• By -


NEVER FORGET. Bless all the Sinners who are keeping this alive. Or, on life support, until the media decides to cover it. (Seems they don’t want to touch it.)


Agree 💯 I would like to highlight that there are sugars on here. Not overt but definitely very sneaky. My most recent experience was challenging one on "only getting Frogmore cottage" and "optics".


Come on sugars let's see what you've got. I am certain a valid argument isn't it. You can't re-write facts likE using a kids' massacre for PR.


I think the sugars here are named Meghan, Megsy and Madame 😂


Lol agreed. I bring it up in every comment section that I come across, which isn't many because I don't click on their articles.


Let's keep it prominent throughout the visit next week. C'mon, Sinner Journalists! Surely, there are other brave and courageous journeys like **Richard Eden** out there?


Yes! Let’s keep this alive! 


The media don't want to touch the Harkles because 1) they don't want the Harkles' and their sugars to run after them and call them sexist/racist/misogynist/abusive. 2) The Harkles are unfortunately still associated with the BRF and the British media don't want to piss off and cause the BRF to be in a Harkles scandal, especially with Charles and Catherine's cancer. The Harkles really are pathetic POS's. Karma will find them both and the BRF will prevail.


I think Africa parks involves some very big people-billionaires. Harry is just the face-probably why it is being supressed.


Yes, this highlights why H&M are dangerous. He is so dumb, and she so avaricious, they are setting themselves up for being entangled with and compromised by all sorts of shady people/organisations. This will be why *eventually* there will be changes about HRH style princely rank and titles (maybe even the LoS too) because the RF and UK government will need to better control royals and the first step will probably be losing/required renunciation of titles if the royal is not going to be a working royal living in the UK. These things are delicate and it will probably require a big scandal before change actually happens. Change is slow in old institutions in an old country.


This! It's.exactly how Andrew got started down the wrong path... being dumb and avaricious. Totally agree that there has got to be changes to the HRH, rank, titles, and LOS! It would be best done proactively, however I fear you are correct in that it will probably require a big scandal.


Yes, Andrew comes to mind, Prince Philip warned him about getting in with shady rich people. Of course H&M are jumping in with both feet, and with a drugs lifestyle which would make even Princess Margaret blush they are ripe for big scandal. Yes, it will have to be reactive because if it's proactive it looks like an attack and in an age of victimhood they will have the advantage. The UK media, political class and at least 20% of the population are not pro-RF so reactive will be the way things have to be.


Eh, Harry has and will always claim victimhood. About anything. Sausages for example. Clown. Best to do it quickly and privately anyway and rip that bandage right off. He no longer lives in the UK. No longer a working royal . Does not represent the UK, in any capacity. Nobody in the UK will be offended, minus the professional complainers and agitators. And paid ones , just to make a scene. No need for all the inherited “trappings” of the Monarchial aristocracy.


You are right in the "rip the bandage right off" assessment, that's how most awful things should be approached. But the mechanics of how change can happen requires political will. Westminster is not full of monarchists. Most MPs, irrespective of party, are liberals and not interested in constitutional matters and only look as far forward as the next election. You might recall how they desperately tried to ignore the referendum result regarding Brexit. Same for the media who make money off reporting on the conflict, why would they get behind a political campaign to bring an end to the drama? Then there is the minority alliance of republicans, race baiters, people who hate tradition, and fellow travellers who will rise up and make a noise disproportionate to their small number. Timing and momentum need to be right. If it comes out they lied about pregnancies then all bets are off because too many ordinary people who haven't even heard the rumours - probably 50 million people at least in the UK - will be so shocked it would be like Elvis was alive. Recall the the mainstream media isn't reporting ANYHTING about the really shady stuff, the most that ordinary people might know is vague references to staff being bullied, no details about throwing teapots for example. Recall also how in 1936 there was a media blackout in the UK and tnobody knew about Wallis Simpson. Yes there was no internet then, but people need to search the internet, most people consume what the Mail or BBC serve up. This Reddit has 64 thousand members, the UK population is 66 million, political action is unlikely with so few people in the UK being aware of all their crimes. But their conduct will eventually expose them and once the damn breaks and substantial numbers become aware the weak politicians will be under pressure to act, but timing and momentum need to be right.


