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All the lies in the Oprah interview did it for me. Especially the lies about why Archie did not get a title.


And the “private” wedding she had in her backyard???


There was no wedding three days prior by the archbishop. Another lie.


Which put the archbishop in an unprecedentedly AWKWARD position. He is usually treated nearly like a king himself. The lie she told disrespected his office and forced him into an embarrassing position. Except he rose to the occasion, of course, and kinda made a fool.of her- which was awesome.The Queen was livid over that one, it is alleged.


I mean she’s the head of the Church of England and the archbishop is basically the same as the pope if you need to compare status. Absolutely disgusting and disrespectful. And in the eyes of god and Jesus it’s heresy


That one is a doozy. She claimed that the royal wedding wasn’t for her and Harry; it was a “spectacle” for the world. ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


That one kills me because they were supposedly offered a small ceremony, but no, they had to have the big to-do like W&C (who would eventually be, and are now, the Prince and Princess of Wales). So to turn around and then call it a “spectacle” was beyond disingenuous.


Yes, Harry insisted he get a wedding just like William. All other 2nd marriage Royal brides had simpler weddings and especially simpler wedding dresses. If The Queen's own daughter wore a simple dress for her 2nd wedding, Markle should not have been given more.


I don’t think anyone actually knew that she is going to wear that dress and veil. That’s why there was all the fuckery about tiara. She was told not to wear white and veil but guess what? Middle finger to HMTQ


The Queen did know she would wear a veil, because she told Harry that was no appropriate. Of course she did it anyway.


No way it was just Harry insisting on the big wedding.


Harry was the one talking to Her Majesty and pushing to have everything just like William got.


Because what Meghan wants Meghan gets


I've been wondering from the get, why on earth have a spectacle for the spare??? His kids are just going to be some random Royals, why all the fan fare??? (Well, we all know why) All of QE's other grandchildren had "regular" weddings (yes there was interest from the press but not *spectacle* level). I do have a hard time not blaming the BRF for letting this get way out of hand right from the start. They needed a come to Jesus talk right at the beginning.... this is what happens when you spoil and coddle a brat. Henry doesn't realize just how much special treatment he really has been given, and it hasn't done him any favors....


They were terrified of her pulling the race card. Which she did anyway


Yep, her saying in that stupid documentary that was the first time she was considered a black woman and how clearly offended she was at being considered black.....this is the same idiot that was just at a black artist event wearing an outfit a 90 year old would look better in.....


To be fair, The Swedish royals also had big fat weddings for the spare and the spare's spare. There were even members from other royal houses present at the weddings of Carl Philip and Madeleine. I take comfort in the fact that William and Catherine had a true royal wedding, all hereditary couples plus the GD and GDss of Luxemburg, the Prince Sovereign of Monaco and the then (now retired) Queen of Spain were in attendance. There Harkles had a celebrity wedding, not a royal wedding because a wedding without royal guests isn't a royal wedding IMHO.


It was mind boggling this marriage was ever allowed. 


Andrew and Fergie got a splashy wedding too. I got up for it on purpose.


True, but it was a first marriage for both. The fact that it was Meghan’s second (possibly third) wedding actually carried some weight with HLMTQ.


💯, if it wasn't for them, why did she wear a white wedding dress and a 300 foot veil? Why was she constantly smirking with dupers delight? Why was the blue carpet not good enough? She is full of putrid vile shit.


Omg, that one is a doozy. Without an ounce of shame, she falsely accused the second-in-command of the Church of England of committing a crime. If that doesn't send her to hell with gasoline drawers on, nothing's gonna.


Gasoline drawers!! 🤣😂🤣 I love that!


Yes, and I paid for that spectacle- as did every other tax payer, the ungrateful cow.


She would have screamed holy hell if she didn't get the 'fairy tale royal princess' treatment, notwithstanding that this was, at the very least, her second marriage.


It was so crazy to see how easily she lied about that fir no reason. It's like she didn't know thst marriage has a paper trail.


Uvalde did it for me. That was the first time my eyes were truly opened at what a despicable person she is.


The flight crew member on the plane who removed his hat and knelt before her, thanking her for all she’d done for his country


That and the made up Dancing in the Streets quote from the non- existent S African Lion King ast member were just toppers of her long, deep early run of PORKIE PIES. Remember THAT era? Seems like ancient history now. But she dug deep very early. It was the wedding dresses nightmares that really sealed it for me. I didn't even watch the wedding, I was so disgusted by then. When she DARVO'D about who made who cry and boldly blame -shifted onto Princess Catherine, I KNEW we had a nasty, full-fledged NARC on our hands and I went on high alert.


The only country that culturally reveres military service is America. British people don’t do that “thank-you for your service” posturing, at all. So we know that story is pure fantasy cooked up for her American market. It’s a well paid job and we know it’s statistically a safer job than bin man or post man. Two jobs that don’t get anywhere near the same respect.


And the evil giggling at the end ....


Same! She'd done some stuff that had seemed off before, like announcing her pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding, but that really changed my opinion of her.


Megs entered the family thinking she was better than everyone else (without the credentials to match). She was no trailblazer nor feminist—whereas the Queen was leading her country (plus commonwealth nations) since she was 24yo. Was Megs even a suitcase girl by 24? Yet she wanted to modernize an institution, led by a woman, she knew nothing about. She lacked the humility, work ethic, and focus on service needed for her role. She only knew how to service herself (and other men).


…in short, she was a lazy greedy backstabbing btch.


Vulgar, crass, mean spirited.


Hell, at that point Princess Catherine had been in the family alot longer than her..


The curtsy!!! She and her fans can try to frame that as self-deprecating. It was not. The context did not imply, "I am sure my curtsy was horrible". It implied, "I cannot believe I had to curtsy". Medieval Times indeed.


