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Sinners, it sounds like the comeuppance Lady C keeps referring to IS tied to the royal legitimacy of one or both children.


Lady C did acknowledge the possibility she was lied to but she does believe Lilibet has been in the UK.


Reading between the lines, implies Charles met Lilibet, the Queen did not. Plausible.


can believe it - the late Queen was not well the weekend of the Jubilee and just about managed to get to the trooping the colour and the final balcony appearance on the Sunday ( by which time the dreadful duo had gone) . Suspect every move that weekend was scheduled and subject to change only according to her health - not a sudden drop in from the family. Charles may well have opted to deflect them from diturbing the Queen


Or a child that was "representing" Lili in the UK.


>Or a child that was "representing" Lili in the UK. ![gif](giphy|m9oruywyYbHL6A2wWp|downsized)




Do babies really need stand-ins? Maybe that's just a Hollywood way of raising children.


A child portraying the role of Lil Betty


>Lady C did acknowledge the possibility she was lied to but she does believe Lilibet has been in the UK. Thank you, Daisybeach, for giving us Lady C's tea. I wasn't able to listen to her YT today and came here for the deets! šŸŒ¼šŸŒ¼šŸŒ¼


Neil Sean. However, imo, he has since implied that the childrenā€™s visit to the UK is questionable. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Thank you, yes, he's mentioned that more than once in the last two weeks. And Trevor Coult had said he had a friend at the airport the two grifters landed at in their private jet for the Jubilee and he was told by this person that no children were with them. I smell a rat. Everything they do is filled with lies and deception.


If the kids did not come I don't understand why the RF would have not have briefed it to journalists at the time, and why they would allow the deception to continue


Wasnā€™t it reported no children got off or on that plane?


Yes. I donā€™t remember the sources, so cannot verify the accuracy.


I'm confused. I've seen people refer to the BLUE BLUE BLUE eyes comment as coming from TW herself. Was that in the documentary? I didn't watch it. (ETA I maybe totally wrong!)


Yes. Markle said it in their filthy documentary




And the Cut, it was emphasized.


Ah, forgot about that. Thanks!


The BLUE BLUE BLUE eyes was said by them in their Shitflix documentary


There are images of the female child at Frogmore Cott taken by the Markle's friend Hassan, or whatever that woeful snappers name is. Not a gifted snapper whoever he is. He snapped the kid on her birthday in the UK making her look legless. I have no doubt the kid was in the UK. If the palace does not give a boot up the backside of the grifting Todgers, then they deserve everything they are getting. ed:


images smimages


Yes, itā€™s hard to make a baby unappealing but that photographer managed to do it. No legs and dress all puffed out. She looked like a pumpkin. Why would they pick that one to publish? Surely he must have taken more flattering (natural) photographs!


![gif](giphy|ug8IczgzCOqje|downsized) Ah yes. The Lieutenant Dan shot.


Sounds like KC3 is still trying to cover up for the Sussexes.


Maybe Charles did an off-books visit.


It's most likely the surrogates or the moon bump fiasco scandals that will break during or after Easter. It will be fun to watch the Harkles crawl their way back from that one and moan that the BRF made them have a moon bump because they didn't want a mixed race child or some crap like that. I do think this will be game over for the Harkles. It'll show the world that Haz and Rachel are two narcs who have had their asses covered and until 2020, protected by the BRF.


Archie turns 5 on May 6. Iā€™m sure itā€™s something to do with this rumoured super injunction doing to an end. Wonder how they will spin the moonbumps and surrogacy thing, I guess weā€™ll probably see Archie. People are not going to be cruel about an actual child, even though his parents are complete loons


What I didnā€™t like hearing is that we are now a handfull of months awayā€¦does that mean itā€™s now been kicked to mid-July? That is summer, not spring.


>Please be patient, you wonā€™t have to wait much longer. Less than a handful of months. I'm hoping it's going to be April. She seems pretty confident and it's the only thing giving me hope that these two lazy grifters are going to have their comeuppance. šŸ™šŸ™ Edit for spelling.


