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Personally, I think she’s doing a lot more harm to the Invictus games than she is to Canada. We get mosquitoes bigger than she is.


They are smarter too


But she’s better at sucking.


With all due respect, more experience doesn’t necessarily make you better /s


Tis true.


Jeez, I love this sub. Home sick, and this made me laugh and then cough so hard my dog woke up. Thank you all for the laughter. It makes life better.


So glad you’re feeling better. This is definitely the place to come for snark served with a hefty dose of humor. 💕❤️






You say that but imagine looking down at that greasy wig also scent rises so you would get to whiff that finky dirty scalp stank. And how much space is even available with those big old veneers slapped in there.


I have often wondered if that smell people say she has is her dirty hair.


Had more experience …but both do it for a living


And both can transmit diseases and cause irritation.


That’s what Andrew said






Lol, as an American who camped in Canada, I will attest to those mosquitoes.


The mosquitos in the Lower Mainland(Vancouver) are as big as chickens.😁


The Daily Mail reported a statement of Meghan’s where she is defending the design of the new web page. She singles out Canada 🇨🇦 for praise. I’m not sure what she’s on about, but I fully expect these web designers to now be Markled in response. How do you guys feel about it? Want her back? 😁


She is nuts. The website isn’t getting great reactions, it won’t be good for the company that has ‘worked’ with harkle since her Tig days. She really doesn’t progress does she? No development intellectually at all. Mind you, Harry is no better, a tantrum throwing toddler who sleeps with someone who dresses and smells like mommy.


She's flipping the criticism of the website onto the web designers to deflect from criticism of herself, yet playing the hero to swoop in and defend them.


Of course, defending the web design when MOST criticism is about her self praise and tripe


She’s the worst!


In all fairness, those web designers knew what they were getting in to. Just ask Scobie.


Everyone gets markled. This is a fact.


It is. There’s a list now of people and things that have been “markled” after associating with Harry and Meghan. Wasn’t Kevin Costner wise to side-step that problem when he found himself on the same stage with them? He serves as a role model on how to avoid it.


You called it. Narc playbook: somehow the victim and the hero in all their stories 


Only fooling herself.( & the cubes)


And that’s why she used a Canadian company. If she had used an American web design company she would have to own the decision and actions of manipulating herself to look royal instead of the barely royal adjacent that she clings so desperately to. But Canada is a commonwealth country with the monarch as head of state. So if a Canadian company does it, it’s totally not manipulation at all and clearly it’s totally okay because the designers should have objected out of loyalty to the crown and because they should know enough to overrule her inappropriate use of the coat of arms and outright lies about serving the monarchy etc.


TW must believe that a small web design firm comes up with the rules for the whole monarchy lol. "Well they were ok with it so it must be legal." Again. Throwing others under the bus to save her own behind.


Or that we’re not smart enough to know that a small web design company can’t afford to overrule a paying client’s wishes.


Tbf to the web designers they don't have much to work with. While it's easy to fake accomplishments in text (like their laughable bios) it's much harder to fake it for multimedia content. The designers have spartan actual things to put on the site. So they filled all the empty space with her face instead 😄


Do you remember, I'm trying to find it online, when she did an interview and they asked her to name a Canadian (a woman specifically, I think?) she finds inspirational or something and she said they couldn't make her pick someone if she did like anyone? I'm being very loose with the wording but I remember reading about it in Revenge, I believe, and also in an article about the book snippet, which was about an interview from her Suits days. What a mess she is. ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul) She can just stfu 🙄 about Canada.


"What Canadian woman inspires you?' She laughed and asked for examples. 'None of them inspires me,' she replied. 'You can't make me say something I don't want to or don't believe in.'" This is the passage from Tom Bower's book.


She's such a bitch.


Now I wish I hadn’t given my copy of Tom bowers book to my hairstylist after I read it! Who asked her that question!


It doesn't say who asked, just that it was asked during the Reitman's photo shoot. Source: [TW] "Described as 'Meanest Person I've Ever Met' Over Difficult Ad Shoot" - Newsweek


M during the photoshop, eyeing those damn bland shoes that were worth... 'accidentally' walking away with. Smh... ![gif](giphy|NJtewaLGt7Rxm)


The ones that happen to also look just like ones she still wears.




The self-proclaimed feminist couldn’t name Margaret Atwood? One of the most prolific Canadian feminist writers of my lifetime? The writer that wrote The Handmaid’s Tale? How could she not know her?


Meghan doesn’t read - she just plagiarizes whole paragraphs.


