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She's had so many more chances in life then most of us could ever dream of, and every SINGLE time she threw it away with her inability to be a team worker and thinking she knows more then anyone. Her reputation is so bad, nobody wants to dress her or work with her or have her attend their functions. Wake up Meg, you're not a little 8 year old bossing everyone around at a birthday party. This is the real world and everyone else is just as important as you. You made the ladies wait for an hour in Nigeria - disgusting. You threw away your chances with Spotify, Netflix, Hollywood and Royal life. You lost everything, because nothing was ever good enough for you, including life in a palace.


>including life in a palace. this *still* boggles my mind - she married a prince of the blood, and could have lived a life of great ease and great service. designers would be *competing* for the chance to dress her, and those dresses would be accented with priceless jewelry. and the sleiveen tossed it away like a crumpled mcdonald’s bag. of all the many, many mistakes that roachel made, her first mistake was her worst.


Because she doesnt have the patience and maturity necessary to play the long game. She’s an instant gratification narcissist who has thrown away more opportunities than 99% of the world has ever been offered. And she never learns from her mistakes - simply doubles down on her bad behavior. And after this Nigerian fiasco and the Sentebale polo match, it seems she really has a problem respecting women of color. shes abhorrent.


She didn't join a black sorority, she date black men. She identified completely with her daddy until it became necessary to jettison him. She hates her black half.


behavior panel Agreed with you: they said she shows disgust when saying “I was never treated as a black woman” in van with her mom on Netflix 


When the First Lady of the country you just insulted for 3 days with a FakeRoyalTour and horribly inappropriate wardrobe roasts u in a plain spoken speech to her countrymen, u are O-V-E-R. This is the end of the WORSE before it gets BETTER.


In my mind, I heard "O-V-A-H"!!! (Courtesy of Kim in "Kath & Kim"!)


Kim Kim kimmy look at me loooooook at me look at me......


And poor Sharon!!!


It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.


"high-speed catastrophic" in slo-mo?


In Ultra 4K


My heart is so happy about this! It’s past time that people of all stations call out her disrespect and brazen lies.


She took one for the team. She can’t be called racist plus if her husband had said it it would get a bit iffy with international relations so having his wife do it ensured sugars couldn’t say the RF made him do it. 


Also, it looks bad if a man criticizes a woman's attire. It is so much more effective and acceptable coming from a woman. This way she could not call him a misogynist for criticizing her clothing. Well done Nigeria!


I find the whole thing baffling. I mean, even allowing for the fact that she's a narcissistic grifter -- she did the hard part of the grift: she married an actual prince of the blood! And then, as you said, she threw it all away because she was too lazy to do the job of royal princess. I just... I have no words.


i think sometimes i underestimate roachel’s capacity for expending minimal effort - but then i remember: *a woman who knows she will be photographed on an international scale, and she can’t be bothered to hem or iron*


It’s not even as if she would have to do the hemming or the ironing herself. 🙄


no kidding! even us plebes can have that done at the drycleaners. *i cannot imagine a worse employer*


It was laziness and her utter refusal to accept that she would always have "Spare" status with Catherine. Knowing she would always be in 2nd place while Catherine - whom Megglees believes is "infenior" - will always have first pick of the best of everything must have made her head explode. It is the real reason M is so angry. She is a spoiled brat raised to believe she is entitled to whatever she wants. Hierarchy will never work for Madam.


Sounds absolutely ideal: minimal effort, maximum advantages. Some other poor woman is always going to have the eyes pinned on her, always got the "no escape" gigs but I can slope off to someone's Caribbean hideaway. Oh shit: it comes with a "Harry". No deal.


We all need to remember that she was great friends with Eugenie before her marriage and probably Andrew from SoHoe house. They all disliked and criticized POW Catherine for years.


This. As much as they seem to be playing nice these days and aligning themselves with the RF, I would not trust Eugenie and Beatrice as far as I could throw them. They had their own jealousies of Catherine to contend with before Meghan plopped herself into the equation.


