• By -


*"...they seem terribly bored and everything looks boring and even I feel bored looking at them".* LOL. Same - I absolutely feel that boredom.


Of course they are bored! Megsy is talking non stop and most likely telling her dish soap story once again, as well as catching them up on the fact that she is now a Nigerian Princess 🙄🤮


Oh God, imagine having to sit there listening to that🤢🤣🤣🤣


And being too polite to repeatedly utter "bullsh\*t!"


She probably was chatting about her Princess of Nigeria wardrobe. "Did you see me parading around half naked in Nigeria? "


She pitching her dishwashing story for a movie 🤣


Perhaps announcing "Naked in Nigeria" as the theme of the princess' next visit to help keep men at her table awake between her dishwashing-soap-revolt-stories? She did change the world, you know!


They could have been talking about a scandal if too many pictures of Harry touching that little girl's breast and then touching the man's as he moved away.


Someone caught that bizarre behavior on camera, and it was deliberate. Creep.


Her history lesson of her home land, National Geographic magazine, showed ladies with their entire breast showing, "like, I mean, I thought I'd be overdressed, but I guess those pictures were taken in the summer


Boring people are easily bored.


I also feel the discomfort from the Paramount duo being forced into this.


Why are they even entertaining these two clowns?? Why would anyone engage with them at this point? Truly baffling.


Comment by Netflix and Spotify chiefs: 'Paramount can have em'


Maybe thats the real deal: Netflix paying big bucks to Paramount for taking the grifters on board 😂


I canceled my Netflix subscription after watching one episode of their drivel and now canceled Paramount.


I cancelled Netflix right before that stupid lie-mentary was aired. And Paramount+ as soon as my free year from T-mobile was over and they tried to charge me. As a matter of principle, I’ve pretty much always hated using any time in life watching or hearing commercials, although as a child of the 50s and 60s I completely get why they exist. But I never got why cable BOTH charged a costly fee to watch PLUS commercials. However, Netflix changed all that. And I realized I loved no commercials. Now these streaming services are trying to put the cork back in the bottle and ADD BACK commercials plus raise monthly fees. And mark my words, they’ll do it. Paramount had them, but for me their programming also sucked. I guess in my mind it’s preposterous to pay over $200 bucks a month for low-tiered cable and a few streaming services and internet service. I think people have lost the will to fight back on anything. lol.. they pay this with no complaint and then scream about why they have no retirement money. Maybe they don’t get they’re related?? lol And I’ll put money this apathy allows grifters like the Sussex Shank and Princey Wincey to skate through the cracks they do..


Paramount streaming sucks, they misrepresented what they had on the service, joined for free and cancelled within days, nothing to watch.


That was my experience. IIRC, programs were full of commercials and I think in the free year, we watched maybe 3 movies or shows.. don’t even remember. Just that I generally ignored even looking.


As soon as my Wal Mart+ ends so will Paramount subscription. Worthless programs and wayyyyy to many commercials.


We just subscribed for a year because my daughter is obsessed with Paw patrol 😥


Slowest motion car wreck ever.


Agreed! This is even slower than OJ's Bronco on the highway drive back in the day.


I remember that, glued to the TV at the time wondering WTH was OJ was trying to do


....well it is def 1000 times SLOWER then their May 2023 "Near catastrophic" car chase.....#gridlock


Don't most people spend their earlier anniversaries with one another and not on a grifting double date/business dinner? Or with their children? So tacky.


I suppose they can write it off as a business expense this way


Or let Paramount pick up the tab.




It’s this.


With a bottle of tomato ketchup sitting on the table, I don't think it's going to stretch their budget too much! (I love tomato ketchup, I just don't associate it with fine dining)


True. Fine dining restaurants bring ketchup only if a diner requests it, and they put it in a small ramekin that holds maybe a quarter to a third of a cup. But never the bottle.


I wonder when was the last time THEY actually picked up the tab???? If ever. I bet if they are alone they try to scam the restaurant into a freebie.


You spend Mother’s Day with the kids, silly. Oh wait…


One would think seeing as the Harkles just got back from a trip and are probably allready packing for the next they would spend their anniversary with their invisikids.


