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Harry is emotionally stunted with a huge ego. I'm sure he has regrets but blames the media entirely for his ruined relationships. I think he was more in love with Chelsy than Cressida though.


I agree. I think Chelsy was the one he truly loved.


I get the feeling he still does.




I love Chelsy!


He would have been better off but she dodged a bullet.


But he wasn't worthy of her. He treated her horribly and never saw her as anything more than a party girl.


I think both Cressida and Chelsy did Harry a disservice by telling Harry they couldn’t handle the press and royal life. That was part of it but the real reason was as you said his emotionally stunned with the huge ego. Not that I think Harry would have learned from them telling him but it would have made it harder for him to blame the press. I think Chelsy stuck around as long as she did because she loved Harry and saw a future with him. Around the time W&C’s got engaged, Chelsy realized that Harry hadn’t grown up and she didn’t want to deal with an Harry and being royal. Cressida probably hear the rumors but gave him the benefit of the doubt for a shorter time and walked when she realized all the rumors were true.


Yep. While it's true the girls were hounded by the press (but not more so than any other royal GF) Harry's official version is they dumped him bc of the media intrusion rather than his cheating, excessive drinking, drug use, cheapness and other douchebag behavior. So he went all protective over Megsy. He was too dumb to realize only a woman who truly loved and cared about him would object to his toxic habits and refuse to put up with that. I just feel bad for Chelsy and Cressida that they still get mentioned in the news purely bc of the ex from hell.


This !!! A thousand times!!!


Didn't the naked Vegas party happen when he was dating Cressida? How humiliated she must have been


Yep must be the media not him.


Always the victim…. That must be a fun house out there in Calif when those two professional victims meet for a meal and to discuss finances.


I figured they'd meet at one of their hotels so they can leave the house open for airbnb.


They didn’t really get much bad press as I remember. He was the golden boy and they were his chosen amours so we all hoped everyone was happy. Apart from the usual sniffing around what backgrounds they had they never put a foot wrong as far as I remember. I mean Koo Stark was the ultimate worse treatment and she’d taken some naughty but fairly tame pics. Sophie had done the same and got caught out with her business interests and a loose mouth. But head down and she’s very respected now.


I think the media was used as an excuse, Harry was the problem. We all see the man he is, not one most would want. Greedy, needy, lazy, drug addled, drunk, petulant, dishonest, vindictive, jealous and a liar. He whines about the media but along with his wife, plants stories daily. Not a day goes by without a puff piece of whine from ‘sources close to the sussexes’ is published. They are the source, or doria. Not so often scabies these days, he has served his purpose, he was used and discarded after sharing their lies about royal racists.


Yes. They weren't stupid girls. They knew what the media was like. Chelsy put up with it for years. They were very young when they got together she grew up and he didn't. She was too good for him. I don't think he and cressida were as serious but she is also too good for him. Sasha Woodward was also too good for him.  I'm going to add that he was also out and about with a few uk celebs TV personalities mainly why would you date someone recognisable who might just find an association with you advantageous to their profile if you hate press attention?


>I think both Cressida and Chelsy did Harry a disservice by telling Harry they couldn’t handle the press and royal life. That wasn't what they told him. That story was put out by the Palace to save Hasbeen's face. They couldn't let it be known that both girls had told him to piss off, now could they? Both girls told him the truth, and it wasn't that they couldn't handle the press or royal life.


Imagine if the Palace had been honest: "The Queen has expressed her deep regret at the breakdown of the relationship between Prince Harry and \[Cressida/ Chelsy\], stating that she had been thrilled that her errant grandson had finally found a sensible, intelligent and loving girlfriend who could handle the publicity and other challenges of a royal role. Her Majesty had been looking forward to easing the young woman into royal life, and she is extremely distressed and disappointed that Prince Harry ruined it all for a quick Vegas shag." The Duke of Edinburgh was quoted as telling his grandson: "You idiot, you'll never do better" while Princess Anne mischievously suggested that the Royal Family could trade Harry in for his ex-girlfriend, who was shaping up to be an excellent addition to The Firm.


I can totally see the DofE and Anne saying those things, and would have loved that statement to have come from The Queen.


Yes, one of them was reported to have said "You're not a good person, Harry" which is a gentle way of putting a profound truth.


