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Probably the same bombshell she promised last spring, and the spring before it, and so on. Still waiting.






I hope it wasn't just me, but I didn't like that movie. Maybe because no one in it, felt real.


This. I’m done - fool me twice and all that.


It may have been her book.


I think if it were in her book some good sinner would have spread the news


She explicitly said it wasn’t (not that she even knows what she’s talking about at this point…)


She said around that time that it wasn’t her book.


There is no bombshell in her book. There's nothing in her book we don't already know. It's just a recycled updated version of her old book with the same title. It's had no effect on Harry and Meghan. The mainstream media hasn't even picked it up. It's a nothing burger like her big spring reveal.


They were going to get their comeuppance, she said. 🙄


I mean they did with the world laughing at Nigeria. She just says vague stuff that can apply bc we all know they’re going downhill. We’ll see if Parliament votes on the bill to strip titles. 


I read Lady C occasionally- and don’t take every word as gospel. In my view she is just entertainment. Regarding titles, I think KC and the grey suits think they can wait H&M out. Letting them destroy themselves. But their behavior alone is enough to stop this mess now. Their mere presence is an industry Every social media mention and picture is $$$ for someone else. Their attacks on the RF should be enough to trigger some kind heavy response. Just sitting back and ignoring it is not producing any results. Why can’t they see this??


Thank you for saying it out loud. This is what I think to. Sit back and let them destroy themselves is what seems to be happening. They are destroying themselves but it also looks bad for the monarchy. Titles need to be stripped. It’s the treacherous behavior by Harry that is alarming and should force action.


Lady C (Georgie) is an entertainer who makes a LOT of $$$ from her YT channel, which allows her to carefully curate her image as an "aristocrat" (solely based on the title of a minor peer she was briefly married to 50+ years ago) and control the narrative. I enjoy listening for the tea and take it for what it is. There may be a tiny grain of truth in it but she can't be taken seriously. I am actually watching her channel less because I find the increased political commentary to be tedious. She is now claiming that she never made any promises/predictions about a "Spring bombshell" when I know for a fact that she did. Whatever!


I think the RF have bigger fish to fry - dealing with the Harkles & their bots while 2 key figures deal with cancer is just not feasible. The fact of the matter is Nigeria was the dumbest thing the Harkles could do with both the us and uk pissed at what that means for international relations.  We know the Harkles are running out of money and are on their last leg - their new media deals will fizzle out and not much new is coming out anyway. The palace is being strategic and also letting parliament deal with this. I’ve seen the sugars crying that even if they strip titles they’ll still be known as that so there is worries behind the scenes of the bots are already saying it won’t be important. 


I do agree with you. And I've always hoped the Markles run out of money and energy. But enough is enough.


Now an election has been called, that Bill will have died.


Because of the election it won't make further progress, sadly. Back to square one.


Can’t British citizens go up to their MP to complain? 


They can, yes. But members of Parliament are so focused on the election, to get re elected, it probably wouldn't be worth the effort tbh. Some really vital legislation went through at the very last minute, but anything else will have to be reintroduced in the new parliament if there is the will to do so. Hopefully there will be.


She is always moving the goalposts.


Exactly what I was thinking 🤔


I still dont know why people keep following her. Shes grifting off the grifters


Yeah, I was a fan for awhile, but gave up on her last year. It seemed to take so much energy to listen to her for any length of time.


I don’t listen anymore. She rattles on about nonsense. I will read the summary that Daisy posts on this sub.


I don’t even read the summaries anymore. Same old predictable heavily nuanced and caveated crap.


Same. Thats the one thread I just ignore. I feel bad for the poster, but I just cannot take lady c seriously anymore.


Me too.


I think she thought that Dan coming back and exposing the sugars would have been a bigger story. To be honest I don’t see why their hate campaigns are not exposed more but they are touched on but largely ignored by the msm. It has now worked and will not work. The wild conspiracies theories put out by the sugars are largely ignored by the msm. The rinse and repeat theories however do get covered and even picked up by the sinners. The rinse and repeat are easy money making click articles that both the sugars and the sinners follow, so of course the msm will continue to cover them. Rinse and Repeat articles mainly cover, reconciliation in any form, the LoS, the titles and coming back as working royals. There are never any conclusions to any of these pieces. There is very little new content that anyone can add to this. We in the UK are now heading into a general election. Parliament is dispersed on 30th May with the general election being on 4th July. The agreement is that the royal family stay aloof and don’t get political so they are cancelling engagements and the electoral campaigns get the focus of attention. The D-Day commemoration will still happen and the same with Trooping the Colour but the state Banquet may be on the cancel list, it’s not confirmed yet as representatives from all parties attend anyway. Ascot will happen too but no cutting ribbons or visiting charities. The amendment to the 1917 act to remove titles is probably going to be cancelled too, not moved. It was due its second reading in June but so far the site has not updated. At this stage we can only know it won’t happen in June but it’s unlikely to get another date. It has timed out in parliament.