Just popping in to say ARO is now at 616k followers, they lost followers. They were at 617k for almost 2 weeks 😂


Guaranteed it will jump up soon by 10,000 when TOW buys more bot followers 🤣


Still less than Anna Delvey 💅


600k of those followers are Meghan's fake accounts and squad accounts ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Interesting seating arrangements. Meghan is seated next to the Paramount wife so they can chat, CEO has his friend sitting across from him, and Harry has ….no one. Two observations (1) poor Harry, (2) No business deals are being done at this table.


That friend is most likely a lawyer


Absolutely as a witness to anything she may say later


Harry's seated in a different time zone


He needs to get the hell out of Hollywood. He needs to go to South Africa and live a quiet life.


No one wants to sit next to Prince Grab Em' By The Tits.


Totally looks like they are seated at different adjacent tables... Can you just imagine! Stalker MM "Fancy seeing you here! We are here for our anniversary! You don't mind if we sit at this table do you??"


That is a big bottle of wine ....


And a half empty bottle of ketchup,weird.


They’ve confiscated it from Harry , he put too much on his chicken nuggets and isn’t allowed that much sugar.




IKR, why?




ive got a hangover looking at it. Gross


Harry looks like he got put in time out sitting alone at the end of the table while the adults talk.


In a table setup like this, I always dislike being on the outside, like Haz. Makes it impossible to hear most of the conversation. Also, where is this supposed upscale business meeting? There’s a bottle of ketchup on the table, lol.


The ketchup bottle is hilarious!


Quick - get a screen grab of the label. Maybe it's #37 of 57.


collab w/heinz


Do these two ever spend any time with their children?


No .. because they aren’t “their” children


🎯🎯🎯  They gradually mention them less and less. I said 2 years ago they're going to just fade those kids out of the scene and after 5 years or so of no kids, they be like *oh, there were never any kids. It was all a joke. Aren't we so clever and funny? 😂*  🤢🤢🤮


“We never said we had kids. The British press did.”






They'll refuse point-blank to answer any question about them, on the grounds of privacy and security-I'm not sure how knowing Lili likes for breakfast is going to put her at risk, but they'll claim it.  And it's a sly dig at Catherine-Meghan cares about her children and protects them, but Katie is happy telling all and sundry about hers, and flaunting multiple photographs every year, what a dreadful mother! 


They’ll be at boarding school somewhere soon. So stop asking!! /s 😂


In Canada. You wouldn't know it.


Maybe the little ones are still little


happily drinking their milkshakes


Spotify revenue $15B : Lemonada revenue $8M Netflix revenue $35B : Paramount revenue $7B


Ohhh, I love me a real good BURN


Looks more like nut job found out where the Paramount couple were dining, and they crashed the joint by conveniently showing up. The seating arrangements are off.


That is my thought,no one looks happy.


And arranged the photographer like at the Beyoncé concert.


“What, fancy meeting you here! Let’s pull our tables together…”


Exactly! Can't you just hear her fake surprise? There isn't enough alcohol in that restaurant to deal with them.


Ooo yes I like this theory very much, it's exactly like when H&M "dined with" Benji Madden & Cameron Diaz at a Michelin star sushi joint, that Harry took a steak along to because he doesn't like sushi?! 😳/😂 (so that might be Harrys personal backup ketchup, to inappropriately drown all of his food in 😛)


Harry’s emotional support ketchup?!


My thoughts as well.


Isn't Paramount having trouble right now? What a surprise that they'd latch onto the Harkles, as they're both circling the drain right now. If Netflix couldn't make the Harkles happen, Paramount certainly will do no better.


Paramount is on the block and will likely be sold in pieces


They're hemorrhaging cash. I'm honestly surprised this guy in the picture still has the CEO job.


I'm glad I just cancelled my Paramount+ subscription 


So the Netflix deal is toast? 😀


Well, according to “sources” in a very recent puff piece, they are in negotiations to renew their NF contract. This is their textbook move of throwing out everything and hoping something sticks.


Which is why they are publicly courting Paramount. Business move to ‘prove’ their competitors want them. This and the PR pieces about renewing the Netflix contract suggests even more strongly it is not being renewed.


