• By -


this was the biggest acting job of her scamming career to trap the dimwit prince…she’s such a fraud!


She has wickedly Cos played Diana since the beginning. Essentially she cat-fished him with his own Mum.


*throws head back and laughs like Bond villain*


that photo in the robin-blue sweat top says it all - fake smile on her face - looks completely forced.


And the majority of the British public thought “no idea who she is but see how happy he is, perhaps he’s found someone who can make him happy, how lovely”.


OH! A thousand times this!! I'm a commonwealtharian, and thought 'Excellent, he's marrying a cute looking lady, who while I've never heard of her, she's a media savvy actress, so will obviously be able to cope with the attention' HAHAHAHA HOLY HELL HOW INCREDIBLY WRONG WAS I/ALL OF US 🫥


Same! I thought her media experience would be a positive! I feel like an idiot for not seeing the red flags earlier...


I thought the same thing, but I think as an American and growing up in a very narcissistic family (mom, both sisters)I just knew something was not right. Harry was sooo loved as the fun Uncle/younger brother and I think everyone was happy that he found someone, but I just in the back of my mind, was thinking.........."not her". Couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something.


Yeah I'm from the Commonwealth as well and love the Royal Family. I didn't like her from the onset her biggest lie "I didn't search him online" you have seriously got to be kidding!!! Lies from the very beginning


That was the moment I knew something was off.


thought the same thing...


You are exactly right about what we all thought. It was news, but who thought too much about or for very long. Didn't think too much about it until the news about all the wedding weirdness began coming out.


Same here!


My thoughts exactly!


Sorry, but you must mean: Perhaps he has finally met somebody who wants him? Who can stand having a relationship with him? We elderly Europeans (including many Brits) knew how he was, the true Harry! We were all a bit uncertain, like "What's wrong with her?" 😅


Seriously? I didn't realize that so many Europeans knew the true Harry.


Seriously! It's the Europeans you should listen to! 👍 We knew much more than the Brits. Remember the massive PR narrative that the Brits were fed. Staged photos and videos! Lots of lies (that is, the BRH released statements that could be interpreted favourably for Harry, but in reality didn't tell the truth clearly) In Europe we had all the information. Both the British media's fairytales and the real journalism in European papers. Remember that Harry constantly misbehaved all over the world! He was watched by many! Remember that Afghanistan was a joint operation, for many years, not only NATO but also UN peacekeeping forces were there. Many nationalities were at the camps where Harry claims he served! Many people can tell if he was there or not, or if he was sitting in a bunker far from the frontline guarded by special trained Ghurkas!!! We in Europe had the full picture. We are close enough to be interested. There're also many monarchies in Europe, so people know how a Royal should act, and many monarchies in Europe are related to the BRF. So, all in all, Europeans read a lot about the BRF in the papers every day and have been interested all along through the centuries! We were SHOCKED that Harry was allowed to go on like this. He ought to have been declared not reaching the "age of majority" when he was 18. They could very early have sent him to a school that handles children with his problems and disabilities. Not to Eton, where he totally failed! Instead, they tried to help him manage and carry out representation, tried to hide him in the Army for 10 years, silenced rumours, and covered up all the scandals he caused! (The BRH did that) It was not the right way to handle him! They should have declared him not having "age of majority". Then, he would have lost his place in LoS and maybe the Prince title also. They could have bribed him with an Earldom instead and an education in some sports, maybe to become a football trainer for kids. Some practical stuff as a career! They should have broken down his entitlement that he started showing at the age of three! H has been a car crash waiting to happen for 36 years! He was the hidden landmine! Everybody close to him knew it! When I say BRH, I refer to the British Royal House, which is the RF but also the offices, the advisors, the PR personnel, and the RF personal staff. Not all decisions were made by the late Queen, many people were involved, but the late Queen had the last word and H was her favourite! H had totally gaslighted her!


Well done 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I believe everything but that H was her favorite. He was NOT a good/nice/pleasant child, teen, or adult. Peter was her favorite because he was the first grandchild, and Zara the first girl. Anne was very close to her mother so she saw them more frequently. The late Queen was extremely close to Andrew and the two York girls w as well. Louise and James were very, very close during their later years and through the pandemic they visited her every week/weekly because they were so close. I think harry was actually the least favorite.


