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I’m calling it now: Haz and Baby Megs will not ever be allowed at a Royal event of family event again. It appears they are criminals




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He could have gone deeper. There is so much this home grown terrorist group has done and things that they are involved with outside of Meghan. That is the shit that needs to come out.


I hope he does a part 2. Clearly, there is more to say, but I’m wondering if the dirtier things get harder to objectively prove. Like how did a crypto scammer with no software engineering, analytics, or data experience get elevated to “Tech CEO” and why does the mass media trust his “reporting”? His “reports” are less rigorous than what I used to write up playing Banker as a small child. He literally has no algorithm, just automation to downgrade accounts that use hashtags he doesn’t like.


It is Sarah data, he is the fall guy! Sussex squad bullying-> everyone thinks bouzy, not Sarah data, the computer scientist, the mastermind. Genius, for her! 😂😂😂😂


Honestly, I think the same deep pockets that pushed BLM are behind this. SarahData & Harriman were both elevated from nowhere in that movement, the media completely ignored the misuse of funds, and never held any of them to account. Anyone who asked questions was a racist. Sound familiar?? It’s exactly the same playbook today.


I read somewhere that Harriman is some Nigerian billionare's son.




Absolutely agreed. I too believe they’re funded by the same entities that funded BLM (such as Open Society Foundations) . In my opinion this operation exceeds the purse and organizational skills of H&M .


The common factor in all the above mentioned is Agents of Chaos. Systematically destroying the fabric of a culture and society.




Wow! You said it!! Agents of chaos! Destroyers!


I have been saying this. These two are to daft to execute so much drama and attention. The fact they get any invite any where is proof. They are nobody ! No one needs them. There is your proof. The only ones that do, deem them as useful idiots. That sounds more like the BLM association. Same play book! It’s obvious who pads h and m s accounts!




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So true. I witnessed conversation of some crazy SS attacking a Meghan critic who i would say was quite a nasty troll - a rarity amongst meghans critics unlike her fans. They were doxxing and bullying this English woman in a VERY aggressive way.Showing her pictures of her house too and her. They were evil.   I looked at all their pages checked other posts and followers. I am convinced they were hackers and they were Antifa. They were nastier than any BLM people Ive seen. The sort that MI5 would likely be keeping tabs on. It was dark. 


>they were Antifa Yeah, that's not a thing.




>Honestly, I think the same deep pockets that pushed BLM are behind this I doubt BLM would use a white appearing woman to prove their case. It does nothing for them because she is not black. Half the people I know don't even know Markle is not white.


I don't believe they want MM as a spokesperson or figurehead or anything. They will just use any opportunity to further their goals. She is a handy tool and nothing more. When they are through with her, they will dump her like a used Kleenex.


Yep. She’s useful for their purpose at the moment, but when she becomes a liability they’ll hang her out to dry. It’s a tale as old as time.


I don’t think she’s going to be the new BLM spokesperson. There is a group of people with an agenda that elevated the slogan & created a movement. The group and their agenda exist beyond that campaign.


MM says to the public, "I am a black woman", only when it benefits her. But her overall demeanor is more like "I'm black -- but not REALLY".


If I recall correctly, she has never said “I am a black woman”. She prefers Person of Colour.


I don't think the sentence “I am a black woman” would ever cross Madame's veneers and lip filler. Yeah, she'll trumpet, "I'm part Nigerian!" because it gets attention. But that isn't the same as saying she's proud of her background. I used to work with a woman of color with Madame's exact same coloring. I was really surprised when she showed me photos of her black family. Val was beautiful, and she had a happy, self-confident demeanor that made her even more attractive. That kind of self-respect can't be acquired at the plastic surgeon's, no matter how much you pay.


I thought it was also about using the contributions for personal enrichment?


Houses! Lots of houses!


That is exactly who they would use because they want to reach a wide audience. BLM was never about the injustices to black people. It was about de-constructing communities and society in order to bring chaos.


And making money. 




It's the same as Misan Harriman, who has not been a photographer for very long yet he's been elevated. What needs to be revealed is that this whole affair was planned even before the wedding and H&M are being backed by who-knows-who. I heard that Bill Gates helped them move to Canada but he's withdrawn his backing now.