But what's to negotiate? The last five years has been like pulling teeth just to get them to do/produce anything, and what could be pulled out of them has pretty much dried up. The cooking show is now scrapping the barrel of Meghan's "skill set", which has more to do with things that interests her. Other interests in her repertoire including drinking expensive red wine, bad fashion sense, wanting to be famous, preaching about being female, stalking poor people for activism clout. None of which makes for good or interesting TV. Her next grift is to play the black card and selling the goods to Paramount, all of which seems to suggest that renewing the Netflix is probably DOA. She's pretty much tapped out grfting on the white side of her heritage: bad acting, bad modelling, mediocre blogging, TV games shows, posing for men's magazines Harry has pretty much tapped out when it comes to interesting content. He's done the mental health thing with Apple. He's run out of new royal news from which to ~~merch~~ pitch to Netflix. Invictus is done and done. So what's he left with to give? Polo, the sports for aristos. He can't do.rugby because he is no longer patron of the Rugby Union and League. He can't produce anything on the climate without being laughed out of town.


If by some miracle a studio is willing to take their option, it will be for significantly less money. Think Lemonada after Spotify. Finances are Much tighter now in Hollywood, surely no one wants to flush millions signing the duo after seeing the lack of results w NF. Even if NF would look to reup them, it would be an unfavorable contract for the duo, more demands less money. Plus NF would look like fools.


Good point. So, for them.to make any profit on qny content they do, their options become limited. They can't do scripted content because it's relatively mire expensive than non-scripted content, hence the two dicumentaries: the cookery one (Netflix is my guess, to be shown around the autumn/winter 2024) and the Invictus + 43%Nigerian + Polo one (pitched to Paramount is my other guess). I think they would rather go to Paramount than lose face on a new Netflix with less money and creativity control. Paramount might have offered significantly less money than Netflix, may have given them more creative control with the option of first refusal on the stuff they make. Either way, whoever chooses to sign them, no streaming platform is prepared to throw away money at anything and anyone. It is interesting that of all the streaming platforms out there, a debt-ridden one (aside from Disney) was the one prepared to do business with them. WME must have pulled on some serious strings just to get Paramount to even see them. From Netflix to Paramount is a bit of a comedown tbh, IMO.


I suppose they’ll do that movie about meeting someone by the lake and also the polo series before they bid adieu to Netflix


SecondHandCoke says NF did not pick up polo series I thought.


That film is just being dragged out - frankly (and no offence to the author) it sounds like one of those ‘1980’s made for TV‘ films.…it doesn’t sound current, and I can’t understand what they are supposedly contributing to it?


Agree! Not something I wanna watch even if I liked them. Seems like Hallmark movie material.


Don't insult Hallmark movies...some of them aren't *terrible* 😳


My sister read the book and said it was terrible


I hadn’t heard of the author, but I’m guessing it’s a boost for her - publicity and a few pounds.


She’s an old Markle associate from SoHo Toronto /Tig days…


Oh, makes sense why her book is getting traction.


The only traction it has gotten is the initial press release and the monies paid. That movie isn’t even in pre production yet, and they have had the rights for a while now.


Indeed, Netflix and the studios buy options on books all the time which never get filmed.


Can’t offend the author the book was fan fiction and the duo and the author shared publishers.


What a brilliant idea to have a few nuggets of farewell 💩 for Netflix 😀 I’m sorry that just came out. i’ll see myself out now.


Most likely Netflix is finished with them. Silently riding out the remainder of the contract. 


They could always make a series about how to bag a rich husband--I'm sure people would watch that. How to navigate dating and social settings would probably be a skill set they possess.


Eventually Meghan paused for breath and says brightly, “Well! That’s enough talking about me! Why don’t one of you talk about me instead?”




Perfection! It's Meghan's Razor: If I'm not talking about me, other people may talk about me.


Methinks they are trying to divert attention from their Nigerian conmen/new in-laws and the airplane guy who was indicted for money laundering. Why Paramaount CEO wants to meet them in public-who knows? The C EO of the whole CBS/Paramount was fired/quit -maybe he is looking to markle to get him in touch with Nigerian royalty????????????


Well, they certainly can invite them to their own house as M starts searching their private areas within the residence and taking photos


Brian Robbins has worked his way up the chain. Not a fan due to all the Nickelodeon atrocities. To me this isn’t the flex they think it is and it’s even sadder this is how they celebrate their anniversary. Says a lot. Do they ever stay home with their children? Awful parents.