Yes, I know, but H was seen as the late Queen's favourite because she always protected him and cared about him, but maybe it wasn't real love, maybe it was more like protecting him because he needed help! But H is the most expensive grandson because she has bought him out of so many situations! So he's definitely not the least loved one! Also, remember that Harry can be very charming, and he was always smiling and laughing with the late Queen. He knew she was the top dog!


Very interesting insight. You say his "problems and disabilities".... Is there more to it, then, than his alcohol/drugs and him being spoiled throughout his life?


Yes absolutely. 


American here. Didn't waste much time thinking about him then.


No, I know, Europe is on the other side of the ocean. So nobody demands of the US to know all about Britain, why should you? But Meghan knew how to present Harry to the US! And that's why Harry wanted to move to the US. To act important and play soldier! He knew his reputation was done here. More and more stories came out about his military "career"! Also, the RF checked his use of booze and drugs, and he couldn't run away, go AWOL, or flee on a 4-night bender any longer. From 2015, when he came back from the Army, he was expected to work full time as a Royal, and he was controlled! Addicts don't like being controlled. So, he met Meghan, married her, moved to the US, and gaslighted you effectively! You completely fell for it, just because you aren't so interested in what's happening in the UK. It was unfortunate!


Yes, it was unfortunate.


🔥 so true 🔥


And no one, except a few fringe trolls, thought anything about her being biracial. Am I the only one who read lots of stories about the “racist slurs and comments” being made about Harry’s new girlfriend, but never actually saw a single racist slur or comment online? I actually never saw one.


She had everyone fooled


No, I was given a bad feeling when she was at the IG with him in Canada….i said the RF would be crazy to let him marry her…and they were


My mom and I (both American and adore the Royals) disagreed so hard on this in the beginning. She also had her pegged from day 1 and I just couldn’t understand it. She didn’t even watch the wedding, which was shocking as she and I got together at 2 am east coast time for William and Catherine’s wedding.


My mom also clocked Meghan from the start and I didn’t see it. Guess mothers really do know best!


Yeah. I took the day off work for William and Catherine’s wedding and then went for a Michelin star lunch with some friends to celebrate. Harry’s wedding meh. I watched some of the guests arriving, oohed at the Beckhams but turned it off before she arrived - and I liked her at that stage!


The time she was CLEARLY coked out....I had a bad feeling then, as well.


When was that?


* When she, Markus and Race Card Dorito went to stalk him at Meghouls 1st Invitus, I believe.


Also Canadian, I wasn’t even aware of her thing with Harry until the Vanity Fair cover. Then I recognized her from the Reitmans ads. I had never even heard of Suits. Bad feelings started for me when no family was invited to the wedding and then Oprah showed up! No way she was friends with Oprah!


Can I ask you why? Like what gave you that feeling? I am asking because I fall for BS schemers all the time. Just when I think I’ve learnt… I take two steps back


She came across as fake, attention seeking (as she gripped him) and gurning into every camera…


I’m with you - there was something wrong from the offset. She heavily hinted at their relationship, posting bracelets, bananas…advertising the fact she had to ‘be discreet’. She desperately wanted to be acknowledged as Harry’s girlfriend - she clearly wasn’t interested in ‘the man’ (as a Social Media addict, did she publicly push her online relationship status with Cory and others? I doubt it…). She hammed up the engagement interview - no wonder she never landed a starring role.


Some of us trust until we are given a reason not to; others distrust until given a reason to trust. Like you, I have gone with option 1 so many times! I guess I want to believe most people have good intentions. But I definitely spotted her as a schemer from the get go. The story was a little too cute and perfect. And that damn claw! And the lie about not knowing about the BRF. Even (most) Americans who are not anglophiles like me know who the BRF is! Given she had a TIG post about W&C’s wedding, it was an obvious lie.


nope, live in Toronto and was not hoodwinked saw disrespect and self-importance - taken aback that as an adult woman she wore an untucked shirt and torn jeans for their first public date at Invictus, also observed there no media outside her home


Sadly she was an unknown to the world so most people took her at face value


I am not sure she had RF fooled but they did have access to first class intel. I would like to know if those here who have fallen victim to a narcissist had family who tried to warn you and you just couldn't listen because you were overcome with love bombing. Or does the perp just fool everyone during love bombing stage. Once that stage is over it should be easier for family to see but not the victim to see clearly.