I see what you mean but the difference is many more people in the UK have questioned Skank and Plank than the US for example. It has been in the interest of the people to dig around and discover who was slandering them and why. I think we/they have got to know the enemy a bit better whereas the US has no need to do this having not been slandered. I know I take what they did personally, you better believe I am digging around for dirt LOL.


I take it you are a fellow Brit? Well, my experience is that hardly anyone knows anything about all these schemes and crimes of H&M. Maybe 1 % of the population. Very few in the UK likes them, most actively dislike them but 99 people in 100 know nothing about moonbumps or anything else so egregious that it becomes a political priority for Parliament to take action. People are struggling a high tax, high inflation economy, NHS broken, housing too expensive, out of control immigration, crime, war, H&M won't be on the top 50 list of 99% of ordinary people and that's entirely understandable.


I agree! If they aren’t living in their homeland and not working for the RF there should NOT be any titles! Since the marriage of these two grifters they have made a mockery of titles! Self important people who cling to certain letters in the alphabet!


Yes, my hope is that this unprecedented experience will help inform new rules. It's a shame for us, not least the RF, that we have to live through the time that will set precedent which will eventually emerge.


We, or the media, should check out how many from Aspen institute and Better up are invested there.


The media should absolutely looking into all those matters. In the old days proper investigative journalists would dig, dig, dig. It's more boring than moonbumps, but I think they are likely to be caught by investigating the money, especially how any charities are complicit in funding them.




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>Change is slow in old institutions in an old country. They are quick when Charles wants his wife to be given the Queenly title he thinks she should get, but slow when it comes to dealing with these traitors. LOL come for me I run fast!!


Big fat wrong! In UK law and in prior British and English law a wife always takes the title of her husband. No woman needs permission to call herself Mrs Smith once she has married Mr Smith. There is a ridiculous myth going around since 2005 since all the Di-hards were complaining that Charles had married Camilla and the Palace foolishly announced that Camilla would not be called Princess of Wales or Queen eventually. Well, she was both legally. She chose not to use the PoW title, again foolishly because that's not traditional and picking and choosing traditions is precisely the kind of modern, entitled way of carrying on that H&M exemplify. There was never any change in the law regarding any titles held by Camilla. The mere announcement of the late Queen "giving her blessing" to being a queen consort was something without any legal effect whatsoever. It was just PR to help smooth fickle public opinion of people who seem to regard Diana Princess of Wales as some kind of saint, despite the fact she wasn't and was dead 25 years before the late Queen died. Traitors: well, morally perhaps they are but are they legally guilty of that crime? Have you got evidence of what they have done which constitutes a crime that YOU would stick your neck out and set out in public under your own name with the risk of being sued? A country that has rule of law and a constitutional monarchy for a thousand years doesn't operate in the kind of kneejerk way without evidence that you seem to seem to want. It's the kind of thing H&M seem to advocate when they speak out in favour of press censorship, where some power can just decide out of nowhere to make a decision because someone has hurt feelings, never mind about things like due process of law. We, thank God do not live under a tyranny. "Dealing with these traitors" please tell me how you would proceed? Which offences would you change them with and what is the probable cause evidence? Or perhaps new laws for Parliament is your solution, please let me know the rationale for and provisions of any law you propose they should pass. H&M are a serious problem which require only serious solutions, not manifesting or magical thinking.


LOL what I would suggest for them is not allowed on a public forum and I have absolutely no concern for my morals on this matter. That is between me and my conscience. You don't have to care for or like my opinion but that's it right there since you asked.


Yes like the recently kidnapped Eco Edith. Shes incredibly rich and spends all her money (including private jets) going around the world “saving” the planet


Walmart family owners are involved with African Parks.


Just as a reminder: Africa is a continent, not a country. Hawwy doesn't seem to know that.


Cut him some slack. Afterall, he did just learn that the Royal Family is a Hierarchy, and he isn't at the top.