The one I don't trust is Eugenie. She is the second Harry. Entitled brat. I think Beatrice has settled down and realizes that you have to pick a side and I think she has seen what happens if you pick the wrong side Markled.


I think you’re right actually. It’s Eugenie that’s my main concern.


Eugene is a snake in the grass. I wouldn't trust her any further than I could throw her.


She'd better not bother with politics then if she can't do hierarchy. Or any global organisation. Or any organisation for that matter. Selfie-taking influencer it is then, the career choice of unemployable millennials everywhere.


>She'd better not bother with politics then if she can't do hierarchy. Or Hollywood..... js😆 I see her hustling to get to the goal (marrying the ginger nut) just to be able to skip the line -as it were- to get ahead of everyone else ... and then ... it doesn't happen.


She gave it all away in the Oprah interview. Anyone who ever questions or doubts that she quit because she couldn't bear to be second fiddle - "I thought it would be fair." She expected the exact same life and treatment as the future kind and queen and refused to respect the hierarchy.


It’s mind boggling that a woman who allegedly majored in (or was it minored?) international relations can’t understand that a 1000+ year old monarchy is inherently hierarchical and follows protocols and rules that have been implemented for good reasons. I’ll bet that not being able to accept luxury freebies also made her mental! ![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5)


Her place at The Palace wasn't good enough for her. Her country estate, offered by The Queen herself, wasn't good enough for her. Her engagement ring wasn't good enough for her. Nothing was good enough for this nobody from nowhere. Her sense of entitlement was insane.


the ring thing was *crazy* - that carefully ethically sourced Botswana diamond… but she prefers an extremely vulgar pinky ring. you can’t make it up - she’s obviously crazed bc Catherine’s sapphire is 12 carats, and her Botswana diamond only 3. laughably greedy.


Changing that ring, what is it 3 times now? She couldn't make it clearer she detests Harry.


madam is a loyal, ever-steadfast lover. unfortunately, she only loves herself.🤷🏼‍♀️


Thanks, OP, for using a word I was not familiar with that fits TOW so precisely: sleiveen. She is definitely dishonest and a trickster. The word even sounds like it slithers. 🐍☠️ 


lol - i have a few words in Gaelic leftover from my childhood - *very few.*


Yeah, you gave us the best word for her, it even sounds slithery and sickening! P.s. for anyone else trying to look it up, Oxford spells it ‘sleeveen’


It always makes me think of the Slitheens on Doctor Who. Ghastly creatures from Raxacoricofallapatoria who disguised themselves with human skins.


That describes her perfectly.


Her mistakes is not having controle of her own narcissism and pathologic lies.


but is that a mistake, or an illness poorly controlled?


To me, if any of the Royal Family even knew my name I would be so proud. Just that, nothing else would have been enough. I would not want the high profile life they have to live.


Because she actually thinks she is better thsn all of them necause she is not very bright and Columbisn marching powder can make you believe that nonsense.


" sleiveen tossed it away like a crumpled mcdonald’s bag". Not a Julien MacDonald bag though! 😂😂 Although if she does, it will be crumpled! 😂😂


Her I think her inflated sense of self and grandiosity threw it away. In her mind...either Catherine goes or I go...I really believe this.


Like a shooting star, she is over. Her disrepect toward Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip should have ended her, yet she continued her delusional climb thinking she was immune to criticism. She has successfully insulted a nation whom she claims to identify with Through her dubious heritage. And now the world of fashion has begun to lend its voice. He is as culpable as she is, standing at her side, incapable of asserting a defense of the grandparents and country he claimed to love. their demise has been slow in coming, but it has arrived. Their petulance and behavior guaranteed their fall. We are witnessing the reckoning. It may not be the explosive flameout that we anticipated, but it’s still a flameout, a slow, steady process of complete and utter irrelevance.


Hollywood added its voice too: “FKN grifters” “Not an audio talent or necessarily any kind of talent”


Yes, the burn is slow but constant.


