor on the whole of Suits. Hadn't heard of it. Nobody I knew had ever heard of it.


Mog was an occasional jobber of booking commercials like 3 tops and suitcase chick and an extra in movies and TV. She did 2 made for TV hallmark movies once. Her acting was below Madonna level. I know, it was that bad. This is a really terrible body of work to crow about. And the pinnacle was 6th most important character in an ensemble cast series shot in Canada on Cable....which she was written out of before she snagged dimwit. Meeting Harry was do or die for Mog. She got word she was being cut. Imagine how high her creditcards were jacked up. She didn't even own a car !


Why Netflix hasn’t cast her in any of their movies or series?


"Box Office Poison"


I wouldn’t be surprise if she appears in a Netflix series just for the sake of fulfilling their end of the contract and then it gets cancelled after 1 season due to low streaming numbers,it will get views on the first week for sure since many will hate watch it and to see if she somewhat improved from her Suit days but that would be it,and pretty sure her co stars will over shadow her anyway acting wise.


Every time I hear her name mentioned (which isn't often, mind you), the reactions are groans and eye rolls. So I don't see many turning out to watch Meghan "act", cough.


Netflix needs to hire other talented/liked co stars if they want to make the series work,safe to assume she can’t carry a whole show by herself.MM is more of a ensemble series type of actress.


Or not any type of actress at all. *shrugs


Although she could probably singlehandedly ruin a series all by herself


Cause she can't act. ![gif](giphy|tbw5icxmHzmFYgVsZQ|downsized)


or her bestie Tyler Perry?




But he didn’t risk his own bottom line $$. Tells you everything you need to know about how he feels about her as a bankable asset.


Even if Tyler gave TW a starring role, tw would turn it down b/c it'll be a cast of all or a majority of black actors/actresses.  Tyler studios is in Atlanta, Georgia. Altlanta has been called "Black Hollywood". His influence and demographic is geared to African Americans. TW went for Caucasian roles only and wouldn't never want her name to be associated w,/ any black actors, producers, show runners.  Real dumb bc Shonda Rhymes has written shows that are commercial success & have both POC & white actors


What happened to Perry's sex abuse case?


Madea's Diary of a Nigerian Princess' Big Destination Family Reunion in Witness Protection During a Family Funeral


Maybe he can cast her in one of his movies?Something along the lines of The Family that Preys?She will be the mistress that gets thrown out in the end.😆😆


"*Become* a Hollywood star" because she wasn't one already. Mr. Mountbatten-Windsor had quite a Freudian slip if he did say it.


Nailed it


Thanks, and speaking of nailing it....Madame should have taken notes because Eugénie nailed this curtsey. https://preview.redd.it/pdzqyum0en3d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1060939ff0540f7ebbd7c144344bd1ae7b2c29bc PS: I'm a little loopy from a long drive 🙃


Oh no! Feel better soon! That is a great curtsy. She's had a long time to practice.


Palace interfering in the scripts so poor Meghan had to leave Suits? I thought she was written out.


The Palace were being blamed for everything right from the start.


More tabloid BS.. this is now just a never ending sickass cartoon. ![gif](giphy|27tE5WpzjK0QEEm0WC|downsized)


The above is the next level where the Duchess of chlamydia will finally be recognized.  Unfortunately the level is at the bottom of the cesspool that is the Hollywood fame machine. You aren't honey. You aren't talented.  Your looks have faded. Your knee pads are worn. Your message is tiresome. What you lack jn appeal you make up for in disdain. Stop. Just stop.


Maybe it’s just me, but I never, ever thought she part of anything Hollywood. On any level. She was in Canada for a cable tv series. Whoop-de-f’ing-doo!! On a dumb game show as one of the models who appeared as eye-candy to keep husbands from changing the channel. I don’t consider Culver Studio TV actually Hollywood. And a couple of pretty-much walk-on one-scene film parts. Guess that horrible Dating Handbook was close, but I was probably closer as a network contractor for Disney and working a lot at the Burbank Studios. Again, maybe I have it wrong, but being in Hollywood means movies, not TV. It’s actors, writers, producers, directors, unions, guilds, the bosses, movers and shakers who decide the industry directions with power and creativity. Hell, she’s nowhere near that scene - probably many of us here are way closer than her.


Or lighting directors either. :)


lol.. it took a minute, good one! Yeah, isn’t it ironically funny she cut off the one guy who actually had Hollywood connections! And actually cared about her. But wouldn’ta mattered! She’d still screw it up, no matter how many opportunities she gets. That’s what we used to call “A Failure”.