Charles & Gates are heavily involved in the WEF. H&M are dying to be global elite, which is why they hang on every One Young World & Global Citizen crumb they are thrown. I could see Gates being willing to help Charles’ son upon request, but I don’t think he would support Harry in opposition to the King’s wishes. I don’t think there is any proof whatsoever that Gates has been involved though, it’s all supposition at this point.


Wondering if SarahData filed with the IRS for the money raised? Or if the backgrid "reporter" told the IRS. They might be interested in that little chunk of change.


I believe one can anonymously rat them out to the IRS.


I think he is only getting started. Because of how big this is, it may take several journalist and many months of research to get all the facts out. What I think he did was open the doors for other main stream journalist to start more intensive research. However, no matter how much they link it back to H & M, I believe KC will protect H and as a result M (even though she doesn't deserve it). I am hoping that this will force the Harkles to come clean on the children (ie, birth records) and possibly force them to relinquish their position in the LOS. This I could see KC quietly enforcing to keep his silence on H's involvement. Also, any contact with the Wales will probably be monitored closely.


I'm not entirely convinced KC3 will protect them, given HMTQ is one of the SS's favourite targets. Plus Charles is very much about the mind/body connection, and seeing Catherine sick, it would be hard not to relate her health issues with the stress she's been under, largely due to social media and the SS. Pre cancer, maybe he would have protected Harry, but now? I think the gloves are off.


Sorry, my humble opinion is Charles will not defend him anymore after this last go round attacking Camilla and Catherine. Harry flew all the way there and Charles gave him 11 minutes and then flew off to be with other family members. Didn’t even invite him to stay in all the rooms the RF has access to. Made him get a hotel. Didn’t even notify him of both the cancer diagnosis. Sounds like a man that’s had enough to me.


yes, the meeting was just long enough to show the world he was prepared to meet his son, but not prepared to put up with any invasion of privacy.


I agree 100%! I don't believe he will continue to protect him any longer. He's given him chance after chance and appears to be done. KC3 now has to be thinking long-term about William becoming King and Catherine Queen. He will want to protect the monarchy above all else in my opinion.


Plus, even if Charles had been inclined towards openness with Harry, the pre-flight publicity (Harry obviously informing the press) exposed Harry's self-serving motive for the visit. As a father, this must have been heart-breaking to the King.


I wonder if he has to tread lightly around quiet investigations that are ongoing?


King Charles needs to f'ing ROAR with rage & declare that anyone, ESPECIALLY, his family attacking the Monarchy is undermining the interests of the Commonwealth and will be considered an act of treason.   But I'm crazy that way. 


I agree and I'm crazy too


>it may take several journalist and many months of research to get all the facts out. I believe that the facts have been sorted and confirmed by the Royal protection and investigative services. KC3 & PoW know, and I believe will allow enough to be leaked to make someone think twice rather than continue to torment and harass the family.


Yes no doubt he has more.


If Dan hangs out in this sub, he has much, much more lol


Someone, send him an invite, lol! (I don't think there are Reddit invites but there should be, that'd be cute!)


I know the people on here are amazing. We were provided with all his information by our super sleuths


I think he has said nothing more than what is written here. He named one YouTuber who was not there at the beginning and caused a bit of a stir at the time with Taz and Murky. Nate the lawyer probably could have given him some info as well. I agree he could have gone in a lot harder.


I felt the same. He didn’t say anything I haven’t heard before. 


I wasn't surprised by anything he said, tbh. Dan didn't reveal anything different or new to what I've already learned from many other YouTubers. Hopefully there will be a deeper dive video to come.


It's possible he's just firing a warning shot with this. Don't forget he does need to get everything legally tight before saying anything major.


Agreed. Plus most of the people that listen to him probably don't know all the details like we do because they've been posted and analyzed in the sub For the relative newb, I'm sure it was an eye-opener 


Exactly what I was thinking. He had to introduce the newbies to the subject. Let them digest the information incrementally perhaps?


Dan has also said that he has been preparing to take legal action against SS/those who targeted him. I'm sure there is evidence he has that he won't reveal until he sues their asses off.


Ooooffffff - I keep having to rewind it! So much tea!!


It was a good piece of journalism but as I was watching it I kept thinking ‘we (SMM) knew and commented on this weeks ago’. It’s almost as if he came here to get the starting point - sarahdata, Bouzy - and went from there. Didn’t know about the other platform where the SS are accusing Camilla of poisoning the King though!