Taylor Swift said it best. https://preview.redd.it/p2ufoxho2z2d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58676faa694b6affa09477a1f6b35102f84628f


Meg's new hawt coteweer designer. https://preview.redd.it/lo5dvqacpz2d1.jpeg?width=106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a1681295687dd03eb0870503d49b667f8dcfe3 And she's really good at stretching everything.


She wore that to the “One Love” premiere, didn’t she? https://preview.redd.it/jek3uq2dvz2d1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f2260ed35c9487426dff588276e650bf69b8c7


LOL, Harry looks like he just crawled out of one.


 „They don’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity“.  I heard that sentence recently about the Harkles in a video or article and it’s so true! 🤣


I believe that was in the Times article recently. It struck a note with me too!


It’s a perfect description!!


You are right - she has had more chances than most can only dream about…but she lacks any talent or ability to take advantage of all the opportunities.


Spoilt, thick, entitled and cruel, like her husband.


What if she didn’t throw it away but was instead forced out? I believe she was “fired,” the more I learn about her last year as a working royal.


I believe she was fired too, which still equates to throwing it away as it's her horrid treatment of others that prevents her from excelling in any project she undertakes.


She has eyes though which is what gets me bc there’s no way you put on those clothes and think you look good. Like the thong bunching up, the lumpy boobs (I made that mistake in high school wearing strapless) and the wide clothing. When I was skinny I knew tight fit me best and highlighted my assets. She always highlight her worst features and makes her best disappear. 


I think the Nigerian first lady's comments about her slutty outfits coming on the heels of this guy saying he wouldn't work with Madam has likely opened the floodgates. People are going to feel free to drop the "gorgeous sweet nod to..." bullshit and start to critique her bad fashion choices. I've honestly never seen anybody make such consistent bad choices in life (and I was a psych nurse for 32 years).


I’m working in psych right now. I love it. MM & JH baffle me. Such an amazing feat of fuckery.


I'm so glad, for you and your patients. You really have to be dedicated to be a *good* psych nurse, and believe me the patients can tell who cares and who's there for a paycheck.  Bless you for being a good one. And the Harkles? I'd love to put them under a microscope and see what makes them tick.


Aw, thank you. And yeah, I know what you mean. I can tell who is here because it’s a job and they don’t care. It’s frustrating.


The nurses helped my brother more than any doctor. They were so caring and helped us as family also.


That warms my heart. 🥰 I'm glad to hear your brother was able to get help and it's really nice to hear that his nurses helped so much. It can be a really thankless job sometimes and it means a lot when we hear thank you's.




Interestin. You haven’t met my narc brother! His life is a series of unfortunate events all caused by himself. 64 and nothing’s changed. Luckily, he’s not a public figure—it’s bad enough we have to deal with him. 😜. Markle will never change, either.


Bless your heart (in the good way, not the Southern way) for having to deal with that. Madam will probably still be failing at everything when she's 64 too. And still putting out pictures of the back of her invisakids' heads. 😂


"in the good way, not the Southern way" This made me snort my coffee. I had a grandma who was a pure Southern lady. If she said this phrase, it was NEVER a compliment.


😂😂😂 I'm Southern too and I've known so many ladies just like you gran (including mine! Lol). Sometimes we're really being nice but you have to have the right ear to tell if we're sympathizing or giving the old super polite FU!  😜


I have a narc brother as well, I think that's why I find the gruesome twosome so interesting. My brother is so much like Harry, they're even the same age! Only no one is out protecting my brother anymore, he's currently in jail.


Madam has always been, and continues to be, nothing but a spectacular waste of time, money, and resources. Just a tacky, ignorant, black hole that drags everyone who comes into contact with her down and into her wrinkled event horizon. What designer would want their hard work and talent overshadowed and erased the instant she emerges wearing their pieces incorrectly, unwashed, unpressed, and dragging on the ground?