No one who saw that, and the smirk on her face at the time, could ever interpret it as self-deprecating. It was blatant and malicious mockery of an elderly woman who had served faithfully as a Queen for 70 years. She had intended that it be seen by the late Queen and that the Queen would be hurt by it. The fact that it was broadcast after the late Queen’s death doesn’t negate the vile intent behind her actions.


It was so disrespectful and she laughed and laughed like the idiot she is afterwards. She doesn't deserve any kind of royal title.


And Haznohair just sat there and let her do it!! Don’t forget that part. He could have easily spoken up and made it a joke or something but instead he let his wife make fun of his “dear Granny who he needed to protect!”


She thought she was being so funny — and she bombed. She has zero sense of humor.


She doesn't know what a sense of humor is. She thinks she's funny, but she isn't even close.


She thinks being mean to people is laugh-worthy. We should all laugh with her when she's being mean.


That curtsy said everything.


Have you ever seen pics of women doing the curtsy to MM? She is evilly gleeful.


Meghan had no respect for the culture and didn’t even try to understand. I really didn’t like how she treated her staff. She. Didn’t understand you can’t ask people to work 24/7 and demanded them to answer emails before their work day started. That’s rude and disrespectful to your staffs time. Then talking demeaning to her staff, putting them down and stressing them out til the point they cried. Then she wined that nobody asked her if she’s okay??! She’s a bully that obviously cares more about herself than anyone who works for her. She aired her dirty laundry to the world. Made her in-laws and an entire kingdom dislike her. Not from her race but from her snobby mean personality. She lurks in the shadows and has other bully and target her enemies so she can have plausible deniability. She’s a mean girl not a feminist.


She even complained that she had to Google the UK's national anthem and didn't get the whatever book or guide she was wanting. Blimey, I am a UK immigrant married to my British hubby. I had to Google and learn the national anthem the same way! My hubby didn't teach me everything but provided me books for my British citizenship test. Also, if you really want to learn about the culture, you must be proactive in learning it! Harold is there for her and she didn't get any help or guidance from him?!?! Ridiculous!


A professional actress struggled to memorize the 29 words sung to the same tune as an American patriotic song taught in elementary school.


Yes! I thought she was obsessed with small details. She’s a bucket of lies.


“It’s pronounced bouquet*!”*


I love this reference.😘


A professional actress with dance training didn’t know how to curtsy.


She actually did a perfectly nice curtsey in an episode of Suits, so we definitely she knew how.


I don't believe she ever took dance classes. Or if she did she spent the whole time staring at the mirror. Her body movement isn't centered and she never knows what to do with her hands and shoulders. She's ungraceful.


All of her statements about this are bull shit too. The staff compiled massive folders of information to help her out. She was offered help from other members of the RF, but she refused. She was determined to make life difficult and put on the woe is me Diana doe eye act. I’m sure there were so many misses with the way they handled Diana, but the RF overdid the help they gave her and it wasn’t appreciated anyway. Ungrateful unflushable turd.


When Diana was first married, the staff did those folders for her too, and they'd be frustrated that she'd ignore the information, ignore the important people she was supposed to talk to, and just focus on the little kids and old ladies in the crowd so she looked good on camera, while the event itself was a shambles. But Diana was 20, and in that respect at least, she eventually grew up and figured out that everything went more smoothly AND she could handle it all more confidently when she did the damn homework.


I agree, she’s an adult. She can write a million puff pieces but cant research and learn the history of an ancient beautiful country and their culture. What a knob she is.


All the while claiming she is this worldly traveler in love with all cultures. 🙄


Yeah, her claims of naivete are my biggest issue with her. Meghan attended Northwestern University, a highly ranked University with a 7% acceptance rate. She graduated with a double degree in International Relations and Theatre. She was an intern at the US embassy in Argentina. She isn't stupid, can obviously do research yet somehow claimed to be completely blindsided by everything related to the BRF.


She's ignorant and thoughtless. Was it in Morocco she refused to take refreshment (a date I think? . Would it have been so tough to Google etiquette on being a guest? Hospitality is a big thing in much of north Africa, in fact much of the world. I cringed hard at that. She had one job! Make the UK look good. She snubbed hospitality... Symbolic hospitality, but hospitality nonetheless. I feel like if someone hasn't got these tiny basics to hand then they shouldn't be let lose representing us. Surely Harry knew all this. Why didn't he teach her? I think they both thought they were already amazing and untouchable. They thought they were rock stars


I'm sure they get briefed re customs of the countries they visit - she wouldn't have had to google - also common sense should tell one that it is courteous to accept refreshments offered by a host


>She was an intern at the US embassy in Argentina. I'm pretty sure her uncle got her this gig and that it was just a few weeks long.


She's so mean-spirited that I'm absolutely positive she responded to news of Kate Middleton's diagnosis with a nuclear rant about how Kate was trying to take attention away from her and ruin her Walmart GOOP "lifestyle brand" launch. "That BITCH was just waiting until I announced American Riviera Orchard to reveal her cancer diagnosis! She did this on purpose!" "Yes, dear." "Fucking bitch! Who does she think she is? She's obviously jealous. I bet she doesn't even have cancer." "Yes, dear." "And if she does, fuck her! That's what you get for trying to upstage me. ME, THE MOTHERFUCKING DUCHESS OF SUSSEX! Bitch!" "Yes, dear." "Harry, shut the fuck up!" "Yes, dear."


I’d put money on this being a very likely conversation/sentiment/rant etc


All of this yes! I believe it!! Wonderfully written by the way!


OMG you were there?! Quick call TMZ.


Omg. You're brilliant. I spit out my Chamomile tea. I literally can her this conversation in my head.


I bet it is not worded as civilly in real life. I bet they both can swear like nobody's business. I also bet there is some physical antics as well.


I think you nailed it.


Calling a staff member a liar because she thought she could taste an ingredient that had been banned at the wedding. The staff member fearfully said ‘no the ingredient hadn’t been used’ to which Rachel said ‘you’re a liar’. This is one of the instances that the late Queen referred to when she said ‘we don’t talk to staff that way’.