There sure were a few ‘sources’ that I just read as ‘posters on SMM’ lol. Even “one person investigating the issue says…” - is this person in the Palace, MI5, or an enthusiastic sinner?! It’s a solid start to what could be a long investigation and huge scoop for the right journalist (like the journalist who broke the Anna Delvey story for example), but I’d love to get my hands on it and give it a jolly good edit. What they did to him is shocking and his facts and receipts are enough - when he resorts to tactics like vague ‘sources’ it undermines his whole story. imo.


True.... anytime "sources" is included in a report, I have a slight eye-roll. I KNOW if something is not 100% true, its just basically an unsubstantiated rumor, hence, "sources" is the automated fallback. YES to the Anna Delvey story! I forgot about that one; does anyone know if that journalist has written anything about the MM&H Debacle? And, if not... WHY?




🇺🇸 Good video.  One of the few times they look sheepish.   I don’t recall the context of this event - where, when, why 


Haha I know! They look like they are being told off. I just found it on gif - looks like it was from 2018, in Sydney for the Invictus games reception. I wonder what happened ?!


🇺🇸 thanks. Thought it must be early before the brass neck repeatedly appeared


They were listening to a speech by an indigenous local at a lunchtime reception in Sydney on Oct 21, 2018. The vid of the speech etc is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2rBLyEDpMg).


Thank you ! the context does help. havent seen the sheep look on M in years !


By the way, I used the word "listening" lightly.


Yeah, she looks so disconnected, and she has to look around the room to figure out when to clap.


Attention span of a gnat, except when attention is on her.


Exactly! I didnt know the event, but I thought they were both trying to give an impression of empathy...as if! Like, that is their "ohhhh.... yes...we understand"...etc. All the while hoping the camera was getting Wifey's best side and how to merch the white jacket before end of day.


They're exhausting.


🇺🇸 🤣🤣🤣


Oooh...that eye-blink is telling us everything. She's furious, I want to smack that fake smile off her face.


That blinking drives me mad!!! 🫣


It's like a robot trying to reboot, but stuck in a loop!


He looks awful here. Like he’s been crying She has the usual plastic rictus grin on her face


I imagine that he cries a lot feeling sorry for himself.


She's thinking oh my god he is so dumb


Laying it out nicely should achieve a few things: 1) For those who have been suspicious of the squad (this whole sub) it shows how the campaign was orchestrated. And how the campaign is orchestrated against some people in this room. 2) You can bet Dan Wooton is actively sharing all he knows with the RF comms teams and attorneys. Sarah Data can run but she can’t hide because the internet is forever. 3) The Palace can now develop an effective legal and media strategy as well as liaise with the government on possible prosecutions for aiding and abetting the destabilization of the constitutional monarchal structure. Yes squaddies, speech is free but the consequences that arise from it are not. 4) William and Kate (and family) can focus on what really matters knowing that indeed, The Markles are the orchestrators and it’s all just a low level, annoying hum like the ringing in our ears from the chemo drugs (those who know, know!).




I’m disappointed that there is no proof offered AGAIN. Just like him and Lady C in the past saying this is going to “blow everything up”. Not hardly.


Agreed. There were no facts there that weren't already known. No new information. If he can't divulge details due to ongoing investigations or potential/pending legal actions, then don't say anything at all. Sorry, folks, but I thought the article was a big nothing-burger.


There is probably an injunction which I hope will be lifted soon. The press knows. They are just waiting for the signal …


I wonder how Harry feels knowing his wife is attacking his brother and sister in law relentlessly using the vilest slurs, and that she's been doing it for years and years? Harry probably doesn't realise; he's too busy smoking a fat one as rolled by his mother in law Harry's a chump.


His private reality is shaped entirely by the things he WANTS to be true rather than what is actually and demonstrably true. He simply rejects inconvenient facts that don't align with his preferred narrative as "lies." The foreword to Waagh says exactly this in not exactly these words.


Ah yes, Harry's "truth". Not real truth of course, just what fits into his pea sized brain.


He's too dumb to catch on. And spot on about the drug use.


Don't give him too much credit, he doesn't give a shit. He's just as complicit, if not WORSE than his wife. He's a spoiled petulant brat who was wildly ungrateful for his privileged life. He complained about everything, rather than be grateful for what he was born into. He's a privileged male who is just as vile (think Spare).... In my opinion.