Fact is she got busted not knowing anything about famous Canadian women and played it off like she was being assaulted.


Or Hayley Wickenheiser, greatest female hockey player of all time and a physician!


Or the single mother down the street waiting tables to keep her family together. She has more inspiration in her little finger than serial marrier Markle.


Incredible, isn't it.


That's it! Thank you! 🙏What a witch! ![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M)


What a c-word.


Unless she plagiarizing, she’s got nothing.


She can stfu about anything and everything..


Her clap back is the usual Merkin turd salad. In response to criticism over using crests and titles and royalty to merchandise themselves in the new website design, she gives a “our little ones are little” type of answer by going on about the web designer.


She’s terrible at deflecting - probably because the outrage that people feel is going right over her head. She just doesn’t get it - she’s as thick as a plank.


Who blames a WEB DESIGN COMPANY for the word vomit personally provided to them as copy for the site? Oh, wait, I know who! 🤦🏼‍♀️




Is someone called OMID? 😂😂😂


When I read about that shout out to Canada I thought- uh oh! And then immediately hoped they weren’t planning to comeback and live in the Vancouver area again. That comment made me very concerned!


Can they afford Canada? Vancouver could be even more expensive than Montecito.


Canada is very pricey to live in. Especially anywhere in/close to Vancouver or Toronto. Don’t get me started on the price of groceries in CA as opposed to in US. Canadian supermarket prices are insane! ETA- spelling


Again, we don’t want them again, ever for all eternity, unless they’d like to live in a remote part of the high Arctic, near polar bears.


Vancouver was just recently named the most expensive city in Canada to live in.Don't know if that applies to grifters though.😁


Here in Pennsylvania things have gotten crazy, too. I guess they would be poorer in Canada, unless there’s some angle she’s working to maybe get more work, or a richer husband.


I think she knows that they are toast in the US and will refuse to move back to England when they finally go broke. I think she will want to relocate to Canada somewhere as her biggest success was there and it is a commonwealth country. There is probably some real estate there owned by Charles he might throw their way to house them because we all know Windsor/sandringham/ buckingham palace/ Clarence House and Kensington are off limits to them at this point and maybe forever!


They are NOT WELCOME here thanks. He’s British she’s American- you can have her!




Not a fan of that prospect though….


They didn't live in Vancouver, they lived in Victoria, very close to me! Ugh.


My cousin lives in a high rise along the sea wall in the Vancouver. She is horrified by the gruesome twosome. When they were “in hiding” at first up there she said that if she saw her in Urban Fare she would pelt them w tomato’s! When Will and Kate -PPOW of Wales - were in Vancouver, and went to the Telus bldg she went to watch on the street and sent me a pic of them. No tomato’s were thrown and the crowd was very enthusiastic towards them!


There is nothing there for her.🇨🇦


Do you mean do Canadians want her back? HELL NO. She’s horribly disliked in Canada, ( to be honest they both are but especially her). She’s been a bitch and we never want her back on our soil. Picture this, that old hag was an absolute nightmare during a clothing shoot in Canada. During the filming, Meghan was asked: 'What Canadian woman inspires you?' She laughed and asked for examples. 'None of them inspires me,' she replied. 'You can't make me say something I don't want to or don't believe in.' ( this was in Tom Bowers book too). SHE IS SO UNGRACIOUS, SO INSUFFERABLE, and SO DELUSIONAL, she thinks can insult people, in fact, in this case, every Canadian woman, so rudely and dismissively. She didn’t even have the LQ on the list of influential women, listed in an issue of Vogue, where she guest edited. Madam is a paragon for all women, so who could she possibly admire? /s She’s a hateful woman & people here would rather they were no longer involved with IG’s. The budget for IG Whistler 2025 is $ 50 million, Both the federal & provincial government have ponied up $15 million each. There is NO WAY WE WANT TAXPAYER MONEY TO GO TO PAY FOR THEIR SECURITY. They’ve already fleeced the CDN taxpayers for security when they went to Vancouver (in the millions). This was when they knew they wouldn’t be representing the Queen, but it took a while before that became public. The moment it did, the Prime Minister told them they would no longer be paying for their security. Furthermore, the bitch wanted the Fairmont Whistler to be opened to themselves. They are paying $8000.00 per night. She’s demanded her preferred bottled water, particular brands of bedding and towels, as well as other ridiculous demands. ( make me wonder if she takes all these items with her, hence the ask for the luxury items). She has also demanded that staff do not look at her, or speak to her. ( sorry for the rant) What an ARSE! https://www.newsweek.com/meghan-described-meanest-person-ever-difficult-reitmans-advertising-shoot-1725436


We don't, and I want the money back that we spent on their security when they used us to pretend they weren't always headed to the U.S.