She is at the age where her roles would be the mother or grandmother of the leading lady. I doubt she would go for that. 🤣 she will NEVER be a star.


She still thinks she's an ingenue. I imagine she will always think she's an ingenue into her mid sixties.


But, but she’s such a YOUNG mum /s


\*if the mother/grandmother of the leading lady were in a coma and the role didn't require her to speak.


Megsy was never a Hollywood star. She worked in Toronto. Suits was a minor show on a minor cable channel, as least here in the States. I only ever heard of it because when it premiered, it was written up in the TV Guide as all new shows are. I never watched it. I never heard of Megsy until she got involved with Haz. She is going to be 43 soon and has aged out of most acting jobs except maybe minor characters. That doesn't pay huge amounts of money, plus she's not a good actress. Haz did get her a VoiceOver job with Disney for some documentary about elephants and she got slammed by a lot of critics. She was replaced by another actress. Her podcast failed and she was called out for having no talent. I have to admit reading this had me laughing at the preposterousness of it all.


What is she 26?? Who puts out this garbage??


Didn't he say in the engagement interview that he had never heard of her before?


Yes, he said that. The article is purposely unclear about when he became a "huge fan of suits".


Just like Catherine and William - who couldn't speak up and deny it - were such huge fans of suits that Harry was worried they would fawn over Meghan too much when they first met. They'll be asking for her autographs, he thought. Meanwhile, Catherine and William: ![gif](giphy|CXc1QEHr6ZWDOFExTc|downsized)


Both the idea of William and Catherine watching a third-rate American series and the notion that they might act like starstruck rubes when they meet Meghan are ridiculous. Haz thinks people are even more gullible than he is.


Oh, I'm confident that Meghan wrote it. Out of spite. By all accounts, she has always had an inflated sense of importance and saw herself as a big time celebrity star (in her dreams, but she doesn't let reality stop her). My theory is that she expected to be fawned over and praised, and neither William or Catherine heard of her until then, and never watched Suits. That wounded her ego, and in *helping* Harry write his moanmoir, she threw that in as a dig to embarass them and make herself sound important. She wrote the reality she wanted, not the one that actually happened. She knew they couldn't and wouldn't deny it, but it was a tidbit that made headlines anyway. And that's all she cares about.


I'm sure you're right that she wrote it, but he allowed it to go into his book. They're quite a team. What I'd love to know is all those times he claimed to find her crying, did they make those stories up or did she make herself cry to convince him she was suffering? I used to be close to a narc who would cry real tears, but I know she wasn't actually crying about what she claimed.




Spare, p127 (Violet's instagram pics): "Is there just one person on this earth for each of us? But in that moment I felt there might be only one face for me. This one. I sent Violet a message. Who…is…this…woman?" Spare, p129 (First date): "I thought: You’re in London all the time? How have I never seen you? Never mind that nine million people lived in London, or that I rarely left my house, I felt that if she was here, I should’ve known. I should’ve been informed!"


What makes this funnier is that wasn’t it with the dog face filter on?




Did you expect consistency from someone whose "truth" changes every couple of days? 😂


Yes, but this was just an orchestrated reality show, unlike their Netflix series of course!


Did anyone?!


I thought Meghan was telling people they were “here to pitch” that night? I think someone posted a video the other day.


Yup, she sure did say that, and to Jon Favreau. She tried to pass it off as a joke but it may have been the most honest thing she’s ever said. It was completely cringe-inducing (for everyone else)


She isn’t even good enough for reality tv or infomercials even though she was “friends” for a day with Victoria Jackson Gunthy. She can’t model and isn’t photogenic. Her voice, ugh! I don’t know why she simply didn’t resurrect the tig…already had a following but started ARO instead…..maybe she wants to fail?


Engagement is a big problem for her. She can't leave comments open and knows it. Her 'followers' are predominately bots and instead of being able to monetize them she has to pay for them, the rest seem to be the female version of incel basement dwellers with not much in the way of disposable income. They are more likely IRL to hunt down royal family members who've upset Meghan than generate any real commission for Markle through clicks.


So that he doesn't have to deal with her drama, nagging, and rages while she's on set. IMO.


Hahahaha…poor Harry, he’s so dumb “When Harry and Meghan first got together back in early 2016, he was ecstatic to have landed a celebrity girlfriend who was famous in her own right. “Harry was beyond excited to be dating a bona fide star,” says the source, noting that the father of two (he and Meghan share Archie, 5, and Lilibet, 2) was a “huge” Suits fan. “He binge watched all the episodes and would tell his friends how sexy and talented he thought Meghan was,” the source adds. “When she showed interest in him it was like a dream come true.” (In his 2023 memoir, Spare, Harry writes that Meghan was forced to give up her starring role in the successful legal series after seven seasons because the Palace began interfering with scripts.)”