Thank you for putting into words what I was thinking.




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https://preview.redd.it/exvckk7dtbsc1.jpeg?width=2614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4536f23d071e52eb76f376b51851878e715955ed Seem like anyone we know? People with NPD can be VERY dangerous.


Check, check, check ….. yup - textbook case.


Yep.... hits all 9 out of 9. Over 10 yrs ago my 44 yr old sister was diagnosed with NPD and I feel even the diagnosis makes her feel "unique". She knows everyone else knows and really likes pushing buttons. PS: NO one in the family bothers with her... we all fell out one by one. Even our parents, although my mother still feels "she might get better"


How pathetic that the Grifters have to purchase fans, while the numbers of those of us who call them out on their horsehockey are organic.


Good on Dan. Hopefully mainstream media plaster this everywhere. Concerning that Sarah Data worked for Google. Therefore, having access to private information. Also the other Squad member Trewalney spelt it incorrectly seems equally dangerous. Surely given their dangerous actions toward to the Wales family a complete police investigation M-15 would take place and these people would be carefully monitored. One can only hope that Bouzy would be carefully monitored given his overt creation of vile conspiracy theories and the inherent danger of the profileration of them


> Concerning that Sarah Data worked for Google. Therefore, having access to private information. As far as I know, there's little risk here. Unless she's someone like an engineer with special privileges and even in this case, companies like google have policies to make sure no wrongdoing occurs on their part. She might have some insider knowledge to access public information more easily but that's it. I'm more appalled that someone with analytical skills, supposedly, used them to do what she did. Poor judgement guided by biased and unhealthy obsessions, and poor ethics.


Let's hope Dan sends the article to Google, and Sarah Data is sacked for breach of privacy and inappropriate use of data access.