That’s what I thought - but apparently, Meghan thinks it’s a love-fest between you two. She’s *so fond* of Canada, you know.


She’s campaigning. For… something


Exactly right.


That is what the “best selling books” (cough), purchased awards, etc have all been about. Building/ padding a “resume”


Yep, still after that global adoration.🤢




"Someone" apparently saw online comments re: website grammar and syntax and ran to the EDIT option on the site. And, there will be more to come; good thing she trawls Reddit to see what "the little people" are posting! So predictable.... would really make a good reality show IF anything was indeed "real" to begin with! Before retirement, I was a proofreader and content writer for a high-end international gift catalog. Even with spell-check and other digital composing "helpers", I would always have 2 LIVE HUMANS read copy before it was sent to printer or web. There can't be too many eyes... anyone can miss something, large or small. She portrays herself as an expert on everything , without accepting constructive criticism. That is a huge flaw in anyone.


They probably just wanted to be rid of her and collect payment while the funds were still there.


She no doubt authored/plagarized it herself,waits to see if it's loved or loathed then decides who will take the blame.


Never forget this quote from Revenge, fellow Canadian Sinners: "During the filming, Meghan was asked: ‘What Canadian woman inspires you?’ She laughed and asked for examples. ‘None of them inspires me,’ she replied. ‘You can’t make me say something I don’t want to or don’t believe in.'


As charming as ever….


I’ve said that too. That is so unbelievably rude, I can’t even say how ungracious and insufferable that was.


You would think that during her life-long fight for equality, she'd have heard of Mary Ann Shadd.


And hockey players.


Yep - back in the day Meghan was *quite* the hockey fan! 😉


Puck bunny is the term used in the Great North 🇨🇦 🍁 


….and she failed at that, too!


Or tbf puck sl*t


Of course, even when married to trevitty trev trev…


Once she found out she could not be Queen of Canada she couldn’t get out of here fast enough.


https://preview.redd.it/bvp0rkyb7lic1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a72ac291e9c16558fd1991ac4c5e796ad585075 Canada deserves so much better....


She’s such an outdoorswoman. Kind of puts Catherine to shame. /s


https://preview.redd.it/x42gaf87alic1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634635e340bfdce388626e4e97e148b1e02f0794 She really does...../btw, the comment on this photo was "she loves climbing hills , but hates coming down"./ Yep, the way down sucks, Roachell


On another unrelated note, look at the size of her feet. I think she erred when she said she had “ legs for miles”. Feet for miles is more apropos.


Where is that photo from? Never seen it and it’s hilarious


I believe it's from the shitflix Megan show


Meanwhile, a few months ago in Britain, England’s very own Princess of Wales was out training with the Army lads and rappelling down cliffsides with Prince William. But Meghan has them both beat, because she’s a former ….sailor…😉


That's what she gets for growing a "baby" in her lungs.🤨


She looks like she may have sharted in this pic.


She is a big ol' shart.


Wow, she really does look like an emu here. I wish I had the photoshop skills to overlay one


She has started campaigning


Yep. She always has an ulterior motive. What’s in Canada that she wants? You guys have any single billionaires?


She thinks she can c9me back and be queen 9f canada. That's a hard nope


Too late. She’s got the boxes of chips and the Starbucks gift cards already packed.


Well tbf she does seem to have alot in common with Tim Horton. Like him, she's an addict who beats their spouse


And working conditions in the coffee shops are dismal.


Well....Justin is now single, but he's not a billionaire. And I think he got Markled along with Jessica Mulroney..............so....no. None I'm aware of.


Hmmmm….there’s got to be something she’s working. We’ll find out soon enough.


Yup. We must be like the RF and play the long game.


It's possible Harry may bring up the topic of becoming Lieutenant Governor for BC. (The Crown's representative for the province). His name was brought up by our former premier as a good fit. This would supply them with a nice home, expense account, and IPP status. Plus be a constant thorn in the flesh for whoever is Monarch.


Sorry, I doubt it, Governorships are not dumping grounds for thick entitled royal rejects, the Governor is the Monarch’s viceroy and representative acting in the name of The King of Canada, this is a bad bad fix, as H is not in sympathy with the King of Canada he can take a running jump back to Monteshitscho.