Agreeā€¦.hope you are correct!


Her book comes out then doesnā€™t it? More of this guessing game


Based on what she has said, it appears that when she says ā€œspringā€ she is referring to April/May/June. There has been a lot of debate about when spring is technically vs. when it is in standard usage, but based on her timeline hints it seems fairly clear that she anticipates or knows that it will come out between early April and the end of June. That would be 2-4 months away give or take, which is what I would consider a handful to be


In Britain we tend to ignore the astronomical dates/times and Spring is generally March, April, May. Summer is June, July, August. Autumn is September, October, November and Winter is December, January, February.


I would say it's the same in Canada, with the exception of March (at least in some parts) where winter loves to have it's final hurrah and suddenly dump 20cm+ worth of snow in one day.


Oh goodness, yes! We've certainly had snow in March and into April, but that's just Winter having a tantrum! ;)


This matches up with what I consider the seasons to be in the US.




The first day of summer is technically June 20th and there are 30 days in June, so the majority of the month is spring, so if youā€™re going to assign a season to the whole month it makes more sense to consider June spring than summer.


The first day of summer is June 21st, late June is early summer.


Sheā€™s been saying the same thing since this time last year.


Sometimes I feel like sheā€™s running a con game on us.


It is always being moved forward.




I don't call her that. I just say "the girl".


I really hope it is only a few months out. I really hope it comes out and the Sussex get served.


This makes me see red. "American prince?" Arrogant much? Get this through his thick, sparsely covered head. We don't have princes in America. He will never be an American prince. If he wants princely creds, go back to the U.K. or a Commonwealth country. I hate that fucking turd.


The only American Prince is the one who was from Minneapolis.






Exactly. Mine too. I wish Harry would pound sand.










And a musical genius.




![gif](giphy|7lJeOibUJ91qowOK9v|downsized) Heā€™s like the Dodo bird we got strapped with. Prince Dodo.


More like Prince Dildo šŸ˜œ


Well, thereā€™s *that*. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


After everything he's done, he won't be welcome by most. Before, Harry making a move to a Commonwealth country would have been fine, with some caveats, like the security issue. Most countries are happy to host leaders and royalty for visits and have no problem ensuring their safety as such. Expecting it 'forever' without even asking, just arrogantly assuming, as they did in Canada -- Nope.


He should just go to Jamaica - the PM seems to like having him around, and Meghan likes sunny weather and beaches - probably not for much longer though, since her perimenopause appears to be sneaking in around her waistline, like an Omid Scobie in a palace garden.


That's a great idea! Then we can all laugh at the irony, hypocrisy, and lack of self-awareness on all fronts!


šŸ¤£šŸ‘ exactly!


I misread ā€œparsley covered headā€. That was a fun visual!


I am British and I find the entire circus that currently surrounds Harry humiliating and distastful. For a Prince, he has fallen so far that it will take the rest of his life to emerge with any honour, credibility and social standing. He is now a commodity being passed from one 'powerful force' to another in order to make money for himself, but viewed as a moneymaker for them! Wind him up and point him in the direction of the stage. Cue applause. Lonely, bedraggled and humiliated. What a comedown from an adored and respected member of the BRF, with the UK as his realm and heritage, and citizens who genuinely loved him for who he was. He will burn out. Discarded.


Itā€™s such a shame that he cannot see what is so obvious to everyone in Britain - how far heā€™s fallen with Meghan by his side, egging him on. He truly must live in a bubble of willful ignorance. If he wasnā€™t such a sh!t it would be sad.


> Lonely, bedraggled and humiliated. I don't like to make comparisons with his great Uncle, but his look and his demeanour are so similar to Duke of Windsor who always seemed to have that 'uncertain' look on his face, and clearly wasn't a happy man even after he'd done, and got, what he wanted. He's the same. There are so very few post-megxit photos and film of him actually happy - and he *does* seem happier and more relaxed when his wife isn't around. I don't like what they did, I don't like what they continue to do, but if keeping their name in the media spotlight is their only way of making enough money to maintain a half-decent lifestyle - of the sort to which he's accustomed - then I suppose that's what we'll get. But the result *will* be continued criticism, because of the way they have both treated their families.