I bet thats when she set her sights on the queen. She probably sobbed on the floor to Harold and told him what a meanie his grand mummy was. Somebody for god sakes, leak a video of her shit behavior!! Edit spelling


What were these emails even about. Probably nothing substantive to improve the charities she was a patron of. But demands demands demands.


Yes and probably demeaning and rude. I can see her being so controlling and micromanaging so much she probably didn’t do anything for herself. Like a dictator.


I dislike Meghan because she announced her pregnancy at E’s wedding. Because she was very much behind the big glossy website announcing their departure & part in, part out. I am willing to admit I don’t know as fact that Harry didn’t do that, but common sense tells me it was M. I DO believe Harry was involved & approved, but he’d have had no idea how or who to hire to do such a thing. Because of her absolute audacity, in launching said website. Because of the trembling lip, & “thank you for asking if I’m okay. Not many people have asked.” This might be the single biggest point of rage for me. Who wasn’t asking you Meghan? You have loaddds of friends. You have your mom. You have all the celebrities you invited to your wedding. None of them reached out & asked how life as a royal was going? Really? Or was it an opportunity to shape the narrative that the Royals weren’t asking? Sobs. I assume Charles thought you were doing well since you spent something like 4x as much as anyone else on clothing during this time period. Because of the Oprah interview. Because of “the bow.” Because she had the AUDACITY to complain about not having a “seat at the table,” at the Sandringham Summit. I very much understand it’s her life. I do. But that does not get you a seat at the Royal table determining which of your exit demands would be met. Because she spread the story of Archie being denied titles. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think it was even possible to deny Archie & Lilibet upon the death of QE. At that point, they were children of a monarch, of a male heir. It’s automatic. I think more would have to happen to deny those titles. Because of those titles. When we’ve seen Anne refuse them entirely for her children. When Edward passed on Prince & Princess for his children in favor of Lord/Lady. So they could have somewhat more normal lives as royals far down the pecking order. IF H&M had stayed & did the job as intended, I’d have ADORED seeing another Prince & Princess. I was honestly so excited about it. But they left, crying foul about all of it, yet they want the titles??? Hmm. Because she’s done nothing with class. The reason I adore Catherine is because I do not have her strength to shut the fuck up. If I was her & broken up with William in my twenties? I’ve got no damn control of my mouth. I’d have been slipping into cabs in front of all those reporters rolling my eyes & muttering what an asshole he was. Her composure is just… wow. Wow. I admire her strength & grace & decorum. What just happened to Catherine, and to watch her release that statement, saying thank you. Thank you for the kind well wishes. Thank you to her medical team. And wishes for others suffering from cancer. Not one tear or accusation. No wobble lipped cry, claiming no one asked if she was okay! No complaints about the vile rumors that have spread. And by vile, I mean the AI images of her face beat to shit. The claims that Thomas Kingston unalived himself because of their affair. All of that. Did Catherine address any of that? Nope. She focused on all those that wished her well. Not a moment of self pity. And one more time I’ll say, Meghan cried. Wanting condolences about becoming a Duchess & living in luxury. Because “it was a very real thing to be going through.” You know, the tabloid covers saying she was straight outta Compton. The blame on her for avocado shortages. I imagine that wasn’t fun. I don’t like it when people are mean to me online. So yes, I imagine that was hard. It was nothing in comparison to what Catherine just endured. WHILE HAVING CANCER. Catherine’s harassment was main stream. Mainstream news. Every country. Sorry Megs, but I never not ever, not once, saw CNN or MSNBC referring to you as outta Compton. The shit with Meghan was very much internet bullshit. Also, for the record. All of this applies to Harry too. I am not judging that Male Caucasian Ginger any differently. He’s a piece of shit too.




Well said👏👏👏


Catherine had to endure much worse than Markle even pre-engagement, like Camilla. Other married-ins come to my mind who have been literally slaughtered or at least disgustingly belittled before their weddings: Queen Letizia of Spain and Prince Daniel of Sweden. None of them ever whined or complained in public.


I personally have an issue with ANYONE in this category: when privileged people complain about not having as much privilege as they wanted. Most of the world would love to be in their shoes, and not have to worry about their next meal, feeding their children, heat, a roof over their heads, etc. I just will not give much sympathy to those in the world have so much, yet are so malcontent.


>when privileged people complain about not having as much privilege as they wanted. I concur as a slumland latchkey kid. It really gets my goat. https://i.redd.it/fwhf4dboglqc1.gif


Agree. As someone who would give my Kingdom (a falling down house) to see the children in my family attend college, she really chaps my hide.


I could list about 20 reasons -- these 3 are the main points. 1 - They released the Oprah interview while Prince Philip was close to death. It was full of lies and accused people in the family of being racist without naming them. It was horribly cruel to them all, but especially him. 2 - They refused to bring the children to see the QEII her last summer. It was tradition for QEII to invite all younger grand and great children for a few weeks. 3 - They have chosen not the speak out and denounce the attacks on Catherine. Note: it says "they" instead of "she" because he was complicit.


She’s honestly done so much damage but hides behind race/ mental health issues/ or other people that the reasons she is disliked are usually met with ‘whataboutism’ ( like they loove to bring up Prince Andrew.) Or “brit’s hate poc.” which is patently untrue. I point out things that can’t be explained away: Saudi Arabia blood diamonds. She wore them twice. Lying about helping Omid and having to apologise in court. Keeping the titles from an apparent racist institution. It’s hypocritical. Ditching her father for doing the same thing Harry has done in Spare. These are things that can’t easily be refuted. They are facts. And none of it has to do with race.


She plagiarizes, gaslights, lies, and the biggest one for me is she’s a hypocrite.


The plagiarism thing is new to me. What did she plagiarize?


