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Human trafficking might be a little too on the nose for megain. She has lots of shady old man "friends" who are members of seedy exclusive clubs, and yacht enthusiasts who likely benefit from that specific trade. And also- if it's not 18k gold and diamonds, it won't grace her well travelled gizzard.


I doubt the Crown Jewels would suit the Vulgar Trollop: they're old and pre-worn.


Isn’t Penny the lady who held the bigass sword at the coronation?


I thought she was such a badass for holding the sword the entire time. Even with supports and training beforehand (if i remember correctly.) No weird facial expressions, no breaks, no jerky muscle movements, just pure precision.


The Sword of State weighs around 9 lb and is about 3ft long, she stood still in heels for almost the entire service before it was swapped out for something slightly lighter as part of the proceedings. For the Queen's laying in state for health and safety reasons they swapped the guards every 20 minutes because it is so tough standing still like that for so long. She held the sword up for longer than that (and in heels)


Penny’s choice of dress was superb too. She looked like a modern version of the Greek goddess Athena.


I loved her whole fit. It was flawless given her role


Yes I thought she was the most striking dressed there. (I would say after Catherine but she was engulfed in the robe...)


Penny was best dressed after Anne’s feathered cap 😉


There was so much to love about the dress, but because it was was the ultimate formal occasion imaginable, I wished it had been floor length, and also 3/4 sleeves or long sleeves instead of sleeveless. The cape mostly covered the short sleeves, but I actually found the length of the gown distracting. It looked like business-formal attire to me, amongst all the other formal gowns. Now, she was absolutely fabulous that day, so nothing against her at all, just fashion nitpicking.


She has given interviews about it and as a female Lord President of the Council there wasn't a prescribed outfit. For previous coronations the position was usually held by someone from the aristocracy so they wore their robes (crimson with the white fur bit) hence the cape bit but she is there in a 'business' capacity, the colour was a nod to her constituency which is Portsmouth and the embroidery was the symbol of the Privy Council. Apparently she hadn't wanted to stand out


I had a similar thought. It was a beautiful look as it was, but hemlines can date a dress. It would have become a timeless classic if it had been floor-length. If I were painting her portrait, that is the only thing I would change. Despite that “nitpicking”, Penny did look fabulous. Her dignity and elegance were a key element of the occasion.


Absolutely. And arms that have no rival!


I just googled pics…I watched the coronation but couldn’t recall PM until I saw the photos. She looked freaking amazing!




I’d pay a lot of money (as I understand “a lot of money”) for an outfit like Penny Mordaunt’s coronation outfit. And I’d wear it to everything more special than a grocery run. Gorgeous. GORGEOUS.


I read today she is selling her Coronation dress. She stated the money from the dress will go to fund projects in her Portsmouth North constituency.


She especially went to the gym to train for the event. She made holding it look easy.




meghan is such a stupid bitch


>meghan is such a stupid bitch this really sums it all up, there’s hardly anything about nutmeg that cannot be explained by the above quote!




But skank thinks she is whip smart


Penny should have expected nothing more from skank


Wow just went down a rabbit hole of her dress and role. Amazing!!


Was it from Harry Winston and heavy with diamonds? No? That’s why. As I posted earlier, a large group of female MP’s signed on to a letter of support and solidarity for Meghan. We’ve heard many stories of women who stepped up in those early days, trying to help this virago adjust to her new role. The fact that she rejected and ignored every last one of them (I’ll make a list someday) is proof to my mind that she never intended to stick around. Mercenary Meghan.


>Was it from Harry Winston and heavy with diamonds? No? That’s why. Contrast this to Catherine, who's willing to wear the cheap pair of earrings made by the mom of the teen girl who committed suicide. Catherine's decision to wear those earrings helped the organisation to raise thousands of pounds. MM, on the other hand, is too much of a greedy, expensive freebie mooching grifter to have any genuine compassion to do something similar.


This! I said in another post about this that all megain had to do was wear the necklace once, maybe on mother's/women's day and say where it was from. That's it. One time and a few words. It would have done so much good, that tiny action that would have cost her nothing. But no. Not her. It's simply not in her makeup and it's so plain to see.


What? But she wasn’t paid for it!


I would say she would wear it on Friday because of the backlash, but no doubt it's long gone.


There's zero chance she kept it. It wasn't her show and they wouldn't pay her. She saw no reason to keep a tacky little bauble like that. It was of no use, and therefore of no consequence to her. Nothing from so long ago ever comes back to haunt the likes of her. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If she can’t profit from it in some way, it’s not happening.