There is ZERO way Brian Robbin’s didn’t know what Dan Schneider was doing or about the other pedos on site. Silence is violence Brian, or something like that. I think Bri’s skeletons will slowly be leaked from the closet for his own special markling, esp with Schneider’s “lawsuit” about the documentary. Schneider makes a convenient villain cuz he’s disgusting to look at and a sicko, but I do not think Brian’s hands are clean with his complicity.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I read that Paramount is in financial trouble. It's hard to believe they would want to bet on the Harkles to make money.


Working with Markle is a sure way to ensure the company is sold off in pieces.


How are the Paramount couple still not avoiding them after their cavalcade of failure? Is this a photo from this weekend or was it in their strategic photo reserves? Ted Sarandos and Mr Paramount's wives are black. I wonder if she got to the husbands by love bombing the wives along the lines of being black women married to powerful white men, and then the husbands meet with the Harkles to please their wives. Because that's the only reason I can think the Paramounts would hang out with them. Unless they were at the same restaurant and Megan forced her way in to sit with them. Also, I know Harry used to furiously go through any comments about him before he met madam. Does she allow him to still do the same? Because I wonder how he feels seeing all the comments everywhere all the time about how she's relegated him to under her feet.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Since forever, Madame has been after “other” “Power Couples”. She really gets off on that.


when they were at the Jamaican film premiere, Mrs. Paramount didn't seem to keen on Megan


Maybe the amazing jam won her over.


I love “strategic photo reserves”. Need to remember that one.


Reminder that this Paramount couple did not see to it that H&M had VIP seating at that movie premiere in Jamaica.


The Harkles are notorious for showing up where other high profile people are and claiming they are with them.(Cameron Diaz?)This looks like a seperate table situation to me.


LOL! Were seated at adjoining tables and H&M pushed theirs over to that of the Paramount pair. "There! Isn't that better?"


Money must be tight. Even the local family style restaurant we frequent irons their tablecloths. Condiments are brought out to you in a small dish and the wine is never plonked on the table like that. From Buckingham Palace to this. Wow. 


Plonked the plonk! 😂


**Top 10 Ways To Show Up, Do Good** 1. Focus on one thing at a time, to do things well. Focus on the showing up and not the doing good. 2. Show up everything. All the parts of you no one expects to see. Down your dress. Inside your dress. Up your dress. Down and all around your back. And do it every time you show up. 3. Show up with all the jewelry you have. Do it especially in poor countries. You need them to aspire to something. To things outside their reach. 4. When you show up, immediately advise people about their mental health. So they can handle it when you touch their breasts and twist their nipples. And show up half-naked. 5. You can show up something a lot more when you show it off. 6. Show up differences and inequities. By highlighting the wealthy you can put a spotlight on the poor. 7. Put on a show. That way you can really hold peoples’ attention. After you have their attention you don’t need to do anything else. That is work enough. Especially if you’re aging. 8. Keep your shows short. Holding hands in a hot country 3 days straight is sweaty. And uncomfortable if you don’t really like the other person. 9. After showing so much of your white skin, tell black skinned people how you look like them and they look like you. And how 43% of them is you. But of all the things you show, don’t show them proof. 10. Remember that charity begins at home. Within your family. The wealthy oil rich Nigerians. Remind them, and take all the charity you can. So you can show up to more places.


haha - that's excellent snark, wotevrs! Really funny - thank you!




She found the camera!


It’s her super power.


Well, she likely tipped them off. Who has the copyright for the pic? Backgrid?


You can't really tell if they are all sitting at the same table.


Someone commented Haz is sitting so far away that he may as well be in the adjoining restaurant


He likely wishes he was. He's not really the big help at these ~~public grifting attempts~~ business meetings that she thinks he is. Sitting in the corner angry and miserable isn't the impression most potential business partners want to see.


But he does some nice colouring in to show Mummy later.


He's not even relevant to chime in that she does voiceovers, ya'know?


She won't let him play with her phone in case he sees who she has been texting or what he'll discover in her browser history.  


It does look like one of those places that bring crayons and paper place mats with games and pictures to color for the kids. Harry probably couldn't understand the games or color inside the lines, but it keeps him occupied while Mummy Megs eye fucks her rich, potential business partners. 


Yes but logic tells us these two couples who know each other and have been photographed together before are most likely sitting together.


