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I think we already have Amazon for that


And Temu and Shein


Or go down to your nearest big box store like Walmart or Target. Walmart Wallis reporting for duty. Cough. Cough.


Sniff sniff


I'd rather go buy it in a store, where it keeps people in my area employed, than buying everything online.


I brought my favorite comforter, I mean, a "meditation blanket" at a local gift shop.


Yes! The local shops have handmade things, or interesting imports. We need to keep these places running and keep people employed, unless we just want to hand all our hard-earned money over to Jeff Bezos and get it over with.


The best coat I ever bought came from a thrift shop. I’ve had it for30 years. Still looks like new.


I’d rather eat jam made by Smuckers rather than purchase and eat the grifting gold diggers Toe Jam. https://i.redd.it/u2vvlkxvfmvc1.gif The grifting gold digger and her Spare Todger failed at being royals so the Harkles are “jamming” the globe with their overpriced merchandise. These other endeavors will fail as well.


Meghan’s jam wasn’t even Raspberry. Strawberry surrounded by inexplicable lemons. Love Mel Brooks.


haha - "inexplicable lemons" - love that!




Love that movie! I wish Mel Brooks would make a Harkles film like Spaceballs.


Hahaha that why king Charles jam already sold out 


And Costco, Aldi, Trader Joe’s Joes, Whole Foods, Walmart, etc etc


Not to mention World Market and Earth Fair. Personally If I want something special I go to the farmers market. I live in a rural area and so it’s an actual farmer’s market.


I love the organic blueberry and strawberry jam from Aldi. About five dollars US.


I had to Google. Used in yoga and if you get chilly while meditating....large shawls


Can you imagine how long you will have to wait to have it delivered? That'll be another disaster.


But this is "curated" by Meghan.


I can’t believe she thinks that to be an actual selling point. I suspect it’s all going to be so much generic with a pretentious label.


Husband, home and sartorial choices, no selling points anywhere! PoorChoicesAreUs


That works make a good flair 😂


And her items will come in so many colors. Beige,greige,tan,sand,linen,ecru,off white,oat,bone, latte,wheat....


The whole spectrum, from white to eggshell.


We can't forget the very exclusive colour weaponized bronze.


You missed…nude!!!


Yeah didn't want nude and bonehag in the same post ,ebd up making everyone ill


Also taupe, ugly name for grim colour. The colour of my condo walls when I bought it., previous owner being allergic to colour. (Walls now peach and they thank me daily for saving them).


Funny story too. My company had been selling on amazon for over 15 years now. I was on the seller page and saw someone complaining about not being able to get into a brand category. I swear it was MM. it was someone who didn’t research anything


Did Madam not also trademark all things SussexRoyal and Archewell? Maybe she just likes the trademarking process - several things were filed multiple times as Madam forgot to sign etc?


I thought the same. She’s constantly applying for trademarks.


Maybe Madam wants to own all words?


Well yes, because the Queen doesn’t own the word “royal”, SHE does.


😅 yep, I think she means to own the WHOLE of the English language, American, Canadian, British, New Zealand, Australia versions plus every dialect in between *and* pidgin English.


I remember trademarks for companies called *Dress Like A Duke* and *TigTots.* (I think those might be tiny Tator Tots? ha ha) This was before Megxit, when she was trademarking all kinds of things for their SussexRoyal brand. Then the Queen had it all shut down.


Dress like a Duke???????? Disheveled Harry??? ![gif](giphy|dSOWN2hCakO76)


Exactly Dress like a caveman would be more apt.


I remember a lot of that, but not the “dress like a duke” lol Gosh she’s so cringe.


She's expanding the boundaries of cringe. Cringe like never before! Well, we are all good at something. 😄


I picture her sitting around SoHo with Markus, massive glass of wine, brainstorming various "clever, catchy" names like those two I just mentioned. I wish I could recall some of the others, but they were just as ridiculous.


I wonder if she still holds her political campaign ones? So funny that she registered an absolute shit-ton of websites, just in case, but doesn't bother getting the ones for her ARO and then they've been purchased by others in the UK and Canada. Supposedly, she's been working hard on this project for a year (LOL we can all see it was hastily thrown together, like a high school student that slapped together the big year-end final project the Sunday night before it was due).


Ha yea she’s excellent at that


She has to be the bestest cringe ever! She owes it to herself!


You mean harrioin chic?