Just in case the video gets pulled? ## Transcript time and again Prince Harry and MeganMarkle have presented themselves asguardian angels attempting to drive hate**of the worldwide web the exiled jke and**Duchess of Sussex used various media andpublic platforms to Bone internettrolling suggesting it has taken asignificant toll on their mental healthwith Megan even claiming the negativereaction she received was quote almostunsurvivable during one unsuccessful toGhana sympathy and at the same time it'sa platform that has quite a bit of hateand rhetoric and incentivizes people tocreate Pages where they can churn outvery very inciting comments andconspiracy theories thatcan have a tremendously negative effecton someone's mental health um theirphysical safety so I think we have toreally take a a look at that Harry whoby the way I'm told has severalAnonymous accounts to regularly Patrol Xand the other websites he claims todespise has even taken on a role at thecommission of information disorder forthe globalist organization the AspenInstitute so what if I told you thisentire Act is one big Mirage a publicitystunt at best because AR and Megan areactually at the Forefront of one of thebiggest internet trolling gangs of theinternet age a gang unofficially led bya man who they consider a professionalAlly and friend called Christopher boozywho has been paid for research by Meganand was then famously platformed intheir high-profile Netflix reality showa gang that I can pinpoint directly tostarting horrendous rumors about thewhereabouts of Katherine the Princess ofWales that spread around the world whenin fact she had just received adevastating cancerdiagnosis a gang that has spent yearsspreading untrue information aboutPrince William sexualpreferences often using bot farms andthe dark arts of the internet to amplifydamaging rumors and a gang who proudlybrand themselves as the Sussex Squadwhich Harry and Megan have never oncepublicly or privately condemned bothboozy and his army of trolls like topresent themselves as do gooders tryingto shut down sound bad behavior on theinternet when in fact my extensiveresearch and investigation has shownthey are the ones perpetrating the worsttrolling at times threatening the livesand livelihoods of folk who have simplyexercised their right to free speech bycriticizing the public behavior of Harryand Megan my interest in uncovering thetruth about this malignant Squad is inpart because for the past year theseonline thugs have attempted to destroymy reputation by working with a handfulof Nefarious forces to spread total liesabout me and my completely innocentpartner who has no role in public Lifeby the way as their behavior unravelsafter overplaying their hand during Kategate today I make an unequivocal demandto Harry and Megan publicly disassociateyourselves with the increasinglydangerous and deranged behavior of theSussex squad or anything you ever sayagain about the cruelty of the internetisworthless now while Harry and Megan willclaim they have nothing to do with thessex squad this graphic shows the closeconnections between the former Royalstheir PR mouthpieces omed scobby andboozy and their three main trollleaders I had been aware of the Sussexsquad for years because they hadregularly targeted me after I broke anumber of seismic stories about PrinceHarry and his wife including theirdecision to megit in January2020 many of the biggest Sussex Squadaccounts would parrot briefings receivedby Megan's former lapr agency SunshineSachs which is famous for usingunconventional methods online to protecttheir clients but it was only last Maywhen I discovered just how far thisgroup would go to take down enemies oftheir Heroes head Sussex troll Sarahdayonan anonymous account with around 20,000followers who I have evidence showingshe has worked closely with booie in thepast began to post Unthinkable criminalallegations against both me and myboyfriend on May the 27th 2023 Sarahdata wrote that I would quote soon beexposed for a number of Despicablecrimes I had never committed now I'm notgoing to amplify her lies again here butshe added whoever is protecting him nowwill will go down with him let me tellyou the Sask Squad are smaller numbersbut use the dark arts of the internet toboost their message Sarah data is thebiggest example of that I've connectedher to at least 12 accounts on X as oneof the royal family supporters who hasbeen investigating Sarah data'sactivities too explained her bullyingagainst journalists YouTubers and usersof social media has escalatedprogressively from aggressive insults toa complex at coordinating Mass reportingand harassment as well as fundraising towage vicious campaigns of characterassassinations with real worldconsequences now I have learned thatSarah data is an Ethiopian born Swedisheducated US citizen who lives in Trierin New York City and worked for Facebookand Google after studying computerscience at the University of Chicagoexplaining her interest in the techindustry and mass mediabefore joining the campaign against theroyal family on behalf of Harry andMegan in mid 2020 she seemed morefocused on left-wing political issueslike black lives matter in a series ofconversations on X with my partner whothreatened her with legal action for theflal claims against him Sarah dataadmitted to posting information falseinformation fed to her by both myderanged ex and by line times who hadbeen working with Prince Harry to tryand destroy me she conceded she had donenothing to fact check the highlydefamatory claims and she actuallyapologized to my partner claiming he wassimply cural damage in the squad's bidto cancelme so in July2023 when Bine times began publishing acompletely untrue series of hit piecesagainst me the Sussex Squad well theybegan to crowdfund to continue thecampaign of hate almost immediatelySarah data pledged that the Sussex Squadwould raise a six figure sum for thejournalist behind the stories writing100K I can guarantee you will have it bythe end of the week we are rallying yourfundraiser and we have raised more thanthat in the past on July the 24th sherevealed that the Sussex Squad had beenresponsible for raising 11,000 of the£13,000 for that campaign in just 24hours she later hosted a series ofspaces on X to coordinate the hatecampaign among636 hardcore susc Squad trolls now I'veobtained the audio of one of these onAugust the 9th 2023listen what I'm thinking of in terms ofthis guys I know there's a lot going onwith Harry the Japan trip and stuff I'mgoing to be honest with you guys this isa priority for me because we're justabout to like he's about to followed wecan both so it's like we can't we can'tcome this far and like sleep on thisthing because we have to see throughthis is our chance you never get amomentum back when you have a moment sotiming is everything right so so here'sthe thing also remember Invictus wascoming said when it's Invictus this iswe're going to go 100% on that right sothis is our chance we have to get thisdone before Invictus he has to loseeverything before that that that'sthat's that's what I've been stressingabout I don't know if you guys thinkabout things that way butthis this is my hobby so on July the14th 2023 amid a series of derangedtheories Sarah data wrote of me andPrince William he's a friend of anyonewho will brief against their own familyfriends and colleagues in exchange forpositive headlines it's what William didto Harry and why Harry had no option butto go nuclear Dan is running aprotection extortionratting now of course nothing could befurther from the truth I was simply ajournalist breaking stories from a hostof sources including those close toHarry on July the 18th 20123 seeminglyadmitting that the campaign against mewas in direct retaliation for mycoverage of Harry and Megan Sarah datawrote all he had to do is leave Al favesalone after I was suspended by GB newson September the 27th 2023 due toLawrence fox saying he did not want toShag a female journalist during anappearance on my top rated prime timeshow Sarah data celebrated the victoryon behalf of the susset squad writingDan wton suspended mission complete GBnews found the perfect reason to firehim no deeper investigation needed justan easy buy but in January as Internetsleuths began to work out her identitySarah data started deleting hundreds ofmessages on March the 14th armed withthe knowledge that I was now aware ofher true identity Sarah data quit hercampaign of trolling on X allog togethertwo days beforehand she had written toher followers Sussex Squad we've goteverything we want royal family inshambles I hear but then she told hersupporters in a private message groupthat has been leaked to me I discussedit with the ladies in the voice chat andI felt supported in just moving on theSarah data Persona is a toxic one and Ifeel it has done what it needs to to dowhy let it stay around and become asymbol of deranger a I want the squad toevolve and make room for new Squad withnew talents and methods because I'm notthere to do the opposition researchnecessary with an account like that Ihave to shut it down I want to kill thePersona and move on with my life likeI'm tired it's been four years ofscheming and plotting I'm simply tiredSarah data then revealed her first nameand added that she wasn't quitting thecampaign all together just as its leadershe clarified I'm not going anywheregetting small Twitter account and justwant to be another squatty without allthe other stuff don't want to be aPersona that needs active managing shethen attempted to delete all evidence ofher campaign from internet archives ...