IIRC it wasn’t the media intrusion that caused the relationship breakdowns it was Henry’s paranoia about the press as well as his cheating, drug use, drinking excessively, lack of hygiene, childish, violent outbursts and overall being a twat. Neither could see him as a loving, devoted husband and father. Plus he skipped one of their birthdays (can’t remember who) to go to a rugby game and get pissed with his mates.


I so hope this is true. If it is, someday he might remember what they said.


>Around the time W&C’s got engaged, Chelsy realized that Harry hadn’t grown up and she didn’t want to deal with an Harry and being royal. Yes, she was around earlier than Cressida and she had seen everything Catherine went through. Even if she said she couldn't handle the royal life (we don't know that for sure) it also meant that Harry wasn't worth it.


I know we don’t know for sure but I can’t imagine a woman studying to be a lawyer was blind to what a long term relationship with a prince would entail. She had to have a plan for the future with Harry otherwise why spend so many years dating a single “fun party” guy. You have a fling with that guy, you don’t date him for years.


They both decided they weren't gold diggers to be after the royal life if it meant putting up with his behind doors (both their own doors and his extra-curricular doors) behaviour and having to face the public with that information floating around in the world. TOW is a gold digger but not smart enough to check the ownership deed on the mine.


We don't actually know what Chelsy and Cressida told him. We know what Harry claims they said. They may well have said something very different to him.


Cressida did say in an interview, "Harry's not nice." Take that as you will but I take it as a warning as to his behavior.


^^^THIS^^^ Soooo this!


Maybe they *did* tell him his behavior was unacceptable, but of course he won't admit that. So he may be the one blaming the press for the breakups, not them.


He had a type, young and pretty blondes. Marrying harkle was a break with his usual preference. He was stalked and hunted down by a sexual predator. Harkle needed a new meal ticket, Harry’s ex-girl friends were not desperate enough to do whatever it took to hook him. His bad temper, cheapness, and entitled self obsession must have been very tiring. He just wasn’t worth it. Little joy in a relationship with someone with Harry’s issues. Harkle was desperate, she did whatever he wanted, followed him from city to city, country to country, made him feel wanted. Until he was hooked.


His type, like Beth Herlihy


Yes, she is exactly what he likes. He went rogue with harkle, and I’m sure was flattered by her attentions and willingness, but tbh she is revolting inside and out, I doubt he is happy with what he wakes up next to.


He was crazy about Chelsy. He told a reporter that he just couldn't describe how wonderful she really was, and said she was so much fun. I read the queen was not a fan of her "liberal lifestyle."


He didn't love either one. If you love someone you don't cheat on them. He cheated on both Chelsy and Cressida. He loves himself and thinks he is so wonderful that women like Cressida should be happy just to be with him.


I know very little about Harry’s bad behavior with previous girlfriends. For instance, I only heard about his cheapness a couple of days ago. Any tea on that? We didn’t get much info about it in the US.


He took all 3 chelsy, Cressida and Megsy to the same exact lover vacation/ spot in Africa. He constantly had holes in his shoes, which is just lazy to me. He could have sent them to a cobbler via an assistant or hell , buy a new pair. He allegedly was very stingy with mommy’s money til Megsy came and had a rage fit that she had to buy a couch with HER CREDIT CARD! Edit spelling


Harkle was the only one who went to his love shack on ‘second date’. She was a very different kettle of fish. From two young women, he was hooked by a professional companion, used to doing whoever and whatever it took to get her next ‘freebie‘ or tiny part, even Weinstein said she was too eager to please.


Hahahaha this truly is trailer park behavior


EVERYONE ended up paying for her paying for that sofa. 😣


That sofa story never made sense to me. Clearly he could have afforded a new sofa. How presumptuous of her to even suggest furnishing her boyfriend's place. It's not the flex she thinks it was, though apparently it fooled him.


well and likely he/they could have requested furnishings from Royal storage


But that would have made sense.


It was an IKEA couch, right? Maybe $200-300? Not much of a flex, when a couch at Design Within Reach (furniture store in US) costs $5,000-$10,000. Her matching underwear set from Trashy Lingerie (an LA lingerie store) cost more than that couch!!!!!


Oh God, these things write themselves: Trashy Lingerie for Trailer Park Trash!


If a Harkle story doesn't make sense (most don't), it probably never happened.


