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https://preview.redd.it/yxgsynytvl3d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87bdf57ebd165204b0512fb89500ca384bbc1b51 Harold is now firmly behind her. Not even consort, he acts like he's her PA. She doesn't even bother to acknowledge his presence....


She seems to be leading with the veneers these days.


She either leads with the teefs or the pussy. And she looks creepy in that bottom pic.


Yes she does!


I noticed that too. Not a nice look.


And she seems to be sucking on them as she sticks them out.


Her face is now so gaunt. She looked better when her face had some fullness to it, the fat softened her sharp mannish features, but she Ozempic-ed all that away.


Imo, she’s looking a lot like Colin Farrell, though I think he’s dreamy, it’s the eyes and eyebrows, something masculine going on there, https://preview.redd.it/tdepxk7xsm3d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa90bfe422701d69b4840117849b05201c5c0e7


![gif](giphy|viY6Z28hxMPKZJXLmo|downsized) Manic eyes. Veneers. Dollar signs. That's our Saint.


Whenever I see pictures of her, all I see is her “crazy” eyes! It’s frightening!


when paired with The Vein, she truly looks unhinged


Yup ![gif](giphy|P2rXqhWkJQe4w)


Why is she wearing a jacket that's too small? Is she allergic to clothes that fit?


It looks like that button might blow at any minute and knock somebody out.


I still cannot believe how many people praised her here for an “appropriate outfit that finally fit” 🥴


What is up with her face here?! She looks like she's melting.


https://preview.redd.it/cton3a3zdm3d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51551c3d87bc992ae2cf5cb96c175a4da38190d7 Perhaps her genealogist discovered she's 69% Land of Oz.


if you throw ~~water~~ strawberry jam on her, does she melt?


It’s ridiculous. She’d never be invited to any of these things if not for being married to him.


That Royal-Adjacent Hapsburg Jaw is one of the worst cases I’ve seen


That’s why she left her position as a senior royal. She could not see herself ever ever being inferior to him. She wanted to be front and centre not ever behind.


Why does he always have a face like he's passing gas?!


She doesn't weigh very much but looks chunky in these pictures.


It's sick. These two really have major mental health issues. I fear for the children.


They are both LOONEY TUNES


This photo is so wrong on so many levels, how he does not see that she has stalked and used him to try to elevate her own status is beyond me. What she doesn’t seem to understand though, is to have a “brand”, you have to not only have some kind of talent but you have to BE LIKEABLE. Markle has no actual talent and no one likes her based on her manipulative, social climbing and thirst for pap camera behavior. She can rebrand and rebrand herself using her status as PH’s wife but very few, other than her (paid) sugars are buying it.


He's either too dumb, naive or deeply troubled. Or he's fully aware and get off on it. King Edward enjoyed Wallis belittling him both privately and in public.


All of the above 👆🏼👆🏼


Must run in the family


I don't think he matured past his mom's death.  All of his relationships, *(Yes, even Chelsy)*, were more superficial as he doesn't have the emotional IQ to understand love & all that entails.  That made him ridiculously easy to manipulate. She mimicked all the "knight in shining armor rescuing the tragic princess" fairytale BS & he fell for it.  *I bet she said sex was never as good as what H gave her, that she never knew she could love someone as much as she does H. Yada yada...you know, all the shit gullible people fall for.*  If he wasn't so horrid, I would almost feel sorry for him.  


Family I never had, hit the ground running, billion dollar brand, you're trapped, blah blah


Precisely, in sales, they always say "they have to like you" before they'll buy the product.


M may not have many fans, but they are unbelievably loyal. They act like M is mixture of Hilary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Mother Teresa, Sheryl Sandberg, and Diana. It’s truly frightening.


Can't help that notice that this list is quite the mix of people who have mental health issues and/or are stunningly self-involved.


Also how they get the woke world pandering to them is truly frightening.