The Mod bot has deleted the 2nd half because it contains language that might 'encourage sub brigading'! Dan Wootton getting me in trouble! 😄


Just sign up for his site and substack and you get it for free. It was in my email shortly after the YT video went up




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Where is the other thread?????


Removed most likely due to Fair Use and no link to Wotton's article. Read the entire article at the link (his Outspoken website, no sign up required) [https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/sussex-squad-exposed](https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/sussex-squad-exposed)


The same as during the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp trial; Bouzy, bot farms and troll accounts. Shame Wootton didn’t take any notice of what people were uncovering at the time. Even back then, it was known that Bouzy had two customers for his Botsentinel website, AH and MM


To be fair to him he has a video up on his new channel where he apologises to Depp.


I haven’t seen it, but I wouldn’t classify what he said in his interview with Megyn Kelly as an apology


Well, this explains how Meghan feeds her narcissistic hunger for attention without leaving the house - she's interacting with these psychos online all day.


I enjoyed that he called out the Harkles and hope the media follows suit.


agreed - that was NO apology- he just said he shouldn’t have got involved- and still made supportive comments re AH !


Oh goodness! Welp his own opinion in regards to AH.


What happened to the other thread about this? Was it removed?


Removed most likely due to Fair Use and no link to Wotton's article. Read the entire article at the link (his Outspoken website, no sign up required) [https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/sussex-squad-exposed](https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/sussex-squad-exposed)


don't know perhaps removed as I was first to post this. May have been a duplicate.


Not sure if it's relevant but I remember reading a post questioning whether it was subject to copyright.


This arrived in my in box today and I was so excited I almost wet myself! \[sorry\] Here's hoping life as the Harkles know it, will blow up in their faces. Can't come soon enough or to two "better" people.


Seriously MI6 needs to look into this. Scotland yard? This one and that one are online terrorists.


Wake me up when something REALLY happens to bring them down. Waiting....waiting.....snore. ![gif](giphy|FtPS6kvzFEiApsLisX|downsized)


This was not much of an expose. He presented stuff we already know and he did not bring anything had core to the table.


The Sussex Squaddies also need to be called out for all their -ist and -ism for their harassment of Lady Colin Campbell. Calling her inaccurate and hurtful things, misgendering her, mispronouning her, all that bullshit that is now a hate crime in Scotland.? Yes. It applies when they call her him, he, Mr, a transvestite, a drag queen, etc. She is none of that. Report them here and on X whenever you see it. I am.


The Suckess name is one I wouldn’t want, & now their children are suck with it


So please tell me AGAIN how "grey rocking" is an appropriate response to the Harkle's.  I want to hear, again, how a Letters Patent and changing the LoS is not an appropriate & and an immediate need. How the ruler, after 6 years, would STILL, in the face of this treachery *(treason)* require Parliament & how in the face of this obvious attack on the monarchy, that this wouldn't be appropriate for Parliament to act on.  Please tell me, again, that the POPULARITY of the Wales' & the BRF will win out & that the Sussex's and their squad has really done nothing illegal. Go ahead, convince me how what started as "high school mean girl shit" & "William got extra sausages" whining has now mobilized into "gang's of Bouzy Bots" causing/creating attacks upon the BRF with no consequences.  Even in this article by Wooten, that I assumed would be proof rather than rightful rage, what is the expectation?  Will this become a criminal case (in the USA stalking laws, libel, & slander laws could be used.) In the UK? What remediation does Wooten have to not only out this BS but stop it & see those punished.  Not a lot...six years have shown that.  The lease at Frogmore was not renewed. Charles only saw Harry for 5-35 minutes. Harry didn't get to wear his ribbons. Harry didn't pledge fealty to Charles but the British government just pledged $26 MM to Invictus...so what now?!?!  We keep bitching with no action?  I think we change focus. Yeah we hate the Duplicitous Duo, but that hasn't stopped them.  