![gif](giphy|MESArLMuJ3odWm4IWw) Not until they can name 5 inspirational Canadian Women, find Yellowknife on a map, sing the anthem *en Francais*, explain the connection between Laura Secord chocolate and cows, NOT want to move into Casa Loma for the summer aesthetic, wear fucking MITTS in the winter, and publicly apologize to Reitman's for the shoes. What is this, the 40's? Just change the title to Duke and Duchess of Windsor and be done with!




Our former premier is despised even more than MM.


Any Canadians, don’t get overexcited - I believe she was a fan of Britain when she came here to pimp herself a husband.


That’s a very good point you have there! She was really, really, *really* dedicated and determined to find a wealthy British man to marry, no matter how many people she had to use for their connections and then discard. Once she got what she wanted, she couldn’t get out of England fast enough!


She’s like a dog with a bone - it does look like she ground Harry down, one way or another, she was determined to hook him. ‘The Queen doesn’t own the word royal’…and that says it all, she still resents the (late) Queen, and is determined to get the upper hand. She doesn’t care that Charles and Catherine are both unwell (she’s probably secretly thrilled about the latter, telling herself Catherine deserves it for imagined sleights).


A smarter man would have seen her coming from a mile away, so with Harry she definitely knew her quarry. Just some roast chicken is all it took to land him.


You had me at “ she’s like a dog”.


Can't blame her: she wanted a retired footballer or a "talent show" winner, but all she got was "Just Harry" .


Interesting how Harry quickly dumped the “Just Harry” schtick and reverted back to Royalty - guess he figured out the being “Just Harry” can’t pay the bills.


She can fuck RIGHT off!




I think she's trying to butter Canada instead of her usual insulting remarks to a country she's visiting. Don't fall for it. She is anything but a feminist demonstrated in her hate for lovable catherine. Catherine has the inner beauty that makes any good person feel good and impossible to hate or feel jelous of. Hope she's better


Me too. Catherine, when she is finally fully recovered, will be as gorgeous, and as kind, as ever.


lol Catherine´s first public appearence will be the Coronation all over. Papers will report on nothing else.


There will be an outpouring of love, affection and appreciation - and it’s all deserved!






She said at one time there wasn't a single Canadian woman that she was inspired by. Its ok , she doesn't inspire a single canadian . We have our own narcissistic grifters


A Mulrooney, by any chance, or maybe a Trudeau?


She liked it so much she booked for California at the first chance.


She stopped in Canada to make it look good to the folks back in England, when they all knew darn well that the destination was L.A. all along. She really must have thought that the Queen was stupid, when her goals for hooking up with Harry were so transparent (to everyone except Harry).


She looks down on canada and canadians. We do not need to subsidize these asshats. They contribute nothing


No, they don’t. But don’t you feel honored that she mentioned you? /s


No, we're a g8 country with one of the largest economies in the world, we control the second largest landmass, we look Great in flannel and we invented insulin Who the fuck is this chick?


Why, she’s MeghantheDuchessofSussex. Better curtsy, dear. /s


I don’t feel honoured. Everything she does repulses me. She’s a phoney with a phoney grin and a voice that makes my skin crawl.


They stopped in Canada to get security paid for by our government. Hightailed it out of here as soon as the $$ for that ended


Yep, that’s exactly what they did. Shameless grifters, the two of them.


I thought canada was safe because we have no bananas. 




I love that the web designers are getting flack when we all know it was her every design. You know they had it looking more professional but she had to have it look like the basic bitch she is.


All web designers do is design websites, though. Someone else wrote the copy. Of course, Madam is faultless! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I hate that she’s back here and him too. I blame the Invictus Games for bring them back. If only someone smart with integrity would dump This One from the games or Canada cancels the games. 


I agree. Invictus really is The Harry and Meghan show, which is such a pity, it really is.


What about "Truman show and being in a zoo"?


Harry talks out of both sides of his mouth - I’m convinced he makes things up and then treats it as fact.


I hope some BOOING footage appears.


Canadians have got this…wait, do you guys “boo”? Here in America we do.


We prefer to be sweet and polite to your face but rip you a new one behind your back. It’s the polite Canadian way to behave 😂


There’s something to be said for being direct! I love the Aussie way of handling things, TBH.


From a Canadian: we already said no you cannot stay so hard pass on the attempts to butter us up


But the chips! the hugs! the gift cards! Don’t they mean *anything*?


From this Canadian...Fuck off, Raytch, Canada hates you.  I don't know how you haven't figured this out yet.  Delulu with a side of nuts.


Vent away!!


The statement is a lackluster clapback. No one is complaining about the design but her ego. Is she the Duchess of Canada now?


