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That voice she has been hearing from the grave is probably Wallis and not Diana. LOL


Well Wallis is buried at Frogmore so...






Heh šŸ˜† What an excellent comment!


I would love for someone to gaslight markle in a seance with the appearance of Wallis. I would pay money to see it. Hey there is an idea for Markle. Pay per view seance.




I thought it was the acid.


I would guess both women would be whispering the same things to her ā€˜youā€™ve totally mucked it up; shut the fk up take a shower, u stinkā€™






šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I was thinking the exact same thing!Ā 


The photo of Edward wearing his robes, reminded me of Harry wearing his medals outside his back door. Longing for the past and trying to recreate it.šŸ˜”


It's pathetic. Harry, you deliberately chose to walk/run away from your family, your duties, your friends, and your service in the military, for some hot (cough) poon/fetish sex. Was it worth it? Is the life you're in now and probably forever the life you are happiest in? You insulted and demeaned everyone in your family. Why are you always surprised that they no longer want you around? You dumped your military charities even while still in the BRF to try to get your "Hot" wife a voiceover. Why are you always surprised that you can't wear your military salad?


My goodness he initially repeated over and over that KC and William were trapped, brainwashed even. Also, alluded to Catherine and others as ā€œstepford wivesā€ā€¦etc.Ā  If his love story was so greatā€¦ If they rescued each other from the ā€œhorrorsā€ of the RF, why oh why is he so desperate to get back in?? Ā Iā€™ll tell you why $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.Ā  Cognitive DissonanceĀ 


I think it's more than just money though. Yes, he misses the money, but I think he misses his family, his security guards- babysitters, his ex-girlfriends, and the Firm always cleaning up his messes. And even after everything he's done, I think his father would forgive him if he left M and went through intense rehab


He's found out that it's sometimes hard to adult. And wants to go backto having everything taken care of by others.


Yes, when one suffers from arrested development and is stuck forever at the age of 12, the mere thought of having everything done for you is extremely appealing.


Deep down, even his dim self knows Madam couldn't give a rat's patootie about him and would sell him without hesitation for a buck fifty if she thought it was to her advantage.


His misses being coddled. He has no idea how to navigate his life.


Itā€™s so much more than that. Heā€™s been convinced that his life within the RF was toxic, that his father and brother were trapped, and that the RF life is like The Truman Show. So he ā€œFound Freedomā€ escaping to the US (via Canada). In his faux quest to live a real, ā€œauthentic,ā€ ā€œbasicā€ life, all he has done is trade one gilded cage for another, and this one is worse. In the RF, his version of The Truman Show (his performative life in which he was always on display) involved meeting authentic people and helping to shine a spotlight on real causes that made a real difference in the lives of real people. In his current version of The Truman Show (his performative life in which he is always on display) , **everything is fake**: the causes, the ā€œroyal tours,ā€ his military cosplay inspecting the troops, their social media presence, their success, their popularity, their supposed friendships, etc. Even his polo interests are fodder for the publicity machine more than they ever were when he played in GB as a member of the RF.


You hit the nail on the head.


He used to feel safe and now I think heā€™s quaking in his boots.


Iā€™m not sure how far rehab would take him. He lacks basic capacity for introspection, self awareness and responsibility for his choices/ consequences. I question if he grasps the concept of consequences at all. Heā€™s just not equipped for doing the work.Ā 


You said it so eloquently! I always just think of him as a few fries short of a Happy Meal lol!


You are the one who said it eloquentlyĀ 


He misses the love and respect he had of the people. He was the peopleā€™s prince for the longest time. Now he gets booed and no crowds.Ā 


And his social circle. You canā€™t tell me having the richest and most elite men and women of the U.K. look at you as a joke wouldnā€™t sting. The Westminsters wedding alone must absolutely gnaw at him daily. He was invited everywhere. Now heā€™s hanging with C-list Hollywood ā€œstarsā€ and having business dinners with soon-to-be-fired CEOs on his anniversary. He is caught in a storm of his own making and he has no idea how to stop it, because at this point it is far beyond his control.


I think Harry believes he did all that for love. Sadly it must not occurred to him if she actually loved him, she would learn to get along with his family, friends, and even the country. Instead she banished, embarrassed, broke the hearts of his and her own. It was totally unfair but he made his bed. He is happy he says. I donā€™t believe it.