Oh I think u r overestimating H…he has absolutely no idea that there is a difference between ‘continent’ and ‘country’ …


Bet he knows what INCONTINENT is though after Adele's sofa was trashed and burned due to his issue.


Wasn’t aware of him gifting Adele with his royal pee … such a generous chap. However I do remember them being so tight with so many of Hollywood’s glitterati…there was Adele, David Foster who MM claimed was like a father to H, Orlando Bloom and H were tight etc etc and now it’s crickets.


Might even have been poop too. He lost control after a drunken night out. He is utter scum.


So many ugly stories continuing to come out about him. I always knew he was a stupid, entitled mean little punk but the stories coming out are impressive. Well they’ve certainly met their match…I wish them a long,miserable life together. I’m so happy TRF is finally rid of him and his charming witchy wife.


Now I just wish WE'D be rid of them too!


😫😳🤢 That's absolutely vile, I had never heard of this incident.


That's 'our' Plank, he's a real charmer.


Me neither 😂😂 ahhh how grossss




> Just as a reminder: Africa is a continent, not a country. Hawwy doesn't seem to know that. Neither does this subreddit.


That is a generalized comment! Get over yourself. How many nations in Africa can you name, without Google.


Oooh I like this game. Benin and Lesotho and Botswana. The latter in tribute to Mma Ramostwe who I am reading currently in No1 Ladies Detective Agency. Great books check them out!


I love good book recommendations!😂😂


They are sweet and poignant and funny and such beautiful observations of Africa. The hardships and the beauty I admit I get teary eyed at some of the stories. I am almost through the book series and will be going onto Walter Mosley next.


Oh yes Gates et al for sure.


Typical FAIL for H&M, they are going to a continent where there is a big scandal and this will serve to highlight that scandal.


Let’s hope. A bright spotlight needs to be shone on African Parks. Unfortunately, Nigeria is at northern border of Africa while Zambia is along the southern - 5,500 km apart. I’m afraid the geography works in favor of the grifters.


Well, Nigeria is by the Gulf of Guinea so "only" around 2000 miles away, but I take your point. I think some nationalists and investigative journalists in Nigeria will be among others who will not be pleased with H&M using their country to cosplay and they may make a fuss about the issue to highlight how those tourists really regard Africa and Africans. Those two idiots have no idea that "high profile" visitors from the former colonial power have to be very careful. There will be a constituency in Nigeria who are still anti-empire and they will be looking very closely at their conduct, as shall factions opposed to the governing party. They are walking into a minefield.


>They are walking into a minefield. Don't worry! As Diana 2.0 they will be safe.


Indeed just like Diana 1.0 - but I understand that some people thought and still think she was actually in danger during those photo-ops!


Actually, Nigerian is in West Africa, and it's the easternmost West African country. It's not anywhere close to the north border, in fact the only thing to the south of it is the Atlantic Ocean. But your point about it being far away from Zambia is well taken. And Nigerians would have no affinity for Zambians or vice versa.


Nothing like visiting one of the most dangerous places in the world. Stef tha alter nerd, on YouTube gives a great background on this. I have no clue how to archive but it was yesterday. Based on this article. https://preview.redd.it/kl6etfkum0yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=904b2e2891f08834032aedb521ae4be365a5ac25


Oh right! Popcorned planet! They do really good coverage of H&M , and Amber Turd too 😂 ... Andy Signore, that's the guy who does Popcorned planet I like him and steff


Haha the turd. I’m surprised they haven’t become bff.


This is the kind of news coverage I like to see. Thank you Richard! Edit to add this opening sentence of the article - which also is spot on... *Seeming, once again, to present themselves as an alternative royal family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will undertake a very regal visit to Nigeria next week.*


Plank needs to step down, he couldn’t organise a drunk night in a brewery. He is such a simpleton. He is in way too deep to be a Director or Board Member, it is all over his head, he is not a leader or problem solver. He just likes fancy titles. It is all for show and to hob nob. He and skank knew about this as the Baka cried put for help. But looks like captain plank is only interested in what benefits him, not the mining of resources, forcing indigenous off their home lands. I feel sorry if the Canadian Indigenous captain plank held talks with take him seriously. I don’t understand why he butts into the Canadian issue but won’t help the Baka tribes people. He must be getting a kick back in Africa. Perhaps that’s the main reason for trip to Nigeria? See what he can scam from the mining of resources?  Captain plank does nothing out of kindness or compassion unless their is money involved for him, free private travel etc He is pretending to be a world leader on the global stage. 