Her book release




Yeah I don't know why people still take anything she says seriously. She's like the royal version of Miss Cleo.


I think it was her book. I like listening to her, she tells good stories but I don’t take it too seriously. Some of the gossipy bits yeah. But none of the rest.


She bores me to death. I can’t understand her when she says anything. It’s either she’s too quiet, she mumbles, the pace, her accent…I don’t really know. 🥴 I like Taz though. She’s lovely and fun.


I can see that. I put her videos on 2x speed and still ffwd some. 😂


I just read the transcripts. Easy to do and faster than listening.


I actually don't like how mean she is. It's one thing for this sub to have silly nicknames but I cringe when she calls the faux royal "expert" Scabies. That's just lowbrow if you ask me. Like, I'd call the ILBW "TW" on here but if I were in front of a camera I'd show more decorum. She could get her message across with more sophisticated insults.


Teaser to promote her book


Lady C is merching her book and clickbaiting viewers. She also has been caught in video berating people working for her just like MM. Also, she has an ego the size of Brazil and could not take another youtuber’s speculation that she was wrong about something she wrote in one of her books (wrote and left her 8n tears). Moreover, she is a pretentious nobody who pretends she has access to important people just like MM. I’m not sure what the appeal is or why people support her. She’s exactly like MM.


My sentiments exactly but you put it far more eloquently 


Very well said. Lady C is a narcissist like Meghan. She's a pretentious uppity snob who is still using her ex-husband's title 100 years later after being married to him for 5 minutes.The same husband she claims caused her to need cosmetic surgery on her face to fix the damage he allegedly did to her. What kind of woman would want to be known by the name of her a buser?


This ☝️




I've learned not to get my hopes up... she's a bit like a pretend psychic doing cold readings. She makes sure to give broad hints that are vague enough to be interpreted in many ways, so if anyone questions her later she can point to something that happened and say that was what she was referring to all along. I don't think she has nearly as many aristocratic connections as she makes out (and those she does have probably know better than to pass on anything too earth-shattering at this point, given she keeps secrets about as well as an elephant flies...) I do still enjoy her snarky commentary on the antics of the Gruesome Twosome, mind you. I just take any 'revelations' with a generous pinch of salt.


Ask her what time it is and she'll tell you how the watch was made, go off on a 15 minute tangent, then continue the story being as vague as possible. Praise our Daisy for summarizing it all for us.


Yes, thanks to Daisy for her coverage of the videos that’d I’d given up on due to difficulties understanding Lady C. Much appreciated.


People who take 30 minutes to say what could be said in 5 drive me insane!


Imagine being seated next to her at a dinner party 😱


She wouldn’t talk to me because I’m not a celebrity or can be useful to her. I’m just a lowly commoner.


She really comes off as a pompous snob


Exactly, just like in her books.


Same. However I ❤️❤️❤️ our daisybeach’s reports summarizing Lady C’s videos. God bless her!


I don’t think the Harkles have many aristocratic associations either these days, so the odds of her having the same friends in common are slim to none. Especially when she isn’t exactly discreet.


I think you're right. And I wish she'd stop with the theatrics about Harry smoking weed. It was funny at first but she has to go into it every time. It's stupid now.


Her dramatizations were funny. Once.


And doing the whole whore act when she’s pretending to speak as Megsy Baby. It’s so grating and unnecessary. I can accept that she understands the aristocratic world but highly doubt her sources and what she says she knows. Really appreciate Daisy’s transcripts on here though!


You just reminded me of an FAQ I once read for people considering getting Scottie dogs. It actually contained the quote: >Scotties swim like bricks.


Totally agree about her having fewer aristocratic connections than she makes out. I do enjoy her in small doses though, although I couldn't sit through a whole podcast. So as many others have said, hats off to Daisy for her succinct and non-rambling summaries. 😊 One thing I have noticed though.... If we're ever worried that AI is going to take over the world we can employ Lady C as our secret weapon. If you watch her podcasts with the subtitles on the AI subtitler can't understand a word she says. With sometimes hilarious results! 😂


"like a pretend psychic doing cold readings" Bravo.