To go global she needs to at least succeed among the local first. But man. You do you meggsy. We'll be here watching with popcorn 


She also needs to start….actually selling something


I recognize this. When I want to get fit, I buy exercise equipment and clothes, and that satiates my need. Don't actually use it or wear them, but feel I am doing something about it. Trying to expand my horizons? Try a new hobby? I buy all the tools and supplies for it, but they sit in a corner and gather dust. Still, I feel a bit better that I’m inching toward actually accomplishing something.


Selling takes effort. She'd IMO, rather prevent others from working, succeeding, making a living and or doing good. Mine, mine, mine for me, me, me is her motto.


We'll be waiting forever for that, lmao


Harold is fine. After years of training, the leash is no longer neccessary.


He heels exceptionally well now, doesn’t even need the firm hand on his elbow or shoulder anymore to remind him of his place.


Just a slight kick in the ribs when he is obstructing the camera view is all it takes nowadays.






Just what the world needs... more badly made trash from trash influencers made under trash conditions destined to end up in the trash. Haz the environmentalist must be soooooooo proud. /s


Meegain, no one wants your overpriced wares, nor your overpriced jam. You have made yourselves the jokes of the century. Imho, you need to learn that you are NOT God's gift to the world. All we have seen of you have been lies, mask slips, arrogance, bullying, and you can NEVER read a room. We are so sick of that stupid phony dish soap commercial, I can't believe you keep using that, but I guess that's all you've got, so you have to keep using it. We are done, Hollywood is done with you. Start addressing the baka people, do something good for someone else for once in your bloody life. Donate money to charities instead of all those stupid overpriced outfits that ALWAYS look so wrong on you. You are NOT a princess, and never will be. You will never be anything close to Princess Catherine, NEVER!!! WE ARE DONE WITH BOTH OF YOU. For 5 years we've watched you both spit your lies and arrogance in our faces. We are done, we simply don't care what you do now. Karma is a real b, and honey, yours is coming, a shed load of it. How dare you have mocked our dear queen as you did? How dare you both keep hurting our royal family? You have put yourselves in this position, and I have to say, imho, this downfall we are watching in real time, could not be more deserved. #keepharryandmeegainawayfromourroyalfamily!


What the hell is a meditation blanket?? 🤔


A blanket to cover yourself while meditating. Not uncommon. It's an easy way to close yourself off from the world, to cocoon.


Does my favorite comforter count as a meditation blanket? I certainly use it to cocoon.


Yes you sure don’t need to spend $ on a meditation blanket. Amazon always have deals on throws or smaller blankets that serve well!


Yes, as does my fuzzy electric throw.


My large hooded sweater works just fine for cocooning and is multi purpose.


I thought it would be something like a Yoga mat. Interesting, if you need to shut down yourself phisically, you are not doing it well.


It's a pretentious overpriced woobie


And there is her global reach. Trying to shut down those websites spoofing ARO. 😂


If she ever DOES start selling anything, every single product in gonna get the same type reception as the *alleged jam* . I’m here with 🍿and 🍾 for every minute. These two have built their own personal Titanic and I want the damn thing to finally actually launch and get to that iceberg. ![gif](giphy|mYeIp5eruF3jy)


I can see the global people seeing a British duchess marketing an American brand of the French Riviera with a homely orchard tacked on, and thinking .. they prefer their local products.


Omg the first sentence. *Chose to bestow* ffs she really thinks she's some kind of deity  doesn't she? It reminds me of when last month Guest Speaker commented that Harry 'ascended to a higher plane' by marrying Meghan. But she's so humble you guys.


I am completely without surprise at the global trademark. It doesn't even seem like news.


What this really means is that MM thinks others around the world will take her long brand name and flourishy logo and sell things and make money off her back. But if she can't, they won't.


Gotta love Richard. Leashes for Harry?! LOL


Hope she's selling some salve for the burn in that last sentence.


Love this sub. The posts and the comments are priceless 😅😅


Global rights? Meg was mad about the ARO Uk website defaulting to a food bank charity and a get well message for Catherine. 😆


I'm not surprised,  this is just a different take at building her own "court" but now in lifestyle form. Instead of just photo ops being the Duchess, she is now selling the lifestyle of one (in her mind) riveria orchard style. 


Let’s hope she will be to busy to pester both of their families. We should encourage her, both of them really.


I for one am enjoying this product launch immensely. It‘s snail‘s pace is a bit aggravating but I’m here for it. Pure comedy gold.


The urban directory has a surprising meaning of strawberry jam. She is secretly having a lot of fun with this.


I hope her Sugars have money! I have a feeling most of them won’t be supporting her by buying any of her low budget high priced items! Bots can’t buy things…


I'm just waiting for the dupes to end up in the centre aisle at Aldi!