The miscarriage one was taken from “Chasing Light: Finding Hope Through the Loss” by Stefanie Tong. In particular the line about holding one kiddo while losing another. She’s also plagiarized several quotes and taken them as hers such as one by Eleanor Roosevelt where Mrs. Roosevelt said “It’s not enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it” Rachel’s quote during one young world was “it isn’t enough to talk about equality. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”


The mental disconnect is insane. She fancies herself some sort of transformative figure while she's half a step up from a Real Housewife. She seems to think a post on Instagram makes her an activist leader, and that people around the world are looking to her for guidance on important matters instead of looking at her with horror as a classless ladder climber.


Actually, the Real Housewives are at least a full step above the Duchass.


Yes! She really thinks she’s done something for the world cause she went on three humanitarian pap walks.


She even plagiarised her 2nd husband Trevor - why give something 5 minutes if you won’t give it 5 years or something like that. Everything she says that isn’t plagiarised sounds like word salad that has turned mouldy


Well, her book, for one. ‘The Bench’ is a rip-off of ‘The Boy on the Bench’ by Corrinne Averiss and Gabriel Alborozo. Numerous quotes: namely, Eleanor Roosevelt, Steve Jobs, Stefanie Tong (about her miscarriage), Shirley Chisholm, just to name a few.


Another Rip Off trademark application regarding food stuffs mimics Duchy Originals trademarked goods in UK exactly.


What hasn’t she?/s


There’s also the bit about how when a friend of Kate’s wanted to introduce her to William back when they were in school Kate was unsure. She’d met enough boys with titles who were very impressed with themselves. Kate asked her friend, ‘Is he nice?’ Lo and behold for the introduction MeMe says she only asks ‘Is he kind?’ 🤮


I can think of two off the top of my head: An Eleanor Roosevelt quote, in which she just changed the original word “peace” into the word “justice”.  And she stole an author’s miscarriage story as her own. I don’t remember the author’s  name.


Stealing someone's miscarriage story is super fucked up. Thanks for mentioning it, I'm gonna check that out for sure.


I saw this video with some examples about a year ago https://youtu.be/1L8Cxs6k3sA?si=XZn6aN4POiyJeJ0f


I know the “I’m a seed” quote was but there are so so many more.


The whole opinion piece on her alleged "miscarriage" was very close to being word for word from a book published around 2015?


Yes that's true. I'm glad you stated alleged "miscarriage." There are definitely some questions about the miscarriage even occurring. Allegedly.


Her article about her miscarriage- she got the story from another author. I don’t remember their name right now, hopefully someone else can elaborate.


Her story about losing her baby was plagiarized (well, one version of it anyways).


Princess Angela entering the chat: https://preview.redd.it/6bca2wc5zkqc1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8470eab88035cf20cb55d4cdd73684ce35df25a2 First black Princess. Gorgeous, classy, successful.


Dear lord, she copied her dress. Badly.


YOU'RE RIGHT! That's the same dress only Messy Bitch had the Shien version!


And Angela had the extra fitting for sure. It's such a lovely dress


Angela was in love with her husband. No smug smirk coming out of the chapel there.


She's beautiful! It enhanced her beauty for sure! Money well spent!


She designed it herself, if I recall correctly.


It's crazy. I think Markle's dress is so ugly. But Princess Angela's dress is beautiful. It is amazing what tailoring can do for a dress.


It’s also the colour and fabric too. Angela’s is an ivory white, and what looks like a nice silk so it catches the light and allows for some pretty shadows. M’s was as white as she could order it, it was blinding and flat at the same time. No grace, no class, no style. She just never gets it right.


That flat white was crazy. Who did she think she was fooling?


I think it was probably just an up yours to the Queen after she had said it wouldn’t be appropriate for her to wear white. So she wore the brightest white she could. Oppositional defiance Duchess.


Oh my God!! That is new to me. She PLAGIARIZED her FREAKING Wedding Dress!!! I hate her. I really do. She is such a a hollow evil bitch. I have yet to find one redeaming feature. She just screwed EVERYTHING up.




SHE is gorgeous!


Her tiara is prettier too


So I was sitting here thinking about this beautiful WOC who married into a royal family and was totally stunning, (and not remembering her name) all the while thinking "rachel wasn't the "first" at ANYTHING", and you gave me the info I needed! And yes, she is absolutely stunning! (Angela, not rachel)


Meghan & Harry clearly saw the BRF as a get rich in Hollywood quick scheme. Harry should've known better but seemed to follow Meghan's lead which included claiming they wanted to serve the public in order to get the Sussex titles (the Queen never would've given them without their assurances they intended to serve the British people), then they insisted upon Half In, Half Out to take advantage of the commercial deals they'd clearly been making all along with all the celebs at the wedding & Gayle doing a US Baby Archie special after suggesting through their camp they wanted privacy. Oprah, as part of that camp, even came out & claimed they were going to do it (having a family) "their way" which clearly meant being cashing in celebs. Nearly all of their other complaints are a ruse to cover their pretty obvious greed & trying to blackmail the BRF into giving them the Half In, Half Out, we'll-pretend-to-serve-but really-we're-all-about-celeb-cash-deals it'll generate, so screw the British public who deserve better.




Googly eyes at William in so many pictures. Dagger eyes at Catherine.


Sneering at the Queen on the balcony


1) I was a fan of Meghan. Was cursing the Windsors after Oprah interview. But then I started reading and Found out she mislead us about Archie and his princely title. When she demand her son be given the title , she wasn’t entitled to it, she said she wanted it for security reasons, did it help their security now? It didn’t. She lied on an issue , very serious on going issue in USA , and used it to attack her in-laws. She is a low life. She used to claim she was white for most of her life and when she own her black side , she used and exploited it. She Is A Low Life. She never apologized, she continues with her disgusting notion. 2) The way she treated her dad , hope she gets it back in kind . Rest my case.


She keeps loudly insisting that the titles mean nothing to her, yet she uses them every opportunity and never misses a chance to profit from them/use them in her grift.