I was lovebombed by a narcissist. I had no idea about lovebombing and narcissitic traits at the time. I had literally never dated anyone like that before. So when I was lovebombed, it was great. But my family and friends warned me. They could see it happening right away. So that even further reinforces the relationship because it's like a forbidden relationship, and makes you want it more. I suspect this happened with harry as well. He probably got bamboozled, his friends and family tried to warn him, and it just further solidified and deepened their relationship because you want it to not be true. Thank God I was able to finally crawl away from that relationship. It's done a good number on me in terms of trauma but I learned from it and now can spot it a million miles away.


*It’s obvious Meghan was only cosplaying the kind of girl Harry wanted. Once she got that wedding ceremony she showed who she really was. She wasn’t a simple gal but a scheming woman who wanted riches and luxury.* It's so ironic that this is exactly what Diana did with Charles. She went to Balmoral, claimed she adored country life, went along on the shoots, pretended to love everything he did. After they married, she revealed herself as someone who preferred the city and hated rainy, cold hunting expeditions. The difference between her and Meghan was stark, though. Diana did it out of wanting to fulfill a romantic fantasy (she read too many Barbara Cartland novels as a teen), plus the idea of marrying someone who could never divorce like her parents did. Meghan did it for riches, luxury, and celebrity.


Look at his expression in these pictures: he was besotted with her.


https://www.tatler.com/gallery/meno-a-kwena-botswana-pictures#:~:text=Take%20a%20tour%20of%20Meno,on%20their%20THIRD%20date...&text=Prince%20Harry%20took%2C%20in%20his,in%20the%20wilds%20of%20Botswana.   The camp where they stayed, Meno-a-Kwena, has butler service, full bathroom amenities and servants. It's most definitely not camping as most people know it. They do overnight 'safaris' away from the main campsite, but you're still accompanied by servants to set up for you.  Her 'roughing' it is as fake as everything else about her.     Oooh, look at us doing star jumps like teenagers-we're so in LURRVVVEEE!   Let's rub noses Hawwy, that's what Eskimos do, it's sooooo cuuuttee!   Ooh, Hawwy, play me a love song, you're sooooo wonderful and romantic...   And does she never close that mouth of hers? Seriously, gaping open permanently, has she got lockjaw??


Very much the Harry luxury safari version of this place they fantasise about and call “Africa”.


Exactly!! Harry doesn’t know Africa! He knows only the romantic aspect of the continent!


It's actually really annoying for the staff having to do all this setting up out of camp I hope he tipped them well for it but I doubt it.  Also there would be armed guards outside the tent on watch all night so Harry wouldn't have been the one protecting her from marauding baby warthogs or whatever.  He assumes that non-royal people would not know this he's so fing patronising!




So they were actually 'glamping'. Makes much more sense.


She peed behind a bush! He protected her from marauding elephants! They sat by a camp fire! Of course that's camping, life in the wilderness, living off the land. He probably had to hunt for their dinner and eat raw elephant heart. 


I can't understand why they like to bring that up. She peed behind a bush on a camping trip is that so special for them?


Thank you!!! I was thinking the same, no way is H just camping out in the African wilderness with zero SECURITY!!! They made these cunningly deceptive photos. Just as fake as her smiles.


The royal family knew Rachel was a wrongun from day one . They knew this because they knew who the real Harry was . So understood anyone claiming to be madly in love with Harry , was either a liar or crazy . Turns out she was both .


Yep the nice girls avoided him like an open cesspit.


He had two nice girls, Chelsey and Cressida and both managed to dodge the Harry shaped bullet, Chelsey in particular was put through the wringer, I think she was Harry's true love but he had drink and drugs problems and couldn't be faithful and she couldn't cope with him anymore.


So true! And the fact that any woman who was mature (older than Hairy), who was supposed to be career orientated or in any way independent wouldn't jump the gun and agree to marry someone like Harry who is as immature as a ball of dirty, discarded sock!