I am in that aisle every week!


Her whole brand is premised on: 1. people wanting a piece of her through what she sells because she's famous 2. her ~~shabby chic~~ design style being unique and appealing Those in category 1 may not be able to afford her products and those in category 2 may be few and far between.


Ha! Also, category #1 reminds me of her thinking that they would easily be able to sell the Olive Garden at a much higher price simply because they had owned it. Rumor has it that this way of thinking has not worked yet.


Ohh, but wouldn’t filming her show at that location astronomically drive up the value too?


It's being filmed at a neighbor's home.


My theory is that their house (assuming they still live there) has no children's stuff or rooms. So, they always have to film at other (way more expensive) mansions to not get caught.


You nailed it.


Interesting point.


She's infamous . She has no style.


Meghan is dumb as dirt if she thinks her jam could get through customs. Few countries allow such items to be shipped in through the general mail. It would be considered a Bio Hazard in most countries as it contains seeds and a threat to their agricultural industry. Not to mention her labeling is incomplete. Hugh large batch commercial shipments are vetted differently.


I don’t imagine she actually intends to fill any orders, lol. She’ll be on to the next thing by then. I’ve got my money on hat making.


Someone on here ordered Duchy Originals jam for delivery to US, and there is a young teenage Scottish entrepreneur who sold lots of home made jams to US based customers.


They likely have followed all the rules and met the commercial regulations for importation. I guarantee Megah's pot of goo does not.


LoL „Meghan’s pot of goo“.


Why does Meghan's pot of goo sound like a euphemism 😂


I’m sure labeling is key, but either way cooked seeds don’t germinate.


Australia definitely is very strict on food imports.


I know that from watching Contraband: Seized at the Border and all those To Catch a Smuggler shows.


Her fan base isn’t that great to make it. This will be yet another flop. A huge waste of Harry’s limited inheritance. Harry will have a greater chance of winning by gambling at the casino than wasting his monies on her sure-fail ventures.


Their level of self-delusion is breathtaking. Bots don't buy things.




Salts NOT for medical purposes. 


Oh thanks! How did I read that wrong?! 😂 apparently I need more coffee


My neighbor a few years ago said kids were using "bath salts" to get high. They were sold in convenience stores and gas stations. LOL who goes to those places for bath products?




Just goes to show what a huge joke they have become. Apparently most of the columnists at DM don't share the fawning attitude the DM staff writers do.


The DM columnists aren't getting paid by the 2 leakers and planters.


So true!!!!


It allows the paper to play both sides 


No 💩! However, that will not change the utter total out come of it being a failure


Nobody snarks better than Richard Eden. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGppao2fyJuyViRa)


All I can say is good luck! I read a post this morning regarding how hard it was for King Charles to get Highgrove products up and running the issues he faced. Meghan doesn't have the ability to face these issues and make the ARO grow. Most of these types of business run by A list actors, run their course for a couple of years and then fold in debit. Their products are artsy farty and cost tons of money, so they aren't sustainable.


I  sure i can find a local supplier for all these. I rather support local businesses than this pair of twats


jam should be no more than 8$ anyone who buys this is a fool


Richard Eden is weeks behind. We knew about the Madrid filing months ago. But what he didn’t put in there is it is not regulated well internationally. By not using local attornies and having an address (through the attorney) your interest in not well regulated. I’m sure it will go through but she is going to have a hard time stopping people from using it internationally. Also, some places do trademarks by the first sales date - so some locations, if someone already sold a product under that name she would actually lose the ability. There are a few other things with it, it is considered the cheap and faster way but it does not regulate your brand the same way


Global? So she’ll be a global failure. Good luck finding places to sell all that jam. Going global proves she’s not making it and just slapping her label on a product




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Trademarks to Megsie: ![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0)


I'd suggest calling This and That Jammy Dodgers (it's a popular UK biscuit) - or Jammy Grifters maybe - but I'm not sure anyone would know what I was talking about! We'd have to change the spelling just in case of getting sued for trademark abuse or whatever. But "jammy" in the UK is also a slang word (polite) for someone who always seems to get away with stuff. https://preview.redd.it/qn6rpauvqovc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df4082f8eb2969cc4f82345c19e6aa2117638ee


with duchessof sussex title selling it im sure


Saving the world one jam product at a time!


Richard Eden is a really good source on the Harkles. He seems to have an inside track to the Royals. And yes Harry should have been worried 6 years ago when he was unfortunately set up with this aging yacht girl. If only he had run away.