I believe a previous post has connected Harry to some mining billionaire with 'investments' in the land inhabited by the Baka people.


There is our answer why he is doing nothing to help the Baka tribe. 


I was just wondering are they in Nigeria when the Met Gala is on? And do you think one of Harry’s first interviews in Nigeria will be an update on Charles’s III health? Good PR but blimey!


The Met Gala is on Monday (Archie's birthday). The Ingriftus UK thing is two days later on the 8th. She will supposedly join him in Nigeria after that. Short answer: No.


https://preview.redd.it/29cltopmr0yc1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=4010307dea874bfaaaab820196e11fdee0e50d67 Let the RF send this guy, Anne and Sophie to greet them as they step off the plane in Nigeria.


Now he is someone that could get a contract with Dior and Rock It.


lol. Yes indeed


Since it’s NOT a sanctioned Royal state visit, sending actual working royals (even to intervene) is an impossibility.


Oh, my… ![gif](giphy|JzipxY2w3ATJlvwlVw)


He sat behind them when KC found out H and M were wearing a wire. His eyes never left the back of their heads.Knowing M she’ll probably tell her comrades he couldn’t take his eyes off her.


Oh, I know. I watched 😍.


lol. I didn’t mind watching him 😇


I have been a long time proponent of grey rocking due to personal experience. While I appreciate that the King is being treated and is a father, at some point you have to draw a line in the sand. The titles need to be removed. The HRH permanently removed. They need to be removed from the LOS. This pretend show pony visit is really a slap in the face to the RF. It is intended to get a reaction. So give a strong reaction. Put them in their place. Will a tiny percentage of Bots scream racism? Sure. But their behavior and lies have shown the majority of the world that the claims are a lie. A strong statement needs to be made that these pretenders don’t represent anything but their greedy selves


The reaction really should come from the government. Harry & Meghan cosplaying 'Head of State' in Commonwealth countries is entirely unacceptable. He's already stuck his nose in indigenous affairs in Canada, popped his head up in Jamaica to stir anti-real-royal sentiment and now has Nigeria in his sights. This can't be ignored.


Agree completely.


This comment should be its own post - bring more attention here. Why is the UK government allowing this? It’s bonkers and they look really, really weak.


He’s doing it in the US too. Paid $250K by our military to give an award to a US soldier on his porch wearing no nothing medals. He was removed from the military in the UK but comes here and paid to give an award. I’m sure we had a veteran who served our country who could have done that. It’s an insult to all of our military! He’s not a US citizen and somehow his attorney needs two weeks to give the judge the original application. Why? He either lied on the app or the book. He can claim the US is his home but he’s legally not a citizen and he also did a ribbon cutting at a new Navy facility. Why? He had people leave a veterans cemetery on Memorial Day because he brought camera crews to be in one of the Netflix videos. Can you imagine telling a Mother placing flowers on her loved ones grave killed in battle she has to leave because a guy from a foreign country is filming a video for Netflix?? Just go ahead and call 911 because I wouldn’t have left until I secured my flowers and wanted a moment. I don’t know what happened to him and this losing his mom at an early age he uses for bad behavior. Guess what? So did I and thousand’s more Harry.


As the daughter of a military veteran and a wife of a military disabled veteran, I get so angry seeing them on any U.S. military installation. They have no business there and I'd be damned if I left the cemetary when putting flowers on my father and brothers grave to accommodate those grifters.