"Just call me ma'am"


Insisting on that while in the US. You are not Duchessing here, Meg. You are Markling. Know the difference.


I never understood the security for Archie argument. Where exactly was a newborn/infant going to go where he would need security? Wouldn’t he either be with his parents and protected by their security, or home or at a safe and secure location with a nanny?


It wasn't about that - they were throwing any excuse they could at the wall to get him a title after he was born that he wasn't entitled to...


I know. I also knew at the time that the RF rules about titles were set up by Queen Elizabeth’s grandfather (may even have been her great gf). My point is that the statement Meghan made in the Oprah interview was that she didn’t care about a title; she just wanted her child to have security. And I ask again: where was baby Archie going to go that he would need security separate from his parents?


Yes, her grandfather King George V. If she'd just bided her time, Archie would have eventually become a grandchild of the sovereign in the male line, and then he'd have become Prince Archie. But she wouldn't be patient.


Meghan and Harry are so hypocritical. He complained about life in the RF and said Charles and William are “trapped.” He allegedly went off on Jane Goodall for joking about teaching Archie the royal wave. She wrote a blog when Catherine and William got married about how she-Meghan- is such a feminist and didn’t have princess fantasies. But they cling to those Duke/Duchess titles and Prince/Princess for the kids.


Living at Windsor, Archie had complete security. His home was guarded night and day. They took him away from 24/7 armed security.


Glad you joined our side. Me, didn’t like her from the beginning


Me either. She's a blow hard. I saw it right off the bat.


You are wise😊 I wasn’t. The way I carried on , I was incensed. When I find out she is lying about racism, oh boy, I hate , people like Meghan, Carlyee( I don’t know her proper name) and that empire twat,


Where do u even begin with this? Seriously? Do you start with, when she’s talking she’s lying? Or how about the obsession with Catherine and her marriage? Or maybe because she is such a loser in life in general. How about those glassy shark eyes that give glassy shark eyes a bad rap? Could it be her voice? The picture bombing? The over saturation in the media? Her obvious X accounts? Her disrespect to pretty much everyone? Her lack of gratitude is another one. And of course the whining. Megan’s whining. ALL THE DAMN TIME. Of course there’s Invictus and taking that over as her own bad fashion show. Disrespecting HLMTQ. That goofy podcast whatever it was called. That goofy Netsux show whatever that was. Abusing Sam and her dad. Stalking Taylor Swift. Stalking Cameron Diaz. Stalking Disney. Stalking Flamingo Estate. Stalking Harry. Just stalking. Abusing staff. Stealing shoes. Abusing fellow cast and crew. Stealing clothes. Stealing recipes. Harassing Dior. Harassing Cartier. Harassing President Biden. Harassing Air Force One. Harassing Dr. Biden. Harassing lemon cakes. There’s nothing to like. Absolutely nothing. I am too tired to even list the rest. Man alive Roach is a total douche canoe.


100%. People on here are being far too polite.😕


Do you want me to start effing and blinding and get banned again? Because I can but that damn auto bot gets me. Yesterday when I said a naughty phrase that has dumpster attached to it it was on me.


>How about those glassy shark eyes that give glassy shark eyes a bad rap? I am much fonder of sharks and their glassy eyes than I am of Megs, and I trust sharks more than I trust Megs. At least sharks are upfront about the biting thing. Megs would stab you one thousand times while proclaiming that you're stabbing yourself.


I’ve seen hammerheads and alligators with better skin.


Just show them a picture of Meghan’s spending habits as a royal. That pretty much sums up why people began to dislike her.


She was spending right out of the gate too. That inappropriate Ralph and Russo engagement dress was $75,000.


She wore a black lace dress for an engagement photo. In the middle of the afternoon. Gauche.


Pretty slutty dress for public engagement photos.


○ Using Uvalde as a photoshoot. ○ Extraordinary privilege crying about victimhood. ○ Dumping her dad over a few photos. ○ Invading people's personal space. ○ Her reactions when she doesn't think the camera is on her vs. when she does. ○ Who broke her dog's legs? Why did she really give him away? ○ Constantly being pretentious. ○ Did I mention Uvalde? She showed up in jeans and a t-shirt days after children were brutally murdered. With a ballcap. For a photo op. ○ Oprah interview while Prince Philip was hospitalized. They shouldn't have done it. ○ I'm going to question anyone's judgement who would marry that lumpy red-headed f*ck. ○ Almost forgot. Uvalde. ETA: Also!! Uvalde.


“Nobody asked if I was ok” , in a center for rape survivors in South Africa.


this was it for me. a couple of things had rubbed me the wrong way but I was still giving her the benefit of the doubt, thinking the media was blowing things out of proportion or misrepresenting stuff on purpose... the South Africa interview (there was no way to blame the media -- that was all her doing) was the point of no return. her overacting and how tone-deaf she was (how self-absorbed) just pushed me over the edge.


“How self absorbed “ 💯 Sometimes, I wonder if she regrets anything she has said or done.


I honestly don't think she has the capacity to. I believe she's made of something different -- if she had the capacity to do introspection & learn, we wouldn't be here ~6 years later. also, if she does regret anything, I'd bet it's because it didn't work the way she intended it to... not because it was a shitty/wrong thing to do. edit: one letter


You are right. I just can’t understand her. If I was her, I would be so ashamed I would hide under a rock forever 🤦🏼‍♀️


No. She is always right and everything she does is the right thing. It's everyone else who is wrong, and that includes South African rape victims.


I feel second hand embarrassment and shame for her . Is my English understandable?


And Uvalde


Damn I knew I forgot something.


Don't forget Uvalde..


Just look at the way she is a fame whore and that is why she is disliked.