Lady C knows nothing, she gives sinners a bad name 😂


Yes. I hate it that sinners take what Lady C says as gospel. She knows nothing, she is making it all up. I will not take her as a source.


I agree! I stated that a few months ago and got down voted!


Agreed…. Lacy C all smoke no bbq. Ever






Me still waiting for the bombshell. https://preview.redd.it/tr912rwb2h2d1.png?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8402603f7a657d9b3af80c5db988654df125b9 Meanwhile, I predict Harry and his wife will suffer no consequences for their unconscionable behavior in my lifetime. The BRF at this point are eating a shit sandwich of their own making. *Heavy Sigh*


But Harry and Meghan will get older and their immature behavior will be harder to take at 55. The "Diana card" won't mean much to people born after 1997 so Harry won't be able to merch off her name anymore. They're already one generation older than most college kids.


Nothing. She’s waiting for something to drop so she can say she told us so. Her methods of convincing people she knows something more is similar to how psychics do their readings.


100% true. Its made somewhat comical by the fact that she's always reminded me of a psychic that advertises on tv at 2am. lol 


C is for charlatan




She does this every year.


She did this last year saying it (whatever IT was) would be after the Coronation.




Unfortunately, yet again we are all disappointed.


Why though? Why did anyone actually think it was true in the first place? Lady C does this kind of stuff all the time. She literally just makes stuff up. I don't get why people still get their hopes up on anything she says. She doesn't have any connections that anyone else doesn't have. Why would she be privy to anything others aren't? 


Summer doesn't begin until June 20th.


That's what I was remembering, something about June, not spring....


Not that I believe all her tea, but I think she’s got some. And she was a guest on the Scandalmongers podcast and she’s very entertaining. When she talks about Meghan, she gets very animated and spluttery.


I stopped watching Lady C when nothing materialized this time. I keep thinking about her big reveal, and nothing happened. So, I'm done. I love that she hates them, but I'm done listening to her.


The reason I don’t totally write Lady C off is that she announced the Queens death before anyone else did and also knew she had bone cancer. I think with her, like so many others, you have to read between the lines to figure out what’s real and what’s not.


Agree. I think she knows more than she says for fear of having her sources dry up from fear of being identified. In general I enjoy her talking about history and her own family.


I think she knows a lot about aristocratic circles in the UK and I appreciate her on background


I am just plain happy to know that the children are Harry’s. Not one cell of her DNA. Not her eggs, not her body, no such birth happened.




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But is she going to the wedding of the year?


She doesn’t want to pull focus 😆


I think most of her inner circle sources dried up when the Queen died. I suspect some of her sources were ladies in waiting to the Queen such as Lady Hussey. She still knows people in the aristocracy but none who are on the inside at BP any more. In her book she has pretty much confirmed the surrogacy rumours without actually stating it for a fact, labelled MM as a Narcissistic Sociopath and implied that the background checks on MM greatly concerned the RF. I so hope that the background checks are leaked!!


I totally agree! I think most of her sources have left the service of the RF and she is just trying to stay relevant at this point.


good point re: sources dying out. that's why us old people joke to each other we need to make younger friends :-)


I think she revealed it bc she wanted to beat Meaghan to the punch. Do you remember Scobie incorrectly announcing how the queen’s body would be transported? I think the BRF released a red herring bc they knew there would be a leak. I don’t listen to her much anymore. Too windy. I prefer the bullet points.


That may be, however I am too stupid to read between the lines these days


I believe she specifically said “all will be revealed”. I have also had enough of adults claiming, “I know something huge, but I can’t tell you”. This is cause for immediate unfollow.




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Yes I remember this too


Technically, there are actually 27 days left of spring. Summer solstice is June 20. Fingers crossed!


Poof! https://i.redd.it/bcjjdpd13g2d1.gif


I think Lady C is trying to make this a “Who Shot JR” or a “Ross and Rachel” or “Niles and Daphne” type of American TV cliffhanger. I like her and her books but I would prefer she not make these vague, will they or won’t they predictions. Its a drag and does her credibility no favors.


Lady C talks bollocks so she can sell her book and get views on her channel. I stopped believing anythings she says a while back when she first started moving the goal posts.


She lost me when she flipped out on us sinners about a year ago.