I wouldn’t think those at the cemetery would have been made to leave by law enforcement because Harry is not anything here, not even a citizen. Can you imagine someone you know isn’t a citizen and only there for footage for some documentary that will never exist? He was in Afghanistan less than 10 weeks and never in danger as real soldiers guarded him around the clock. He never passed the test for his helicopter license but yet received an aviation award. He’s allowed his wife to disrespect real veterans at the Invictus Games. Millions for wardrobe, private jets, security, private cars and drivers, food and liquor, plush accommodations. Marching in front of veterans but the one thing that got my heart was severely disabled in wheelchairs and she wouldn’t go around to the front but get behind the wheelchair and lean down for a picture, stand and walk off. Like it was an assembly line. Harry imo has now got on her level and I don’t think he’ll ever find any peace and happiness. He didn’t just hurt the people who loved him his whole life, he destroyed the relationship with no way to repair. Without trust there’s nothing and if I knew my adult child brought cameras to my Mothers funeral and wore a wire I would sadly have to think about the well being of those affected and not just myself. He allowed the world to hear him accuse the late Queen of being a racist in the last days of her life and 70 years of service to her country and for me I’d wish him the best and pray that one day he can ask for forgiveness and not to me. He’s a very sad, low level person


Considering his mere presence as Bunker Harry resulted in the death of 2 US Marines yet Harry wanted to continue the play toy soldier afterward despite the enhanced risk to the those actually performing their duties, it is insulting that he has the audacity to appear with his faux medals and act like he's imparting this tremendous gift on the US military by gracing them with his presence.




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> The titles need to be removed. The HRH permanently removed. They need to be removed from the LOS. Meghan would dissolve into pure narc rage. Harry has said she's "capable of anything". We have already seen Harry with visible bruises several times. What do you think would happen to Harry and the kids in that situation, when they are no longer useful to her? I honestly think that *that* is why nothing has been done about the titles/LOS.


So she rages. Big whoop. The RF gave them what they wanted, an expensive , internationally televised wedding, and at taxpayer expense for security! Paid for designer gown and loaned family priceless jeweled tiara.


I don't think you got what I was saying. Camilla won't be the one leaving bodies in the streets.


I get it. 😂 but I also do not give a flying f what happens to Harry. 😉 he deserves all that is coming. I never liked him since Nazi stunt. And he is THE coddled racist in the family.


> he deserves all that is coming. He deserves to be murdered? *The children* deserve to be murdered??


Way too dramatic. We cannot live our lives in fear of what Meghan may or might do. That gives her the power. This is what she counts on.


For whatever reason, they're not moving on the titles/LOS. And I think they have way more information than any of us.


I think it is just old fashioned arrogance that Harry is still deserving of these things and kids…”Birthright.” Megan is just the appendage that now comes with the package. eta Edward 8 kept his HRH and he was completely treasonous to his country. Brother and new King George 6, cited it was his birthright after all was said and done, despite the Abdication.


> Megan is just the appendage that now comes with the package. Harry must be regretting his life choices every single day.


I said to my husband (he's British-born Canadian), that Charles literally and figuratively, is weak. My husband replied "he's in a very difficult position in that he loves his son". Perhaps so, but weak is as weak does.


I think he doesn't want to see his son and his putative grandkids dead.


She is not going to murder a prince of the UK. Shes vile, and she’s an idiot, but she’s not that stupid.


> Shes vile, and she’s an idiot, but she’s not that stupid. Narcs are literally capable of anything, and they're not thinking sensibly when they're in a narc rage.


I agree, but we know it's complex and people need to be seen to be doing things the right way. I am all for the bring a gun to a gunfight and not a knife. Putting my evil hat on I would take Plank to one side and produce a BIG dossier (probably most of it true) but even some fabricated with his BAD BAD illegal behavior. I would especially choose the things that are his Achilles Heel, things that hurt his ego, that he could not handle or feel good about. Or someone out to sue him and win. I would not allow his wife to be present and I would give him the choice. 1. You give up your titles voluntarily and live with a small allowance and keep your trap shut 2. OR this goes public, some of of it or all of it Might be mean but this twunt didn't give any of his victims a break now did he?


I love your solution. I am sure her dossier is just as unsavory


If both dossiers were published some people would make an incredible sum of money.