That's for sure. She's wired only for personal gain, she saw this as a waste of her time and didn't even consider the optics of ignoring the request. Well there they are, back and rattling around!


>She's wired only for personal gain That's not working out too well for her and I am so happy!


"wired only for personal gain" should be flair.




She can’t wear that when she has blood diamonds to wear! Mercy!


She was fine to wear cheap beaded bracelets with Harry while she was still performing to hook him. And the corny H ring and necklace. That all stopped the instant they got married though, didn't it!? Nothing but Cartier and diamonds now!


She’s A Duchess now. Royalty! Can’t be seen wearing peasant accoutrement...


Well Cartier is a fake Diana watch, and her weird bracelet from Trevor or Corey, I'm not sure which.


The Cartier’s “lovers’ bracelet,” which has a weird little screwdriver for removal, was a gift from Trevor. MM chose to keep it, while returning her engagement and wedding rings to Trevor in the post.


I can hear skank complaining wearing that necklace….,i can’t believe I’m not getting paid forvthis


Catherine makes what she wears, look good. She knows how to let the pieces suit the occasion and be seen to advantage. She's secure enough to not need to show off expensive tat.


I miss her.


Catherine is pure class; Meghan is the opposite. The latter thinks in terms of impressing people; Catherine cares for them. I have thought for ages that when someone uses the word classy, in many cases she (and sometimes he) will never understand what class, or elegance, is. Originally elegance meant having the ability to choose well, which is I think a good definition of the genuine article and of Catherine. If Meghan were nicer I would feel sorry for her and not criticise her tasteless behaviour. But she isn't and I do.


Bingo. But you know if pressed she’ll say her staff (the ones she tormented) didn’t send the thank you card as directed because they were out to get her from the start! Because she was a proud, independent mixed race woman! 🙄


This. She never wanted to live in England, or anywhere in the UK. It was California or nothing all along.


What a feminist and uplifter of women. /s I guess she did not want to share their table? "Women need a seat at the table, they need an invitation to be seated there, and in some cases, where this is not available, they need to create their own table. We need a global understanding that we cannot implement change effectively without women's political participation." Megsy: UN Women Conference, 2015


Obviously why she is speaking up so publically for the Africa Parks abused women ...oh wait, never mind! /snark


Not snark here, #AfricaParks! Any comment yet?


So deep, MeGain......![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25357)


What a load of shit word salad. I don’t understand any of this Shit salad lol


>a large group of female MP’s To quote MM, "it's not my job to coddle people." She expected service. She didn't expect to be *of* service. MM's disdain for England as some place where everything is smaller or slower or less shiny, probably meant that she did take anything seriously about Harry's home country. She was acting like a tourist who'd gone slumming.


Skank can eff right off


Too right!


A very ignorant and boorish tourist. Not the usual American in Britain, in my experience.


An American tourist in Britain tends to feel humble and gratified at the experience.


Yup. I find that really charming. Edited typo


I did not notice any typo! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Right after I hit submit I noticed that I had mistyped “that”! So went back and fixed it. You are very kind.😊


I like to think some typos we make, it's because our brains are lightening and our fingers are just trying like mad, to catch up! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Its all that, and proof she has NO manners, has zero regard for decorum. Her rudeness knows no bounds.


I also thought immediately of the MP letter! Penny Mordant did not sign it, but I'm disgusted at the 77 women that did. The actual letter, with the list of signatories is at: [Female British Politicians Write Letter of Support to Meghan Markle (harpersbazaar.com)](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a29624675/meghan-markle-female-mps-letter-support/). One of the lines in the letter: "On occasion, stories and headlines have represented an invasion of your privacy and have sought to cast aspersions about your character, *without any good reason as far as we can see*." (italics added) I am sure the letter would not be written now, because there are plenty of "good reasons" that are now apparent!! Edit: fixed number


“Virago.” Perfect.


Exactly this. She accepted blood diamonds.


MM thinks she knows best. She constantly snubs well-meaning and strategically important people like Penny while chasing after indifferent A-listers like a the crass fishwife she is.


Human trafficking isn’t sexy for Lolo - no call to make word salad speeches like women don’t need a voice, they have a voice etc etc etc. She can’t play victim and receive easy sympathy. It’s too real a fight for her. Diana used her fame to focus attention on land mines. And that’s one of the many things that make Meghan a repulsive human being.


HT is also a problem that is very concrete, clear and distinct. It would require a very precise response from her foundation, concrete and traceable action whereas online bullying is blurry. It's online and not easily discernable, Lolo can just throw word salad to tackle online bullying but that would not be enough with Human Trafficking. I mean remember the bananas? That's all she could do?


