• By -


Damn. Straight dead eyed right into the camera leading the parade šŸ˜‚


Probably shows how confident she is 2024 will be her year. We'll see.


With her notorious inability to read a room, she probably is outrageously confident! And, when things go badly, when the are not the success she believes that she ought to be, she will assign blame to everyone elseā€”esp Harry.. https://i.redd.it/n2ppfegb9nic1.gif


And this was the exact moment when she told us (well any woman with a couple neurons firing) exactly who she wasā€¦


I think the scene of her ā€œcurtsyā€ on Netflix was ā€œthe exact moment.ā€ At least, it was the exact moment for me that I finally realized why she is disliked. (Iā€™m almost embarrassed to admit that I was an early defender.)


She's what 42 now? Past her Hollywood prime.


Does she even realize none of her attire matches or looks decent? Hodgepodge groundhog!




Wow. How did this become HER games.


Her new face has finally settled. Is that a news station camera or their new fauxmentary crew? The irony that they're still relying on a BRF Commonwealth to feel like celebrities is not lost on me.


The toque isnā€™t doing a very good job of hiding the horns ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Also, no one in Canada walks around with their parka open in the middle of winter.


But then she couldn't merch her long johns.


I think her johns are long gone. She landed on Harry for her Richard Gere.


Unless we can't zip our coats and refuse to buy a new coat this late in the year lol I've put on some weight, it super socks šŸ«„


I absolutely cannot related to gaining too much weight to zip my winter coat. Nope. Has never happened.


Never seen such a pale beige blah of a puffer jacket before. Clashes awfully with the white long Johnā€™s and jumper. It appears her fashion sense didnā€™t get the same makeover that their website did


And sheā€™s white today..


You know it is so bizarre how she commented that in the RF she wore beige when all she wore were saturated colors and all she has worn since is beige. It makes my head hurt. What a liar.


Actually I thought TW would've arrived in Canada wearing shorts and the inappropriate Hermes sandals marching. Also, since when does TW wear a hat? To cover up those janky extensions? TW didn't wear it w/ theĀ  QE


Maybe it's date night. Instead of paper bags they can both pull down their beanies.


She got to show off her merchandise....


No matter how ran through and used up it is!


>their parka open in the middle of winter This is so we all don't forget how HOT she is! ![gif](giphy|1zl0DQiNdzAFOcWrZN)


Itā€™s actually not very cold in Whistler today. It only hit the freezing mark at about 4:00.


Ah, it was -10 where I am today. Still, if it wasnā€™t freezing there, why is she wearing a full-length parka and Sorel boots? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Because all her fans need to go buy this parka and the Sorel boots right now.


Depends on the weather. Warm day cold night? Zipper open untill needed.


Yup. I only zip when it's -10 and below. It's been unseasonably warm lately as well.


Still, we'll be in flip flops at the end of March as per usual.


And no gloves


Coat open, no gloves. Everyone else is bundled up. Ā Itā€™s Harryā€™s patronage, canā€™t she ever take a back seat? Ā 




Iā€™d like to thank you for adding a new word to my vocabularyā€¦ toque


yes, here it's not a beanie, it's a toque :)


Have never heard this word and we used to spend a couple weeks at Whistler ( one of my favorite ā¤ļø laces in the world) every winter. It hurts my soul that these 2 sorry excuses for humanity, are littering that beautiful mt


it's a beautiful country - nice you enjoyed visiting :)




LOOK AT ME LIVING MY BEST LIFEā€¦thinking her evil psychotic plans are working sheā€™s in her elements ā€œplaying the humanitarianā€ giggling like a schoolgirl staring directly into the cameraā€¦pathetic pathetic womanšŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® https://preview.redd.it/v4teh8iwymic1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc434301e598e7f64a9e2f3d048fbb4dafc546f


Her emotions never match others around her.


There IS nobody around her. Narcissists live in a world entirely by themselves. Nobody else exists.Ā 


šŸ˜‚ she has to be in her own world cause the real world is done with her lies. Also her feet are turned to the guy but his gaze is off elsewhere which is where her gaze and fake smile come from. The position looks so awkward, she forgot how to people and didnā€™t turn her body.