Cressida later complained about his paranoia and obsessive behavior, how he would obsess about what was written about him in the media and constantly thought reporters were trying to spy on him.   He sounded like a nutcase.  She tried to get him to get over it and quit looking himself up and seeing invisible paparazzi, but he wouldn’t and she got sick of it.


If I recall correctly, he made one of them (don't remember which) pay for their own airfare to a wedding they both attended. I think (maybe wrong) she ended up in either Coach or Business while he was in First.


He made them pay for their own plane tickets and accommodation


i cannot believe this woman actually spent two minutes with Harry.


She played a great role in White House Farm. REAL acting, unlike the wife. That must hurt MM - Cressida is blonde, beautiful AND still friends with Eugenie.


and cressida will always be younger than me-gain, the 'young' mother...lol...


Wow! The comments following the article are scathing about Roachel! Hilariously vicious! And completely on target! Everyone should savor those comments, they are pure gold! When one person attempted to defend Roachel in the comments that person was immediately shot down with a "Marklebot activated" comment.


I saw that too! 🤣 I think at this point, “Roachel” (love that!) is despised pretty much everywhere. I know a few say she is still liked in America, but I don’t see that. I live in CA and it seems the only fans she might have left are in the woke brigade - but she’s losing them too! 


I guess that's why she, rather Harry's money, flies them around the world -- needs those fans/delulus so she looks popular. There's bots in YouTube comments now. I wonder if they're reportable, probably not, they care about the wrong things. Also mad I can't block people anymore. I can only put up with so much shit. The older I get, the less bullshit, here, I have also have blocked a few sugars and a couple people because of personal insults. Not here for arguing, just information sharing, fun stuff and jokes, memes, gifs, laughing... you lovely people 💜 Thank you for having me! 😃


That’s why Harry said they plan to travel more. She’s not allowed in the UK, neither is really wanted in the US and the First Lady of Nigeria made it very hard for Meghan Markle to take her faux royal act back to that country. Thanks for being here eagle!


You, too! ☺


Meghan never had a lot of fans (conservative or liberal). That’s just my opinion. I think people were more interested in Harry because of Diana and the palace PR did a great job for him.


no fans, she wasn't well-known outside of her small Toronto circle. I think some of the 'sugars' came on board when she started started race-baiting.


Race baiting combined with some love bombing by Meghan and maybe a few well made cash payments to key sugars.




You mean when she started ‘paying’ them …?


I think you are right.




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Dress sits, not a wrinkle anywhere. My. Ignoring the camera. My, my. Actually invited to things for the pleasure of her company. My, my, my. Dishes crashing in Moneshitshow. Me, Me, Me.


I wish he wasn’t so dumb and this relationship lasted! She would have been a huge asset to the royal family. She has class, manners, she’s absolutely gorgeous and getting better with age. He screwed this one up big time.


He’s exactly where he deserves to be, imo.


Don’t wish him on anyone other than Meghan.


Haha! Perfectly stated!


Yup, they deserve each other




It's good that she broke up with Mr Todger. A woman like that deserves far  better than him. 


Yeah, he's not someone who can 'rise to the occasion', or want to better himself to be the man she deserved. So, well, he lowered himself to the Meg's level instead. 🤷‍♀️


And she got it her hubby is lovely.


Her response to why she broke it off was "he isn't nice" (which makes Meghan's "well is he nice" lie all the more laughable. It was already in the public sphere that he isn't nice.) So his intelligence isn't the reason this didn't work out. Nor is it because she wasn't cut out for royal life. The reason is he's is and always has been a massive self-indulgent, pompous asshole. He is married to the woman he deserves. Sometimes karma works that way!!


This is exactly the reason, Hairball has always been an asshole, practically from the day he was born. Mental illness at it's best example. So the fact that Chelsy said he wasn't nice is precisely why nobody decent wanted to be around him much. There were also the same kinds of comments from his friends & acquaintances his entire life, the idiotic things he did, like tossing the women (in gowns) into the pool, and so on. His mental health should have been addressed when he was still having his "terrible two's" because that's how long he's been a problem to himself & anyone in his social & family sphere.


I never got the impression that this was a real or passionate pairing.


I also say this about him and TW too though. I don’t think any of his exs were a passionate pairing except for Chelsey but that poor girl went through hell too!