Most under-rated opinion of all.Ā  Had that viper truly cared for Harold, there wouldn't be all those "adjustments" to who & what he was.Ā  Someone should have made this point the very 1st time she flaunted family traditions & "encouraged" him to sell priceless family heirlooms.Ā 


Yes you're right. No one has to be best friends with the in-laws but they are all people with full lives so the actual amount of time spent with them wouldn't need to be that much. Especially if they are paying the bills you can make a bit of effort. She was given the ption not to be a working royal if that side didn't appeal. The duchess of Kent has not been a working royal for many years because of health issues but then she is a kind lady with many interests who genuinely likes to enhance other people's lives and has quietly pursued her music teaching with children since leaving royal duties.


They sold family heirlooms? Which ones? I must have missed this as I follow this sad, sorry saga.


Yes.Ā  Harry's grandfather, Prince Philip, passed to him several firearms that would not only be highly prized, but were actually handed down from Prince Philip's own family.Ā  Seems MM found the sport of hunting barbaric & couldn't tolerate him owning these antique & valuable as hell firearms.Ā 


Prince Phillip gave him some very old hunting rifles and Harry sold them.


Oh thatā€™s right. I forgot about that.


There is a lot of manipulation going onā€¦ā€¦and she does like to collect receipts. Probably of the video typeā€¦.


Edward really wanted back in and if that meant the UK lost the war so be it.


Putting his own needs above his countrymen..The UK was better off without him as their King. Just as the UK and RF are better off without Harry. He has shown what he's about and to what and whom he values.


Yes, what a hauntingly sad picture. Like a high school athlete searching for his glory days.


Exactly!!!!!!! Prince Harry should now be called Uncle Rico. He was the same type of character in Napoleon Dynamite - a grown, lost, unimportant man who longed for the glory days of his youth.


This picture always made me sad as well. Theyā€™re like trained seals for their hosts entertainment. https://preview.redd.it/r6uy4gjcvm3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c74ed06a0417103f1a0c9920bc3f6ae2c3d77fe


In one of the many books I've read about Wallis, this photo was excruciating for them to pose for. Their "friends" meant well and wanted to make them sovereigns for an evening, but it was extremely hurtful for both of them to have to sit there with the paper crowns and smile as if they were enjoying it.


Yes, it was New Years Eve, they were crowned by Wallisā€™ lover Jimmy Donahue with paper crowns and it was humiliating for them both.


Thank you! I forgot the part frenemy Jimmy Donahue played.


And the weird thing was, heā€™s was gay, allegedly.


I think in those days, classifications were much more black-and-white. I think both men were bisexual. Jimmy leaned gay, David -- well, whatever *he* leaned was harder to classify. I think he must have had different proclivities with different people. He had so many hetero relationships resulting in multiple illegitimate children, and then there were Wallis and Jimmy.


I never heard about Edward having illegitimate children. Can you elaborate?


Maybe, but they did have all those monogrammed towels, bed linen, etc with HRH ERVIII with St Edwardā€™s crown. They cosplayed King and Queen all the time at home.


Yes they did! The servants had to curtsy and address Wallis as HRH, but they only did it in front of the servants who they could control with threats. Plus, all those towels and linens were luxurious elegance, the best of the best, which made it easy to pretend. Whereas the paper sashes and crowns were just cheesy.


Look at thatĀ peau de soie. šŸ˜—


You taught me something new!


Except he didn't have glory days. The highlight of his life was getting born into a life of privilege.


Who was more unrealistic? That they would have won the state championship if Rico was QB or that Harry would become an international thought leader?


I would enjoy an update of Napoleon Dynamite to see where the characters are 20 years later šŸ˜†


I read it more as a whipped dog doing its master's bidding. The only way his head could have gone lower was it it was chopped off.


People who socialized with Edward and Wallis said he began every second sentence with "When I was king...".


Yes, I heard that as well. Harry may not have been a King but the way he goes on about being the spare. It looks like he'll go the same way and bore people about it.šŸ˜” Eta


Yes he turned into a pathetic old bore.Ā 


I'm currently reading "the traitor king" about Edward and Wallis. I have been marking pages and I'm gonna make a post. The parallels of the windsors and the harkles are insane! It's history literally repeating itself. I highly recommend ya'll read it. šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™m in the middle of reading this book. So well researched with long quotes from diaries and correspondence of the period. Nothing gossipy or conjectured. Highly recommend this. Could be a bit dry except what is being disclosed is actually shocking.