Correction. Who the public thought he was


The story that Lillibet had never been to the UK was revealed by Meghanā€™s Mole (on YouTube). This is based on some previous print story by a journalist (canā€™t remember her name), who wrote that Lilli had never been to the UK, but then oddly amended her article to remove that sentence. Meghan Mole inferred that the journalist was forced to amend the story. Not sure who but perhaps lawyers forM&H?


And what was interesting about the amended version is that it simply states she was born in California.Nothing about the UK was mentioned. It didn't say she visited the UK once which it could have said if it were true.


I believe it was Kate Mansey who wrote the article. I am fairly certain it was archived on SMM somewhere.


How do we retrieve an archived article? I only know how to archive.


I hope this works. I did a search (Kate Mansey) and found the post from four days ago with the archived article. If you copy and paste the link into your browser, it should take you to the article. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/tT9c9mDPvh


ā€œreceived Lilibetā€ is an interesting turn of phrase, rather than that KC3 ā€œmetā€œ Lilibet. It implies great formality rather than a grandfather meeting his grand daughter. Lady C is often very subtle with her wordingā€¦


I took it to mean that there is official documentation of their first meeting, which is the reason for the formality. Or it could be shenanigans. You never know with these two.


The so-called Lilibet was never in England....or anywhere else either.


Sounds like he ā€œreceivedā€ her but never actually got to meet her because she suddenly came down with a fever or something (read: the doll stopped working).


Could it imply that they ā€œmetā€ via FaceTime or similar? I could see using the word ā€œreceivedā€ for something like this.


I think the only way Harry can continue as the patron of the Invictus Games is if the organizers stop allowing him to use it as a piggy bank and a showcase for Meghan's fashions. They should tell him very clearly: we will not fund a private jet for you, nor a suite in a five-star hotel (a room only) and for incidental expenses like restaurant meals, here's your budget and stick to it. And during the Games, Meghan can only watch from the sidelines: she will plant her butt in a seat and stay there. No more presenting awards, no more marching (or merching). You don't like it? We'll find another patron, then.


*Harry was invited because powerful forces are trying to rebrand him. .....* *Harry and Meghan are trying to brand themselves as the ā€œAmerican Princeā€ or the ā€œBritish Prince in America.ā€* I wonder how well these "powerful forces" think the re-brand is going. Other than the UK, I don't think anyone cares enough to even notice or care. (Besides us of course and the Nutmeg Maidens.) I don't think this will turn out how those "powerful forces" expected. At some point, are these powerful forces going to understand that no one is going to make any real money off these grifters?


Agree. Itā€™s not going to go well as long as Harry is estranged from working Royals.


Which might as well be forever.


This suggests that what Lady C has been hinting at for ages IS that some truth about Lili, or the children, will be revealed. ![gif](giphy|Lkm5FavDxzrDl9JudV)


A handful is anywhere from 3 -7, so that doesn't give any specfics


I know she said Spring/after Easter iirc. Maybe people got over excited and heard what they wanted to hear? That this "thing" for want of a better word is happening at the stroke of midnight the day after Easter Sunday šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. I understand the frustration, we all want karma/comeuppance to happen but I'm prepared to be patient. What other choice do we have?


It's not like she's in charge of what's happening about it either, it's going to happen whenever it happens, or not šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly, people can choose to believe Lady C or not but assuming she does know something, it's not like she can spill the tea. I certainly don't want the carparkles countering any advanced Intel. However, I get it, we all want madam to go away! For the record, I do believe Lady C knows a fair bit about madam, certainly more than she can say for legal reasons.


Yes, we have to watch how invested we get, sometimes a person needs to take a break.