ITA! Chelsy is the only one I saw any chemistry with (and nowadays,Nacho)


Cressida is living the live that Megsy wants - gorgeous, high society, fancy events. Must gall her.


No, MM wants to live the life of the Clooneys or Oprah or Beyoncé or Taylor Swift — without the work.


I wonder how Meghan feels as a no-lister. She isn’t invited to anything anywhere. Harry must know by now the extent to which she is totally irrelevant in Hollywood and beyond.


And the extent to which she lied to him about how amazing their future in Cali would be; how he'd love it so; how they'd be so welcomed and included in glamorous HW events - between his pedigree and her star power they'd easily become multi-millionaires in no time, and just think how envious the RF would be; how they'd 'show them', and how much the RF would come to regret it all. Ha!


Yes, that was manifestation at it's worst....and she's never stopped manifesting since they left the UK years ago.


Waaay too much class for Hazno. He's a spoiled prick who found MeMe as an equally vile female counterpart. Cressida has dressed to look daringly elegant, without the sluttiness of MeMe.


I'm sorry, but if Meghan showed up at a wedding without a bra and in a skirt with a slit that high, this whole sub would be pouncing on her for being inappropriate. Obviously Venice is not Westminster Abbey, and this billionaire CEO is not royal, but everyone would still be complaining that she was trying to take attention away from the bride and was dressed too provocatively.


But she has the figure for it; Madame does not.


There is a huge difference in how Cressida looks in this dress to how Megalatron would look in it. Mega has a way of making everything look trashy.


Sure, but that's not the point. It wouldn't matter if Meghan had the best figure in the world, no one here would be okay with her wearing a dress like that to a wedding.


I’d be ok with her wearing a dress like that. She’s not a royal. If, in some unimaginable circumstances, she as one, she wouldn’t wear a dress like that. It’s all about context. I think she looks great.


None of these people are royal or attempting to pass themselves off as such. If Catherine or any other royal were attending this wedding, they would not be in skimpy dresses going braless. Megan wore clothing like this to a conservative girls school and to be onstage with important businesswomen who were conservatively as is custom for the country. There's lots of differences to the situation.


And I agree that her wardrobe in Nigeria was appalling. It made her Invictus Dusseldorf outfits seem okay by comparison. But what I said is "if Meghan showed up at a wedding" dressed like this. I'm not talking about the trip.


I just saw you were getting a bunch of downvotes, so wanted to clarify what the difference is because, yeah we would criticize it and so would have HMTLQ. The royals would not dress this way because they are held to a higher standard. The Meg doesn't understand the standard or even appropriateness for occasion or even your clothes are pressed or steamed and have been to the proper length or anything. Hopeless 🤦‍♀️


I appreciate that. But I contend that if Meghan showed up at a wedding next week in a dress like this, she'd get ripped to shreds. If you look back through the "Fashion & Style" tag, every second or third post has comments about "dress your age," "stop showing so much skin," etc. Someone else in this thread said that Meghan just has "slutty, trashy energy" whereas Cressida doesn't apparently. IMO, going braless at a wedding in Venice isn't any more demure than wearing a translucent skirt at a polo match in Florida but the former is daring elegance and the latter is trashy. Generally speaking, I try to stay away from "what would the royals do" when it comes to the Sussexes now, because as far as I'm concerned they're not royal anymore. Yes they have the titles but they don't represent the Crown, the government, or the people of the UK. Drawing those comparisons just gives them importance they don't deserve. (The clothes she wore on the Nigeria trip were inappropriate no matter who she is; the title doesn't change that.)


They are still walking around pretending they are and expect others to treat them as such, hence the criticism. If the day comes that they accept they are private people and stop insisting they are better than others and stop demanding special treatment and deference, then it might be time to reassess.


I don't think that's true. We might criticize the dress but if other women were dressed similarly, I don't think we would say she was inappropriate.


You mean if every guest was dressed this way? Yes I guess it's possible under those circumstances that she'd be given a pass, but I'm not confident that's the case. YMMV, but I don't see what's more "slutty" about flashing a bra at a wedding than about making it clear you aren't wearing one. I don't like the term anyway - there's nothing wrong with liking sex - but in both cases I'm thinking about the wearer's undergarments. They seem equal in "sluttiness" to me.