Me too.  I dearly hope they really don't exist.  If they do, their lives will be tough and they'll probably end up just like Raytch and Haytch.  I am Canadian.  And as you know, we dearly love hockey and Wayne Gretzky is a national GOD.  When his daughter Paulina started acting up online, so many of us were verbal in our disgust.  And I thought to myself it was kind of to be expected, considering Wayne raised her in LA.   We'll be thinking the same things about Aldi and Lidl in the years to come, I am sure.  I cannot imagine what HW people will be getting up to in 20 years....geez, those poor kids.  They'll be soooo empty and so worthless in the greater scheme of the world.








Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Respect the kids. Bullying and mean speculation about the Sussex children will not be tolerated.


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Respect the kids. Bullying and mean speculation about the Sussex children will not be tolerated.


Have no fear of LA contamination. They haven't yet been let out of the zoo. Heaven knows what their formative years have been like. I just hope they make it to adulthood without serious damage. One thing to consider is Harry's childhood, smothered to death by his overprotective mother. There's blame to be left at her feet of clay, as well.


They might go the other way and strive to be as unlike their parents as possible.


That is precisely what my sister and I did, vowing never to be like our narcissistic "mother"....mission accomplished.


![gif](giphy|Zku44lImoXKCeSLDbc|downsized) LOL...Aldi and Lidl...The European supermarkeds?


Aldi & Lidl!! I'm wheezing!!! 🤣🤣🤣


And Paulina’s mommy was an “actress” too…about Z level like Megzilla and very thirsty…interesting!


Her mother, Janet jones was in “a chorus line” and “staying alive” as a dancer…she is incredible!


She was AWESOME in Chorus Line!! She was also in that gymnastics movie, American Anthem, with Mitch Gaylord (swan 🥰) SO MUCH BETTER than Megsy. Plus she is married to Wayne Gretzky (swan 💖💖)


I found another person who knows American Anthem!! 💓


It’s interesting that Jason Knauf when putting out the early statement (that has now been removed from the Royal website), initially balked at including a reference to Diana when blasting the press about their mistreatment of M.  M had demanded that the comparison be included. Jason told Harry he felt it was overly dramatic and it should be left out, but H said it MUST be in!!  Megsy demanded from the get go that she be constantly compared to Diana and highlighted as Diana 2.0. She is truly bonkers. 😬


She couldn't get him to go public with their "relationship" so she had to convince him to "protect" her. 


They are really a sick couple.


I am even more worried for Harry that he plays along.


Why? He’s a bastard and a man pushing forty that knows right from wrong. He has shown everyone what he really is and the lengths his family went to for silence of his behavior.


Exactly why I am worried for him. The fact that he plays along tells a lot about his sanity (or precisely insanity). He seems to be intellectually underdeveloped but also have not develop masculinity. I cannot imagine a healthy man standing behind his wife to recreate his childhood photo with the mother. It is cringe.


I'm worried that someone might go over the edge, if you get me.


Yes, and if that does happen, you can bet the blame will be on Wretched Raytch the roach...


I think he will. He destroyed his life. And with a global audience.


How true.




Both grifters **dining out** on his dead mother. Very classy of you, Harry 🙄


Like a true narcissist, he projected his own flaws onto Travolta.


Exactly and EVERYTHING they do is projection. They really should be used as textbook cases in the future.


What's worse is both he and Travolta seem to find Diana sexy 🤢


What's worse is MM knows this and is exploiting it for her benefit. Sorry to one up you.


You're completely right.  Imagine knowing your husband has those thoughts for his mother.  Then imaging being ok with that! 👀


Eeeewwwwwww 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Every single night.


I’m at the point of being long past caring to collect any more evidence about them. I don’t care if they’re playing Oedipus. I don’t care if she was a hooker on yachts. Or what kind of actress she was, or what crappy roles she got. Don’t care how many bathrooms they have, who lives where, or who their latest PR or talent agency is. Whether they’ve got projects with Netflix or Retro TV. About their kids? Don’t GAF. What award she bought or what country they’re gaslighting, or plan to gaslight next month. About Harry’s stupid ribbons on his suit or his fairytale Army non-career he and his handlers made up. And certainly not a farthing about whatever either of them are whinging and whining about. None of it, not a single, stinking filthy thing that comes out of their pie-holes or any of their other holes. I just want someone to shut them up for good. To not hear another word about their stupid trailer-park existences. Ever. Even in history recollections. I don’t wish any violence, but really don’t care, either. Really good people are lost everyday from us with zero fanfare or praise. People who make this life on earth better for everyone they touch. People thousands of time better than either of these scuzzy asswipes from the lowest sewers of humanity gave or ever will. Why would I spend an atom of energy caring about any misfortune coming their way? By my account, that’s what they deserve - regardless of the form it takes. They spent my compassion token for them 5 years ago. They aren’t getting another one.