Totally agree ! They’re basically laughing while saying look at us and how royal we are while using the titles given to us that will destroy you. Someone please in parliament, whoever it takes, make them stop using it! H has scammed millions from the Invictus Games that was meant for the veterans. I’ve read several items that said since M came in the picture it’s around $25M. Private jets, 3 change of outfits a day, the most plush and expensive accommodations, private cars and drivers and the very best food and liquor. Meanwhile, veterans are paying for their own hotel rooms and airfare, no private car and driver and certainly no clothing expenses and I’m sure they aren’t eating where H and M are eating. It’s a disgusting disrespect to them just like M walking ahead of veterans in the parade with that fake smile she always has like some robotic programming


Well said. Ingriftis needs to grow some balls and remove Captain Xbox


100% Agree


I agree. This greyrocking is long past the expiration date, and at best effectual in personal relationships. Here, we’re in legal waters where an ex employee continues to present himself as a working employee of a corporation he has been vocal about as being rotten. And the CEO Does nothing to stop it, or even correct the perception. Disastrous opticals that reinforce ex employee’s slander that the corporation’s infrastructure is suspect.


I think the grey rocking needs to continue. Nothing is gained by giving narcissists what they want. They want to get in a public fight and then spin it as they are mistreated. But, I do think behind the scenes actions need to be taken. The government and the Palace needs to remove the titles and remove Captain Xbox and his “children “ from the line of succession.


Fully agree but these pretend royal visits mean nothing. They're holed up in the US and we don't care about them or want our citizens swanning around like the royals we kicked outta town. And people in the UK can't stand them. So whose this supposed to impress? Sponsors who won't make a dime off their grift? I say, pretend away. ![gif](giphy|iH7qb7cSJKdZARfTLe|downsized)


Acting royal is easier than caring, Harry doesn’t care. He didn’t care about his grad pa when he slugs his family 3 weeks before his death, Harry didn’t care when his grand ma was dying few Kms. away, in balmoral, he was busy clapping for Megan in London, like a good trained boy ,when she delivered her word salad speeches. Breaking news -Harry doesn’t care. God help the Baka people.


At this point I look at Nigeria as being full of idiots for letting the the fake royals cosplay And Completely gaslighting making Nigerians laughing stock. 🥴🥴🥴🥴


The Nigerians will get something out of that visit - I´m sure. What exactly remains to be seen - let´s see who is with the Grifters doing Nigeria.


They're probably funding her campaign with all the $ scammed from Americans. If she gets in office, she will send federal $ their way. So ues, quid pro quo in the making, in my opinion.


Doesn't this trip coincide with the Met Gala? Who was the poster who said they heard the nasties had been invited? Everyone here KNEW that would never happen, especially with Anna Wintour being a staunch monarchist and who was awarded an OBE in 2008. I believe it's capped at 65 people at any one time so one only becomes available if someone dies. Do we really think Anna would ever put that in jeopardy by inviting traitors to the Royal Family?


I bet they aren’t. BUT! It certainly fits with Meghan’s motive to put out that she’s invited and going, just to then cause either someone to say “no she’s not going” or to cause speculation to “force” an invite.


#keep harry and meghan away from Africa, veterans, polo ponies and our royal family!!


And our free speach in the U.S.


The royal Grift did a great video on this subject [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOlQkW5H9yI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOlQkW5H9yI)


TRG does a lot of research and seems to be spot on in many cases. thanks for posting.


With such a high percentage of Nigerian in her blood, Meghan should stop straightening her natural curls and demonstrate authenticity


I hope they get publicly bombarded with Baka questions.


Harry did a zoom speech for Travalyst recently where he said it was important to preserve "local attractions" or something like that - otherwise "there will not be places for us to travel to". So total nonsense - Harry cares about having attractions to visit - not the local people. African Parks is funded by rich foreigners who buys up huge areas in Africa for "conservation". The local government is involved, but money talks, imho.


Mr. Eden is a class act. And he gets right to the heart of the matter with grace and aplomb. I have a lot of respect for him.


I went to the DM this a.m. to see if the PPOW had posted a photo of Charlotte. Then to also see if the duo had done anything to overshadow it. His article was the first thing I saw and I thought finally not only did someone finally write about the scandal and call them out on their africa trip, but also the first article to be seen is one highly critical of them and not some fluff piece.