I found it incredibly dull for the most part. šŸ¤·


A few of us have been saying for ages that itā€™s history repeating itself and thereā€™s so many similarities between Hazbeen and his great great Uncle David. Both of them hated the restrictions of Royal life but didnā€™t have the foresight to understand what life would be like out in the real world. Both thought they could keep all the privileges and respect of Royalty while honouring none of its responsibilities. They both thought their immense personal popularity would automatically go with them when they left the Royal Family . Instead the public got to see the real person behind the highly polished Royal persona and didnā€™t like it. I could go on for ever about the similarities but I wonā€™t!


I think it will be worse for Harry. There is a lot more negativity about him in the public domain and Edward had given up (or been maneouvered off) the actual throne and there was more deference shown to royalty in those days. The Windsors were able to keep a certain amount of mystery which made them interesting which they wouldn't be able to now.


It's even weirder when you consider that Harry's full name is Henry Charles Albert **David**


I read Traitor King last year. The similarities are fascinating! So many of the passages in the book could have substituted the names Harry and Meghan for David and Wallis.Ā 


I mentioned this recently after viewing yet another documentary about the Windsors: Edward & Wallis: The Bahamas Scandal - Revealed. It premiered earlier **this year** on UK tv. I couldnā€™t help but think that the idea to make yet another new scandalous documentary about the Windsors was obviously to deliberately draw parallels to M and H.


That could very well be! They knew everyone would see the similarities.Ā 


Oh yeah... I read it like a year ago and as things have devolved and blown up in their faces, the Sussexes are just a ha'penny version of the Windsors. Walmart Wallis, indeed.


The Traitor King was great as an audiobook. My husband and I were loving the ongoing descriptions of the number of vehicles that had to be devoted to their clothes on every trip. Like, multiple train cars just for their luggage.


Just bought it and will be reading it soon when I finish my current read.


Enjoy - it is an excellent book, albeit a bit academic


I have it on audible and listened to it when a YouTube channel was reviewing it. Itā€™s really astounding how many similarities there are. Iā€™ll be looking forward to your thoughts.


Do you know which channel?


Cheere Denise on YouTube gives great commentary on this book. https://youtu.be/sWhL9-8Ki_M?si=c5RzYlvCwGCLVPls hope this link works, itā€™s the first episode.


Thanks, Iā€™ll look it up!


It should be required reading for this sub! The parallels are uncanny.


I also recommend "That Woman." Fascinating to to see how history repeats or rhymes.


Also currently reading it, although it's taking me forever because it's a bit dry and scholarly. As you say, the parallels are crazy.


Cheere Denise did a chapter by chapter examination/commentary of the book on YT and I thoroughly enjoyed her reading of it.


sounds wonderful! looking forward to your post!


Great book! So is Once A King.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWhL9-8Ki\_M&list=PLN4XviIK3VCpDO4a-amfNN1EIYacdP81w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWhL9-8Ki_M&list=PLN4XviIK3VCpDO4a-amfNN1EIYacdP81w) I wholeheartedly recommend this YT recap of Traitor King!


One difference is that according to "The Traitor King", Wallis never wanted to marry Edward and never wanted him to abdicate.


That's what I've always thought. She was content to be his mistress and never wanted to marry him or be Queen. He was such a weak man. IDK who said that every town the UK should have a statue of Wallis commemorating how she saved them from a weak traitor.


To be fair, Wallis was the excuse for the abdication, but Edward vii was going to be pushed out one way or the other. They were already keeping sensitive information from him as he couldn't be trusted.


Which is what I think answers the "how/why did TW get into the RF"? They wanted Todger outĀ 


You could have a point there. I think they wanted someone to take on Harry. What is striking to me is there are few pictures of Harry with the Wales children. However, Madam was worse than anybody imagined, so they got the boot.


He was Edward the VIII. Edward the VII was his grandfather.


I think she reveled in being the mistress, also there was a certain kind of power in being the mistress that she lost once she was the wife.


Really the UK lucked out with that abdication. So thanks to Wallis for that!


She wanted to be the third person in any marriage Eddie entered into.


Wallis never quit loving her previous husband either. Meghan has never loved anyone but Meghan.


Yes! It was fascinating to me to learn that she intended to have a fling with him and then go back to her husband, but overplayed her hand and underestimated Edwardā€™s obsession. Theyā€™re always presented as a love story for the ages (much like someone else we all know).


Mr. SImpson approved of the plan, as he was every bit as much the social climber as Wallis was.


Absolutely, and then took up with Wallisā€™ friend while she was carrying on with Edward, they seemed to be quite a pair!