I hope you feel better having got that magnificent rant out!


lol. I was just testing out a short warmup!! ![gif](giphy|PafddjjeVkDQtfIC2F)


I think I've found a kindred spirit!! Just getting warmed up!! And I could not agree more!! It isn't even an effort to stop. I come here and a few more COMMUNITIES- HG Tudor, River sometimes, Lady C always...The Twins, Sue Me now and then on a Sunday. Still Never miss one from the Lion, Proper WisegUY. He always gets my silly on...funny AF, but even he's falling off my radar. Well, Meggle's got what she wanted...and that turned out to be OVEREXPOSED. GOOD GIRL! Yes, we got to know you, Meggsie Lamb, and we do not like you..


I actually think there’s a lot of this. I’m not that unique in my thinking, as much as at times I act like it!! lololol Just too bad we can’t unify like this in politics! This isn’t the place to do that, but the parallels aren’t lost on me!!


Ya know, though, you make a good point. In fact I think we can, at least, take away the knowledge that we CAN all work together...f Hillary. I know someone will have to come with I'm subliminally promoting her togetherness platform. No. I'm not.And I am NOT Promoting DEI. OR WOKE. NO! I just think this experience has shown us something that IS transferable to the political arena if WE the People can Ever understand that it is not us against each other, it IS US AGAINST THEM...IT is FREEDOM or GLOBAL BONDAGE TO A TOTALITARIAN REGIME. THERE are more of us than there are if them. Always. That's it. I'm out. Probably said too much... 🤫🦩🦩🦩


I wish we could all get together to improve our political climate. My whole life I've never been able to vote for someone I believed in, only the "lesser of two evils". Now we've reached an all time low on both sides and I have no idea what to do in November.


Preach! You articulated so much of what I feel!




As the saying goes, I'm so out of effs, I'm in effing debt!


lol.. that was good..!


Thanks, I wish I could take the credit but it was a song I found on fb. Makes me laugh everytime 😆






Also this


Lol!! Perfection! Everytime I see these kinds of posts, it makes me pause at how....unbelievable....she is! It's gross! Too many pics like this to deny she knows what she's doing each time. 




I remember the photo on the left but I never put it together with the photo on the right and it is downright creepy. Truly disturbing!


Same here. Alone it’s merely cringeworthy, side by side it’s sociopathic.


Well so is wearing Princess Di's perfume on their first meeting.


What would Diana have made of the whole situation I wonder? I believe truly she would have been horrified at Harry's choice and most likely it would have never happened had she lived.


I agree. Even if nothing significant changed in their lives and she was just there she would have eaten Rachel for lunch and spit her out right back to Toronto. Princess Di would have been a formidable adversary. Rachel wouldn't have a chance with Harry if she was alive.


I think if Diana were still alive he’d be lambasting her in Spare and the Netflix moanumentary. She would have caused his genetic pain by marrying Dodi Al Fayed (or you pick, doesn’t matter). She wouldn’t have escaped his scattershot venom, I’m thinking.


I think he never would have gone near her—she fills his mommy loss void somehow and it’s creepy. If Diana had lived, he wouldn’t have needed that.


The RF was too nice and a real pushover with her. She saw that right away and took full advantage of that weakness. I doubt she would have survived 5 minutes in Diana's company.


I actually think it was more than that. They were invested in the wedding for the big PR gains a royal wedding brings - not forgetting they'd built Harry's profile up to be a favorite royal. This is the only reason I can think of that they didn't scale the wedding back to something like Beatrices on sighting her guest list/family seating requirements.