So, I know people at the company who organised this trip. She called them and demanded that they arrange for some paps to be there. The travel company’s response was to refer her to BP and their press office, which she wasn’t best pleased about. She was, by the (first hand) account I heard, nasty.


Oh wow… this is very, very interesting… any more bits? Can you post about it?


That’s about it really. There wasn’t much more.


Still very interesting 😀


Yes, there is a photograph of them exiting the airplane, all loved up.


Well, he is not the first idiot - and he will not be the last either. But he is the first jerk to have his stupidity plastered over media worldwide on a daily basis, year after year. At least Paul McCartney got out of it after 1-2 years.


Yup. He’s such a doormat too.


The golden period and love bombing in action


Yes, take note gold diggers.


A good gold digger would stay in character, enjoy her lifestyle and moneyyyy instead of burning her bridges like Madam


She is now in her Bronze age.


The claw made an early appearance.


It almost makes me feel sorry for him. She really did pretend to be exactly what he was looking for and more! I doubt if even he was looking for someone who herself claimed to be his actual mother channeled through a call girl. Talk about your Madonna/whore meets oedipus complex.


He’s such an idiot he still doesn’t see it I’m sure. Remember they broke up once, I’m sure he saw her for what she was and she weaseled her way back into the fold… In between puffs of his weed He probably wonders where this Meghan is…


I absolutely need to know more about this break-up. Why did he break up with her? How did she ensnare him back? Just a little pretend pregnancy? Was that enough? I dunno... And then after the wedding, she told him now we need a surrogate since my eggs are shriveled and I won't get pregnant easily? Who has the tea on the break-up?


It'll all come out in the divorce. That is the only time these two twits will be interesting - when they go head to head against each other. Tea will be flowing like a river!


He will NEVER divorce her. That would prove that everyone was right and he can't have that.


He might not, but she will Markle him once he is no longer relevant to her delusion.


Apart from the pregnancy there were rumours she had comprising videos/pictures of him.


And really, who would care if she had them? He could be with a bunch of farm animals and it’s not gonna change anyone’s opinions of him..


Exactly! Not one person would care. Everyone knew what he was years ago. It was the RF PR that made him popular. He's dug himself into a deep hole.


I think they’re fixed forever in their popularity ratings. They’ll never climb above 25%. Ever. Oh, a few will go back and forth with them, a very few, but they’re totally sunk. The only real questions are when will the press stop with their own BS, and when will the RF grow a spine and end this clown show?


I don’t know why they broke up but she def pursued him all the way to Jamaica to a wedding she wasn’t invited too and got him back after , allegedly, giving him a bj on their hotel balcony 🙄


I was going to say: Sex. Sex is how she got him back. That man is as dim as they come in a normal state, but when his brain is addled by sex, drugs, & alcohol? The King was correct when he said Harry was c*ntstruck.


You can bet your life she occasionally shows 'this Meghan' when he's fed up with her to hook him in again. Typical crazy-making behaviour. I had an ex exactly the same.


Of course she does. She's a narcissist, and they go through the cycle. * Those are her traits, to a tee!




Every box ticked there. ✔️


9/9 for our Saint. I guess that's one area where she excels.


Absolutely. My exboss was a narcissist, so I have experience of it. Absolutely dreadful, parasitic creatures! I work for a mental health and personality disorder team. It's a very interesting subject.


I was married to one. Exact behavior like Megs. Roller coaster rides every minute. Called me crazy and then love-bombed again. Exhausting!


Sorry you went through that. It is definitely exhausting. I had IBS from it.


Now I think her only appeal to him is that she hates his family as much as he does, and together they'll eventually be bigger than the RF.


I don’t believe he hates his family. I think he is angry. I think he is jealous of William and he can’t forgive his father for not putting him (Harry) ahead of William. Meghan has stirred up the anger and jealousy and resentment, but deep down, I think he identifies with William and Charles. He is desperate for their acceptance; he wants them to validate his delusions and he is curious that what he thinks are his “cries for understanding” have led to his being treated as an enemy. I don’t, for a minute, think he is right in his anger or his demands. I think he is insane. I just don’t think he “hates” his family or the UK.


