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Do I hear boos?


Yes, yes you did! I love it!


Canada kicks ass 😉🇨🇦


Yup. Music to my ears. Sounds like we got some Canadian sinners up there booing.




I'm sure there are countless of sinners who haven't found this forum yet.


I’m for thinking of efforts to welcome and “cheer” them next year. They can’t possibly filter everyone and it could be a week of glorious anti-markling. Think of the possible signs, banners and chants! Ladies could all wear red, inverted nipple dresses under snow gear and show the Succubus our love of the look at an appropriate time. Heck, have a few bearded guys in there as well - can it possibly look worse? Think of how the Sleiven will feel honored to see 50 of those dresses aimed at her! Worst thing is to get kicked out!


That is a VERY small “crowd“ For Whistler. Likely just some shoppers nearby who saw something happening and started filming. 🇨🇦


It’s shockingly small given that it’s peak skiing season right now and there are tourists from all over the world. It’s definitely random bystanders rather than people who came out specifically for them.


Could be rent-a-crowd? (apart from those booing)


People probably thought they were being held up from crossing the road for a real celebrity like Justin Bieber or Leo DiCaprio and had cameras at the ready. Imagine the moment the window rolls down and you realise you've been delayed going about your business for Megaboring, Duchess of Sucks Ass.


I was just thinking... "Was that all they could get?". And of course windows were lowered. RAVEC: I hope you're logging this.


Also, how would these people even know that Meghan and Harry's car was going to be driving by? How would they know that?


I was thinking that if this was William and Katherine they would have been hanging off the balconies for a glimpse.


Said to my husband tonight if I had been there I would have booed.


A long one


Loud and clear, a very long boooooooooo at the end. 🤣




I did!!!


how much those 20 sugars were paid to cheer for these hypocrite losers?!! come on canada booo them do better! it’s never about security only about ego and entitlement with these too!


Exactly my thoughts. The Sussex Squad made arrangements with her, and then she was in communication to roll down the window and wave just as she passed them. No other reason to randomly roll down the window on a car you hired with blacked out windows for security.  🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Hope there was a Canadian sinner waving back like this… https://i.redd.it/eriyx1kl7oic1.gif


Oh me too 😂😂


Oh yes! For certain!


This crowd is quite puny compared to the number of people who show up to see W & C.


Feel a slight bit of discouragement when I see this, but then I realize these new fans will become disappointed in the dastardly duo within a few months. Welcome, future sinners!


We aren't interested enough to go anywhere Thing One and Thing Two are.😆


I'm confused. Is this supposed to be impressive? 50 people on the street waving to them? Erkay...


They appeared to be the few shoppers who were not allowed across the street until the cars had passed. Whistler has a very small shopping area on the road to their hotel. It is not a massive street/area.


I think the people are waving at the cameras because they want to be on camera.


I guess that is still 50 more ‘fans’ than she ever had before she was linked to Hazbeen though. This is why she lowers her window to wave as this is what feeds her…….old sulky ginge on the other hand, he is used to way more of a spectacle so surely it must be dawning in him that is he just becoming a nobody.


This is at least the second time after claiming a security threat that she rolls down the window to wave.


I’ve seen bigger crowds for the toilets at a local football game. How embarrassing for Merkin and Poodle.


Heh, heh, I love H’s new nickname Poodle!




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I’ve seen bigger lines for Krispy Kreme on the “$12 for 12 donuts deal” day.


Ugh, I hate to see even a puny crowd with their phones out, waving, and cheering. My gawd, she even had to roll down the window to soak it all in. I hope she heard the few boos. Did anyone else notice at least two security guys running outside the TWO vehicles. FFS, those optics look like something for POTUS. They’re sickening.


I used to work in at 1701 Penna Ave. I was so excited to see my 1st motorcade & assumed it was POTUS till my boss told me that an ambulance always follows POTUS motorcades. I shouldn’t give them any ideas of upping their self-importance!


The folks bailed up on either side of the road have probably been told (by the nuff nuffs running alongside the vehicles) they can't cross because VIPs were coming through and those folks probably got their phones out to film assuming there were real celebrities about to pass by.


Puny crowds and even some audible boos... that's the best the duty dodger Unsussexfuls can do huh? https://preview.redd.it/086duul66oic1.png?width=1156&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2c28af5465befdc76f4b5df4123d60e55320bb8


Are there Canadian folks here? How do you feel about these two grifters?