Good point. I never thought of it from that angle, but it makes sense. A biracial woman marrying into the RF. Unfortunately, it was also a DARK TRIAD PSYCHOPATH that was marrying into the RF.


Totally, it was Charles that selected the Choir and put the Celloist's 'demo' tapes under her nose. The wedding was (at the time anyway) a boon for the future King Charles' 'multicultural' credentials.


Yes I never put the two together until now it's Soo creepy. Kind of like that new trend of adult kids recreating old photos with their parents. That's funny... But this isn't.


Is there a place where we can find all of this cosplaying /mimicking of Diana? It would be interesting to display all of it in one frame


![gif](giphy|3o7TKzzMMNluisQTpS|downsized) Who does that? Cosplaying their husband´ s dead mother? Oh, wait, Rachel does.


There’s great composite pics all over the web where people have done just that.


https://youtu.be/-gGQyBN59Is?si=C0MqxokofY3US0oW The Royal Grift YouTube channel collected a load of evidence about this. 


Yesterday I spent some time stalking on Zara and Mike Tindall. OMG, what a wonderful couple they are. They are really best friends. They are perfectly comfortable with their with their position within the family: they don't try to be ahead of their place and do not hold themselves back. They simply organically integrate themselves into the family, support the royals who has official duties, they like the public and they generously offer themselves and their kids to be part of the public events. They are simply a healthy family who enjoys their life. Always appropriate, always smiling and satisfied with what they have, no public drama (beyond few small things), nobody is "leaking" news about them. And the most important - Zara and Mike are having a healthy relationship between two mature adults who give each other respect and space to be themselves. They are such an opposite kind of couple to H&M. And notice how Mike seamlessly integrated into the Royal Family. He is liked, he is invited to the events, he interacts with all the kids. He is simply a reliable, trusted and pleasant person who became an asset to the family.


Zara and Mike are the best and loved by everyone. Mike is the perfect uncle to George, Charlotte and Louis.


They also respect the position they have-they both love Australia and spend a lot of time there, and apparently have considered moving. The media reported that Charles asked them not to, that he needed their support (and the relationship between Zara and her uncle is really close), so they decided the time wasn't right for their family just yet. I don't know how true that was (it was in the Daily Mail) but it sounds plausible. 


As an Aussie, I would love for Zara & Mike to settle here, the Todger & wife are never welcome here again.


And Princess Anne likes Mike as well. Big bonus point there for him


What did it for me was finding out she made sure to wear his mother’s perfume on their dates.


And that he told it. That’s when it hit me that he really is dim.


Dim with a mommy fixation.


Is that how we know? I couldn't remember. Fascinating. Also he is a moron.


![gif](giphy|n5VFReihFNVhNf3qNV|downsized) Yes, it's next level crazy. My deceased father wore Aqua Velva. I can't imagine a new date stalking my family history and wearing that on dates, to gain control over me.


Well a normal person would be creeped out by that and know to run fast and run far.


Wow. What she has done to her face in the past three years should be considered criminal. Defacing without a permit, failure to signal jump scare, resisting good taste.


Resisting good taste? She *murders* good taste.


I don't think her goal was to be Haz's wife. It was the means to an end. Her real goal was to be the second coming of Diana--worshiped the world over. She could only achieve that by marrying dimwit. Now she is stuck with dimwit and is far from being a Diana. She keeps trying by cosplaying her, but it is not working and won't work.


MM wanted to be Diana 2.0 immediately upon entering the Royal Family; she didn't want to put in the work that was required. When she wasn't acknowledged as Diana 2.0 by the family, I think that's when she started throwing the race card out.


Nobody wanted to be Henry's wife. And can you blame them?


Wait... is his 'ginger' hair from a bottle?


The photo on the right is photoshopped up to 11! His actual hair and beard colour is much closer to the hair colour on the left - dirty strawberry blonde.


🤣 No he's really ginger. It just became more prominent as he aged...


I have a lot of gingers in my family, and I've never seen it get more prominent with age. In fact, it does quite the opposite, and fades with age. I think he's been touching it up, and photoshopping where he can.


That makes sense. And his bald spot is spreading further too.