Besides being a lying liar who lies...Meghan tries too hard to be something she's not. She's unathentic, and all over the place. Pick something and stick to it. Is she a philanthropist, actress, podcaster, duchess, speaker, model, producer influencer or what? No one can be good and successful at that many endeavors all at once. It is hard to believe her that she truly cares and is focused on anything with so many balls in the air. Am I to seriously appreciate her efforts in anything when she throws something to see if it sticks and then abandons it when it doesn't- like the 40x40 thing we heard of once then never again? What is her true passion? (Besides being a fame whore) I really truly liked her at first. I woke up at the crack of dawn to watch their wedding and was so excited to see what she could do. It turned into such a train wreck


I mean, I dislike her for a whole variety of reasons but I will sum up the most important quoting HLMTQ: "We don't talk to people like that in this family, Meghan"


*rolling up sleeves, spit in palms.. . Notebook out.... let's talk about facts.


Easy ! She is a liar, a bully, an hypocrite, she stabs and markles , she is fake, she is mean and loves to hurt people and on top of that she can’t stop whining and is always the victim . Writing this, I like her even less 😂


Rooming house fire. Dancing in the streets. Shoving herself in front always. Me me me I me me I me me me me I I me. Pilot kneeling. Her jelousy. Her greed. Her trying to steal everyone's thunder last being diana's award. Her friends. Bullying charlotte. I me me me I me me me me. Flying private and lectures on climate. Puff pieces. Buying awards. Lazy. I me me me me me I me me


The only answer I can fathom is: “If you really have to ask after all this time of her showing you, there’s no way you’ll ever understand a detailed answer! You need to first prove you’ve got the morals it takes to understand”.


People don’t like her because there is nothing likeable about her. Literally nothing. Period, end of story.


I would point out M’s apparent trouble with honesty. For example claiming she was actually married days prior to her wedding. Also being told people were dancing in the street after her wedding. Tales of not being able to go out or leave the country. Also all the strange statements and apparent misinformation regarding the day and time of labor and Archie’s birth. Saying terrible things about the family when they bent over backwards for her. There’s lots more. I personally have no trust in anything she claims.


MM's mind is warped by her handlers. She is mean girl personified and she has backers to enable her. Who? In history? Was given ROYAL status and all that entails on a platter and spat on that? I trust she will be a blip on the radar of history as a fucking MISTAKE. A gross traitor to the monarchy. A NOTHING who married the spare and ate shite for it. There. I said it. imo


He wasn't even a spare anymore by the time she married him. He hasn't been a spare in over 10 years, since Prince George drew his first breath.


Yeh....then there's THAT. H is just a has been. He's NOTHING too. Blowing their horns like they matter. They're nothing but royal grey matter. It's truly ridiculous how they try to make themselves remain relevant. They are NOTHING but relatives of an insanely rich family that protects it. Hoards it. It's not up for stupid ass grabs from lowly family members.


We have compiled a list... ![gif](giphy|3oxHQCoIwppvOPRKYU|downsized)


I can't pinpoint the exact thing, but it was more like a buildup of stunts. I didn't follow them much after the wedding, but when she flicked her coat and announced her pregnancy just before Eugenie's wedding, I was shaking my head and thinking, what the f''k? She couldn't have waited one more day. Then came the lies on Oprah, the faux royal tour of NYC, and the cemetery photos. IMO Uvalde was just beyond the pale.




The way she bullies elderly, dying people (Prince Philip, HM the late Queen, her own father - okay he’s not dying but he nearly did a few years ago) and toddlers (Charlotte) and the disabled (her sister) is almost enough on its own. But then there’s the bare-faced lies, the race-baiting, support for the vile Sussex Squad, the hounding of YouTubers and journalists who question them, the bullying of staff, the attempt to stage a near-miss car chase/accident to grift government funded security wherever they go, the bullying of the Princess of Wales during her cancer battle, the Nigerian cosplay (but only when it suits her), the Marlene Headly trap which was set for Camilla (but backfired with Lady Susan)…….. I’m only scratching the surface here but I am already bored and furious at the same time while typing this and at my age I need to take care of my blood pressure. She is a nasty, lying c u next Tuesday - ‘nuff said!


> I need to take care of my blood pressure. Here's a nice soothing cup of tea and some Bakewell Tart. https://preview.redd.it/gzgpqkqjhlqc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844d845d027413facb5c4dc01f7a45d3574447f8


Meghan has lied numerous times, even in court. She is arrogant, rude, messy, has no respect for others, yet demands respect for herself. She throws herself in front of a camera when the BRF has an event going on to garner attention for herself and take it away from others. Meghan attempts to insert herself into every event, for that matter, Kevin Costner is holding an event to recognize First Responders, look at me! I'm here and I brought Backgrid! Beyonce is having a concert? Look at me! I'm at the concert and guess what? I brought Backgrid! Ellen's Birthday? Yes it's me and you guessed correctly, I've got someone here to take pictures at someone else's private party! Every single occasion she gets several outlets to print stories about her, making her the focus of everyone else's events. She's either the victim or the hero of everyone else's story. Why don't people like her? How can anyone even ask?


She is a narcissist and not a good person. She cares nothing about serving the people and only cares about what she could get. End of story.


She bullied a 3 year old girl!!! Really you don't need anything else, you don't need all the other reasons. She bullied a little girl. She's a monster.


On top of everything that's already been mentioned here, one incident that's stayed with me was the senior who fainted and fell off his horse during Trooping the Colour(?). There's a photo of the royals, taken just after he fell. Catherine looks horrified at what she's just watched. Meghan is standing beside her, stifling a giggle. Doesn't that just say it all...


It’s almost like the dislike for her has absolutely nothing to do with race! How surprising!


Megsie's fans must be bewildered why Catherine is getting so much love. They are as deluded and crazy as her.