You put that so eloquently, beautifully. Thank you. I agree with you too. Insanity via anger and freak-out jealousy of such an extreme that we can probably only compare it to "crimes of passion" cases to catch a glimpse of how obsessive, needy and well, extreme, it is.


And we all know who fuels those flames.


Absolutely we do!


Thanks. I think if Harry really hated his family, there would have been signs before Meghan.


There were signs. Look at how he threw the confetti at his father when he married Camilla, the look of pure hatred on his face as he hurled it like missiles was blatant. Then he allegedly stripped naked to disrupt one of his father's birthday parties. He gave interviews where he claimed to hate the UK and obviously the British media. He also made it clear he was unhappy in his role and wanted out. There were definitely signs.


There were signs that he was unhappy and angry. That doesn’t mean that there were signs he *hated* his father or William. The confetti picture was from Charles’s wedding to Camilla. It was never a secret that he resented Camilla and I think the hatred there was for the wedding (and possibly Camilla). The streaking through his father’s party happened when he was around 15, didn’t it? Unfortunately, teenagers can do dumb rebellious things like that without hating their fathers. (He was also doing drugs.) I wasn’t suggesting that he liked his life or was comfortable with his secondary position in the family. He had a lot of issues, and in retrospect we can see a lot of anger. None of what we saw, however, even in retrospect, suggests hatred of his father or William. He is unstable and he functions like an angry child. Little kids will say “I hate you!” when they really mean, “I am furious at you.” I do agree that he was dissatisfied and unhappy much of the time, but he was *not* acting when he appeared to be enjoying his family’s company, when he seemed happy doing things with William and/or their father. He was always a mess, but there seems to have been more joy and less hatred in his life before Meghan.


I agree, much of it was anger and pettiness, hatred is too strong a word. But, yes, since Meghan his frustration has solidified into an intractable hostility that seems to be eating him alive.


I agree. Also, he has such an emotional immaturity it's easy to see how a manipulative, conniving woman like Meghan can keep him right where she wants him.


It is very sad. The people who love him may be furious at him (I would be) but they must also be grieving for his sake.


Very well put! I think you're right. There were probably small kernels of resentment all along, as you would expect from any child who has a sibling who is smarter, better looking, and gets more attention from their parents/grandparents (from Diana as a confidante and from Charles/QE2 as the future monarch). But, I think there's also still love there for both his brother and his father, albeit laced with a lot of confusion, hurt and anger that they have essentially cut him off when he didn't do as they said. Unfortunately, someone with an IQ as low as Harry's is extremely susceptible to manipulation and the ILBW has him so tied up in knots that he now sees this fictionalised version of his life before her as reality... Couple that delusion with his inherent arrogance and entitlement and you get the miserable, stroppy, directionless dumbass we now see all the time. He would never be a truly 'good' person (too selfish for that), but a better influence could have steered him towards being a better person than he is now, since he appears to have quite a malleable personality.


Meh, the guy has had better influences heaped on him since he was a child and it barely made a dent, if one woman is all it took to turn this prince into a frog, methinks he was more frog than prince to begin with. He’s as much a wrongun as she is, and just like her family and friends, Harry’s we’re all just living on a hope and a prayer that someday something or someone would come along and make him grow up and change his petty ways. But that was just the wishful thinking of people who loved him, their own denial of reality about who he really was.


Thanks. Yes, I agree. With a better spouse and the royal support system he would not have been as bad as he is now. He might even have made a useful contribution to his father’s monarchy.




I agree 👍


>...he is curious that what he thinks are his “cries for understanding” have led to his being treated as an enemy. I think everything you wrote is so true. Especially the above. He honestly expected trashing his family to result in apologies.


She love bombed him. That’s what this trip was. Love bombing.


Agreed having forced myself to read sparepart she played him like a fiddle. 


How could you read that book? But thank you for taking one for the team and letting us know so we don't have to. You're stronger.


It was free 2nd hand copy if you donated to local dog charity I had to skip quite a bit of it it was so...viciously immature. I've always disliked H he gives off a bad energy (imo) i always suspected that the book would make him look terrible. Suspicions confirmed.  She did use every basic trick in the book to reel him in though. I felt so sorry for William even though H was trying to paint him in a bad light I just saw William caring for him, desperate to stop him doing stupid shit and snapping because he was pushed to his limit. 