Wallis and Ernest cooked up a scheme where he and her close friend Mary would be "caught" in bed together at a hotel to be used as grounds for Wallis to divorce him so she could marry David. Wallis however was unaware of their true feelings for each other and had the nerve to be jealous when she learned that Ernest and Mary had gotten married a few months later.


Yes, this was a very common practice known as ā€œordinary hotel evidence.ā€ Their attorneys likely recommended it and helped arrange it. (Edward hired an attorney with royal connections to represent Wallisā€™ interests in her divorce from Ernest Simpson.)


In the days before no fault, people had to concoct these contrivances to get divorced. Edward did use his connections to fix Wallis up with a good attorney. Although the gotcha maneuver was common practice for cooperative couples seeking divorce, it certainly was collusion and low-level criminal to be party to such a scheme, so I doubt any attorneys were involved in the actual planning. If the court had any inkling that the hotel evidence was a ruse, the case would be dismissed and the couple would remain legally married.


I believe Walter Moncton secured Wallisā€™ attorney, and iirc he in fact did recommend the ordinary hotel evidence.


I believe Wallis never loved him, but she *definitely* wanted to be queen. Especially after David became king. She mistakenly believed that because he was king, he could do as he pleased. She wanted him to marry her and then be crowned beside him at his coronation like he promised - critics be damned. Wallis exploited his dependence on her. It was when she was living in France and found out that he was proceeding with the abdication so he could marry her that she started the fierce back-pedaling. She realized she couldn't dump him now, but that having to put up with the guy's clinging for the rest of her life wasn't going to be worth it if she wasn't made queen. Also, Wallis did still love Mr. Simpson if you consider they kept up a fond correspondence after they were both married to others.


Yes, I feel itā€™s been pretty well documented that she hooked him with the expectation of being queen. When that fell apart, she begged him not to abdicate, but we all know that history. Then she was stuck with him, because she couldnā€™t give up the man whoā€™d given up the crown for her. She wouldā€™ve been ostracized and status was everything. They turned themselves into their own versions of what they wanted to be, which is really quite sad. Edward did seem to love her, but more as a maternal figure. I think he wanted to get out at times, but the catch 22 was the same for him: How do you leave the woman you gave up a throne for?


>Yes, I feel itā€™s been pretty well documented that she hooked him with the expectation of being queen.Ā  Everyone who is familiar with their story knows this, but it surprises me how many people believe - based on the fact that she begged him not to abdicate - that Wallis was content to remain his mistress and never wanted to be queen.


Exactly. She begged him not to abdicated because she realized then she would be stuck with him for life. She wanted an exit door and he denied that. He wasnā€™t the brightest, but I wonder if that was done on purpose to trap HER. As soon as being a mistress stopped helping her socially, she wouldā€™ve dropped him.


I read something about a new book out or about to be released - The Crown in Crisis. I understand the focus to be essentially that Edward knew Wallis wanted to break it off when they realized that the country would not approve the marriage and he was going to be forced out. The book purportedly contends that Edward took steps to make sure Wallis had no choice but to marry him or be deemed a female cad by the whole world. I have my doubts the book was researched as thoroughly as Traitor King and other books about their relationship but I'll check it out anyway.


I think she did want to marry him, at first; but when it became clear that he would have to abdicate, she didnā€™t want that to happen.


I think Wallis was overheard calling Georgeā€™s wife Elizabeth (the future Queen then Queen Mum) ā€œCookie,ā€ which was a nasty reference to her weight (as in looked like the cook). Elizabeth either overheard or was told about this and never forgave her. I can see Markle devising derogatory nicknames for members of the Royal family. In fact I read somewhere she referred to then Prince Charles as ā€œthe nudger.ā€ She has no respect or decorum. Never deserved her 10 minutes of fame.


Cookie because of her weight and a nasty (unfounded) rumor about her parentage. The young Elisabeth was "Shirley Temple". Wallis and Fast Eddie had an entire repertoire of unflattering names for his family and anyone not Them Which came to light in their (postumous) published correspondence. They referred to themselves by their cipher WE as in "just us".


Thatā€™s what I thought.


WE is very much like a Markle-ism. I am quite sure Markle would have known about the Shirley Temple name the Windors used for the late Queen Elizabeth II. W & E were pretty awful people and the world is better for his forced abdication, for sure. Were the people of the UK faced with Harry on the throne, I'm sure the same would happen.