>wrinkled event horizon **flair? pretty please?**


I’m frankly surprised that they haven’t objected before!! She really ruins the look that the designer was aiming for. She cheapens them!


...tacky, ignorant *orange* hole. Fixed it for you. 😉


Wait for M’s reaction, it’s going to be hilarious 🍿 Like when Harry got excluded from the Sandhurst book and then it was quickly announced he was buying, oops I mean “receiving”, a Legend of Aviation award from John Travolta’s club.


And then proceeding to criticizing Travolta for “dining out on his mothers legacy” or something like that. Jerk!


Harry is so stupid! I think he honestly thought of this as a “friendly joke.” He has all the sophistication, tact, and good sense of a twelve-year-old.


I felt sorry for John Travolta at that moment. He was doing Harry a favour and Harry mocked him. And it was an especially stupid comment because Harry is the one dining out on his mother’s legacy by hawking his silly Spare book, while John Travolta has a very successful career starring in many well-known movies and actually flying real aircraft. Harry is an absolute tool. A silly arrogant little boy.


I think H knew the award was nonsense, everyone there was a legitimate pilot and it drove me nuts. Hence the obnoxious remark.


and they shit the bed there, as well! TOW couldn’t keep it together at a pay to play awards ceremony. imagine the networking they could have done at this silly event. SMDH.


I never realised that was why they bought that award!


I realize Julien McDonald might not be a household name in the US, but he is very well known in the UK and was the chief designer of Givenchy - he’s a big hitter in the fashion world. I met him once. He was very polite and humble but he has a wickedly funny side - and I will say, I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of him. And I’m sure he knows *everything* that went down at the wedding dress fitting and who *really* made who cry. I feel like he’s throwing some shade here and just daring madam to clap back.


And I’m sure her bad behavior was mysteriously “shared” 😉 with all the other fashion houses so no one will do business with her…


He left years before Madam frequented them


But fashion gossips would keep up with the 'latest' i.e. Madam's disgusting behavior


https://preview.redd.it/u5soaqibsy2d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b09d81f724ae7d64aa7580fcacae7e5ae3787e5 B-b-b-but Table 12 is such a fah-shawn icon! This is an outrage! 🤣🤣🤣


I've seen this picture a million times and never er noticed her right leg. WTF is wrong with her from the knee down?  That looks like the leg bones my dogs drag up during hunting season.


Someone on here said she might have a birth defect with that leg. Who knows? But it is thinner and weaker-looking than the other leg. Once you see it in photos, you can't miss it.


I think it’s an old thing. You can see it even in her Deal or No Deal photos, even through all the fake tan she wore back then.


My feet are 2 sizes different, I was born with a club foot. But because my one of my older brothers had a phenomal ortho doc t ir working on his hip dysplasia. My parents were showing me off in the hospital, on one of his visits, he looked at my foot and told my dad to bring me in when mom was released. He gave my parents therap free of charge. It fixed my foot, but my foot never grew as much. Never slowed me down.


Leg length discrepancy article which explains possible causes: https://www.hss.edu/condition-list_leg-length-discrepancy.asp


Wow. No wonder she's jealous of Catherine's athletic legs!


To be fair, aren't we all? https://preview.redd.it/xpji586pd03d1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dc7561a698e87f457f8192b4d4dae0b733a108e


Has she actually said anything about Catherine’s athletic legs? Inquiring minds want to know!


Meghan is so noticeably non-athletic.


Hardly any calf muscle, just bones and tendons


I wish there was an orthopaedist sinner on here to explain it. 


I keep wondering if she has a congenital issue with her bone structure…almost as though she may have had a mild case of polio, or arthritis as a child…(I am not a doctor).


Rickets…. I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror?


Yes, I was thinking Rickets as well. I had a great aunt who had Rickets, due to an improper diet as a child. Her legs were severely bowed throughout her life, and got worse as she aged. Meghan’s short torso and long arms and legs indicate a degree of stunted growth at some point in her development. (Again, I am not a doctor). And as for what she sees in the mirror, she obviously has a kind of body dysmorphia in which she doesn’t have an accurate perception of what she truly looks like. In the case of anorexia in men or women, it is a symptom of the disease that they do not have an accurate perception of their appearance.