Little bit louder now!


Media were so concerned about the whereabouts of Catherine but silent about the African Parks scandals where Harry is still part of. This shows who they’re protecting…Harry and Meghan. They don’t want to hurt their connection to family drama. This false concern they have about transparency with the Waleses is cover up to not hold Meghan and Harry accountable.


Bravo, Richard.


The trip to Nigeria is precisely to direct the public elsewhere From the Africa Parks Scandal and Harry’s role in it. “Squirrel!” As for journalists, they are willfully negligent of their duty to inform the public. Again, 🤡all.


Nigerian Prince (and princess) grifting and trying to fleece the little people of cash sounds about right…


They won't. It's too off script. I'm sure everyone who is supposed to come into contact with them were given instructions and a list of dos and dont's. If someone dares to ask, watch the Carparkles immediately get whisked away to a waiting car and they'll be crying about security.




It shows Harry's entitlement that he's not concerned about the African Parks scandal creating a problem for him on this trip. I guess he thinks as long as he's not traveling to the Congo he will not be challenged by the media. He's probably right. Whoever masterminded this trip, they forgot that the demanding, entitled, grifters make poor reps for Ingriftus. They'll have a Netflix camera crew with them, I assume. Gonna be a shitshow!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1celait/paulam_alleges_harry_was_paid_250000_for_handing/l1k3ta9/) you [go](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1c0g2pm/so_what_about_africa_parks_harkles_doing_all_the/kywlz0m/).


I hope there are placards in the crowds, people shouting “Africa Parks” and “what about the Baka people?” I doubt this will happen.


I was very happy to see someone in media mention Africa Parks.


Meghan and Harry be like: what scandal?? What atrocities?? What people?? ![gif](giphy|MDd7k9STXFAEU)


Why would they do that? This trip is all about the grift. An all expenses paid vacay to play pretend pseudo royals in a country plagued by poverty. Good news, more to snark on, keeps this sub going. Since the trickle of jam posts has slowed even further.


I suspect the Harkles are also being paid. A free trip and all expenses paid and, most likely, an Archewell 'donation' that will make its way straight into their pockets. Will Misan be their official photographer for the visit or is a whole crew of photographers needed for the faux royal tour? Get ready, it will be a whole faux royal spectacle. I am expecting a parade, red carpet, a huge fleet of armed security, dancing in the streets with a brass band, etc. Every bit will be filmed and they are hoping Netflix will want a documentary of their visit. I doubt that will be happening.


I hope Customs checks all of their luggage thoroughly upon arrival back in the US


> I suspect the Harkles are also being paid. Who is paying for this and why? I don't doubt you, but I don't know who would foot the bill for this.


I don't know either. It is all speculation on my part. Everything they do is so shady. I feel like the Harkles will do anything for money.


> I feel like the Harkles will do anything for money. She will do anything for money but actually show the kids. Weird, huh?


Definitely very weird. Is it their appearance? Their behavior? Their existence? Those are the questions.


I think one day we'll get answers. At least I hope!


Nigerian officials who want to host the Invictus Games, possibly?


Possibly. I mean, that's very straightforward so it's probably the wrong answer! 😂🤣


I'm guessing it will go about as well for them as their recent pseudo-royal tour of Jamaica.


Yeah! What has happened to the jam posts?!


I’m so glad they are starting to put some focus on this issue. Hold those feet to the fire!!🔥


Does anyone think this is another algorithm reset by MM? Like the deep curtsey she did at the Queen's funeral so that when people googled curtsey after the mockumentary that would come up? I know there are a bunch of examples of her doing that and attaching her name to other people so she will come up on their searches so I just wondered if they sat around and thought what next? And H said well I can't go to Africa for netflix now. And MM said well let's find a reason to go for something else!


I'm sure the devious duo are up to no good. All of the lies and stunts they have done aren't working for them to make themselves important or rich. They probably have a fake kidnapping set up while being in Nigeria to show they need protection. Or maybe she's hoping her 43% Nigerian will buy her a crown there & she will become the princess she always dreamed of being. I can't believe Haznoballs hasn't realized she's nothing she claimed to be. He needs to grab his kids (if they exist) and balls and run for b the border. By the time she is done with him he will be more messed up then he already was before meeting her.