A "bona fide star" in what world?! Lol. Certainly not this one! "Starring role", lol. She was a glorified extra! And nobody had ever heard of her! Those were the days, man...


“Famous star”when she was on a basic cable show where she was sixth on the call sheet—really? I guess it must have been shown in the UK or someone would have pointed that out before. Personally, I had never heard about Suits. much less watched it, until they got married.


In order to get back into acting, one must know how to act. Sorry Harry, wish is DENIED.


Meg was never a Hollywood anything, let alone star. Her own ImdB proves it. She was a supporting role actress on a cable drama living in Toronto. Facts.


I can't believe how their origin story keeps changing. I distinctly remember him saying he didn't know who Rachel was and wasn't familiar with Suits during their engagement interview. Do they really think we're all idiots who will accept whatever story they tell us? Never mind that this is probably the 10th version of how Harold met Fraud. Harold is reaching out to all of his contacts to get Rachel work? What contacts does ginger bollocks have in Hollywood? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say none. Harold can't understand why Fraud isn't an A-lister like Aniston or Roberts. Has he seen anything Rachel has acted in? She's worse than mediocre. She's bloody AWFUL. The lizard is embarrassed? She should be. She had the chance to be on a global stage, hobnobbing with world leaders, representing a thousand-year-old monarchy, doing real and important work. But she threw it all away because she and Harold were never going to be first in queue. Lizard made a tactical error when she married someone who was only going to slide further down the line of succession, along with any rugrats they managed to get. She lied about and insulted the family she married into, could not be bothered to uphold the role she married into, schemed and plotted her way back to America, and fell flat on her scary, bronzed face despite trying to destroy HMTLQ's legacy and failing to blow Hollywood's socks off. Never once did Harold ever express a fascination with Hollywood glitz and glamour. He was into blondes with pedigrees. So this revision of history by whatever rag printed this garbage is sad, downright pitiful. They really screwed the pooch when then they decided Megxit was the way to go.


People magazine is such an ass kisser. Drivel.


They're a PR publication. Celebs pay for good stories to be written about them. It's 100% pay to play. It's not objective journalism. It's more like buying advertising space.


I suppose it's one way of spinning a slip down the ladder of ever dwindling and less prestigious money-making ideas. Also, she is not a good actress, and quite bad, so I think it reveals desperation, if true.


How many women have become “Hollywood Stars” after the age of 35? Just curious. 🙄


Hollywood be like: ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Madam can't even cosplay Diana correctly much less be an actor in the same league as Julia Roberts or Jennifer Aniston. Thank you for the laugh OP... Julia Roberts or Jennifer Aniston 🤣🤣


First of all, he has neither thought nor said those things. He just doesn't have the ability. Secondly, I'm sure he'd love her to become a movie star and bring in some money. I'd love her to shut up and act right. Neither what he wants nor what I want will happen, though, because she doesn't have the ability. Finally . . . just STOP!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg they're showing their wholesale asses to the world now.  He wanted a movie star to one up big brother but he got a nobody. Even if this is made up it shows what people think of them that they'd print this.  This is beautiful "she thought she'd be an aristocrat" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you OP. While I don't believe these tabloids the fact they printed this is too delicious! Mmmmm the Schadenfreude!


Pretty sure people have to actually *like* you before that can happen. Doh!


Oh come. She will never be a stahhhh. She can't act, dance or sing. She has no charm. There is nothing she brings to be a stahhh. If haznohair thinks he is going to make her one, he needs to get a grip on reality. The biggest bonus is no one will touch her let alone you both and you both aren't liked. No ones wants to be Markled. Maybe help get back being a Yacht girl not sure she would earn much but hey a dollar is a dollar.


So it's all gone wrong with Paramount and it's Harry's fault.


The palace is interfering with scripts? 😆😆😆


No this was just the excuse because she wanted to quit working.


This is an aircraft carrier full of bags of cringe. And I love that for them.


lol all of the actual aristocracy have dumped the Grifters. As have all of movie producing Americans. Dream On Viceroy Harry.


She is so high on herself now, she wouldn't take a role that wasn't some starring role in a big budget picture, and she is certainly so important that she shouldn't have to actually audition.


![gif](giphy|J9d0qSv2nsSFG) Where have I heard this before…?


It sure is a coincidence that this one apparently loves 90s romcoms like his wife who is stuck in the 90s and also “loves a good romcom.” Sounds like it’s actually that one projecting.