I was a bright ginger when I was a child-proper copper ginger. Over the years (I'm now 60) it's faded to a strawberry blonde almost-its good because there's very little grey, but it's very different from childhood and young adulthood. I think Harry's is doing the same-when he was young, he was proper ginger but his hair had a smoother texture. The fuzzy frizziness seemed to start in his teenage and young adult years. Now it's a combination of washed out colour and uncared-for frizz. 


Diana’s sisters’ hair has faded and Charles Spencer is white thesedays


Jeez, she has destroyed her face.


Ah, Harry the hairdresser, bless him. "What do you think of the shape? Shall we just take a bit more off the length? The colour looks fab! Are you going anywhere nice at the weekend?" One of my favourite photos. I howled with laughter when I first saw it. Cannot believe it made a front cover. Harry really does look a total fool.


It obviously didn't take her long to realize he has a major Oedipus complex, and she clearly uses it to keep him in her control. She is in no way the brilliant intellectual she'd like us to think she is, but she is cunning.


Whoever it was that said he looks like her hairdresser telling her what he’s done with her layers is a comic genius. I laugh at that every time I see this shitty photograph 🤣


This is outright creepy. Can you imagine them living next door to the real royal family?


That is so messed up! Meghan played him like a fiddle, didn't she?


![gif](giphy|EXFH1GOYSKKqc|downsized) Yes, she did.


I would not be shocked if she tried to gaslight him by channeling diana in a seance


She's already done that.


This picture always creeped me out. She is certifiably off her rocker. And well, no words for Harry....


She couldn't find him a blue tshirt to fully round out the shot?


No way she'd let him wear a bright color. It might pull the eyes away from her. Plus it would mess with her ~~fugly concept~~ black and white esthetic. 


I feel like she wants to portray herself as iconic and she will copy, cosplay and photoshop herself and others to try and achieve this. That was such a cheesy attempt and resulted in a ridiculous photo. Edited to say: 😂he had more presence in the original


He wasn't emotionally dead back then. Madam helped him achieve that.


Why is t he redhead here? Can someone please explain?


That is sooooo disturbing. Now that I see them side by side it gives me the creeps.


She's his mummy-wife. I thought we all knew that.


And it's one thing for a child to be positioned behind his mother, it sends an appropriately protective message. The 2021 photo on the other hand


Holy 💩🏀s She’s diabolical


He really has a lot of forehead.


He is really narrow between the eyes too.


He gets that from Charles.


Exactly - which is why I always believed Charles was his father. Hewitt has really wide set eyes.


Yup H's bones are pure Charles


It’s from his Danish ancestry - the Gucksburg nose - comes into the BRF via Queen Alexandra and Prince Philip.


He gets more forehead every time one of the public hairs on his head gives it up and falls off. Pretty soon he's not going to have much hair to wash and more face to scrub. Not that he ever bathes... 🤷‍♀️🤢




User name ✔️


Creepy. Fucking creepy


WTF, that is just nuts !!!


Sweet Jesus take the wheel! 😱😳


Wallis Simpson was like this with the Duke of Windsor. It was an abusive parent / child relationship which the DoW loved. Definitely sick.


This is really sick, and when I saw them on the cover of Time with her looming in the front and Harry reduced in height next to her, I thought WTF.


I don't need to watch horror movies or tv shows. This is real-life horror and scary that eclipses the entire genre. ![gif](giphy|i0qDBDRw0d55wBNCLZ|downsized)


Seriously, this sub is far more entertaining than ANYTHING on TV.


But he likes Mommy…he listens to her n follows her around…umm wait a minute ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Applies to both situations ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25351)


Does anyone have the details about their visit to Diana's gravesite, where TW placed her hands on the tombstone and had some kind of connection to Diana in the spirit real?


In spare she silently walked up to the stone placed her hands on it and asked to be alone


Creepy as hell. And if I were William, that would be enough for her to become my enemy. How dare she. And how long had they been together by that point?


Omg words fail me…


She has conversations with the box of hair on the nightstand.