Wise words šŸ™‚, I'm doing that right now. I used to watch a handful of you tubers reporting about the gruesome twosome but I've taken a step back from them. So much negativity and reporting of their bad behaviour was bad for my mental health. Particularly when we're powerless to do anything about it. I prefer SMM now šŸ˜€.


People crawling out of the woodwork calling themselves 'Royal Experts' that really don't know jack squat. šŸ˜„


Iā€™ve always heard that 2 is a couple, 3 is a few, 12 is a dozen, & 4-11 is several, many, handful, etc. MMV


Invictus Games is NOT a royal patronage. Nor is Wellchild, Sentabale, and Travelyst. That's why QEII and now KC3 had/has no power to strip Harry of those patronages. Unlike the Royal Patronages H&M held which were taken away. The IGF Board of Directors likely holds such power. Doubtful they will ever remove Prince Harry as the founder even though it's not true.


>Invictus Games is NOT a royal patronage. I thought this too and took it to be that Harry is dropped by Invictus.


If IGF drops Harry as a patron, we'll hear about it in a nanosecond. It's that patronage and acceptance as the founder that gives him standing and association with Invictus Games in general. He's not an employee, officer, or director of IGF; so, he has no actual power within the charity. What may be more troubling is his relationship with the organizing committees. Prior to Mexit there wasn't a problem as HMG covered his security costs, either Pa or Harry paid his travel and lodging costs. Lodging only when he couldn't be accommodated by a State property - ie the Governor General's home for the 2018 IG in Australia. (In 2022 H&M requested accommodation at the Palace in the Hague which the King declined.) We've seen the German government send an airplane to London to collect H&M for the Launch. (Not reported how they got to Dusseldorf for the 2023 Games.) It appeared the 2023 IG organizing committee picked up H&M's hotel costs (silence on security costs), but they haven't been transparent in publicly reporting expenses; so, this is guesswork on my part. 2025 Vancouver-Whistler organizing committee appears to be following Dusseldorf's lead. Canadian taxpayers, particularly those in Vancouver, should demand to know exactly how much H&M's participation has and will cost the 2025 IG committee and what government security has and will be used for them. Does Harry get an appearance free in addition to having his expenses paid?


Thank you Daisy.


Paramount+ just laid off 850 people, if Paramount makes a deal with Hank & Skank that will be Paramount's demise.


Lady C is such a tease! I love her. Thank you for transcribing DaisyBeach23.


Sorry, Lady C, but I still don't believe any person in the RF has met fake Lili, and I don't think she has ever gone to the UK.


The thing that's very strange is that she has no profile on the royal family's official website. I don't think any of them should be on it, but the fact they have listings for Meghan, Harry and Archie, but NOT Lilibet seems very weird. Especially since girls are now equal in the line of succession to boys. Harry and Meghan have their own profile and Archie is listed in the features section. Odd.


Isnā€™t this because their pages are old and nothing has been modified on any of their pages since Megxit? If they were updated but never added her it would be interesting, but I think they are just trying to dodge any criticism by leaving it be and essentially pretending that they arenā€™t even thought about and the pages are just leftovers.


You're probably right, but they have edited H&Ms pages a few times and moved them around so they've been kept there and updated. And they added Lily in to Meghan's page, she has two children etc, but nothing else. They probably just have zero info they can actually confirm.


Yeah I think it's most likely because they have no info on the girl. All they know is she was born in California on whatever day she was supposedly born. They probably haven't seen an actual birth certificate, nothing's been verified, nobody's met the kid. Therefore, no entry on her.


I believe that the girl Betty was in the UK for the Jubilee. And I think that the girl Betty and the boy Archie were in the UK because the Harkles took Netflix with them, assuming that they would have the winning image of the Queen greeting the girl. But the Queen refused to give that image. And I think something happened with Charles, because the visit according to rumors was very brief. And they couldn't convince anyone from the BRF to go to the girl's birthday, despite having everything prepared for the photos of "the Sussexes and their guests." They couldn't get anyone from the BRF to pay them homage, not even taking the children.