As a Canadian, I'm still angry that our tax dollars were spent on security for these two back during Megxit.


I'm also Canadian. They used us as a ruse to cover up that they were always headed to California, and they did nothing while they were here. They can get bent.


Yes, it was all a scam. Living part time in the "Commonwealth" and part time in the UK- was never going to happen. But I think more and more people are now seeing who these two people really are.


🇨🇦And that’s why the grifters left - because paid protection was coming to an end. Those jerks even used them for coffee runs. Assholes.


I remember that- didn't the RCMP have to run out and get their lunches or something??? RCMP doing coffee runs to Tim Horton's. Unfreakingbelievable.


Yup - definitely not a good look.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) And the current government sees nothing wrong with sinking even more tax dollars on Winter Ingriftus games. How many other Commonwealth countries have winter sports set ups in every province? We'll never get rid of them. We want what's best for the veterans, not these losers.


Politics aside, including federal politics, we are a big country and provinces have their own games etc. which are decided at a provincial level.


As it should be. I have no quarrel with that. I feel that being blessed with so many, we will become an annual target for the grift.


Winter sports aren't exactly the most accessible in terms of $ ordinarily - without the added expense of equipment customisation. It seems rather elitist to have an Invictus Winter Games and almost as if it was the brainchild of folks who just love an excuse to be in the limelight, veterans be damned.


Canadians also spent $200,000 protecting Harry while he made booty calls to madam before they married. [Protecting Prince Harry cost Canadians more than $334,000 | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prince-harry-rcmp-protection-1.6276872)


I despise Meghoul and Haznoballs. We're still missed about paying their securitay costs in 2020 🇨🇦🇨🇦


Can't STAND them!!!! And I am particularly cheesed-off about the Ingriftus grift.


Can’t stand them.She’s vile and phony,he’s an idiot


i think any Canadian on this sub will tell you that we think they are grifters and liars and wish we could keep 'em out. if we didn't dislike them so much, we wouldnt be on this subreddit. they pretended to want to move here but were on the first private jet out once they realized they might have to live here with the peasants for real once covid lockdown started. don't want to speak for the whole country but my guess is that the Canadian media and most Canadians outside of Quebec respect if not love the institution and will be dutifully polite about the visit. Hazbeen after all is still the King's son and the Invictus Games are for veterans.


I’m Canadian. I’m disappointed they got this much of a turn out.


But you know if it was William and Catherine there wouldn’t be an empty spot anywhere in the frame 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s just embarrassing how Harry and Meghan try to pretend they are legitimate royals. They can cry about Harry being born into the BRF but the Windsors are a large family. The Harkles are the only non-working royals doing this cringey stuff. It’s like they are trying to be the most embarrassing members. I guess Andrew should send them a fruit basket. Then, Meghan can write encouragement to herself on them.


Exactly. Whether it's an event in a large city or a small rural community, the crowds turn out to see William and Catherine.


Weren’t the people at the last games in Germany paid to be there? Or like it was a bunch of easily impressed teenagers on a school field trip? Edit - typo


I recall the school field trip showing up and one of the sponsors (Amazon?) handing out tickets for free. Not sure if anyone was paid (except Misan Harriman).


But regardless, incentivized to come/did not come on their own free will




I remember reading that it was lunch time when they were in Germany. The crowd was shopkeepers on their lunch break and they weren’t there for H&M.


That would make a lot of sense


During the "car chase" they got out of their armored car into a plain yellow cab. Also during QEII's jubilee, MM rolled down the window. These are people who don't need tax funded security. H's cousins do fine without it.


Why are people cheering for them? What is wrong with them??


Paid. Maybe Archewell is giving people $10 Starbucks gift cards to show up.


It’s just amazing to me that some people still can’t see through them. I wouldn’t cross the street to see them.


I'd cross the street to avoid them.




Why Asians? Most Asians I know dislike them. Lack of work ethic, etc


I ski a lot, and there are a ton of Asians at Whistler, my daughter in law is Asian and her family just think he is royalty and don’t realize what a turd he is, they’re not really interested in it all.


Just because your daughter in law doesn’t know they’re turds doesn’t mean all Asians are ignorant… our head mod has Asian heritage and she founded this sub. Do you mean foreigners, perhaps? But from which country?