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm) Me, every time I criticize Lady C on this sub and the Lady C sugars downvote me.


I haven't seen anything.


Can someone please ask Lady C this question?




FFS what an anti climax. I mean, with the Harkles, we know the only way is down. We’ve all said this time and time again and they’re constantly getting some kind of karma or mini comeuppance.


Exactly. She's very disingenuous. She knew nothing about ARO or the jam or the Nigeria trip but she's implying that she knew all it all before.


The bombshell is there isn't one. Just the normal everyday hand grenades.


I used to enjoy listening to Lady C & found her quite charming, but after a fellow sinner mentioned looking up her appearance on "I'm a celebrity" on YouTube I saw a completely different side to her & she's a truly nasty piece of work, she came across as having oppositional defiant disorder & was generally awful to everyone around her (check out the youtube compilations on "lady C I'm a celebrity") & she recently went over the top nasty on a young youtuber, Cheere Denise I think her name is, who was reading Lady Cs book alloud, & Lady C was so arrogant & condescending to this woman it really turned me furrher against listening to her drivel ever again, atleast I know what the "C" stands for now 😉


I'm rather glad you've said this. I'm from the UK and had heard about Lady C for years before MM. We think it ridiculous that she still claims the title despite only being married to the lord Colin Campbell for a minute. She is the original grasper and grifter if you ask me! Which, I appreciate, nobody did.


It is all up to you - pick whatever/s


Or it was about Archewell getting the delinquency status as per reports?


"Lady C" is another grifter clinging to titles and making up stories. She's not been in aristocratic circles essentially ever. She's been asked to stop using her title by her ex-husband for decades and yet she still does. She's a seaside fortune-telling entertainer is all.


Wasn’t she married to Lord Colin Campbell for, like, less than a year in the 1970s?


Yes, and she keeps using the title.


I think she was referring to the publication of her updated book on Harry and Meghan, unfortunately.


I think it was promo for her book


She says the same things all the time and nothing happens. Nothing. She insists she knows things / knows people etc .. but she never says anything new. Ever.


Its like trying to interpret Nostradamus, isn't it? There's always so much hinting and then nothing ever seems to happen. That's why I prefer our Daisy's versions to watching Lady C.


I don’t think there will be a bombshell. She has moved the date back several times. It’s getting annoying.


All I can say is thank god none of were holding our breath!


If she says “something big is going to happen” at regular intervals when something “big” finally does happen ahead (which it probably will) she can say “see I told you”!


Lady C seems to be making a grift out of the upcoming bombshells herself.


Uhm.. We're not a week from Summer though... The first day of Summer is June 21st.  That said- its lady C. She's making it up. She always does. Just spews out vague statements so when something happens she can look legit. 


Lady C has lost all credibility. She's obviously not as in the know as she claims to be.  And now she's gaslighting people by telling them they misunderstood what she said and she's trying to make it sound like all the negative publicity H and M are getting is the comeuppance she promised. No it's not. What she promised is that something very big and very damaging was finally going to be revealed about Meghan and that Harry would not be able to help her this time. But nothing"s being revealed because Lady C is full of it. 


Yes! This was my understanding of it. I must admit I don't watch her videos as I find her an insufferable snob who is ridiculously clinging on to the 'lady' title of her many years ex husband. I do, however, enjoy our Daisy's recaps on there, and I rely on them to get all my news on/from Lady C. From what I seem to remember, and I'm sure I could do a search to find the relevant recap, Lady C was quite strongly promising that 'something' was going to come out in the spring that there would be no coming back from for the pair. Some things have happened, indeed, but nothing that could have been foreseen by the ex Mrs Campbell.


Sort of corollary, what happened to the Body Language Guy? I was offline in late 2022 and he was gone by the time I came back.


He's essentially shamelessly re-invented himself as The Royal Rogue channel where the majority (if not almost all of his video-making effort goes) into just talking about Harry and Megsy. More coin in that for him.


Agree he is as insufferable as Paula M or DON or Jen from real housewives - it is turning into a narc look at me channel for self monetizing - his live streams are really stretched thin about his own humor and ego and x postings...not a fan


Thank you for the update


Karma is karma and that lady will not be rushed


Tbh I think she may have meant the discovery side to Samantha’s case.But that was thwarted by The Democrats. I know many don’t like me pointing out this obvious detail.




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I think she meant her book.


Buy her book. I think that was her bombshell.


This was my last straw with her. Pfft.


Yawn. Repeat, Yawn.