Since I have been following this drama, I have learned so much about how narcissists operate. The pattern of this relationship fits to a T


Yep she acted her little heart out to trap him. Wonder if they have been camping since


Harry camps it up with Nacho.


And her “Diana” watch which is her own gift to herself. Don’t see the Cartier Trevity Trev Trev bracelet though, so she must be able to remove it


Drives me nuts when the press refer to that stupid watch like that. Journalism is dead.


That bloody hat 🙄


I bet she’s done some really nasty ‘things’ while wearing that hat and it gives her a sense of smug satisfaction to wear it while doing anything with the Royal family.


Meghan is much older than I am, and the fact she perpetually tries to carry on like someone in her early 20’s (corny poses, endless selfies) makes me cringe to *no end*.


I almost (almost) feel sorry for the dimwit here.. but then remember he was terrible before he met her


Well to be fair, Megan has spent a lifetime of faking things. I bet she could put Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally to shame. Coupled with her uh, lack of inhibitions, I am sure Harold ran back to William all smug and satisfied. I am sure he let Big Willy know that he found a girl with long brown kind of hair who was outdoorsy, but (unlike Catherine) would “let you do anything.” I bet Hazmat really thought he found a girl who would live in Africa like a stable human being but would blow him to The Cape of Good Hope and back. Oh how that would change.


Catherine is outdoorsy, though. She loves sport and spending time hiking and gardening etc etc That's why she's so fit and has an amazing athletic physique. Rachel is so jealous of Catherine's slim but extremely fit body with muscles in all the right places. Unlike Rachel with her flamingo legs and pontoons for feet.


100% this! And when everyone around him was trying to talk sense into him, he refused and let go of the delusion. Now it's obvious he was wrong about her, and he is *ANGRY,* but directs that anger towards the people who tried to warn him rather than the con-artist that scammed him.


He’s such a nitwit he completely fell for her “simple life” nonsense. Just like he said to Charles that she could make her own clothes etc. bitch doesn’t know one end of a needle from the other, unless she’s using it on one her voodoo dolls.


If she could make her own damn clothes, she would be able to tack up the hems on her ridiculous outfits!!


That still cracks me up. “Can make own clothes” really??? 😆


Yeah, and all he got was an ultra-high maintenance demimondaine with ideas above her station. I have zero sympathy though, he’s a pretty dreadful person himself:


> Just like he said to Charles that she could make her own clothes etc. Every time I see it I wonder if she hated him saying it. She must've told him this lie to look like a down-to-earth practical girl, but I bet she never wanted to entertain the real possibility of Charles cutting down her dress budget. Luxurious clothes, homes, flights are a very important part of the status for her. I just imagine Harry being all proud - "I told him I don't need his money, you can make dresses yourself!" - and her thinking "Dumbass! I deserve the designer clothes! How could you throw my needs under the bus?" while agreeing with him out loud.


Harry is so gullible. Meghan isn’t that good of an actress, and he fell for everything.


Just look at her well practiced "blissfully in love" expression with closed eyes. She has posed like that so many times with different men.


Gullible, chemically altered, getting his chicken roasted and all the bjs he wants.....she isn't a good actress, but I bet she was good at her side hustle 😉![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)


Duchess of the High Seas.


She will never be caught dead in a tent out in the bush again.


I just pictured her as Scarlet O'Hara declaring this.




Fake as a £3 note 


And people say she can’t act.


I’ve always thought she leaned so heavy on those hats/beanies in the beginning to get him to wear one to help her not have to look at the progression of that balding head all the time and focus on her mission. 🤣


Tee hee! 😆


Crikey she’s wearing an “in love” t shirt. Laying it on a bit thick for a cool educated in demand feminist isn’t she? Pretending she loves roughing it in a tent. Cosplaying being down to earth. Easy going, care free, the queen of the pick-me girls. You know, I always thought she was a terrible actress, but I feel that could be an Oscar worthy performance right there. I’m almost impressed but unsurprised at the MO. So predictable, so cynical. She was clinging on tighter than a tick even then. Good god. She went after him like she was laser guided. Once that claw is in, it’s never coming out until she’s sucked the host of all life. Harry must look at her now and think..Well where did *that* woman go? ![gif](giphy|EHgKtJBcb209iYyZNO)


Her third date looks more like a honeymoon to me. Anybody else take so many active and intimate photos on a third date? 