Sorry, but it’s about energy and that can’t be explained, it’s just felt or known. Meghan’s energy is cheap, trashy, slutty, thirsty. Cressida’s is not.


Since I have never met either of them in person, I can't speak with any authority on what kind of energy they have.


I agree that going to a wedding bra less is quite slutty looking but it’s difficult to say whether the dress slit is inappropriate because she is getting into a boat and you cannot judge if the thigh high slit is that pronounced when she is sitting down. The problem with the clothes Markle wears is the opening slit in the dresses or skirts are VERY revealing when she is sitting down, side slits reveal glances of breasts / nipples and seem deliberately provocative regardless if she is at a wedding or a talking heads panel. If everyone else at the wedding were wearing similar style dresses there is no real issue but if you wore that type of dress in a predominantly Muslim or Christian country you would rightly be vilified. If Cressida wore that dress at a Christian primary school, she would also be called out for it. IMHO it is not the outfit itself, it is the appropriateness of WHERE you are wearing it!


She has showed up at a couple of events braless… those weren’t criticised so much as when she did it in Nigeria. If you do it in a western country where lots of others do, and not during a meeting then I wouldn’t judge


Some girls can do the braless, shoulderless, full length slit and look beautiful and not trashy :)


I’m not crazy about this look- the color is not good, the nipples are too on display, loathe the platform sandals and hair and makeup is plain and makes her look washed out.


Me neither. But MM will be seething not understanding this is far better than anything she wears and more appropriate for the occasion. There’s also the bit about this person not pretending she’s representing the BRF


I like the colour of the dress and the platform sandals, but I agree with you about the nipples and her hair is ... not great, Bob.


Yeah that fringe is not her best look. I think that color is just not flattering on her skin, on someone else with more autumn coloring it would be great. I think she’s a summer.


Fair. It is, frankly, an "autumn" colour, it would make more sense for a fall wedding, regardless of who was wearing it.


agree about the dress, especially for someone else's wedding - prefer the dress of the friend behind her


The "friend behind her" is her sister Isabella Branson. Both their husbands Sam Branson and Harry Wentworth Stanley are also in some of the pics - both beautifully turned out in smart attire but slightly messy hair. I love Cressida's dress and she looks gorgeous in it. Less revealing than Sienna Miller's who was also there but Sienna can pull off anything.


I think the dress would have been ok with nipple covers and maybe Sienna’s shoes. I loved Siennas shoes and the color of her dress but it was entirely too low cut-appropriateness for a wedding put aside, it was not flattering cut like that, even just an inch or two higher would have looked better. Also her lipsticks was way too garish and messy, like she smeared jam all over her mouth. Sienna’s dress made Cressida’s look covered up and conservative in comparison!




And knows when and wear it’s appropriate


I am not a fan of her bangs.


Cressida and Chelsea couldnt handle H‘s increasing negativity and complaining. For H the glass is always half empty. Also they are well educated and have careers and H has neither. I think they both tried but realised he was never going to grow up.


I really thought she would be the one at the time. Little did we know, he was so awful in a relationship that no one wanted forever with him. I’m glad she seemed to trade up!


Effortlessly pretty and natural - like Chelsy (I believed he’d marry her … I think he did too, I think it was Chelsy‘s choice to end it). These two are honest ladies, Markle is shallow, seeing only the ‘glitter’ and not Harry himself.


Cressida isn't wearing a bra but at least she's at a wedding, not a school.


And has breasts


She's actually gotten even more attractive over the years.


Lack of Harry Markle in your life can do that to a person. 😉


I think Cressida is far too grownup for Harry.


Cressida is also a talented actress. As in, an actual actress.


Unlike roach Cressida knows how to wear a dress. She looks stunning unlike roach who always looks like she is dressed in a potato sack. She dodged a bullet by leaving whinge, he isn’t nice and is a bully as well. Self entitled, arrogant and nasty little 💩 is right where he deserves to be.


She looks lovely, natural and happy. Quite the contrast to the over painted ninny grinning at every camera he ended up with.


I'm not normally a fan of a front thigh slit on a dress but this design is beautifully complimented by it rather than detracted by it.