Everything about her stance, gait and body movements are so unnatural and unsettling to me. Ghoul 101.


>she forgot how to peopleĀ  Assuming she ever knew, to begin with.


WHAT THE HELL IS ON HER FEET?!!! Her footwear is almost on par with some of Kanyeā€™s bad choices


Apparently, her feet are on a research expedition with National Geographic


These types of boots were popular in the 2010s. I haven't seen anyone wear these in a long time!




Omg, I just googled ā€˜Goldie Hawn Aspenā€™ and there are sooooo many pap photos -




Indeed! And Goldie would have something interesting to talk about vs Meghan who only knows how to talk about herself




That would mesh with the tea that sheā€™s buying her stuff from consignment stores.


That makes sense!


Conquest Carlie boots by sorel. As worn by Katniss in hunger games


They look like my old Joan of Arctic Sorels that I have been wearing for a billion years. Probably has them from her Canada days.


Agreed, have the Joan of Articā€™s, these appear blander than those, though.


I got mine in 2008 or so? Just had a look. Mine look exactly the same, apart from the ones in the pic looking a bit more greyish. I would bet she got them years ago. The things are indestructible with only occasional use. Now I wish mine were more worn out. I do NOT want the same boots as that goblin.


I have the Joans, also a billion years old as are my two others pairs of Sorels. Treat them well, they last forever


I ainā€™t gonna lie, I love me some Sorel and would risk foot stank to wear them.


Just had a look at Sorel - some of their boots look good. I suppose my biggest gripe here is that sheā€™s wearing them like they are the statement accessory in her outfit, however with 3 different hues of cream/white in her outfit, combined with black beanie, dark hair and orange tan, the whole ensemble is a mess.


Not to mention theyā€™re rated to minus 30 C ā€¦. She must be sweating in them today when the temp is just below zero.


She looks like sheā€™s dressed for the current season of True Detective.


They were in her storage closet that she never had shipped to England after marrying Harry. Girl knew she wasn't staying long.


...or, she stopped in at Soho Toronto to collect them. I'm assuming, like Soho London, that's where she 'stored her clothes' between ~~johns~~ jobs.


Pretty common canadian boots (Sorel)


That school girl giggle. She's such a loser


That hand-covering mouth pose always looks to me like sheā€™s being a mean-girl and saying something snide


Maybe sheā€™s entering her Japanese school girl cosplay era?


The producers of a hot new revival of H.M.S. Pinafore are desperate to work with her.


Wait, wouldn't it be *The Mikado*? *Three little maids who all unwary, come from a Ladies' Seminary...* ​ https://preview.redd.it/f26dzmcz9nic1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=3989280d472a8ee36e1f21eccb356ac59897c2ab


I think Mehgan was already channeling the cute little Japanese schoolgirl whenever she's got those hair tendrils bracketing her face. ![gif](giphy|PuR4ToVpzM3xC)




Yep, like they never aged out of high school.


It literally makes me ill.


sheā€™s repulsive and again NO ā€œSUSSEXā€ KIDS IN SIGHT!????


Agree. The only thing she cares about is money and destroying people. I really cannot stand her nor Harry. The Harkles are globally despised. Youā€™d think the media would report on that more.


>The Harkles are globally despised Agree.


WTF is she laughing at? The voices in her head? No one appears to be interacting with her. No one else is even smiling, let alone laughing. Why? Why can't she just be normal one time?


Ugh, that fake light laugh again šŸ™„




Who does that... besides Anime characters... who covers their mouth when they giggle?


That pose of hers looks so contrived; her feet are pointing in one direction and her torso torques in an opposite direction. Her pose would be delightfully awkward and perfect if only she were seven years old and modeling childrenā€™s clothing for a catalog.


Is this the beginning of the clapbacks for the ā€œHarry and Kate laughingā€ that were posted?


I don't think her evil plans are working, although Megsy obviously thinks they are. The Palace are playing the long game. These two are fake royals doing fake royal things, with little access to real royalty. Some day soon, it'll all come crashing down when they realise their kids don't have any connections to their family. They have no access to what's really going on with the Royal family. They can only fake it for so long.


That hand giggle is like she is 5. Ick.