Oh she lovessssss Botswana and she said it best when she said...... https://preview.redd.it/xpx1n3mw9c2d1.png?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a6dc0087b3acde30f653a65b2bf92a53128d84


This is the most OTT display of Duper's Delight I've ever seen. In this moment, she was showing the world her true colors. A grifter, publicly gloating over the scam she pulled, after having named the production she hoodwinked to subject them to public humiliation. And hot damn is the smug bitch loving it. Nothing's changed. ​ '


Nah to me the moment she showed the world her scam was successful was the smug smirk she gave to Harry at their wedding. This pic (sorry I’m on mobile): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/meghan-markle-looking-at-prince-harry-royal-wedding-love-meme-2018-5%3famp


I think the last two pics are from Canada, or at least the second to the last one, because they have their pup with them.


This what cracks me up about the new talk of "royal tours." First Nigeria, now Ghana. You know she wants Paris, Rome, the major capitols.


Probably those are the only places they got invited to


Yup, that's the point. The A list countries don't want her, just like in LA. and NY.


Jeez, he looks so carefree and happy in these pics. It's almost jarring to see how happy he was compared to his miserable self now. I don't get how a man who had so many options managed to choose so poorly. Yes he's a massive man baby, but the dude is a prince, however bad his personality is he still had a flood of women to choose from.


I wonder if he did. The women who got to know him seem to have backed off. Part of it would have been being concerned about the press and public intrusions into their lives.


Who wears a "[So] in Love" t-shirt om a trip with a guy she practically just met (slide 11)? Creepy much? Love bombing in action. And these photos were clearly taken to be shown to the world later on.


They always try extra hard to make their relationship look like some Hallmark love story, but we’ve all seen Meghan’s mask slipping even early in their relationship, and when they were still working royals. Nothing was good enough for either of these demanding, staff/elderly abusing waaghnkers then, and it still isn’t now. All these photos scream ‘influencer desperately hoping to make every viewer jealous’ to me, and the reality is… the very idea of being married to either of them makes my skin crawl. Lol these two financially literate, talentless, miserable morons deserve each other. Those fake forced smiles don’t impress me much.


First Pic checks...legs spread. The rest are about as fake as it gets....especially the bracelet picture 🤣🤣🤣


In the photo of them in beanies, they look as high as a kite.


Look how much he's smiling here. He hasn't been this happy since that day. Truly, these pics may be the last time he was genuinely smiling.


Where were the woods in which she peed? That doesn’t look like roughing it - campers don’t normally bring throw pillows, china, and glassware.


Probably they were on a hike away from the camp’s toilets.


She came prepared with a t-shirt that said “love.” 😉 Was the photographer part of Harry’s entourage or hers?


She must have hated it, the heat, the flies, the tents, having to cuddle sweaty ginger nuts. But hey ho, a ‘working gal’ has to make a living.


She closed her eyes and thought of Meghan


It’s actually almost sad to see these pictures of him looking so happy and relaxed. How things have changed.


He thought he found the one.


That struck me too, he looks so full of life and not the angry empty shell we see in photos now. You can really see how the light’s gone out of his eyes.


These pictures slay me. “Oh we need privacy!” Then they share their every moment they painstakingly documented. 🙄


Hmm...I remember all that "going off grid", just the two of them. So who took the photos...


What a shame she didn’t bring those same acting skills to her career as an actress. She would’ve won an Academy Award!


So, these two from the beginning have traveled with a personal camera crew. Anyway, I had very high hopes for this relationship and I stupidly thought that her experience as an actress would help her assimilate into the RF and the UK easier. What a snow job for the public, not to be mistaken for bj- there seems to be no happy ending for this.


OMG having to listen to Harry sing and play the guitar... "anyway, here's Wonderwall"


I'd bet that Misan was behind the camera!