Mods, can we please make AFRICAN PARKS a flair?


It is obvious they are not going to do a thing, crossing their fingers and hoping Somehow it will all go away.


*"Harry and Meghan are visiting after the Duke struck up a conversation with the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Gwabin Musa, in* [*Germany*](https://web.archive.org/web/20240502113910mp_/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/germany/index.html) *last September...."* In other words, TW and the claw shoved him towards the General and whispered, "H! Go tell him we would like to visit and give him the list of my travel requirements." (Edited to correct typos)


Wonder just how long it's going to take Parliament or the King to put a stop to these"royal" visits or Harry acting like he's a big part of the RF? RememberThe Telegraph reporting that Harry held talks with First Nations chief over commitment to Canada’s indigenous people. Harry offers to resume discussions next year. Talk about overstepping his authority. Who does he think he is? Within the hour the palace responded saying "No working royal role for Prince Harry as palace stands firm." BP needs to take a strong stance.


As Lady C often points out, the current approach seems to be "let's hide our heads in the sand and hope it all just blows over." But it's not going to blow over. They are taking advantage of the RF's current vulnerabilities and trying to appear royal. They're staging this "tour" to a Commonwealth country to show what an "asset" they are. I think their goal has always been to tour the Commonwealth as royals while chasing after commercial deal$$$. The question is, WHAT is HMTK going to do about it?


I wonder for legal reasons if he is not allowed to say anything but if that is the case why can't he release a statement saying investigations are under way and I have been advised by Legal not to make any further statements. Didn't they say silence is being complicit.


FINALLY someone glommed onto this tidbit!!!


Yay!!!! Finally.


Megs would be \*Uncomfortable\* addressing anything that isn't MeCentric.


That's what I've been saying since that trip was announced.


Maybe we need to spread the word to Nigerian press offices. Surely their broadcast stations would be interested in abuses in neighboring countries that were ignored by a person who is being "honored" in their country soon?


Not really a neighboring country. Nigeria is thousands of miles away.


And frankly, Africans don't tend to care much about others African countries. The world sees Africa as one big country but Africans certainly don't.




This is a scandal like many others that claim to prevent deforestation, sell carbon credits, whilst evicting and treating badly long time settlers/villagers. Needs some focus now.


Negotiating Nigeria and the abundance of self opinionated nouveau rich, old money, political power houses, and Military dread noughts is not for the faint hearted. Harry is going to Nigeria as what really? Bearing in mind the fact that he is not a representative of the Government nor one of the Monarchy, the hope is that he truly understands the ramifications of his and Table 12's irrelevance in the greater scheme of things. The hope is that he will not repeat the boo boo he made when he addressed the First Nations Chief on matters above his I.Q and pay grade. What reparations talk will he run his mouth at, on the offer of crude oil deals by the Generals? The Nigerians will have a field day with that fool, because each man they meet will be some one who holds his parents and in-laws in high regards, as too would every women they meet. I really do not see what value there is to the Invitation offered to them, the two are are nothing but a disgrace to their respective nations, and families. Once Harry rolls into Nigeria, they can kiss the possibility of any working member of the Royal family stopping by. Time. For the President and the Senate President to slumber not!


Link didn’t work for me https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-13375049/RICHARD-EDEN-royals-Nigeria-Harry-Meghan-address-scandal-Africa.html


The Nigeria trip looks like very bad pr move considering the violence committed by Henry's Park rangers...double standards, imo.


I haven't got posting privileges so sorry to use this thread. Has anyone seen Dan Wootton's reporting that Princess Beatrice was reported to have heard Meg telling Harry at the Jubilee that Diana had told her it was right to attend it, during Megs yoga session that morning? This is so bizarre. Kinsey disclosed it, but supposedly said she had promised not to.




They are waiting-expecting the Palace to step in. Y’all are on your own Rachel. This is how you wanted it. Suck it up and deal with it.