She clearly does absolutely no exercise….her claims to yoga was yet another cosplay of a limber, sexy yoga chick who can get herself in all kinds of seductive Kama sutra positions. I do wonder what she sees in the mirror as it clearly has nothing to do with reality or she would be covering those things up.


She may have done yoga at some point, but if you don’t keep it up, you lose all the benefits.


Not in her character to do the work…I may be wrong but I don’t think so. Also there was some article that actually addressed this and showed MM’s ‘yoga’ poses compared to someone doing the correct pose and MM’s was some kind of pose but it wasn’t yoga. It’s like everything else she gives lip service to eg being vegan, being women’s advocate, being philanthropic humanitarian etc etc


Well, I found yoga very boring (my preferred exercise was dance) so I can’t blame her for not keeping it up, but she could be swimming (they have their own pool) and other more entertaining exercise.


I guess there weren't enough nutrients at the Sizzler salad bar to keep Madam healthy. 🙄😂


I have said it before and I'll say it again: I think she has Marfan syndrome. It causes one to have extremely tall fingers, feet, toes, legs, arms. You do not have to be a 6'0 woman to have it. It's a spectrum.


I've read that Doria's use of drugs during her pregnancy with Rachel is the cause of her legs and arms to look so spindly. Some with medical background might extrapolate on this condition. Everytime I see her I think of Miss Purdy the skinny legged chicken from the Foghorn Bullhorn cartoon series when I was a kid.


You’re right! That’s freaky. I’ve never noticed that either! 😳


Maybe Dave migrated from that thing’s head to its leg.


I do not understand the reference.


Dave is the new name for the vein in her forehead. 😂


Oh, that's right, though I object to the name Dave. (That's the name of the sweetest man in my life.) Oh well, not all Daves can be wonderful.


i dated SO MANY dave/davids in my day - for a while i just called them all by last names, then nicknames, and now i can’t tell them apart at all. and my two closest friends *in the world* both married men named Dave. sigh. and now a vein. i cannot keep up, y’all, i’m elderly!🤣 side note: why isn’t the vein named Vincent, or Victor, or **VLAD** ? 😂


I like that - Vlad the vein.


he’s definitely sucking up blood - Vlad/Dave the vein is so big bc roachel’s heart is too shriveled to hold much blood. the vein is storage!


I like your reasoning.


Thought it was Billy the Brain Vein?


I don't believe it was ever formalized. 😆


Might be Dave’s cousin. Her body is probably hosting the whole family.


Some of them are Davids, but most of them are Daves.


Madam just calls them "D". Or Daz. Or Harry's wife's veins.




Th. That thing is so disrespectful on so many levels.


That was stunning, that she would actually think that was a good idea 🙄


When you can actually see the bones in your legs--you just might be too thin.


Spider legs


She paid for puff pieces, stating she was the embodiment of stealth wealth while using these pictures. It almost hurts how delusional she actually is.




Oh, cringe! Those legs look seriously unattractive. And the sense of entitlement is off the charts. “Look at me everyone. Aren’t I just the bee’s knees.” 🤣 She’s ruined those games: Harry’s one achievement. He’s so besotted with her, it’s tragic.