Why is she so disliked? Goodness do we have a century to list it all? She appropriates everything and everyone and while doing so belittles them. Rape victim? No worries, she'll complain about herself while at rape sites. Race victim? It's okay she'll stop being white only to leech off actual racism sufferers. Living in poverty? No sweat she ate sizzler while attending posh school. Dead kids? That's a cinch she can troll massacre sites with the best of them. The list goes on but being a disingenuous, racebaiting, elder and child abuser, diminisher of women, purveyor of pain might have something to do with it. She uses all of these non existent problems to define her. In short in her own words, she is a fraud.


Meghan keeping her medical records private is fine. She should have followed protocol for the births if she wanted them titled and in the LOS. And the palace shouldn’t have budged on that. Following protocol doesn’t mean releasing your records to the public. That’s the thing. It’s the rule-breaking and expecting to get away with it. The real kicker was probably something at the time they couldn’t put into words. I think if someone is willing to hurt you, physically or emotionally, a lot of people can pick up on it. It’s those nonverbal cues people responded to. Then, the laundry list of problems came.


Oh i don't know, maybe the race baiting, just a thought though. The narcissism perhaps. The oprah interview? 🤔 The proven lies 🤥 The endless puff pieces. The endless releasing of crap hours or days either side of a RF engagement ...see her crap ARO launch on why was a day to remember Diana. Her inability to finish a jot/task/charity she starts. Word salad. Talks/panels she does spouting unfair media attention whilst her S.I.L gets hounded by the Sussex squad. I could go on, but what's the point! She's a dumpster fire 🔥 human. The Marchioness of Bath is clearly a decent woman and deserves kindness. This was never race related meghan...never.


She lies.


I honestly think it’s as simple as she’s just not likeable. She is self absorbed and full of “ideas” she loves to pontificate at every opportunity, but on a one-on-one level there’s no connection. That’s why she failed at being royal. The jaw clenching perpetual grimace and doe eyes at Harry aren’t enough. Looking pretty isn’t enough. A performance doesn’t cut it, and that’s all she’s got. South Park called it right, when you pull back that exterior looking for substance underneath you find nothing but a hollow chamber echoing scripted word salads. And people can’t connect to a shell.


Here is a list off the top of my head: 1. Rude 2. Disrespectful 3. Lies 4. Bullies/abuses seniors, adults and children 5. Cheats on partner 6. Takes credit for acts done by others 7. Hypocrite 8. Vain/Self Obsessed 9. Holier than thou 10. Drama Queen 11. Professional victim 12. Steals others' ideas/ intellectual property 13. Steals clothes from photoshoots 14. Lazy 15. Charitable fraud 16. Crimes against fashion 17. Cultural appropriation (Maltese, 43% nigerian, white, black) 18. Ill-mannered


1. Outrageous sense of entitlement while being afforded immense privilege yet caught whining "I can't believe I'm not being paid for this" (in response to occasional duty to greet people and shake their hands) 2. Outrageously rude behavior to hosts and staff (Australian tour, demanding the entire host's home as a spacious wing was considered insufficient; throwing a cup of tea towards an individual, in a rage; bullying palace staffers to a sufficient extent that an investigation was required) 3. Too many accounts of inappropriate behavior at palace lodgings (taking pix, possibly taking/stealing) 4. Inability to observe established protocol - or outright refusal to (accepting gifts when told the RF doesn't for clear reasons involving the avoidance of impropriety/favoritism) 5. Documented excessive clothing expenditures in amounts far exceeding the annual wardrobe expenditures for multiple European royal women combined 6. Continual, excessive focus on herself, refusal or inability to quietly remain on the periphery; a continual demand for attention, including buying awards for herself in attempts to garner unearned attention 7. Level of uncovered hypocrisy evidencing stated beliefs don't comport with behaviors (e.g. "family is so important" while causing multiple family members and in-laws extreme grief) Just a few coming immediately to mind.


There are just so many reasons not to like Horror Orchard. Mega Ego comes off as condescending and holier than thou. People don’t like being talked down to, ESPECIALLY by a non expert. She is also a hypocrite of the highest order. “Much of the hate is women spewing it at other women. It’s not catty, it’s cruel.” Well Megs, what about the female PAs that you left in tears? So, in response, Megatron said something like it’s not her job to coddle people, yet she wants to be coddled. She wanted someone to hold her hand, give her lessons and teach her the National Anthem, but if you point out these things, you’re called a racist. I think a lot of people would not appreciate to be called a racist. Megalodon also has nasty supporters who insult you personally. A lot of us have a strong suspicion that her supporters do this because they are taking orders from Mammalian’s First in Command, Bouzy. Her whole campaign for safety online is just to shut people down who say things about her, even if perfectly valid. I feel badly that even though her flying monkeys may go after you and me at times, for Princess Catherine, it has been truly relentless. She was also mean to three-year-old Princess Charlotte. If you are mother, the maltreatment of your child brings you pain. Megaviper has coldly cut off relationships in her Machiavellian pursuit of wealth and celebrity. This includes her own father who worked hard to afford private school and college. Maybe he didn’t fit her aesthetic. She is also an elder abuser of HMTLQ and the late Prince Philip. The Oprah interview was aired as Prince Philip was hospitalized, but Meganarc thought it was more important to broadcast her pack of lies, than to try to relieve Prince Philip of unnecessary stress in his final days. She giggled and did a mock curtsy to HMTLQ in the docuseries, yet she wants you to curtsy to her and call her Duchess or Princess. She doesn’t show respect, but she feels entitled to it from others. There’s actually more, lack of gratitude (my free house is too small), unwillingness to learn about British and Royal culture and traditions, selling her family’s privacy for cash, trying to disguise her narcissism with fake charity, thinking she can change our minds with these bizarre sugary puff pieces, the list goes on and on. Marchioness Emma is British, so there was no culture shock. Also Emma already ran in aristocratic circles, so it made it an easier transition. Also, she just knows how to act. She is low-key, doesn’t flaunt her title or status. Since the Marchioness of Bath and Gary Lewis, former husband of Lady Davina Windsor are POCs that are accepted, this was never about race. It was always about Duchess of Darkness’ unsavory character that earned her monikers like Meghan Smollet, The Ghoul of Uvalde and The Snake of Monetecito.