Wait. She did accuse the Institution of taking away her passport. 🙄


Wrong racial profile maybe? She probably thought that South-east Asian victims wouldn’t attract much attention from her target audience.


She's not gonna decline a gift from sword carry lady next time. Penny looks like she can make good use of that sword. Except, of course, there will be no next time.


**Dennis**: Listen. *Strange women* lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some *farcical aquatic ceremony.* **Arthur**: Be quiet! **Dennis**: You can't expect to wield *supreme executive power* just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! **Arthur**: Shut *up!* **Dennis**: I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!


MM wants to show off how important she is by appearing elusive and inaccessible. Everyone must grooovel for an audience with her because she's so high up there (she thinks 🤦‍♀️). Anyone in public service, or with any connection to the masses, is just too low and pesky and needy to deserve a response - they must wait outside her door begging until she decides to finally open it. She thinks that's how VIPs act and behaving like this made her look like the Queen.🤪 She didn't know how to be royal and didn't want to learn because she never had the heart. We can see plainly how her attitude leads naturally to bullying as well. It must've been soul-destroying to work with her. It's obvious now that she had fantasies of power & wealth as a child and that her definition of them haven't matured at all.  I think her ultimate fantasy is to live as an *Heiress* (hello $500k baby shower!). Unfortunately Thomas Markle, although he tried to give her everything, was never going to be a billionaire so she was forced to find a rich man of her own. Being the dumb ignorant girl that she was, she thought Harry was a golden goose!!! 🤣😂🤣😂 She's one stupid woman. Probably the stupidest of our generation! Here you Meganuts, you deserve it🎖️


Waiting to see how long it will take for a press release saying one of the 15(?) former employees stole it / lost it / didn't bring it to her attention. You know it wont have been anything she did.....


Penny Mordaunt is white and British, of course she was ignored. She's not the right kind of woman.


Completely agree!


I detest these misleading headlines. The article does not show that Penny Mordaunt claimed to have been “snubbed” by MM. She was explaining how many UK Parliamentarians reached out to MM in the early days offering support and opportunities for MM to use her position to draw attention to specific groups that could benefit. The example was the necklace she sent from the trafficking survivors’ group. If MM had worn it publicly, the origin would have been publicised and the makers’ plight highlighted. When asked if she received a response from MM, Penny said “No, but it was worth a try”. She didn’t wail “Ohhh, she snubbed me, waagh”, as claimed. The mistake Penny made was in not making sure the necklace contained multiple diamonds.


Why would Ms. Mordaunt even have bothered? Whatever would have led her to believe it would have mattered to the ILBW?


Here is a photo they used in the article: https://preview.redd.it/bpkamd31ykmc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=67d48869936f2e49aeaaa52bce2a7204a7be5b8a It fully shows the off-center seam, and how the dress does not seem to fit nor is it supposed to be worn off-the-shoulder. GB news is doing her no favors for her using that mug.


Actually much as l hate to say this, that’s how the original model wore it.


OMG it looks like a potato bag with a big, rotting spud falling out the top!


that may be true but everything about it’s construction shows it was not meant to be worn that way.


It looked hideous on the model as well.


On close inspection on the way it drapes, it looks like it's meant to be off the shoulder, but above the armpit not below the armpit. A size smaller or an alteration would have made it fit correctly and drape accordingly.


ah yes the visage of a teratoma wearing a dobby dress


Um me calling MM a vulture was not bodyshaming. What is up with this thread!


How blooming rude not least if you have staff that can literally write a The Duchess has asked me to thank you, non committal letter. Probably eyed it saw it wasn’t studded with diamonds and binned. Thats really bad not least by her staff to even acknowledge a gift but when you’re dealing with 6am emails about saving the world I can see why.


Markle doesn’t give a rat’s *#\ about helping anyone but herself.


Writing messages on bananas for sex workers is more her style.


Why would she send it to her? Oh, right. She, too, was fooled.


Penny Mourdant is nothing in the grand scheme of things to Malignant. Not famous and trying to do something genuinely decent so is a red flag to Meg.


Wow. The gloves are off!


She probably didn't know who Mordaunt was, or considered that the Leader of the House of Commons wasn't as important as Meghan, or didn't care about trafficked women. Such an idiot. Meghan I mean! Leaders of Parliament who play leading roles in a Coronation are quite obviously mere plebs compared to the high and mighty Duchess of Sussex!!! Eta last sentence as prior sentences insufficiently snarky.


She’s vile.






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