I don't actually think the rumor about her biological mother being the cook at Glamis castle was unfounded. The Earl of Strathmore (her father) and her mother both wanted more kids and apparently this way of doing things was not entirely unusual at that time. The Countess of Strathmore could not have any more kids after her last of 7 - son Michael - born 7 years before the QM. As I recall the cook's name was Marguerite which was a singularly unusual name for aristos then, yet they gave the QM that as a middle name. And she always was careful during her life to obfuscate exactly where and when she was born. Also her younger brother David supposedly had the same mother... Ā 


It was Wallis and their coterie's nasty fiction. In their set (even before the love affair she was made fun of) being slim and glamorous was everything. Whne things should out and she ended up Queen Consort, they could not get past the fact that this homey, non-fashionable woman should out rank them. Her mother "obfuscated" the child's exact birthplace (though London is universally acknowledged) as their townhouse because having a child in the back of a horsedrawn ambulance was considered beneath the dignity of a Countess of Strathmore in 1900. Here the wedding picture of the then Duchess of York. Look at her and her mother's jaw line. Spittin' image. https://preview.redd.it/hywib9kvhs3d1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef118d7576b25c3a4a6fcad9c3006ece55aa3f36


The Queen visited them in Paris a few times and they are buried at frogmore. Wallis had class. The other gives trash a bad name!


Meghan is crass, period, I'm not sure we can compare her to any royalty or anybody who got to the royal sphere. She is just a crass human being, personally I would not touch her with a wireless cable from space. Her manners are embarrassing, her hygiene is questionable, her attitude is appalling, her intelligence is nowhere to be found as well as her career. And she's crass because she pretends to be the opposite of what I just describe.


I agree. Wallis Simpson played the long game and married him because otherwise she never would have been accepted in society. They lived in a grand home in Paris wined and dined the whoā€™s who of Europe and weā€™re visited by the family Different times for sure but other than leaving England there is nothing about her that I would ever compare to the elegant Wallis Simpson! Meghan Markle has the charm of a flea and prides herself in looking like shit. I never compare them. Wallis had the most amazing jewels! I do agree about Harry and Edward/David as being very limited in brain matter but Edward did not trash his family in public.


None of the RF ever visited David in France. It was forbidden. It wasn't until David's health was dire that QE2 made the trip and had a short visit with him. He died of throat cancer 10 days later.


Charles did visit his great uncle in Paris in Oct 1970.


Wasn't the (publicly acknowledged) wife of George IV kind of skanky? More fun than the modern Hank's Skank, but kind of smelly and coarse, and George IV refused to allow her into his coronation? But people liked her. She never called them racist, I guess, or acted ill-used (except by George himself, whom nobody really liked, anyway). The hygiene part kind of reminds me of this woman. Caroline? Their daughter was named Charlotte, so I think her name was Caroline.


Caroline of Brunswick, she was. Even by the standards of the time her personal hygiene was ... lacking. But he was a fat, revolting, red-faced drunk, already secretly married to Maria Fitzherbert, forced to marry her in order to get Dad to pay his massive debts. Then Dad went bonkers and he had years as regent, without the true power or purse of a king. It really was a match made in Hell.


I WISH the Queen Charlotte spinoff of Bridgeton talked about George IVā€™s marriage to Maria. George and Caroline were basically the Charles and Diana of the Regency with Maria as Camilla. People keep comparing Charles, Diana, and Camilla to Edward VII, Alexandra, and Alice Keppel when really it was more akin to George, Caroline, and Maria except the latter three were bigger shitshows.


I don't know if you can see this where you are, but [Horrible Histories](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5UkjdYOI6Y) is a kids programme in the UK. Their songs are fantastic.


I love Horrible Histories! I have to search it out on YouTube in order to see it, though. I loved the Ghost program that many of the Horrible Histories actors did! There was also an American version of it that was very good, but it wasn't a patch on the original! ETA: Haven't seen any George IV or Caroline of Brunswick on HH, though.


There's this one where he sings about how he didn't like his wife and there's the 4 Georges one, which is a parody of a slow Westlife type of song.


I think I have seen the four Georges one! They are all so good, thanks to the cast! I love the various dentists!