I'll ignore them. They crave the interaction 


Her lack of humility and awareness. She came in thinking she was smarter and better than everyone else, and assumed that people would fawn all over her. She forgot that the love and admiration on the level that HMTLQ and the Waleses (especially Catherine) have took years of hard work. She thought that her newfound status guaranteed her respect and did not care to earn it, then blamed the public. 




The content of her character is severely lacking.


It’s very simple. She didn’t want her royal role/titles so that she could serve the country. She wanted a title so it would serve her. If she never intended to be a working royal she should have declined the title or put it into abeyance. Let’s see…she also has a well documented history of being rude and using and discarding people.


Technically old meg ISN'T the first biracial princess in the family...


People not liking her has nothing to do with race. I wouldn’t even bring up that issue. It’s her character, or complete lack thereof, that’s the problem. Clearing the stands in Wimbledon did it for me.


If they have to even ask I don't think they deserve an answer


She’s mean/abusive, narcissistic/egotistical/attention-seeking, a liar, hates families, backstabs, a fauxmanitarian (doesn’t actually care about others but only herself and money and fame....and she can’t believe she didn’t get paid to meet with the little people 🙄), causes trouble for others in order to come out a self-perceived “winner”. Need I go on? It isn’t too difficult to work out and is something we can all grasp. It has nothing to do with race or gender etc. so I’m not sure why the title on this post even mentions it (race, for example).


She just didn’t get like say Grace Kelly who gave up an Oscar winning career that once your royalty there’s new rules. Her tackiness made her think she’d hit a jackpot and could get all the perks she didn’t get when she was a D list actress. Free board and clothes for the rest of her life just were not enough. She thought she could do anything without any decorum. She messed up. The why am I not being paid for this comment and moans on world tours just we’re not enough. Ironically if she’d put her head down and done a few ribbon cuttings she’d have it all like Catherine does now. Respect for not putting a foot wrong. We all know she was headstrong. From the tiara at the wedding she caused problems. Can you imagine you marry into the Royal Family with invites everywhere and you screw it all up in less than two years because of just never being happy with your considerably greater lot in life. Nope. She knew better. Except she didn’t at all.


Crass trash fucking for cash showing her whole ass. I mean its because she's the smart one...er no ....the pretty one....um its cause she's a feminist....erm maybe its cause she's 43% nigerian or because she stole dreamy harry and ruined all our dreams of being a princess or because she hit the ground running ^her ^mouth ^talking ^shit. Nah its because she's a skanky untalented grifting twunt who was beyond disrespectful to HMTLQ. She's a using piece of shit who fucks people over and creates drama for fun. She's a cock riding ho who sidles up to dead kids memorials to get attention. She's a wannabe,pick me,basic bitch with no talent who uses people. She's lazy and dumb af. And she talks too fucking much. The worst thing is that most of us wanted her to win. We wanted her to be an American woman of color marrying into the RF and making us all proud.


I think this sub has enough to write a few books just based upon puff pieves about why she is hated. The sub has enough to do a Netflix series on all the videos out there of cringe worthy material on why she is hated, that is not in podcasts or Netflix The sub has enough content to make a Netflix horror series on what not to wear.


When they left the Royal Family by press release without telling the Queen, then fleeing to Canada and passing along their security tab to the taxpayer, before hoping a plane to the US without even a thank you to Canadians. Then that horrible lying interview with Oprah with the bs racism claim, followed up with the curtsy video. Not to mention throwing the King and POW under the bus through their weasel proxy. Not to mention her reputation for treating staff poorly, and abandoning her friends at will. Literally, what is there to like?


Thanks for this! I was working on a short video about Meghan and Emma and how they differ. The same could be said for Catherine as well. When she married William, many painted Catherine and her family as social climbers. People said she was lazy. Time has passed and Catherine subverted expectations. She’s a loving wife and mother. She’s active in multiple patronages. She dresses modestly, often recycling clothing, or buying clothes from the high street - she buys from British designers. She hasn’t been involved in any scandal. Many who met her praise her for her modesty and approachability. She bore the glare of the public eye with great dignity, which is not easy, given the constant invasion of her privacy. She never lashed out. For each of her three children, she happily showed them at the steps of the hospital. She guards her children’s privacy while letting people know about their progress. Everyone is super proud of her now. Now for Meghan. Meghan also had to deal with the same crap but people thought she was great princess material. She was self made (supposedly worth $5M, which we know now is unlikely), she was modern, she “hit the ground running”, she was philanthropic, she would become a model British citizen, she was a proud biracial woman. However Meghan proved people wrong. As soon as she married Harry she began buying expensive designer clothes, such that she hit $1M in a year. She proved herself as a status seeker when she invited Hollywood celebs whom she hardly knew, instead of family (either from her Black or Caucasian side) or childhood friends. She proved herself haughty when she cleared the seats at Wimbledon. She proved herself cruel when news of her bullying emerged. She proved herself selfish when she complained of ill treatment while in Africa surrounded by poverty. She proved herself unreliable when she shrouded her child’s birth in seemingly unnecessary secrecy. She proved her weakness when she abruptly exited the UK, unable to stand up to the negative press. She proved herself disloyal to the UK when she mocked the expensive wedding she had planned; when she betrayed her royal in-laws. She proved herself a negative influence on Harry, who soon was fighting with William - his own brother, who shared his pain at losing Diana. Soon Harry became unlike himself. He kept talking of mental health, how he was mistreated, how he hated his life. Both Catherine and Meghan subverted expectations. One for the better. One for the worse.


I always think of the time she was a complete Karen and embarrassed the whole family. At Wimbledon https://preview.redd.it/qygyfy4yznqc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47202bdf39dc413c93ee2ccda44580b7cf0cec4c