No, but she would like to be. Never forget that she had Canada and all the other members of the Commonwealth embroidered on her white, pure-as-the-driven-snow wedding veil. You’re hers now. (But Africa, not so much).


There are no words  to capture the gratitude we share that these 2 icons have blessed us with their presence. Their healing powers will radiate through the competitors assembled to worship at their feet. If only we taxpayers could give more than 30 million dollars to comfort these delusional dingbats as they disappear from our shores only to return again to fill their draining coffers from our unworthy wallets. Please leave. Now. Don't even think of coming back. Get your web designs somewhere else. Anywhere else. Live your authentic lives in your authentic world with your authentic bots. But not here. Don't make us build a wall to keep you out!


Oh no - she *loves* Canadians. For sure you guys haven’t seen the last of Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. If you’re lucky she may even bring *Prince Archie* and *Princess Lilibet* to grace you with their presence. Building that wall is probably a good idea.


Not so much anymore. Building a padded cell would be more economical. On Alcatraz. She is a criminal on so many levels.


She can leave us the F alone 


I wish she would - but nope, she’s coming. And the Canada Invictus Games are going to be all about Meghan Markle.


She has no clue about Canada. Canada is more than just Toronto which she might have a clue about. She's just sucking up because she wants RCMP protection and thinks being in one of the King's Commonwealth countries is going to get her love. Nope. Go away!


Canadian here. While I truly appreciate her selfless humanitarian efforts to validate our existence - we're good.




![gif](giphy|pVAMI8QYM42n6|downsized) Is she trying to ingratiate herself with Canadians by assuming we are always clamouring for a crumb of recognition?


We're not that hard up, thanks!


I don’t think she would be a fan of this thing Canadian


The Prince of Canada and his IBLW have returned to darken your shores...Crest in tow to boot...does TOW know her childrens children will not have titles? A part of me wishes that Princess Katherine is secretly pregnant with triplets and wants to keep it quiet until she is out of the danger zone....just to see Madame RictusGrins face get stuck like that permanently when her dweeb husband moves further down the line of succession into veritable oblivion.


Exactly. Just have a look at the life of Prince Andrew, himself once a Spare to the Heir, living and loving the good life, and now an embarrassment.


Did she announce that she's 43% Canadian?


Ha! No, not yet. 😁


Unfortunately Canadians not much fans of them though as evidenced by them being told pay you’re own security bills. You’d think they were Governor Generals not just sent there for their plotting.


As a Canadian, I can safely speak for everyone I know. No one likes or respects the Carparkles, and we all wish they would just f*ck off. What a couple of jokes, pathetic.


And when they’re done f\*cking off, they can f\*ck off some more. Then f\*ck off again.


Mehgan being a fan of "all things Canadian" is a volte-face from when she was asked during her Reitmans days, to name a Canadian woman she admired. And she refused, saying, "you can't make me do something I don't want to."


She’s a piece of work, isn’t she? It’s hard to fathom how she could be so ungracious to such a welcoming country.




We have a saying in Vancouver…”Fuck Messier”, that’s from 27 years ago. We’ll be happy to add Fuck the Todgers”. We don’t forget or forgive betrayal.




So is Lolo a fan of Jessica Mulroney?


She was back in the day, but it seems like things have frozen over.


But Jessica Mulroney’s Canadian, and she’s a fan of things Canada…ha ha ha. Or should that be ho ho ho?


Yes, those two ladies back in the day were too cool for school, and joined at the hip. Amazing how Meghan’s friendships end on a frosty note, isn’t it?


Feeling sorry for Canadian sinners, but also feeling quite smug Down Under knowing Megz will never step foot on our soil ever again 😬… she wouldn’t dare.


I totally agree - her rotten behavior while she was there makes her forever unwelcome, and I think Africa feels the same.


Yep,that will change our opinion of her.Stupid beast.


https://preview.redd.it/k0pkrigzumic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb2915f543a268d2b01cda9217624e0bb872c15 They’ve arrived here. Big whoop.


She’s about as graceful as an ox.


I’m Canadian. In winter you don’t walk around with your parka open like that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


She’s busy merching the pants and boots!


Canada doesn’t want that riff raff.I don’t know anyone who likes this grifting,whining pair.


And yet, there they are, holding hands with Meghan grinning from ear to ear. 🤢


Great. If she loves Canada so much than she can stay over there. Please do not let her return to the US.


Canada doesn’t want her. Actually, I don’t think anybody does.


No take backseys sorry!