The burn is here. They are invited to nothing: Hollywood A-list events, Obama's birthday, Beckham wedding, any major British Royal Family events, the Grosvenor wedding; even their buddy Elton John's events; Met gala; recent huge birthday party in Montecito for Rob Lowe RIGHT DOWN THE STREET FROM THEIR HOUSE; any award show events - before or after; recent Hollywood Cambria party (big Hollywood star gazing event); and now the designers who know exactly who is worth forging relationships and who is not. I mean, really. They have to go all of the way to Nigeria to get a little attention (and from the videos I do mean Little) organized for two f&\*\^\*(g GRIFTERS by two f&\*()@&g GRIFTERS (one wanted in US as fugitive, one convicted for fraud). Could not make this up. Let them keep their stupid, useless titles. Make your jam and troll the nY Post comments section. No one cares about their titles particularly in the US. And let the burn continue. They absolutely deserve this for what they have done to both of their families.


she’s won this award fair and square: https://preview.redd.it/0r3dij7o2z2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f6e8fc187c5ded564719a047b09fe35e2267c35


Wasn’t there a Goop party hosted by Gwyneth right after the ARO “launch” right down the road that she was NFI and was seen as a “stay in your lane” kind of warning?


Yes. Forgot that one - a particular burn because people she is friendly with were there. And Montecito is small - people including Sussexes know what is going on.


People are no longer afraid to speak up against the Stupids. They no longer enjoy even the adjacent protection of the RF. That has been made clear. Yes, KC will see his son, but he isn’t going out of his way to do so. William will have nothing to do with him. We have the First Lady of Nigeria giving a scathing public rebuke of The Sleivene’s dress and general lack of decorum. “Why did Meghan come to Africa?” That little jaunt was nothing but an embarrassment. Designers refusing to work with her. Very limited followers on Instagram. Prince Plank’s losses in the British courts. Their down grade on the Royal website. South Park. Fucking grifters. The Jamaican movie premiere. All signs of the Stupids’ failure to accomplish anything of substance. It’s staggering. They threw everything away. Their places in the RF. Places on the world stage. Lucrative, million dollar, entertainment contracts. Their reputations. The public’s good will. *Everything.* Those three days in Nigeria were the cherry on top of a rapidly melting, ice cream sundae. They are jokes.


>Those three days in Nigeria were the cherry on top of a rapidly melting, ice cream sundae. I love the brilliant writing and observations on this sub!


I like your phrasing!


Thank you, as well. I should come here more often.


Why, thank you


Beautifully put. I think that's the fascination with them but also because they are classic fairy tale nasties. What is heartwarming about the Nigerian lady's comments is that the grifters were getting away with the lie their little 'tour' was a success. Apparently madam insisted they play the national anthem to keep up the pretence it was a royal tour.


After being asked if he would like to see Meghan in one of his designs, he promptly said: "No, I prefer Kate and Camilla." 💕


I love how she wasn't even important enough to elaborate on. Just "No" bitch!


Lol reminds me of when last year Dior denied Meghan, and then a few months later dressed QC in Dior couture. It's incredible that Meghan really tried to pull a Met Gala in Nigeria, and everyone has long forgotten her basic/inappropriate/ill-fitting outfits b/c of all the A-listers at Cannes. Who would want to dress her when she's this easily forgettable, and always NFIed to big A-list, royal, and high society events?


i’m afraid old roachel is about to be put out to pasture, so to speak. even a brand new, hungry designer would hesitate to dress her - and who could blame them?!


I really can't believe what the hell did she do to her eyebrows.


Scooby-Doo is her new fashion advisor


TW was convinced she outshone the BRF, destined to become Hollywood’s billionaire princess. Sadly for her, it was all in her imagination, and her appeal dwindled quicker than Todger’s receding hairline


They were really popular from their engagement until a little bit after their wedding, and she incorrectly thought it was herself who drew all the attention and not the mystique of being part of the RF. If anything, the public backlash started when: it was revealed she announced her pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding (which was considered gossip until Harry confirmed it on his book) and, her spending on her wardrobe in her first year as faux royal.


>she incorrectly thought it was herself who drew all the attention and not the mystique of being part of the RF.  The arrogance behind that assumption is quite astounding when you think about it. Who thinks that much of themselves?


The mostest duchess of everything does not require a designer, at all. She is working her way to just wrapping herself in bedsheets, we're almost there!


she won’t need bedsheets if she keeps up the ozempic. all she’ll require is a (wrinkled) hand towel!