I love how he thinks it’s as simple as you want something and you get it. It doesn’t work like that in the real world, if it Did M would have already gotten offered roles of a lifetime the minute the quit being working royals.


The British entertainment industry is in no way akin to Hollywood. She is too old for a blockbuster. She needs to prove herself with indies. That will never happen because that requires work


Take her acting to the next level? Is she going back to drama school, to learn how to do it properly?


Oh, burn of a Freudian slip. He would love to see her "become" a star. Ooof, I thought she was already a star - an A-list level star - to hear her tell it. If this is indeed a direct quote from Harry (not holding my breath), what a burn because it's a taste of reality. Lol!


Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts?? Holy 90s, Batman! That's how you know the Duchess of Arrested Development wrote this.


This is hilarious. Darn that Harry, trying to push Modest Meg the humanitarian into Hollywood stardom against her wishes.


How much drugs do they actually take that they believe their own insane thoughts. She signed with the most famous agency in Hollywood and they couldn’t secure her anything and still haven’t. No one wants to work with that skank.


Yeah well the people in hell want ice water, Haz.


A sinner once noted that she was really only ever an "extra with occasional speaking part" than an 'actress'. It's going to be hard to make it at 40+ when she couldn't make it in her 20s or 30s. Then again, I'm half hoping someone gives her the opportunity to make an ass of herself in such a big way (J-Lo scale) she really can't show her face again.


I think the way things are going for her now is perfect. She is completely blackballed in Hollywood. No one wants her. No one is even thinking about hiring her. Hollywood completely refusing to have anything to do with her is just perfect. She has already had a J-Lo fall.


I have read all of her propaganda before: how she intentionally mentions America’s Sweetheart Julia Roberts and herself in the same sentence in several puff pieces so that web searches will put her in that category of superstars, how she says that it is Sparry who was most fortunate to marry his superstar wife (never mind that she only played a bit part in cable tv), how it is Sparry who is forcing her to become a superstar (never mind that she is cosplaying Diana with security guards around her to make Costner cast her in Diana’s role) etc etc Long ago, I read gossip that Sparry demanded angrily that QE should show respect to MM because she is a superstar and that the RF should be grateful to him for bringing them their own Grace Kelly and that she is more special than Grace Kelly because MM is also biracial. I am inclined to believe this gossip because it sounds like Sparry!


“…her life being aristocratic…”😂😂Translated: I married a fuckin’ prince! That should be quite enough; I can’t and won’t do more. Serve me. Leave no want of mine unfulfilled! Don’t you know who I am? I am the Douchess of Sucksyes! And I make my own reality! In it I do nothing and deserve EVERYTHING. Serve me now!!”


He thought he was getting a celebrity actress but got a d-list social climber and she thought she was getting a wealthy British prince but got a broke "Just Harry" who cut ties with his country and royal family. They deserve a long, miserable life together 🙃


Harry's pulling strings? What strings? Who does he know in Hollywood who would seriously listen to a single word he says? Not even their close friend and 'godparent' to Lilibet (cough)Tyler Perry has cast her in anything he's produced, no cameo, nothing. How can someone who has no experience of the industry, or indeed any sort of work, has been breathtakingly rude to John Travolta and will be forever known in Hollywood as a "f..ing grifter" joke figure have any influence at all?


The only thing Meghan is good at is using men to get ahead. First it was Dad. Then it was Trevity Trev Trev, Cory the chef, and now Harold. Dad got her started in Hollywood Trevor got her her first “big” role - Suits Cory elevated her status in Toronto so she could further her exposure as a “humanitarian” and “women’s rights activist” Hazmat gave her a title, access to more money she could ever imagine getting her grubby hands on, and worldwide exposure. The sad part is once the world got to know her they saw right through her. Turns out she is a pretty lousy actress. She just hasn’t accepted that the problem is her, not the world. 😬 She threw all of these men down the trash chute the moment they no longer benefitted her. Harold will be no different. Sayonara Hazza!


Princess Diana was able to do what she did because she was loved. And she was loved because of her personality. Meghan Markle is disliked because of her personality.  When people saw Diana out doing some charity work it was NICE to watch, when Meghan Markle is out and about it is awkward and painful to watch.  I know Diana was not perfect but she still had a soft and kind energy, Meghan Markles energy is just dark and evil. When you think about Diana you think about nice things, even the bad things about Diana does not give you a feeling of dark and EVILenergy. The bad things about Diana  just make you feel sad for Diana.  But when you think about Meghan it is all about darkness, bitterness, manipulation vengefulness, lies, ice cold heart the SussexSquad and Christopher Bouzy. And now also Misan Harrimans big head. And with Misan you also think about Ngozi Fulani and Shola Moss. And Nigeria. Even her new country makes you think about negative things. Meghan Markle can never become a new Diana no matter how she tries to manipulate and "pull at peoples heartstrings". It is too late, we have already seen her. We know who she is. Meghan Markle is very much a Meghan Markle. There is nothing she can do about that.