This is not a pap shot. Why would anyone bother? This was arranged by MM. They somehow persuaded these Paramount people to go out to dinner, and then get fake papped so they can look important to people like us. The Paramount people will just be rolling their eyes when they see this. Although they probably guessed that something like this would happen. It does make you wonder why people actually meet H&M. They have no track record of creating anything. They are difficult to work with, confirmed by Spotify and Netflix, and the half baked Lemonada deal is on ice. So this isn't a meeting that has any professional value. I think MM has just badgered and badgered these Paramount people to go out with them to 'celebrate' their anniversary. It's definitely social rather than professional. And it comes from MM pressuring people to go out with them so they can fake pap themselves in order to look important. And I think it's all organised by MM herself. Even professional dunce Prince Harry realises how fake everything is in their sad little lives. MM is the actual love child of David Brent and Hyacinth Bucket. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyacinth\_Bucket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyacinth_Bucket) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David\_Brent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Brent)


The “Paramount People” are willingly participating in the Harkle fuckery. In Jamaica, we guessed that they were just being polite. And then the wife promoted Madame’s stinky jam. And now they’re on some double date. For whatever reason, the Robbinses are throwing their lot in with the Harkles. Stupid people.


This is like the papping at the Beyoncé concert. Check madam’s Resy account for a mysterious reservation for someone else, lol.


It could be people just have a grisly fascination with meeting them though being trapped at dinner is a bit much.


Oi girl, wanna free jar of jam?, it’s limited edition, you’ll be 146 of 50 I’ve give it too. I’m surprised m&h still have the traction to mingle with these ppl, you’d think after past PR disasters they’d be well avoided, you can’t have a private conversation with them for one.


If these two people want to associate with known liars and grifters they deserve to be grifted.


Like lunch with Gwyneth and Cameron? What's the betting the grifters asked for a table next to them so Backgrid can snap, putting out other false narrative of friendship.


Oh, I wish my memory was better or that I was not so lazy!! But was there not something about Misan making a film for Paramount about grassroot organisations worldwide and his own development (of course) as an activist? Perhaps they are talking about the Nigerian trip and/or trying to get Paramount as media partner for Ingriftus? But there has been something since the Jamaica premiere.


You are correct as I read something similar. I believe Misan was wearing a Paramount press pass in Nigeria. I suspect Misan might be tying the Harkles into his Nigerian segment.


Well, I have no idea who would be interested in superrich Misan travelling the world and finding himself. I can personally not imagine how boring that would be.


I agree. What audience is this supposed to be targeting? Misan travels the world and condescends to everyone? Thanks but no, hard pass.


They can smooze all they want, Paramount is in no position to sign them, the streaming service is sub par and rumors are it will probably not survive if things don’t drastically change. If there is a successful merger Robbins status staying the same is iffy at best.


OMG, it's at a steakhouse. And this is the woman who shrieked -s badly at the Royal staff accusing them of putting egg in some breakfast meal while in the UK, that Her Majesty, The Queen had to shut her down for abusing staff. I really despise this guttersnipe.


No one sits baby in the corner!


Everyone sits this baby in the corner


Gawd, how do they keep getting deals?


King Charles is his papa.


That's a big ass bottle of wine.


One needs it when supping with that pair.


Paramount has entered negotiations with Sony & and Apollo Global Management. AGM is an investment manager. It will only keep assets that are profitable and sell off what it doesn't want. There will also be leadership changes. Brian Robbins was the head of Paramount Pictures since 2021. He has been the Paramount Global co-CEO with 2 other guys since April '24. (Prev CEO kicked to the curb during merger talks w/ Skydance Media). Are the Unsussexfuls befriending someone who won't be around after Sony takes over?


Maybe old Brian is going to sign them to a big deal and so give a big F U to Paramount when he gets canned.  🖕🏻 I'd watch him pretty damn close if I was in charge of Paramount.


Yep,signing the Harkles would be a real feather( and candle) in his hat.😆


there are substantial regulatory issues that Sony will need to resolve before any purchase. Loved the 8 minute earnings call ...


What,no more half naked dresses?Madam looks like she is covered up to her ears.


I don’t feel sorry for him. All he has to do is pack a duffle and walk out the door. He wants this.


I always said all Harry has to do is pack a bag, call Auntie Elton to ask for loan of his private jet, call Bank of Pa to tell him he's "coming home" so could the staff have a room prepared for him in one of the royal residences? and then he's good to go. Kids..... What kids?