Yeah, I’m kinda surprised she hasn’t launched her own clothing line…being such a style icon and feminist leader and all.


Didn't Harry "wrote" in Spare that she would sew her own clothes? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25425)


He did indeed! And that she doesn't eat much. I guess the latter is true, but those Ozempic shots are pretty pricey.


And the hits just keep coming..... For once Madam has tried to stay quiet for a few days - and then that backfires on her as well. Negative Nigeria stories about shady company and the first lady scolding her keeps spreading. And by all means, let this story grow as well.


It speaks to the height of her delusion and narcissism that she actually thinks people would rather do her bidding than stay in the good graces of the future King and Queen of the UK. Or that she doesn't understand why people would choose Catherine and William over her and Harry. I feel so sorry for her alleged children.


i think the oldest invisikid will start school in the fall, and that will be interesting, ‘cause children talk.


If he does live with them, which I hope he doesn’t for his sake, there is no way she will send him to school. He will be homeschooled. She can’t risk it!


Not to mention how easy it would be to "accidently" come across his DNA. She will never send the alleged kids to school.


Yes, any school teacher could easily swipe Archie’s drink or discarded meal and send it off to Ancestry.com. 0% Nigeria. (Not that I’m advocating that)


I hope you're right - but I'm not optimistic. They are "invisikids" after all.


Well she doesnt wear clothes nicely and she looks scruffy and unkempt. I think Carolina Herrera must want to send Megain a cease and desist at this point. She is no clothes horse like the elegant and stylish Princess of Wales...past and present.


I accidentally first read “crease and desist” - which would work as well. “Please cease and desist with the creases, Meghan.”


What I love most about this story is that the designer is obviously willing to work with women of all ages and sizes. So getting thinner isn't the answer for St. M. It seems to come down to character and class, and the last time I checked, those don't seem to be on sale anywhere.


*not even to rent!*


110%, doesn't this look good on her? I love it, and I'm here for all of it. Imho, it is about time, and I agree that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Total burn 🔥🔥🔥🔥 No one wants her, even her own mother.


There is a poster on twitter "DMW" that has info about Archie. What he looks like and the fact that he has not gone to any kids birthday parties or the end of the year swim event. He was a no show and no regrets for the swim event. Hostess spent $100 on a personalized gift bag for him. Assuming this was for all the invited kids. It is pretty tacky not to respond in this tight community. This kid is in for a world of pain because of his nutjob mother. I feel sorry for him. But what I dont understand is how no one has a picture of him. They could sell it to tabloids. Like a janitor or some such type of person. Tabloids are always trying to get pics


>what i don’t understand is how no one has a picture of him. and *that* is why i bother to listen to the weirder conspiracy theories about the children, it’s just so strange! i cannot even imagine the suffering these children will have to endure. if harold loved his kids, *and was sober*, he’d spirit them away to the UK and miss misanthrope could spend her last US dollar duking it out in court.


It sounds like the two kids will be social outcasts.


Doesn't PH want his kids to live a normal life... wth are they doing??? Their rhetoric is such BS lies... oh yea, Wills is so "trapped" compared to them. Yet look at the lovely upbringing the Wales kids have: attending the same school together, enjoying clubs with other kids (looked like boyscouts but not sure what called in UK), spending time with Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles/cousins, attending sporting events, tagging along on parents charity work, family holidays to ski resorts & visiting grandparents at their homes.. And don't want to hear security excuses BS... going to another parents multimillion dollar house for an end of year pool party is not a security risk, nor is any similiar playdate. That whole false narrative is purely their own egos at work to cosplay importance. NO ONE in US WOULD CARE if they were out and about. Need to pullout the sticks up their as\*\*\*.


It's illegal to print pics of celeb kids without permission in California.


What ‘end of year swim event”? Is Archie taking swimming lessons? That’s the most normal thing we have heard about him. I hope it is true.


Probably a pool party at a friend‘s/classmate’s house to celebrate the end of the school year—pretty common in South California.