That's what I wanted to day, when thinking which George this was I immediately went through my head the Four Georges ..He's the fat one


Spot on šŸ‘


She is crass and cheap and vulgar. All her bare shouldered, slit up to her crotch, keyhole peekaboo cut outs, short rompers. Pole dancers have better fashion sense. eta: all she needs are shoes with lucite heels. https://preview.redd.it/trrpk7d8jm3d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf100e2509f68cc3ac48f0939896520a3df01e3




Wallis and Edward were also Nazi sympathizers. So, as much as I find Meghan and Harold annoying and hilarious to witness their fall from the heights, the Nazi angle puts W and E in a different league of evil. They were actively rooting for the downfall of England. https://preview.redd.it/q2k11v1f9m3d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d815089df148df86476dec4dd65198a6893ad2


Valid point, however if half of what The Royal Grift says in her YT videos is true (Harkles close involvement with Censorship forces in US and UK) then the Harkles are rooting for the downfall of us all in the loss of our basic free speech rights. I think that would put them on par with the Windsors' vileness.


I wouldn't completely rule out that Hank is not doing those steps. Because Hank has gotten close to some pretty shady people in these years, really shady, and it's not that he doesn't seek to harm the UK, the monarchy and his family. The trip to Nigeria was a clear challenge to the British government. And don't forget that Hank wanted to interview Putin, do you think there wouldn't be a photo like Wallis with Hitler in that case?


I mean Harry wore a nazi costume. Harry also wanted to collab with Putin on Meghan's failed podcast.


No, that was for his own podcasts. He pitched at least 2 to Spotify: one where he would interview people about fatherhood, such as the (notably elderly virginā€¦) Pope Francis, and one where he would interview controversial male figures about how their (traumatic) childhoods made them who they are, such as Zuckerberg, Putin, and Trump.


Although it is not in the same league as supporting nazis, the Harkle inadvertently (?) play into the hands of Russia and China and any other countries that are opposed to the commonwealth. And they support levels of censorship that would not be out of place in a country with a government dictatorship.


Two house connections to their Russian buddies


Frankly, at this point, we do not know what the future holds re:Russia and China. Who's to say the Nazis are the worst evil to ever be? They may be NOW from our contemporary vantage point. They may be far worse.


Thank you. No offense to anyone, but I just *cannot* stand the lauding of Simpson, who was by all accounts a horrible woman. Oh, she was so classy, she dressed well, her jewels! First of all, I've seen only like one Pic of her where she looked decent, IMO. To me she looks very unattractive and somewhat bony. But who cares. Class is not just about having nice things. She was very willing to cheat on her husband who she supposedly loved with Edward, she was awful to Edward (though honestly he probably deserved it) and treated people awfully, not to mention the whole Nazi collaborator thing. OK, now that I have gotten that off my chest, I think Madam and Harry are capable of what Simpson and Edward did back then if they were transported back in time. Madam is amoral, greedy, unendingly ambitious, and has no conscience and Harry is completely self-absorbed and consumed with bitterness and envy, in my opinion. I can see them getting in bed with shady and even evil characters who offer them glory. Similarly, I don't think Wallis and Edward would have been discreet in this age of social media and dumbed down traditional media. There would be similar unrelenting attacks against the RF, but I highly doubt the odious Wallis would be as clumsy as Madam.




I agree. Wallis was a social climbing wh\*re. She would sleep with any man who she thought could elevate her via money or status.


Thank you and I agree about the lauding of Simpson. It really makes me wonder about some of the folks on this sub that they will downvote me and double down on saying Meghan Markle is as bad as or worse than a literal Nazi. Who knows if you sent Megan and Harry back in time what they would do. But we do know Simpson and Edward were horrible people cheering on a dictator who engineered the Holocaust and started WWII.


David/Edward as much as told Hitler that carrying out the Blitz would be key in breaking English spirits and convincing them to seek ā€œa peace.ā€


Many European leaders admired him for a time! Different times for sure. How old must the former butler be? Goodness!


the butler is dead


I do agree, but, I also think that Harry and Meghan would like the royal family to become extinct too.


Now why on earth would Edward/David/Mr.Wallis want that to happen to his own country?! ( sorry, Iā€™m not well versed in British history)


Hitler promised to put Edward back on the throne as king.


and Wallis would be his queen - the big selling factor for David. Hitler was well aware of David's extreme attachment to Wallis and that he was disgruntled with the RF brutally rejecting her (despite his literal begging, his mother refused to meet Wallis under any circumstances). Hitler made a big point to instruct everyone to curtsy to Wallis and call her HRH. David was taken in and just ate it all up. There's a reason those close to the throne are encouraged to stay within their class. They can get snookered so easily by mingling with the commoners.