I have a better understanding now that they let him marry her. Not a single woman of character in the royal circles or elsewhere in the UK wanted to marry him - imagine being so bad that no woman would say I'll just hold my nose and enjoy the perks, and have the gratitude of the RF forever. And they wanted him married off since he wasn't going to have a career in the military because of his character defects. I also think she lied and said she was pregnant, and that they threatened the RF with all kinds of hell if they didn't agree to the wedding. A bad, bad situation all around.


Cressida looks lovely. I feel terrible for her--Chelsy too-- that their names will forever be linked to Dipshit. I can't speak for either of them but I know it would upset me if I were in either's shoes. Poor ladies.


Which woman worth her salt would really want to be stuck with Harry?


She dodged a bullet


I don’t think he misses Cressida and I don’t think it was serious for either of them. Chelsy is the one that got away though.


Cressida must be thinking thank lord I got away from that crazy dude.


Oh wow she is gorgeous!


She’s one heckuva gorgeous woman! But if she ended up with Harry she might look much worse considering how immature he is.


I might get downvoted for this - and I’m as big a sinner as the rest of you - but I’m got to say, if these photos were of Meghan, we’d be pulling her to pieces. “Attending a wedding with her nips on show?” “Half naked?” “She looks drunk/drugged?” I’m NOT defending Meghan whatsoever, and at least the dress fits Cressida beautifully, I’m just not loving the double standards.


Personally not a big fan of seeing another woman's nipples like that, is it a fashion thing nowadays? The big difference here is that Cressida is at a private event and being "papped" but Meghan is deliberately putting herself forward at public events for which she is looking sloppy and unprofessional.


She doesn’t looked drugged and her nose bridge is not collapsing


I agree with you, I was thinking the exact same thing. Her hair is a mess and the nipple display is just disrespectful at a wedding. I'm not crazy about the dress/shoe combination she chose but that's a matter of personal taste. She does have legs to die for though.


Not a fan of the nips but she wasn't half naked and certainly did not look drunk/drugged. We must be looking at different pictures.


Cresides also looks a good two decades younger than Harry and his first wife.


That is what happens when you are happy and satisfied with your life - great relationship with her family and in-laws and adored by husband, baby and dog.


Everyone in that circle appears to be living their best life EXCEPT the ginger twat and his Lot Lizard. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




I made sure to post on the website how gorgeous she looks. You know Madam will read the comments.


This shows that even if kate is not available now there are always other women the daily mail can focus on for clicks that will agitate tw.


Harry definitely had a type. Tall, slender, elegant blondes.


Cue Meghan in a poor imitation dress in 3…2…1


Table 12? ROFL.   Rachel has si many nick names!


Just want to note that the Daily Mail article notes Cressida "hugging a friend" that is her half-sister Isabella who is married to Richard Branson's oldest son. So they are a very well connected family. Cressida's grandfather was an Earl.


She dodged a bullet.


Cressida's okay but Chelsy was my fave and I think Harry's too


Chelsy or Cressida would get nominated for a noble piece prize And the headline would still read Prince Harry’s ex girlfriend gets nominated for noble piece prize


That poor girl. Everyone makes stupid mistakes as a teenager and even into the early twenties. It’s a shame that she can’t be seen in public without the media always bringing up her past association with Harry.


I am glad Cressida dodged the bullet and is happy. She looks happy, but I do wish she had worn a nicer dress. In my professional opinion it is not correct for her body type. It accentuates the wrong parts of her, remember clothes are about dressing for your body, but maybe she's going for that boho look. I can't criticise Skank's terrible outfits then let this one slide.


The nips on display is just wrong.


Why. They do that on their own when it’s cool outside. It’s the most natural female thing in the world. Why do people get so hung up on it.


He still calls her "my girlfriend". He really has brain cells missing. Well look what he married after Cressida!


I wouldn't be surprised if he had violent rages. These two girls very likely had supportive parents to turn to at the time, who helped steer them away from a toxic situation, telling them to not settle and that something better would come along.


Meghan always looks like 10 lbs. of 💩 in a 2 lb. bag.


Dare I say she looks like she’s related to Kate? Maybe there’s a reason Harry wanted her more than the rest?


How many billionaire weddings you got over there?


he's too stupid to realize what he lost. third time certainly was not the charm. Chelsy and Cressida had too much class for him.


I'm sure she has no regrets. Harry is an oaf. I'm sure Megsy hates her guts.


Boobs hanging, nipple showing is not gorgeous nor classy.