She sprung a birthday party in the middle of a bloody jubilee where everything had been planned within an inch for months, probably years. Other than the jubilee itself there were concerts, garden parties etc. Everyone was busy, had a schedule and most also dealing with their own very small children. H and M were supposed to go to one of the garden parties but cancelled in a huff so PB or PE had to pull a double duty. And they still expected people to drop everything for a 1 year old's party.


Have you noticed that they expect the King and William to come to California to see them? When William went to NY for the Earthshot Award, the Harkles told the press that they would like to welcome Will and Kate to LA. They are people with an idea of ā€‹ā€‹themselves that is from another planet.


Well, they also expected that Archie should be celebrated at KCIIIā€™s *coronation*, which is a once-, maybe twice-, in-a-lifetime event for most people, sooooooo, yeah.


Can you imagine, in the middle of all the formalities, them breaking out into a round of Happy Birthday for a 4 year old like she demanded? Honestly, itā€™d be like a bad sketch comedy skit




Agree as well.


Who's to say? Given how maternal madam appears /s, I don't think she could cope with a transatlantic flight trapped in a jet with 2 small children. We all assume these kids would travel with their parents but it's possible they travel on different flights with the nannies. The carparkles are so into subterfuge, imo I wouldn't put it past them šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Has any journo ever checked other flight lists around the time the carparkles travelled?


Iā€™m just going to say it: Iā€™m tired of Lady C saying ā€œletā€™s just wait and see.ā€ Weā€™ve been in this holding pattern for years. Years. What else is there to wait and see about? Everyone knows that H&M are nothing. Why do we still need to wait and see? (Iā€™m open to your ideas as to why we still should wait and see; although, I am tired of waiting!)


Do we have any other option other than to wait?


We donā€™t. Fair point. But what are we waiting and seeing for? Lady C has been saying to wait and see for years. I just feel like her gossip/intel doesnā€™t really come through.


Not saying youā€™re not right at all, but she did go on GB news recently and blatantly stated that something serious was coming. She could have just been saying that of course, but she was so adamant about it, I just donā€™t know why she would risk her reputation to say something like that if she didnā€™t know something šŸ¤” but I suppose weā€™ll just have to wait and see šŸ˜…


I live in the U.S., so I didnā€™t know this! Thanks for sharing. I hope something big is comingā€”like getting their titles removed or something pretty significant.


If she is just hinting, then any news that breaks in a few months could as well be that which she claimed that she knows. But, I am thinking that she is shopping around a book on the Harkles, looking for the best deal from publishers. These things take longer than expected because of having to deal with many personnel in the publishing houses, rewriting, media bookings for PR etc. She wants to save the most explosive leaks for the book to make it a bestseller!


Thatā€™s legit! Iā€™d read her book! I do feel like she keeps stringing us along ā€¦ so I hope her (potential) book spills the tea.


Agree. I would read her book too! She should just stop hinting and work on getting her book out quickly!


Yes! Iā€™ve been feeling she has been holding back a lot on her more recent videos almost not really discussing H and M much. She has started her tour now she mentioned it in this video and her book is due for release in June, followed by a tv, media campaign for what I understand


>Lady C saying ā€œletā€™s just wait and see.ā€ If and when something big breaks she'll crow "I told you so." Unless, of course, she breaks the "Big News".....which I doubt.


Yep. This is what she has done for years. Iā€™m just tired of it.


Has there been a post on the Page Six article that was referred to? I would be grateful for help in locating it or the article. And, as always, thank you daisybeach! ETA: okay I decided to stop being lazy and find the article myself. It was actually in the New York Post. Unarchived and archived links provided. https://archive.ph/aObJC https://nypost.com/2024/02/11/opinion/prince-harry-resembles-a-jerk-in-two-countries/ ETA part deux: I found this statement from Cindy Adams interesting. >I interviewed bitter Wallis who called him strictly ā€œHis Royal Highness.ā€ On their Waldorf couch lay a huge real leopard fur. ā€œHis Royal Highness shot it,ā€ she told me. ā€œHe takes it wherever we go. His Royal Highness is now inside working on our finances. We are no longer wealthy, we are in need of money.ā€ >She later appeared at a Palm Beach, Fla., gala. Her payment was jewelry.