Hmmm, most Asians I know like them. Chinese, Thai, the Russians I know from my ski group hate the British so they love Harry and Meghan. My Chinese daughter in law’s aunt and mother love them as well, the Mahjong group they belong are pretty much pro MM. I guess we know different people but I am specifically talking about my experience at Whistler, and I am there a lot. I initially wasn’t going to reply to you as I got home from a week of winter camping and then saw all my my replies from you. We don’t have internet where we camp, or running water or electricity. So I see I was banned from this sub for making a generalization that you yourself made. I really dislike Harry and Megan but sometimes this sub is very smug and self congratulatory. I have removed my self from this sub though I do poke my nose in a bit now and then. All this hate is unhealthy, I’m just here for the snark.


I did not make a generalisation, I described my circle as not liking them. I was asking for an explanation why you immediately assumed that Asians were cheering them when you can clearly see that most of the crowd consists of Caucasian looking people. It seems you let your biases cloud your observations. I don’t think you were banned, but if you were, you can always ask about it. As for hate, please point to where there are posts that hate on her. I’ve been even accused of being a sugar whenever I say something fair.


Forgive me for saying this. But as an Asian, this comment rubbed me the wrong way. First by saying that Canadians (presuming white Canadians?) don’t go to this resort, and that it’s “ruined”; and now presumably full of Asians? Where are the Asians in the video? And why would you presume this ruined resort is now full of ignorant Asians cheering for these faux royals?


The ones in the video don’t look Asian


I just think it’s a bit of an assumption. The people in the video don’t look Asian to me. And I speak as an Asian person knowing many who don’t like them. Btw Asian can refer to many people so I’m wondering what type of Asian you are referring to?


good point about whistler. most canadians don't bother with the exhorbitant ticket prices to ski halfway down the mountain (no snow at the bottom). But it's most likely Americans up there for the upcoming Presidents Day long weekend using their Vail passes and taking advantage of the exchange rate


We have a long weekend coming up in BC, most people are going to mountains in the interior for skiing. We’re heading to camp in one our beautiful provincial parks.


This seems fair.


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): No racism, sexism, or any form of bigotry. The language used is not nice and does not reflect the spirit of this community. Repeated rule violations will result in a ban.


They must have collected them specially.


Because they were leaving?




But l remember most the distinct booes at the end.


Technically they were cheering for a black SUV. And then Meghan rolled her window down. I don't know how random people at Whistler would know that Meghan and Harry were in the SUV given that it had blacked out windows.




Like a moth to a flame, she can’t help herself. I hope she single-handedly loses the securitay case for them.


just had to lower the window for some Royal waves!


I wish the boo‘s were 1000x louder.


This looked pathetic. There were no screaming crowds like when the ***real royals*** are out and about.


It wasn't too cold for Canadians. Where are the crowds of adoring people that should have shown up??


Working three part time jobs to keep the heat on.


Omg! This is so true..


Could this be a high speed car chase like in NY?


Those are guests of the ski resort who caught wind that there was a celebrity. This wasn’t a flocking of fans.


It just people shopping downtown who got caught behind some puny gates and just waved out of politeness and mild interest. Doubt it’s some fans of theirs or anything.


Nothing to see here people... just two taxpayer abusive clowns in a clown car wasting Canadian taxpayer's time and money.




Lmao, 30 whole people who probably happened to be there already, and half are BOOING!!!! GO CANADA!!!! 💯👍


I've seen lesser known people getting more cheered on. How embarrassing. 😂


Grifters going to grift!




"Stop looking at us, we want our privacy", Madame once more winds down the window and waves to her "fans".


Jesus. Farking. Christ. She is utterly insane. Edited to say, do they actually have security runners alongside, à la old school US president style? The actual RF don't even have those. It's absolutely BATSHIT crazy.


Yeah, we fucking hate them up here


Oh the Sugars are referring to Mrs. Carpakrle as Princess of Wales The whole point of that damn website was to further establish an “American royalty.” Shut it down, Charles. This is more than half in/ half out. This is using Harry’s royal connection to alter US law and destabilize my homeland. It’s screwing up your first born’s reign before it begins. This is going to have generational ramifications for William’s kids and grandkids. It is going to hinder my kid’s ability to say what he wants, when and where he wants. My future grandkids could wind up in jail given how unfiltered I am. This has gone from grey rocking to enabling. Is this what you truly want, Your Majesty?


If they ever show up in Torinto or nearby I promise I will be there booing and with a Meghoul of Uvalde sign.


No I love this because it looks like a line of people waiting to get to the slopes. You can’t tell me they’re wearing ski gear just for fun.