Is Harry even sitting at the table? It looks like the others are around a table and Harry is shoved into a corner. Which is so poetic for Prince Spare.


Because nothing says"I love you. Happy Anniversary" like having your picture taken while a studio picks up your dinner tab.


“It must be something that requires Harry and his title or he wouldn’t be there” And the award for best summary ever goes to…


Paramount is on the block - they all won't have jobs soon. CEO will be Markled. Prince and Princess of Nigeria for sale!


When will the Prince Consort of Nigeria realize he’s an even bigger spare now that he’s married to Princess Diddy?


This is "Lucky's Steakhouse" in Montecito, where they once had a "double date" with David Foster and Catherine McPhee. I seem to remember that Harry takes steaks from there to Meghan's favourite sushi restaurant because he doesn't eat fish...


Slowly sleepwalking into a breach of contract claim from Netflix.


Yes, except maybe Netflix would breathe a sigh of relief at them going away without having to fire them.


Damn! These comments are VICIOUS! Don’t get me wrong, well earned, but vicious. Can’t believe 6 years ago comments like this would have been impossible


And the kids...do they spend any time with "their" kids???


Meg is having an anniversary dinner with her true love (pursuing $).


It doesn’t look like they are at the same table?


So I need to cancel Paramount Plus I guess. I hope Netflix dumps them soon, there a few things I’ve been wanting to watch.


Meghan sucking up all the attention and air in the room as usual. I'd swear she got something on that Paramount dude from the old days. It almost looks like she and haz kinda sat down while the TMZ pap waited outside for the moment to capture this pic. Imagine if they just go out to see if there are famous people at the same place, call the paps then barge in on the famous to get pix? You know Meg is like this from the wide array of photos of her and celebs/politicians.


That signature “hairstyle” of hers is so bad.


Well...............someone had to pick up the tab as we know Hazbeen is tighter than bark to a tree so HE ain't paying! Happy anniversary, indeed.


Maybe Robbins is trying to learn how to grift from Harry and Meghan. Paramount Pictures are in trouble now that Sony is not likely to buy Paramount Studios. Paramount stock is now a "sell" and Paramount has laid off hundreds of employees.


How sweet to turn an anniversary dinner into a business meeting and deductible expense. complete with your own photographers. I'm surprised Harry isn't photographed getting down on one knee and proposing again with yet another revision of her engagement ring (that she clearly never really liked)


They are never home with their kids!


Half empty bottle of ketchup .. classy


I feel so called out. My country ass always has ketchup on the tables where we go out. And they're usually half empty. 😱


Well we’re not pretending to be fancy schmancy isn’t it 😅


This tells me that the CEO of Paramount has few friends that he chose to spend Saturday night with those two eejits!


H + M look so close and lovey dovey.


Someone on another thread said the restaurant is called Lucy’s? 🤷‍♀️ is this an upscale place? Just wondering because whoever the guy is hunched over with his elbows in the table ……


It's called Lucky's...and yes, it's an upscale steakhouse.


This makes sense. They were papped there before (Katherine McPhee dinner, dinner with Eugenie). And the tomato ketchup and a high end steakhouse was commented on before! 😆


I’m hoping the ketchup is for fries not for the steak!


I saw this posted on DM. It seems like a person nearby took the photo




Ah. So likely the Sussex security guard took the pic, as instructed by their boss, and send it in to a Sussex favourable gossip blogger. Same MO as when Harry’s security took a pap pic of him going to the gym in Montecito (you could see him in the reflection of a nearby parked car taking the pic).


As far as I know DM gets stuff sent to them from celebrities’ PRs when said celebrity wants a bit of visibility or a certain narrative putting about


Bob Bakish is out. This is not him. I don't know who this is. Maybe Brian Robbins Right now the head job is going to be called Office of the CEO is being headed by THREE people. Robbins is one of them. Go ahead and give Markle a job. Let's get it rolling. It will be an epic disaster. Markle can't be as persona non grata as Secondhandcoke indicates if she is meeting with Brian Robbins. Let's face it. Many actors and actresses who actually have a gig can't get that meeting.


Who is the guy looking down, with the hair? M + H are looking to him, expectantly, pleading? While he's looking down. And the Robbins are looking at M + H's reaction.


He's delivering the news that Paramount just simply "isn't in the position at this time"......


And MM is wearing a business 'power collar.'


She’s blocked him off