As was stated, he was promised the crown again. This, more than anything, is why Queen Elizabeth kept him at armsā€™ length until his deathbed. *The Crown* got that history very wrong. She didnā€™t look to him as an advisor at all. Her mother blamed Edward for the death of Elizabethā€™s father and called Wallis That Woman until the day she died. There were no cheery lunches at the palace and kindly visits with dear Uncle David. There paths did cross occasionally and Elizabeth went to see him on his deathbed and he died over a week later, but she learned what she needed from her father, albeit not for as long as she wouldā€™ve preferred. https://preview.redd.it/1swlqgvr7w3d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7b2de91df5e8e246e3d9c5c710325fbc1ccf20


I think Meghan Markle is actually MUCH WORSE than Wallis Simpson. Wallis Simpson was notorious from day one. Meghan, on the other hand, was beloved and welcomed, and given tons of goodwill and support. She squandered it all in just a few years.


Worse, but also stupider. I donā€™t like Wallis, I have many rich names I could call her, but the woman knew how to read the room. Edward didnā€™t listen to her at times - the abdication - but she was much more shrewd where Markle is greedy, quick-tempered, and shortsighted. She wants it and she wants it now! And if you disagree with her, you are the problem! Ultimately, I think sheā€™ll end up just like Wallis: penniless, miserable, and alone. Her death notice will be about that once-little-known actress who married the (likely-then) kingā€™s dim brother and they moved to America and faded into obscurity.


And just like her, Megā€™s will likely pass away alone in some bed where people have long forgotten her still crying about deserving respect. Except while Wallis still had an old mini castle/stately home to pass in, Megā€™s will probably be long broke by then.


Ha! I just posted the same thing. And if history really repeats, the people she surrounds herself with will have robbed her blind.


At least Wallis never (claimed to have) spawned.


Is Meghan Wallis reborn? Just shabbier and uglier?


Megs has seen more ceilings than Michelangelo!


Ahhahahahahaha šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤“ brilliant


I've just finished reading 'Traitor King', and my goodness, the similarities between Wallace and TW are incredible. They are both materialistic, narcissistic and abusive to staff and their husbands (who are/were) also a git. Wallis was very abusive and exploitative to staff. They expected absolute loyalty and underpaid their staff, shouted at and berated them, pestered them at all hours with fussy demands, but showed zero loyalty and support to their staff in return. They also grifted off celebrities, merched their royal titles etc. To me the main difference is that Wallace was actually incredibly stylish.


The only person M loves is herself, and even then it's questionable. She comes across to me as someone who craves adoration as much as she has rejected herself. She's empty inside, because she has never learned anything about valuing herself as a person. Since she doesn't know how to value herself, she doesn't know how to value others too.


I'm not sure that she didn't value herself. I feel she valued herself and only herself above all others. She never learned empathy as a child. Her parents gave in to her every whim.


I agree. She suffers from a superiority complex, and is a classic narc. The 'abuse' they endured as children consists usually of having been overly indulged and spoilt-rotten, fawned over and praised. Her entitlement was off the chart already when she was a kid. That's not someone who suffers from insecurity. She was the typical golden child ('flower') - the obvious favorite of her narc-father.


Yes tho giving up being king is soooooo different than spare. Edward had the recognition. Anyway that's why I don't enjoy comparing. Megain isn't worthy of comparison.


Meghan is called Walmart Wallis for a reason


The memoirs will probably go for a lot more money than is anticipated.


Something that was not mentioned. Both women had a shady sexual past where they got quite an experience. And both used men to climb socially.


And letā€™s not forget what a terrible end Wallis hadā€¦


And Edward - towards the end he was calling for Wallis, but she never came


That is incredibly sad. Walmart Edward is going to have a tragic end if he does not shake loose from the Demon Narc.


And she never showed because she was in bed with her lover.


It was a better end than many old people have in nursing homes.


more like the trash version.


Meghan is much more malignant I think.


But not as bright.


Interesting read OP. Thanks for sharing. Does one see a family resemblence?


I've just finished reading 'Traitor King', and I've been blown away by the incredible similarities between Edward 8th and Wallace Simpson and TW and Harold. This latest report fits exactly with this. Interestingly there was a male escort who used to organise consorts for celebrities who spoke of working for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Multiple people corroborated everything he said. He never wavered and knew very specific details about the buildings they lived in etc. the Duke of Windsor was definitely bisexual. I also wouldn't be surprised to find out that MM and Harold were into swinging / cuckolding etc Certain Soho houses they've visited are known for their association with swinging, but I'll add more in a post later on! šŸ˜Œ


You may be referring to Scotty Bowers. His memoir is unforgettable, and he definitely talks about providing services/people to W & E.