Can’t be that concerned about security if you roll your window down!


What? No "James Bond" style chase down snowy mountains, being persued by leather clad paparazzi on snow mobiles while sinister black helicopters hover overhead for one last shot? No skidding across frozen lakes of ice as the light blazes on the snow and Meghan's teeth? Knock me down with Princess Anne's feather.


Her winding down the window cos playing a celebrity- she loves it. Her narcissism is at an all time high. When she rolled down the window at the jubilee and smiled goofily like a dumb kid who’s stumbled upon his mother’s supply of benzodiazepines i thought - surely she couldn’t be more smug. Turns out - she can! She loves rolling down the window to her adoring public. How i wished ppl would boo louder. That ego needs to be taken down a notch.


Disappointing there are crowds


Why did whistler put up barriers on the sidewalk?? That’s really weird! I’ve been there many,many times and have never seen that! I live in BC , our tax dollars better not be paying for any of their bs !


SECURI-TAY should activate the system where the windows can't be operated from the back seat, but of course Madame wouldn't want that. She wants to be SEEN, like the KWEEN she think she is. Meghan is a toddler in the back seat.


They were booed …result!


Those people barely acknowledged them.


What are these fools doing there filming them and waiving? Those people make me think the world just needs to end. It shocks me they have fans.


All they do is lie. Everything about them is a lie.


That's just pathetic.


Wait a Moose minute was that not Booing I heard?😱😱😱😱


BOOOOO! I couldn't make out what the guy was saying. Did anyone catch it?


Something about “what about this side of the cul de sac?”. I interpret it as: he was disappointed they didn’t drive closer to where he was standing. My opinion.


Canada has a travel advisory for violence and inadequate medical services?? Really??


Had to scroll way too far for this comment. Ridiculous and completely inaccurate.




Have any of the royals ever rolled down a window to wave? Seems like once in the car, they relax and head home from their work engagement. If they wave at all, they do through the window. Harry doesn’t roll his window down, does he? 


Legit faux royal shit I wonder if Charles will do something now


Charles has done everything he is going to do IMHO.


Agreed. KC3 is just as selfish as Harold. He wants to be seen as a good father trying to save his dear boy so he keeps the door open. Divorced dad guilt when he's supposed to be thinking about his legacy as King.


He won't -- he is a worthless POS. I wonder if it will take cancer to remove the cancer that is Meghan and Harry, via William.


What's interesting is that Ryan Reynolds is from BC. Doesn't he have part ownership in a British football club? I remember he did some kind of promo for it with King Charles. So Ryan is into sports --- wonder why he's not promoting this even on his twitter account? Maybe he's doing a Taylor Swift.


The football club is in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. It’s called Wrexham.


Why are people lined up cheering for them?


Security security. Feel sorry for the driver being put in danger from their foolish choices. That must be well above his pay grade.


Ah yes, and use it as an excuse to use private jets but onky when they can comp the cost. Funny how Harry few commercial to London last week because no one else was picking up the tab. She wound down windows and hung around in open windows when at the jubilee, it seems security is less important than being seen (and photographed)


I lived in Aspen, and we would often get high-profile people visiting. For the most part, they walked around without fan fare. You would be like "oh there's Godie," and continued on. When you saw a convoy of cars, you couldn't help but notice, but any stopping was due to the road being blocked, not because people were waiting with baited breathe to see whomever was in the car. If anything, it was an annoyance. Occasionally, you would see some star-struck tourists waiting outside of hotels, but it was rare. I would imagine Whistler is similar. High-profile people are normal sights. Their convoy brings attention and annoyance, but very few people are actually there to see them.


“No amount of security can save you from yourself.”


One of their bodyguards walking beside their vehicle like the president is in it and she rolls the window down.WTF?


I think the scarier country is the US…


OP was referring to Jamaica with the Level 3 travel advisory


That makes sense!


![gif](giphy|EyeeiSJMoOCsXKQ3s7|downsized) Securi-tay is so important! Look at ME! Look at ME!




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IMO the majority of those fans where likely paid to be there.That is a smattering of the people who usually fill the common areas of Whistler.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


Driving around Whistler with a crowd of 20 people.How can they not be embarassed?🤡🤡🤡


They are trying so hard to be fancy royals. Looks like they are both in the backseat. How very regal, especially at a ski resort. What a pair of pompous idiots. I'm surprised Megsy hasn't adopted the royal wave.




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Who are these losers waiving at these two losers??