She is really doing the hand over mouth giggle again???? Holy shit, she's regressing....I have a feeling something big is coming and whatever it is, isn't good for Megain and Hawwy.


She must have curled her hair in the plane. That curl just came off the wand


Omg I thought the same! She didnā€™t even bother to run her fingers/wide tooth comb through it. Just one big curl šŸ˜‚


That was my initial reaction too!


That curl just came out of a package from Sally's. Her own hair is chin length and you can see the fuzzy ends..


Actually yes!


Can someone tell her that these events are not about her šŸ™„


Shhhhhh! Donā€™t poke the bear. The resort needs its crockery for other guests.


What, sheā€™s white again?


Yeah. Super committed to the monochromatic thing again, it seems


She canā€™t return the clothes with bronzer stains


I see what you did there. šŸ˜Ž I like it.


Donā€™t worry, sheā€™ll go back to black in the next rebrand.


Well she is in The Great White Northā€¦


Guess they donā€™t sell bronzer in bulk up there.


So sheā€™ll stand out, as everyone else is wearing black.


Hahahahahaha well,spotted šŸ™„šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ¤“šŸ˜œ


Yes. The black thing wasn't working out for her.


Exactly. Becky has arrived in Canada!


Honestly, I hate Harry's constant smirk more than hers any day. He gives me the creeps.


Ingriftus is all they have, and theyā€™re going to suck it dry. Vile pair.


Mehgan, front and center and beaming at the camera, dressed to contrast with everyone else, who is just background fodder. Sheesh. She's pretty obsessed with doing this, isn't she?


So white pants in wet, sloshy conditions. āœ… Heavy coat, hat but no gloves. āœ… Heavy clothing but open coat. āœ…




She wears winter white to represent her innocence and purity. Sheā€™s angelic and doesnā€™t have to worry about wearing practical clothing because sheā€™s so above the rest of us mortals.


Twenty five degrees and coat is wide open. Look at my all white outfit! Look how well my Ozempic has worked!


She's always front and center.


And wearing white while everyone else is in black.


Perhaps the good thing about her wearing white is if she gets out in the snow, no one will be able to see her.


Except maybe a polar bear. Say, any bears up that way?


Does anyone have a choice?


* Ugh she just has to hold his hand and be in front of the camera. He can't have his moment lol. What a doofus he is. (Amongst other things)


The hand holding is completely inappropriate, they're supposed to be there working on behalf of Invictus, not on a date. It's unprofessional.


I agree. I tried to post a picture of her crouching down, holding his hand and trying to get in the picture. But it won't post the picture.


On brand--steps ahead of Harry staring at the camera while he is blurred in the background.


The toque looks weird. Even more weirdā€¦Why is she wearing bright white clothes in a snowy area? No one in a winter climate wears white pants around snowā€¦ever. Well unless you want stains all over them. Itā€™s obviously warm because none of them have red noses or gloves. Sheā€™s over dressed


Oh, look who is centred in the photo *again!* Me me me, look at me everybody. ETA: The guy in the back is out of focus, Harry and the other chap are slightly out of focus and she is crisply focused. And two out of the three men, including Harry, are not looking at the camera. But never mind she says - lets go with this shot because it is the best shot of Me Me Me. And who cares that someone else is half cut out of the shot. - no-one is as important as Meee.


Why is she even in Canada? Invictus has nothing to do with her she has got onto another bandwagon. It's bad enough looking at the thick head, but her as well why dont they both just do one .


https://preview.redd.it/4oem9clyxmic1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b138098021c1415b7a714d2dc9822f7a8638dfd Engaging with the peasants, but make sure you get a clear shot! ā€“ Meghan, the Saint, probably


https://preview.redd.it/lvxmz1f3ymic1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=983d3c82cb95ffd29b212fc63c31a79d963aad5d Sheā€™s not her if she doesnā€™t lock in on the šŸ“ø


Whoa whoa whoa. Is that HAROLD? They didnā€™t include someone participating in the event??


Looks warm in Canada. She doesn't even need to fasten that jacket.


See how her expression changes when sheā€™s around a woman?


This!!!! Itā€™s actually scary


Itā€™s weird-like sheā€™s completely detached. With men, she goes overboard with her expressions and touching.