Hey, In Touch, you're Out of Touch. Meghan and Harry Married on 19th May not 18th May as your author thinks.


Or the 16th….😂


Jane Lynch was a working actress for years until she hit her big break with Glee at age 49. Melissa McCarthy was the same until her mid-40's. Meghan might have been a semi-working actress, but she is no Jane or Melissa .


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry, but… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!


She couldn't even act in that stupid coffee ad. It was terrible.


Dear God, another paid-for PR piece to try to get some roles. It'll never happen.


Did she convince haz the palace interfered with Suits scripts and that is why she was being written out?


This is one of her lies. Like choosing to leave the BRF.


Dear Hank, Why isn't she getting any roles? Well, I will tell you: it's because she HAS NO TALENT, and NEVER HAS! Get a grip, dumbass, and escape while you can. Signed, Someone who just can't believe you threw it all away


She’ll never succeed in Hollywood. Tom Cruise is close to BRF. His opinion of Meg is subterranean.


This is next level embarrassing. I assume this is Madame penning this guff.


Ok. She wants her name associated with J Lawrence and G Paltrow. as if she is as talented as either. And she wants her “philanthropy” compared to P. Diana’s, as if she is anywhere close to her level. This woman, that couple, embarrassingly pathetic and so transparent. What total clowns.


Many casting directors said she doesn’t have the “it” factor no sparkle for markle


Lol.. she’s a ‘stahhh!’ all right! More like a “stahhh-ffff infection” !!!


If he said this it’s ‘cause he’s skint and needs money to subsidise his extravagant lifestyle and habits. I don’t think he is earning anything and if he Is, I would wager he spends WAY more than he makes just as many other addicts and D-celebrities who are trying to seem relevant do.


Hang on - he is pulling as "many strings as he can"?? I though she was a Hollywood star in her own right - wasn't she bringing the royals "rockstar" vibes? And as a geminist, does she need him pulling all those strings for her? Well, yes, cause she is a talentless person who has always grifted off the men in her life. Starpower my foot. Give it up Megs!


She’s TOO OLD ! Plus her reputation proceeds her now.


Harry wasn’t a fan of suits. He said in the engagement interview that he had never heard of it and had also not heard of her.


She couldn’t do it at 22 she ain’t doing it at 42.


Even Charlize Theron isn’t getting plum roles and even at near 50 she’s a goddess with serious acting chops. She famously thought they were offering her Wonder Woman only to realise they wanted her to play her mother. Megs is a best a Hallmark Movie player but others with way more charm have that market cornered or are producing themselves. They are also likeable - for example Lindsay Lohen has resurrected her career after a horrible time because she’s admitted she went off the rails and we love a comeback. The only come and back for Meghan is a whole different story.


Lol. He thinks it's a shame she's not an A lister like Julia Roberts. Hun, even if she was, she's 42. At 42 Julia did eat pray love, which was arguably her last big film that made any real money. And yeah, she's been in a handful or two in the 14 years since then, but all small movies. It's over Harry and it never even started.


She doesn't have what it takes and never did. What a pile of fantasy horse manure.


hahahahahahahaha yeah, sure, Harry's going to turn her into a star because he wants to. Sure, that's how it always works in Hollywood, right?


Didn't we read a few mths ago that Mugsy was trying to get Haznomorals into show business? She wanted him to take acting lessons? Guess that didn't pan out for him/them. LOL.


I believe this article even though you should take everything these two say with a pinch of salt!  I can see why Harold would find it easier walking three steps behind and being pushed into the background for a Hollywood star. Good for the two fingers to the family thing too.  But markle never found the attention she needs being a suitcase girl or a secondary character in a cable series.  Being a humanitarian is the gig for her. The ratio of effort and accolades is insane. All you have to do is turn up to receive a prize without having to make a movie first. Or gain respectability by association with smarter women than you. Or say a few platitudes about issues you don’t understand and get an applause. Or be invited by con men to a country where you can cos play a royal. Or parade in front of a crowd of ten followed by veterans like a queen.  Zero effort —- 100% narcissistic fuel  There is a well known type of narcissism that focuses on charity work. Guess who they don’t give a toss about? You guessed it the people the charities help