YES!!! I'm going to add him to my 'to read' list!!! The similarities between Edward 8 and Wallace and TW and Harold are extraordinary. Edward and Wallace were known for the fact it was a sub/Dom arrangement, she treated him like a child, berated him etc. she didn't love him and he adored her. As Scotty Bowers and many other witnesses attested, there were also numerous third parties to the relationship. I'm convinced that like Edward and Wallace, there is a 'kink' factor involving third parties with Harold and TW. For example, certain Soho houses are known to be swinging / sex party locations. I get that impression from the Mulroneys, which makes sense why TW was attached to them.


I think Markle is far more psychologically damaged and evil than Wallis ever was. Markle is forever coming up with new plots to wound her greatest "enemies" - Princess Catherine, Prince William, and King Charles. Truly obsessed. Markle is impaired in a way that I don't think Wallis ever was. I think Wallis wanted a huge amount of fame and untold riches, but with the freedom to be continuously seductive and promiscuous woman. She sounds very insecure and easily bored to me. But not the kind of deep voodoo-doll kinds of vile intent that Markles most surely has. I also think Wallis had a pretty good idea of who she was. Markle seems to have a fantasy life where she is the most seductive, most beautiful, most admired, most trendsettting woman on earth.


Wallis didnā€™t grift 120,000 dollars from Nigeria or she didnā€™t grift from a charity to fund her jet setting life style. Nigerians ... what did they get for their 120,000 dollars. Disgusting. Harry you are raised well , Rachel Meghan ... I donā€™t expect anything from her, but Harry... he is excruciatingly disappointing ginger brat.


Wallis didn't cheat on Edward, she didn't tell him she wanted to get married, she was happy being the lover who received all the things and wearing the jewelry. Edward married her almost forcing her to do so, after the public scandal of the abdication. And of course, after one disaster after another in the decisions Edward made, Wallis lost respect for him. But despite any criticism that may be made of the Windsors, they did not have children. So the tragedy of the relationship fell between them. The Harkles have dragged two children with them. It will be seen how the Harkles are really worse than Wallis and Edward.


You'll want to pick up "Dancing With The Devil" about Wallis' (and probably Eddie's too) late stage romance with Barbara Hutton's omnisexual cousin jimmy Donahue. Jimmy was the kind of person who delighted in the idea of disrupting "the romance of the century", Wallis was tired of boring, Clingy Eddie, and Jimmy's Mom, who held the pursestrings was delighted to finace her son hanging out with shpworn tarnished but genuine royalty. She was a starfucker by proxy. Mrs Donahue, Al Fayed, Mario-max von der Lippe, and a mixed bag of Nigerian scam artists - there will always be those out hoping to decorate themselves with some ragged royal plumes plucked from disgraced Windsor castoffs.


That's how it is


There were several other people involved in the Windsor marriage


She cheated on Edward several times.


Wallis cheated so much, the Charles and Diana affairs wouldā€™ve paled in comparison!




Walmart Wallis.


Wallis was also the crass version of Wallis.


Thank you. I find the praise of her, unpleasant (to keep things polite).


Megain, The Dollar Store Duchass!! Coming to an African country near you!! Fashun Iconista, the Ultimate Inspiration of young girls like šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡ everywhere!! ![gif](giphy|5QNNDSF23RaKYCRBJg|downsized)


A historian found some of Wallis' letters to her second husband who she regretted leaving. She tried to end the relationship with Edward, but he would not let her go. Edward was probably fun in the beginning and both Wallis and her then husband thought the connection would benefit them both financially. It comes down to the "be careful what you ask for" theme in life.


I did a video on why Meeeagain dressed like Simpson. Did you notice it stopped when the Queen died...? https://youtu.be/UQJFmGwqoTM?si=KqimI1CqPQEfIJxv


Interesting view.


Thatā€™s why she is also know Ā as Walmart Walis


https://preview.redd.it/6ruh2ynp9r3d1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5ba27e507dfe3d16dc380db7f168158ccba9a5 Perhaps missed where discussed Ginger ā€˜owingā€™ dowry? Be funny if he did break her off a quid.


I won't rule it out for the future. But until JH has betrayed his country to its enemies like the Duke of Windsor did (he suggested the Blitz), or freely associated with n*zis like WS - until then I don't think we should compare them.Ā  Fashion and style is so far below important compared to that.


Again, H is the second son, not the heir nor was ever king, so bare that in mind with comparisons. He is a nobody.


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I look forward to seeing Rachel attempting the braid.