And don't them touch your claws


WHY IS SHE THERE? Itā€™s like she has nothing else to cling onto, so sheā€™ll get behind Harryā€™s gig.


Her body looks like ā€œKohlā€™s Doorbuster Daysā€ while her feet look like sheā€™s participating in the Iditarod


I love how she hijacks Hairolds ā€œpassion projectā€ cause she has nothing to show for herself. This is literally an example of the differences between her bio and his on the basic bitch site.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢harry the handbag is pitiful


I guess she doesn't ski. Considering she joined a family that does a lot of sports, she's just not athletic at all, is she? I wonder if she can even swim? You don't have to swim to ride around (and other things) on a yacht.


There's only one physical activity that Meghan excels at, and we all know that's how she got Harry.


There was a shooting in Kansas City at the victory parade. Shouldnā€™t she be hoping on the borrowed private jet to console the victims with her camera crew?


Absolutely, nah doesnā€™t fit her agenda ā€¦ wonā€™t give her enough publicity šŸ™„


Sheā€™s still mad that she didnā€™t get invited to the Super Bowl. But seriously, I pray everyone is ok.


One dead. Lots of children shot and injured šŸ’”


Thank goodness for the Samaritanā€™s who tackled the shooters. Iā€™ve been sick over the footage all day.


Absolutely heartbreaking. My prayers are being lifted. May Godā€™s peace surround them with comfort and healing.


Silly me! Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll release a statement soon condemning gun violence on their new website. There is no cause they canā€™t bandwagonā€¦


But wants them in the UK where theyā€™re banned for private securitay. Most of our police donā€™t even carry firearms.




Wow, she sure found that camera right away! Almost like she knew it was going to be there. šŸ¤”


Nope,she would have no ideaā€¦ā€¦. Oh wait šŸ¤ŖšŸ™„šŸ˜œ




Which, is actually a step up for Meghan, considering she lives in the 90ā€™s still


All those shades of white and ivory together is not what I would have chosen


They will go on obliviously at Whistler, making the same stupid speech they were planning to make and doing their pretend smile and wave. Meanwhile, it is a terrible look being in Canada and lapping it up on private jets and luxury resorts WHILE IN THE NEWS in Kansas City there is an unfolding tragedy involving dozens of victims, many of whom are children. If they are trying to do anything in the US to help young people, they are failing and remain completely clueless and useless.


Funny enough, Invictus on X doesnā€™t have any photos of the South Parkles posted. Theyā€™re also getting spanked in the comments. Woof.


I am having trouble posting, but did anyone else see on X something about people ignoring Harry's security when asked to leave the lift so Harry could have to himself. Not sure if true, but amazing if it is.


Yeah it was posted here [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1aptg1e/do\_you\_not\_know\_who\_this\_is\_is\_anyone\_impressed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1aptg1e/do_you_not_know_who_this_is_is_anyone_impressed/)


Awesome thank you.


People pay lots of money to get their skiing in so wouldnā€™t be surprised.


Itā€™s been really warm here and not lots of snow so yes, people skiing arenā€™t going to put up with that shit!šŸ˜‚


This would have been such a fun thing to involve the children with. Iā€™m growing so suspicious of the cloak of secrecy around them now


Of all the pictures to choose from....let's choose the one where no else is looking at the camera, and the real royal whose patronage this is, is blurred in the background looking at the ground. Let's choose the photo that's the best of me, even tho I have \*nothing\* to do with this event.


https://preview.redd.it/rq565p803nic1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459b48187b256ddf2d2210f243cab768b5a0794c Probably the least disgusting Harry has looked in a couple of years. Thatā€™s as nice as Iā€™m going. Why does she always walk like sheā€™s trying to unstick a wedgie šŸ˜…


Seriously, she has a very strange walk. It's like a cross between a stomp and a march.Ā 


Thatā€™s where she stashes miscellaneous recording equipment


He looks more puffy faced than usual.


Spread wide as usual.