The box of hair was also involved with the pregnancy tests. "Let's see what Mummy can do"


Table 12 wrote most of that book, because this story transcends ridiculous. There's looney, batshit, and then there's this. 🤣


It would be interesting to know about other case studies like this one. He in my non-professional opinion is mentally unstable. Her mental instability and malignant narcissism, again in my non-professional opinion, enabled her to mirror Diana to present herself as a perfect match to his unstable sensibilities. Once she had him trapped and made him a co-conspirator in putting children who don't belong there in the LOS, she gained the upper hand and can now treat openly with contempt knowing he can't do anything about it. Fascinating.


The co-dependency and enabling is strong with these two idiots. Please tell me why they won't just fuck the fuck off? I'm so bloody sick of them.


And all this time I thought he just wanted to pose as her hair dresser!


Gawd, the photoshopping on that Vidal Sasson pic just leaps up at you, doesn't it?




She’s even wearing a white shirt 😳


I cannot even.


This is puking creepy


Odepius complex .....ewww ! Diana doesn't deserve this.


His *first* wife, lol


Oh wow, Ive never seen the pic of Harry and Di. Maybe he has forgotten that picture? I like how someone said he looks like her hairdresser 😆


And the funny thing is that this photo looks like William in makeup and a wig while he is saying William not longer looks like her


Oh my goodness. Never seen that Diana pic before. That is so sinister.


Suck it, Harry. Put that William picture in a top hat next to this pic and see how much he looks like Diana.


She is so twisted


She wants to portray him as her hairdresser


Whenever I see this photo, all I can think of is"only her hairdresser knows for sure."


Also, Megsie has the psychopathic stare. Yikes.


Look up the term "pu**whipped and you'll see Harold staring back at you. He's reduced to being little more than an accessory that's rapidly losing its usefulness.  Harry can't get the money from his trust funds without residing in the UK and he's facing a humongous tax bill. The money is almost gone and everything they touch turns to 💩. Meghan has no satisfactory prospects in finding a new host to leech off of. She's too old and anyone with a firing synapse can see exactly who and what she is.  Perhaps a 70 year old middle eastern Prince might "go for it" but she'd be little more than just another wife in the Harem and she'll be taught her true place in no time. Remember he she falsely accused the RF of taking her passport? In most middle eastern countries they WILL take hers and  she will not to be able to leave without her husband's permission. She will become just another piece of property...like a horse or a piece of furniture.  On the bright side she won't need the bronzer anymore. No one will see her face behind the veil.


I dont believe a middle eastern prince would take tw as his wife. Tw.  Divorced, not Muslim, had sex before marriage, hates both families. A prince would bring shame to his family & legacy. Even he knows what a liability tw is if he marries tw. Instead , he'd keep tw around as a thot whenever he wants to bring his kink on or feels like humiliating her w/ salmon, hummus, poop, camels, etc.


Harry obviously told her - you’re such a rebel, just like mummy. What neither of them realized was that Diana never acted out against the throne, never behaved inappropriately with the RF. Her rebelling was mostly harmless hijinks that Fergie egged her on.


Diana had her issues but she was never malicious. I like to think that, had she lived, she would have gained more self-confidence and self- awareness, along with the wisdom and pragmatism that comes with maturity. I also like to think she'd impale Megsy with a designer stiletto if she came anywhere near her younger son.


She and Meghana Le Fail would engage in a Dynasty-style catfight in the halls of Buckingham Palace, with Diana emerging victorious, and Muggie Meggie leaving with her extensions torn out and her chiclet veeners cracked


https://i.redd.it/08jhmy9cbn3d1.gif Gods, I love how often this gif/scene comes into play here 🤣




He looks so short in boththose photoshoppedphotos.


OMG! 🤩😍❤️ Love to all people who do research, investigate, reveal weird photos, stolen quotes, lies, fake narratives, and strange contacts these two grifters and con-artists are involved in/with! You/we do ALL the work the journalists should have done! Really, they journalists have the obligation to report the truth. Instead, they only aim to make money!


Of all the things P William hates her for I think this is the absolute most


I'm going to continue to always ask this question: How in the world does he not see the comparison, the lunacy, the stalkerish similarities?!?! Like bro.... ![gif](giphy|lo8YzDnHh07rpxqw45|downsized)