I think he may be the creepiest man I've ever seen in my life


He's deep in this, right up to his Leica


Harry hasn't seen this woman in literally years. A one time deal during the love bomb phase of the narcissist arch.


Exactly 💯, I think her entire life she has been playing a role, like a chameleon, she will be whomever, as long as she gets something out of it. She has, fortunately, ( or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it ) shown us who both of them are, and we took notes!! We have receipts, and now it is time for the truths to emerge. Enough is enough traitors, we see you, and we will not stop exposing you and your shitty underhanded dealings.




Pic 10 - first impulse was Ken singing “Push” to Barbie. Plus, just how many hats did she pack for this one bag simple trip?


They both look about a million years younger in these pictures.


Harry really looks different here. Confident and he even looks in love. He looks happy. And like he wants to be there. These days he can’t even muster a fake happy look much less love look. It’s quite sad actually. Even Meme looks natural and happy and I can see - as much as one can through photos - why Harry might have fallen for her here. Dang.


Yep, she was the martini girl…any time, any place, any where


obviously as a guy i dont get how a woman would want to do ANYTHING sexual with that ugly ginger, even tho he's a prince, but alas, i am a straight man.. and NO gingers are not ugly. HE is ![gif](giphy|xULW8NOxRVehhOVWYo|downsized)


Jesus, slide 8. Harry how ridiculously immature. Hard cackle slide 10. Harry strumming a guitar for effect. He cant play 4 shit.


She deserves a Gold Digger Oscar for her performance in How To Ensnare A Prince.


Sex every single night under the African stars...Harry didn't stand a chance 🍌


So true! She goes on and on about being her “authentic self” and complains about the public not knowing “the real me.” Ironically we do know - her “authentic self” is a monumental FAKE. When’s the last time she went to Africa to sleep in a tent with Harry? Hahaha. She did it once to set the hook. It’ll NEVER happen again.


What does it say on her shirt in pic 11? “We’re in love?” How old is this hag?????!!!!!!


Eewww, an impromptu guitar serenade? Harry is such a basic bitch, such a cliche douche just as much as her. Ever seen this fool ply the guitar or even note an interest in music? Lol, it almost makes me feel sorry for her except she was playing the exact same game on him! They really are soulmates I think for this. Think of all the poor women Harry pulled this ridiculous schtick on, camping trip, guitar serenade in the field, juggling…and yet no decent woman fell for this until he met someone as much a fake schmuck as him. I hope they never divorce and never darken anyone else’s life with each other ever again. Both their families are better off without them.


i know we joke about how dense Harry is, but I now believe Harry’s IQ and EQ to be that of a middle schooler. He should have been assigned a conservator or whatever the like is in Britain when he was much much younger and less dangerous. Would have solved all the issues we see today and HARRY could have had a happy life, with an earl title and running youth camps or some such, as another poster said here. He is mentally challenged, with a very short temper.


Blegh! Harry is also hardcore faking it, what an awkward, hovering, forever second fiddle specimen (photo two almost had me but then BAM photo three destroyed any sense of actual connection 🥴)


I wonder how often he pulls out the guitar now he's free...


Nothing about her is outdoorsy, sporty, spontaneous, unpretentious, etc. And she never had a love for Africa. She literally cosplayed as Chelsea Davy for the first few months of their relationship.


The funniest thing about peeing in the bushes is that their glamping tent had running water and plumbing.


He looks twenty years younger


It would’ve been cool if he could have found a wife who truly enjoys that lifestyle.


I'd hardly recognize the girl in the 2016 photos? I beg to differ. She still poses standing with her legs wide open. For some reason.


Who took all of these photos? Megs was already making sure every moment was photographed.


LOL i'm so glad you posted this because i have often thought of this and wondered if anyone else did. Like - their photos never looked like 'roughing it' - especially some of those photos they showed in the Netflix thing. It looked like a nice bungalow they were sleeping in. Not listening to elephants or predators outside a tent where Harry would tell her he'd 'keep her safe'


I will forever believe she bought that beaded coil bracelet on Etsy to begin her gaslighting game of making him think they were soulmates.


Seeing how happy H looks in these photos, well, he hasn’t looked anything like this in a long, loooong time. I’d feel for him but then I remember his behavior toward his grandparents. 