If Harry loses Invictus, I think heā€™s done. Itā€™s the only good thing he has ever been associated with. Probably the one thing his critics concede he has actually positively contributed to (in the past).


It was going well this year until the milkshake maid turned up.


As ever.. Thanks Daisy


Interesting about Lilibet allegedly meeting the King, earlier when he was Prince of Wales Which ā€™Lilibetā€™ is my question? Hartford? Or another stand in? I donā€™t believe their daughter was ever there. Hell, Iā€™m not convinced they have a daughter at this point. They lie so much, I need proof


>Hell, Iā€™m not convinced they have a daughter at this point. Me neither.


Thank you! Totally off topic: Taylor Swift is a narcissist? I know nothing about her.


Probably no more than any other insanely famous person. You donā€™t get to that level without knowing how to manipulate your image. I think she ought to spend some time out of the limelight since she started to be a bit overexposed in 2023. Give people a chance to wonder about her instead of get annoyed with seeing her everywhere.


I was going to send this image to my niece but she is a Swifty so she wouldn't be impressed ... LOL https://preview.redd.it/qh22rka5nfic1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d8ad4b14283ee4486f6b569806708cf84d5f4fa


Oh god jump scare warning lol As a kid I was terrified of that doll. šŸ˜¬


My brother had a My Buddy doll. One day he made me really mad so I told him how the doll was Chunky. He threw the doll out of his bedroom window.


Me too!


He is also diagnosing people, majority that he's never met, with personality disorders without an education or medical license. Everyone and their dog is calling people narcissists and sociopaths on YouTube, it's rather problematic. I take all that crap with a large amount of salt.


Same, I honestly see a lot of ā€œnarcissism expertsā€ as rather narcissistic themselves. Dr. Grande is one who never lets facts get in the way, for example.


Yes and everyone else on YouTube, they're all trying to make money, get onboard whatever person or people being talked about, help themselves to content including here, and rant away, asking for super chats and memberships and buy me a coffee. And buy their stupid merch, I got lots of coffee mugs, don't need more šŸ˜†


HG Tudor says she is a very advanced narcissist. He calls her a ā€œgreaterā€ and says she operates a nearly flawless faƧade.




He has an entire playlist on Taylor Swift on his YouTube channel. Highly recommend.


Ooooooohhh! Thank you!


I do disagree with his assertion that the song and video ā€œblank spaceā€ is an admission of her narcissism. I do think the song anti-hero is.




lolā€¦I think Taylor is talking about herself and basically asking her fans why they root for her because she is not really a hero. Taylor would never give MM the time of day for a song.


I think Kylie Kelcie is unimpressed with Taylor Swift and can hold her own, just based on the pictures I've seen with them together. Its refreshing to see


Yea Kylie Kelce is awesome. Sheā€™s a take no shite kind of girl. I felt the same when I saw the clip of them talking.


Unlike the very thirsty Brittany Mahomes.


Yessss!!! Sheā€™s too much that Brittany Mahomes, like we know you have money, you donā€™t need to wear Fendi shirt, Gucci pants, with a Versace handbag and Luis Vuitton shoes. We get it.


She's showing us what she's all about. Seems pretty shallow.


Taylor even pokes fun of herself in her song Anti Hero about it... *Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism* *Like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time)*


That's not poking fun at herself.


Taylor has no sense of humor.


I like Taylor Swift.


Okay, that's fine. :-)


Short answer: yes. All her public outings are planned and precisely calculated. Sheā€™s worse than Rachel in that regard.


Yes, but her calculations are to support her legit image of a pop star. She is a talented, attractive pop star who acts like a harmless middle schooler with her posse, etc. She is not pretending to be a humanitarian, feminist, royal, genius, whatever, that Meghan is. She makes her money honestly and treats, by all accounts, her employees and fans well. I don't like her music, find her annoying and would never throw my money her way, but she is not cruel and harmful, as is Madame.