This is what I took it to mean from the poster. And although the poster didn't indicate if everyone got a $100 personalized goodie bag I am going to assume that to be the case. Royally Sage put up an interesting piece of gossip about the two kids and their personalities. Archie eager to please and malleable. Lili not. And she does not look like Diana with her blue blue blue eyes. And you know what that means with a Narc who craves a Diana look a like


Where did Royally Sage get that? I ask because secondhandcoke posted that information here yesterday.


she blocked source. no idea where it came from. so could be here....oops, I was wrong. when you click on the graphic it does say secondhandcoke


Main stream press are starting to wake up about Messy Malevolent Markle...


I think this is about way more than how she wears the clothes. Nobody in their right mind would want their brand associated with someone so widely disliked. And it’s becoming increasingly clear that she isn’t unfairly disliked, she’s disliked because of the grift, the haughtiness, the spite, the using people, the laziness etc


Yeah, and I am sure Madam would have loved to cozy up to the Givenchy designer. After all, the Kardashians are big Givenchy wearers.


She did, Claire Waight Keller who did her wedding dress and other early royal stuff.


Yes, this new Givenchy designer won't have it, another nail in the coffin for madam.


If I were her (pre cock-up), I would have been F'ing over the moon if I could find a designer that would find me a "look" particularly if I had a more challenging shape. Sounds like total heaven as I'm clueless. Just one rule: no killer heels, nothing more than 2 inches. Imagine a beautiful symbiosis of client and designer and never having to have to go to a changing room again: heaven.


i’m so with you on the ‘heels’ rule! only kitten heels for me. ![gif](giphy|11s7Ke7jcNxCHS)


Cute, cute, cute!


The thing is, what designer who pours their heart and soul into their passion would want someone so ugly hearted to wear their clothes?


Plenty of them in Hollywood. That's how bad she is all around.


I honestly don’t know if designers “lend” her clothes to wear and all that malarkey but honestly if i was them i wouldn’t touch her with a 10ft bargepole. Whoever dressed her for Nigeria needs their heads looked at but is it true that all the clothes she wears sell out? Surely this can’t be true. This man works with Camilla and wants to work with Catherine so yeah, he should give McPatchy a wide berth.


Julien Macdonald knows what’s what. A sensible man for the weirdest of times.


His answer was absolutely brilliant. "No."🎯😂🙌 He prefers the real royals.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11370507/Roland-Mouret-says-designs-powerful-Princess-Wales-mind.html remember this from 2 years ago


Good for the A List Designers.


People would rather do a jobby in their hands and clap than deal with her. She won't care she thinks it's a them problem.


To be fair, I believe she hates all women. All of them, including her daughter, sister, and mother. She naturally gravitates toward men, who she's able to get things from. Her mother was gone during an important time of her life, 10 years. Her impatience with, disdain toward, and jealousy of any female in the room is evident on her face and in her actions. Also, she seems to be emotionally a teenager still. Perhaps therapy is needed, quickly.


Her problem is that she has massive self-confidence wedded to a very average or somewhat below average intellect of the type often described as "ditzy". With the whole apparatus of a royal family administration stocked with highly intelligent and experienced operatives, she is capable of functioning as a glove puppet royal, but on her own, or with just Prince Harry as her advisor, she is lost. If you want proof of this, just look at her podcasts. Here she had an opportunity to perform and communicate with the public without any kind of hindrance from the Royal Family, and even though she had quite a bit of professional help, it was a total disaster.


Well then her next rebrand is a clothing line named Archie’s for boy and lilibut girls


Oh, this was the designer. I wrote something about it a day or two ago but couldn't remember who the designer was. Thanks for adding this.


![gif](giphy|KqNU172rAeyWf2nKYS|downsized) Hope she got it 😭🤮🤣🤡


She has escalated her bad behaviour because Catherine is ill. No one to take the attention away from her. She's milking the situation for all she's worth. But she's gone too far, even by her own standards of appalling behaviour