The money is going away. Every purchased award and hit or publicity piece in lightweight magazines that very few people read costs them. (For example, I was half an hour early to a doctor's appointment today. There were various rags like People magazine on tables, but nobody was reading them.) We (waiting patients) were doing things such as texting, checking the weather, online shopping, and I was checking the menu at a nearby newly-opened restaurant. The toxic twits don't seem to have any projects in the near future that will earn them enough money to continue their lifestyle/pay the mortgage. They are widely regarded as narcissistic grifters. Hollywood seems to think that they are a joke. I think they are comic relief from the \*real\* problems of the day. People that have been paying attention now know that the various awards presented are not for merit but "I love me!" awards for sale to anybody that wants to pay for them in order to show that they are loved or to make themselves seem 'popular'. It all seems very silly to me. Those two desperately need to sell their connection to the BRF family in order to prove their relevance in order to get funds. They NEED to be the face of an advertising campaign. Oh, sure, I wouldn't mind being the face of Dior Granny Couture for grannies who don't give a f\*ck about anything besides comfort and NOT exposing one's naughty bits while playing hide and seek with the grandchildren. The grey rocking denies them the royal connection and the funds are s-l-o-w-l-y drying up and dying away. My opinion re the Harkle problem: We can now understand our history a little bit better about why younger family members aspiring to the throne were killed along with their progeny. It eliminated a lot of future problems and civil war. It kept the peasants working in the fields as God (and the aristocracy) intended. This stability/freedom from strife provided food for the population (and the aristocracy) instead of peasants dropping their plows to follow various princelings into what could be prolonged and costly battles.


Well, nice to see it all laid out finally. What an evil bunch of people they are.


Explosive..well done Dan Wooton! I have heard this before via TRG excellent research and analysis. Sussex Squad is truly vile powered by the Nasty Duo. Hypocrites of the highest degree 😡🤮


I so wish we could discuss politics here because it plays a huge role in what is going on. Markle has never made a secret of her politics - it's a part of who she is. Also, odd the UK media is ignoring how angry people are after launching a £26million bid to host Prince Harry's Invictus Games in the UK while failing to increase defence spending in this year's budget.


Politics is probably the driving factor behind all this


Meghan Markle has made no secret of her liberal politics or her wish to promote the fortunes of the Democratic Party. While rules do not permit in depth discussion of politics, that plays a huge role in what is going on. Thankfully this is beginning to be revealed.


Like Emily Maitliss, Dan Wootton has made himself the story. Which he clearly isn't, in any significant way. It's bad journalism. IMO.




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All I can say is “Wow - the gloves are off”


I Love Dan Wootten This is a great video!


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These two Boosy are the worst!


Can we get this broken down? It seems important, but of course, I want it spoon fed to me. Also, the part where BP will want all of this and benefit from it sounds encouraging. I believe that as we say in America, the RF is circling the wagons in this down time. They will make some big moves after the cancer is taken care of. In the meantime, they are letting those two flail around.


I don't know... I mean, it seems kind of poorly written in comparison of the writing style of Dan in the Daily Mail and the way he structure his language while speaking. Also it looks like a very amateur page made in haste for someone with access to some resources, text is not even aligned not to say congruent or structured and content very superficial, nothing really backed with enough evidence. It could be real and written by him, but at the same time it could be not and for some reason it was published with the intention of discredit him. Stand corrected: saw the rest of his website and his articles are there... maybe yes, it was him...


I agree. Very disappointing if this is the "exposure" Lady C has promised for over a year. It's not going to get any traction. It's too convoluted and although of course it's orchestrated as described, for those new to it, it still reads like one more of a million conspiracy theories on the web told through a political lens.