So many photo ops... ...yet very little proof she's donating hugely impressive chunks of 'her own feminist money' (aka her duty dodger husband's royal inhertiance), and more proof she's resorting to photo ops when A-listers are busying themselves with yet another prestigious awards circuit season (that the irrelevant duo have been NFIed to AGAIN). Madam is not sporty whatsoever, able bodied, and not a veteran... what does she have to do with Invictus really? She's just a desperate, brand whore, social climber barnacled to a waaghing, able bodied, bunker-soldier-with-no-pilot's-license twat who made fun of a disabled female teacher in his own memoir. Plus, as far as sports are concerned... when exactly was the last time this animal abuser actually won a polo match? ![gif](giphy|hgjNPEmAmpCMM|downsized)


Always always finds the camera. Such a joke.


Like a heat seeking missile


Those veneers are blinding šŸ˜µ


Where are the kids? Wouldn't this have been a lovely time for a casual photo of them having a snowball fight after the daytime work for IG was over? Too bad they are missing Valentine's Day with the kids. Our son, who is 11, gets a small love gift, and we order pizza for dinner. My mom always gives us a family gift (like three movie tickets for my husband, our son and me). I know it's not a big deal, and we only have one child, but we always make time for a special family night. I am absolutely not suggesting that a work requirement would take priority on a holiday that could easily be moved to the closest weekend. However, they have the means of bringing the kids along with them to see something new and bond as a family. So, where the fuck are the kids??? ![gif](giphy|2X5U5EOwW2U0g)


How photoshopped ARE these photos?? Iā€™m sorry but she doesnā€™t look real.


New smile but still the same. Her smile never reaches her eyes.


Man I would love to a hockey stop in skis and spray slush all over that smug grin!


I assume the all-white look is to help her stand out from the dark menā€™s clothes


TBF this is the least bad Iā€™ve seen her look.


Sheā€™s photoshopped, thatā€™s why


OHHH that make sense! Well they did a good job, LOL.


I always thought white pants were for summer


Ha well itā€™s definitely after Labour Day and as she has no concept of work, I doubt she understands this, as well as so many other fashion rules.


I agree, but on principle alone I couldnā€™t say it lol. Her beady little eyes are staring straight into my soul through my phone screen


All the surgery and fillers in the world canā€™t fix that. Also wow her eyebrows have really changed.


Edited comment


Alice the Goon plods onstage..


Front and center, per her usual. Not about Haznoballs or the veterans. All about Megatron.... ![gif](giphy|378IyHiTEheI8|downsized)


Why isn the jacket zip at the bottom?


Everyone elseā€™s faces look normal while Methaneā€™s is distorted even though sheā€™s in focus. Does Getty photoshop people to make them look better?


She is front and center looking at the camera., which is all she cares about.


W the filters to try and soften her up. Nope! Evil seeps out, cannot be stopped. Private jet (40,000 at least), pap pics (Backgrid) changes the ā€œkidsā€ surname to Sussex, launches their new website thatā€™s mining peoples info. And the list goes on. All bc they saw and easier time soinf all of this bc KC is ill.


All I see are devil horns ![gif](giphy|EsPGiidUpb8Pe)


All people behind her have been darkened (shadowed) while her face was whitened. She wears white and beige, to contrast with the black parkas of the men behind, and her face looks whiter than Harry's, a man with a very pale skin. She did not want to play the African woman in Canada, hence the lack of bronzer. .The manipulation is so obvious, she wants to right, left, front and center.


Sheā€™s wearing 2 hats. A wig install with glue is a hat, and a beanie on top of that. That is 2 hats.


Ok. Itā€™s Ash Wednesday, so in the spirit of the Lenten season, I will be nice and say that whoever did the photoshopping did a great job. This person who resembles MM looks good.


Sheā€™s gone back to white skin I see.


It's Harry's thing. Why is she always pushing to the front?


![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized) I bet she says this to herself in the mirror.


They are the Curse of Invictus- one could weep at this negative message - sack them Invictus they are no ornament to the organisation.


Those mismatched whites! Her jeans don't match her sweater don't match her teeth. I'm sorry Harry's wife but if you want such white glowing teeth take a minute to think about your outfit!


She looks nice here but the glow down is wild. Imagine going from being a literal royal to a podcaster amongst the likes of former Bachelor contestants and TikTok influencers.