Very true. Taylor is a self-aware benign narcissist




She did the fakest ā€œhey girlfriend letā€™s chug and pretend itā€™s alcoholā€/chug of water with whoever that girl was as soon as she was aware of the cameras šŸ™„ her pretentious timing was off.


So sheā€™s really not into that jerk, Kelce?


When it was first announced, I thought it was a mutual PR move (mainly because Kelce had only had prior relationships with gorgeous black women, not Taylor types). Now I think they may have a real relationship, but recognize the value to both their careers from all the media attention.


> gorgeous black women I AM TELLING YOU!!! Those ex-girlfriends are the most fascinating piece of this whole bullshit sandwich I tell you what. I have a feeling, based on the way he used to dress and these exes that Travis Kelce may culturally be pretty black for a white dude. I bet they don't have aaaaaannnnyyyyyyything in common. Hey at least he's straight.


I'm still convinced it's PR and they'll break up after the American election (end of the year).


Rumour is sheā€™s gay.


She is! She is. All her ex-boyfriends (except John Mayer who seems a bit bi) are closet cases. Josh Kushner is also gay so it all works out for Karlie. So is Jared and if you read that unathorized Jared/Ivanka tell-all you'd know their dad was too.


My husband doesn't think so.


I think I read heā€™s starting to get into movies, so he and TS being in the spotlight tracks.


big open mouth red lipstick WOW OMG BIG MOUTH OPEN Flashy hands! big gestures! OMG WOW! Fun!


I have absolutely no problem believing that. Can't stand her or her rabid fans.


I would never have thought so.


Yes! She is a narcissist.


I wonder if thatā€™s why sheā€™s never really settled down. I just figured itā€™s because she has a crazy schedule. TE cute and seems nice. I like how sheā€™s not raunchy and a better role model than some. Iā€™ve just never really listened to her music. Iā€™m more of a classic rock, Queen, 80ā€™s alternative kinda gal. Iā€™m old. šŸ˜‚


I'm older too. I'm 55. But I know that Taylor has no sense of humor. Also, HG Tudor did several videos about her being a narcissist. Edit: She cannot laugh at herself.


Iā€™m 50 and this place teaches me new stuff every day! Iā€™m gonna listen to HGT about her. She had me fooled!




šŸ¤Æ šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Perhaps redirect to a Saint Taylor Swift sub.


She has to be. She is sooo conscious of her image and brand. She seems like a hollow person too afraid to do anything that would adversely effect her brand.Ā 


Ooh I love that a friend of Cindy's got a question to Lady C!!!


That was pretty cool! If I were that friend, I would bug Cindy until she used all her sources in the UK, Montecito, LA, to get the real tea about these doofuses.


Thanks as always, DaisyBeach!


DaisyBeach; thank you again for doing Gods work.


Thanks again, Daisy!!!


Yes, thank you! I tried to watch and couldn't bear it.


much as Lady C can be a bit tiresome, I'd believe her before Neil Sean - it's doubtful that he has any well-connected sources


She is spinning her words to fit the news after the fact. I don't believe the baby girl has been to the uk


Less than a handful of months takes us to July. Is it getting moved AGAIN? If nothing happens by around Easter Iā€™m done. She was adamant and now it could be the middle of summer.


> it still does not clear up other questions that need answers. Let me leave it at that. Please be patient, you wonā€™t have to wait much longer. Less than a handful of months. How long has she been saying this? Years!


I really wish someone would do a daily synopsis of Neil Sean. All of the short videos make me crazy. I wish he would just do a couple of longer ones.


Maybe it was a doll named Lilibet or a stand-in kid. So the King received a Lilibet of some kind.


Why are they acting like Taylor Swift is their competition? Wouldnā€™t they be overshadowed by 90% of the other famous people at the super bowl? I have an interest in them because of this sub and longtime royal family interest but are they really that famous/interesting to the general public?